#self ship: shrimpzai ☺
nameless-shrimp · 3 years
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DAZAI: “i heard screaming, what hap—”
SHRIMP: *aggressively holds a slipper in her hand*
DAZAI: *looks to see a spider on her computer desk* “oh, is that what you are so scared about?”
SHRIMP: “dazai, it’s so big and scary, can you please take care of it?”
DAZAI: “it’s just a guest to our home, sweetheart.” *snickers*
SHRIMP: “actually... i might kill you first then i will kill the spider.”
DAZAI: *dramatic gasp*
the same moment, the spider jumps from the desk and the two run out of the house, instead staying at atsushi's place for the day.
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
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Just a casual date between little Shrimpy and Dazai, teehee. 🥰 I'm a sucker for flowers, you see, especially roses. Surely, Dazai gets on my nerves but he always knows the way to my heart, woo-hoo! Bonus points for you, Osamu, thanks for being such a charming man. 🤍
— Base/Reference: Pinterest
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
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DAZAI: “oh, my love, please come to bed.”
SHRIMP: *frowns* “why? you tired for once?”
DAZAI: *huffs* “no, i am just cuddle-deprived. you’ve been playing that game for a few hours now… don’t you want a break?”
SHRIMP: *turns back to her computer, realizes that she has one more level to go until she has to defeat the final boss* “uh, no, give me a little bit. i am almost done.”
DAZAI: “you said that an hour ago…”
SHRIMP: “you can survive without me for a little bit.”
DAZAI: *pouts* “no i cannot! i need my baby. i am deprived of snugs, hugs and lots of loves.”
SHRIMP: “how sad.”
DAZAI: “hey now…”
SHRIMP: “absolutely tragic.”
DAZAI: *makes the 👉🏼👈🏼 sign with his hands* “i get lonely.”
SHRIMP: “that’s sad news.”
shrimp’s game eventually crashes where she just stares at the black screen. she blinks in disbelief for a moment and remains quiet. dazai snickers in the back, clearly finding the situation amusing.
DAZAI: “so… snugs, hugs, and lots of loves?”
SHRIMP: *sigh* “i could really use that now so... yeah.”
DAZAI: *claps* “oh joy!”
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
Have some almost 2am Prince Dazai brain rot ft. Chuuya and I ^-^
Spelling/grammar mistakes
Dazai hated fancy parties. That was never any secret. Prince Osamu Dazai would rather do so many other things he greatly dislikes than go to parties, especially balls. Yet, he understood the importance of them. It helped strengthen ties with neighboring kingdoms and the nobility by inviting them to the castle. Luckily, his parents only hosted one once a year. Unless there was something big to celebrate. Like a special anniversary or birthday. So he put up with it for one night. He'd make sure to be on his best behavior as he greeted guests. After he disappeared most of the night. He'd make perfectly timed reappearances to socialize or dance with the daughter of a noble or a princess, then disappear again. It worked well and no one complained. He did plan his timings perfectly the morning of the ball.
And then he saw her. A princess he hadn't met before. He didn't greet nor her parents or escorts - he wasn't sure which the princess had come with. The young princess could only assume that she was one of the guests that were known to arrive later. He wouldn't normally greet latecomers. Most would be people he didn't know so it wouldn't hurt if he didn't greet them.
This new Princess caught his attention though. With her stood his Prince Chuuya Nakahara, his childhood best friend, and Princess Sky, Prince Chuuya's betrothed. The three were laughing and having drinks together. The way she smiled was beautiful. He found himself wondering if he could make or smile like that. If he could make her laugh. Prince Dazai found himself determined to try.
Prince Dazai only knew two things about the third person of the trio. That she's a princess and that she's shorter than him. And so, using all the manners he was taught as a prince, he walked over to the trio. As politely as he could, he interrupted their conversation and asked the unknown princess, "Excuse me, would like to dance, Princess Shrimp?"
FIRST OF ALL— the idea of Dazai being so overwhelmed by such beauty brings me happiness to my heart. I understand his emotions and feelings at first when it comes to gatherings and parties, and his reactions, omg. I just might faint, how could you do this to my heart? I'm not complaining, actually, I'm in love, with all of this, and the sweet laughter that you and Chuuya shared with each other got my heart melting into pieces 😖💖 that's absolutely adorable, AAAH, of course Dazai, I would love to dance with you.
I'm sorry I'm so late on this but truly, this just made my night. I wasn't feeling well but what perfect timing I read this and it brings butterflies to my stomach, aaah 🥺🤍 thank you so much for writing this. Happiness is truly what Dazai deserves and seeing him enjoy himself even in the little bits of recognizing a beauty of another (and you added me in here too?! I just might faint, seriously) is just so, aaah, my heart. I'm melting, help. 😫💘
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
Hi! May I ask how Dazai met Shrimp? I was surprised to see that it wasn't in the ask game but I'm curious >////<
oooh, how interesting. i love that you asked this, well it's an interesting story! 💖😖
Panting, I run down the crosswalk, nearly bumping into the random strangers close by. Coffee stains my tongue; fresh vanilla. I'm on a sweet high while ignoring the usual bickering from strangers nearby. Not that I cared, truthfully, and the clock ticks further with each passing second seeming to be more quicker than the last. To be late for work was one thing, until I encountered a odd scenario.
A man, covered with red staining his white top, with an foolishly wrapped tie dangling from his neck. He smiles brightly underneath the sun peeking from the clouds— almost as if he felt his own heaven. Blood seeps through his clothes; my eyes widen, causing me to dart into the dim-lit alleyway.
"Oh God, you're hurt," I cry out, hands shaking. "You need to get to the hospital. You've been shot."
"Leave me be," he says, voice darkening; smile not once fading. "My life is about to come to an end."
"I'm taking you to the hospital."
"You're a bother, so go away," he mumbles.
I glance at him, pouting with a frightened gaze all at once. "I'm just trying to save your life."
He looks up at me with a smile; eyes shimmering a hazel-lit sunlight. "Actually, maybe my life is about to begin."
that was so poorly written excuse me but asffjsoma i met him on a day where i was late for work and i happened to come across a port mafia executive who got shot in an alleyway. and well, i was the only one who visited him at the hospital, and he said bandages were always a part of him. along with stitches. also met chuuya for the first time there. got the idea that those two really aren't good friends huh? 😄😌
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
[ ⚠️: mild suggestive content ]
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shrimp and dazai are watching over her neighbor's kid for the day. dazai decided it would be fun to get the little boy, eli, ice cream, so shrimp takes the lead in driving.
DAZAI: *gasps looking out the window* “oh my god!”
SHRIMP: *stares at dazai with a frown* “what did you see?” *brakes at the red light*
DAZAI: “there’s a couple in the car parked next to us!”
SHRIMP: *confused look* “really, what is so—”
DAZAI: “oh my god, they are having se—”
shrimp whacks dazai’s head while eli watches in the back with his brown teddy bear in his hands. she smiles innocently, rubbing dazai's hair.
DAZAI: *eyes widen* “... second thoughts about life.”
ELI: *blinks* “huh?”
SHRIMP: *sigh* “wait until you are older.”
DAZAI: “yeah, you will really learn all about it then!”
shrimp glares at dazai, who smiles at her cheekily.
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
for the game... hey dazai, here are some flowers *hands them over to him* oh yeah, they are for shrimp, not for you. hehe, sorry, but... i am lowkey crushing on your shrimp, dazai! forgive me. 😳
oh my god, you're so sweet, hahaha. please enjoy a shrimp doodle because you are too precious <3 my shrimpzai heart aaah, the way you worded this anon, please 🤍 lemme hug u
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Dazai stares at you blankly, holding onto the bouquet while Shrimp gazes from afar. She bursts out laughing while Dazai blinks, soon pouting. “Whaaa, hey! I want some love too, that is not fair!” He scrunches his nose in dissatisfaction, soon huffing and turning away. Shrimp looks at her flowers before grinning at you. Immediately, Dazai intervenes and puts his hands on his hip. “I have my shrimp, so go find your own!”
“Quit being a baby, Osamu,” Shrimp forces a smile, happily holding her flowers.
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— 🎭 Shrimp's Roleplay Game
yes i drew that shrimp doodle lol
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
Hii! I've missed you~ Welcome back ^-^
Once upon a time, there was a world not unlike ours. In it was a beautiful kingdom. The flowers also seemed to be in bloom, the royal family was beloved by the entire kingdom and the people were always happy. And within that kingdom was a small yet cozy bookstore tucked away in the castle town.
Many people would say the owner, Dazai Osamu, was a strange man. He was always reading a book with a red and white cover. Saying that, "a good book is always a good book." While that was undeniable, most people weren't sure how he didn't get bored of rereading the same unsavory topic over and over again. But at the end of the day, many people adored him. When he was out in the town, you could find him playing with some orphans or teaching them how to read. Dazai would always deny these facts. Claiming that he was mistaken for someone else. That was never true; it was hard to misplace the stark white bandages he covers himself in.
There was only one person that he would willingly tell the truth to. And that was his wife, Dazai Shrimp. No one knew if that was her real name or not. Shrimp is what everyone called her though. She was a beautiful woman. Some wondered how she ended up marrying Dazai. She helped Dazai run the bookstore. In other words, she did everything besides the heavy lifting. Outsiders really wondered how Dazai could let his wife do all work. Those close to the couple knew how in love they were. Anyone that saw how Dazai looked at Shrimp would know that she was the only person in Dazai's world at any given moment.
Hearing the sounds of cats running in and out of the bookstore, Dazai looked up from his book. Shrimp had gone to deliver a handful of books to a nearby orphanage, insisting that Dazai stay back and man the store. Which meant he had to greet the customers. Yet when he saw the person who walked in, he simply smiled. "Welcome back, Shrimp, my love."
please. the royal au brainrot will fall right back to me, i swear it, omg! the idea of dazai being so welcoming and excited even just to have my presence around, and the little touch of happiness in the third paragraph that i see. he seems so at peace, embracing warmth 🤍🥰 i will honestly cry. a smile grew on my face, this was so beautiful sky, thank you for always brightening up my days/nights with your gorgeous fics for me about dazai 😭💖
the way you write bby. it's so. UGH. *chef's kiss*
i am so lucky to call you my friend, thank you for existing. i missed your writing dearly and this just made my heart so warm, thank you thank you thank you 🤍🤍
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
SHRIMP IM CACKLIGN sorry but you and dazai sound like the most funniest self ship couple ever, your responses to the questions are gold 😭
pffft, i do my best and so does he
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replace kunikida's hands with mine
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
10, 14, and 15! For the self ship ask with Dazai! 😌🥧🍎 — @alphasmoonlitjinko
oh, my dearest alpha! 🥰
10. what's your favorite thing to do together after a long day?
cuddle and lots of laziness. alas, my dear, you know how lazy dazai can be, hehehe. but honestly, so can i. there's a lot that i do in one day sometimes, and i just wanna lay in bed with him, and that's exactly what we do. we're either on our phones, reading, or watching the TV in front of our bed. he can go on and on about complaining how he had to stare at kunikida's face all day but he'll be quiet at some point. 🤭
14. how would you describe your first kiss?
ha. terrible. 😭 he's so tall and funny, definitely with that boisterous personality, but when he attempted to kiss me, i only blink at him and told him that it was bad. he sulked in the corner after that, but i joke around a lot, so it was worth it to see the reaction. 💀 however, he gets plenty of good kisses after that so it makes up for it at least. almost tried to bury himself in the dirt after i said such a thing, then i chased him with a shovel to get him to stop being so dramatic. 😌
15. do you share the same love language?
dazai enjoys doing his own activities, such as reading and writing a lot. it makes me happy to see him partake in similar interests as me and his work is always delightful, it's a breath of fresh air rather than pulling him out of the river, you know? 🙂 so quality time is something we both definitely partake in, even if we do not do the same activities together. though, he can sleep on the couch randomly at times.
— self ship ask game
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
9 and 16 for the f/o ask game! 🥰
9. what do you think their favorite thing about you is?
that i can tolerate him, lol! kidding. unless... 🤧
most likely my personality. it's always so sweet and endearing whenever i hear dazai gush about how i am as a person and that i am important to him. it's comforting, always warming my heart up like so. brings butterflies to my chest and a smile on my face. 🙈🥰
16. who gets jealous more?
dazai doesn't really get jealous. to tell you the truth, it's mostly on my part — feeling like i am not good enough or fun for anyone. although, it's comforting to get reassurance. he taps my forehead and says, "you're so silly", then goes on about how there isn't anything i should be afraid of. 😖
— self ship ask game
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
ooh 8 and 13 for the self-ship game 👀✨
8. what's your favorite thing about them?
honestly, dazai's personality. gosh, he's so annoying, but in a loving way. i am an extremely introverted person, and knowing that he is very out there, even when putting kunikida and atsushi under his shenanigans... he's still always putting a smile on my face. sure, he has his tendencies and moments, but i love him. 😌🥰
also, that haaaair. oh my gosh, so beautiful, and the style? i steal his clothes you know? it keeps me warm, hehe! 🤗
13. what's the height difference?
oh my. well. i am quite short. i am 5'4" 🙈 not too bad, but he is definitely way taller than me. makes the nose kisses more difficult. sometimes i have to go on my tippy toes, hehe. but dazai doesn't mind it, of course!
— self ship ask game
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
Shrimp!! Hiii~ How are you? ^-^ I miss you 🥺
i have been doing well, just currently focusing on writing a lot more than i need to, and i managed to get a few requests done for bsd 😭 how are you sweetie? i have been eating tons of dumplings lately, sweetly cooked by dazai and luckily, he didn't burn them all but they were made with love. 🤭💖
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
Obligatory 🍓 + Dazai
oh boy... ah well...
i want to go to the city with him during christmas time, and we are just getting hot drinks while we take our time admiring the trees laid out on the streets along with us going to the nearest science museum! the one in my city has a whole range of trees dedicated to all the popular countries in the world, and it's magical and beautiful. i want to also go on the ferris wheel with him, and buy us matching scarves, and we can enjoy our night with ramen and lots of saké. plus listening to music in our earbuds on the train ride home. 🤍🥰💖
— send me a 🍓, a character, and i will tell you specific details of what i would do with them!
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
can you and dazai adopt me... pretty pls 😔💕 i love you both. spare some shrimpzai headcanons to feed my soul? - ❤
my lovely red heart anon! you are so adorable. hehe, of course, where are the adoption papers now? 😮
sure! thank you for brightening up my night before i go to sleep, hehe. 💖 hmm, i can just share some here then.
One day, Shrimp had precious alone time. Suddenly, Dazai brought home a cow. He said Atsushi bought it because Dazai told him too. Kenji came along, and Atsushi too. It became a cow loving party, and Shrimp had no alone time that day.
Shrimp helps Atsushi with his chores so he can catch a break, but Dazai always comes around to pay Atsushi a visit, only to find ways to annoy them both. Sometimes he gets whacked with a broom.
Dazai plays dead with the possums on the street. Shrimp usually watches. 90% of the time, the possums aren't really dead and chase Dazai down the block. Shrimp just lets it happen.
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
shrimpzai is and will be my otp 🤧💖
i love you so much please 🥺🤍 you're absolutely adorable. please invite aku over and we can all have dinner together! i think he'd really like that, hehe
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