#selfship: kiyori
ghostlygeto · 1 year
pairing: sakusa kiyoomi x fem!reader
warnings: mentions nsfw things (“suggestive”?), so MDNI, mentions the same dildo from the last scenario lol, reader nd sakusa are drinking, first kiss moment, i dunno. same universe as the last sakusa thing i posted (shocked pikachu emoji), omi kind of pines hella hard
wc: 1.5k
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“you should tell me a secret about yourself, kiyoomi,” his first name rolled off your tongue as if it lived there, you couldn’t remember the last time you had called him anything else. “and it has to be a real one, not something stupid!” you laughed slightly and took another drink of whatever alcohol the two of you had been sharing for the night.
“don’t you have to tell me a secret about yourself as well, then?” sakusa asked. he was thankful that his cheeks were already tinted pink from the alcohol, he didn’t have to worry about you noticing his blush from the use of his first name. “it’s only fair isn’t it?”
“you already know a big secret about me,” you remind him, rolling your eyes as he raised his eyebrows as if asking what secret. “remember? ‘tsumu doesn’t so lovingly call me dildo girl for no reason.”
“oh.” was all sakusa managed to get out, somehow forgetting about the incident that brought you two together in the first place. “but that can’t count, everyone masturbates, y/n. it’s normal.”
“but you saw the dildo! with your eyes! and according to ‘tsumu he like, swung it around and stuff!” you shouted playfully, cheeks and ears flushing red at the memory, “i still haven’t used it. and it was expensive, too. you guys should feel bad.”
“i don’t have to feel bad for anything,” sakusa shook his head, finishing his drink before grabbing both of you another one, “i didn’t do anything. i told him not to open the box.”
you huffed, grabbing the drink from sakusa (who kindly opened it for you, since you always struggled to on your own) before taking a big sip of it. “you should, i asked you to get the package and protect it with your life. you did not do that.”
sakusa laughed, not just a small chuckle but a real, genuine laugh. sometimes he felt like you were the only person that could get those out of him. “i don’t think you asked me to protect it with my life, but whatever helps you sleep at night i suppose. i’m sorry i didn’t protect your precious package with my life,”
this was probably your favorite side to kiyoomi. the alcohol in his system made him more laid back than usual, he’d feel comfortable laying his legs across your lap or draping his arm across the top edge of the couch, his hand barely ghosting your shoulder. plus he laughed a lot. little giggles, chuckles, and sometimes full blown belly laughs. he was a completely different person with you (and with the alcohol).
“so what’s your secret?” you ask, shoving his shoulder, “tell me a secret, kiyo. i want to know everything about you.”
something in your words gave him butterflies. everything about him? he wondered if you really meant that, if you wanted to know all the reasons he is the way he is, the color of his childhood bedroom or the name of his pet hamster when he was seven. or if you just wanted to know the things that all the other women wanted to know about him. his workout routine or how many women he’s slept with or how long his-
“kiyo,” you called him out of his thoughts, a concerned look on your face, “y’know if you keep your brow scrunched like that all the time you’re going to get wrinkles. and then girls wouldn’t find you as pretty anymore. are you gonna tell me a secret or do i need to kick you out of my apartment?”
“maybe i should keep doing it then, i don’t need women to find me attractive.” sakusa rolled his eyes, but thought for a second about a secret to tell you. he thought it only fair to tell you one equally as embarrassing as yours (even though yours was mostly funny and not really embarrassing). “i’ve never been kissed before.”
you tried to hide the shocked look on your face, “what? never? like not even once when you were a kid as a dare or something?” you didn’t mean to make him feel bad, but somehow you couldn’t believe a man as attractive as kiyoomi would have never have kissed someone before. “why not?”
“i was never interested in it,” he shrugged, taking another sip from the bottle in his hand, “and i’ve never met anyone worth wanting to kiss, y’know?” he didn’t ignore the shocked look on your face, giving you a small laugh in response. “you’re surprised, knowing what you know about me and you’re surprised i’ve never kissed anyone before?”
“i think it’s more surprising to hear you say you’ve never met anyone worth kissing before. i mean, you see bokuto, hinata and ‘tsumu on the daily. if i got to see them i’d want to kiss one of them for sure.” you teased, “maybe you just don’t like girls?”
“i’d die before kissing any of them, especially atsumu,” sakusa shuddered before shaking his head at you, “i know that i like women, y/n. it’s just a matter of finding the one that doesn’t disgust me.” he hesitated for a moment before sighing, “and it’s hard to find someone that wants to know me. not sakusa of msby, but me. like…”
“someone who wants to know kiyoomi,” you finished his sentence. you didn’t know how to tell him that’s how you wanted to know him. you wanted to know kiyoomi, not sakusa. and to an extent you do know kiyoomi, you’re one of the few people he’d ever let see him like this. but you still worried that he’d never fully open up to you. why did you deserve to know him like that? just because you’re his neighbor?
“right, someone who wants to know kiyoomi.” sakusa’s eyes fell to you, and you pretended to not feel his stare. “but how do i trust that the people i’m surrounding myself with want to know me? and not him.” it was a genuine question, sakusa didn’t know how to tell the difference between the two. that’s why he didn’t have any friends outside of the volleyball team.
and you.
“what about me?” you asked, eyes meeting his. if it weren’t for the alcohol in your system you likely wouldn’t be so bold, “do you trust me?”
with everything. he wanted to tell you, though thankfully he had enough control over his drunken words not to. “i do.”
“do i disgust you?”
“not even a little.”
he hadn’t realized it before, but sometime between him confessing about never having kissed someone before and right now, your faces had gotten much closer. he wasn’t sure he had ever been close to someone like this before, aside from maybe the one time atsumu got far too drunk and tried to kiss him (it took days for sakusa to feel clean afterwards). but this was different. it felt different, he didn’t mind being this close to you. nor did he care that he could feel your alcohol ridden breath on his face with every rise and fall of your chest.
“yes y/n?”
“can i be your first kiss?”
sakusa answered by closing the distance between the two of you, unsure of what to do when your lips had actually connected. his eyes were closed, he knew that much, but what was he supposed to do with his hands? was he supposed to move his head at all?
“kiyo, you can breathe,” you laughed as you pulled away, a smile spread across your face. “you’re as stiff as a board, if you’re going to be kissing women you need to learn to be a little looser.”
sakusa knew you wanted to know everything about kiyoomi, not sakusa. “i’m not going to be kissing women.” he grinned, leaning away from you now. “i think i need to be a little more drunk, though.” he tried standing up but you stopped him.
“more drunk? kiyoomi i think you’re plenty drunk,” you giggled, holding onto his wrist, trying to tug him back down onto your couch, “drunk enough to kiss me, that is.”
sakusa wanted to tell you that he didn’t need to be drunk to kiss you, it just made it easier. but he didn’t, he just sat back down next to you and turned his attention to the tv. “was i bad at it?”
“kissing?” you giggled again, “it wasn’t the worst first kiss i’ve ever had.” you shrugged, tracing the outline of his side profile with your eyes. you were pretty sure if angels existed on earth, kiyoomi would be one of them. “what did you think of it?”
“well i don’t have anything to compare it to,” he replied, “so i think it was nice.” sakusa didn’t know how to tell you the only reason it was nice was because it was with you.
not pictured: atsumu spamming you with snaps the next morning, freaking out over the fact that you sent him a video of you and kiyoomi kissing (you had to beg him not to mention it to omi)
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reblogs, comments, nd likes appreciated ;3
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ghostlygeto · 1 year
pairing: sakusa kiyoomi x fem!reader
warnings: not nsfw, but mentions toys so mdni!!, fluff, atsumu is there and a dumbass, atsumu specifically calls reader "girl", more selfship content because im insane :D, bad ending bc idk, i only cared about the middle bits. i never ever proof read btw
wc: 1k again somehow?? im crazy
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the way you met sakusa kiyoomi was incredibly, and i mean incredibly, embarrassing. you would be out of town for four days, so you had to ask your incredibly attractive neighbor to take your package for you. he agreed, of course. and then the two of you moved on.
but when he gave you the package back, his ears tinted pink (you could only assume his cheeks were, too, but the black mask unfortunately covered them so you couldn’t tell), you felt mortified.
“sorry, my dumbass friend opened it when i left him in the same room as it,” sakusa’s words drilled into your brain, you felt your stomach fill with embarrassment. 
sakusa remembered the exact moment it happened. atsumu kept insisting that it “wouldn’t be a big deal, you’ll never know the difference”. he’ll be extra careful in cutting through the tape, and make sure that he rewraps whatever is inside the little box just the way it came. sakusa warned atsumu not to, that it was impolite to snoop in other people’s things. atsumu swore it’d be fine. you’d have no idea he was even in there. sakusa threatened him some more, but made the mistake of leaving atsumu alone in the room with the package.
until he opened the box and saw the cute little sex toy, causing him to laugh out loud. “omiomi, yer neighbors a li’l perv! look at this!” he held it up, giggling some more at the clear glittery silicone in his hand. “can’t believe she’d buy somethin’ like this, why don’t she jus’ ask ya for the real deal? or if yer not interested maybe i could help ‘er out.”
sakusa walked back in the room horrified, seeing his best (soon to be dead) friend holding the contents of your package in his hand. “put that away, miya. you know you’re the perv here, going through someone else’s things like that. and we’ve barely spoken past our conversation when she asked me to pick up the package for her. i highly doubt she wants or needs any help with that. especially not from someone like you.”
“mean,” atsumu rolled his eyes, rewrapping the toy in it’s cloth packaging and bubble wrap. “nev’r hurt t’ask ‘er. maybe she’ll be thankful. do it, when you give it t’er! i’ll give ya money if ya do it.”
“i don’t want or need your money,” sakusa snatched the box out of atsumu’s hand, sighing as he realized now he’d have to explain to his pretty neighbor why her package was opened. and try to pretend that he didn’t know what was inside of it.
— – - – —
“uh, enjoy.” he wanted to kick himself in the stomach as he shoved the box into your arms, leaving you standing in your doorway somehow more embarrassed than you were to begin with.
why, why, why would he say something like that. you wanted to curl inside a hole and die, never to return. you had been kind of excited for the toy prior to now. but now even thinking about using it made you feel kind of sick to your stomach.
“thanks,” you replied while his back was turned, wishing you could retreat into yourself and never be seen by anyone outside your apartment ever again. you opened up the box when you were behind closed doors, seeing the poorly rewrapped bubble wrap before sighing loudly. you needed to do something as an apology. but would that make things more awkward? to bring him over some sort of baked good as an apology?
— – - – —
the knock on his door made his heart sink a little. sakusa hated unannounced company, and the only person who ever showed up unannounced (atsumu) was already sat comfortable in the living room of sakusa’s apartment.
you pretend to not notice the combined looked of shock and embarrassment when sakusa opened the door. you held up the tray of sweets, a combination of cookies and brownies. you weren’t sure what he liked best, so you settled with the most common desserts that almost everyone enjoyed: chocolate chip cookies and brownies. “these are for you, sakusa. as a thank you and apology for my package.”
sakusa stared down at the tray in your hands, trying to decide if he was going to accept it or not. he didn’t feel like he needed an apology (though the thank you was nice, as it’s the normal thing to). but the sound of sakusa’s grandma rang in his head, telling him that rejecting gifts was rude. he grabbed the tray from your hands, getting ready to bow and say his thanks when probably his worst nightmare came true.
“oh m’god, ‘re ya dildo girl?” atsumu asked, a large smile covering his face, “y’know i really hope ya didn’t mind my lookin’ in the box, omi told me not t’, but the curiosity was killin’ me.” he walked closer to the door, staring down at your blushing face. “not sure if he relayed my message, but if ya ever get tired of the dil-”
“enough, miya,” sakusa hissed, shoving his friend further back into the apartment. “i really am very sorry, y/n. about him, and the package thing.” he had to pretend he couldn’t feel the heat in his cheeks, hoping you’d do the same. “we can just pretend that never happened, if you want.”
you nodded your head, though you couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. the tall, pro-volleyball player sakusa kiyoomi towered over you, blush spread across his cheeks as he apologizes for his best friend, pro-volleyball player miya atsumu. if the circumstances were different, you’d be living your best life. “we can pretend none of this happened, if you prefer. we’ll have a formal meeting another time.”
without further goodbye, you walked away from sakusa’s front door and toward your own. if these few interactions with your neighbor were any indication for how the rest of your time living there would be, you knew that there wouldn’t be many dull moments.
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reblogs, comments, nd likes appreciated (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
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ghostlygeto · 1 year
🐶 What kind of pets would you have with each of your selfships?
kiyoomi and i definitely have two cats. one that’s nice and fluffy and another that has shorthair! they’re not any special or fancy breed, we quite literally found them both on the side of the road covered in mud. (omi was very against getting them, but he can never tell me no)
‘samu and i have a dog! maybe two. if two, one of a senior dog that we rescued and the other is probably my dream dog (a corgi, i’m a little basic). i think the corgi would’ve been his gift to me for our one year marriage anniversary :’)
reiner and i keep “unusual” pets. when i was a teenager i kept rats as pets for several years. i think that he’d be iffy at first on them but he grows to love them. we consistently keep rats for probably 6 years before i convince him to move onto ferrets :3
i’ll do one more. hmmmm… edward and i keep fish! we love the ‘look don’t touch’ type of pet, but we put a lot into our fish tanks. we probably have 2, one for a schooling type of fish and another for a gorgeous male beta fish :3 also i convince him to let me get a couple white tree frogs….
selfship asks !!
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ghostlygeto · 1 year
For the ask game: 💍 what's your dream wedding like? Is it the same for all of your selfships?
actually weddings are like the one thing i never think about. even in real life i have literally no idea what i’d want for a wedding.
but i think for a few of my selfships, like kiyoomi or osamu, we’d have a small wedding with friends and family. the reception would be wild, though.
i’m not sure if i’d have real weddings with any of my other selfships. i’m pretty content with going to a courthouse and signing paper work above all else :’) then getting together with from friends after to celebrate
selfship asks !!
sorry it took me a bit to reply, i have not been online this weekend >.< !!
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ghostlygeto · 1 year
thinking about my sakusa selfship and crying fr
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ghostlygeto · 1 year
another one: 20 with sakusa <3
omi and i’s first kiss was kind of embarrassing. it was before we started dating, we were hanging out in my apartment (we are apartment neighbors!) and drinking, talking about whatever happened most recently with msby. i told him to tell me a secret about himself, since he knew one about me. he told me he had never kissed anyone before.
of course alcohol makes me a brave soul, so i ask if i can be his first kiss. he tells me yes. we don’t technically count this as our first kiss, because if it hadn’t been for the frantic snapchat’s from ‘tsumu (apparently i sent him a video of it) we wouldn’t have even remembered.
send me a number
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ghostlygeto · 1 year
selfships U( ÒㅅÓ)U
bokuto kotaro ᰔ kori
this one is mostly platonic but we are very close best friends. we became friends during our first year of high school because he saw me playing volleyball and asked to play together. that was basically the entirety of our friendship until our second year when we really became close. sometime after graduation when we are both 19, we are both like “haha wouldn’t it be sooo funny if we slept together” and then i end up pregnant. we try dating for a little bit but it falls through, but we remain best friends & make amazing coparents.
miya osamu ᰔ osari
same universe as my bokuto selfship! bokuto and atsumu got tired of ‘samu and i being lonely and introduced us, it was quite literally love at first sight tbh. it took both of us awhile to actually acknowledge the other had feelings, we are both a little oblivious. and ofc it took me forever to introduce him to bokuto and i’s daughter. but once he meets her they are literally inseparable. ‘samu is an amazing stepdad to her & loves her like she was his own.
- stepdad!osamu
sisterwives au: where i meet samu through two friends. he and i end up as roommates pretty soon after meeting because my lease was up & he wanted a roommate. it’s very quickly roommates to “secret” lovers except we are so bad at keeping it a secret. everyone knows, but they play along for the sake of us. our relationship comes to light to atsumu first because he spends the night at osamu and i’s place in the guest room which is supposed to be “my room”. he wakes up in a cold sweat realizing that there shouldn’t be a guest room in a two bedroom apartment where two “roommates” live…
sakusa kiyoomi ᰔ kiyori
apartment neighbors. i ask him to get a package for me while i’m out, atsumu embarrasses the both of us. it’s a very slow burn, it takes awhile for him to warm up to me and feel like he deserves to be loved. i help him learn what it is like to really be loved & to be comfortable receiving it, he helps me learn what it’s like to be loved unconditionally.
- my neighbor sakusa (package incident)
- first kiss
akaashi keiji ᰔ winji
right person, wrong time to right person right time. we start dating shortly into college after being friends in high school, but things don’t work out between us because we are both really busy. our breakup is painful but we still love and care for each other. several years later we’re both graduated and we run into each other again. as if no time as passed, we immediately start talking and catching up on lost time. we start dating and this time things go the way they’re meant to. &lt;3
edward elric ᰔ winward
childhood friends to lovers. i met edward shortly after he became a state alchemist. i traveled around with the two of them until after everything with father, when i was taken in by riza and roy as their honorary daughter. edward comes back to central three years later and that's when we reconnected. we got drunk together for the first time since we were younger (we used to steal alcohol from roy often), where he confessed his feelings and kissed me the first time. after his trip to central he finished his travels and then came back, then we moved outside central where we now spend all our time.
eren jaeger ᰔ erri
college au: we have a very..interesting relationship. starting off as friends with benefits but slowly graduating to more, without the titles. eren & i are very back and forth, fighting, bickering, trying to make each other jealous. an admittedly toxic relationship, but we keep going back. he confesses to me one night while i’m drunk and he’s comforting me, and then proceeded to ignore me for the following week and a half. it wasn’t until i cornered him in armin’s apartment that we talked and started dating officially.
ryomen sukuna ᰔ kunari / bekuri
soulmate au: poly selfship with bee. bee and i meet and realize we have matching soul marks on our arms but opposite. we don’t really get it for awhile until we meet sukuna. we realize our soul marks match his markings on his arms, but he already knew this. sukuna searches for us in all of our lifetimes, usually finding us together but there are some lifetimes we are apart. sukuna is always patient and loving to us, giving us space and whatever we need (after all it is a little bizarre to learn your soulmate is a 7ft tall curse with four arms).
- bekuri blog
baji keisuke ᰔ beri
during a little trip to japan, cross paths the first time when a group of my friends and i are walking home late one night. he and a few other toman members are stopped at the stop light my friends and i are walking across. we make eye contact and that’s literally it. but a few days later my group stopped at a random bakery and he sees me through the window. this is when we talk for the first time. except it’s hard, because i speak minimal japanese and he speaks minimal english. still we manage to exchange numbers and continue talking when i’m in the states. we’re a long distance relationship AND have a bit of a language barrier, but we learn and make it work :3
kazuki kurusu ᰔ winki
cherry and i live across the hall from kazuki and rei. i’m miri’s ballet teacher, but we don’t really meet for the first time until he picks miri up from our apartment when my housemate was supposed to be babysitting, but volunteered me instead since she had to work. kazuki and i’s relationship faces many ups and downs and we go through a period of time where we don’t talk, but ultimately we end up back together and have a son
james wilson ᰔ jami
i perform the autopsies at princeton-plainsboro teaching hospital which is where we meet. things are strictly platonic for awhile, because he’s married. but things go wrong (as they do in wilson’s relationships) and i’m there for him. one thing leads to another and we start seeing each other. we have a lot of ups and downs, angst, and at one point we break up for several years and he almost remarries but it doesn't go through. eventually we end up together and things work out nicely :3
- wish u were here
- elevator
astarion ᰔ astari
nothing to say yet!
okkotsu yuuta ᰔ yuuri
nothing to say yet!
geto suguru ᰔ sugeri
nothing to say yet!
gojo satoru ᰔ gori
nothing to say yet!
reiner braun ᰔ perei
nothing to say yet!
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