#semi automatic organic waste converter
Embracing Sustainability: The Semi-Automatic Composter
In our ongoing quest for a more sustainable world, waste management stands at the forefront of our efforts. As we grapple with increasing waste generation and its impact on the environment, innovative solutions are emerging to address these challenges. One such solution that has gained prominence is the semi-automatic composter – a unique blend of tradition and technology that offers a promising approach to responsible waste management.
The Evolution of Waste Management:
Waste management has come a long way from simply discarding waste into landfills. The rising awareness of environmental issues and the need to conserve resources have prompted the development of more sustainable practices. Composting, a natural process that converts organic waste into a nutrient-rich soil amendment, has become a cornerstone of eco-friendly waste management. Compost enriches the soil, reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, and diverts organic waste from landfills, where it would release harmful greenhouse gases.
The Birth of Semi-Automatic Composters:
Enter the semi-automatic composter, a revolutionary step in the evolution of composting. This innovation brings together the wisdom of traditional composting methods and the efficiency of modern technology. Unlike fully automated composters that require minimal human intervention, semi-automatic composters strike a delicate balance between human involvement and technological assistance.
Understanding the Mechanism:
At the core of a Semi-Automatic Organic Waste Composter lies a sophisticated design that encourages user participation while streamlining the composting process. Here's how it typically operates:
1. Feeding: Users add a mixture of kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other biodegradables into the composter. This initial step ensures the introduction of diverse organic materials necessary for a successful composting process.
2. Turning or Mixing: The Semi-Automatic Organic Waste Composter is often equipped with a mechanical system that aids in turning or mixing the compost pile. This critical step facilitates aeration, which promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms and accelerates decomposition.
3. Monitoring and Adjustment: Integrated sensors continuously monitor parameters like temperature, humidity, and moisture levels within the composter. Users can then adjust factors such as airflow and moisture content based on these readings to create an optimal composting environment.
4. Aeration Control: Some systems include features that allow users to manually control fans or blowers. This gives them the ability to provide additional aeration to the compost pile when needed, further enhancing decomposition.
5. Composting Chambers: Many Semi automatic organic waste converters incorporate multiple chambers, each designated for different composting stages. Users move materials between these chambers as the composting process advances.
6. Safety and Control: To ensure the process is safe and efficient, Semi automatic organic waste converter often come equipped with safety mechanisms that prevent overloading or overheating.
The Benefits Unveiled:
The merits of semi-automatic composters extend beyond their hybrid design. Here are some of the key benefits that make them a compelling choice for waste management:
1. Hands-On Engagement: Semi-automatic composters encourage users to actively participate in the composting process. This engagement fosters a deeper connection to sustainable practices, promoting a sense of accomplishment and responsibility.
2. Enhanced Efficiency: By incorporating automated features, these composters optimize the composting process. This results in faster decomposition times, allowing users to obtain nutrient-rich compost more quickly.
3. Versatility in Space: Available in various sizes, semi-automatic composters are adaptable to diverse spaces. Whether in a backyard, a community garden, or a small-scale business, these systems can be tailored to suit the available area.
4. Educational Tool: Semi-automatic composters serve as valuable educational tools. They offer insights into the science of decomposition, waste reduction, and the transformation of organic waste into a valuable resource.
5. Resource Recovery: By converting organic waste into compost, these systems contribute to resource recovery. Valuable nutrients are returned to the soil, enriching it and promoting healthier plant growth.
Choosing the Right Semi-Automatic Composter:
When considering a semi-automatic composter, several semi-automatic composter manufacturers are there and several factors warrant careful consideration. The volume of organic waste generated, available space, desired level of involvement, and budget constraints all play a role in selecting the appropriate model. Researching different options, reading user reviews, and considering warranties can aid in making an informed decision.
Kelvin Water Technologies is a pioneer in the organic waste composter industry. They specialize in developing innovative, eco-friendly products that reduce waste, conserve water, and promote sustainable practices. They offer organic waste composters, fully Automatic Composters, Semi Automatic Composters for both residential and commercial applications. 
These units have a low environmental impact, and use an innovative approach to the composting process which uses minimal energy, is odorless, and requires no natural aeration. The company also offers custom composting solutions for all types of business, industry, or home applications. Their products and services can help enhance environmental sustainability through the reduction of waste and the more efficient use of water.
As we journey towards a more sustainable future, innovations like the semi-automatic composter are paving the way for responsible waste management. By blending the virtues of tradition and technology, these composters empower individuals to actively engage in composting while harnessing the benefits of efficient automation. Through these systems, we are not only reducing waste but also nurturing a deeper connection to the environment. Let's embrace the semi-automatic composter as a catalyst for change and a symbol of our commitment to fostering a greener planet for generations to come.
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kelvinwatertech · 1 year
Semi Automatic Composter Machine
Are you tired of throwing away your food waste and contributing to environmental pollution? Do you want an efficient way to turn your organic waste into nutrient-rich compost for your garden? Look no further than the semi-automatic composter machine! This innovative appliance makes composting easy, even for those without a green thumb. In this blog post, we'll explore everything you need to know about semi-automatic composter machines, from their different types and pros and cons, to what foods work best with them and delicious recipes to try out. Get ready to revolutionize the way you dispose of food waste while also helping our planet!
What is a Semi Automatic Composter Machine?
A semi automatic composter machine is an appliance that helps you compost food waste and other organic materials quickly and easily. It uses a combination of heat, moisture, and air to break down the waste into nutrient-rich soil. Most semi automatic composter machines have two chambers: one for adding fresh waste and another for curing compost. The addition chamber has a lid with small holes to allow oxygen in while keeping pests out. Inside this chamber, there are shredded leaves or paper as a source of carbon to balance the nitrogen-rich food scraps. Once enough material has been added, you simply turn on the machine, which will mix everything together and provide enough heat to speed up decomposition. Some models even have sensors that monitor temperature levels and adjust accordingly. After several weeks of regular additions and turning cycles inside the machine's container, your finished compost should be ready! This nutrient-rich soil can then be used on plants or garden beds to improve their growth without any harmful chemicals from synthetic fertilizers. A semi automatic composter machine offers an efficient way to reduce food waste while also creating valuable resources for gardening enthusiasts.
The Different Types of Semi Automatic Composter Machines
Semi automatic composter machines come in various types, each offering unique features and benefits. One type is the drum-style composter that rotates on a horizontal or vertical axis. This type of composter requires manual turning to aerate the waste for faster decomposition. Another type is the tumbler-style composter that has a rotating chamber mounted on an axle. You can easily turn this machine by hand without leaving your spot, making it more convenient than a drum-style one. A third type of semi automatic composters is electric composters with automated systems and built-in sensors to maintain optimal temperature, moisture level and airflow for efficient decomposition. These high-end machines are perfect for those who want to invest in a fully automated system. There's the hybrid style as well which utilizes both electricity and manual labor. They have an electric motor that helps rotate chambers but also requires you to occasionally manually add food scraps or other organic materials. All these different types cater to different needs of users so choose wisely based on your requirements!
Pros and Cons of a Semi Automatic Composter Machine
A semi automatic composter machine is a great investment for anyone who wants to reduce waste and make their own compost. However, like any other product, it has its pros and cons. One of the biggest advantages of using a semi-automatic composter machine is that it can help you save time and effort in making compost. It is more efficient than traditional methods because it can process organic waste faster. Another advantage of a semi-automatic composter machine is that it reduces the amount of waste that goes to landfills, which helps to protect the environment. By turning your kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich soil, you are contributing to sustainability efforts. On the flip side, one potential drawback of using a semi-automatic composter machine is that it requires electricity or battery power to operate. This means that if there's an outage or if you don't have access to electricity, you won't be able to use your machine. Additionally, some models may not be suitable for larger households or those with heavier usage as they might not be capable enough in terms of size and capacity. While there are both benefits and drawbacks associated with using a semi automatic composter machine, overall they provide an easy way for people looking at reducing their carbon footprint by recycling food scraps into rich nutrients for plants without much effort on their part compared with traditional composting solutions..
What Foods to Eat with a Semi Automatic Composter Machine?
When using a semi-automatic composter machine, it's important to know what foods can be added to the machine. The good news is that most organic waste can be composted with a few exceptions. Firstly, fruits and vegetables are great additions to the composter. They contain essential nutrients and minerals that will help your plants thrive once you use the compost as fertilizer in your garden. You can also add eggshells, coffee grounds, tea bags, bread scraps and grains. However, avoid adding meats or dairy products as they won't break down properly in the machine and may attract pests. Oily or greasy food should also be avoided since they tend to slow down the decomposition process. It's important to note that you should always cut up larger pieces of food before adding them into the composter so that they decompose more quickly. Also, don't overload your machine with too much food at once - this could cause clogs which would make it difficult for your composter to function effectively. By knowing what foods work best for your semi-automatic composting machine you'll be able to produce nutrient-rich soil for all of your gardening needs!
Recipes for a Semi Automatic Composter Machine
Using a semi-automatic composter machine to compost your food scraps is not only eco-friendly but can also provide you with nutrient-rich soil for gardening. But did you know that it can also be used to create delicious and healthy meals? One recipe idea is to make vegetable broth using your food scraps. Simply add onion peels, carrot tops, celery leaves, garlic skins, and any other vegetable scraps into the composter machine. Once it has gone through its cycle, strain the resulting liquid and use it as a base for soups or stews. Another recipe idea is to make pesto using herbs like basil or parsley along with garlic cloves and nuts like pine nuts or almonds. Add these ingredients into the composter machine along with some olive oil and let it do its job. The end result will be a fragrant and flavorful pesto that can be used as a dip or spread. You could even use your semi-automatic composter machine to make homemade fruit leather by pureeing fruits like strawberries or blueberries along with honey or maple syrup before putting them in the composter machine. Spread out the resulting mixture on parchment paper and bake in your oven until dried out. There are countless ways to incorporate your semi-automatic composter machine into cooking delicious meals while reducing waste at the same time!
Alternatives to the Semi Automatic Composter Machine
While a semi automatic composter machine can be an excellent addition to any household, it may not be the right fit for everyone. Fortunately, there are alternative methods for composting that can still yield great results. One option is vermicomposting, which involves using worms to break down food scraps and organic waste. This method is ideal for those who live in apartments or have limited outdoor space since it can be done indoors with minimal odor. Another option is traditional composting using a bin or pile outside. While this method requires more effort than a semi automatic composter machine, it's still relatively easy and inexpensive. Simply collect your organic waste in a designated container and mix with dry materials like leaves and twigs before adding to the pile. Bokashi composting is another popular alternative that uses microorganisms to ferment food scraps instead of breaking them down through decomposition. It's also suitable for indoor use but does require purchasing specific bokashi bran as well as an air-tight container. There are various alternatives available depending on your needs and preferences when it comes to composting.
To sum up, a semi-automatic composter machine can be an excellent addition to any household or small-scale business looking to reduce their waste and create nutrient-rich compost for plants. With its various types, pros and cons, food recommendations, and recipe ideas, there is something for everyone when it comes to these machines. While they may not be the perfect solution for every situation, the benefits of using a semi-automatic composter machine are hard to ignore. They offer convenience, efficiency, and sustainability all in one compact package. If you are considering purchasing a semi-automatic composter machine or already have one at home or work, we hope this article has given you some helpful insights into how best to use it. Happy composting!
Visit - https://kelvinindia.in/semiautomatic-composter
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poojalate · 7 months
Latest Innovations In Refrigerator Technology
In recent days, the refrigeration industry has seen incredible developing beyond its standard cooling features. The most recent developments in refrigerator technology have completely transformed how you store and preserve food. These technologies update the modern kitchen, from energy-efficient designs to smart cooling systems. When shopping for a new refrigerator, it is crucial to identify the best fridge company known for producing reliable appliances with cutting-edge features. Here, you can look into the recent innovations in refrigerator technology:
Hybrid cooling system 
The advantages of conventional compressor cooling are combined with the effectiveness of more recent technologies, such as thermoelectric cooling, in hybrid cooling systems. Due to this invention, refrigerators may run more energy-efficiently and quietly. In hybrid systems, the thermoelectric module maintains the correct temperature after the compressor initially cools the system. This increases the refrigerator's durability by extending the compressor's lifespan and lowering energy usage.
Humidity sensors 
Lacking the time or energy to determine the optimal position for that plastic toggle precisely? Luckily, certain manufacturers are adopting a more advanced solution to address this issue, offering a significantly more user-friendly experience. Look for the best fridge company who incorporating humidity sensor features to maintain the perfect conditions for fresh produce. A software automatically monitors the conditions within the crisper, preventing your produce from wilting and ensuring the drawer doesn't become a moisture-laden environment.
Brighter Illumination
In the past, refrigerators utilized traditional lighting, characterized by a yellowish-dim glow. Unfortunately, this type of lighting failed to illuminate the fridge effectively and tended to generate excessive heat. The latest trend in refrigerators involves incorporating brighter and energy-efficient LED lights. These long-lasting LED lights brightly illuminate every nook and cranny within the fridge's interior compartment, contributing to substantial savings on electricity bills. Modern refrigerators featuring advanced LED lighting are more energy-efficient, consuming less power than conventional lights.
Customizable Storage 
Customizable storage solutions are the focus of recent advancements in refrigerator design. Modular compartments, temperature zones that may be customized, and adjustable shelves are increasingly commonplace. Convertible refrigerator compartments allow customers to choose between freezing and cooling modes. This feature will enable users to organize their storage space more creatively. This innovation ensures maximum freshness and minimizes food waste by accommodating various storage needs and food item varieties.
Glass Door Refrigerators
Many leading brands have considered this technology when designing their smart refrigerator models. Glass door refrigerators are available in various panel styles to suit different preferences. These styles encompass high-gloss colored or tinted graphite glass panels, semi-opaque or frosted glass panels, and stainless steel doors with clear window inserts. The clear glass panels allow easy viewing of the refrigerator's contents without opening the door. Crafted with an emphasis on aesthetics, glass door refrigerators provide an elegant appearance and contribute to a premium feel in your home interiors.
Ending thoughts
The most recent advancements in refrigerator technology represent a major improvement in convenience, sustainability, and energy efficiency. When searching for the best fridge under 20000, consider models that balance energy efficiency and recent technology. Accepting these developing technologies advances lifestyle while paving the way for a more efficient future.
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netsolwatersblog · 7 months
Who Is The Best Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer In India?
Netsol Water Solutions is one among the leading Commercial RO Plant manufacturer and supplier in India serving numbers of consumers. Our various models of RO Water Plants like 50 LPH RO plant, 100 LPH RO plant, 250 LPH RO system, 500 LPH RO plant, 1000 LPH Commercial RO plant, etc. are ISO certified, BIS Qualified and have high demand within the water treatment market due to its ability to convert raw, contaminated water into water .
RO water plant is a complicated water treatment plant that efficiently removes impurities, organic matter and harmful chemicals from raw water and yields fresh and purified water, which is suitable for various industrial purposes. Netsol Water Solutions is that the leading Industrial/commercial RO plant manufacturer in India, which provides ISO-certified RO water system. Netsol Water is the best commercial ro plant manufacturer in India at best affordable rates.
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We customize our water systems to satisfy the precise requirement of our customers at a reasonable cost. We provide fully-automatic and semi-automatic systems supported our customer’s preferences. Our Reverse Osmosis Plant is formed of chrome steel material which ensures longer durability of the water system. The merchandise water capacity available ranges from 100 LPH RO Plant to 500 LPH RO Plant, suitable for all types of industries.
Netsol Water Solution is a Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India based manufacturer, seller, and supplier of waste and wastewater treatment plant. With the latest and leading technology, we are the leader Commercial RO Plant, Industrial RO Manufacturer, Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer, Effluent Treatment Plant. For any detailed query or purchase call us on – +91-9650608473 or email us at – [email protected].
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balingmachine · 1 year
10 Benefits Of Semi Automatic Organic Waste Converter
A Semi Automatic Organic Waste Converter offers a range of compelling benefits. Firstly, it diverts organic waste from landfills, lessening their environmental impact. By transforming waste into nutrient-rich compost, it bolsters soil health and fertility. This process also reduces waste volume, easing the strain on disposal sites and curbing transportation costs. Financially, it delivers savings by producing cost-effective compost and diminishing the need for external fertilizers. 
Environmentally, it mitigates greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane, contributing to climate change mitigation. Additionally, community engagement is fostered through educational opportunities and localized compost production, while the reduction of foul odors and pests ensures a healthier living environment. By closing the nutrient loop, it supports sustainable agriculture. Moreover, compliance with Waste Management regulations is facilitated. Overall, a semi organic waste converter aligns economic, environmental, and community interests, making it an indispensable asset in modern waste facilities strategies.
Efficient Waste Management: One of the primary benefits of a semi-automatic organic waste converter is its ability to efficiently manage organic waste. This technology accelerates the decomposition process, converting organic waste into nutrient-rich compost in a relatively short time frame. This reduces the reliance on conventional landfill disposal methods, minimizing the environmental impact of waste.
Reduced Landfilling: Organic waste is a major contributor to landfills. Using a semi automatic OWC helps divert organic waste from landfills, reducing landfill space requirements and associated environmental impacts.
Compost Production: The OWC converts organic waste into nutrient-rich compost, which can be used to improve soil fertility, retain moisture, and enhance plant growth in gardens, farms, and landscapes.
Waste Volume Reduction: Organic waste, particularly food scraps and yard waste, can take up significant space in landfills. The converter significantly reduces the volume of organic waste through the composting process, thereby reducing the need for additional landfill space and curbing transportation costs.
Can handle tonnes of scrap : This robust system efficiently handles tons of scrap material, streamlining waste management and recycling processes for enhanced sustainability and resource recovery.
Comfortable to use : Designed for user comfort, this intuitive system ensures ease of operation, making it a user-friendly choice for efficient waste processing and management.
Financial Savings: Producing compost locally through a semi-automatic converter can lead to substantial financial savings. The compost generated can be used on-site or sold, reducing the need for commercial fertilizers and other soil amendments. This cost-saving aspect is particularly attractive for businesses, farms, and municipalities.
Improved Soil Health: The compost produced from the OWC enriches soil with essential nutrients, improves soil structure, and enhances microbial activity, leading to healthier and more productive soils.
Saves the environment : Semi Automatic Organic Waste Composter plays a vital role in environmental conservation by diverting organic waste from landfills, minimizing methane emissions, and producing valuable compost. This eco-friendly solution reduces pollution, conserves resources, and promotes sustainable waste management, contributing significantly to the overall well-being and health of our planet.
Resource Recovery: The automatic waste converter facilitates the efficient recovery of valuable resources from organic waste. It closes the nutrient loop by recycling organic matter back into the soil, reducing the need for external inputs and promoting a circular economy approach.
A Semi Automatic Composter is a remarkable innovation that offers numerous benefits for waste management, resource optimization, and environmental well-being. By accelerating the decomposition process, reducing manual labor, and producing nutrient-rich compost, this technology not only saves time and resources but also contributes to the reduction of landfill waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Its role in promoting sustainable practices, conserving resources, and mitigating climate change highlights its importance in creating a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come.
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vue-ai · 2 years
Intelligent document processing
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Let’s get real - most of us HATE paperwork. But documents are also the foundation of how our business gets done, from contracts to records to paper applications. Extracting and processing information from these documents involves operationally intensive processes. Or to put it simply, it’s a pain. Let’s get to the numbers involved:
80% of a company’s information resources exist as unstructured data. 
9 in 10 employees waste up to 8 hours a week looking for data within documents
Companies spend 15% of their revenue on creating, managing, and distributing paper documents
And the results? Unplanned delays, errors, wasted time and even financial implications when documents are processed poorly.
Introducing: Intelligent Document Processing
Intelligent Document Processing by Blox.ai leverages AI with programmable automation. And what can you do with it?
Convert data from semi-structured and unstructured documents into usable, structured formats.
Enable faster and more accurate processing of documents across use cases (Listed at the end!) with organized data that is optimized for downstream processes.
How It Works
The Blox.ai Intelligent Document Processing solution uses Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision (CV), Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and machine learning tools to identify, label, and extract relevant data from any input document.
The extracted information is mapped into a structured format while the AI configures a model which can be applied to all similar document types.
The structured data is then matched, qualified, and reconciled against specified guidelines, thresholds, or other documents based on business needs.
The output is pushed to downstream systems automatically.
Blox.ai’s AI-on-AI layer enables real-time selection of the most relevant algorithm for a particular use case from the model library, leading to a more robust solution that is capable of handling diverse scenarios and edge cases.
Where You Can Use Intelligent Document Processing
According to IDC, 43% of knowledge workers say that paper-based workflows make their daily tasks less efficient, costlier, and less productive. With Blox.ai, enterprises have seen:
~ 90% accuracy in extracting key values from documents
85% decrease in time taken to organize data
50% reduction in resource costs
Maximize human potential in your business with Blox.ai
Process any document type through intelligent extraction, multi-way matching, and reconciliation with Blox.Intelligent document processing optimizes your document workflows through a combination of intelligent and programmable automation. Convert data from semi-structured and unstructured documents into usable, structured formats.
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kelvinwatertech01 · 3 years
How Compost affects soil and plants?
1. Many beneficial insects, worms, and other creatures burrow into compost-enriched soil, keeping it properly aerated.
2. Diseases and dangerous pests that may overwhelm weak, lifeless soil may be suppressed by compost.
3. Compost microorganisms break down organic matter into nutrients that plants may use.
4. Some bacteria transform nitrogen from the air into a fertilizer that plants can use. Learn composting now: https://www.kelvinindia.in/organic-waste.html
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adobe-outdesign · 3 years
Pokemon Worldbuilding Headcanons
Exactly what it says in the title. Some are based on the game, some on the anime, and some directly contradict both because the Pokemon lore is made up and your feelings don’t matter.
Pokemon heal faster when unconscious or asleep--thus, they faint easily from pain or exhaustion in order to recuperate.
During evolution, a Pokemon converts itself into energy and reforms itself. Evolution is optional, and a Pokemon can choose if and when it evolves. Evolution is triggered by both an environmental circumstance (ex: winning a battle), and by the Pokemon storing up energy over time until it has enough to transform.
Stress evolutions are when a Pokemon evolves prematurally in order to win a battle or when they’re in a life-or-death situation. This can result in the evolution being smaller than normal and possibly weaker as well.
“Trade evolutions” are a loose grouping of Pokemon that typically evolve when they start working with a new trainer. The exact reasons for the evolution varies by individual, and therefore can have multiple causes.
Ex: a Pokemon may evolve after it learns something from someone else. While the easiest way to achieve this is through trade, they may also evolve by training under a wiser, older Pokemon.
Trade evolutions are somewhat rare in the wild, but not unheard of.
Pokemon that evolve via stones cannot store enough energy to evolve naturally. The stones contain extra energy that they can tap into in order to aid in evolution.
Everstones work similar to sponges; they absorb the extra energy a Pokemon would normally store up to evolve, thus preventing them from doing so. They’re mostly used for medical purposes (as a Pokemon evolving when badly injured could worsen its injuries) and to help prevent stress evolutions in Pokemon that don’t want to evolve.
Pokemon types are based on the type of energy they utilize, rather than moves or appearance. Ex: Charizard is not dragon-type despite looking like a dragon because it doesn’t use dragon-type energy. New energies are discovered all the time and Pokemon are reclassified as needed.
Pokemon typing also changes as they (Darwinian) evolve. A Pokemon that’s normal/grass used to be normal-type, has started to gain grass-typing, and will eventually be only grass-type.
Humans are descended from Pokemon. They used to be psychic-type before becoming normal-type and then losing their typing all together. At this point they no longer are energy-based nor do they lay eggs, so they’re considered a separate-but-related family.
This is why some people still show psychic powers; those abilities never completely went away in some bloodlines.
Pokemon have been domesticated for so long that there’s actually no such thing as a “wild” Pokemon anymore (with the exception of legendaries). Wild Pokemon are technically feral, and any given Pokemon will quickly adapt to living with humans if caught.
Pokemon used to look different hundreds of years ago, and have slowly undergone Darwinian evolution over time as they were domesticated.
“Most trainers will legendaries shortly after their journey starts” statistic false. Most trainers will see no legendaries in their lifetimes. Ash Ketchum, who’s seen every single legendary in existence, is an outlier and should not be counted
However, areas where legendaries are known to live are oftentimes marked as no-catch conservation areas. People will oftentime travel to these parks to admire “common” legendaries (such as the bird trio) in their natural habitats.
Not knocking out a Pokemon you’re trying to capture is more of a honored rule than a law. The reason it’s done is to give the Pokemon ample time to flee--otherwise, someone may one-shot a Pokemon that doesn’t want a trainer, resulting in the Pokemon being unfairly knocked out and the trainer wasting their time.
If you give the Pokemon time to flee and it chooses to stay and fight, it’s potentially interested in accepting you as a trainer and you just have to prove yourself. If it flees, you should leave it alone.
Pokemon used for battles are specifically trained to not cause permanent harm or injury to their opponents (ex: that fire blast isn’t as hot as it could be, so it’ll only cause minor burns instead of third-degree ones). While the attacks used might look violent and cause some pain, serious injuries are very rare.
Wild Pokemon are also pretty good at restraining themselves if they’re just battling for fun or to test a trainer. They will not, however, restrain themselves if they feel threatened or are hunting. Trainers are advised to use caution when fighting wild Pokemon and return their Pokemon to their balls if necessary.
Psychic-types (Mr. Mime especially) are used to create protective barriers around arenas/trainers to protect people from flying debris and stray attacks.
Refs always have a few Pokemon on hand that know moves like stun spore or sleep powder in order to stop any fights that get out of hand.
While some trainers different Pokemon by using different types of Pokeballs, decorating them is also a popular way to do it. Some people draw symbols or initials on the buttons, some add stickers, some paint them, ect.
Stores also sell semi-transparent hard shells that snap over the balls. These come in different colors and designs, so you can have a Pokeball that has a galaxy design on top instead of plain red if you want.
Most trainers keep about 40 some Pokemon or less, which they rotate between their party, the PC, and daycares/Pokemon sitters to keep them enriched and active. Some people keep more, but they generally spend all of their time caring for them and therefore aren’t trainers.
The general rule of thumb is to not leave a Pokemon in the PC for more than two weeks. If you fail to take them out after a month, they will be automatically removed and released back into the wild.
Pokeballs create little miniature simulations of nature, making them feel bigger on the inside. Different types of pokeballs have different or more advanced simulations, which may increase how much a Pokemon likes being in it.
Pokeballs create an invisible “tag” for the Pokemon by altering their energy when they’re first caught. These tags affect nothing, but Pokeballs are programmed to automatically check for one before they’ll activate.
Many poachers and other illegal groups produce their own illegal Pokeballs that do not check for tags before capture.
If a Pokeball breaks, it automatically releases the Pokemon inside and removes their tag.
Tags fade after about a month to allow for other trainers to capture a Pokemon after it’s been permanently released. The tag is automatically refreshed every time a Pokemon is brought back into its ball.
The standard Pokeball pattern is based off of the patterns of the Foongus line. Pokemon are very attracted to their markings, so the balls are painted the same to make the Pokemon like them more.
Rather than combining genetics, Pokemon reproduce by combining their energy together (this looks a bit like two Pokemon evolving at the same time). Because of this, they lack reproductive organs and chromosomes.
Gender is a loosely defined concept for them. Pokemon can change their sex upon evolution if they want to, and some will change their sex over time (ex: legendaries are usually genderless, but will gain a sex to breed and then lose it again afterward).
If a Pokemon doesn’t display sexual dimorphism, the only way to determine their sex is to have a Pokemon Center do a blood test.
Eggs aren’t laid, but created. The pregnant Pokemon fosters energy in their body. When ready they separate the extra energy from themselves (once again, looks a bit like evolution), which forms into the egg. This causes them no pain, and means they have short gestation periods.
This also means Pokemon never look pregnant. The only way to tell is by getting them tested or paying attention to changes in behavior. Many trainers end up with eggs out of nowhere because they had no idea one of their Pokemon was pregnant to begin with.
In the wild, some species of Pokemon will lay hundreds of eggs (such as fish and bug Pokemon) to ensure their survival. In captivity, Pokemon rarely create more than 1 or 2 eggs at a time, likely because they understand their young are safe with their trainers.
Pokemon develop more quickly in their eggs than IRL animals. They can technically hatch shortly after the egg is made, but they usually spend extra time inside maturing. By the time the egg hatches, the baby already has fur/feathers/whatever, and can walk and eat solid food. This helps ensure their survival against predators.
Young Pokemon are differentiated by being “mature” or “immature”; an immature Pokemon will still gradually grow and change appearance, while a mature one is fully grown until it evolves. A Pokemon cannot evolve until it’s considered mature (excluding mega evolution for single-stagers).
To use Vulpix as a canon example: a newly hatched immature Vulpix is about 8 in tall and has one white tail. A mature Vulpix is about 2 ft tall and has six red tails.
In the wild, Pokemon mostly breed amongst their own species. The exception are Pokemon with uneven gender ratios (so if a Pokemon is 7:1 male vs female, the males will actively breed with anything in their egg group). Inter-species breeding among captive Pokemon is much more common, and usually based on the Pokemon’s personal preferences.
Hybridization in Pokemon born from two different parents is very rare, but it does happen from time to time. It’s more common in Pokemon that look similar or are distantly related.
“Perfect” hybrids, Pokemon that have equal amounts of traits from both parents as well as typing and abilities, are more sought after than shinies. They usually can’t breed due to their mix of energies.
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riteways-blog · 3 years
Organic Waste Converters to enable "Zero Garbage Zones".
Organic waste converters and Compost machines by Riteways, provides a complete organic waste management solutions to help handle organic waste.Riteways, manufactures entire range of waste converter machines, starting with semi-automatic machines up to fully automatic PLC-based machines without heating the compost pile in an efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible manner, for a better tomorrow.
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zztc · 4 years
How to build a powdered organic fertilizer production line for small farms?
For small farms, there is no need to invest in a large-volume organic fertilizer production line. It is enough to choose a small one for current use, and organic fertilizer manufacturing equipment can be added later. The small-scale organic fertilizer production line reduces the large-volume production line a bit, and the overall process is still the same. This is more suitable for investors with less initial capital and small sites. Using organic fertilizer production lines to produce organic fertilizers that meet national standards, the government will also give certain subsidies, and small organic fertilizer processing equipment can be built without much money, and some farmers directly invest in organic fertilizer production lines. In the open space of their own breeding farm, it is also convenient for farmers to ferment and decompose poultry manure. With the continuous improvement of people's awareness of food quality, the use of organic fertilizers has continued to increase, which has brought unprecedented opportunities to organic fertilizer manufacturers. The organic equipments required for biofertilizer production line converts poultry and livestock manure into organic fertilizer, which effectively realizes the recycling of waste, reduces environmental pollution, and greatly saves resources. The powdery organic fertilizer production line is designed by Zhengzhou Tianci Heavy Industry for the start-up farmers. We are concerned about the high price of organic fertilizer processing equipment, but there is no place to dispose of the manure from our farms, considering the relationship between the farmers’ initial establishment of the factory and the economic funds. , And pollute the environment, there are problems such as bad smell in the radius, so our company has designed a small powdered organic fertilizer production line, which has low investment and quick return, without worrying about the sales problem (for personal use or local sales). The organic fertilizer production line is tens of thousands of yuan, and the low-cost investment not only solves the environmental pollution problem but also increases the income, and can also apply for local government project subsidies. The powdery organic fertilizer production line equipment includes: organic fertilizer turning and throwing machine, semi-wet material crusher, horizontal mixer (optional accessories must be added), drum granulation machine, drum screening machine, belt conveyor (the length of the belt depends on the site), automatic packaging machine. Fermentation tank and production line area occupy about 200 square meters (can be designed to reduce the area according to the customer's actual situation).
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mustafa-el-fats · 4 years
Chapter III
In this chapter we will give you briefly the theories of the Western scientific world regarding the functions of the respiratory organs, and the part in the human economy played by the breath. In subsequent chapters we will give the additional theories and ascertained facts of the Oriental school of thought and research. The Oriental accepts the theories and facts of his Western brothers (which have been known to him for centuries) and adds thereto much that the latter do not now accept, but which they will in due time "discover" and which, after renaming, they will present to the world as a great truth.
Before taking up the Western idea, it will perhaps be better to give a hasty general idea of the Organs of Respiration.
The Organs of Respiration consist of the lungs and the air passages leading to them. The lungs are two in number, and occupy the pleural chamber of the thorax, one on each side of the median line, being separated from each other by the heart, the greater blood vessels and the larger air tubes. Each lung is free in all directions, except at the root, which consists chiefly of the bronchi, arteries and veins connecting the lungs with the trachea and heart. The lungs are spongy and porous, and their tissues are very elastic. They are covered with a delicately constructed but strong sac, known as the pleural sac, one wall of which closely adheres to the lung, and the other to the inner wall of the chest, and which secretes a fluid which allows the inner surfaces of
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the walls to glide easily upon each other in the act of breathing.
The Air Passages consist of the interior of the nose, pharynx, larynx, windpipe or trachea, and the bronchial tubes. When we breathe, we draw in the air through the nose, in which it is warmed by contact with the mucous membrane, which is richly supplied with blood, and after it has passed through the pharynx and larynx it passes into the trachea or windpipe, which subdivides into numerous tubes called the bronchial tubes (bronchia), which in turn subdivide into and terminate in minute subdivisions in all the small air spaces in the lungs, of which the lungs contain millions. A writer has stated that if the air cells of the lungs were spread out over an unbroken surface, they would cover an area of fourteen thousand square feet.
The air is drawn into the lungs by the action of the diaphragm, a great, strong, flat, sheet-like muscle, stretched across the chest, separating the chest-box from the abdomen. The diaphragm's action is almost as automatic as that of the heart, although it may be transformed into a semi-voluntary muscle by an effort of the will. When it expands, it increases the size of the chest and lungs, and the air rushes into the vacuum thus created. When it relaxes the chest and lungs contract and the air is expelled from the lungs.
Now, before considering what happens to the air in the lungs, let us look a little into the matter of the circulation of the blood. The blood, as you know, is driven by the heart, through the arteries, into the capillaries, thus reaching every part of the body, which it vitalizes, nourishes and strengthens. It then
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returns by means of the capillaries by another route, the veins, to the heart, from whence it is drawn to the lungs.
The blood starts on its arterial journey, bright red and rich, laden with life-giving qualities and properties. It returns by the venous route, poor, blue and dull, being laden down with the waste matter of the system. It goes out like a fresh stream from the mountains; it returns as a stream of sewer water. This foul stream goes to the right auricle of the heart. When this auricle becomes filled, it contracts and forces the stream of blood through an opening in the right ventricle of the heart, which in turn sends it on to the lungs, where it is distributed by millions of hair-like blood vessels to the air cells of the lungs, of which we have spoken. Now, let us take up the story of the lungs at this point.
The foul stream of blood is now distributed among the millions of tiny air cells in the lungs. A breath of air is inhaled and the oxygen of the air comes in contact with the impure blood through the thin walls of the hair-like blood vessels of the lungs, which walls are thick enough to hold the blood, but thin enough to admit the oxygen to penetrate them. When the oxygen comes in contact with the blood, a form of combustion takes place, and the blood takes up oxygen and releases carbonic acid gas generated from the waste products and poisonous matter which has been gathered up by the blood from all parts of the system. The blood thus purified and oxygenated is carried back to the heart, again rich, red and bright, and laden with life-giving properties and qualities. Upon reaching the left auricle of the heart, it is forced into the left ventricle, from whence it is again
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forced out through the arteries on its mission of life to all parts of the system. It is estimated that in a single day of twenty-four hours, 35,000 pints of blood traverse the capillaries of the lungs, the blood corpuscles passing in single file and being exposed to the oxygen of the air on both of their surfaces. When one considers the minute details of the process alluded to, he is lost in wonder and admiration at Nature's infinite care and intelligence.
It will be seen that unless fresh air in sufficient quantities reaches the lungs, the foul stream of venous blood cannot be purified, and consequently not only is the body thus robbed of nourishment, but the waste products which should have been destroyed are returned to the circulation and poison the system, and death ensues. Impure air acts in the same way, only in a lessened degree. It will also be seen that if one does not breathe in a sufficient quantity of air, the work of the blood cannot go on properly, and the result is that the body is insufficiently nourished and disease ensues, or a state of imperfect health is experienced. The blood of one who breathes improperly is, of course, of a bluish, dark color, lacking the rich redness of pure arterial blood. This often shows itself in a poor complexion. Proper breathing, and a consequent good circulation, results in a clear, bright complexion.
A little reflection will show the vital importance of correct breathing. If the blood is not fully purified by the regenerative process of the lungs, it returns to the arteries in an abnormal state, insufficiently purified and imperfectly cleansed of the impurities which it took up on its return journey. These impurities if returned to the system will certainly manifest in
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some form of disease, either in a form of blood disease or some disease resulting from impaired functioning of some insufficiently nourished organ or tissue.
The blood, when properly exposed to the air in the lungs, not only has its impurities consumed, and parts with its noxious carbonic acid gas, but it also takes up and absorbs a certain quantity of oxygen which it carries to all parts of the body, where it is needed in order that Nature may perform her processes properly. When the oxygen comes in contact with the blood, it unites with the haemoglobin of the blood and is carried to every cell, tissue, muscle and organ, which it invigorates and strengthens, replacing the wornout cells and tissue by new materials which Nature converts to her use. Arterial blood, properly exposed to the air, contains about 25 per cent of free oxygen.
Not only is every part vitalized by the oxygen, but the act of digestion depends materially upon a certain amount of oxygenation of the food, and this can be accomplished only by the oxygen in the blood coming in contact with the food and producing a certain form of combustion. It is therefore necessary that a proper supply of oxygen be taken through the lungs. This accounts for the fact that weak lungs and poor digestion are so often found together. To grasp the full significance of this statement, one must remember that the entire body receives nourishment from the food assimilated, and that imperfect assimilation always means an imperfectly nourished body. Even the lungs themselves depend upon the same source for nourishment, and if through imperfect breathing the assimilation becomes imperfect, and the lungs in turn become weakened, they are rendered
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still less able to perform their work properly, and so in turn the body becomes further weakened. Every particle of food and drink must be oxygenated before it can yield us the proper nourishment, and before the waste products of the system can be reduced to the proper condition to be eliminated from the system. Lack of sufficient oxygen means imperfect nutrition, imperfect elimination and imperfect health. Verily, "breath is life."
The combustion arising from the change in the waste products generates heat and equalizes the temperature of the body. Good breathers are not apt to "take cold," and they generally have plenty of good warm blood which enables them to resist the changes in the other temperature.
In addition to the above-mentioned important processes, the act of breathing gives exercise to the internal organs and muscles, which feature is generally overlooked by the Western writers on the subject, but which the Yogis fully appreciate.
In imperfect or shallow breathing, only a portion of the lung cells are brought into play, and a great: portion of the lung capacity is lost, the system suffering in proportion to the amount of under-oxygenation. The lower animals, in their native state, breathe naturally, and primitive man undoubtedly did the same. The abnormal manner of living adopted by civilized man—the shadow that follows upon civilization—has robbed us of our natural habit of breathing, and the race has greatly suffered thereby. Man's only physical salvation is to "get back to Nature
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kelvinwatertech · 1 year
Organic Waste Composter Machine for hotels, canteens, mess, temples, ind...
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vaishali10-blog · 5 years
Food Waste Treatment by Organic Waste Converter
Organic waste management is a major problem in many metropolitan areas. A process known as composting is the simplest and splendid method used for organic waste management processes. Composting grows with time and now an intelligent structure is responsible for this process and it is known as Organic Waste Converter Machine. Throwing food waste here and there is called as wastage of time, if you think after throwing your waste you are free from its bad effects then you are wrong because once you throw this waste at some other place, it will start affecting people nearby that areas and affect our environment as well, if our environment is not good then we can’t stay fresh and healthy.
More details about composting:
It is a marvellous process of turning organic waste into a rich product known as compost. This process is a now a smarter one as compost production in this 21st century is the work of OWC Machine and as this is a modern model thus, you get more features in this machine. It is also true that some people are still following composting at home but those who want early results prefer OWC models for this beneficial process.
Organic Waste Composter Machine, all inner and outer parts of this machine are very strong. This composter system will stop its working methodology when doors are opened. The machine utilizes less power for entire working. It is a safer and easy to use system. This product helps you in maintaining clean and tidy environment.
It is good to take a solution on time if organic solid waste problem is affecting your area. The fully and semi-automatic converter systems are A1 machines for organic waste issues. Read more details of these converter machines on search engines and install machine at your area as soon as possible. This model is good for us and our planet earth.
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balingmachine · 3 years
Organic waste composter (OWC) machine
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Kelvin water technologies are one of the leading manufacturer & supplier of Organic waste composter (OWC) machine. 
For more info visit : https://www.kelvinindia.in/organic-waste.html
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vue-ai · 2 years
Intelligent Document Processing
Let’s get real - most of us HATE paperwork. But documents are also the foundation of how our business gets done, from contracts to records to paper applications. Extracting and processing information from these documents involves operationally intensive processes. Or to put it simply, it’s a pain. Let’s get to the numbers involved:
80% of a company’s information resources exist as unstructured data. 
9 in 10 employees waste up to 8 hours a week looking for data within documents
Companies spend 15% of their revenue on creating, managing, and distributing paper documents
And the results? Unplanned delays, errors, wasted time and even financial implications when documents are processed poorly.
Introducing: Intelligent Document Processing
Intelligent Document Processing by Blox.ai leverages AI with programmable automation. And what can you do with it?
Convert data from semi-structured and unstructured documents into usable, structured formats.
Enable faster and more accurate processing of documents across use cases (Listed at the end!) with organized data that is optimized for downstream processes.
How It Works
The Blox.ai Intelligent Document Processing solution uses Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision (CV), Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and machine learning tools to identify, label, and extract relevant data from any input document.
The extracted information is mapped into a structured format while the AI configures a model which can be applied to all similar document types.
The structured data is then matched, qualified, and reconciled against specified guidelines, thresholds, or other documents based on business needs.
The output is pushed to downstream systems automatically.
Blox.ai’s AI-on-AI layer enables real-time selection of the most relevant algorithm for a particular use case from the model library, leading to a more robust solution that is capable of handling diverse scenarios and edge cases.
Where You Can Use Intelligent Document Processing
According to IDC, 43% of knowledge workers say that paper-based workflows make their daily tasks less efficient, costlier, and less productive. With Blox.ai, enterprises have seen:
~ 90% accuracy in extracting key values from documents
85% decrease in time taken to organize data
50% reduction in resource costs
Maximize human potential in your business with Blox.ai
Process any document type through intelligent extraction, multi-way matching, and reconciliation with Blox.Intelligent document processing optimizes your document workflows through a combination of intelligent and programmable automation. Convert data from semi-structured and unstructured documents into usable, structured formats.
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