sonicadhd · 20 days
Movie Sonic ADHD opinion, go
movie Sonic is absolutely 100% adhd, there's no way he's not adhd, & anybody who tries to say otherwise is lying to themself
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sonicadhd · 1 year
Sonic tends to snap his fingers when he's trying to remember something or thinking, something like this,
sonic: hey tails, did you see that book I was reading? i think it was called....
(sonic begins to snap his fingers while trying to remember the book)
tails: the arabian nights? i think i saw it on the couch
sonic, happily snaps his fingers: yeah that one! thanks little bro!
coming from someone who snaps their fingers when i keep forgetting stuff :D
huge agree!
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sonicadhd · 1 year
Is it alright to send you hc? If so,
Sonic likes to listen to Owl City music when his insomnia decides to show it's ugly face around the corner(plus some of Owl City's song talk about sleep so that's a bonus).
it's absolutely fine to send in headcanons! in fact i always highly encourage it!
agreed, too! i think that sonic would listen to music when his insomnia finally catches up to him
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sonicadhd · 2 years
Do you have any HCs for Tails? I would like to read it ^_^
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for tails in specific? lemme see here!
tails is absolutely on the autism spectrum. i won't go too heavily detailed into that, because i'm not autistic myself and would rather not misrepresent the community, but you cannot tell me that tails does not have autistic vibes.
special interest / hyperfixation is absolutely mechanics and machinery.
he twirls his tails to stim! so it's not uncommon to kinda just find him hovering there, because he was stimming a bit too much. usually he'll come back down if you tell him he's floating.
tails can and will bonk his head on people he likes. especially sonic or cosmo.
that's all i have the braincells for immediately, but please feel free to submit headcanons about him too!
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sonicadhd · 2 years
favorite parts of the second sonic movie
all under a cut of course so people who haven’t seen it and don’t want spoilers can just SCROLL PAST THIS
Keep reading
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sonicadhd · 2 years
“sonic has adhd” headcanons - sonic riders version
feat. adhd jet the hawk hERE WE GO
tails modifies the blue star a bit to give sonic a little jolt when he loses focus on riding
sonic doesn’t appreciate this at first because focusing is hard, but he definitely learns to appreciate it because it causes less crashes
wave notices that sonic’s not crashing like he used to and gets curious
tails begrudgingly shares his tech with her when she explains that jet crashes pretty often too
jet just doesn’t crash during races because hyperfocus To The Maximum
sonic and jet race at one point and both of them lose focus, ignore the jolts, and end up crashing
jet is miffed and upset but sonic is laughing his ass off
but sonic stops laughing when he comes to the realization that they crashed in the exact same way
so sonic begins to question jet and oh boy it doesn’t end with jet just answering
jet avoids all the questions because he doesn’t know the answers + every time he screwed up his father would ask him things like what have you done or why did you do that, followed by you’ve done bad
eventually sonic gets frustrated and starts to shout at him to answer me damnit
and oh boy oh boy sonic’s face when he realizes jet is just about ready to start crying and screaming
so he changes his approach from asking why jet did that or why jet crashed to things like how are you feeling or did this happen before and asking everything he can in a gentle manner to maybe figure things out
eventually sonic just says “jet i’m pretty sure you’ve got adhd too”
“wait. too? what do you mean sonic the hedgehog???” “uh. i’ve got adhd? and i think you do too? because honestly what you’re saying sounds a lot like what i’ve done in the past before i found out the truth.”
“also your dad sounds like a bag of dicks just sayin”
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sonicadhd · 4 years
So how did Sonics Friends find out that Sonic had ADHD?
most of them were either told by sonic himself, told by tails, or kind of just figured it out on their own (and later confirmed it with one of those two).
i mean, it’s a little obvious if you know some signs. he’s fidgety, he doesn’t stop moving, his focus gets shot really easily, etc. depending on which version you’re looking at, of course
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sonicadhd · 4 years
Got any Movie Sonic specific headcanons?
i actually do not! i only saw the film one time in theatres, and was so engrossed in it that i didn’t think to keep track of what seemed like adhd-like behaviors and mannerisms
it does seem like he’s extremely prone to distraction, however, and hyperfixates on things very very quickly, as well as having a hard time with names!
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sonicadhd · 4 years
hey time for an admin-submitted post because i haven’t done that in awhile! i’ll put something a little more personal under a cut but HERE HAVE A BUNCH OF HEADCANONS.
- Classic Sonic is more of a physical stimmer than anything else. always bouncing/running/jumping/etc and he’s extremely fond of the zones that allow him to go really really fast and move a lot.
- Mighty is honestly one of Classic Sonic’s favorite partners (for Sonic Mania content) because he gets it, he really does. he’s less of a stimmer because his adhd isn’t as focus-oriented as Classic’s and more has to do with memory. which means he absolutely sucks at puzzles where he has to remember things because he blinks and blip, gone.
- Movie Sonic is absolutely adhd, and is absolutely all over the place. he has a hard time remembering names (he still calls Tom “Donut Lord” to this day), and maybe abuses his power a little too much to get things like chores and other boring stuff out of the way quickly so he can go back to doing whatever his brain is currently hyperfixated on. usually Maddie is really good at getting him to slow down and do the work properly, because she does it with him and keeps him on task when he’s not zipping around.
- Post-Forces/IDW Sonic is... honestly a little less obvious in his adhd due to other issues presenting themselves (read: trauma from being imprisoned/probably tortured in space, literally the whole zombot arc in the comics please go read those they’re very good, etc), he’s pretty good at making himself focus on what needs to be done and has gotten better (sort of) at staying on task. less liable to get distracted.
- the above of course is kind of worrying to anyone who personally knows Sonic so they’re all worried about what’s going on both in general and with Sonic, they planned on talking to him about it after everything settled down but that didn’t happen
- In Smash tournaments Sonic is more likely to pair up with people who honestly get it in tag-team battles more than he would with someone who doesn’t. so his go-to teammates are often Mario, Luigi, Peach, Link, Pit, Joker, or Samus, & anyone else is literally just he had no other option.
and here’s the serious, from-admin part. i honestly made this blog just as a place for me to put down my headcanons about a hedgehog who i relate to on a very, very personal level. i always saw myself in him, and he’s been a huge part of my life since childhood so saying i’m attached is accurate.
i never expected others to love this blog as much as i do.
i want to offer my deepest apologies for not being super duper active with this blog, and want to thank each and every one of you who submits headcanons! it makes my day literally any time i wake up to a new headcanon in the inbox.
stay cool, and stay safe everybody!
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sonicadhd · 4 years
When he first showed up to Smash, back in Brawl, Sonic avoided stimming in front of the other fighters in an attempt to be taken more seriously. This led to him being noticeably uncomfortable, anxious, and unfocused, which all just made him look less serious. This only lasted a few days because Mario and Peach noticed this and pulled him aside. Peach basically told him that no one would make fun of him or look down on him for doing something that helps him, especially after he saved everyone in Subspace and if anyone causes him any problems, he could come to them or Master Hand, and they would be spoken to. Mario also quickly added that if anyone DID make fun of him, Sonic could just kick their butt in the arena.
After Sonic became more comfortable stimming he noticed other people tend to fidget a lot right before fights; Mario and Luigi pace around, Pit rustles his wings, Captain Falcon taps his fingers, Link and the Fire Emblem boys twirl and swing their respective swords, even Samus fidgets with and methodically cleans her weapons! And Mario and Peach were right, no one even thought about making fun of him or taking him less seriously.
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sonicadhd · 4 years
- Sonic technically got his Smash letter during the events of Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games
- I say technically because Mario just kinda hid it in Sonic’s suitcase to find when he unpacked it (Peach and Luigi had decided to help him and Tails out when they saw how bad they turned out to be at packing)
- It wasn’t found until like a month later when Tails realized Sonic never actually unpacked his suitcase
- Sonic is so hyped about being in Smash
- He is distinctly less hyped about the paperwork and coming up with a move set
- Which he puts off before remembering it at like midnight one night a few days before it’s due
- He does it right then despite it being almost 1 am so he won’t forget again
- Tails wakes up and helps him out
- Long story short Sonic’s ADHD, the fact that it was 1am, and the fact that he doesn’t exactly write down his moves [note: yeah I know the moves all have names, but I like to think of that as just a game mechanic thing as opposed to an in-universe thing, and it’s not like he actually remembers them even if he does name them] made the process of writing a moveset really hard.
- This is why Sonic’s moveset is pretty much just spin dashing.
- When custom movesets became a thing in Smash 4, Sonic was not happy he had to come up with more moves and fill out more paperwork
- Lukily Mario and Peach stepped in to help him and Tails out, and even brought cookies!
- Peach was actually incredible helpful because of her organizational skills, and legible handwriting.
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sonicadhd · 4 years
Imagine if Sonic was at a friend’s house and started having his nightmares. How would they comfort him?
it would honestly depend on how close they are to him! because i imagine him to be a bit more like me, who withdraws when they’re upset/having nightmares because they don’t want to burden others
so for someone who’s a close friend (tails, knuckles, maybe shadow, etc), he’d open up pretty fast and they’d be able to distract him with memories and stories, help him find ways to stim that would comfort him, etc. but if he wasn’t particularly close to him he’d probably shrug it off and the best they could probably do is “i’m here if you need me” which, for me at least, is a big deal when i’m not super close to a person in specific
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sonicadhd · 4 years
On Sonic’s first date, he started crying and was embarrassed because of his condition, and he thought his date (whoever they were) wouldn’t like him anymore. Fortunately, they understood and comforted him, saying that Sonic doesn’t have to hide his quirks to impress them and they love Sonic the way he is.
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sonicadhd · 5 years
Hey, I was wondering if I could ilustrate some of these ideas? I have adhd and can relate with these, and being the big sonic fan I am, I had to ask. I would write where is it all coming from, but it's your decision. Have a good day though! Thanks for the content!
absolutely! you’re absolutely free to draw these if you like, i’m really interested in seeing them!
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sonicadhd · 5 years
Does Sonic have any recurring nightmares since his brain is so active?
unfortunately yes :c
the nightmares will vary from timeline to timeline (ex: movie sonic would have different nightmares than post-forces sonic), but typically regardless of timeline sonic will have recurring nightmares, esp if it’s something that personally affected him!
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sonicadhd · 5 years
A random ADHD headcanon for Unleashed : have: The reason why Sonic is not a big fan of his night form is because he can't do his normal ways to stim. This is also a factor to the reason why he tends to be more aggressive during the night stages.
absolutely accepted!
though he does get a lot of stimmy enjoyment out of the thicker fur, and the stretchiness of his arms
but those two things alone don’t help all the time, and it’s annoying, and he has a short af temper, so he gets aggressive
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sonicadhd · 5 years
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i made this yesterday before i found your blog and i think its relevant its an adhd pride flag i found and stuff – oh my god, this is amazing! i love it so much, you did a great job!
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