drsenkustone · 5 years
How To Survive Senku x Reader
Chapter 1: Why am I Here?
Chapter 2: Distant Acquaintances
Chapter 3: Begin the Ol’ Grind
Chapter 4: Mince Meats
Chapter 5: Enemies on Duty
Chapter 6: Mind Reader
Chapter 7: Here Comes Trouble
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drsenkustone · 5 years
🧪How to Survive🧪
CH1 - Why Am I Here?
There you were, ass on the ground, back to a tree, and a set of sharp pointy teeth less than a few feet away from your face. The fairly fit wolf slowly approaching your shaking figure that had finally trapped you after a decent run through the woods. You didn't know what you could do, you were powerless! Sure, your fists could possibly help, but you weren't strong enough to take down a wolf!
Oh, how'd you get here you ask? Well...
When you went to collect some water and fish from a nearby river close to your 'base' set up, you weren't the only mammal hungry and thirsty. Quite an unlucky day considering you've been surviving for a month so far without much trouble as such.
You don't know how it happened…how did you get turned to stone? But you were still alive the entire time, it made no sense. Finally after eternity, your ears heard the crack, followed by another, and another, until you had the sense to kick and move and it all fell apart! You found yourself in the nude at the base of a mountain, other figures around you were also stoned (no jokes intended) but no one else was breaking free. Weird…
Being more of a city chick rather than country gal, you knew some basics of how to survive. Shelter, food, water. Some large branches and sticks were good enough, the river provided somewhat clean water and plenty of fish. You didn't know how to make pots or anything fancy to boil the water and kill bacteria, but you successfully found a method using some rocks and your fire. The entire living scenario became extremely hard and super lonely.
Getting into routine, you did your usual of heading to the river in the evening for food and water before nightfall. This is how you got to where you are now…the hungry wolf spotted you and both of you knew who was weaker. Not to say he didn't earn is meal, you were a pretty skilled gymnastic, so even though you can't outrun him, you did out-play him multiple times before getting here. If your hand didn't slip off the branch in motion, you'd probably still be trying to escape.
The wolf pounced, jaw opened wide and moving fast. Everything from here happened so quick- the wolf was thrown sideways by a bare leg, a flash of blue and blonde passing your eyes, and the wolf was quickly pinned and killed instantly. You didn't hear any yelps or screams, they must've done it quickly and with minimal pain for the creature. That gave you some sympathy. Once you saw that the mammal was slayed, you realize the human that took it down was an attractive female, still wielding a dagger in her hands while she stood in front of you, a bit of a questioning look. She saved you but the look in her blue eyes stated she did not trust you.
"Who are you? And who do you work for?" she demanded, the dagger moving slightly in her hand, ready for anything. "Don't think of trying to lie…"
You were stunned but all that just happened, but you also didn't want to present yourself as a threat to a girl who just took down your other threat.
"My name is (y/n)…I work for myself." It wasn't a lie, there's nobody to work for, obviously.
She stared straight in your eyes for another moment or two before a small smile formed her lips. The blonde set her dagger in the holder and stretched her hand to you. An ease rested on your shoulders as you took her hand and she pulled you to your feet. Just who was—
"My name is Kohaku. I was around this area when I heard the commotion. I saw you dodging that wolf and flinging yourself around trying to avoid it. I was quite impressed." Her voice was soft, much nicer than the demanding tone before that could deafen you if she chose.
"Thanks," you chuckled. "But…you were so fast, I didn't even see what had happened until the wolf was already dead and you were looking at me. That's insane!" A grin formed your cheeks, making Kohaku grow slightly embarrassed, but proud none the less.
"It's all thanks to my training. I wouldn't be here otherwise." In that moment, she had glanced your figure head to toe, and her smile faltered a little. "I understand not being strong, but you look like you haven't eaten."
"Like I said, I work for myself. I'm not that skilled at killing or trapping, so I settled on fishing and the season's been rough. I've never had to live like this before." You also were not the best fisher, they escaped you pretty regularly.
"Why don't you come with me back to my village? Judging by everything I've seen and heard, I think you'll connect with a person there that understands," Kohaku stepped back to pick up the wolf, knowing it could be useful. Honestly, you didn't have any reason not to, and she knew that too. You followed her back to what would become your home too.
_ A.N.: I'm sorry this chapter doesn't have our science boy yet! But we got best girl! I needed to set some more ground! Ch 2, he's there though, don't fret! Let me know what you think, leave comments, ideas, etc.
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drsenkustone · 5 years
🧪How to Survive🧪
CH3 - Starting the Ol' Grind
AN: Sorry for the delay! I will try to update chapters every couple-few days! I work FT with PT school so please bare with me! I'll make a note at the end of each chapter when the prediction is for the next! This chapter is a bit longer than the previous with more involvement! ENJOY!
"Senku...what are we doing?" You questioned dumbfounded by this action.
"We're rebuilding civilization, isn't it obvious?" Senku glanced over at you while he was grinding the foxtail millet with a large rock. He was rocking his body back and forth while the pieces got smaller and smaller, but he still kept grinding even though you no longer saw a point to it. In your questionable state, that's when the little girl you met known as Suika dropped some tails on your rock table with her cute smile. There was another rock previously set to the right of you and you picked it up with slight hesitation. You didn't understand what Senku was going for, how does grinding this plant's tail rebuild civilization? You let out a quiet sigh and set yourself to work on the piece. He was apparently a genius, and being that his group had taken you in and given you some food, you didn't feel right not to help out in return. You've only been here for a couple days, but you've barely lifted a finger. Senku and Kohaku agreed you needed some rest and recovery before you could be more useful, so Suika was in charge of making sure you got just that. Chrome let you bunker in the Shed of Science during the day while they set up another hutch. You were an outsider and the shed was getting crowded with Senku and Chrome sharing and now you. Kohaku would visit you to deliver some food and chat for a bit since Suika was still a child…the conversations were lacking at times. It was nice for the few days to regain your energy but now that you were set, it was time to help.
You mimic how Senku was grinding the tails with the rocks, pushing it back and forth and watched it grow finer and finer. In between you'd pause to let your hands rest, push the little pieces together and grind them more. Senku's already looked so fine, it was like powder! So that's what he's going for? What could he make with foxtail powder? You didn't realize how long you had been observing his method and thinking on it until he caught you staring.
"Are you lost?" He asked straight forward as he tapped the dust off his grinding brick. You felt slightly embarrassed for staring and looked back down at your own pile. It still had a lot of work to do, and you immediately went back to grinding.
"No..not really. I was just surprised how quickly you did that." It wasn't a lie, not completely. You heard the red eyed boy sigh and stood to his feet, you felt a little defeated for some reason. Like you had failed him-
"You can't move your back without putting the force into it, you'll be here forever," Senku stated from behind you as one of his hands set on your shoulder and the second on your back between your shoulder blades. The surprise contact made your eyes widened and your breath hitch slightly, but you kept your body from reacting. You weren't expecting that. The hand controlling your shoulder pulled you back so you were sitting straight again, and you could hear Senku's breath on your ear as he spoke.
"When you're doing this, you have to put force into it each time. Use your arms to push the rock down and your core to move it back and forth." His hand on your shoulder put pressure down, triggering you to press down on the rock and his other hand push your back forward and you followed the motion. He pulled you back again keep pressure on your shoulder. Your heartrate had picked up a bit... but died down just as quickly as his hands removed themselves. You looked over your shoulder at him and he held a smile on his lips.
"Keep doing that and it gets done faster, (y/n)" he cheer as he stepped over to grab a small pot the power was being kept in and he scooped what he had done into the container. You returned your focus to the task at hand, trying to rid your brain and body of any emotions you had just felt for that moment. Why did that just happen? Was your brain overreacting? He was just helping.
You had calmed down after a few more minutes, now getting the hang of it and competing each one faster. Suika stated you two were on the last of the fox millet, so after this grind you'd be done for the night. THANK GOD. Your hands hurt like hell and your core and arms were sore. This was a workout besides your legs. You glance over at Senku as you both finished the last millet, Senku started scooping both your powders into the pot.
"Can I ask you something, Senku?"
"Was that your question?" He snickered, you glared softy at his horrible joke.
"Go ahead," he waved for you to continue, holding the container near your pile while you scooped it in.
"Do you really think this will work? I mean..I completely agree humanity needs to return to how it was, but what if it fails? How will we get everyone back?" Your eyes were worrisome and Senku could see that very clearly. He glanced away and rubbed the back of his neck, he wasn't good with emotions, something you were still going to learn about him.
He sighed shortly after. "It's going to work," suddenly his face lifted to a grin as he stared out at the woodline, still avoiding eye contact with you. That made you a bit nervous. "I may not be able to save every person out there, many people have been broken to pieces over 37 hundred years of natural disasters. So far the only cure I found was for those who are still in one piece and conscious under that stone. Once we revive more people, we'll have more man power and more ideas. It'll take time but we'll find a way to save as many people as possible." He finally looked you in the eyes, his ruby ones full of more life than they held a moment ago. You got it. He really was all science, it made him feel safe and secure. His answer was all in science, it held some of the same fear your words did, but he feels confident with knowledge. Guess it really is power.
"O-oi! What's wrong?!" Senku's nervous voice snapped you out of thought, and you saw he was concerned now. You felt water drip off your chin and when you lifted your hand to your cheek, it was a little wet. You were crying? But your cheeks were pushed up, you were smiling too. How funny, an emotion-filled girl trying to connect with a scientific boy. This'll be one for the books. You started to laugh softly, which further confused Senku but he gave up and smiled with you. He knew whatever had happened in your mind still resulted in positivity, and that's what he needs from you now. He stood to his feet and held his hand to you, "C'mon (y/n), we need to go check on the others before night falls."
You gladly took his hand and he pulled you up. He may claim to not be strong, but to a certain level he was. You both began to walk the short distance back to the shed of science to note your progress and stock the powder. Senku would be lying if he said he wasn't glad you appeared when you did. They were still pretty limited on manpower, and since his departure from Taiju and Yuzuriha, no one in this village fully understood the world he lived before the stone age. Though he didn't know you well, you were a friend of Yuzuriha's and he trusted her judgement in people. In the short few days you seemed quiet, but he gave some slack for your recovery too. You were able to understand the previous world with him though, technology and it's progression. Senku knew he was still much more educated than you, but that was a fact with most people he'd met. But when the team gathers all the ingredients to make ramen, you'll know what it is…and unfortunately how it's supposed to taste. He prayed you were a better cook than he was.
After walking another 10 minutes into the woods from the science shed, Suika had led you and Senku to where Kohaku and Chrome had been working. Since those two were part of team brawn and knew less of you were allowed into the village, the thought for a proper outside shelter that fit you all more comfortable was their priority. It was dusk by the time you three got there and your jaws dropped at their incredible progress. Chrome and Kohaku stood in front of the small shack grinning like idiots, they had built an entire shack with a roof in a days time!
"Well, what do you guys think? Incredible, right?" Chrome grinned, obviously proud of their work.
"This is incredible you guys! Thank you both so much!" You ran over and hugged Chrome, following to hug Kohaku, taking her more by surprise than Chrome. Senku had his even grin on his face, the three of you staring blanking at him worried of what he could be plotting. Suika was running around the shack checking it out.
"It's only one large room?" She pipped up, looking at Chrome.
"Well..yeah, we were more focused on having the roof and walls. If we had another day we could split it," he offered. Senku waved off his comment and patted his shoulder, "Don't worry about it, besides it's just shelter to sleep in. We'll eventually get the entire village on our side!~" You, Kohaku, Suika and Chrome shivered…..Senku could be really scary sometimes.
Chrome and you began a small fire inside the shack, the duo having planned for that and made a small center portion of the roof removable to let the smoke out, but this works since you'll still have some warth on the chilly nights. Chrome, even though previously shamed by Senku, still wanted to show you his Rainbow Bridge. You had enough awareness to see him throwing the dusts in, but you applauded him nonetheless and complimented it was a cool sight! You didn't realize the flood gate you opened, since he began on his ramble about the different rocks and plants he's collected for years. Hate to say it but you grew slightly bored, but it was perfect timing since Senku just arrived and pushed aside the wooden door.
"Hey!" Chrome grinned, "you find everything okay?"
"Simply," Senku yawned and tossed your cot in your lap, setting up his own on the opposite side of the fire while Chrome stood to his feet, your eyes followed him as he made for the door.
"You're not staying here Chrome?" You asked curiously.
"Nah, I'm use to sleeping in my shed all these years, I'm not looking for change now," he chuckled. "Besides, now we all have a decent amount of space! And I can't imagine leaving my collection unprotected! Goodnight you guys!" He quickly closed the door and you both listned to his footsteps grow distant.
"He's…a bit strange," you laughed. You caught Senku's chuckle from across the room.
"Yes, but his collection is proving to be extremely helpful. We'll be using a lot of it."
"Guess we better prepare to keep restocking the collection," you sighed as you laid in your cot curling closer to the warm fire.
"That's the only way we'll progress," Senku laid in his cot, but his back turned to the fire. You noticed it and though it felt a little distancing from the scientist, you didn't dwell too long on it. Overall you were happy you weren't alone in this shed. You had a comfort knowing Senku was there, Chrome was a few minutes away and Kohaku was just a bit further from that. It was incredibly nice not to be alone.
For Senku however, it was a mix. He was glad to share his knowledge of life before the Stone Age with someone again, however he has yet to tell you about Tsukasa. He knew he had too, you were apart of the team and everybody needed to be aware of his presence out there in this world. It's not like he knew the location of Tsukasa's army and could tell you to just "stay away from this spot", but his fear was that something would happen to you, whether Tsukasa tries to steal you for his army, or completely eliminates you. He had to tell you for your own protection, if he's not there to protect you if something happens. He bit his bottom lip slightly as he began to doze into slumber. He had to find a way to make sure you were safe with or without him.
'…Why am I thinking like this?' Senku wondered as his mind willingly fell unconscious.
AN: Please leave me a review so I know how you guys are liking the story! Without feedback I 1. can't improve the story 2. give you what you're asking for! There is a point, obviously, that I will stick to what I have in my thoughts for the main story, however I want you all to enjoy it too, so please let me know!
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