#sekhmet clanclan
taliadoesrpgs · 1 year
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I knew that my book was something special when folks reading it on Sufficient Velocity made dank memes of my characters.
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askdeeds · 2 years
Right, the vessel with the pestle is the brew that is true, got it.
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"Cheers, bro, I'll drink to that."
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askdeeds · 2 years
Ask anything huh... alright what's everyone's favourite gear set?
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"I'm actually really fond of this set, lucky enough for me. What's it called, the Shah of Xia set?"
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"Honestly I haven't been playing this game long enough to, uh, know? I picked up the titty armor set because it looked stupid and to show off for the stream. I'd honestly like to lean further into the Viking aesthetic later with something like this set.
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"Once I've got the cash, I definitely want to lean into the armored princess look. I've had my eye on the Silk and Steel Set."
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The only problem with the Dragon Under The Stones set is that it requires a sufficiently tall and impressive staff and hat to complete it."
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"Shit, let's get stupid. What's the point of being in a fantasy world if you can't wear five inches of enchanted silk and get away with it?"
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taliadoesrpgs · 3 years
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And official art of the main cast of I/Oquest, by Bedsafely.
These are:
Alesha Herezhade, Andrax Oathsworn/Paladin of Aurora Deedee Yeowoo, Vulpecian Cleric/Pilgrim of Sylphan, our protagonist Hikaru Aoisora, Pixie Wizard/Elementalist Evoker Sekhmet Clanclan, Ubasti Thief/Partisan Ace Striker, Vulpecian Warrior/Rimefell Berzerker
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taliadoesrpgs · 3 years
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hey here’s some art from I/Oquest as long as I’m mentioning it.
In order:
1: Deedee Hatches, by Pasteldeity / Pasteldaemon (second link is NSFW)
2: The Lasseiz Hasn’t Been Fair To Me, a picture of Sekhmet Clanclan by Pasteldeity
3: Happy Fiesta, a picture of berzerker Ace Striker, by Pasteldeity
4: In The Name Of Gnomon, a picture of Hikaru Aoisora, by Pasteldeity
5: Debuff: Weaving Ability, a picture of Alesha Herezhade and Ace Striker, by Schpog
6: It’s A Valid Question, a picture of Ace Striker by cowriter FoxHana
Enjoy.  More to come.
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askdeeds · 2 years
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Sekh: “It’s funny.  What I made from one day of like, killing crabs and octopi and selling the parts to fishmongers and inkmakers and crap, and now I got more money in my hands than I ever had in my bank account.” Sekh: “Anyway.  You got questions, we got answers.” Art by @pasteldaemon.
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taliadoesrpgs · 3 years
Quest Updated - Chapter 2.3.3 is up!  Where our heroine gets brain pills and a pep talk from a cat, then has dinner with the father of a girl she gallantly rescued.
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