#send it to my maain blog
draamaaaalert · 6 months
hey have you conssidered culling yoursself :> jusst a fought!
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@stop-highblood-hate Remember this? I wonder how much of this informaation haas chaanged! Probaably not aa lot.
Your full naame is Scylaan Aahzzek. You're 8 sweeps old, aand your sign is Aaquaamino. Your strife specibus is aallocaated to chaainkind. Your hive is Block 82 on Cliffside Roaad, neaar the edge of Thraashthrust. serpentineSaanity is your maain aaccount's URL, aas well aas your Trolliaan, Chittr, aand aany other aaccounts you use.
You haave no occupaation. You aare aa faanfic aauthor, links to your work aare provided on your maain paage. You aand your moiraail met aafter he drew you faanaart for aa fic of yours.
Your moiraail's naame is Aarrtem Chrino. He is aalso 8 sweeps old aand aa violetblood. His sign is Aaquittaarius. He is inaactive on sociaal mediaa, but his Trolliaan is sketchyChimaaeraa- with aan aart blog under the saame naame.
Credits for this informaation go to @autisticroboticist- here is the originaal post, which I've aadaapted here for my aaudience.
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Aa few wipes aago, I would never haave posted this informaation directly onto my blog. But I caannot aafford you thaat kindness aanymore, especiaally if you send me things like this. I don't taake kindly to threaats from highbloods who underestimaate me. I've leaarned my lesson, aand quite fraankly, so should you.
Thaank you! 8}
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twistedwonda · 4 years
Hey not a request but I came to tell you your oneshot is done and well I hope you like it(I tried to message you but it didn't work)
Yes yes I saw it! Thank you again! It was lovely!
And yeah, I apparently can't receive messages thru this blog right now, but! My main blog (@bts-d-onut ) is open for it and that's where I'll receive direct messages for now.
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