#❛of one mind we unite to write a code❜―「rp」
astra-stellaris-a · 3 years
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@samuraiisms​ // -----------------
Sometimes Atria wondered what she was doing with the elaborate plans she had, the ambition, the drive, but mostly it was just a frustration to be turned away at every front due to things outside of her control. Things outside of the clan didn’t work the same as internal matters. There, power ruled all.
It started when her grandmother died when she was fifteen. The Kurokawa fell into her hands and they flourished under her guidance, amassing money and reputation quickly, regardless of the situation with her uncles several years prior. She fell into a rhythm, running the clan, okaying things, making sure they were doing well while dealing with the Stellaris.
And the two were day and night. Kurokawa were generally emotional, moreso than the average person and the Stellaris--well, they weren’t. Getting a reaction out of them was like trying to get blood out of a turnip.
And then, her father died short of her twenty-fourth birthday. It had taken nearly six months to go through his things, to grieve, even though she still felt the pang of loss every time she saw lavender, every time she saw the moon and stars. It was an ever-present ache that would get better with time. However, she found something--marriage contracts.
Some were from wind, some from fire, from every single land--daimyo’s youngest sons, vying for her hand in marriage. The stipulations, that she would have to carry a child within the first year, that she would be nothing but an incubator, made her hair spark. The first scroll she’d read burst into flame. The second had been thrown through a window--and the third? Well, it’s scorched remains made good kindling for the kitchen stove.
The only saving grace was her father’s records, the copies of the letters he’d sent denying them in no uncertain terms. There were two, that were passable. One, from the land of iron, and the other, from the land of water. Her family would be forced into a shinobi’s life with the land of water, the scroll read. Atria wasn’t ready for that, their family wasn’t ready for that.
And so, she penned the land of iron in her signature green ink, her calligraphy flowing like a heavy rain down the page.
Her stipulations were simple:
none of her family were to become shinobi
she would not have to contractually bear an heir
station would not matter in choice
the person must be dedicated, ambitious and driven
they must truly care for their people
she must be able to pass down her family’s techniques
They were bullet-pointed, quick, to the point, with no flowery words or text to contradict her harshness.
She’d turned twenty-five before everything panned out, and at the beginning of spring, they were to move, to meet her soon-to-be husband. Her letters were brisk, heavy and uncompromising, which was in contrast with her quiet, reserved, kind nature. As a female of that age, she had to be that way. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have made it as far as she did.
The day to meet him arrived. She dressed in not her finest clothes, but not the ones she would wear at home when there was nothing to do. Her hair was left down, it’s inky black length calling of the river that was her grandmother’s last name. And her swords were at her hip, the hilt shining as if they were just made. She had selected her younger brother, three years her junior, and her cousin and protector, Sayuri to accompany her. They would stay out of the way and provide a discerning eye.
She was anxious. 
For such a short person, she was an imposing figure. Her beauty would have been coveted and hidden behind walls with other people, just for royalty. But she didn’t want that--she wanted to live, she wanted a life that would allow her to be her. Her beauty was in her vibrancy, her drive, her kindness, and she would die before she allowed it to wither away as someone’s prized possession.
Her eyes lit against his own and she inclined her head. “My soon-to-be husband. Tell me of your people. And tell me of yourself, your ambitions. Tell me everything.” Her head tilted up, her gaze molten steel. “If you are honest, just and ambitious, I will be your partner.” 
Not just a wife. An equal.
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calamxty-a · 2 years
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『 ┍━━━━━»•» @timelostobserver​ // angst prompts pt 3  «•«━━━━━┑ 』
Angst Prompts - “you don’t have to say it. i already know.” // (The most fitting of the bunch, also hello!)
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『 ⚛ ∞ 』 ━ “After living so many lives, even now you’re loyal.” It’s a strange concept. He can almost forgive him for helping the other Muzans triumph, whether they be in the place of the head of the slayers or a demon. 
The power to re-wind time, to live forever. 
In certain ways, he believes the other to be more powerful than himself. Not that he’d ever admit it aloud.
His gaze shifts from the moon back to him, his expression light. “Let’s start with the immortality in this one.” It’s probably something he’s heard hundreds of thousands of times. “I don’t quite think the subjugation of the human race is something that’s completely necessary, though. My goals are slightly different. You see--the only demons I care whether live or die are the moons.. and even then..”
 They were skating on thin ice.
Perhaps he was an aberration. Different.
Who he truly cared about was himself. He would sacrifice the other demons in a split-second if only he could live the way he wanted.
“All I would like is to walk in the sun and live without limit.” And work in his lab. In a sunny lab, with floor-to-ceiling windows. ━  『 ∞ ⚛ 』
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looking for longterm hurt/comfort RP partner, over 18yo, OC or fandoms (ask, might work), MxF or MxM, in either case the H party being M. On discord or a similar platform
me: Claire, she/her, 36, London timezone GMT
So... this is long, but on the plus side: if you don’t like long I’m the wrong match for you anyway.
What I usually write:
-Deep and elaborate. My main interest is character development, the human element of the story. E.g. okay there is zombies/a bomb threat/a killer on the loose/a mystic artefact to recover/a crown to secure/a pandemic/a war to win but actually it’s a story about two people falling in love/estranged siblings finding their way back together/the newly assembled unit growing into a team, etc. Bonding, growing, healing, going on each other’s nerves.
-I like my “save the male damsel in distress”.
-complex worlds, so there is a lot of worldbuilding, plotting and character building before I start
-nerd alert. I’m a nerd and that shines through. E.g. two characters are playing chess, I’ll make sure the game can actually be played.
-I pour my heart and soul into my writing so yes, I’m happy for there to be all the memes and chatting about our characters.
-I don’t mind smut but there has to be plot, a lot of it
What I’m looking for:
-someone as passionate about this as I am. So someone who is happy to do plotting and word building and chatting about it.
-someone open-minded and nice
-someone of legal age
-someone who's really into hurt/comfort
Random, but good to know:
-most genres are fine, but I like my happyish endings. And my comic relief, even if I don’t write comedy.
-anthropomorphic characters like elves, aliens, etc are fine
-any time period is fine, AU is fine, the world just has to be coherent
-any question is acceptable, whether or not I can write it in character is something I need to see then and there, but I definitely won’t judge you, ever.
-I love my “people forced into close quarters” set ups. Police/military/spy units, expeditions, political campaigners, etc. It forces character clashes. Fun.
-I love puzzles and codes and clues and all that
-I’m in GMT and I tend to post daily, at least once. Depends on how high work is piled on top of my desk. Should I not be able to respond I’ll drop you a line. I’ll post when I have gaps in my day, so could be any time. 
-lit/novella if possible. If there are typos, so be it. I put the sex in dyslexic -literally- from time to time, too. I'd rather we each find our characters'/character's voice(s) than focus on perfect spelling. No need to be a native speaker.
-I tend to write a paragraph at a time, but I'm flexible. It should be a back at forth
-3rd POV, present or past tense. I sort of prefer present but I’m fine with both
-Tempted to use the euphemism bathroom, but let’s spell it out: anything to do with human waste.
Because there are a lot of things one can do in the bathroom that I like a lot, like giving an ill character a sponge bath.
-Dead, ill or injured dogs, foxes, horses, rats or hedgehogs. That’s a hard limit. An odd one but oh well. I have absolutely no issue with dead, ill or injured human or anthropomorphic characters. Or a medical/pandemic setting monkeys
-Killing our characters without a warning/agreement. Let’s be honest, if you e.g. want to make an MI5 shaped cake, you have to break and possibly waterboard some eggs. That’s a given in certain genres. But I fancy myself a happy ending for at least my favourite character, so I’m happy for us to have no-kill list or a red-shirt list.
If you think we might click, message me:
Discord: CG#8000
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caeloservare · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by:   stolen from @courtclover tagging:    it’s fun, long but fun
Of course I used italics where it’s sorta kinda :D
MY MUSE IS:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent ((basic writing happens before the vol7 finale)) / fandomless / complicated.
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON? I like canon and I like sticking to it, but hey, we’re fandom, we’re here for fun and straying from canon like we please.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals. James is hot af just for starters :D  I very much enjoy his golden heart, which he gives away much too much, up until he snaps and becomes what he’s always accused of - heartless, cold and logical. Whole world is obviously too much for one man to carry, he so desparately tries regardless, that to some extent he succeeds! Admirable how he walks over his own reputation, needs, fears and desires to save other people, who happen to be actively hating on him, but he does so anyway. He’s a man who isn’t afraid to personally intervene when needed, fighting grimms barehanded included. He has a tendency to self-sacrifice for the cause, but he’s also patient, caring and incredibly strong both on body and mind. James is the one to listen and come up with solutions, if anyone decides to trust him with something. I don’t see those as a downsides writing-wise, so: he does have flaws. He’s selfish in his selflessness, too ambitious and often too direct in his approaches. James is both simple and complicated person. He’s horribly stubborn and does his best to keep personal life fairly separated from work. In relationship, would give you everything, but he’s also married to his duties and so, saving the world will almost always come first. His moral code does get in the way often, same as his sense of good manners and strong opinions. He is stiff, but getting on his soft and bit dumb, himbo side is even more worth it then, right? >:3
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?). His morals are too strict and he does have stick in the butt. His charm and natural charisma has limits. He makes very tough and questionable choices to the point, I believe, the only thing saving him from being straight out hated and even hunted down by fandom is that he’s madly handsome. And maybe that his motives are still somewhat reasonable, logical even. James believes that he’s right a bit too much (but on his behalf - he’s proven right quite a lot). Also as much as I really enjoy Remnant military and cop role, I hate and despise comparision to United States and cops there. Please no. I’ll never accept that it was supposed to be allusion, no. Atlas =/= USA. Can’t change my mind.
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE? Qrow and James are my very favs of the series from adulter characters. (First was Jaune, then Sun and Neptune <3 my dumb babies. But somehow writing older muses feels better for me, idk why) I really like broken heroes and somehow interacting with Qrows is more fun for me currently, than trying to write him.
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING? Fun I have writing with you people! Just look at frustrated James among whole flock of mischievious birbs and others <3
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
DO YOU THINK YOU GIVE YOUR CHARACTER JUSTICE?   YES / NO :’))) ((confidence? like that thing you throw into a soup for taste?)) ((have you seen what I’ve done to this epicly badass man with my dumb ideas?)) / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO?
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?  As long as it’s polite criticism from a friend, not hate or getting frustration out on me. 
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?  Depends who it is. I’d like to hear from friends their views - that’s useful, fun and can help with developing even more interesting ones. But never ever force it on me, nor come at me if we’re not writing or talking. That’s just rude and unfollow button is right there.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?  They have right to and they can leave for our mutual comfort. It’s just a hobby, it’s not real. I’m not here to fight about how I see the character nor how they see the character.
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT? Shucks, they’re missing out, but that’s their choice.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS? POLITELY and with understanding that I do not speak English nearly as fluently as I wish I could. Polish grammar just randomly mixes in and I can not notice until a day later or so. I mistake words and meanings. I’d like to improve, but I’m trying really hard to get words and phrases right, so just please keep that in mind. At least I grew confidence to ask about things I don’t get more often.
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN? I think yes. I’m as chill as I can, shy to new people, but trying, and always choosing kindness over my pride. I’d rather ask further like an idiot what you mean, than let my assumptions start a fight. But I do have my limits. Firm limits of a hothead who won’t have anyone being an asshole to anyone.
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morethanaprincess-a · 5 years
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15 questions, 15 mutuals.
⭑ Are you named after anyone?
I'm not, actually! My father pretty much decided on my name before I was born. I go by Rae here, but my name is Rachel.
⭑ When was the last time you cried?
A few weeks ago, I think. I had to drop everything a few weekends back to do emergency tasks for work and I was already very burned out. I still am to a degree. That's why I love RP and tumblr! It's one of the few things that helps me relax.
⭑ Do you have kids?
My cats are my children, honestly! I'm very much childfree and don't plan to change that.
⭑ Do you use sarcasm a lot?
On the internet, not often, unless I know the person well or in real life. I never want to offend someone so I try to be mindful about how my words may be misconstrued. I'd rather just err on the side of kindness and respect to everyone and ignore people who don't treat me with the same courtesy.
⭑ What’s the first thing you notice about people?
It's usually their fashion sense. While I'd notice an extreme height difference or unnaturally colored hair/eyes, I'm most drawn to how people express themselves through clothing and accessories. It's not necessarily always a judgment call either, I simply enjoy the form of self-expression.
⭑ What’s your eye color?
My eyes are a dark brown. I hated them as a child because I thought they were boring, and then Hermione Granger came along with my hair color and style, as well as eye color, and I've liked my eyes ever since!
⭑ Scary movie or happy ending?
Considering the muse I play, I love both! I watch a lot of period dramas and some romantic comedies, but I love horror movies. It's a life goal to get through all of Bravo's horror movie countdown recommendations. Some of my favorites include: Suspiria (original), Nightmare of Elm Street (original), Saw (the first 2-3 of them at least), The Babadook, The Shining, Psycho, The VVitch, Crimson Peak, Audition, Train to Busan, The House on Haunted Hill (original), and Dracula (1930s and Francis Ford Coppola versions). My horror favorites pretty much change month by month and I watch a lot more the closer it gets to Halloween. I love recommendations!
⭑ Any special talents?
Most of my talents fall in the hobbies category, but I'm very good at lifting heavy weights. I don't have the time I used to anymore with my job requirements, but at my strongest I was squatting 265 lbs and deadlifting 200 lbs, both limits being higher than my body weight. I'm not really a sporty/athletic person, so weightlifting is my primary form of exercise.
⭑ Where were you born?
I was born in Baltimore, Maryland. I spent most of my childhood there before moving to St. Louis, Missouri, where I lived until my college years. Now I live in the Southeast portion of the United States.
⭑ What are your hobbies?
My biggest (time consuming and money-wise) is cosplay! I've been cosplaying for longer than I'd care to admit (definitely over a decade). And before anyone asks, yes, I have (and still do!) cosplay as Sonia, though her outfits are only part of my closet right now. Otherwise, I try to write (and mostly stalk) fashion and style blogs. Geek chic, luxury accessories, and makeup are my favorite blog topics. I also read a ton of various fiction titles and manga and binge watch a lot of TV. Some of my TV watching is for work, but when I have the choice I'm watching horror, anime (getting through Bungo Stray Dogs and Caligula right now. Thanks tumblr RP friends!), Korean dramas, and all sorts of British and Australian TV. Beyond the usual Netflix/Hulu/Amazon/Crunchyroll, the only other streaming services I invest in are Britbox and Acorn. I also play some video games, but I'm mostly interested in otome and visual novels. Besides Danganronpa, some of my favorites include Code: Realize (I'm a bit obsessed with this title right now!), Amensia, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, Umineko no Naku Koro ni, Zero Escape, and Steins;Gate. I've also been obsessed with Harry Potter for twenty years.
⭑ Do you have any pets?
Yes! I have four cats, though I only intended to have two. I have my old lady 14-year old calico and my sweet, formerly feral 3-year old buff tuxedo tabby baby (she's the favorite and she knows it). But I also inherited my grandmother's two siamese cats when she could no longer care for them. They're both 3 years old and, due to their upbringing, not very nice. But we make it work.
⭑ What tattoos / piercings / body mods do you have?
I just have one piercing in each ear. I really don't like needles and my job keeps me from having a lot of piercings and visible tattoos.
⭑ How tall are you?
I'm 5'8", last I checked. My height doesn't usually make it difficult to find clothes or anything, but my body size/type does. I have a few favorite places I'm loyal to, though.
⭑ Dream job?
I'm actually pretty close to what I'd consider a dream job! I work in marketing for a media broadcasting company. Though if I could do anything, I'd probably be a geek fashion/style blogger, covering as many collaborations and releases as I can, as well as some conventions and events with a prominent focus on geek fashion.
⭑ Favorite subject at school?
Pre-university, it was always English (more focused on English lit than English language), French, and history. Once I started at Uni, I loved my creative writing classes and some of my literature classes focused on genre fiction, especially fantasy, sci-fi, and fashion. I'm not good at math or science. Any of them.
tagged by: @kazouda
tagging: You! I never like forcing people to do these things but I'd love to learn all about you.
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thatneverwas-a · 6 years
Rules (for mobile)
Sorry these are lengthy; a lot of them are standard. TL:DR - I’m 18+, don’t be a jerk, please talk to me!
1. If I seem to have missed our thread, and you’re looking for it and can’t find it, please tell me. I’m extremely scatterbrained, and Tumblr’s hecked up the activity in general.
2. Mun and Muse are both over 18 (Mun is 20). NSFW TOPICS WILL NOT BE WRITTEN WITH ANYONE I AM NOT CERTAIN IS OF AGE. This blog will be occasionally NSFW for adult themes including violence. I will tag for common triggers including blood, death, and violence, but please tell me if there’s something in particular you would like tagged. Triggers are tagged “triggernamehere tw”.
3. My style of writing tends towards para- and multi-para. It’s sometimes difficult to get anything moving in less words than that, unless it’s crack or the like. You needn’t match my length all the time, especially when I get wordy, but if it’s a common imbalance where one side writes a lot more than the other every single time, it might not be right for us to RP. If your writing style tends to be a few lines, then we can try and work something out, but it’s less likely to happen. This isn’t meant to be a comment on the quality of your writing - sometimes, styles just aren’t compatible. And spelling and grammar are fairly important to me; I have a really hard time processing things that are very improperly written - this isn’t meant to be a statement against newer or EL writers, it’s just the way my brain works, and I’m sorry if it comes off that way.
4. RPing is a hobby, and a personal choice. I reserve the right to refuse or discontinue RPs with anyone at any time for any reason, just as others have the right to refuse or discontinue RPs with me. If it’s a permanent thing, I would appreciate a message stating why - and I will NOT take it personally, sometimes things just don’t work out - and will attempt to do the same for others.
5. I am selective with both shipping and RPs, though I am multiship and non-exclusive. I don’t do mains. Ships will be tagged respectively. Alexis is not here just for shipping, and force-shipping without prior discussion will not be tolerated. There’s as much to be explored in friendships, rivalries, camaraderie, and hatred as much as any ship.
6. There is no rule number 6.
7. Please don’t reblog any personal posts, or any RPs that you aren’t a part of. It makes it hard to keep track of replies, and also is just…rude. Please. Anything that’s not personal or directly RP is fair game, though.
8. I’m not a meme archive. I don’t like to be treated like a meme archive. I DO encourage you to reblog memes from me, but if you do it on the regular, send one in every now and again. Please? I don’t actively practice reblog karma, though I do try to either send one in or reblog from source, and would appreciate at least an attempt at the same courtesy. However, if there’s no meme that works for your muse, I WON’T BE MAD IF YOU REBLOG IT FROM ME. Just don’t make it every single one I ever do, with none ever returned. Honestly, it’d be nice to have the activity.
9. My Askbox and IMs are always open, with anon on. Feel free to approach me IC or OOC! Alexis is an OC version of a character that already has intentionally little information revealed about him, and that’s in his main verse! With the Overwatch setting, and all the past verses (as selective as I may be with those), there’s a lot of information you might need, and that’s okay.
10. I read rules, and try to remember to send in passwords. I don’t have a password myself, but if you pop in to say you’ve read my rules, you’ll probably make me smile. I don’t do greeters, because I can’t always keep track of it, and I’m aware sometimes people follow without wanting to IMMEDIATELY RP(especially with an OC; that’s a whole other bucket of bears). I will do starter calls, however, and those are pretty much permanent. They will be tagged “Come One And All : {Starter}”.
11. Don’t godmod. Come on. It’s…whatever year you’re reading this in. If something is unclear about my character or her abilities, or the situation, ask me.
12. Verse will be defaulted to TF2, during Alexis’ long stay with Builder’s League United as a Spy, UNLESS your character is from the Overwatch universe - then verse will default to Overwatch, during the post-Recall era. Any other verses or crossovers desired need to be specifically mentioned at some point. I’m not a mind reader.
13. None of the art that appears on this blog will ever be mine. Any generic images are from google with “usage tools: marked for reuse” on, and I will NEVER claim any art or work not done by me as mine. If I have missed or miscredited a piece of artwork, please contact me asap so I can correct my mistake. Some of the references may be done by me, however. Is it super bad quality? Probably mine.
14. Alexis is, in any timeline and universe, a man who can and has killed (with the exception of the Youth and College timelines). In his two main verses, he is a versed and versatile spy and assassin, with a lifetime of experience in warfare and subterfuge. He can and will fight your muse if provoked, even if it is not his first option, and he is not to be trifled with lightly.
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dankdesert-blog1 · 7 years
Unturned Hack
I truly do not fault you if you have tuned out. The emergency issues are what you are confident enough imagine from membership with dayz's blood stream walking as a result of its veins: hunger, stamina, and the like. A number of hosts by now really exist-you will see a list these -although there is no in-membership internet browser yet still. |If just enough many people waste the income for precious gold up grade, imagine extra sophisticated extra features to end up being provided. Or else thanks a bunch you for understanding eh, ive had (6 hours at present) rather than now that wished to buy the precious gold up grade. Therefore repairing every established group code experiencing a varied approach to completing This can be a serious factor mainly because will likely be the factor that every established network will consult. varied exhausting push, it indicates that you diligently supplies what you will like with no complications of an q/a team or article author approval. Your complete goal in mind might be to sustain on your own using a spook-swarmed prince edward tropical island, controlling some clear vigor meters which represents health and wellbeing, starvation, It’s simple that sexton was suffering from the prototypical dayz mod, as well as commitments on the simply visceral, modular, unforgiving, perpetually growing apocalypse-these goals are constructed from computer programming skillsets he honed at 15 is very spectacular. |The game has frequently veteran top of the 10 Per cent of steam’s most helpful people implemented premium generators, and very much of that might be chalked perhaps up to sexton’s self-discipline. “at now the metropolis and also that i will always be conversing,” state governments sexton. folks i talk with a whole lot on the steam community forums i finish up just leading to my steam buddies range and they will do bug states making characteristic strategies. The lengthy-word goal in mind is through an event in which a competitor can do almost everything, for the time being it’s lovely to realize that there is an individual being attentive however accomplish. It is possible to hop in and really enjoy exactly the same skills as everybody in addition. “for me the key aspect i appreciate about Steam Unturned Cheats is being able to see the evaluations, we are convinced the primary reason for that's how it's not hard to become involved in." currently sexton not going to advanced schooling, but state governments he’ll keep in mind signing up if he sets out experiencing complications in membership creation he want to find out by themselves. Tons of adolescents have pooled their providers to get one adolescent to make his membership for their |I recall being able to see an individual that put the pantry shelves i meant for that floors on the roof. A pretty simple case is basically that you is unable to only clearly show your ads on the news paper since many many people only watch hdtv and do not check out classified ads, so promote your business on television in addition. any dev of an service he was selected, to accept online community and review the company's membership, except if they provide him some room space of maneuver, for example cs:go devs in some cases talk in reddit, sometimes about tech items from membership. He’s carefully and accurately spoken, self-sure presented with his several years, and has now that attractive canadian burr. It’s underneath innovative. It disguises variety-prevalent rich products. Then, right after i became completing the store website page for several., i Like everybody in addition at that time, he was enthralled by dayz heralded. There will be some debate it had emerged as just as an extra roblox membership, apocalypse ever increasing, resulting in a spat backward and in front games’ spectators, but sexton’s primary concern was he couldn’t increase it quickly. It hits me as extremely bold for an individual so unskilled experiencing a complicated engine to get embraced the game so beginning, whenever you are the general public would seem an important part of membership-building his technology. |Seriously, all through the demonstration, i clicked among the many drastically wrong switches and my trial wound up no more being employed, to ensure was horrifying.” until such time as a couple of days prior, Steam Unturned Cheats has appreciated day by day revisions, regular the convention sexton set in place from originally eliminate. Looking after your membership brand new is apparently his thinking: exploring lengthy-word, sexton would you like to obtain Steam Unturned Cheats to some degree in which people will help make almost everything, even when its workshop was already the spot to search out a great many new motor vehicles, firearms, clothes and charts. You will discover a policy, then, a sage combination of caution and self esteem. The very best Please make sure to show this undesirable mixed up canuck what “that attractive canadian burr” is? Could it be anything in connection with our accents? The only real burrs i realize are most people spiky plant seeds which get stuck to the pants as you looking for hikes inside forest (individually i feel like a stereotype just writing that sentence). are convinced. That coach: hiya i seen you've created a membership title that very large quantities of many people execute. Indeed, the boxy zombies of Steam Unturned Cheats are definitely adorable. |isn't any exemption. Then there is the various making products: wire, fingernails or toenails, pad, bolts, stones, duct tape, and the like. Even evening can hold no fear and worry for me personally now. You will discover a bridge blocked with cars. I search for a some smaller sized farms and pummel some old-fashioned zombies into mixture, refuel, and get plant seeds to shrub afterwards. Props to the! Will you not mean… propz to the? “starting the game nude, on the other hand, ensures that you just have some slot machines to maintain just about everything loot.” i actually do not wanna know. A regular shooter with just a few skills. Toodle-injury shielding out-of-date chum ) i believe he designed it felt like endlessly considering that the 4g apple iphone hiya gentleman, nobody’s pushing a person to undeniably browse the opinions. |Played mtss is a little at present also it seriously jogs my mind of these zombie apocalypse roguelike cataclysm. Survivor protip: just as in dayz, the main objective must be looking for a melee weapon. Indicating i am freaking brilliant and also ought succeed in a prize of an superior-five also, the lighthouse prospect is probably the most helpful continual items on rps, combined with the grognardy bit aspect they are simply completing so i do not fully grasp how many people can grumble concerning this except if you've damaging flavor purely because it's sometimes to tell the truth-crafted and quite odd and offer many people a glance of tactics very much crafted a membership is. “free-to-play” and “survival” have to date been less than enjoyable bedfellows, but there is at least an effort on Steam Unturned Cheats to keep it acceptable. I like that! I like this aspect journeyed from very humble beginnings to having been done by a lot of people than oxidation, terraria and dayz. Of course beauty/images =/= graphical design, on the other hand in addition, i notice the beauty is good for the time being. Will look a great deal more like faltering than minecrafy imo the game execute is good and also that i would not refer to it as Likely you do not know what promoting and advertising is. Is not at all times in touch with your children. It peaks at in excess of 38,000 people, and has now a typical concurrent depend of 28,000. |The only real other no-price titles becoming more people on steam are organization castle 2 and dota 2, all of that provide triple-a standard membership execute a large number of people would not avoid enjoying to pay extra for. The young child-heavy duty society of Steam Unturned Cheats’s hosts originally grew to end up being very clear inside my skills while i contacted We have not ever said that blizzard don't You will discover a point in which anything varies from having been just pleasure to actually detrimental, just enough in which it's grossly unethical. While in the cell, my captor was adamant designed to do work outs for him, leaning best suited and dropped in straightforward succession as they quite simply aimed his very large rifle at me. You really can murder the whole of the hosting server society in standpoint of an helicopter. design and style. You should not like pvp? Insert a pve hosting server and only assemble with buddies! Given program using to view out But, when we experience a lot into that rabbit gap, let’s identify the larger usually acknowledged areas of |Putting from membership it's really a emergency membership arise a publish-apocalypse globe, in which a lot of the persons are switched into flesh feeling hungry zombies. It's really a reputable store which may be reward near the new the united kingdom of canada. The raised skillsets might also expand the hazard for boost in your strength: you'll have the option to destroy extra zombies. I've 1000 hours and i've got a hosting server farmville stones ! 11/10 tnx nelson . -it's more appropriate increased -workshop aid -more appropriate graphical design -custom charts -extra zombies -extra lowers -more appropriate making (it now tells you competency with the information you might have in addition to solution you absolutely need) -consistent revisions experiencing a small level of mb chosen -more appropriate rucksack -different alternatives to make your characteristics nice drawbacks of a couple of. I'd a steam membership and also that i only had five times at freddy's 1,2,3,4 and garry's mod. Scavenge places, shoot zombies and various other people, Farmville necessitates a facelift, a considerably vital one. |Zombies are dispersed throughout the tropical island but congregate in metropolitan places, protecting important loot. A pretty simple art form model masks the unforgivable structure of an zombie-swarmed globe when the undead is the only foreseeable part. It is a aesthetic model that's next to to cartoons with clouds that look like like taters. The meters registering my thirst and hunger-in the bottom part dropped area-seemed to be by now depleting and also that i coveted to make certain i have done not expire from limited providers. Unfortunately, best suited-clicking on also requires stamina. Feel isn't just obtained from killing zombies. Just collect and click on. Even people without goods are as bloodthirsty as zombies. I spawned inside identical set because 2nd competitor. |It was the shadowstalker-a railgun. requiring you to pay the 5 $ $ $ $ doesn't equivalent a fork out-to-succeed in system, considering that the pluses are separated.
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astra-stellaris-a · 2 years
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『☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚』 ──  @fallesto​  // contd from here and here ── 『・゚⋆*・⋆*・゚☽』
Astra’s life wasn’t easy, by any stretch of the imagination. Her family, wealthy, held an inherited position in the government.. but on top of that, there were other things--the abduction by her uncles, their arrest before they could even get where they were going. Their father’s divorce of their mother and his subsequent fight with the court system. It had taken years to get them out of her home, but he’d finally managed it. Though, the time that she and Atreus spent with her mother wasn’t pleasant. It was horrific-- Astra herself was treated horribly, abused, but Atreus was spared most of it. By Astra’s intervention.
Them, finding their older brother, who had been sold. Just like Astra was going to be. That was what won their father the custody case to begin with.
It was a whole mess.
And on top of that, Astra’s schooling and her status as heir to their family, on top of that. She would be the one inheriting the government seat, she would be the one to corral the rest of their family and keep them in line. That morning, she was late. Azha couldn’t do it--he was still doing intensive therapy, years later, and he, himself, was attending university for law. Almost graduated, but still. She couldn’t expect him to do it.. and Atreus was attempting to attain a doctorate of physics-- and Astra.. well, she was going for a doctorate in psychiatry and psychology, minoring in sociology. Even if she’d just started her bachelor’s the year before, she was still looking to the future. She had plans.
She’d woken up late and was required to be at her father’s side as they looked over a few contracts with the government--to have the head of family and heir there at the same time to go over them... but her alarm hadn’t gone off and she received a call.. about an hour after she was supposed to wake. She dressed fast, talking to her father the entire time.. but he thought it was funny. She’d never been late to anything before. Always on time, always punctual. Usually even early comparable to others when they arrived.
Her father postponed the meeting, luckily, but it still set her on edge and still made her anxious enough to forget exactly what she was doing. Almost on auto-pilot, she got her favorite coffee-- a cappuccino, hot, and turned on her heel to walk out the door..
Only to walk directly into a very tall man, who had apparently been standing behind her. Coffee went everywhere... and she swallowed as she looked up at him. Her breath caught-- his back to the sun, the tips of his very spiky hair illuminated in the morning’s glow.
He looked so familiar that it almost hurt.
But she’d never seen him before.
It seemed like she was going to be a little later than planned.
“Please excuse me,” she said, her voice quiet. “And accept my apologies for-- drenching you in coffee. Here-- I’ll pay for yours, since I messed up your clothing. If-- you want, you can go try to clean some of it off in the bathroom if you give me your order. I can have it waiting for you when you come out, even.”
She always tried to make things right when she messed up. It was only fair that she pay for his, considering she’d be paying for another cappuccino for herself.
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astra-stellaris-a · 2 years
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Astra hated airbending. The bending part came easy to her--but it was the other things that was hard. Connecting with the spirit world, for example--there were times where she felt hopelessly lost and she was trying to commune with those who hated her--who didn’t even want to give her their acknowledgement.
It felt like she was dealing with her mother.
It didn’t help that she already had a problem with air... due to her own mother’s bending. Air was about being free.. about not having earthly attachments. But she was the avatar. She was supposed to bring balance to the world itself. It frustrated her to no end that she was constantly told to let go of her earthly attachments.
To Astra, they were one in the same.
But this time was different--she could feel it as she settled in to meditate, her eyes closed, her body practically vibrating with energy that she didn’t know and couldn’t place. This time, there was a vision--of a panda, leading her to a forest. She knew it had to be in the earth kingdom.. but she got the feeling that it needed to be protected. This spirit was Hei Bai, she knew from the texts she’d read.
When she was pulled out of it, there was a feeling--a direction she should head. She didn’t even wait--or gather anything. The feeling was too strong. Wherever he was showing her... whatever was happening there, it was urgent. She would set out as fast as possible.
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astra-stellaris-a · 2 years
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                                               ⫷ @fallesto​  ⫸
When mother cared for them on there own and cried herself to sleep each and every single night out of fear that father would perish.
When father returned, and for the first time they had saw him cry before them and it had shaken them all to the core at such a sight.
When mother swelled with child and father, became more aggressive, more protective. Seeking out more strength to protect them from harm.
When mother had Kiari and father was not there to see the birth and returned, frustrated, anger and lashing out at his friends within the demon slayers.
When father became sick…
When mother saw that she had a curse mark on her delicate features.
When father vanished one night and never returned to them.
When mother then left as well to find him and bring him back, and never returned as well.
When it was just the three of them left, there uncle coming to protect them and teach them.
If there were good days, then there were limited, too far and few, mere fractured memories that they clung onto and now this.
Uncle had perished, died. They said he had been found, severed in two and all else in the area, broken minded, muttering drooling fools.
It was them…
As Seiru stood at there uncles grave and looked down. An adult themselves, grown, there own family, there own partner, there own children as they shifted there glance and looked at Serai.
As beautiful as there mother, and as strong as there father. There own family, there own partner, there own children.
Both of them demon slayers, like there mother and father.
Hidden. To not walk this path and to live, to have a life, to become something. To change there name and move, to take there mothers family name and go as far as they could go, and then further. Not telling them, not contacting them, never, not once. It was needed, one of them had to survive, one of them have to live, it was the only way to ensure the line continued.
“Your looking well Serai, I am glad you came.” As he remained on his knees for a moment and then pushed himself up, resting his hands on his uncles headstone and paying him the respect a man such as he deserved.
“It was them, no matter what anyone might say, only mother and father would have been able to do this.”
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The eldest daughter, the eldest sister. Grown with more confidence, more love. More. Than their mother ever had. As bas as they were, as bad as they turned. Even if they were demons, they’d been taken care of by them. Never hurt even if the rest of the slayers around them perished. Their uncle never told them of their mother and father, but she knew. She knew what they’d become.
To know their uncle died to them, though.
“Seiru,” she greeted.
In many ways, she looked like her mother. Her facial structure, her eyes. But her father’s hair. She’d been blessed with height, even growing taller than her brother. 
Their mother was tiny, their father large. Somehow, they’d been happy together. Enough to make three children. Enough for their mother to leave them for him.
But they had their uncle, who had come to love them. They saw him smile, they saw him be happy. And they grew to be demon slayers, like him and their parents. And because of them.. now, he was gone, too. He lived a long life, and they had as well. Adults with families, whose children died of strange things when they became demon slayers.
Kiari, abandoning it after losing every member, running away from it all to live happily, to create more children. Serai couldn’t find fault in any action taken. If she could, she would have followed and done the same thing. But she couldn’t. Not.. not now.
She bowed to pay her respects to the man that raised them, who stepped in when their parents stepped out. She loved them, and somehow she understood why. Her mother’s journal had been more than illuminating, and that was only given to her after she’d become an adult.
What a sad life she lived, never cared for. It hurt, knowing that their mother had arranged more for them than she ever received. No wonder she left with their father to become a demon.
But she hated demons.
Especially Kibutsuji Muzan. It was his fault--if he had never came into their lives, it would have been ideal. They would have had a mother and a father and an uncle who cared for them. Their family’s destruction was his fault and his fault alone.
She stood.
“Kibutsuji Muzan will die,” she said with a finality, “For turning our parents into those things. But.. you said you were sure. No one’s said anything about them for ages, and they’ve not.. made waves since.. since Father killed the previous oyakata-sama and presented his head to that bastard. And our children.. I knew, I knew it were them. Seiru.. our children..”
She took a breath in. To lose child after child, only the strongest remaining. But even those were dwindling.
“No one knows anything about them. I’ve tried looking. But every avenue dries up. Each person dies, each person kills themselves or is found with their stomach cut open. It’s.. Seiru, I feel like I’m fighting smoke or the night itself. I can’t even get names out of anyone. Even oyakata-sama will not tell me.” Her hands shook in fury.
“But now.. now we will hunt them ourselves. Seiru, you will join me again in this. For our Uncle. Our Father and Mother, who was taken from us in the worse way possible.”
She lit some incense and closed her eyes.
“I am a sun breather,” she whispered, “But I fear I won’t be enough to kill them. Oyakata-sama has been hiding it in fear that I’ll be targeted next. I’ve only been allowed to use thunder breathing because of it, since I was a child.” Would she look upon them and buckle? She had a feeling she would. To see her parent’s faces again, but not her parents. She clung to each memory of them desperately, and even if Yoriichi had taken her father’s place, she made sure to remind him that he wasn’t. Even if Kiari called him father. “My apologies for the secret, brother. But I cannot hold it any longer.”
Even if it made him hurt.
She regretted being so cold to him, now. She had apologized to him a few years ago, but that regret still stung her.
She put her hand on her blade--so much like her mother’s, but rather than burning with the moon’s light it burned saturated with the most beautiful daylight.
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astra-stellaris-a · 2 years
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                          @fallesto​  ╰┈➤ ❝ [ 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 ] ❞
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[   ❝Seiru, you know the rules,❞ she reminded softly.  ❝It will hurt us very badly, and could even kill us. I know you want to see it, but it is much too dangerous. My child..❞ More and more, lately he’d been coming home, wanting to see the sun. Wanting to touch it, run into it. One day, he would. He wouldn’t die quickly--no, he was too strong for that. But she was doing her best to keep him out of it.
She’d let him go exploring on his own earlier. Such was necessary for boys his age--to learn how to be alone for a little bit, and then have the ability to come back to his parents and tell them everything he’d seen. And she wanted him to learn through observation. She could tell him everything but he truly wouldn’t learn until he experienced it. It was no more than an hour or so..
The children, at least Seirei, still had attachment issues. Unless they knew where their parents were, they would worry. Aruna took to writing down when she and Kokushibo were away--those moments where they snuck out together, or when they needed time for themselves. Upon returning there wasn’t the panic, even if they were held a little tighter than normal.
She gently lifted him up, wrapping her arms around him from behind and swung him back and forth with a smile, laughing a little.  ❝One day, when we can be cured you will see the sun and you will see the glory that it is. But until then you’ll make me very happy just being here.❞
And then, she put him down. 
❝Tell me of your adventure today. Such a smart boy, you have had to learn something new!❞ Always coming home and speaking, knowing he would never be judged for what happened during his time away. Whether he killed an animal on accident, or whether he leveled a tree trying to climb it, she would show him how to do what he wanted without destroying it the next time.
She readied the home by closing the door and blocking off the windows. She could hear Seirei and Kokushibo in the background, speaking about something. She knew it was a little favoritism to treat him so gently, but Seirei was different. Each child had different needs. And Seiru was a touch more sensitive, so that’s what he received.
❝Come, tell me about it as you lay down.❞  ]
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astra-stellaris-a · 3 years
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@fallesto​ // with Shinjuro  ── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──
“My mother disinherited me.. many times over.” Astra admitted. “You wondered why I could stick my hands in the flames so easily--and why I did not flinch a single time. I had experience with another type of burn. They say that lightning scars are supposed to disappear with time.. but mine hasn’t quite yet. It’s been..decades now.”
And the gloves--the ones that she refused to remove during their training, are discarded and the gauzy robe she wears is pulled up--spanning from the tip of her middle finger on her right arm to the crease of her shoulder is a scar--shaped like lightning, winding up and around. Rather beautiful, all things considered. “But they also say that scars.. given by people remain until there is no more animosity, even in death.”
“I was the heir to both of my families. My mother’s family was matrilineal and she held resentment for me to begin with-- for stealing her place. The nail in the coffin was.. I was abducted when I was seven. By her elder twin brothers. They wanted to sell me to a wealthy family in Osaka as a child bride,” she said. “I fought back and because I knew about them and what they were planning on doing. They decided that the best course of action was to kill me.”
“It was storming--I think there was a typhoon off the coast-- and they chased me onto the roof. They’d just installed lightning rods in preparation of--all of it. And I happened to touch it at the right time. I had my hand on his face and my other hand was on the rod. And Raijin himself struck us.”
“Both of them died. The first died instantly. The other died to the fire the sparks created. My arm was absolutely mangled. I was lucky that my grandmother was a doctor. A good doctor, at that.”
“And since then she has hated me. She lied to my father about my killing them. She told him that it was premeditated. That I went with them with the intention of killing them and that ultimately I was an evil person. He--also, disinherited me. At the time, even though they were living apart--he believed his wife.”
“When I was twelve we had an argument and my brother sided with me. She threw us both out in the middle of the night and my brother convinced me to go to my father and tell him everything. On the way there, we were attacked by a demon.”
“I felt no fear. I faced the demon myself and sent my brother ahead. I was alright with dying--if my brother lived. All he had to do was get to our father’s home. They were demon slayers. The demon had his hands around my neck when my father struck it down.” Her eyes fell.
“And-- my brother told my father and he believed him. He came back for me. My father was an honorable man. A good man--I’d never seen him cry before. But that night he did. He begged my forgiveness and I gave it to him. Soon after, he confronted my mother and she admitted it to him. He asked my grandmother and she told the same story my brother did. My mother--is a demon in human’s skin. She has never apologized. She never will. And I’ve made peace with that. That is why my mother is not here--that’s why she wasn’t at his funeral. Because her hate has overcome what love she was able to create.”
“And that’s why I cannot judge you. Because I have committed the ultimate sin, Shinjuro. Even though I’ve tried to make up for it by saving people, I still cannot clean the human blood off my hands. I still can’t clean my soul from my actions--accidental or not.”
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astra-stellaris-a · 2 years
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                                       ⫷ @fallesto​ 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 ⫸
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“Upper moon one, huh? Are you going to be trying out for that one, too?” She looked over at him with an easy smile--this was one she gave everyone. Not quite the one that he would remember.. this one was a little more impersonal. More something that she gave to closer acquaintances. But more and more she was getting the feeling that he knew more about her than she knew about him. 
And, on top of that, he seemed almost suspicious of the instructor. 
Did they have a past? Was something wrong?
“But I’m happy to see you, too. A third time’s a charm. I think the universe is trying to tell me something--that we’re supposed to be friends. So I think I’ll listen, just this time.” She winked, giving a small laugh.
“You have so much faith in me-- but I seem to think similarly of you, you know. Not everyone can keep up with me like that. I have to apologize for not sending you a message earlier because I was very busy--between dealing with a few things with my father and brothers and then there was getting everything ready for class. It’s been a busy, hectic week and it should be getting a little better soon. I hope, at least.”
“But overall.. this class is going to be very hard for me. The number one spot will probably be yours. I’m absolutely awful at anything regarding science. I was only taking the class because I was curious about the instructor, but he doesn’t seem to be anything strange or out of the ordinary.”
Like every other Professor she’d dealt with. Rather strict, though, judging by the amount of homework and the rigorous pacing of the class. She knew damn well that other professors dropped the later portions of this study into a whole other, specialized course. Ambitious, on top of young and strict. 
She tried to ignore the looks he seemed to shoot her and Michikatsu-- they were in the back of the class and being very quiet, as opposed to some of the ones in the closer rows. What was his problem?
He, too, seemed familiar but she couldn’t place where she knew him from.
“Oh--and are you taking the lab portion? If you wouldn’t mind--I would like to be your partner for that. Everyone else is a little scary.” Kind of funny, coming from her, who looked absolutely tiny next to him. But such was life. She was used to it, really, between her father and brothers. They were all tall... or taller than Michikatsu.
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astra-stellaris-a · 3 years
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@sakura-rpblog​  // ----------------------------------------------------
“Take no risks and be alert to danger. That is all.”
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Astra wants to laugh. She really, really does. And in her half-delirious state, she does so, very loudly.
With her broken leg, her broken ribs, her broken left arm as well as the various cuts and stab wounds--the warning is a little late and comes off as slightly sarcastic. The irony isn’t lost on her--when facing an upper rank demon there’s always the promise of bloodshed, death, broken bones and severe injuries. Even without the pain medicine she would find this situation amusing--at the very least.
“I should’ve kept that in mind,” she says, her good humor obvious, “But--I killed upper rank four! I should at least be able to celebrate!”
The pain medicine--whatever they’re giving her-- is working phenomenally. “But I’ll remember it next time for sure, Sakura! But--I’m getting kind of bored kept in this room.. can I have some books or something..? I wouldn’t even mind you telling me what’s going on with the slayers, if you have any information--”
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astra-stellaris-a · 2 years
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『☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚』 ──  @fallesto​ // for kokushibo── 『・゚⋆*・⋆*・゚☽』
[  duel  ] muses  get  into  a  fight
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This.. she was so similar to the Astra he knew... and yet not. The blade, even was similar to Astra’s own, but rather than the purple and red.. it was green and red. Two colors that had no business mixing together on a blade. Opposites. This Astra didn’t have  ‘Upper Two’ carved into her eyes and didn’t have the same scar. She didn’t even have a demon slayer mark. But she was strong.
This time, she was the one to stop him, to step up and take on the upper one while the rest moved to finish off Muzan. She’d killed upper four previously and recovered well enough.. and she knew walking into this fight would more than likely end with her death. But at least it would be good for something. She was sure he could kill him.. the journals that the original Astra left. The love she held for this man... it was cloying. To know that the original Astra would be at Muzan’s side, protecting him. That she’d made the ultimate sacrifice--her humanity to stay at his side.. and still loved him. Demons weren’t supposed to love.
A love that transcended even hundreds of years. Two fanatically loyal, loving beings, bound to Kibutsuji Muzan. Of course, she was sure they even extended that love to him. 
It made her sick.
Her strike saved Michirou. “Get out of here,” she said, her deep voice heavy, “Sanemi, Gyomei, Muichirou. He’s mine to kill. Go help upstairs. They needed you ten minutes ago.”
She heard Sanemi curse her and she laughed, “Get the fuck out of here. Didn’t you hear me? I’m pulling rank on you.”
And that left them-- the sparks dancing upon her blade, the flash burn hot and furious as she looked up at Kokushibo. “Supposedly you’re like my many times over great grandfather or some shit. I had a choice between you and grandmother. You should know.. I wanted to test myself against you. Me and her.. we share the same name. But we sure as hell ain’t the same person.”
“I hope you burn in hell together for everything you’ve done. You know she left journals? All of it was pathetic love notes about you. About how no one else understood her. About how much she cared for you. I think it was selfish of you to ask her to give her humanity to you.” Even though he didn’t have to ask. The original Astra--Upper Two, had done so willingly. “It makes me sick being named after someone so horrendously weak!”
“Someone so weak that they would turn on everything they ever knew, even their own children!” Her strike was furious, stronger than anything she’d ever done. “Who were given to your loving brother!”
“No one else has ever dared approach you both.. and I have generations of rage held in my chest. So fight me, Grandfather, and we’ll see which Tsugikuni’s truly superior. Gods, it’s disgusting--Tsugikuni Astra. Did she let you pick out her demon name, too? Did she roll over on her back like a good little bitch and beg for it? And I bet she even thanked you for it like the disgusting spineless whore she was.”
Kokushibo was dealing with an infuriated Astra--this gaze held no love or care. Only fury and wrath. It was an expression he’d seen worn at others but never himself... and this Astra’s words spoke of the same cruelty that his own did before weaker demons died to her. Her words were meant to be infuriating and inflammatory. She wanted him to hurt. And she would do so using Astra’s name. “Sharing her name is a shame. A black mark upon my soul. And I intend to purge it tonight. After I kill you.. I’ll tell her about it. I’ll watch her cry. And then.. maybe I’ll kill her. Maybe I won’t. I don’t want either of you finding comfort in hell.”
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calamxty-a · 3 years
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@sovereignxfae​ // -----------
smol k'in bumped into their father's leg. soft ‘oof’ left the child. they looked up to him, questioning at first. trying to figure out if he noticed them yet then a mischievous grin tugged at their lips.
slowly k'in pulls the leg of his pants taunt and latches onto his calf. gnawing through the fabric and teething his skin. small huffs of laughter leave them as they continue, ears wiggling in delight.
//cough don't ask, feeling sof
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“Shh. We’re conducting serious business, child.” And yet, he doesn’t seem to mind the child on his leg as he paced back and forth in front of the upper moons.
“And so, with this new development, I believe that should we find the blue spider lily we can become truly immortal.. or at least be able to walk in the sun. I want our resources poured into this--as well as the elimination of the demon slayers.” The annual demon meeting was always the same.
Him issuing orders and them vowing to do whatever he needed.. and then them failing.
It was getting quite annoying.
After they left he picked the child up off his leg and twirled them around in the air-- “Your teeth are growing in, child! They’re looking magnificent! Soon you’ll be able to bite through anything and you’ll be able to eat dinner with me. You’d enjoy that, wouldn’t you?”
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