#see ya on the flip side nerds xx
forever-rogue · 5 years
A Love in Snapshots
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Summary: Brian had always been an avid photographer, but what happens when he surprises the love of his life, Y/N, with an album dedicated to their love?
A/N: It’s still me, still ya girl, with bs no asked for. I’ve been soft af for Bri lately, so this came to mind. I hope you enjoy! Taglists and requests are open! xx
Pairing: Brian May (can be read as Gwilym!Brian) x Reader
Word Count: 3.7K
Warnings: Fluff!! (also allusions to smut)
MASTERLIST (link on main page)
"What's this then, Bri?" Y/N asked as she spied a neatly wrapped present on the kitchen table. She had just gotten up, woken by the smell of breakfast that Brian was going on about making. He didn't respond to her at first, instead handing her a cup of coffee, just as she liked it of course, and pressed a gentle kiss to the side of her head. She beamed at him as she eagerly took the cup from him. 
"Good morning love," he said softly and she couldn't help but giggle at her sweet boyfriend. He was always a soft and gentle soul, "go on and open it."
"What's it for?" she eyed him suspiciously before taking a sip and setting down her coffee, "it's not my birthday...please tell me I haven't somehow forgotten our anniversary!"
"It's not for either of those you silly girl," he chucked lightly at worried expression on his face, "just go on and open it."
"Bri-" she didn't get a chance to another word before he kissed her lips to get her to stop talking. After a few moments that she wished could have gone on forever, he pulled away, jerking his head towards the gift.
"Open," he commanded and she finally obliged, taking a seat and pulling the box towards hers. She made slow work of unwrapping it, not wanting to ruin the pretty paper he had selected. Brian felt like he was sweating bullets the whole time, nervous to her reaction at what was inside.
Lifting the lid off the box, she reached inside and her hands made contact with what felt like a leather bound book. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she tried to figure out what it could possibly be. She deftly pulled the book out and quickly realized that it was a photo album. Pulling back the cover, the first pictures her eyes landed on her was off her three years ago backstage after one of Queen's shows. She and Brian had only been dating for a few months at time, but they were already crazy for one another.
"Bri, what is all this?" she asked softly, already feeling herself get emotional. She looked up at the tall lanky man, who had a small smile on his face but he just shook his head.
"Just go on and look through it," he insisted before returning to the kitchen to attend to the food. She watched him before doing what he said and started to flip through the pages.
She had a moment of clarity as she realized every picture was going to be of her or her and Brian. She smiled as the memories of each one came floating back to her, eyes getting misty.
"Brian! What are you doing?!" she giggled at him, half amused and half annoyed at the tall man. He only stuck out his tongue while shaking his head as he snapped a picture of her, "oh no! I look bloody awful and now you'll have that picture forever! I’m all sweaty and dirty!"
"You look lovely," he insisted a wicked grin on his face. They were all milling about backstage after another successful gig, drinks a plenty. Roger was already almost passed out, Deacy was pulling out his best dance moves, and Freddie was entertaining the crowd around him. Y/N had been talking to Brian when he got his brilliant little idea and went and got his camera.
"You're such a liar Bri," she insisted as she smoothed out the fabric of her dress. She walked over to him and quickly kissed his cheek, "but you're alright anyway. Even if you now do have an awful photograph of me. I hope you’ll at least treasure it forever!”
"I love you," he had blurted out suddenly and unintentionally. His face immediately turned a shade of brilliant red while Y/N watched him in stunned silence, the biggest of grins stretching across her face, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."
"Do you mean it, Bri?" she asked, slowly closing the distance between their bodies. He nodded at her shyly in reassurance, feeling more nervous than he ever in his life, "because I love you too. Like a lot. It’s almost ridiculous."
"You do?" he couldn't get another word in because Y/N cut him off, feverishly kissing him, her arms snaking around his neck. It didn’t take long before he wrapped his arms around her and held onto her as tightly as humanly possible. How lucky he had felt that day.
Y/N flipped the page and studied the second photo. It was of her sitting on Brian's lap outdoors on a summer's day in Regent’s Park. The two of them were laughing about something.
"You're such a nerd, Bri," she giggled in his ear as he got an embarrassed look on his face. She noticed his immediate mood change and almost felt a pang of guilt for making him feel bad, "in the best possible ways."
"Oh?" he asked hopefully, looking up at her from under his long lashes. She nodded and touched his cheek gently. He had been telling her about some new research he had been doing it on his own time.
"Oi, love birds keep it family friendly!" Roger jokingly shouted at them as he and John ran around throwing a frisbee back and forth. Freddie shook his head at them as he continued sketching in his notepad.
"Shut up, Taylor! There's no reason to be jealous," she stuck her tongue at him as he repeated the gesture. Brian only laughed at them; sometimes they bickered like two school children, "he's such a dork."
"Typical Rog," Brian agreed quietly as he rested his chin on her shoulder. She sighed in content as she leaned against him, lacing her fingers through his long ones.
"I do mean it, Bri. You're a brilliant man, and an expert scientist," she said as she pressed a kiss to the back of his hand, "one day we'll all he calling you Dr. May."
"That'll never happen," he scoffed lightly at her, "not at this rate with this lot."
"I think you'll end up surprising yourself, love," she said softly as started to stand up. She reached for his hand and got him to follow her, "for someone so brilliant you'd think you'd have more self confidence."
"I do have some," he murmured but she only giggled and kissed him. For all the things he had accomplished and was talented in, he always remained humble and modest.
"I know, Bri," she promised him, "and just remember I'll always be on your side. I love you for all that you have been, all that you are, and all that you will be. And I promise you'll be a legend my dear."
His cheeks turned a bright crimson as they had the tendency to do when he was flustered. He had a big smile on features and could only nod in response.
"Come on, then! Let's show Rog and Deacy how to actually play with a Frisbee," she started running after the drummer and the bassist, Brian's long legs easily catching up with her.
Y/N felt herself choking up as she looked at the next photograph. It was of her, red faced and teary eyed, standing in the airport, eagerly awaiting Brian and the rest of the boy's return from their overseas tour.
"Brian!" she had shouted as she ran over to him and jumped in his arms almost knocking him over. Once he steadied himself, he held her tightly and kissed the top of her. He had missed her like crazy and to finally have her back in his arms felt like heaven, "you're really here!"
"I'm really here," he agreed as he slowly set her down. He studied her for a moment, looking to see if there was any change that had occurred while he had been away. Nothing was really different, but he swore she looked more beautiful than ever, "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, Bri. Nothing's the same without you," she said as he took her hand in his and they started to walk away from the crowded terminal, "besides your side of the bed is so cold when you're gone."
"Is that all you love me for?!" he pretended to be hurt as she gently nudged his side.
"Duh," she teased, "you're a warm, tall boy. That's all I need really."
"This what I have to look forward to coming home to?" he was being so dramatic but he knew she loved it.
"Of course not my sweet boy," she said as she swung their entwined hands, "but I do have a surprise for you at home."
"Oh?" he raised his eyebrow suspiciously at her. He had a few things in mind that he could think of that he had been missing out on.
"You're so cheeky!" she said as it was turn for her cheeks to heat up. She had definitely planned that sort of surprise for him, but that wasn't what she was trying to convey to him, "sorry to disappoint you but it's only something edible."
"But you are edible-"
"Brian Harold May!" she almost shouted at him, causing the other boys to look at them with questioning looks. Roger had a smirk written on his face indicating he had a good idea of what was going on, "I take it back, you're not getting anything."
"You're so mean," he pouted at her, giving her his best puppy dog eyes. She stopped walking away for a moment and tried to give him a serious face, but it didn't last long.
Instead she pulled his face towards hers and peppered it with kisses, not caring who was watching them. After a few moments she had to stop herself because she knew if it continued on any further, she couldn't be able to stop her and she's be begging him to take her then and there.
"What was that for then?" Brian smirked at her, and she just shook her head and they continued on like nothing had happened, "you're a little minx, you know that?"
"Yeah, well you've been gone for months and then start teasing me?" she countered, "you haven't touched me for months. I'm going to get impatient soon, so unless you plan on taking me here and now, you control yourself."
"Best get going home as quickly as possible then," he took her hand and led her quickly through the airport, causing her to giggle at him.
"Why are they in such a hurry?" Deacy asked so he watched the two of them. Freddie just laughed but Roger shook his head, bemused.
"They're eager to have a shag obviously," Roger yelled and Deacy's face slowly turned into a look of horror, "at this rate they'll be doing it on the bus home."
Smiling at memory, she continued on, finding a picture of herself lying in bed, a sleepy smile on her face, hair splayed over the pillow. It was the morning after the first time they had slept together.
"Bri, what do you think you're doing?" she groaned as she stretched out her arms, a yawn escaping her lips, "I swear if you ever show that to anyone else, you won't live long enough to say sorry."
"Don't worry love, that one is just for me," he promised as put his camera away. He crawled back into the bed, kissing her gently as he pulled the covers up. She snuggled up to him, loving the warmth that his body gave off.
“I love you so much,” she said as she rested her head on chest, listening to the beating of his heart. Brian put his arm around and held her close as he mumbled sweet nothings into her ear. She wished they could stay like the forever, but unfortunately, they both had jobs to go.
“I love you too,” he said softly as he closed his eyes again, “can we just bunk off today and stay here?”
“I don’t think either of us are at liberty to do that,” she sighed, as he huffed, “I need to go into the office and I think the boys would kill me if you missed anymore rehearsal. I’m pretty sure you’ve already missed plenty due to me.”
“It’s worth it,” he reassured her, kissing the top of her head. Her eyes crinkled in the corners, just as he had lovingly memorized as she let out a delicate laugh. She leaned up and took a moment to stretch, looking outside the window at the brisk morning. Standing up, she scurried out from under the covers, reaching for the nearest article of clothing to cover herself with from the cold. Brian’s grin stretched across his face as he realized she was wearing his shirt from last night.
Walking over to the mirror, she studied herself for a second, surprised to find love bites all over her neck, “Bri! Look what’ve you done to me!
“What?” he asked innocently, a devilish grin on his face. She turned around and glared at him, her hands on her hips.
“You’ve gone and marked me all up,” she said in an exasperated tone, gesturing wildly to her neck, “I can’t go to work like this and no amount of makeup will cover this lot up!”
“So we can bunk off?” he asked hopefully and she just rolled her eyes, “if nothing else, you can and then come with me and the boys!”
“Was this your grand plan all along?”
“No, but it just happened to work out,” he smirked to himself, proud like a smug child. She wanted to be annoyed with him, but she couldn’t with his face. Instead, she walked over to him and put her arms around him and kissed his cheek, “come with me?”
“Fine, Bri, you win this round,” she obliged him and his face light up with excitement, “I’m going to go shower and change before we leave. I suggest you do the same after last night.”
“Y/N?” he asked as she started to head to the bathroom.
“I like the way you look,” he said, almost shy all of a sudden, “in-in my shirt. It looks good on you.”
“It looks even better off,” she winked at him, “want to come to the shower and find out?”
“You’ll be the death of me, love,” he lowly groaned as he quickly padded after her into the bathroom, where they wasted no time in turning on the shower and getting in.
Y/N felt her cheeks grow hot as she flipped the page. The last photo had brought back very vivid memories. Brian had never made it to rehearsal that day – instead they ended up staying in bed all making love to each other.
Looking at the next photo, Y/N found herself looking a picture of her lying on the couch, curled up in a big blanket, looking tired and worn out, clutching a mug of tea. She had been just gotten over being sick. Brian must have took it when she wasn’t paying attention.
“I feel like a potato,” she sighed as she sipped on the hot tea Brian had brought her. She had been sick with the flu for several days and hadn’t been able to do much of anything, but Brian, being the diligent boyfriend that he was, had stayed home with her making sure she had everything she needed. She had insisted he didn’t for fear of getting him sick, but he paid her no mind and doted on her.
“If you’re a potato, you’re the most beautiful potato I’ve ever seen,” he insisted as he sat down and pulled her into his lap, “and the tastiest.”
“Briannnn,” she laughed at him, but it quickly turned into a cough, “ugh. I look awful and I’m just whining about everything. You should go out and enjoy the evening with the boys.”
“You’re as beautiful today as you ever are,” he promised her, and he meant it. She was always beautiful to him, no matter what state she was in, “and a little whining never hurt anyone. I want to stay here with you.”
“But nothing,” he stopped her by pressing his finger against her lips, “we’ll stay in, I’ll get us some takeaway, and we can watch a film. Or play some scrabble, I believe we’re about due for a rematch.”
“You’re just salty that I kick your ass every time,” she smirked at him, a gleam in her eyes.
“Am not,” he mock glared at her, “and regardless, we’ll have a good night in, just the two of us. Sound good?”
“Sounds good,” she agreed, letting go of the mug with one hand and touching his cheek gently. She often wondered how she got so lucky by meeting Brian. Running into him, quite literally, at the university library had been the best day of her life, “I love you, Bri. Thanks for taking such good care of me.”
“Of course love,” he said as he played with a strand of her hair, “you know I’d do anything for you.”
Her heart fluttered at his words; she put her cup down on coffee table, and readjusted herself so she sat facing him still in his lap. He chucked affectionately at her, putting his hands on her hips to help steady her. She studied his face for a few moments, reaching up and running a hand gently along his jaw line, “I don’t think words can adequately describe how much you mean to me. Every day spent with you is the best day of my life. It always gets better, and knowing you’re by my side is...the best.”
“You should be sick more often,” he joked as he leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers, “you’re way sweeter this way.”
“You’re such a jerk,” she glared at him, knowing he was joking, “I take it all back.”
“No, you don’t,” he winked at her before pressing a kiss softly to her lips, “I love you too, pretty girl. I love you to the moon and back. Even the stars have nothing on you. You’re the only one I want to spend the rest of my life. The only one I want to come home to.”
“That’s better,” she sighed contently. She closed her eyes and breathed in his familiar scent - her favorite scent, “now. Get that scrabble board and prepare to have your ass kicked.”
“Oh? Is that so?” he said as he leaned back, “it is on, it is so on!”
Y/N wiped at her eyes with the corner of her sweater as she flipped to the next page. This one was different - it was still empty. Brian interrupted her thoughts as he stepped back into the dining room, setting a plate in front of her. She looked up at him, misty eyed, the biggest of smiles on her face.
“Do you like it?” he asked her, a nervous smile on his gentle face. All she could do was nod as she tried to search for the right words to describe exactly how she was feeling, “I was hoping you would.”
“Bri,” she finally said after a few moments, “this is the most wonderful thing. I love it. I love you.”
“I love you, darling,” he said as he sat down next to her, kissing her cheek gently.
“There’s empty pages, though,” she pointed to the page she had just landed on, “and you’ve never told me what this is for.”
“They’re empty because they’re waiting to be filled. It’s our story, and there’s going to be plenty more to come. I figured we could add more photos in over the years,” he explained, wondering if she would still like it or think it too cheesy.
“I love it,” she said as she grabbed his lapels and pulled him in for a kiss, trying not to cry more, “that’s so thoughtful of you, Bri.”
“I-I...” he grew nervous, as his plan all came into reality. He had planned this for months, waiting for the right moment to give it to her, “I have an idea for the next photo in there.”
“Oh? What would that be?” she asked. He suddenly got up, surprising Y/N, before reaching into his pocket and getting down on one knee. Her eyes widened as she put two and two together.
“I think the next picture should be of us, on our wedding day,” his voice almost cracked because he was so nervous, “Y/N, will you marry me?”
“Yes!” she wasted no time in answering, causing Brian to be the one who was misty eyed. He got back up and put the beautiful ring on her finger, and wrapping her up in his arms. She clung onto him as she cried into his shoulder, words unable to express her happiness.
“I love you, Y/N,” he said kissing the top of head, “I can’t believe I’m going to get to be your husband.”
“Y/N May,” she said quietly, “I think it has quite a nice ring to it. I’m a very lucky woman, Bri. No one could ever ask for a better man.”
He put his hands on either side of her face as he kissed her with meaning; soft and sweet but passionate, just like him. She pulled back from him, quickly running out of the room, but saying nothing, leaving a bewildered and confused Brian.
After a few seconds, she ran back in, clutching her Polaroid camera to her chest. Brian noticed, and a smile played on his features.
“Come here,” she pulled him close and held the camera at arm’s length, making sure both of them would be captured. She surprised by him by sneaking in a kiss to his cheek, just as she snapped the picture, “this one’s going next in the book. The day you asked me to marry you. I think it’s perfect.”
“You’re perfect,” he said as beamed at her, “should we gone on and call the gang then?”
“Not yet,” she said, taking care to set the camera down and tucking the photograph safely away, “they can wait a little bit. You cannot.”
“I can’t wait for what?” he asked as she grabbed his hand, fervently pressing kisses all over him as she pulled him along to their bedroom. He suddenly got what she meant as eagerly followed her. How did I get so lucky?  he wondered to himself as he followed the his bride to be and love of his life.
Permanent Taglist: @ruinerofcheese @courtneychicken  @santa-crew @supernatural508 @ssweet-empowerment @nerissa98 @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @wearegoldeninthenight @mannatgalhotra @prxttybirdz @piensa-bonito @mightyhemsworthy @shewalksinanotherworld @jems8241 @bookaddic @fairyxxfighter @asguardiansoftheavengers @esoltis280 @the-bright-lights @artisticlales @loislp @dixonsbugaboo @sleepylunarwolf @patzammit @thisismysecrethappyplace @princess-evans-addict @bookgirlunicorn @makapaka11 @bornfortherainydays @avipshamitra @clumsy-clara @anna1523 @justanewqueensfan
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Chapter 10
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Title: Falling for the Holidays
Pairing: Dean x Reader AU
Word Count: 2685
Summary: With October ending and the holidays underway, that only meant one thing for Dean Winchester. It meant returning to his childhood home and spending time with his family. It meant listening to his parents, especially his mom, ramble on and on about when he was going to find himself a nice girl, bring her home for the holidays, and then eventually get married and have children.  However, Dean wasn’t ready for that sort of commitment, so in order to get his family off his back, he comes up with an elaborate scheme! But like the saying goes, “sometimes lies become truths.”
Warnings: Slight Angst, Some Explicit Language, Arguing, Misunderstandings.
A/N: HOLY SHMANOLY!! I took forever and a half on this chapter. I’ve just been on a major writer’s block, where I can think of the story and where I want to go, but when I make sentences, they’re just crap! UGH! I hope this chapter is decent, and I am so sorry for the wait. Thank you all for being so patient with me!! xx
Series Masterlist
The smell of coffee aroused you to consciousness. A smile spread across your lips as you thought about Mary starting up a fresh brew. Still a little incoherent to the world and reality, you stumbled out of bed in nothing but an oversized flannel, courtesy of one Dean Winchester, and underwear. As you exited your small space, you were interrupted from your morning daze.
“Nice outfit,” a strange yet familiar voice pierced through your eardrums. It only took a second for everything to come rushing back, and your body went stiff.
“Ketch!” You squeaked, running back into your room, peaking through the door. “I’m so sorry. My mind was elsewhere. For some reason, I thought I was back in Lawrence,” you bashfully confessed.
“Oh. No need to apologize. I very much enjoyed the view,” he grinned.
“Alright, mister. You think you’re so smooth,” you giggled, earning an even wider grin from the man in your kitchen.
“Actually, no. But I will humbly accept the compliment,” he winked. You rolled your eyes shutting the door, hearing him laugh as you did.
Changing into something more appropriate, you wondered into the bathroom to do your business. As you fixed your hair, your eyes landed on the spare toothbrush you specifically left out for Dean. Your stomach dropped and you felt your eyes swelling at the thought of him, but you forced it down. You and Dean were just friends. That was all you’ll ever be.
“Just friends, Y/N. Just friends,” you told your reflection, sighing in defeat.
Stepping out of the bathroom, you heard Ketch on the phone. “I know. I’ve got everything under control. It’s going just as predicted so would you calm down?!” His tone was soft, as if he was whispering. “I told you a deal is a deal. If this is my way out, then I’ll do it. You can have your little family, and I can finally be a free man.”
Free man? You didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but it was hard not to. What did he mean by free man? And what deal? Who was he talking to? What little family?
“Ketch?” You called his name. It was barely noticeable, but there was no denying that he flinched at the sound of your voice.
“Oh, Y/N. One second,” he smiled before resuming his conversation. “I will check in later. I need to go.” He hung up the phone, smiling as he took a deep breath. “Sorry about that. That was a client of mine.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.”
“No, it’s fine. I was talking in your home anyways. No need to apologize.”
“What did you mean about being a free man?” The words easily slipped out, your curiosity taking over. “Oh, sorry. You don’t have to tell me. It’s none of my business.”
“No, it’s fine. Uh, you see… my client has been trying to get their hands on… a certain artifact that would… uh, I guess you can say, complete a collection of sorts. Once I get it, I’ll be a free man. She is just so anxious to have it before Christmas for her family. It’s a little frustrating. She doesn’t understand that I’ve got it all under control. I am the best at my job, so… I’m sorry. Look at me venting about my work. It must all seem rather boring.”
“Actually, no. Some times you just need to talk to someone, right?” You gave him a pointed look, reminding him about what he had done for you on the plane.
Ketch scoffed, the smile on his lips returning. “You’re right. Thank you for listening to me.”
“I usually am,” you joked, “and you’re welcome.”
“I wouldn’t doubt that. You seem like a smart and capable young woman. Any man would be honored to have you by their side. This best friend of yours made a terrible mistake by letting you go. I just hope the next man that gets to hold your heart, treats you the way you deserve.”
“Oh yeah? And how do I deserve to be treated?” You asked, shifting all your weight to one hip and crossing your arms.
“Like a queen,” he stated, as if it was the most natural answer to give.
You felt your cheeks heat up, turning your face away from him and distracting yourself by making a cup of coffee. “With charm like that, I bet you get all the girls, huh?”
“I like to think so. But I’m sure a woman as attractive as yourself have all the men flaunting all over you.”
“If you mean creeps, then yes,” you rolled your eyes, sniggering with disappointment.
“Oh. I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope this creep,” he pointed to himself, “isn’t making you uncomfortable.”
“No! No, no, no! You are definitely not a creep,” you laughed, lightly hitting him on the arm.
Ketch chuckled. “That’s good to know. Unfortunately, I need to get going. If I could spend the whole day with you, I would, but my parent’s are wondering where I am. You’d think, now that I’m an adult, they’d worry less.”
“Tell you parent’s I said hi,” you smiled, earning one back from Ketch.
“Of course.”
Before Ketch left, the two of you exchanged numbers, making a promise that you would meet again. Once he was gone, you let out a drawn out sigh, shuffling towards the couch and flopping yourself down. You were feeling conflicted. All your mind could think about was mourning your chances with Dean, but with Ketch in the picture, it all seemed to conveniently perfect. You lost the love of your life, only to have another man show up that could possibly pick up all the pieces.
Suddenly, there was a loud and frantic knock on your door. It made your whole body jump, causing you to fall off the couch with an ungraceful thud.
“Y/N! Are you okay?” Jo called from the other side of the door. “What was that noise?”
You rolled your eyes before picking yourself off the floor. With an immature huff, you headed towards the door, opening it to find a very worried Jo.
“Good Morning,” you smiled, the sarcasm easily portrayed in your tone of voice.
“Oh don’t give me that. I got a call from Sam this morning, saying I should go check up on you. What happened? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” If there was one thing Jo got from her mother, it was that sometimes she turned into her.
“Jeez, Mrs. Harv, everything is fine,” you mocked, “I don’t know what Sam told you, but I’m all good.”
“First of all, I am not my mother. So don’t call me that. And if everything is all honky-dory like you claim it is, then why are you and Dean home early?” Jo’s question surprised you a little. Dean was home? You thought you saw his truck last night, but Was that really him you saw?
“Dean?” you asked back.
“Yeah. Sam said he left a few hours after you.”
Jo’s confession made your stomach flip. The thought that Dean raced back to Dallas for you made you believe that, just maybe, he was going to choose you. That he was going to leave his first love and take a chance on a new one… a riskier one. One that had so much potential to be amazing and catastrophic.
“Look, Jo. Everything is all good, I promise. I appreciate you dropping by, but I just want to relax at home and get some homework and studying done before classes start up again tomorrow.”
Jo gave you a pointed look, one that let you know that she was judging you. “Okay… nerd.” She whispered the last part.
“Hey, Joanna Beth Harvelle, I heard that!” You scolded despite the smile on your face.
“Whoops! See ya later,” she smiled before leaving.
The rest of the day had you occupied with texting Ketch and your mind overthinking about Dean. You felt a little bad for dumping all your problems on your new friend, but you didn’t have anyone else that you could talk to about it. You didn’t know how to start to explain yourself to Sam or Jess, and you didn’t think you could ever face Mary or John ever again, without telling any of them the truth about yours and Dean’s relationship. Ketch, on the other hand, already new everything that happened aside from the real names of Dean and Lisa. At the time, you felt that he didn’t need to know anyone’s real names, but you were starting to rethink it. If Ketch somehow becomes a constant in your life, he’d eventually figure it all out. Might as well save him the confusion and lay it all out on the table.
The next day, classes resumed. You got ready for school and waited for Dean to pick you up, as usual. When the time started to get a little late, you called and texted him, but never got a reply. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d forgotten his phone, but he’s never been this late. By the time it was five minutes before your first class started, you relented to wait any longer and dashed out of your apartment… sprinting.
It was extremely cold out. Despite your strenuous travels there was no sweat dripping down your body. You were actually freezing, unable to feel your nose from it being unprotected to the winter air.
When you finally made to the campus, you were already seven minutes late. You weren’t angry, but you were frustrated that Dean failed to give you any sort of warning that he wasn’t going to show up. You were also angry at yourself for waiting for him as long as you did, but there was nothing you could do now.
Ten minutes. You were ten minutes late for class. Ten minutes didn’t seem like a lot, but when your first class was intense, you’ve practically missed three chapters.
Stepping through the door as late as you were, brought all the attention to you. “Miss Y/L/N, you’re late,” your professor scolded.
“Sorry Dr. Visyak. It won’t happen again.”
“I hope not. Ask one of your classmates if they’re willing to lend you their notes.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you nodded, quickly taking your seat.
“Hey, what happened?” Your classmate, Clara, asked.
“Dean didn’t show up, so I ran here,” you briefly explained.
“That explains your red cheeks,” she noted. “Also, that doesn’t seem like a Dean thing to do.”
“Yeah, well, maybe he forgot.”
“Dean? Forget about you? I mean, the man always walks you to class.” Clara was right. This was very uncharacteristic of Dean, but you had no explanation.
“I don’t know. Maybe something happened? Now I’m getting a little worried.” Panic stirred within you. It didn’t even cross your mind that there was a possibility something happened.
“Why don’t you text one of your other friends,” Clara suggested.
“Great idea. Thanks.”
Pulling out your phone, you immediately texted Jo.
To: Jo Harvelle Hey Jo, did you see Dean this morning?
It took a while before she replied, which you understood. She was in class as well.
From: Jo Harvelle Yeah I did. Something happen between you to? Cass and I were wondering since you didn’t come with him. When we asked about it, he just changed the subject.
You stomach sank with worry. Was he mad at you? Did you do something wrong? Was it because you left so suddenly from his parent’s house?
To: Jo Harvelle Nothing happened, just caught a ride with a classmate of mine. Everything is all good.
Lies. It was all lies. Something did happen between you and Dean, you had to run to school, and nothing was good, because now you were sure Dean had to be mad at you.
From: Jo Harvelle OK. If you say so.
That was the end of your texting. Class went by in a blur and you had no idea what the day’s lesson was about, but thankfully, Clara was an intensive note taker. When lunch came around, you saw your group of friends, Dean included. He had his head down, not really interacting with the others, which was weird. Dean always had something to say, always had an opinion, or always had a bad joke up his sleeve for any given moment. Something was wrong.
“Hey guys,” you greeted with a smile, taking a seat next to Jo, not bothering to ask Dean about earlier that morning.
You were greeted by everyone present, beside Dean. Even Meg acknowledged you and you only met her a handful of times.
“Hey De—” You didn’t even get the chance to finish his name before he stood up to leave. In your group of friends, you never got embarrassed, but this time you did. Dean was supposed to be your partner in crime and here he was, pretending that you didn’t exist. It felt awkward, and you already knew that Jo, Cass, maybe Meg, were starting to make up their own assumptions. “Dean, hey!” You called out, but he ignored you again. “Dean!” When he didn’t respond, you went after him.
“Dude, where are you going?” You asked, walking beside him. “What’s wrong?” When he didn’t answer, you asked again.
“Nothing,” he replied nonchalantly.
“Now that’s a bunch of bull. C’mon. Talk to me.”
Suddenly he stopped, still close enough that the other’s had a clear view. “I said nothing!” He barked in your face, your eyes going wide.
“Dude, what the hell is your problem?!” You retorted back. Never had anyone talked to you like that, and you weren’t going to start now, even if it was Dean. “Jo told me you came back for me and this is how you’re going to act? Like a fucking child?!”
“You know what? Yeah I did come back for you but clearly it was a mistake!” Dean shouted, gaining more than just your group of friend’s attention. “I thought you were better, but boy was I wrong. You’re just like all the other girls I fell for. Just a bunch of insecure girls who keep playing games.”
“Games? When the hell did I ever play games on you?” The audience growing around you didn’t bother you or Dean, in fact, it didn’t even register. You were too pissed with Dean to care, and Dean really didn’t care at all.
“I hope Ketch doesn’t get caught in your games?” Dean gritted, venom laced in every word. You were shocked.
“K-Ketch? How do you even know who that is?” You stuttered, surprised that he knew Ketch.
Dean scoffed, taking your speech impediment as a sign of you being caught. “I came over last night. It was late. Now I know why you couldn’t wait to leave Lawrence. Just so you could screw some guy like a slut! You chose some British douche bag over me and my family!”
Rage overtook you, and before you knew it, your hand swung across his face, leaving a vibrating sting coursing through your hand and up your arm. You were so overwhelmed with anger that you didn’t realize you were crying.
“Dean Winchester…” you started, your voice gravelly low, eyes looking down at your shoes. When you looked up, Dean’s wrath quickly turned into guilt. He hated seeing you cry, and now he was the reason for the tears. That was one thing he never wanted. He never meant to hurt you, but he was hurt too which didn’t allow him to think straight.
“Y/N…” Dean’s voice was barely a whisper.
“No,” you hissed, flinching your hand out of reach when he tried to grab it. “I never want to see, or speak to you, ever again!”
Dean took a step back, almost as if he had gotten shot, which would have been better than knowing he had hurt you really bad. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I didn’t…”
Before Dean could finish, you were already running off. Dean wanted to run after you, but he couldn’t. He felt too dead inside to do anything.
Say Something Nice Here!!
Falling for the Holidays Tags: @hannahindie @pinknerdpanda @winchesterprincessbride @amanda-teaches @dancingalone21 @a-winchester-fairytale @dolphincliffs @oneshoeshort @brewsthespirit-blog @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @atc74 @natasha-baggins @heavymetalhauswife @linki-locks11 @spnwoman @veevm @chameleah86 @kdcollinsauthor @claitynroberts @roonyxx @rainflowermoon @ladylaylo @closetspngirl @mirandaaustin93 @salt-n-burn-em-all @flamencodiva @fangirlanotherjust @tabbyjane @shamelesslydean @couldabeenamermaid @alexwinchester23 @algud @gracefultrenchcoat494 @prettyinplaid94 @shhhs3cret @cookiechipdough
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