tigersscars · 9 years
@semperobliti​  continued from x
“That’s not my fault. That’s his insanity. And your problem for justifying it.”
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“It’s called loyalty. Sorry that I actually care-     Just- whatever. I’ll handle this.”
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efficiiency-blog · 9 years
Starter for semperobliti
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♘ ℚ ♞ "You don't belong here... none of us do."
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lowlyboy-blog · 9 years
@semperobliti. from ( x )
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“That was the plan.”
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“Come here.”
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eastxrnsea · 9 years
[ semperobliti ] [ call. ]
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❝Oh gosh what is that? Please don’t bring it anywhere near me.❞
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torturedtiger · 9 years
Meme || Not Accepting
6 April 1876
Their estates had always been close to one another. Sebastian had grown up with the Moriarty brothers. He’d been intimidated by James. Found a partner in crime with Jimmy. But ultimately, it was Jamie who he’d truly connected with. He was the one that found ways to make Sebastian smile when his father had been in a particularly foul mood. Or when he’d woke after a night dreaming of his deceased mother.
And for Jamie? Seb had been a constant. Someone who hadn’t left, even when given the opportunity. Granted, Seb had joined the militia, but he’d always kept in contact with the youngest Moriarty.
They talked about anything.  Life. Siblings. Relationships. The latter, in which neither of the men had been terribly successful. “ You know what your problem is,” he slurred one night, drunk on wine. “You keep ending up with these… these girls. When what you need is…. Someone… Someone… ”
His sentence trailed off. The two were laying back in the stables, lantern lighting enough surrounding area for them to read together. The storm outside had turned into a torrential downpour, the thunder wracking the walls the pair leaned against.
Things were always so easy with Jamie. Maybe… Maybe it wouldn’t be the end if he were to just say what it is he’s been thinking for years now. How perfect it felt to be with him. How nothing would ever be the same if they could just…
Looking over the flickering light at Jamie, Sebastian leaned in, placed a hand on Jamie’s cheek, and pressed their lips together, only puling away after several long moments, smiling when he found the other man’s eyes. “ You need someone more like me. ”
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moriartyproperty · 9 years
▲ I want all of them tbh
It had been a long day. It was one of those days that felt like it lasted much longer than others, longer than 24 hours. Sighing, he checked his cell phone, wondering if he should contact Jamie. He was in need of a little distraction, but by the time he had managed to type the words ‘meet me at’, he was called in for a new assignment. Perhaps a different time. 
- - - - 
Whenever Jim was angry, he was angry. It wasn’t as if he could hide and wait it out, since it was part of his job to communicate with his boss. At times it could be frustrating, to say the least. At times like these, he wish he could tell Jim to shut up and visit Jamie. And sometimes he did, but despite having nerves of steel and doing whatever the hell he wanted to do, there were times he simply had to take it in order to keep a job. He certainly had some ideas that could help blow off some steam. But... Perhaps a different time. 
- - - - 
Sex could be considered one of Sebastian’s hobbies. One of the people closest to him was Jamie. It didn’t take a genius to do the math. It would be so incredibly easy to go for it, however, it’d come with many consequences. So once again, he ignored his instincts and desires and walked straight past the man. That day would remain an ordinary day. But perhaps a different time, that would change.
- - - - 
Deciding to get drunk with Jamie certainly wasn’t a bad idea. Not at all. It just so happened that it made the other a bit more persuasive and a little more needy. It was obvious, judging from his behavior, that he wanted to do more than just drink and have a conversation. If the situation were to get out of hand, it’d be no one’s fault, really, but still, hadn’t he made his point of view clear by now? After emptying one last glass, he left, keeping the words ‘just in case’ in mind. Perhaps a different time alcohol could get them further.
- - - - 
There had been something about the evening they were spending together, something... normal. That was what it was starting to feel like. Normal. Almost as if his crazy lifestyle was put on hold whenever he entered Jamie’s shop. Things were different there; near him. Normal. Normal happened to be exactly what he needed in order to balance his life. He started looking around to see if he could spot anything new that caught his interest and as always, there were plenty of options. After taking a couple of books from the shelves, with permission, needless to say, he made his way to the other man and settled down. First they were reading, then they were talking and before he realized it, he was moving closer toward Jamie. There was no intention, nor was there a plan, but it was simply fascinating to study the other. The way his lips moved when he spoke, his theories and thoughts and the silence whenever they decided to keep reading, to be together alone for a while. All of it was quite interesting. When Jamie chose to find a more comfortable place to sit, he simply followed and took a seat beside him on the sofa. There was plenty of space, however, he decided to scoot closer, to sit close enough to feel the man’s warmth. If he had been able to think things through at that exact moment, he certainly wouldn’t have described the situation as ‘normal’ when he closed Jamie’s book in order to get his attention. Their eyes met and at that moment, he knew he was screwed. One hand remained on the book, while the other moved to rest to the nape of the man’s neck. “I brought the book I wrote and I’m going to read it to you.” he stated. There was quite a it of personal information in that book, as well as insight on his past, but he was willing to share it. He wanted Jamie to know more about him, especially since most of it was a secret or too difficult to discuss. He moved closer; close enough for their lips to gently touch ever so slightly. “If you’re willing to listen, I want you to know it’s because I trust you.” With each word he spoke, he could feel Jamie’s lips brush against his own. His words were gentle and calm, unlike it his heart rate. He wasn’t nervous, he was simply experiencing many emotions at the same time. There was a word he was desperately trying to suppress and ignore; one that could easily describe that exact mixture of feelings. Once he finished his sentence, he ended the announcement with something that words could not describe, a kiss, which was the start of his plan and the beginning of a new chapter in his life. Perhaps time didn’t make things different. It made things normal. 
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dxxthly · 9 years
semperobliti replied to your post:❝ You’ve got the best eyebrows in the business. ❞
fleek? what is that hades omg.
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labelwhcring-blog · 9 years
⊰ℬ ⊱
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❝ I HATE everyone else. ❞ she reasons, in a persistent attempt to get him to accompany her to dinner with her parents that evening. -- && semperobliti.
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booksandquilts-blog · 9 years
i don’t know about you but this song reminds me of yoooouuu!
Samson by Regina Spektor ??!!!? 
idk i just wrote a long thing about her watching him getting shot and so ya :)
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ghostbxster semperobliti I did get a C- this summer in my stats class and it was the only class I took. I'm just supposed to take a quiz to remove the hold but it's still infuriating.
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pekkt · 9 years
semperobliti replied to your post:maybe i should get on eros or hades
*coughs * hades. but i’ve only replied to the sexy one and i’m not sure i’m ready for a reply to that yet aha
ah ha i can hold off on replying to that and send memes instead. -slides over 2 hades-
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moriartyproperty · 9 years
[ I just replied to an Ask on my phone but I think it messed it so I'll paste it here. ] Sebastian realizes Jamie would be the easiest option, the better option in certain ways too. But he's also aware that Jamie is basically the forbidden fruit, I mean he is Jim's brother after all. So not only would he throw away his last chance with Jim, but he'd also probably anger him, which could influence his job as well. So he's basically standing on the edge, wanting to give it a shot, but he's got a weight around his ankle that's keeping him in place. He could take it off, but that thought is rather scary as well.
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It wasn’t like he needed to get married. He was perfectly fine owning his little shop and having only his cat for company. But apparently his father thought that hiding away was poor representation of the Moriarty name, and had arranged a wedding for him. Isn’t that justsweet?
It was no secret that while Jamie found the opposite sex attractive and pleasurable, he favored men. A fact that sorely pissed his father off – which is why Jamie came to the conclusion that his mother had been the one to select his apparent spouse-to-be. What the man had done to get himself into this position he could only guess – Jamie only hoped that the other knew he was marrying a man too. Things could get awkward (and ugly) if he didn’t.
Regardless, Jamie agreed to meet his fiance (Jack, he was told. Oh the irony of sharing a name with his father). There was a fair bit of hesitancy in the meeting, but it wasn’t like he had any other option available. And if he was being honest, he was fairly excited. It was like an adventure – discovering each other, figuring out married life, all that. It was an interesting challenge that Jamie was more or less prepared to take on. His only concern was that the man would be okay with Jamie keeping his shop (and his cat) because if he wasn’t, things were going to go horribly from the start.
So, anxiously, he waited for the man to arrive.
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Of all the boys in his private school, Jack Teague had always been the wild card. Son of a man whose empire was built on rum, with a chip on his shoulder and a desire to rip the establishment up. But for all that reputation, no one was surprised when Jack Teague set himself up with a band and became a guitarist, frontman, a tabloid-selling-celebrity. The musician lifestyle agreed with him better than any other career choice. He made music, he took drugs, he fucked beautiful men and women. But after fifteen years, it was clear that Jack would not be allowed to continue his reign as the enfant terrible of the music industry. 
He was going to be forced into some semblance of normal life, marrying the son of one of his father’s friends. Jack couldn’t have cared if it was a man or a woman or a nonbinary genderfluid individual he was marrying - it’s more the fact that he’s having an arranged marriage, when he had not planned on marrying at all, that his mood in a blacker state than previously could be imagined. 
Meeting as they were in the offices of his father, Jack supposed he had some element of the upperhand - performing on home ground, as it were. But he’s not using it to his advantage. He’s hungover, he’s pissed off, and he’s late. Twenty minutes past the arranged meeting time, Jack drags himself into the meeting room and runs a hand through his shoulder length hair. He all but collapses in the nearest chair before he even looks up at the sole other occupant of the room.  “Well, at least you’re pretty.”
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