#semi para
perceivedpast2 · 2 years
❝   it is a very rare feeling for me. all that anger , that wild instinct . ❞ caspian confesses.
he was sitting on the chair with his hands clasped together. the werewolf made a whine. that whine that sounded like a bit of a dog would make. kill.
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he would only do such a thing if it means to protect himself or his friends. the man looked at her.  his eyes made a wide expression. ❝ if i had to defend myself then i’d had to.. ❞
wouldn’t she done the same? the wolf stands up. he was tall , wearing a green sweater while looking .. distressed. ❝ but .. all they saw was.. a werewolf.. a monster. ❞
There was a great sense of compassion that filled Johanna's dead veins as she listened to the werewolf. It seemed, despite being of two completely separate species (some may even say mortal enemies), they weren't too entirely different from one another. Both could easily kill, and both had to carry the guilt that came from taking a life. 
"Defendin' yourself doesn't make you a monster. Least ... I don't think so." Johanna assured, her sweet tone still so soft one could’ve easily missed her speaking if they weren't paying attention. "Just because we ain't human doesn't mean we're monsters either. It's what we choose to do with the ... unique gifts that we've been given." It seemed like little Johanna knew what she was talking about, but the truth some things still ate her even a hundred and fifty something years on. She let out a gentle sigh as her gaze fell again, little fingers playing with the bottom of her jacket. "Sometimes we slip. Sometimes we make mistakes. But we try to do better. For our humanity."
Or whatever left of it there was underneath.
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rosefromdeath · 19 days
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AT FIRST THE VAMPIRE didn't feel the desperate slap of his victim's palm. His teeth, sharp and needy had sunk deep into soft olive neck, which has sent him into a deep frenzy. The only feeling was exaltation and the hunger for more of Gabriella's tasty blood. As the thick liquid made him feel more satiated and stronger, his lids opened and red eyes bore into dark ones. His cold cheek was imprinted with the feeble attempt of slim fingers. " Oh, my. I do love spicy food," The pale elf snided -- she was unexpectedly delicious.. and then it occurred to him, " Are you a virgin, my dear?"
The palm of Gabriella's hand stung as she slapped Astarion with all of her might. It'd been an impulsive response on her behalf (often the sweet and gentle Gabriella never resorted to any acts of violence) ... but what did Astarion expect her to do after he had bitten her? Gabriella clung to her neck with her hand, putting pressure upon the deep puncture wound. Brown doe eyes were wide in absolute shock, delicate eyebrows deeply furrowed: unable to believe the vampire actions.
"Excuse me--(!) ... that's none of your business!" Gabriella gasped, stuttering and turning a bright blushing pink. She could feel the blood running through her fingers and down her neck. It made her nervous how much more the smell of her exposed blood was tempting him, "If you even try to bite me again my brothers will kill you. And it won't be a quick death either!"
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rosefromdeath1 · 5 months
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" AND? DO I NEED to love you to think of you?," Eloquent brow arched at his little doe. " Most certainly not. You can take into consideration all of the rivals I've buried six feet under after spending months, years even, in plotting their horrific deaths." Sionis replied curtly to Gaby, while putting his gloves on, and fixing his jacket. " They surely had been on my mind a lot before facing their fatal demise." He gave himself a quick once over in the vanity, adjusting elegantly his hair raking his fingers through it. " Are you ready to join me for dinner or not?," The crime lord then turned to her.
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"Is that what you plan to do to me? Kill me one day?" Gabriella's softly spoken voice was unnerved, her doe eyes wide as she stared at Roman through the vanity mirror from behind him. What was her future to be with Roman? Stay with him and have him kill her one day? Or try to flee and be killed for trying to do so? Her worrisome thoughts spread clear across her face, yet she was quick to answer Roman. "Yes, I'm ready." The dress she'd been gifted fitted her perfectly. The gold truly made her olive skin shimmer. "Will you at least tell me where we're going for dinner?"
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violantdesires · 6 months
🍂 [ GABBY ] liked for a starter
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Jack was almost sure he was successfully disguising his nervousness. It wasn't that Gabriella herself made him nervous, not at all, in fact when he was with her he felt more like himself than he did with perhaps anyone else. What his worry about, however, was the money thing. Of course, Gabriella had never shown any sign of snobbery, not at all, quite the contrary even.
Jack just wasn't sure that she could possibly be interested in the food at The Lodge or the The Carver Cafe, both of Jack's dad's top haunts, he was tired of both the veggie burgers at those places and he was sure he remembered something about Gabriella saying her family were vegetarians. And he didn't even recommend the fare at the Hotel restaurant he worked at other than the veggie mezze platter. That was unironically gold. So here they were at the fanciest place he could find in Port Angeles.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, "Um... the vegetarian mushroom risotto looks good..." he started, trying to ease his own tension, "... bet it's better than the one I make too" he chuckled. Obviously, Jack, obviously. They're professional chefs.
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dearcauti0n · 3 months
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Imagine just being born and you get greeted with your first trauma
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livesguarded · 4 months
Tag Drop.
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televisionenjoyer · 10 months
Una nota y me cambio la url a argentinasexogay hasta que termine el partido a ver si da buena suerte
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voids4voidies · 5 months
Meet voidies! :DDDDD
Base used :3
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dream-sans-mogai · 23 days
Anyway, because I'm considered a bigger creator within the mogai community and I have a responsibility to address things given my bigger audience-
Please remember that Tumblr, especially LGBT Tumblr concerning discourse and intracommunity issues, is a hyper niche, reactive, violent, sensitive community with next to zero basis in reality at large and you should not take any of its opinions as absolute fact. Especially the mogai community's opinions.
A lot of people on mogai Tumblr talk big game with very clearly fake the-whole-bus-clapped stories about the real world concerning acceptance towards mspec monos, Neopronouns and Xenogenders and it's my job as an adult and guiding voice to remind people these experiences may happen but rarely do and you absolutely should not just tell random people you use purr/purrs pronouns or your a bi gaybian or you identify as Chronosian or other things like that because it's really fucking dangerous even in hyper progressive places like new york, cali and Detroit. It can be deadly in many many small towns, including ones in progressive states. Especially dangerous in non accepting states.
I don't say this to burst your bubble or ruin your hopeful world view but many stories of acceptance are fake, even if some are true, most of the community is underage and just cause your teacher may approve of your Soniccharic identity, doesn't mean they won't tell your transphobic parents. It's scary and dangerous out here for trans and gay people rn and I won't be one of the idiots who tell you to run and frolic with your Xenogender pins Infront of increasingly hostile transphobes. I want the younger gen z trans people to survive and I won't lie to you about the reality of the battle we all are staring down concerning project 2025.
Most of the people telling these stories live in progressive states and do not tell you about the failed times or exaggerate the acceptance they supposedly received. I'm telling you from the mouth of someone who grew up in a tiny town in South Ohio with less than 1,000 people, it's still just as dangerous as it was 10 years ago. I still get followed in my home town. I still get stares in my home town. My actual home town, a place I grew up in where people knew me as the gnc dyke for a good while in my last 2 years of school. Do not spread this shit around to everyone. Nex didn't think they would become a victim, Brianna didn't think she would be one of the unlucky ones, plenty of those we've lost did not think they would die in hate crimes. I almost died in two of the hate crimes I've experienced.
You need to be really fucking careful and although I love than Neopronouns and Xenogenders are becoming more accepted by the larger LGBT community, you need to be very very VERY careful about what you do, what you wear and who you tell what because word spreads fast in suburbia and hate spreads faster. You do not want to be wearing a pin the day some white cishet magat decides he's tired of the "pedophiles" and chooses you as the first victim because you were the first he saw. Don't hide who you are but Be. Fucking. Careful.
#clover speaks#im not being a doomist and i wont stand those allegations but some of yall telling these kids and teens the world is totes cool#with no-c paras and therians and bi lesbians have lost the plot and are gonna get these kids killed#especially considering i grew up very rural and none of the advice about presenting trans could possibly apply to me#thats why i say urban and even semi urban lgbt people should not be giving advice to rural lgbt people#nothing you say can apply to us because it is that dangerous#i still get followed as a fucking 23 yr old adult around my town#the one time an lgbt club tried to get established at my highschool the posters were ripped to shreds and there were both#bomb and shooting threats#people talking about setting the school on fire so they could quote pop the faggots one by one as they came running out#im so happy you live in a privileged Massachusetts school district with loving teachers who accept your system identity#please dont encourage the children in alabama and ohio to follow suit because you will get their naive asses killed#urban queer advice dosent apply to rural lgbt people#thats another thing ive seen be said by urban lgbt people that queer is no longer a slur used that way and has been totally reclaimed#great guess half my family and all my achool bullies were really just showing solidarity and i took it the wrong way#say youve never truely felt mortal danger in your small Christian home town cause your ex told pple your trans without saying it#like really#the privilege just jumps right out#that was the stupidest so and so is terf rhetoric to date and yall tme people just scarfed that shit down#ill never drop that veiw because i and many others can attest to it#surprise queer can be a slur an identity and a community all at the same time shocking ik#and if your offended because people are calling your identity a slur i ask whats dyke and faggor now#cause thoss were reclaimed waaaayyyyy before queer was and you still acknowledge their status as slurs#infact i remember seeing maps of slur usage on twitter from 2020 when that discourse was popular and queer#was the bigots favorite slur for us not dyke or faggot#i cant believe the brain rot on this site sometimes#itd be so funny as entertainment if yall werent using it to question and harass lgbt people with ptsd over it for litteral years#ik because i was one of the people harassed :)#i dont forget this shit so easily#sorry for the rant lol
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smileflowcr · 2 months
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Ragnar Landvik, 22 años físicamente, semi dios y gobernante del reino de hielo, montañas y auroras boreales, omega.
Han Jongsu, 22 años, estudiante de fotografía. stay away from him, please (verse humano)
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rp-partnerfinder · 9 months
Hello! 🕊 I am a 26 year old roleplayer looking for DC and Supernatural role plays ! I have about 10 years role-play experience and am semi-lit to Lit depending on the scene. I ask for at least a paragraph! (3-4 sentences) .
I am active daily in the PST time zone and weirdest sleep/work schedule so I’m around a decent amount.
I am down to do multiple plots, especially if we click! Exploring pairings we like in a thousand different settings. I have close to no limits. NSFW friendly but more plot centered.
I am looking to play Jason Todd against anyone. I will also play any of the batkid against Jason Todd.I have a few plots and ideas in mind so feel free to reach out! My discord is
I also really enjoy both sides of wincest for supernatural. I am also dying to play either side of Cas x Dean.
I exclusively role play on discord: crimeofpassion97
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rosefromdeath1 · 5 months
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BLOOD GASHED on his tongue deliciously as the young woman twisted under him. Astarion felt the frenzy slowly taking over as he was getting lost in her neck. Should he continued to suck on his delectable snack, the ending would've been fatal for her, so he had to force and stop himself. Fangs removed from her soft neck with regret, " Of course it doesn't, my dear. You're still my leaking bloodbag! "
Gabriella winced as the sharp fangs left her. She could feel the warm blood running down out of her open wound, down her neck, with each rapid beat her heart gave. Her neck felt like it was pulsing: almost as if she could feel her heart beating inside of her neck. It made Gabriella feel weak. Her legs almost gave out on her, so she clung to the only thing she was able to: the vampire elf who fed on her. "I'm only ... agreeing to this ... so you don't feed on anyone else." Gabriella panted breathlessly, brown doe eyes fluttering heavy as she tried to stay awake, "But I'm not yours."
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villains4hire · 2 years
@labmousin wished their story to be told.
A careful caressing message sent in the wind as leaves rustled, a tingle in their brain as Flask would hear their pleas answered, "Once upon a time... a dying forest into a decaying town, all would surely perish without a hero, even still, who knows if it could still be saved. Yet all the fate of civilization is ruin and renewal... are you sure you wish to save your home and all that it will cost?"
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A guiding light over yonder, "On terra's path, seek the light that lingers and flows in through the dark, there it will lead you, there you will find her and your journey will begin." If followed into the woods, a smile of pearly whites occasionally seen, the darting of the flowing energy leading them, going up and over a brook as it led higher, and higher... then a clearing to the view above once going up and over around a corner, the sound of a brook nearby.
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A ruined set of stones, old rocks and bizarre looking constructs and crystals, all covered in moss and vines. Then a giggle, a rather playful and casual tone compared to the mysterious one before, granted, you would not be able to tell it was hers, "O-kayo, it seems you made it alright. I figured you were smarter than most, despite being so cute. I'm sure there will be plenty of time to have my laugh at any silly things you do on accident, though, hay." And there they were, the ten-foot fairy hovering into view... and was immediately attempting to flick that little snout of Flask's.
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littlebutternattie · 10 months
hi! i know i've been mia here and owe replies which i'll hopefully get to in the coming weeks so i appreciate your patience until then. thank you! (´-`).。oO
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ollieinoue · 1 year
Ollie is good at mazes. The types on paper, as well as the types you go through. There weren't many opportunities for him to go through those fun giant corn mazes, but there were a few times, so this shouldn't be too hard. He reached his right hand out, placing his finger on the wall, dragging it along the smooth surfaces. The slick mirrors along the walls, and the slightly distorted clear plastic that showed nothing of the outside the farther you got into the maze, until it let up into a new turn that took him somewhere else.
He kept his hand sliding along the wall despite how cramped the corridors began to get. He wasn't a claustraphobic person, but fuck. The farther he got in the more same the images of him got - not that he didn't love looking at himself - but it was a little off putting. Until something caught the corner of his eye.
Maybe it was just a trick of the light, the maze playing mind games on them.  But as Ollie made their way through the maze, out of the corner of their eye, there was a swish of blonde hair, disappearing into the never-ending reflections. It didn’t matter, if they tried to follow whoever it was, because the only thing they’d find was a chilling laugh echoing at their efforts. Chilling…because it was familiar.
Ollie's hand curled into a fist, and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. The sick feeling of deja vu curling through his stomach.
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Fuck this.
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streetslost · 1 year
❛  it's okay if you don't want to talk about it. maybe we can just sit here for a while instead.  ❜
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FINGERS PRESSED into the concrete, feeling the rough texture below digging into the crevices of her skin, burying and pricking. an ache she could bear, one she clung to, a feeling that she understood and could actually handle. anything ELSE just then was a weight her shoulders wouldn't hold presently. she was getting crushed beneath, and cat even seemed to sink further and further towards the earth until she was fully lying on her stomach. perhaps lying s p r a w l e d on the sidewalk was a ridiculous place to be, but the area of old warehouses and long alleys was empty. echoed noises of the wind brushing trash along could be heard, a symphony accompanied by distant cars humming and honking... the dilapidated buildings seemed hollow as they towered over the two. the street rat had simply given up with the day, letting it defeat her, forcing her to sit, to be found, and now eventually looking like roadkill merely brushed to the side of the street. "there's nothing to talk 'bout." a lie and the truth at the same time. so much to say yet n o t h i n g to reason. her life, the past, her trauma, her hope, her sorrows, everything... it all led to this moment as it did every moment after. inhale and exhale... inhale and exhale, forever trapped in a comedy of errors. except the laughter was her own head, and it was dead before the tragedy to come. "i jus'... don't feel good."
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