#seen by more than 10 people.. proof of life (that im still making comics)
taffybuns · 9 months
how long have you've been making comics? I just discovered your tumblr from a comic you drew years ago and it's so good?? Fell in love !
ahhh thank you so much!!!
i started doodling comics ever since i was 8!! i used to make little stories during class and just never stopped sksjsk. recently i don't post that many, but i still keep making them for my friends and our dnd OC's...
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but i hope sometime i get ideas for fancomics i can share publicly again, haha! til then, tyssm💕💕💥!!
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masterserris · 5 years
all versions of mysterio are feral bastards, at least a little bit. dramatic and chaotic and cunning and damn dangerous despite just being a Guy. mysterio’s real powers are his words and psychological warfare. 
but not completely evil either. jerks for sure but even still they aren’t ya know... in-human. case and point: Ends of the Earth. p much all mysterio’s i’ve seen do this shit
more spoilers under cut
like gyllenbeck didnt wanna kill parker at all. sure he always had planned to kill nick fury and maybe some civilians would get hurt in his illusion shit to sell it being real, but he really didnt wanna drag peter into it
peter finding the truth put himself and others in danger. 
from a villain perspective, ya gotta tie up loose ends. mysterio was very on-point looking for those little details and possible issues and trying to deal with them
case in point: the trippy mindfuck illusion scene to get rid of parker and the evidence. also the final scene when he notices the issue with the drones RIGHT away.
he’s smart. he dont fuck around. he has plans for plans. i dont think he’s dead. he honestly shouldnt be. if marvel says he’s dead then they are lying cowards imo lol
yeah he’s a huge jerk for tryina kill mj, ned, and all the people who know his secret but it makes sense and it isnt done just to be evil.
but like what floors me is that mysterio really could have been a hero with all that tech. he was gonna be a hero. he just did it. badly. in a very dangerous way. 
if he’d have just let his grudges go, just talked it out, he could have used all that shit to fight real villains. it worked stupid good against peter. only by a fluke did he even figure out it was fake
sure plenty of other people could have figured out it was fake. but like. he coulda really used that tech to help people more. just own it man. 
deadass you wanted your holograms to change the world and you could have!! but ya let your anger/grudges get in the way. and that is something mysterio always struggles with honestly...
so yeah really good stuff. very much like comic mysterio to a letter except with a bit of a backstory change (that still hits all the necessary beats) and he doesnt seem to have actual fear gas/chemicals/robot doubles (yet). only holograms, projectors, and drones.
love the meta joke that he’s wearing a vfx suit lmao. but maybe i would have liked to see him wear the mysterio suit more instead of only holograms/a few real scenes with him wearing it but it makes sense he can’t. irl it’s a really heavy and restrictive suit.
but he still wore a bubble on his head so mad respecc
PS: even tho hydro man and ESP molten man were fake like i thought they were, they looked cool af. esp when molten man kept growning it was p epic. thanks quentin.
he really is alive, i think the post credit wasnt meant by the creators to be ambiguous at all. like that’s proof enough that he’s still out there, imo
it’s he’s really dead and everything from now on is just a projection of him then that’s just disappointing. ugh. we’ll see if gyllenhaal wants/gets casted for another marvel movie i guess. he seemed to like the role a lot so there’s that.
“people will believe anything” as he dies. even believe he’s dead? idk man i just feel like he’s exactly the character to fake his death this well. but it’s it’s just his crew pretending to be mysterio now? bah. 
let beck live 2k19. it’s really up in the air, we’ll see.
edit: i suppose one of the funniest things was that Mysterio is Right.
tony left these glasses of Doom to a kid. the world listened to tony. he had issues. (i’ll defend tony but later ok. tony made enemies a lot)
and people were gonna listen to a “hormonal teenager”
he’s right to be pissed af!! valid!! not so valid in.. ya know killing people but yeah
he was mad that the glasses werent given to the defense force. like hell he made it sound like that would have been ok in his book. he wanted people with the credentials and experience to be given the respect the deserve in the end
when he’s thanking his crew he shows this to a letter. just like comic mysterio. comic mysterio was pissed he wasn’t getting the credit he deserved
gyllenbeck is mad af bc tony pissed all over his entire life. like DAMN. DAMN. 
tony ruined everything for him no wonder he’s pissed. kinda funny tho that mysterio waited until tony was dead to take revenge. not surprising, iron man scared the piss outta people like vulture. lesser, more regular human villains. i mean who wouldn’t be? you’d literally have to be thanos to be not worried about stark and even THEN thanos knew about him. just saying
anyways that trippy mindfuck scene was my absolute fav bc that’s what mysterio is all about and it’s everything i wanted. perhaps i wouldve wanted more but lets not get greedy
also for once mysterio aint a thief. if anything he’s the victim of tony stealing/messing up his life’s work. mysterio aint robbing a bank yo
sure, he kinda tricked peter into giving him the glasses, and it may have partly been for the power trip? but also i think he deadass thought it was safer in his hands than a KID who literally almost killed his friends a few hours earlier with it on accident so he’s not wrong. again. 
mysterio for how much of a feral, chaotic, terrifying, cunning, jerk that he was? he was the “hero” after all in the story. or at least the protagonist, kinda like infinity war thanos. he had a goal that would wake people up to the bullshit all around them and put power in the hands who made it possible in the first place. the people who know what they’re doing. 
would beck have been a villain after he won? world domination? i dont think so. i think he would havent been great with it, but i dont doubt he had decent intentions SOMEWHERE in his heart. 
but mainly revenge. let’s be honest. he was pissed af and rightly so.
ANYWAYS im rambling about a bubble head so.
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^^I can’t believe gyllenbeck literally has this energy after peter figures out he’s a faker. literally has this chaotic, feral energy. dead ass calls him gullible and hits him with a TRAIN. like fuck dude mad respecc for being just a guy and fuckin with a superhero so bad. really amazing portrayal of beck.
just. let beck be still alive. it would be a waste. he’s such a tricky person, it’s almost too easy for him to fake that shit. but maybe they really did kill him. hng. we’ll see in the next spiderman movie or another marvel film.
good au ending where tony lived and mysterio was never fired but legit became a hero bc he totally could have done so
he's got raw talent and cunning. i mean tony was just a guy with a brain too so yeah
good ending au.
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k1ngj0ve · 6 years
Okay so here it's time for my Outlast Theory:
So in the first game we are told that the nazi scientists (1940s, ish) were doing experiments on despairing people that had seen the worst of humanity and despaired for it, and the end result was physical, visible manifestations of SOMETHING that the scientists thought were spirits. Wernicke says they believed they had discovered something supernatural, but he alone scoffs at the idea.
In 1966 Sullivan Knoth sees a vision that leads him to start a cult in New Mexico that is shut down SUPER FAST. He climbs to the top of a Mountain and somethign commands him to sacrifice his eye for ‘true sight’. He does so and is given a vision of a place in Arizona where they will be free of ‘persecution’ and in 1969 him and now 100+ followers caravan out and build a town deep in the very remote mountains. They spend years building a secret village there, presumably complete in 1975. They manage to be crazy secret people worshipping a many eyed beast that heralds the end times for about 30 years so one could say that the image he was given of a safe place to have his cult was true.
No date is given, i think, but one can assume that the murkoff broadcasting towers must be a recent addition, only put up in the last 10 years or so.
The murkoff broadcasting towers are literally just big towers that project a noise and sound that drive people insane. That's it. Murkoff, somehow, located a small group of end-time worshippers and thought ‘lets make them crazier’. You find like 1 note from a murkoff employee near the lake that more or less just says that “yep, the people are going extra crazy, mission accomplished”. 
While most of the cult are still worshipping the terrifying many-eyed vision from their leader who sent them here and calling it an angel, a decent number of the group (who were born here and know nothing else) start being sure that they should be worshipping a demon or devil instead and splinter off to go Deeper Into The Mountain and away from the madness broadcasts of the surface to worship demons or devils.
Around this same time, it looks like, sometimes within the last 10 years, Murkoff has set up Mount Massive, atop a Mountain where they start driving everyone crazy and injecting them with ‘science juice’ that's supposed to make ‘science’ with their proteins which will let them ‘science’ some nanomachines because Science+Crazy=?????=PROFit??   Its makes no sense and im sorry, it's never explained either. The engine machine is huge and modern looking and somehow only works on crazy people and so they drive people crazy so they can make an evil ghost which, when manifesting, murders everyone???? This makes no science sense and you know it! Were crazy people intended to pilot a murder ghost on the front lines of war or something?? NO ONE KNOWS!
But! Apparently not driven by the researchers, the patients themselves began to worship a ‘spirit in the mountain’, of which they ALL know the name, despite it hardly sounding like a scientific project name, it seems like a name it already might have had. They perform sacrifices, they write on the walls independently of one another, even the fairly lucid Twins partake in this, overseeing the priest self immolation which he himself refers to as an act done in order to make the Walrider fully formed. Hope seems to know the names of other patients in the facility, to be able to predict what they will do when they are let loose (calling trager ‘doctor trager’ even though he was a finance head when he was free and only thought himself a doctor after the riot).
Wernicke himself was sending out notes to the staff telling them both NOT to worship the walrider but ALSO that the walrider was somethign more than a human can comprehend, implying it had a mind of its own that had nothing to do with programming or software.
When you see Blaire he hasnt run away and is instead guarding the door with his life. He says ‘this cant get out’ and that SOUNDS like business talk, like what happened must be kept secret here, but i think he meant that the WALRIDER must be kept contained, stuck on his mountain, or he may well bring about the end times the temple gate cult had always been waiting on. Outlast 1 and Outlast 2 happen at roughly the same time, within a few months of one another at MOST, so it wouldnt be 100% outlandish to say that the release of the walrider could have been the end times they were waiting on.
When Billy Hope is killed the spirit of the walrider goes directly into Miles, sitting inside him, and apparently resurrecting him when murkoff security guns him down. Wernicke refers to you as the host. at the end of whistleblower you see miles as walrider kill blaire. you see a humanoid shape of black mist walk out the doors, no longer contained. the comics tell you that the form that now has the consciousness of hope AND miles and clearly somethign else as well reforms to somethign recognizably human when it visits Hopes mother, hiding with her for days or weeks. Murkoff waits for proof of the walrider before ‘killing it’, the narrater who does not know what any of this is refers to it as ‘top secret dust, apparently nanobytes’ but hes no scientist himself and is the only one to notice the massive spiral of hive-minded ants moving in huge formations around the spot. 
They still have the consciousness of Miles and are protecting is house, and even seek out the Temple Gate Village where they destroy the murkoff broadcasting spires.
Im pretty fuckign sure Murkoff was *lying* about their experiments. The nanobots were a cover, because if you tell the hundreds of doctors and scientists they had working there “we are summoning mountain demons with endless suffering fear pain and sacrifice kinda just for the hell of it” they would politely turn you down, no matter how much money you offered. but if you tell them “we are doing unethical experimentation to create a weird science thing for the military” then a steady paycheck will keep them minding their own business. 
THAT'S why the temple gate people ONLY had the crazy spires, driving them more and more insane as they were born and died deep in the clutches of some mountain demons territory. Murkoff wanted their madness suffering and pain to try and call up their demonic patron. Probably at least one of the broadcast towers would have done something to stop the demons influence, too, and murkoff likely had a fleet at the ready to capture anything that was summoned.
((worth noting that Val probably escaped Temple Gate from the looks of it))
Probably the only character we’ve ever seen ingame that was high enough clearance to actually know what was going on was Blaire and he’s very, very dead.
And Miles who is still around, everywhere, and probably knows whats happening to him by now
TLDR: Its demons. the demon in the mountain is real. temple gate was worshipping demons. the walrider is a demon. Murkoff likes demons and lied about the nanotech because demon summoning via human suffering is a hard thing to organize and maintain in large numbers
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