#send me your sweet sweet oc snippets with cuteness and love and soft kisses and rebuilt relationships and joy
lynnedwardswrites · 2 years
Comfort me while I rage like a lunatic on another platform about how the Mormons have a $100 billion dollar investment firm they've been operating for-profit, tax-free since 1997.
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daysswithyou · 5 years
Fallen Chapter 16: Lie to me
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Characters: DAY6 Young K x OC (Rachel)
Genre: angst, fake dating, high school romance, fluff, romance
The wedding lasts deep into the night, and there were no signs of it slowing down. All night, you were alternating between bites of food and small snippets of conversation, and occasionally, you found yourself balancing a child in your arm, trying to entertain them with cute sticker selfies. You were the next biggest highlight after the bride and groom – and you weren’t sure if you appreciated all the additional attention. Part of you was glad, for that meant that you were welcomed by the family. Yet the constant attention was taking a toll on your energy level, and you were desperately searching for a break.
It came as soon as you thought of it, Grandma waving you over to her seat. You make your way over quickly, grateful for the small respite because no one would come to you anymore once you were by her side. Sitting down beside her once more, you take in the grand sight in front of you, smiling when you found the person you were looking for. Younghyun was engaged in a dance battle with his other relatives, doing his utmost to bust his best dance moves on the floor. Colourful disco lights in shades of the rainbow were shooting lasers around the entire place, lighting up the entire hall like a retro disco.
Your attention on Younghyun was broken when Grandma let a comment slip past her lips, bringing your focus to her instead.
“You know, I was always so curious about you, Rachel.”
You fiddled with your fingers upon hearing her words, nervous laughter making it’s way past your lips. Having attention from someone is mostly flattering, especially from someone so respected. You gather your thoughts, and proceed to give an appropriate response.
“Yes, Brian has told me about it. He said that all of you wanted to see me the moment he mentioned me; said that the family requested to see me tonight.”
“Well, you aren’t wrong about the first part, but not so accurate for the latter.”
You raise your eyebrow at her words – but that was what he told me…
Grandma let out a light chortle looking at your confused expression, before proceeding to explain herself.
“Younghyun was the one that requested for your presence tonight; asked if he could bring you along to the wedding. He was going on and on about having met a wonderful girl – there was not a day that goes by where he doesn’t mention you, not a single moment where he’s not smiling when he talks about you. So, I wondered – what sort of girl could possibly make him so happy, so contented? – and asked if there was a day where I could finally see you.
You should have seen his reaction when I asked the question. His face immediately lit up, his eyebrows looking like they shot through his forehead. The corners of his lips were almost split apart by the wide grin he was wearing, and he really couldn’t will himself to stop smiling like a young man giddy with love.
In that moment, I realised that was exactly what he was – a young man giddy and intoxicated with love. In my entire time being his grandmother, never have I ever; not even once, see him so jubilant with joy. I was hoping that his affection would not be misplaced like the last time, but after meeting you tonight, I was glad that my worries were unfounded.
I’m so glad that it’s you Rachel.”
She takes your hand in her again, but this time you don’t return the affection with a smile or soft squeeze of her hands. They lie still in her palms, for you couldn’t bring yourself to do anything else. Your head is churning so fast that it gives you a slight headache, the familiar throbbing of the ache pulsing through your temples. Your insides clench painfully tight at the sudden revelation, making your chest ache as you struggle slightly to breathe now.
It becomes hard to look at Younghyun now, but when you finally lift your eyes slightly to catch sight of the familiar back that you’re so accustomed to seeing now, all you can think of now, is this.
He lied. Why did he have to lie?
For the rest of the night, you’re pretty much out of it, giving clipped and rehearsed answers to anymore questions asked, the warmth in your eyes no longer there when the kids ask to play with you. You’re grateful when the wedding finally comes to a close, your eyes fluttering shut in relief when no one was watching. Grandma’s words were replaying in your mind like a broken recorder on repeat, and you wanted nothing more than to escape from this place; being home would definitely silence the thoughts in your mind, and give you the rest that you needed to resume thinking tomorrow.
Whether or not you’ll confront him about it, or keep silent about your new found knowledge… you’ll deal with it tomorrow.
Younghyun catches the dazed look in your eye, his hands immediately finding yours when he assumes his seat beside you in the car.
“Rachel, is everything alright?”
“Hmm? Oh yea, everything’s fine. I’m tired – that’s all.”
You say your rehearsed lie with ease, adding a smile at the end to further convince him.
“Ok, let’s get you home now, alright?”
“Yes, please. Thank you.”
You let go of his hand so he can drive, but Younghyun takes note of how fast you let go; almost like you’re flinging his hand away. You turn your face away from him and close your eyes, hoping that the act of being tired will stop him from asking further questions. It was more for your sake than his – you wanted to tune him out. The familiar, tangy scent of his citrus cologne enveloped you; what was previously comforting now extremely overbearing. Younghyun buys your act without a hint of suspicion, feeling a little guilty as he spots the crease of a frown on your forehead, your eyes scrunched tightly close.
Had he perhaps over exerted you too much tonight? Carting you around from one relative to another, asking you to talk to strangers. He swallows thickly at the thought, deciding that it would be best to get you home quickly so that you can rest. The ride home passes in absolute silence, the low hum of the car engine the only sound you’re aware of.
Younghyun walks you right to your doorstep and you stop him from going further by turning around to face him.
“This far is fine Younghyun. Thank you for sending me home.”
“It’s the least I can do. Thank you too, for being so kind towards my family and accompanying me to the wedding. I hope it wasn’t too tiring?”
“A little, but nothing a good night’s sleep wouldn’t cure. Good night Younghyun, drive home safely.”
“Good night love.”
Both of you are done saying your parting words, yet Younghyun shows no sign of moving from his position. Instead, you see him raise a hand towards you, his hand coming to rest right below the small bun at the back of your head. Holding you in place gently, he leans forward slightly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, the familiar feeling of his soft lips against your skin causing a light shiver to pass through your body. You place both hands on his waist, fingers lightly gripping the material of his navy-blue jacket to steady yourself on your feet. He pulls away reluctantly, wanting to stay with you a little while longer. You look up at him, and for a short while, notice how the stars twinkling in the midnight blue sky seem to mirror the ones in his eyes. But you don’t get much time to admire him when his phone buzzes in his phone, the vibrations breaking apart the sweet moment as it pierces through the silent night.
“Go home Younghyun, it’s late.”
Using both hands that were still on his waist, you push him slightly to send him away and Younghyun finally takes a step back away from you and turns towards his car.
“Text me when you’re home!”
You holler towards him just before he steps into his car and he flashes you a thumbs up sign, staying in his car till he sees you walk in, finally turning his attention to his phone when he sees your bedroom light turn on. Fishing his phone out from his back pocket, he scoffs at the overly enthusiastic message in typical Wonpil style.
From: Piripiri
His fingers fly across the keyboard to type out a response quickly, chuckling as he did so.
To: Piripiri
Alright I’m coming, give me 20
Needless to say, you don’t get a text from Younghyun to announce that he’s home – but rather – you’re greeted by a more horrible sight instead.
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