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justifiedfilms · 8 years
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Our #location for day 9 #seeingevil #tampafilm #film #setlife (at Port Tampa City Library)
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etjenmatlock · 9 years
Book Worm Review: Seeing Evil
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It’s been a while since I’ve delved into a good supernatural/crime tale so I was extremely excited to check out Jason Parent’s Seeing Evil…
Fate in plain sight.
Major Crimes Detective Samantha Reilly prefers to work alone—she’s seen as a maverick, and she still struggles privately with the death of her partner. The only person who ever sees her softer side is Michael Turcotte, a teenager she’s known since she rescued him eleven years ago from the aftermath of his parents’ murder-suicide.
In foster care since his parents’ death, Michael is a loner who tries to fly under the bullies’ radar, but a violent assault triggers a disturbing ability to view people’s dark futures. No one believes his first vision means anything, though—not even Sam Reilly. When reality mimics his prediction, however, Sam isn’t the only one to take notice. A strange girl named Tessa Masterson asks Michael about her future, and what he sees sends him back to Sam—is Tessa victim or perpetrator?
Tessa’s tangled secrets draw Michael and Sam inexorably into a deadly conflict. Sam relies on Michael, but his only advantage is the visions he never asked for. As they track a cold and calculating killer, one misstep could turn the hunters into prey.
Seeing Evil is without a doubt one of my favorite books that I’ve read in recent years.  While the story does feature a hint of the supernatural with Michael’s newfound psychic ability, it’s his illustration of the capacity for evil and depravity that can be found in humanity where this tale truly excels.  As if the brutality of what one human can do to another isn’t enough, there’s an added horror in what someone like young Tessa must survive in living with a monster like her stepfather.  
While we don’t get to go too in depth into Sam’s character, the story focuses wonderfully on the young characters, Michael and Tessa.  Michael, while a loner who has struggled growing up in the foster care system, still exhibits a great deal of morality and an urge to help others.  Although under great emotional stress himself, between his life and the horrific images he now sees in his mind, he does what he can, even when reluctant, to save lives.  The young Tessa, struggles both physically and emotionally with her life, surviving one day at a time, hoping for an eventual end to her suffering. Both of these characters are wonderfully developed and demonstrate Parent’s understanding of the human psyche. For those of you who like a bit of gore, Seeing Evil does not disappoint, between its moments of torture and murder.  
Overall, Jason Parent’s Seeing Evil will not disappoint and will likely leave you wanting more!  Parent holds you in his diabolical grip from the beginning and never lets go.  This was the first time I’ve read his work and I can definitely count myself as a new fan!
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Barnes & Noble
Red Adept Publishing
Sign up to enter to win one of five books from Jason Parent! There is one print copy of Seeing Evil, one print copy of Bad Apples 2 collection, 1 e-book of What Hides Within, and one e-book of Dead Roses. All winners get Seeing Evil bookmarks! Random draw chooses winner. First name drawn receives first prize, and so on. Any giveaway questions may be forwarded to Erin Al-Mehairi, publicist, [email protected].
Enter to win at the link:
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In his head, Jason Parent lives in many places, but in the real world, he calls New England his home. The region offers an abundance of settings for his writing and many wonderful places in which to write them. He currently resides in Southeastern Massachusetts with his cuddly corgi named Calypso. In a prior life, Jason spent most of his time in front of a judge . . . as a civil litigator. When he finally tired of Latin phrases no one knew how to pronounce and explaining to people that real lawsuits are not started, tried and finalized within the 60-minute timeframe they see on TV (it's harassing the witness; no one throws vicious woodland creatures at them), he traded in his cheap suits for flip flops and designer stubble. The flops got repossessed the next day, and he's back in the legal field . . . sorta. But that's another story. When he's not working, Jason likes to kayak, catch a movie, travel any place that will let him enter, and play just about any sport (except that ball tied to the pole thing where you basically just whack the ball until it twists in a knot or takes somebody's head off - he misses the appeal). And read and write, of course. He does that too sometimes. Please visit Jason on Facebook, on Twitter, or at his website for information regarding upcoming events or releases, or if you have any questions or comments for him.    
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