princess-uta · 2 years
Hashimada 🤎 🖤
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eclipsedsun1989 · 1 year
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My dearest, sweetest, kindest @senjuhashirama
Happy anniversary!
I can’t wait to see you soon 💜
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theycallmebabycakes · 5 months
Hi! You asked how I did the timeline. Haha it's actually just powerpoint, I found out it's good and easy for animating stuff and tables 🤔 (feel free to publish this)
Thank you! I also do weird things with power point, I just didn't think to do a timeline in there. Might try that next, instead of the word doc I'm currently using. 💜💜
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senjuhashirama · 2 years
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If you fail to plan, you plan to fail Strategy sets the scene for the tale
Happy Birthday Hashirama
by SenjuHashirama and @eclipsedsun1989 
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uchihayumi · 6 months
papa much walking @senjuhashirama very tired very hungry
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konohatenniscourt · 3 years
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theredpalace · 3 years
If the kunoichi could be counted on to eliminate a Senju, she imagined that was confidence enough in her skills.
There were entire populations of shinobi who escaped public radar. Some did it scarcely, surviving off of a secondary income that was only supplemented by the ninja work in times of need. Others did it full time, wandering from lord to lord, offering their services as guards, assassins, or thieves. After all...no one was fooling themselves into thinking the working class would need them.
So when the the Mizukage called on Hahari in spite of not being loyal to him, she imagined she was skilled enough to get the job done, and anonymous enough not to be traced back to him.
In her long observations, she noticed one secretary of the new offices of the Hokage. While the title of “kage” was catching popularity in ninja villages everywhere, it was still a fresh title, not associated with power and respect. So was the building for the day to day business of running a village. The smell of sawdust, varnish and paint was still chemically crisp, even as people fell into new rhythms in the village.
The secretary meant to inform her superiors of her trip to visit her parents, but the fellow aide who was meant to tell said superiors had ulterior motives. And it was like she had no plans at all, returning as expected when in truth, she was already on a cart several miles away.
Hahari didn’t mind lying and did it with a bright smile, hiding behind a face that was not her own.
She maintained the ruse for two days to establish trust. She’d learned her target carefully, and knew all her hobbies, including a passion for embroidery. But by the third day, opportunity struck.
The Hokage would be alone in his office and she was due to deliver his paperwork. That solitude would be his undoing.
And with a bright smile that belied a deadly intent, Hahari knocked on the door.
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samuraiisms · 3 years
The capital was very different from Tatomi Village. When Mifune arrived with his father and brother, it seemed like the whole world was packed inside its walls. Steam radiated off every building, making the entire city appear it was smoking from a distance. Yet the daimyo’s estate towered over all the steam, a proud symbol of wealth and might.
Even as tension in the capital mounted, things were still peaceful for now.
Lord Hayashi, being a small country samurai, did not receive a room in the daimyo’s palace, but he did receive a warm welcome after a rest at the local inn. Though Mifune’s older brother strutted proudly inside, Mifune was still too young to be so proud, and held onto the hem of his father’s robe as they entered the assembly. His father had informed him of the educational possibility of witnessing a proper gathering of the lords, even as his feelings for his sovereign grew terse, and insisted upon his coming.
But Mifune barely heard or understood a thing. One man had come from out of the country...crossing a distance that to Mifune seemed as far away as the moon. And in due course, his requests were refused.
The excess heat of the gathering had everyone clear out, to talk over sake and tea, and to talk about the matter their guest had come so far for. Mifune did not even catch his name, never once addressed. And he had the sense not to try to push for a conversation. He was a son of noble blood, but barely. And until he became a samurai, he would be barely anything.
His brother wandered off to find boys his age to dice, gossip and boast, but no one there was as young as Mifune. So he went off alone and found himself in the daimyo’s garden.
Though the winter that constantly kept the Land of Iron in its grip limited the variety available, the daimyo was still wealthy enough to keep a koi pond, sculpted pines and shrubs, and even a small greenhouse for sitting and viewing. The snow covered the garden in a fine powder, and Mifune was content to find a corner by the stairs, flanking the pond. Here, he could roll snowballs into perfect yukidango, and close enough to where Lord Hayashi was talking with his friends at court, he could hear him if he shouted his name.
And eight years old, rolling little balls of white snow, Mifune was alone.
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astra-stellaris-a · 3 years
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@senjuhashirama​ // ------------------
Astra knows it’ll hurt. Dragging up everything he’s been through, or in this case, one specific memory. She goes through it with him, her presence in his mind constant--she can feel his chakra fighting her, but it eventually calms under her own.
It’s a testament to how close they’ve gotten that even underneath all that, lost in his memory, that his chakra recognizes hers. And that he reaches out to her. This memory is over--and for a moment, she’s sure he can see her at the edge of his memory, and then she’s drawn them out of his mind. The way he looks at her afterwards--so scared, so broken--and those emotions are mirrored through her own eyes. She can see the fury there, for half a second, and then it’s gone.
She can feel everything he did during the memory.
“I’m here. I’m real,” she assures. 
And then she pauses. “Yes. I did. I felt--all of it, as well. When I told you about my true sight, I told you I would see the entire memory. I meant it.”
Her arms come to rest around him, a comfort. “I am not judging you. You did the best with what you were given, and it’s natural to want to escape it.”
“Your feelings are warranted. They are valid. And you are allowed to feel them.” She reminds him. “No matter if you think they make you weak. Even so, I’m here to be strong for you.”
“Tell me what happened that day, Hashirama. I may have seen, but I only saw the specific one. No more, no less.”
To relive their memories--and then receive the comfort they once needed but didn’t--is surely the first step to healing. To feel acceptance and support where there was once none..
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hana-akari · 3 years
@senjuhashirama​ asked: "Do you want to follow in Tsunade's footsteps and become a Hokage? Or would you prefer being the head of a hospital instead?"
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            “I... I suppose I never really thought to deeply about it. I would never want to take the roll of Hokage from Naruto. It has always been his dream but- If I had to step up and take the roll, I would do it in a heartbeat for my village. Tsunade fully prepared me for that roll but-
For now I think I am content with being the head of the hospital. I get to aid my village either way. There never seems to be enough medics on hand.”
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frogprinceus-a · 3 years
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@senjuhashirama​ said: "What can you, a Scorpio, offer to my granddaughter, a Leo?"
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"Well... I will love her and... never sting her with my scorpion sting?"
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sovereignxfae · 3 years
What’s one of the bravest things your muse has done? Did they consider it brave?
Mm this one is honestly a tricky one because I don't have a set ending for them. Well main verse.
There's two things that would be a brave thing to do in their main verse.
The first being branching away from their family. They don't want to succeed their adopted father. They don't want to have that weight on their shoulders. They trust themselves to rule correctly. The can even follow the schedules they set for themselves.
To keep a society alive and well? Too much for them. They don't see this as brave though. They see it as them being weak. Pushing all the things that they don’t want onto their sister knowing she doesn’t want it the same amount as they do. 
Only because their father agreed to allow their brother, Kody, to pursue a career as a scholar. Which makes the responsibility fall on on his daughter, Seo, and K’in. Seo can’t rule without a man at her side and K’in can’t rule without changing their name permanently.
The second is the exact opposite of the first. They push aside their feelings and take the throne. The hurt that comes from setting down the name they picked for themselves, one that felt like them. They push it down and lock it away.
Instead they pick up one that doesn’t feel right all for their sister. To see their sister smile without worry. Be unbridled in her happiness. Her comfort guaranteed and she can love whoever or whatever love brings her. 
For that alone they can deal with the long meetings and others doubting them. They can deal with the side glances and behind back whispers. Grind their teeth, smile a strained smile. Careful to not show their teeth, makes them seem unapproachable. Words of the kingdom over Queen who hanged off her husband’s arm. 
They feel brave for not being selfish and thinking of their family. 
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eclipsedsun1989 · 2 years
Happy birthday, my dear beloved friend.
You will always be the shiniest star, the most interesting host on every party, the kindest shinobi I have ever laid my eyes upon, the funniest, sweetest of fools.
May your day be spectacular and your pores clean.
Yours, M.
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sakura-rpblog · 3 years
New year's resolution for muse: Work less, relax more!
New Year's Resolution Meme:
Sakura smiles sheepishly, knowing there is some truth, no, a lot of truth behind the First Hokage's words.
" Mou, Lord First -- you got me. But thank you, I will try. Things are slowly winding down at the hospital. Maybe it is about time to finally go on that trip to the hot springs with friends? " she laughs heartily before moving her gaze back at Hashirama, " As for yourself, Lord First. I hope you drink and gamble less, mou. You are not getting any younger, you see! "
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senjuhashirama · 3 years
Madara teasing Hashirama about his sad face. 
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historias-multorum · 3 years
Happy Birthday don't choke on cake 🌝
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He can't help but be a little suspicious, but he'll eat the cake cause red velvet is one of his favorites.
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