#seeking to ride off of the suffering of real victims of abuse and assault
Police Corruption In small town
I feel it’s the right time to shine some more light especially on a town of corruption. A town only someone who lived there nearly 20 years can verify as reality. I would like to start by saying that this is long overdue. A child molesting rapist who used my little sister as one of his victims faces no persecution. This man to my knowledge was arrested in a sting called “Operation Black Widow”. I thought finally, he’s going to prison. I kept hearing my dad was still hanging around this pedophile. For those that don’t know me well, this man was my dad’s best friend. This guy used to wait for my dad to go to work and stop by to masturbate and try and rouse my then 9 year old sister into sex. This went on until she was an adult and moved away. My dad had no idea, and either did I. Todd had a way of making you think he was “Mr wonderful”. I know now that it’s a manipulation tactic of the wicked. When my dad found out, he wanted to kill this man. Could you blame any father for having that feeling. I mean my sister was raped a few years before by a younger man, but it was still rape. I will never forget the blood stain on her pants. My dad looked at me and said “ I’m going to kill him”. I said “dad let me handle it”. I did exactly that. The person who committed the heinous act to my sister had to have reconstructive surgery on his face. I headbutted him twice. I ended up charged with simple assault. I spent time in jail, and was sentenced to indefinite probation. So the day my dad asked me to help him go kill Todd, I declined. I didn't believe it to begin with, and I saw what happened last time I took the law in my own hands. Also, I couldn’t fathom the thought this went on underneath my nose. I couldn’t imagine the shame or guilt my dad had. 
I want everyone to know, to my knowledge neither was persecuted for rape or molestation. I, however was sentenced for two headbutts. Most dad’s or brother’s might have done worse than I did. I felt I made the point very clear as he begged for mercy. Now, why did I take the law into my hands you may ask? Well, this is a town of injustice. A police force more concerned about making teens and young adults lives miserable out of sheer boredom then actually protecting and serving. When my sister was a victim of an apparent rape they dropped her off at my mom’s and suggested my mom take her to the hospital “she may have been raped” they said.There was hardly any investigation into the rape, however the cops main concern was whether my sister had drank alcohol or not. Which brings me to my false imprisonment. I spent 5 days in jail while I waited for a bed to go to treatment for alcoholism. Sounds normal right? 5 days in jail without any charges accept a serious alcohol problem. I couldn't be held at the hospital where I would've been safe and under professional care. When I went through DT’s so bad from alcohol withdrawal there I got scared and ran away from the hospital in my underwear in the middle of winter. I was found in a shed nearly froze to death. You ask why did you run? I honestly cannot tell you why. I felt like I was hallucinating, but it felt very real. So real that I thought I was being held prisoner by evil people to be persecuted and killed.(There’s a story exactly the same just different content in the back of the Alcoholics Anonymous book). I was transported the next day to County Jail where I spent 5 days incarcerated before riding hand cuffed in a cop car 2 hours to treatment. I, someone with a history of seizures should not have been confined in jail. The then state’s attorney visited me in jail and apologized that they were holding me there. Any true professional would've admitted me to a psychiatric ward or just helped me through the DT’s I was experiencing. I feel like I was imprisoned unlawfully and plan to seek justice.
Then there was an incident where I was backing up a friend in a fight. Little did we know that we were bringing 4 fists to a knife and gun fight against numerous people. What a bunch of wussies. My friend and I were about 16 or 17 at the time so I can’t imagine we needed that much heat on us. Long story short I’m not even the least bit scared. I went after the guy with the knife. At the same time an officer pulls in and everyone flees to their vehicles. The cowards get in their two cars and peel out, and my friend and I attempt to leave the parking lot when we are stopped. We had both had around 3 or 4 beers. Our night was just starting. The cop pulls my friend to his car for questioning as I wait patiently in the car. Another officer pulls up at this point to bring me in his car. I explain what happened, and right on schedule the cops only concern was whether I had been drinking or not. I said kind of irrelevant when our lives were in danger sir. Well while all this is going on the driver (my friend) is getting put into the back seat. I’m thinking “Oh shoot” he’s getting a drinking and driving because I was already getting an underage drinking ticket. Well you will never guess what happens next. A nice new car pulls up. A lawyer gets out (just so happens to be my friends father). He speaks with the cop and just like nothing my friend is set free to his dad’s care. I, however, didn’t receive such an option. The cop took me across town to my mom’s where I promptly called my friend to see what happened. The officer was small talking with my mom when I put it on speaker phone. I said “ so you didn’t get a DUI or an underage?” his response “nope”. I walked at the officer asking why I was the only when being persecuted for underage drinking when I wasn’t even driving? He then drew his pistol and told me to “get back”!!! I said “officer I’m like 15 feet from you is the gun necessary”? He was calmed down by my mom and re holstered his weapon. I was in shock. I couldn’t believe my friend got off scotch free. His car wasn’t even towed. Recently in late January I called my former friend’s dad (the attorney) to help me with some legal stuff, and he of course declined. I brought up( on speaker phone for witnesses to hear) “do you remember when you came and got your son and somehow got him out of A DUI/ and or Underage drinking, and left me to get an underage. Your son drank as much if not more at that point, yet his car didn't even get towed”. He said “ yes I remember that night”, but I still can’t help you. At that point our conversation ended.
That brings me to one of the retired Sheriffs( hmm wonder why he’s retired). His son threatened my life, he even threatened to “slit my dog’s throat”. If you knew me well, I don’t think it was wise of him threaten my dog Baby. I at that point went to his house to confront the drug dealer face to face. When I drove past (his father the sheriff) waved for me to come into the alley. As I approached I saw the coward who threatened me and my dog standing behind their fence with a hockey stick. His dad (the Sheriff) had we walk towards him. He then said “come here you little shit I heard you think your tough”. I said I hear the same thing, but my concern is your son is threatening to kill my dog and myself. He grabbed my coat and started to try and drag me into his garage to “talk”. I declined and swiped his arm away from mine and was prepared to fight. I then realized I was up against a deadly weapon and a town Sheriff. It was most definitely a lose, lose situation. I decided to retreat to my car helpless with even the law. This Sheriff knew of his sons cocaine and marijuana dealing. He would allow his son to rip people off and show up in his Sheriff car to make sure his son was unscathed. Wow, great police work. Obviously for me to know all this I wasn’t perfect. I’m not claiming to be, but my job description wasn’t protect and serve. 
I have so many other stories of this corrupt town. You would not believe the truth I’m going to bring to light. All the persecution I endured will not be for nothing. There are others now suffering the same abuse by the hands of those who are supposed to “PROTECT AND SERVE”. I want to be clear not all the officers are corrupt, nor do I have any proof of that. I want it known that this town that ran me out (thank GOD) is disgusting. As far as I know Todd(my dad’s pedophile best friend) isn’t on the pedophile registry, and to my knoledge has done about the same amount as me. LOL I’m attaching a video I found on YouTube. It exemplifies and proves what I’m saying is not false. I will go under oath if I have to. I will subpoena any and all witnesses because best believe I remember all their names and faces(even the officers). I want to remind you this is a small town in South Dakota with a police force and prosecution that ignores real crime like rape to persecute underage drinkers or pot smokers. To my knowledge because of their great work the city was able to build a new jail to house all the new inmates. I’m ashamed to call this place my hometown. In one of the last scenes they are in the ice arena where I helped put a banner up for a state championship. Instead of having year round ice for kids and hockey players to excel and compete at higher levels, the police force uses the building for special ops training. You heard me correctly. A town of 20,000 people with their own swat team. They’ve had like two homicides since like 1900. I wonder where the funding comes from? HMM 
Thanks for reading! PLEASE SHARE//// Here is the link to see these officers gearing up for war in a town where I never used to lock my car door! Content not suitable for children. Watch at your own risk. 
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