#see baby kiryu and nishiki 🥺
majimasleftasscheek · 4 months
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merchhh movie flyer, staminan cup, kurohyou manga, prequel movie, y5 newsletter, and the digsta figs 🙏💖
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yakuzabrainrotlive · 1 month
Okay uhhh big 'thoughts and ramblings' dump for the entirety of chapter 1 and and very early chapter 2! Random tidbits and pondering Majima. I'll put Akiyama in a petri dish and study him in another post tomorrow, it's literally 00:35 as I'm writing this and I wanna be coherent for that one.
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I'm sad they got rid of these adjectives before the item names. I got a "creepy tauriner" before this and it gave me a lil' giggle. What was done to it for it to be creepy? Who knows! It's a small thing, but it's a source of amusement for me.
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I might be wrong, but... I get the feeling that this man has a widespread, dedicated and horny feral fanbase. Idk. Just a hunch.
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I thought we were getting 'Ten years in the joint 2: electric boogaloo' for a second. Thankfully Hana (THE GOAT THE MVP THE LEGEND HERSELF) saved the day.
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Also idk who this man is exactly but he's cute so I think he's gonna be nice and cool and I will love him. Maybe he's Akiyama's Date? He seems fun. I like the look in his eyes. I wanna trust him.
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Oh. THANKS FOR THE REMINDER AND RE-BREAKING MY HEART I GUESS??? Nah but seriously. Did Nishiki really indirectly save this man from homelessness and help him rebuild? Incredible. RIP King.
I did NOT miss the names "Shibata" and "Ueno" being thrown around. I've watched enough Y0 playthroughs to remember them. So... are we finally getting the backstory on the whole thing that cost Majima his eye? ARE GETTING THE SAEJIMA COMEBACK???
Okay I'm probably getting too hyped, they might give the backstory now and bring Saejima back in 5 or 6. He WILL be back, I feel it in my bones! they wouldn't foreshadow it in Y0 if not!! But like... no way they don't give us the tea now.
On the topic of Majima: KAMUROCHO HILLS IS BACK, BABY!! Good for Majima!! I wonder if it's actually Majima and co. featuring Google who's building it or if it's an actual team of pros working under the Majima family. I wouldn't mind seeing the Kiwami 2 design come back, I'm very fond of it🥺
It tickles my brain in a weird way that Majima has actually had more of a presence in the game than Kiryu this far and we're getting Shibata and Ueno stuff. Is this gonna be like... the Majima Game™? Do I dare hope?
I don't see how Kiryu would fit in the equation based on the story this far. But he's very much at the forefront or the cover art, so I'm certain he'll find his role in the game sooner or later. I have faith in the writers. It's just that this far his presence doesn't feel needed. But, then again, I'm in the EARLY-early game.
Also HANA DESERVES THE WORLD. She deserves a raise, she deserves a long vacation, she deserves praise, a healthy amount of sleep and all the good things in this world. We stan Hana in this blog.
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