hobgobbin · 6 years
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@senjin-seadog‘s druid boy is trying to make friends...... its not advisable but he’s tryin his best
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bionysian · 6 years
Oh oh! 3 and 19 of the psychology ask meme for Alar!
3: Does your OC behave differently around different people, if so with whom and how?
Oh absolutely. He puts up all kinds of fronts depending on who he's with and even where he's at. With Adventurer's Society, he's grown to be a bit more relaxed with them but still feels like he has to be on the defensive (because, hey, he's a Troll using an Arcane diguise that only two people know the truth behind).
He's less defensive with his committed partners than with his regular groups of friends, but with every single person he knows, there's this pervasive feeling that he has to constantly be smiling, be funny, and cannot give any indications of his inner issues. This is even the case with Jadearra, which is very strange considering how close they are.
I think the biggest constant with Alar is that he feels alone most of the time, which really is and is not his fault, but he could do with some loosening up and vulnerability.
19: What boosts your OC’s confidence the most?
Reciprocation of his feelings and allowing him to be open with you.
And just like. A fresh haircut. His hair grows in fast and he has a very lazy tendency to not touch up where he keeps the sides shaved, but when he finally sits down and does it, it's like a weight being lifted off his shoulders for a few days. He has a tendency to be ritualistic in his haircuts.There's a few comments here I could make about control over himself, but.Thank you for the ask @senjin-seadog!!!
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rumongray · 6 years
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So this is my new Troll boy, Tiraj! (pronounced like Mirage) I’ll be honest I’m...well, I love @senjin-seadog and @derty-boi‘s Trolls and it’s inspired me to give my characters a bit more of a full backstory than normal, so I figured that while leveling I’d work on his story, so here we go!
Tiraj has always had a hatred of feeling...too hot. It wasn’t something that could be explained, but in Durotar’s normal weather...in fact in most places, Tiraj had a problem with the heat. It was speculated that maybe he had a bit of Frost Troll in his family history...it was a problem that he eventually started to learn to deal with.
Tiraj is still fairly young, and had a fairly standard upbringing in Senjin Village for the most part, and was training in shamanism for a great deal of his life. However, his training was...troubled. Simply put, he has a greater affinity for certain elementals, but couldn’t get himself to commune with others. Tiraj has always had a relaxed, laid-back and cool demeanor, but when it’s come to having to protect himself or friends, the troll had been quick to anger, something that was once described as “fiery,” and that temper...led to destructive problems, or perhaps going too far in defending a friend which led to another’s...close brush with death. Because of this, he fights to keep his composure, and his heart just can’t reach out to the elemental plane of fire, he also has difficulty with the wind plane as well, while earth is somewhat doable.
But water? Tiraj was a savant at water shamanism. It was thought that he should be taught in the powers of restoration, but a shaman without all of the elements would always be incomplete. Lacking guidance on what he should do, he communed with a water spirit, calling it forth with no effort whatsoever, when he was approached by a troll from Orgrimmar.
“Ya know...if ya can move water like dat, ya might be good at magic.” The troll, a mage by trade, took Tiraj under his tutelage for awhile, teaching him the ways of arcane magic, or rather, how such arcane sciences might be used to remove heat from the water he was so good at conjuring. The mage was right, Tiraj cast his first frostbolt before he should have been able to, by all accounts. But it didn’t stop there. As well as offensive magic, Tiraj began using his ice magics for his own comfort. His hair isn’t white, it’s in fact a light blue, but he keeps it constantly frosted for his own comfort. Because of this, he no longer feels uncomfortably hot in most places. He also has a small hobby of making ice sculptures, though there hasn’t been much of a use for this outside of impressing friends or to keep himself occupied it his downtime. After passing his trial on the Echo Isles, Tiraj set out on his own, wanting to explore the world and improve upon his magical aptitude. (I do have his sexual appetites in mind as well, but I’ll get to those at a later date. ...and he’s open for RP stuffs if...anyone were interested... :3)
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weirdalar · 6 years
Self-Knowledge Questionnaire
quiz here
tagged by @patiencekindnesscourage 💖 
tagging @herasheroes @luminouslupine @senjin-seadog
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Part of you is gripped by the fear that you’ll launch into something and completely mess it up. The upside of this is wise caution: people are indeed often too rash, whereas you know, by instinct, that holding back can save you. Probably, you feel shame and self-disgust a bit too much. But when you do feel in your element, you act with a wisdom and sensitivity never found in people with thicker skins.
You have delicate, sensitive perceptions; you can be deeply moved by appearances – the right light in a room, or good food, or the texture of a piece of clothing. Expressive, intelligent language has a powerful hold on you; your mind works better when it is inspired and provoked by vivid imagery. It can be sad to live in a world which is often so ugly and not properly looked after. But you know that things can be otherwise, and you have the ability to appreciate the world at its best.
You have a tendency, after a setback, to turn your emotions towards restriving. What attracts you is the idea of wiping out a humiliation by resumed action – overcoming weakness, repressing your fear. Because part of your motive is pride, you can sometimes be unwilling to admit weakness or to receive aid. But at heart, tour insistence on coming back and never folding has taught you a valuable pessimism: you know that important journeys are never easy.
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thenotsolittlelady · 6 years
Get To Know Your Followers
Tagged by @palamonk (Wow, I didn’t expect you to think of me at all! I’m honored, thank you!)
Rules: Answer the questions (which you can change if you don’t feel like answering certain questions) then tag 20 followers you want to get to know better!
I. Nickname?
That’s tough. I basically just go by my real name, which is Lina. You may call me that, too. 
II. Gender?
III. Star sign?
IV. Height?
173cm (or 5′8 if google isn’t lying)
V. Favorite feature?
Uhm... My body kind of. I mean... I think I’ve got a nice figure. I can’t think of anything else right now
VI. Favorite color?
purple I guess. But it always depends (on various stuff like mood or something). I do wear a lot of red, though
VII. Favorite animal?
VIII. Average hours spent sleeping?
Around 5 hours probably
IX. Dogs or cats?
Cats (but I like dogs, too)
X. Number of blankets you sleep with?
Sometimes none, usually one, when it gets cold in winter, two
XI. What’s your dream trip?
Anywhere north really. Cold and dark. And I wanna see nature, not many people. And I wanna see polar lights! Iceland would be perfect
XII.  What’s your dream job?
I don’t really know. If I was skilled enough, I guess I would love to develop video games/work in the gaming industry. 
XIII. When did you make this account?
Last year. This is my second account I’ve had on this hell site though
XIV. How many followers do you have?
235, like... I just made an art giveaway for my 100 followers milestone! Y’all are crazy! 
XV. How many pets do you have?
one, kind of. My beautiful black cat Lucky. But he lives with my parents and I miss him a lot
XVI. Best places to visit in your town or country?
In my town... We basically only have our university, but if you like old buildings (like... medival building) you will definitely like the towns centre. And best places to visit in my country? Damn, Germany is pretty boring, but we do have nice nature 
XVII. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough. Does that count? I also like vanilla or pistachio.
XVIII. How often do you read?
Not so often anymore. I used to read more when I was younger and that upsets me. I love reading actually. 
XIX. Favorite study locations?
At home in my room.
XX. Favorite book series?
Don’t make me choose! They’re all great! I’m a huge fan of Lord of the Rings, but I also love Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter and The Dark Tower... Damn. They’re all my favorites!
Now tag 20 of your followers!
I can’t even count to 20, so I’ll only tag a few, if you don’t mind (what you gonna do about it anyway, hm?!) @leahdarkspear @flynneware @deeafrotailmisstress @serbaki @yourlightwillgetin @doudouyouli @senjin-seadog @zarisou @hannaleas @turokprimal @xxthebubblewitchxx @zandali-empire (If any of you guys are up for this...)
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celestialkiri · 7 years
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AAAH! I’M FINALLY GOING TO START TO MAKE THESE!  SO for today, these lucky people get their babes to draw. Hope you like it! @senjin-seadog   @she-tachi @olivia-lovecraft   (god I hope I got names right)
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tubbytroll · 7 years
Repost || Don’t reblog
NAME: Ranburu FULL TITLE: n/a AGE: 26 ((I don’t really have his timeline sorted out, so we’re going with how old he’d probably be after Legion. Probably. Sorry.)) SPECIES: Darkspear Troll GENDER: Male ORIENTATION:��Heterosexual PROFESSION: Farmer. Druid. RELIGION: Worships the loa. (Is not as devout as he probably should be.)
BODY TYPE: Very obese. SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: On his upper chest/shoulder area there is a scar on both sides. EYES: Orange. HAIR: Bright red that he styles into mohawk. Doesn’t always keep the sides shaved. Maintains robust sideburns. SKIN: Blue, with a thin coating of fur. ((fite me)) HEIGHT: 8′1 when standing straight. WEIGHT: ~400-500lb human. I don’t know how much trolls are supposed to weigh, so it’s hard to estimate his weight. If you take 300lbs as a starting point for the average adult male troll, he’d be... 750-930lbs? Gah, I dunno. ((Also Ranburu has just been getting larger and larger. So. >_>)) 
SPOUSE: Vyel’thas.  CHILD(REN): Azuli, Junundo. (Later, Jeniv and at least one more...) SIBLINGS: None. He’s an only child. PARENTS: Shala (mother) and Bettalu (father). PETS: Zo. (His raptor growing up.)
PHYSICAL PROWESS: Decently strong, knows how to throw his weight around. Better at brawling and wrestling than using weapons. As a druid, favors bear form. INTELLIGENCE: Average spellcaster. Not illiterate, but not a very proficient reader nor with great penmanship. He’s a kinesthetic learner and is good as grasping concepts quickly.  LANGUAGES: Zandali, Orcish, Common. Knows a smattering of both Darnassian and Thalassian, but can’t speak it.
COLOURS: Too many to list. He likes chromatic, striking colors. SMELLS: His mate, Vyel’thas. The ocean. Moonglade. Catching the scent of almost any food being prepared. FOOD: Many types of food in large quantities. Fried food. Desserts, particularly donuts and pastries. Carb-dense comfort food. Dumplings and other Pandaren cuisine. Seafood - one of his favorites being shark. DRINKS: Kaja-cola, beer, milkshakes.
SMOKES: Yes. He has a pipe and likes to smoke various tobacco and plants. DRUGS: Ones he can smoke. Sticks to basically Azeroth versions of marijuana and peyote. DRIVER LICENSE: He can ride raptors, and drive a yak-pulled cart. He very much wants a motorcycle. FAVOURITE QUOTE: ((Honestly, I can’t think of anything.)) THEME MUSIC: Lost from Catherine OST. The mood of the music rather than any thematic connection with the game it’s from. ((I’ve never been very good at picking songs for characters or scenes. My musical repertoire is pretty small.))
Tagging: @vyeldump @lesaith @actualpanda @senjin-seadog
Saw this from @leahdarkspear and thought it would be fun!
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rudemonkeyy · 7 years
I’ve been thinking of a new url and the only fitting one i could think of was senjin-seadog
i think it has a nice ring to it
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stonestridernerd · 7 years
Fic Tag Prompt
THE RULE: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic/original/anything!) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Tagged by: @saeil-moonblade
The smell of smoke and spices filled her nostrils as she took a deep breath, enjoying the scenery with her friend.
Tagging: @draenic-endurance, @mist-and-sparks, @lahthesubtle, @vasdensoultreader, @curiouscodex, @tanefrun, @grave-bird, @juulcaz-cespenar, @priestess-auraele, @khesa-shadoweaver, @grannyshanny, @squadron-of-damned, @senjin-seadog, @prairierunning, @waroftwowolves, @henroth-valdemar, @marquis-garren-nishan, @crusader-allura, @viceofalltrades, @velinthrialightwhisper, and @thenotsolittlelady
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hobgobbin · 7 years
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Commission for @senjin-seadog​
here’s his lovely troll boy Rei’Hua bein shy and sweet
It’s been awhile and it’s always nice to draw more trolls
commissions ~ ko-fi
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bionysian · 7 years
Question 6 for any character you want :D
06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?
Oh man. I’ll go with Alar/Jadearra, then Narenthar/Chloe
Jadearra is absolutely best friends with all of her ghouls (she’s a DK and has them all named) and often times her hobbies involve having them help her out (be it around the shop she owns or what have you). So it’s not really unusual for her to be around her ghouls when Alar’s about (especially Dozer because hes the sneakiest geist in history). Alar’s not really bothered by them but they Freak Him Out.
Chloe has this tendency to overwork herself and never take a break and sometimes it just. It drives Naren up the wall. Her work is basically her hobby at this point and Naren just wants her to breathe.
(Jade and Chloe belong to @herasheroes love these good good draenei)
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rumongray · 6 years
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I saw the Game Grumps do these things and since it had been awhile since I’d done these, I decided to. I’d taken them here and there in different forms, but I always ended up as Mediator, but I always played it off as not being “taken seriously” since I was kinda just goofing off. This time I took it much more openly and honestly and got Mediator again. And...I’ve decided to reflect on it a bit.
I’ll put those reflections in a separate post, but here’s some people I’d like to see do this if they’d like to!
@tomis-jb, @alucardbelle, @senjin-seadog, @hey-fizzy-jay, @lizsama, @bibibug, @derty-boi, @zandalari-marionette, @sirdrell and anybody else who would like to! I’ll reblog my reflections to keep this original post short for others’ reblogs.
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rudemonkeyy · 7 years
sunset-striders —> senjin-seadog
new url cause it seemed like people thought it was good
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hobgobbin · 6 years
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?
Gay ask meme for Gays Only
I already answered but again, I’m a Big Video Game Gay bc I hate books and cant focus on movies most of the time
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bionysian · 7 years
20 & 26 for Barogue?
♥ How did their relationship start?
Barogue and Matlaeth actually just very randomly ran into each other in Booty Bay. Quite literally he said “hey der preddeh boy” and was like. begging for money while playing music lmaobasically he wouldnt leave Mat alone
♥ What do they love most about their significant other?
hm! probably how idealistic he is. he’s kind of a grounding point for barogue in a way; barogue is very abrupt and doesnt think before acting, whereas mat takes his time with things
@themagicaljajki it our boys!
youre always so sweet i was going to send you a couple of asks too and forgot after opening firealpaca im SORRY
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bionysian · 7 years
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