#sending this ask means youve already begun to deconstruct the mask you're putting up!! which is a great start!!!
tea-and-secrets · 10 months
İ dont know but i think i may have just come to the realization that i am a bad person.
İ talk to people, i get into relationships, i get i to friendships and end up talking to other people about the stuff they did that i dont appriciate
Could be lying, could be yelling, could be anything. Most of the time it is because the action feels unjust or hurts me. İts mostly personality traits but when a person bothers me i always end up talking to other people about them, kind of spewing out ny frustrations towards them just to act like nothing happened to their face, i always have extreme reactions when someone tells me that i am a flawed person/bad person because i have such an intense fear of it.
İ excuse the actions of people endlessly just to rant about it to other people. This is either my people pleasing coming back to bite me in the ass or i really am an awful person
İ dont know how i should react to this? Should i isolate myself from everyone i have talked behind the backs of? Should i continue to live in my possible delusion of the fact that all my actions are explainable?
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