#sending personalized gifts to kerala
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psychomoonlady · 2 years
23 / 10/ 22
Starting off this page at 3:57 am on a sunday morning definitely gives a little bit of insight into the slightly unhinged lil story I'm living in. Yes I'll be the protagonist and you could follow me to find out what in the ( and i can't stress this enough) absolute fuck I've been upto lately.
Today let's just say I woke up at 3:30 am , had the sudden urge to turn my life around. Then I read a little bit of Murakami's "Norwegian wood" .
I'll show you the lil note I made that I thought would help in totally changing my life. For the better or worse we'll have to wait and watch.
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'Here' refers to the city where my college is. It's a Government Medical College in a pretty big city in Kerala, India and I'm right now hopefully a third year student. I say hopefully since I've still not passed a paper from my second year which if I don't pass in one more chance, I might just get expelled. Absolutely no pressure.
The sweatpants and tees are since I've decided to start going to the gym since two of my friends started going and i have seriously got to do something about my weight. I might be super cute but I'm severely underweight, right now running on 32 kg (70.5 lb). Oh I didn't mention, I'm 22 and I'm yay high. Nah I'm super short standing at a majestic height of 4'9. It's a thing I'm really bummed out about since noone takes me seriously because of my tiny appearance. It particularly affects the way patients interact with me but I do have a good way of speaking in a really mature manner which helps compensate for it.
Now about nitc. National Institute of Technology, Calicut.
How is it related to me? Well that's where my ex boyfriend is studying. I'll tell you about our what i thought was really wholesome relationship in the coming days. I don't wanna spoil everything on the first entry. But the current status is that he dumped me three days ago because he felt that we're incompatible. The box I am planning to send includes some gifts I had bought for him since I didn't know what was coming plus two of his college's tshirts that i don't think wearing anymore would be good for my mental health.
On 25th, my second sessional ( internals) exam would be starting and it ends on 28th . On that day we will have to shift out hostel rooms. And currently my roommate situation is a little bit complicated which I'll tell you about in time. So I need new roommates and texted three of my friends at 5am about the pros and cons of living with me and asked whether they would be interested in doing so. Main pros I mentioned was that am a really chill person who won't judge if they play their music aloud and stuff like that. My clothes fit them almost always so just like how we already do, we can continue to share the wardrobe. Also we could sneak in drinks and we'll drink them occasionally when we feel particularly happy. I don't know of many girls who drinks in the hostel and we usually have to sit on the stairs and drink from seven up bottles pretending it's water and it takes half the fun away.
We could also make the room pretty aesthetic which is something I'm rather fond of that i haven't seen many other people care much about. Another advantage is that we could call proxys for each other which also is not something a lot of people are ready to do. Also since we're really close friends we could comfort each other and be there for each other whenever needed. We could study together but that's entirely upto them and if they don't want to do that it's totally okay.
Buying the bean bag chair is part of making the room aesthetic and comfy but that will only work if the room is big enough. So I'll have to decide whether or not to do it after getting the room.
A single room is something I've always wanted but it's hard to get and there are a lot of disadvantages to it and to be honest I'm not sure about it. But since it has been a dream of mine, I thought I'd give it a thought.
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tanlakarix · 8 months
WhatsApp Festive Campaigns: A Comprehensive Cheat sheet for Indian Brands
WhatsApp marketing for Indian brands: How to craft festive campaigns that resonate.
Festivals in India are not just celebratory occasions but also pivotal moments to connect with customers and amplify brand visibility. But how do you create festive WhatsApp campaigns that stand out from the crowd and resonate with your audience? With an average open rate of 98%, brands have witnessed a remarkable increase in sales during festivals via effective WhatsApp campaigns. Let’s uncover ways to understand the Indian festive audience, crafting messages that capture the essence of each festival, and measure the impact of your WhatsApp marketing efforts.
1. Understanding the Indian Festive Audience
Imagine you're a lifestyle company. Your target audience is as diverse as the festivals celebrated across the Indian subcontinent—from the grandeur of Diwali and Navratri in the North to the exuberance of Pongal and Onam in the South. How do you navigate this intricate landscape? The key is to delve deep into the rich cultural narratives of each festival, tailoring messages that resonate with these heartfelt traditions.
WhatsApp, with its unparalleled reach in India, becomes your compass in this journey. The platform's robust features allow you to segment your audience based on regions, languages, and even specific festive nuances. For instance, you could send Diwali greetings in Hindi to your North Indian clientele while dispatching Onam wishes in Malayalam to customers in Kerala.
Key Takeaways
Data is Your Friend: Use WhatsApp Business API analytics to understand your audience better.
Region Matters: Tailor your messages to the specific festivals celebrated in different regions.
Speak Their Language: Local languages can add a personal touch to your WhatsApp messages.
Offers Add Value: Festival-specific offers can make your messages more enticing.
2. The Art of Crafting Festive Messages
Language is not just a tool for communication; it's a vessel that carries the weight of traditions and emotions. In a country as linguistically diverse as India, the impact of regional languages in festive greetings is profound.
Crafting Messages that Resonate.
Creating the perfect message goes beyond just saying “Happy Diwali" or “Merry Christmas." It's about capturing the essence of the festival. For instance, during Diwali, acknowledging the triumph of light over darkness can make your message stand out. Similarly, during Holi, a vibrant and colourful message can evoke the joy of the festival.
Key Takeaways
Language is Emotional: Use regional languages to connect emotionally with your audience.
Be Specific: Tailor your messages to the spirit and traditions of each festival.
Add Value: Include special offers or information that is relevant to the festival.
Utilize WhatsApp Features: Make use of WhatsApp Business Platform's quick replies and message templates to enhance your messages.
WhatsApp Business Platform offers a range of features that can help brands craft these specialized messages. From quick replies to message templates, the platform equips you with the tools to make your festive greetings not just seen but felt.
3. Engaging Through Interactive Features.
In today's digital era, true engagement sparks conversations, and not just broadcasting messages. WhatsApp Business Platform offers features like List Messages and Reply Buttons that can turn your festive greetings into interactive dialogues. Imagine sending a List Message that allows your customers to explore Diwali gift options right within the chat. Or using Reply Buttons to let them RSVP for a virtual Holi celebration. These features not only make the interaction more engaging but also add a layer of personalization.
Crafting Interactive Experiences that Resonate with the Festive Spirit.
The key to crafting an interactive experience is to make it resonate with the spirit of the festival. For instance, during Navratri, you could use List Messages to share a playlist of popular Garba songs or offer special discounts on ethnic wear. The idea is to make the customer feel like they're part of a larger festive community, even when they're interacting with a brand.
In today's digital age, platforms like WhatsApp are transforming customer experiences into conversational interactions. WhatsApp enables businesses to offer personalized messages based on user preferences, fostering trust through two-way dialogues. Additionally, its transactional capabilities streamline customer interactions, and the assurance of end-to-end encryption bolsters security and trust.
Key Takeaways
Utilize List Messages to offer multiple engagement pathways, tailored to the festival in question.
Reply Buttons can facilitate quick responses, making it easier for customers to engage with your festive offers or content.
Always ensure that the interactive features you employ resonate with the cultural and emotional aspects of the festival to foster meaningful engagement.
By leveraging the interactive features of the WhatsApp Business Platform, you can turn each festive message into an opportunity for deeper engagement and customer connection.
4. The Vibrancy of Media in Festive Campaigns
Compelling visuals not only narrate stories but also evoke emotions, especially during festivals. Whether it's a Diwali campaign adorned with images of glowing diyas or a Holi campaign splashed with colors, the right visuals can make your messages come alive. The WhatsApp Business Platform supports various media types, including images, videos, and even documents, allowing you to get creative with your festive campaigns.
The Criticality of Testing Media Across Popular Devices in India for Optimal Festive Engagement
While visuals are crucial, it's equally important to ensure that they display correctly across the myriad of devices used by your target audience. India is a diverse market with a wide range of smartphones and operating systems. Testing your media across popular devices can ensure that your campaign looks as good on a budget smartphone as it does on a high-end device.
Key Takeaways
Use vibrant and culturally relevant visuals to enhance the emotional impact of your festive campaigns.
Test your media across a range of devices to ensure optimal display and engagement.
Leverage the multimedia support of the WhatsApp Business Platform to diversify the types of content you can share, from images to videos to PDFs.
Incorporating visually striking and culturally resonant media into your WhatsApp campaigns can significantly elevate customer engagement and contribute to a more memorable festive experience.
5. Preparing for the Festive Onslaught: Platform Readiness
In India, festivals bring along a whirlwind of activities, and your messaging platform should be well-prepared to handle this surge. WhatsApp Business Platform’s High Throughput Tier allows you to send a large volume of messages without compromising on speed or quality. However, it's essential to plan your campaign well in advance to ensure you can handle the increased load.
Anticipating and Managing the Deluge of Notifications During Peak Festive Days
During peak festive days, the number of customer interactions can skyrocket. Anticipating this surge and preparing your customer service team can make a significant difference. Automated replies and chatbots can help manage the load, but human intervention will be necessary for more complex queries.
Key Takeaways
Plan your festive campaigns well in advance to make the most of WhatsApp's High Throughput Tier.
Anticipate customer interactions and prepare both automated and human responses for peak days.
Use the platform's features to manage high volumes effectively, ensuring that customer queries are not left unanswered.
By preparing your WhatsApp Business Platform for the festive onslaught, you not only ensure smooth operations but also improve customer satisfaction, which is invaluable during the emotionally charged festive season.
6. Navigating Potential Pitfalls
The festive zeal might urge brands to send bulk messages, but it's crucial to tread cautiously, respecting platform limitations. WhatsApp Business Platform has rate limits to ensure the quality of interactions. Exceeding these limits can lead to temporary or permanent restrictions on your account. It's crucial to understand these limits and plan your campaign accordingly.
The Importance of Monitoring Phone Number Quality Amidst Bulk Festive Greetings and Offers
Sending bulk messages can sometimes trigger spam filters, affecting the quality score of your phone number on the WhatsApp Business Platform. Monitoring this score is essential to ensure that your messages reach your audience and don't end up in a spam folder.
Key Takeaways
Be aware of the rate limits on the WhatsApp Business Platform and plan your messaging frequency accordingly.
Regularly monitor the quality score of your phone number to avoid being flagged as spam.
Craft your messages carefully to balance promotional content and genuine engagement, ensuring they resonate with the festive spirit without triggering spam filters.
Understanding the potential pitfalls and how to navigate them can make your festive campaign on WhatsApp not just successful but also sustainable in the long run.
7. Use Cases: Indian Brands and WhatsApp Synergy
Forward-thinking brands have seamlessly harnessed WhatsApp's interactive features to craft memorable festive experiences. With advanced options, like List Messages and Reply Buttons to create a virtual “Festive Bazaar," brands are allowing customers to browse through products and make purchases without leaving the chat.
Brands can also initiate festive story contests, encouraging customers to share their festive stories or memories, with the best ones winning prizes or special discounts. This not only boosts engagement but also allows brands to collect user-generated content that can be shared, with permission, in future campaigns, fostering a sense of community and connection.
One key takeaway from brands that have had successful festive campaigns is the importance of timing—sending messages too early or too late can miss the mark. Another is the value of offering something more than just a sales pitch, such as a festive recipe or a DIY decoration idea, to engage the audience on a deeper level.
Key Takeaways
Create an interactive shopping experience within the WhatsApp chat to engage customers more deeply.
Timing is crucial; align your messages with the festive calendar but avoid inundating customers with too many messages.
Offer value beyond the sales pitch to foster a deeper connection with your audience.
Leverage customer testimonials and reviews to build trust and showcase real-life experiences with your products or services during the festive season.
By understanding the strategies that have worked well in the past, you can craft a festive WhatsApp campaign that not only resonates with your audience but also drives meaningful engagement and sales.
Navigating India’s rich tapestry of festivals, the golden rule for brands is to engage genuinely, creating lasting memories instead of mere impressions. WhatsApp, with its ubiquitous presence in the Indian digital sphere, offers an unparalleled platform for brands to not only reach but resonate with their audience.
In this digital age, the essence of festivals can indeed be captured and shared, not through grand gestures but through well-crafted, thoughtful messages and interactions. As brands, the opportunity lies in not just being a part of the consumer's phone contact list but also their celebrations and lives. It's about moving beyond transactions to form connections, beyond impressions to create lasting impacts.
For More Info:
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orbizcreativez · 1 year
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keralagifts · 1 year
Order Father's Day Gifts Online in Kerala from KeralaGifts.in
Father's Day is a special day to Celebrate Fatherhood by Sending Father's Day gifts online at Best Price. So send Dad some special Father's Day gifts from us! With our wide range of products available online, you can surprise Dad with something he really loves. Have a blast while shopping for the latest Father's Day Gift at Keralagifts Store and send your dad or any other close person with these best gifts to show your love, care and support.
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omilionaire · 2 years
Life has taken a positive turn for three expats from three countries – thanks to Oman’s green initiative, the O! Millionaire draw
Aboubakr Abdulkader is originally from Thrissur, in the Indian state of Kerala. Joy knew no bounds when he received the news that he was a winner of OMR 10,000 at the special draw. The man, who has been eking out a living filling fuel for the last 20 years in Oman, says the win is super special.
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“I consider myself very lucky by the grace of God. I purchased the green certificate for the first time and turned into a winner right away. I believe the money will change my life forever,” he explains.
The first person Aboubakr called after winning was his daughter – he plans to use the money for her education. In addition, he wants to support his family members who backed him during his early years of struggle.
Aboubakr, who got to know of the green initiative through YouTube, urges everyone to participate and support a worthy green dream that O! Millionaire aspires to achieve.
He thanks O! Millionaire for conceptualizing the cause that will change the world for the better.
O! Millionaire special draw winner, Tarun Sharma can’t begin to describe how life has changed for him since he won the weekly draw of OMR 10,000.
The Indian expat who now works in UAE says, “I was struggling for a big break for the last three years. I lost my job during COVID-19 but had to pay rent and send money to India too. Though I got a job, I took a personal loan from India to meet ends meet. It was difficult to repay as I was earning less. The win has helped me clear my loans and inspired me to book a new house too.”
Like Aboubakr, Tarun heard of O! Millionaire through social media. He registered and participated in the draw and immediately won.
He says, “When they called to say I won, I double checked to confirm, then called my family who thought I was joking. When I said it was real, my mom started crying. The entire family was overjoyed. O! Millionaire truly changes people’s lives.”
Tarun is proud to be part O! Millionaire’s green initiative which he believes will help the world become greener and more sustainable.
Mohammed Azam from Qatar is thankful to O! Millionaire family for giving him such an ‘awesome’ gift.
Hailing from Hyderabad, in the Indian state of Telangana Mohammed has a wife and three kids who stay with his father and mother back home.
“O! Millionaire has given me an opportunity to bring them to Qatar and spend some quality time with them which otherwise, I couldn’t. The money which when converted turns around Rs 20 lakhs is huge money. It will help me build my dream home and help with my children’s education. I plan to use it in a wise way,” he says.
Mohammed heard about O! Millionaire through his friend.
“Knowing of my financial constraints, he said why don’t you try this initiative? He was the first person I called when I won.” he says.
He appreciates this great initiative as part of which they plan to build an Oasis Park in Oman. He wants to by green certificates, contribute to a good cause and hopes to win the Grand Prize one day.
“It is a fantastic initiative, and now my friends are buying the green certificate on my recommendation,” Tarun says.
O! Millionaire’s goals inspire individuals to make a positive difference in their own lives and their communities.
A green certificate, which participants purchase to support O! Millionaire’s tree-planting programme that forms the basis of Oasis Park, entitles them to an entry for a draw valued at over OMR 6,000,000. The certificate provides participants two chances to win – one through a raffle that pays out one winner OMR 10,000 every week and another through a draw that can bring them prizes valued at more than OMR 6,000,000. The draw is held every Thursday at 8 pm and should no grand prize winner be selected in a draw; a sum of OMR 50,000 will be added to the prize sum every week.
O! Millionaire environmental initiative intends to create Middle East’s most significant green park – the Oasis Park in Oman which will be spread across an area of 1,200 square kilometers and will host 60 million trees. Once Oasis Park is fully developed, it is expected to contribute to CO2 reduction by 1,440,000 tons approximately and will also witness a reduction of the total annual CO2 emission of Oman and will eventually help build the world’s atmosphere.
In line with the key objectives of Oman Vision 2040, this initiative seeks to protect the environment and conserve Oman’s rich biodiversity. It also aims to contribute towards the country’s efforts to reduce its carbon footprint in alignment with the United Nation’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Oasis Park is a bold endeavor to promote conservation, develop sustainability for the country, and support continued research and education. The goal is to take positive steps toward climate change mitigation, carbon sequestration, food security, water security, biodiversity conservation amongst others.
For more information on this initiative, please visit https://omillionaire.com/ and purchase a green certificate worth OMR 2.5. This green certificate confirms their contribution to the Oasis Park project of O! Millionaire.
Citizens and residents of Oman and the world are invited to become part of the O! Millionaire’s Oasis Park community – from environmentalists and environmental enthusiasts to activists, volunteers, and everyone in between – by reaching out to [email protected].
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keralagifts · 1 year
Best Mother's Day Gift Ideas - Same Day Delivery in Kerala
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Buying a passive gift for someone you love the most isn't easy! Yes, of course the most beloved person is your 'mother'. Mother's Day is approaching soon as it is celebrated on May 14 this year; You must be so excited to send her a special gift! Let's make Mother's Day 2023 an unforgettable day for her. 
Here are some of the best Mother's Day gifts to give to mom on the same day in Kerala.
Mother's Day Cake Gift Ideas
Every mother wants to surprise and pamper her children. So, why not get her excited this Mother's Day? The day is approaching soon and you have to give her a new delicious cake. The genuine joy and happiness you get when you see a smile on her face. If your mother stays in Kerala, you can choose from various designs, flavors and customer cakes. Mother's day cake delivery in Kerala on the same day after placing the order . Read More 
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keralagifts · 1 year
What Presents Are The Best To Send Mother’s Day Gifts in Kerala
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Buying gifts for the person you love the most is not that easy! Yes, of course that lovable person is your ‘Mother’.  Since Mother's Day is soon approaching, you must be super excited to send something special for her! Let’s make mother’s day 2023 an unforgettable day for her. Read More 
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