#seizaburo tachibana
mossiestpiglet · 6 months
God im getting so emotional about how close Kyoya is with his guard team… they are so affectionate towards him and they get him so well and he relies on them and is open around them in a way he fundamentally isn’t around basically any other characters, in some ways not even the host club.
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cinnamon-bunni · 4 years
Prompt: Free day
Relationships: Gen (Kyoya & Akito & Fuyumi & Yuuichi)
Word count: 1230
Warnings: None
Summary: In which Akito just wants to make his little brother happy, and Yuuichi should really be studying right now
Happy last day! Doing this week has been so fun, I loved writing for all of the prompts. This, of course, is for the last day of @ohshc-week​, so I hope everyone enjoys this :) And yes this is about the Ootori siblings because we never get to see enough of them and I would also die for all four of them, I just love them so much-- (Little sidenote, this is never explicitly said, but I wanna quickly say that this piece takes place in the past, where Kyoya is roughly around 7, Fuyumi being 13 and Akito being 15, and finally with Yuuichi being 17. These of course probably aren’t the most accurate ages and age gaps, but I just based them roughly around these numbers. Still, I hope you enjoy this!)
Yuuichi was quietly studying in his room; the room was dead silent, other than the small noises of the pages of his textbooks when he turned them. His eyes scanned through the pages of it, starting to get sore from staring at this for so long. When the silence was broken by a small knock on his bedroom door, he paused, giving his eyes a break (while he wouldn’t admit it, Yuuichi was glad to have some sort of distraction).
“Come in,” he said, closing his textbook. Yuuichi looked over his shoulder to see who was at the door; the door opened slightly, just a crack, enough for a small head to poke in. Yuuichi could easily recognize the black hair,  long side swept hair hanging right about the round glasses that were perched on his nose. Giant silver eye stared at him with curiosity in them. Seeing him always put a smile on, always lightened the mood.
“Hello Kyoya,” he said, and gave a small tilt of his head. “Is there something that you need?” Suddenly, the door opened further, revealing his other brother, Akito, behind the door. 
“Yeah, we need something,” he said, entering the room. Yuuichi’s smile disappeared, and turned back to his desk.
“What do you want, Akito?” he asked, opening his textbook.
Akito sat down on the bed, crossing his legs. Kyoya joined him, sitting down next to him. “Well, we were planning on going out,” he said. “And you’re going to accompany us.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Because, you need a break from studying all the time, and we want you to actually have fun for once.”
Yuuichi gave a sigh, shaking his head. “We both know I need to study; exams are coming up. Besides, shouldn’t *you* be studying?”
Akito gave a shrug. “I already know all the material, no need to waste time mulling over it.”
“I’m still not going, Akito. I really need to study.”
Kyoya shifted a bit, catching his oldest brother’s attention. “Please, Yuuichi? I really want to go out, and I want you to be there as well. Please?” Yuuichi stared at his little brother for a few moments, who stared at him back, with big, almost doe-like eyes that were practically pleading for him to give in. When he looked over to Akito and saw the smallest smirk on his face, he immediately knew that he was the one to set this up; he knew that he wouldn’t be able to say no to their baby brother.
“What about Father?” Yuuichi asked. “He’ll get angry with us if he knows.”
“Dad’s out for a business meeting, remember? He won’t be back until the evening, so we just get back before he does. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
“...Fine," he said, finally caving. "I'll join you two."
"And Fuyumi," Akito said. "She's coming with us as well.”
“Alright. I’ll join all three of you.”
Kyoya gave Yuuichi a bright smile, and got off of the bed. “Thank you, Yuuichi! I’m going to go tell ’Yumi!”
As the small boy ran out of the room, Akito gave his brother a smile. “Kyo seems pretty happy about this.”
Yuuichi closed the book and pushed it towards where his other textbooks were. “I’m only doing this for him, you know,” he stated.
“Of course you are; I don’t really blame you though,” Akito said. “I’m mainly doing this for him, too.” He gave a sigh, shaking his head. “I still wanna enjoy the time we have with him before Dad gets to him; he’s so happy and smiley all the time, I don’t want to see that disappear.”
“But it will,” Yuuichi said, “we both know that; we both know that he’ll change as he gets older.”
“Whatever,” Akito said. “Let’s just get going.” Yuuichi watched as his brother left the bedroom, obviously not wanting to continue the conversation. Yuuichi followed, surprisingly looking forward to taking some time to go out.
Who knows, maybe it will end well.
Yuuichi was happy to find how well the outing had gone. Before they had left, one of the bodyguards, Tachibana, noticed them, and had said that they needed someone to go with them. Long story short, he was the one to accompany them. He always made sure to keep all four within vision, making sure that nothing happened to them. But still, in the end, the four enjoyed themselves; just walking down the streets of the city, finding different stores and areas to explore, and generally just having a fun time. It was nice to finally have a break, to finally spend time with his younger siblings.
By the time they had gotten home, the sun was starting to set. When they entered the house, all so happy and laughing, with Tachibana following behind. The group paused, all the noise dying down quickly when they saw their father sitting down at the large table, staring them down. Akito muttered a curse under his breath; he completely forgot about their dad coming home.
“And where were you four?” he asked. None of the four said a word. Surprisingly, Tachibana took a step forward.
“Sir, I think-”
“You can leave now,” was what Yoshio said, waving him off. “You may head home for the rest of the day.”
“But I-”
“It wasn’t a request, Tachibana,” Yoshio said, voice stern and loud. “It’s an order.”
Tachibana paused for a few seconds, then gave a bow. “Of course, Mr. Ootori,” he said. He looked down at the kids one last time, and soon left. Yoshio looked back at his kids.
“So,” he started, “instead of doing more important things, you four decided to go out and waste time.” Akito and Yuuichi stood in front of Fuyumi and Kyoya, keeping their face as expressionless, emotionless, so their dad wouldn’t be able to pick up the small fear they held. Fuyumi held Kyoya’s hand quietly, not wanting to say anything that would anger him. It pulled at her heartstrings when she saw Kyoya and how obviously upset the small boy was. Yoshio turned his gaze to Yuuichi. “Especially you, Yuuichi; I thought you knew better. I guess I was wrong.”
“It was me,” Akito said, catching Yuuichi by surprise. “I was the one to drag Yuuichi out with us, even though he told me that he needed to study, but I didn’t listen.”
“Didn’t you need to study as well?”
Akito fought the urge to shrug. “I didn’t feel the need to; I know I’m already going to ace the exams, I don’t see why I have to study.”
Yoshio gave a hum at this. “Akito, stay here so I can talk to you. Yuuichi, go back to studying. Fuyumi, Kyoya, you two may leave.” Fuyumi was hesitant to leave Akito alone, but with Yuuichi urging her to move, she finally went upstairs with her brothers.
“Where are you going, Yuuichi?” Kyoya asked, as Yuuichi went down a different hallway.
“To go study, what else?” he said. “You guys can wait for Akito if you want. I have things that I need to do.” Fuyumi and Kyoya stood there silently as Yuuichi walked back to his room, He closed his door behind him, heading over to his desk, and with a sigh, he opened up one of the textbooks.
He had some studying to do.
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ko-fanatic · 4 years
Rotten Palaces (Part one)
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club
Pairings: KyoKao, MoriKyo, HikaKao, TamaHika
Summary:  Kyoya Ootori, throughout his life, knew one thing for definite: Ghosts were real. (Crimson Peak AU)
TW: Ghosts, Murder, Major Character Death, Gore, Incest (NOT FOR KINK), Abuse, Major Illness, Poisonings
The rain fell in sheets upon both cobblestone and black umbrellas alike, the sky a dark, unseemly grey. It was appropriate, Kyoya supposed, given the occasion; however, the chill practically forced him against his sister's side, hands fisted in her heavy, black coat.
It wasn't all that usual for him to be out in the cold, at eight o'clock sharp in the morning, being a somewhat sickly child and recommended rest at every possible moment. Don't get upset, or excited, or in any highly emotional state be it positive or negative, lest his arrhythmia and generally weak heart take their toll too greatly to recover from. 
However, the most recent death in the family, in an unexpected turn, was not his own. 
He sniffed, forcing himself to not turn away as the coffin was carried through the group of darkly clad, sombre people. His mother contracted black cholera, and the disease seemed to both take its time, and progress quicker than anything so permanent should. She was whisked away and his father had ordered a closed casket. 
No kiss goodbye, nothing to truly solidify that she was gone. He would never speak such a terrible thought aloud but she'd died as she lived – distantly; his life only tangibly connected to hers. It still hurt, to know that he wouldn't see her joyful smile when she did share meals with him. He clung to her as a parent who was not as stern or imposing as his father. He would miss that.
Though Kyoya was sheltered, he wasn’t gullible. He was bright, with a wicked wit for his young age, and didn't suffer fools; just as expected of his father's sons. He knew, as he aged that the distance between them would one day become insurmountable, much further than a mere six feet of soil and grass. This pain would pass soon; he just prayed it would be soon enough.
He had been put to bed early after the wake, tuts of sleep improving his heart or some other rubbish Fuyumi believed to make herself feel more confident that he wouldn't fall into eternal rest as well. They just lost Mother, so she was clinging far tighter than usual, but he didn't mind. He was exhausted after the day's events, and was grateful to retire early. To smile through more condolences would picked the scab off his proverbial wound, over and over. 
A creak sounded, and something cold washed over him, despite the plushness of the blankets. 
"Fuyumi...?" He questioned, limbs uncooperative as he yelled at himself to turn over and see the source of the noise. 
No answer. His breath caught in his throat, chest lodged in a gradually tightening vice, and the seconds that ticked by could be mistaken for hours. Ridiculous, he admonished himself mentally, absolutely ridiculous reaction. Still, something screamed in him, begged him to stay still as if he were a rabbit caught in the gaze of a snake. 
Harsh breathing that wasn't his own overtook his senses, just about breaking his trance. Well, cracked it, really; he managed to make himself peer over his shoulder. 
Staggering down the hall was a horrifying apparition, black and shrouded in wisps of smoke, or something of that kind. He buried himself in the blankets, his fragile heart beating so hard that he could feel the arrhythmia himself, and prayed for whatever monstrous vision this was to leave him be. Unlike childish fears of dark nights passed, this demon refused to simply slip back into the ether. 
"My dear child," It whispered to him, a cruel mockery of his mother's tender tone, rasping through its decayed throat as the mattress shifted, a familiar body curling against his back. Sharp, bony fingers carded through his hair, and his mind wove images of her dragging him into death's arms with her, to keep her youngest child as close as could be through eternity and beyond.
It was so close he could smell the decay, and it wheezed a single warning, "When the time comes, beware of the bloody manor."
He couldn't contain it any longer, bolting upright, a scream leaving his throat, desperate and wishing to be saved from the waking nightmare he found himself in.
He didn't stop until Mr Tachibana ran into his room, frantically asking what on earth happened, why he was screaming like the devil himself was in his room. It shook him out of his hysteria, frantically tossing his head to-and-fro in some attempt to see where the thing so like his mother had disappeared to; but it was no use. As quickly as it had materialised, it was gone, leaving only the vestiges of heart-stopping terror in its wake. 
"It..." He panted, turning over the event in his head, trying to avoid the possibility of being locked up in Bedlam for such nonsense as a dead woman returning to deliver a cryptic message, "It must have been a nightmare... Apologies for waking you..."
"Not at all," The man tutted, waving away the apology, "I'd much rather be woken and know that you're alright than sleep right through something... Well... Important."
It was a fair enough statement, even if he had missed the disturbing incident. All was... Well, not fine. Because Kyoya knew a couple of things. Firstly, that this was no nightmare, the stench of rot and the feeling of bone in his hair too vivid to be merely in his own mind. Secondly, well...
Ghosts are real.
A/N: HALLOWEEN TIME IS HERE! So, this project is kind of a challenge I set myself, where I'm hoping to update it every day of October. I want to just get this completed to show myself I can actually sit down and write, and if I can do this I can update my other works. Just a warning that the title might change, so keep an eye out for that.
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hostagine · 5 years
Young!Kyoya Headcanon, that 5 yo Kyoya was nervous during his first day of school, but didn't want to admit it. He just made Tachibana hold his hand and walk with him to his classroom. And made him promise that he'd be there once school let out.
Except Kyoya wasn't nervous anymore after school let out and told Tachibana that he doesn't need him anymore because he's a "big kid now" which ultimately broke Tachibana's heart.
+ Kyoya made Hotta push him on the swing set everyday at recess because his little feet couldn't touch the ground.
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mossiestpiglet · 5 months
okay so your posts about kyoya being close to his guards, did you mean the ones that followed him to france?? I'm so curious :0
Yes thats them! That is the arc where we see them and Kyoya getting to interact almost entirely on their own, so it’s one of the really important ones for showing their relationship. The parts which stand out to me particularly are how synced up their thoughts about Kyoya are, how much they all know about his feelings for Tamaki and that he usually tries to hide them (even from his team), and that we get to see that he does treat the members of the team individually with the recurring joke about Hotta/Horita/Honda being the one most on the receiving end of Kyoya’s annoyance.
But there are other places where the team pops up and it’s implied at least some of them are literally always present (but hidden from view) when Kyoya is not at home. Tachibana also gets to have his solo extra with Kyoya where we learn how long he has been taking care of him and just how strongly he feels for Kyoya, as well as the cuteness that is him taking home the gifts from Tamaki that Kyoya discards. Tachibana as team leader and the one who has been with the family/Kyoya longest certainly seems to have the most paternal feelings for Kyoya and the story doesn’t really shy away from that, which is part of why I feel there is some narrative intentionality to Kyoya having three guards in a leader and two subordinate arrangement to replace the father and two brothers we know he has a difficult relationship with.
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mossiestpiglet · 4 months
tachibana crying over the kyotama fistbump is literally me he is so proud of his boy
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