#see tho back when mtr was the primary brain rot i hc that jakurai was also an orphan lol
akkivee · 1 year
this is probably a strange thing to wonder lol but i wonder if jakurai has alive parents 🤔
#this is vee speaking#like dohifu’s parents are presumably okay besides whatever honobono did to hifumi’s#and it’s probably because they’re older we don’t hear of their parents but like it was a source of drama for otome our eldest character#so jakurai’s parents can be a thing lol#(i’m acting like parental figures aren’t a driving force for a very large chunk of these characters lol)#see tho back when mtr was the primary brain rot i hc that jakurai was also an orphan lol#the backstory i gave that man before it was defined lmao#i thought he was a product of a child assassin program the government ran using orphans esp from the war#like jakurai’s generation grew up with war and jakurai in particular was bred on it#and i used it to reason why jakurai has such a bleeding heart for children he didn’t want the kids to grow up like he did#canon has now said otherwise thankfully lmao but like he could still be an orphan lol#uhhhh it’s not like you need a deep backstory to want to heal but that saviour complex of his has been around for a very long while#he was in college already to be a doctor before the war started so presumably he’s always wanted to be a doctor right???#did the looming war influence him???? or did he have a similar familial reason like hitoya’s to be a doctor????#like he lost his parents to disease and he was helpless to help#(because he was a child lol but kids blaming themselves for stuff they have no control over is a thing in hypmic lol)#but yeah here’s some jakurai flavoured thought for today rare form on this blog nowadays lol#c: sensei
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