drsenkustone · 9 months
Update & Are Writing Commissions a thing???
Hey there peeps! Life has been so busy! I've gotten a good career under my belt, finished a massive move and lost a precious pet over the time I've been gone. Writing inspo had been down. But I'mma be back more often! Build back up into my blog(s)! So I was curious, is writing commissions a thing???? I could use some extra cash and I use to do art commissions but those skills are even rustier than my writing ones. So if anyone can let me know if this is a thing that'd be incredibly helpful! In the meantime, I think I'll post something new to one of my two accounts. (If you didn't know, my other account is "hereliesanotherfic", for more than just Dr. Stone stories.) I will be posting this same thing on that other acct to spread the question/word. Thanks for any help! :)
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drsenkustone · 5 years
How To Survive Senku x Reader
Chapter 1: Why am I Here?
Chapter 2: Distant Acquaintances
Chapter 3: Begin the Ol’ Grind
Chapter 4: Mince Meats
Chapter 5: Enemies on Duty
Chapter 6: Mind Reader
Chapter 7: Here Comes Trouble
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drsenkustone · 5 years
🧪How to Survive🧪
CH7 - Here Comes Trouble
You despised that Gen could already see past you, you didn’t even want to admit yet you were growing quite fond of Senku, but Gen force you to confess mentally to yourself and confirm his conclusion. No wonder he was so damn good at his job, he knows how people think and work, it really is dangerous. Even so, Senku’s said before he thinks relationships are nothing but trouble and illogical. If you confessed you’d just be embarrassing yourself. It was probably better to just keep it in until somebody new or better comes along. There’s other Senku’s in the world that would like to date and would like to date you.
Little did you know, he wasn’t that far away. Senku stood behind a tree with his back against it, facing away from the river with his head hanging slightly down and eyes closed in thought. He could hear when you moved in the water and get a good idea of where you were and how far away from the land you were. He wasn’t going to invade of your privacy, he’s not that type of guy. But with the dangerous possibilities out there, going alone at this hour was risky. Oddly enough, this calm time gave him the quite time he needed to think.
Romance and love weren’t his thing. They just weren’t. He didn’t like the idea of dating, it was troublesome. Marriage meant nothing more than a commitment to one person, but you have to date to find that person, troublesome. A family…he wasn’t against having a family (if anything, he would probably love kids) but to get to that stage was like fighting the final boss after the previous thirty bosses on a Mario game, only difference was the game of love wasn’t really fun. He wasn’t exactly sure what he could categorize his feelings for you under. He felt a little more protective of you compared to the other girls in the village, but was that due to the fact that he knew you a bit before humanity collapsed? He knew you and Yuzuriha were good friends, which could be a reason why he felt responsible. He noticed himself checking on you more here and there when doing projects, making sure you’re not over working yourself. Maybe that was due to the way you came to the village, malnourished and dehydrated, weak overall, you didn’t need to go through that again because he overworked you.
Your (e/c) eyes always looked at him kindly, giving him a look that said you completely trusted him with your life. He got lost in those orbs sometimes, they could draw people in with just a glance and people would devour your gentle nature, while here he was getting devoured in it. Your smile was always pure and filled with joy, even in some of the more serious times like when Chrome and him went to collect sulfuric acid and came back alive, you had such a look of relief on your face. It brought him an unusual sense of joy too.
He still didn’t believe he felt anything more for you than a strong friendship, you two have grown closer over the months since you arrived. Before, you use to be a stranger Yuzuriha talked about and he met you a couple times before but never got to know you. You were a sweet person and a hard worker, the only scary part is you never really questioned anything. Senku wasn’t sure if that was because it was him and his knowledge, or if this was who you were. He hoped it wasn’t the latter, which could prove to be dangerous if Tsukasa ever controlled you.
The scientists eyes flew opened and he straightened off the tree and looked up, seeing you standing to his side. You were fully dressed again (thank god) with your hair a bit damp and the soft glow of fresh skin from your bath. He didn’t hear you get out, he didn’t even hear you approaching him! Was he seriously that distracted?!
“What are you doing here?...You weren’t…?” Senku noticed your cheeks flush a bit as your arms crossed a bit covering your clothed body. His red eyes got a bit smaller while his face twisted to shock, obviously knowing what you thought.
“No! Absolutely not!” He had a bit of embarrassment mixed with panic in his voice. “I said it was getting late to leave the village and without Kohaku around, the logical choice was for me to wait for you a distance away to make sure nothing happened.” He knew this could have happened, but better safe than sorry. You were staring at him with a bit of unsureness, but before he could explain himself any further, you let your arms rest down to your sides.
“You’re right…I’m sorry. I know you’re not like that.” Your eyes softened as you looked into his red ones with a smile gracing your lips. “Thank you for thinking about me Senku-kun.”
“Anytime,” he said quietly with a small nod of his head. He felt immediate relief and mentally let out his sigh. Last thing he needed you thinking was he was some kind of pervert, like Gen suggested he be. That would cause more trouble than anything. On the outside of his thoughts, it was dark outside, there was just enough light to still see a couple yards into the woods, just enough to get back to the huts.
“Come on, let’s get back and get some rest,” he stated, waving his hand slightly for you to follow next to him. You took pace walking alongside him back to the hut. Senku would never peep at you, it’s Senku for crying out loud.
But hey, you could dream it right?
As you two disappeared into the darkness, so did another figure across the river. Unknown to Senku, a small plan was ruined, and a larger one was brewing.
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drsenkustone · 5 years
🧪How to Survive🧪
CH6 - Mind Reader
It’s been a couple months now since that night you learned about Tsukasa. A lot has happened and progressed in that short time. Old man Kaseki joined the team, glass was acquired, more rocks, the village had finally surrendered to Senku when he cured Ruri of her illness...more...rocks. ANYWAYS. He seemed slightly different since that day, but you didn’t want to be rude and ask. You don’t know what she brought him out the woods food, it wasn’t your business. But for some reason, your chest had a small ache in it for the rest of that party night while they were gone. Senku didn’t look all too joyous when he came back though, neither did Ruri. You had no gall to ask them what happened, neither did anyone else though.
Now, you were considered the new cook for the main team, since so far out of everyone, you proved to make the ramen the best. So it seemed logical that you could create other average foods that tasted better. While you did agree and held a bit of proudness in your skills, you knew you weren’t the best out there. However, Suika’s praising of how wonderful the ramen gave you a few chances to live in the moment of it. You looked over as your pot boil the lunch, watching Kohaku kick Kinro and Ginro’s ass. In all the chaos in the past couple months, the village had joined the Kingdom of Science and now everyone was preparing for a large battle. Watching Kohaku though it warmed your heart a bit, seeing a woman in this day and age that could kick a man’s ass so easily.
“That’s the wrong person you’re staring at,” a silky voice behind you softly stated in your ear. Shivers shot down your spine as you snapped your head over your shoulder to see Gen leaning so close into you. He hadn’t moved an inch from when he spoke in your ear, the closeness made you fall back to your side a bit for space. He had been a freakin inch away!! What the hell?!
“Wh-what the hell are you talking about Gen? I’m watching a strong woman in action!” He had decided to take a seat next to you and you straightened back up and focused on your cooking. You didn’t like how he made himself so comfortable with you already.
“Well, I guess if you’re bi it makes sense,” he snickered, his grin not moving as he stared at you. You could only return a glare back. (But being real, if you were bi or gay Kohaku would be the best one to long for, you love a strong woman any day!) “I could watch her all day. But shouldn’t your eyes be looking in that direction?” He motioned his head to your side and by instinct you looked. It was Senku in the glass shed trying to craft something on the table, you couldn’t tell what from here. He wasn’t the best craftsman, but you could see he was giving it all his thought and energy. His muscles flexed as he struggled with certain items, a couple drops of sweat falling from his forehead. Listening closely you could just about hear his labored breathing once in a while. Chrome shortly walked up to him with more stones and glass and joined the process.
“It’s Senku and Chrome trying to build somethi—“
“You’re undeniably falling for Senku (y/n)-chan~” Gen hummed lowly, once again, in close proximity of your ear. Your back straightened as another wave of shivers hit, but you felt your cheeks flush at the thought and immediately turned around glaring at him.
“The hell I’m not!!” Gen knew that would be your reaction, and he didn’t miss it in his peripheral vision when he Senku glance over for a moment, then turned back to his work.
“Then why are you cheeks suddenly so red (y/n)-chan?~”
“I--That—…you don’t!—“ Your brain racked for answers, fuckin hell mentalist getting into shit he knows nothing about! “Th-the ramen is getting too hot, that’s all!” You huff, staring all your energy into the one pot of ramen. Gen chuckled lowly. You should at least know better to try to look a person in the eyes if you’re trying to lie. This was too easy for such a skilled mentalist like himself.
“That’s not the only pot that’s getting hot, yours just needs a scientific snack~” To add emphasis to his words, his hand lightly tapped just above your kneecap and pulled away again, his all-knowing grin reaching to each side of his ears. He got you good. Your (e/c) orbs were twice the size, mouth dropped open inviting any flies in the area to come in and your face redder than a sunburnt tomato. You couldn’t even find words, any words!!! He malfunctioned your brain on a secret that only your brain had known! You couldn’t let him be right though, he would torture you with his stupid mental games! You got your brain back online and realized then he stood up and walked away to see how Senku and Chrome were doing. Dammit!!!
You rested your head in your hand as you stirred the pot. It was too late now, you were screwed. The mentalist knew and you couldn’t find a rebuttal fast enough. You knew Gen a bit better at this point, he wasn’t the type to blab it to Senku. He would find a way to have fun to his satisfaction. You groaned…you were probably in this for the long haul.
“(Y/n)? Are you okay?” Your head lifted at the soft voice, seeing Suika who had offered to get the bowls and chopsticks for the group. “You look kind of flushed, are you sick again?” You smiled to the child, Suika was such a pure soul.
“Nah, the ramen is just a bit hot for this weather,” you motioned to the sky on this bright sunny day. “It’s just about time to eat, go let the boys in the shed know and I’ll get Kohaku’s team.” Suika jumped for joy to be useful, rolling away to the shed. You lifted yourself and went to interrupt their scrimmage.
It was finally that time of day that it was dusk, nightfall was just upon you. You panted heavily as you fell flat on your stomach into the dirt. You were sweaty and exhausted, but you felt pretty amazing oddly enough. Senku laid next to you panting as well...this might be somewhat erotic sounding if Gen wasn’t panting on the other side of you. (Or maybe some of you think that adds to it.) You pulled yourself to sit up and used your arm to wipe the sweat off your forehead. Pumping the furnace was a team-effort, but damn with just the three of you it was torture to get it going and staying aflame.
“A-alright..” Senku panted, pushing the droopy bangs out of his eyes. “That’s all for tonight, let’s all get some rest.” He was obviously exhausted while he stood, but while you moved to stand his hand was in front of your face, palm up offering to aid you. You thankfully took it as he pulled you up, his eyes did lock with yours, even while you two were on your feet. You saw his lips about to twitch to a smile when your body was shoved harshly into his. Not a second later you both were on the dirt and you laid on top of the scientist.
“Ooh, oops, I’m sorry! I stumbled getting to my feet,” Gen exaggerated, wiping the sweat drops from under his chin. He didn’t exaggerate his exhaustion, but he fully meant shoving you into Senku. You were right, you knew this would happen. Your face was pressed against his chest, his hands on the sides of his body and your legs a tangled mess. You cheeks flushed a bit as you scrambled to your feet, stuttering out apology after apology to him.
Senku chuckled lightly, “It’s no big deal,” he waved it off, a soft smile trying to calm you.
“I-I’m gong to go clean up, then I’ll go to bed,” you stated  heading towards the wood line, thankful you knew where the water was now.
“You shouldn’t go alone when it’s getting late out,” Senku stated loud enough for you to hear, he knew you did.
“I’ll be fine!!!” You practically yelled with nervous energy. You wanted to be separated a bit, you felt entirely flustered. Before allowing another one of them to think or act, you sprinted to the water. Guess you weren’t all out of energy.
The Scientist sighed, it wouldn’t take too much longer until it was quite dark out, and in these woods it can be hard to navigate. He was worried about you getting back, but also about the dangers that may or may not be lurking. He wasn’t much protection...maybe he could fetch Kohaku or Kinro.
“Senku-chan, you should go after her,” Gen piped in, catching Senku’s attention, looking over at the mentalist.
“Huhhh?” Senku raised an eyebrow, obviously confused.
“It is getting pretty late, by the time you find somebody else to go with her, something may happen before then.” He wasn’t wrong on that, Senku knew that was entirely possible. “Besides, maybe you can get a peek~” Gen grinned wiggling his eyebrows to the younger. Senku’s eyes widened before he scoffed off Gen’s perverted comment, turning his back and began walking where you ran away.
“I have no interest in such problematic extravaganzas. However, you’re right, by the time I find Kohaku or Kinro to go with her, it’ll be dark. I’m going to go wait for her nearby.” Senku stated as he disappeared into the wood line following your steps. Gen was so proud of himself, his imaginary flowers twirling around his head as he went to his hutch under the science shed. It was fun to mess with you, but it’s even more fun to mess with the scientist. Did he notice how he stared into your eyes? Did he notice how his hand lingered on your fingertips? When you two laid in the dirt, he aimed to catch you to lessen your fall? Hands holding the small of your waist? His very hard-to-see blush? The change in his breathing and even up to now, how simple it was to convince him to follow you. Gen didn’t miss a beat, the foolish scientist.
Unknown to Gen, Senku did notice every single effect you caused in him. Every one.
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drsenkustone · 5 years
🧪How to Survive🧪
CH5 - Enemies on Duty
You sat on your knees gently blowing the small fire in the hut that became your little home for you and Senku. It was getting dark out and fairly chilly, so you offered to start the fire while he and Chrome cleaned up from today’s Ramen fiscal. It was quite an odd day, let’s be real. There was now a newbie on the grounds aside from yourself but no one knew whether to trust him or not. You couldn’t say you were fully comfortable around him or his mind games…
-Earlier that Day-
After Senku and Chrome completed the ramen, yourself, Kohaku and Suika finished making the mobile stand for it. Suika had a fun time decorating it and Kohaku felt pretty amazed how easy it was to create something so useful. Everybody loaded the cart and wheeled it to the bridge’s entrance at the village. Chef Stone popped the top off the pot and allowed the smell to bring any curious villager to try it. You aided serving bowls to the towns people. A blonde boy slowly leaned towards you, his eyes large with curiosity.
“M-may I please have a bowl?” he politely ask. It was less than a moment after that he was pulled back by a taller dark haired boy with a frown on his face.
“Ginro! You know the rules! We’re not allowed to eat that stuff!” He stated.
“Awww, c’mon Kinro! It smells super yummy! Everyone else is enjoying it!” The boy you now know as Ginro retorted.
“I can assure you both a bowl of this won’t do you any harm,” you smiled softly, outstretching the bowl in your hands a bit more. “It’s really delicious~” Kinro obviously wasn’t budging, while Ginro kept whining at him to at least let him have a bowl. Chrome stepped up next to you with a gleam in his eyes.
“(Y/n) right you know,” He grinned slyly, “and you’ll feel amazing afterwards. C’mon, give it a shot! You know you want too!~” Least you had Chrome as your back up with the stubborn brunette and the whiny blonde, Kinro and Ginro.
“Kinro! Ginro! I need you two to focus!” All four of you turned to look at Kohaku, who was stretching a bit with a glare in her blue eyes. “We’ve got trouble…”
It happened so fast, you were a little shook. All three of them surrounded this black and white haired boy who was eating some ramen. You know you didn’t serve him, but the look on his face was unsettling. Senku seemed unfazed, arms crossed with a blank stare. Chrome must have felt your unease and took a small step in front of you. Kohaku was questioning if he worked for a long-haired man, Senku knew of this man named Gen from 3700 years ago and at the end of the day, he was here for his own gains.
“I’m a mentalist,” he gleamed, “I always choose the winning side and it’s as simple as that. However, as it stands, you do have a little more eye-candy in your science kingdom than Tsukasa has.” He eyed Kohaku and yourself, she was about to stab him if Senku didn’t hold back her arm, while a shiver just ran down your spine. You weren’t much of the fighting type, your glad Kohaku was enough of one for both of you. You glanced over at Senku, who didn’t spare you a glance, though you felt something unsettled between you two. From the conversation, there was a long haired man named Tsukasa out there and he was fighting against Senku. Why hadn’t anybody told you about this? Senku didn’t just forget, he never forgets! Is that why he always sent Kohaku out in the woods for supplies? Because there was some guy they were battling? Even a couple of the group trips he would find other things for you to work on at the base, he never let you come with them much. You weren’t sure if you felt a little hurt or thankful, you had no idea how big this battle was.
“Don’t worry Gen,” Senku smirk, the words snapping your thoughts back to the conversations. “By the end of the week, I’m ten billion percent sure you’ll be joining our Kingdom of Science!”
“We’ll see what happens,” Gen smiled back, everybody giving him extremely suspicious looks. No one trusted him, which was obvious. What if there was more coming? You weren’t ready for that, what’s their goal, don’t they want civilization back? Or are they a group from Kohaku’s time? How powerful are they, do they have weapons, what about--
“(Y/n)?” His gentle hand was placed on your shoulder, you let out a small surprised squeak that accidentally escaped your lips. As you grabbed the hand and looked up, realizing it was just Chrome, you relaxed again. You sighed and let go of his grip, though he didn’t quite yet. “Are you okay? You seem on edge…”
“I don’t think I like him…” You muttered while you two tailed behind the group, Kohaku pushing the kart with Senku and Gen walking beside her, Suika rolling in her ball with the villagers that now owed the scientist their labor. “And I especially don’t like not knowing what’s going on.” You heard Chrome let out a little sigh.
“Senku was going to talk to you tonight…but this surprise was unexpected—“
“If there’s danger out there, shouldn’t I know as soon as possible?”
“He wanted you to focus on regaining your strength. He said the idea of a threat make might you a bit anxious right when you settled into our new place.”
You wrapped your arms around yourself, stopping another shiver that was about to strike. You stared at the back of Gen’s head for a moment. “I know Senku’s insanely smart, but I hope he knows what he’s doing.”
“Trust him (y/n), he hasn’t lead us astray once yet.” Chrome smiled proudly when you looked to him. His good nature lightened your chest a bit, cracking a small smile out of you too.
Now, here you were, after a long day of creating Ramen from scratch, the new mentalist Gen in the area and you offered to start the fire in the hut while they cleaned up the stand. You thought Senku’s gaze had softened a bit when you took advantage of this lame escape from them, but you didn’t want to be around Gen. His claim to fame is a mentalist, and that’s the last person you need messing with your head right now. Feelings of hurt were mixed with thankfulness and anger, you didn’t know how to feel exactly. You didn’t have much more time to consider when the dirt shuffled outside and a moment later, the scientist walked inside.
“Hey,” he hummed as he walked over next to you and took a seat on your left. You let out a small hum in response, not even forming a word. That was a bit rude, but again, your emotional confusion was better left in lesser words right now. You poked the fire with a stick, trying to keep it lit and burning. Senku rubbed the back of his neck and glanced away.
“I owe you an explanation.”
“Yes, you do. I’m more surprised you didn’t tell me sooner.” You kept your sentence stern, even though you, inside, were a mess of confusion. You heard him take a deep breath.
“It’s easy to explain but I didn’t want to worry you. That’s the last thing you need.”
“Let me choose what I worry about Senku.” You looked up at him, staring him straight in his ruby eyes. He held eye contact for a moment, understanding your seriousness. His hand fell down to his side again and he turned slightly more towards you.
“Not long after my de-petrification and Taiju’s, we were chased down by a group of lions. We ran to a petrified man known as Tsukasa, the world’s strongest high schooler. I’m sure you know of him.” Your slight nod confirmed you knew him a bit. “We had created a mixture to destroy the petrification and only had one bottle in that moment, so we used it on him. He saved our lives and worked with us on surviving for a short period of time.” His voice dropped an octave and became a bit softer, “I learned of his desire for the world, he wants to destroy all the adults and build an army of the young and agile, make it his sense of pure. He killed many statues already. When it finally came down to it, he killed me.” You raised an eyebrow a bit, still listening, but obviously questioning. “The de-petrification formula is what saved my life, he hit me where I still had some stone on my neck. Taiju and Yuzuriha revived me. Our plan from that point was to split up. They act as spies in Tsukasa’s army while I build and prepare the Kingdom of Science.”
“That still doesn’t explain why you didn’t tell me sooner…what if Gen really is here to kill us then? If he’s on Tsukasa’s team?”
“It seemed logical enough to let you grow comfortable in a safe space while regaining your strength before hitting you with a bolder like that.”
“But what if Gen is a trap?” Your voice raised a bit, you were getting a bit frustrated with him and felt like he wasn’t giving you a straight answer. “What if Tsukasa came here himself? The day I joined the team should have been the day you told me!”
“It doesn’t really work well to invite someone recovering into your team to tell them there’s a murderer out on the loose, but please sleep soundly as we’re still building our weapons!” He snapped a bit back, but mostly kept his composure. He knew he was still in the wrong for not telling you, to be honest, he still didn’t know why he couldn’t just say it at the beginning like you were claiming he should have.
Your eyes soften and you looked down to the ground. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I guess even during my recovery, I want to be able to support you all too. If I don’t know the situation, I’m more of a liability than anything.”
Senku’s red orbs never left your face. He watched your features droop as you apologized. He didn’t like that, it didn’t suit you. When you were trying to serve ramen to Kinro and Ginro, the stupid grin you had on your face, that was more fitting. He found himself rubbing your hair with a small smile on his face, you whined a bit at his action and grabbed his hand off.
“I’m sorry too. I’ll do better. But know this, you’re not a liability, we don’t consider you as such and never have. You’re a very important member of our kingdom and I can’t do this without you.”
Your (e/c) orbs stared into his gorgeous red ones as he spoke. Your heart beat a bit faster as you felt his words held so much emotion and so much security. He really did value you, even though you done so little for him so far. Now you were determined to do more! His chuckled brought you out of your daze in his eyes, and also since they closed in the moment.
“How long until I can have my hand back? It is getting pretty cold.” Your cheeks flushed a slight pink and you let go of his hand and mumbled an apology. He shrugged it off and stepped over to his futon as you snuggled into yours. Senku didn’t even realize how long he had been staring straight back into your eyes, how soft your hands were holding his one, your fingers so small and delicate. He realized none of this until he was laying in his futon and suddenly missed the feeling. He glanced past the fire to your futon, you were curled into a ball with your back to him. Why was he finding you intriguing like this?
The mentalist outside the hutch had a huge grin on his face. Of course he knew what (y/n) was thinking. He could use this information well, plus the information on Senku that the boy isn’t a fan of relationships. This was all becoming very interesting! He quietly snuck back to his make-shift sleeping space under the science shed.
You suddenly gasped and shot straight up from the ground, a light layer of sweat glistening your skin, your eyes wide and heart racing. You hugged your knees to your chest in your futon, placing your head on your knees. ‘Bad dream…’ you thought as you worked to calm yourself down. The fire seemed a little more than half out and Senku was still asleep across from it. ‘Just a bad dream…’ you rubbed your arms in comfort, now realize you were shaking slightly. It would take a while now to fall back asleep at this rate. You’re not sure why you’re getting bad dreams now though, but you had a feeling it was to do with Gen’s appearance and forcing the talk with Senku about the murderer Tsukasa. Your dream about being killed by this man in the Stone Age was definitely under your skin now. You had to try to force yourself to sleep…morning’s work would come soon. That dream was way to brutal for you to sleep comfortably that night now.
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drsenkustone · 5 years
🧪How to Survive🧪
CH1 - Why Am I Here?
There you were, ass on the ground, back to a tree, and a set of sharp pointy teeth less than a few feet away from your face. The fairly fit wolf slowly approaching your shaking figure that had finally trapped you after a decent run through the woods. You didn't know what you could do, you were powerless! Sure, your fists could possibly help, but you weren't strong enough to take down a wolf!
Oh, how'd you get here you ask? Well...
When you went to collect some water and fish from a nearby river close to your 'base' set up, you weren't the only mammal hungry and thirsty. Quite an unlucky day considering you've been surviving for a month so far without much trouble as such.
You don't know how it happened…how did you get turned to stone? But you were still alive the entire time, it made no sense. Finally after eternity, your ears heard the crack, followed by another, and another, until you had the sense to kick and move and it all fell apart! You found yourself in the nude at the base of a mountain, other figures around you were also stoned (no jokes intended) but no one else was breaking free. Weird…
Being more of a city chick rather than country gal, you knew some basics of how to survive. Shelter, food, water. Some large branches and sticks were good enough, the river provided somewhat clean water and plenty of fish. You didn't know how to make pots or anything fancy to boil the water and kill bacteria, but you successfully found a method using some rocks and your fire. The entire living scenario became extremely hard and super lonely.
Getting into routine, you did your usual of heading to the river in the evening for food and water before nightfall. This is how you got to where you are now…the hungry wolf spotted you and both of you knew who was weaker. Not to say he didn't earn is meal, you were a pretty skilled gymnastic, so even though you can't outrun him, you did out-play him multiple times before getting here. If your hand didn't slip off the branch in motion, you'd probably still be trying to escape.
The wolf pounced, jaw opened wide and moving fast. Everything from here happened so quick- the wolf was thrown sideways by a bare leg, a flash of blue and blonde passing your eyes, and the wolf was quickly pinned and killed instantly. You didn't hear any yelps or screams, they must've done it quickly and with minimal pain for the creature. That gave you some sympathy. Once you saw that the mammal was slayed, you realize the human that took it down was an attractive female, still wielding a dagger in her hands while she stood in front of you, a bit of a questioning look. She saved you but the look in her blue eyes stated she did not trust you.
"Who are you? And who do you work for?" she demanded, the dagger moving slightly in her hand, ready for anything. "Don't think of trying to lie…"
You were stunned but all that just happened, but you also didn't want to present yourself as a threat to a girl who just took down your other threat.
"My name is (y/n)…I work for myself." It wasn't a lie, there's nobody to work for, obviously.
She stared straight in your eyes for another moment or two before a small smile formed her lips. The blonde set her dagger in the holder and stretched her hand to you. An ease rested on your shoulders as you took her hand and she pulled you to your feet. Just who was—
"My name is Kohaku. I was around this area when I heard the commotion. I saw you dodging that wolf and flinging yourself around trying to avoid it. I was quite impressed." Her voice was soft, much nicer than the demanding tone before that could deafen you if she chose.
"Thanks," you chuckled. "But…you were so fast, I didn't even see what had happened until the wolf was already dead and you were looking at me. That's insane!" A grin formed your cheeks, making Kohaku grow slightly embarrassed, but proud none the less.
"It's all thanks to my training. I wouldn't be here otherwise." In that moment, she had glanced your figure head to toe, and her smile faltered a little. "I understand not being strong, but you look like you haven't eaten."
"Like I said, I work for myself. I'm not that skilled at killing or trapping, so I settled on fishing and the season's been rough. I've never had to live like this before." You also were not the best fisher, they escaped you pretty regularly.
"Why don't you come with me back to my village? Judging by everything I've seen and heard, I think you'll connect with a person there that understands," Kohaku stepped back to pick up the wolf, knowing it could be useful. Honestly, you didn't have any reason not to, and she knew that too. You followed her back to what would become your home too.
_ A.N.: I'm sorry this chapter doesn't have our science boy yet! But we got best girl! I needed to set some more ground! Ch 2, he's there though, don't fret! Let me know what you think, leave comments, ideas, etc.
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drsenkustone · 5 years
🧪How to Survive🧪
CH4 - Mince Meats
You reached your hands above your head stretching out your arms, back now lying flat on the dirt as you let out a quiet groan. It was still pretty uncomfortable sleeping on the cold ground, even with the sleeping bags. Slowly sitting up, you check your surroundings again. The fire in the center had burnt out, just little smoke puffs still rising out through the opening. Senku was right after it, still curled up in his sleeping bag completely unconscious. You had no idea what time it was, you could guess from the sun's position but you need to get outside for that. You fold up your sleeping bag and place it to the side before quietly sneaking out of the hutch. After closing the door, the sun burned your eyes a bit, not a cloud in the sky and you embraced the warmth on your skin. A slow smile graced your face as you began to walk around, stretching your legs. It was obvious no one else was up yet, you were sure they'd be working or fighting if so. This entire set up was still so impressive, and continued to get larger! Actually, you were excited to be a part of all of this! In your eagerness (and politeness) you took it upon yourself to begin preparing some breakfast for your friends.
It wasn't too long after Senku woke up too, actually he woke when he heard you shuffling out the hutch, but he didn't see any reason to stop you or get up him just yet. What he did sit up for was when the smell very similar to bacon caught his nose. He pulled himself out of the sleeping back and decided to walk out and see what you were up too. He was slightly surprised to see you were using some pig meat Kinro and Ginro had gotten for you guys, slicing it up and cooking it over the fire. Since there was no skillet yet, you used the tongs to hold the bacon above and allow it to cook, then flipped for the other end. He chuckled softly before walking over to join you, glad to have someone food creative on the team.
"Didn't know you knew how to cook, that's quite the useful skill," he quipped as he took a seat next to you. He was already thinking of how useful you would be when they are fully prepared to make ramen, that was exciting!
"It's not like I'm a gourmet chef, just got some basics." You smiled softly, placing another cooked piece on a clean clay plate. Senku reached for a cooler one but you were quicker and lightly slapped his hand away, taking him by surprise. "I know you know it's polite to wait for everybody…"
"I do, however I also know everybody won't be here before the food gets cold. We haven't really done group breakfasts." Contrary to his statement, he placed his hands on his thighs, listening to you instead, waiting politely for you to finish cooking.
"Well, we can start," you hummed, placing the last slice of bacon on the clay plate and putting the tongs down. "We'll let the others know to join us tomorrow! For now this is a good start, dig in!" You picked up the warm plate with both hands and offered some to Senku first. He chuckled before taking a slice and began to eat, you following in suit.
"It's been a while since we've gotten a real breakfast, thanks for cooking." Senku said after swallowing his bite.
"It's a fine line of 'real' but for the stone age, sure. But you're smart, you could've easily done this."
"I'm no cook, I know the concepts of cooking but the food never comes out good like this."
You cheeks gained a tint of color from the compliment, but he obviously didn't think of it as one, or didn't notice he did it. You let a sad smile grace your lips as you looked down at the place. He thought your food was good…somebody did.
"Well, let's go wake Chrome, we have a lot to get done today," he grinned standing up. You realized you both ate most of the bacon, though one slice was left.
"Did you want the last one Senku?"
"Nah, I left that for you. I ate enough and you're still building back your strength, you need all the energy you can get." He started walking towards the Shed of Science ready to wake the brunette. You stared at his back as he walked away. You had some mixed emotions, you weren't sure what was going on in your head or heart and you know this wasn't the usual you. Most times you were calm and happy, but right now you were a bit confused, stirred up and a bit happy. You took a deep breath before chomping down the last slice of bacon, deciding to ignore the stupid parts of your brain and stay focused.
As you climbed up the ladder to the open door, your eyes widened as you saw the scene in front of you- Senku’s energetic laughter and Chromes cries for mercy as he was the victim of mint leaves being shoved into his nostrils. You jumped up in attempts to help pull Senku off Chrome, Senku willingly stepping back as you pulled with a stupid grin on his face staring down at the boy. Chrome immediate pulled the smelly leaves out and glared at the genius.
“WHAT THE HELL MAN?!?! Is that how you wake people up?!”
“Nah, but it sure is funny seeing you create such a fuss over the smell of mint in your nostrils,” Senku chuckled. “Your sinus’ should be clear if anything!”
You knelt down next to Chrome as he bickered with Senku and used a piece cloth from the shed to wipe a couple tears. Chrome was surprised at your delicate touch, deciding to let the joke slide and he gave you a smile.
“Thanks (y/n),” You smiled back to him and put the cloth back in your pocket. Since you had been here you had remade some clothes you were more comfortable in. You crafted a tank top shirt that had about an inch of opening on the sides from the stitching and pair of shorts, similar loose stitching on the side of your thighs. You had some familiarity crafting clothes so of course Senku designated you as the seamstress when necessary.
“Should’ve shoved it in his mouth Senku, he would have had minty fresh breath!” You gained a stupidly large grin as Chrome’s face turned to shock and disbelief, his jaw dropping wide at your bold comment. Of course this earned a laugh from Senku, agree that he’ll keep it in mind for next time. Chrome swore he’d be more careful around you now too.
Every day in the Kingdom of Science, time flies by so goddamn quickly—god you wish you could say that right now! Senku sent Kohaku out to get some meat for the ramen and Suika into the village for a couple eggs. Chrome and he were to set up the rest of the stage to prep the food while you were in charge of creating noodles out of all the new flour everyone created. Though this wasn’t physical work, it was time consuming and your fingers ached a bit. You weren’t trying to get the noodles to perfectly match or anything, it was just more ‘crafty’ as he put it which is why he chose you. You felt a bit like he was treating you as his own Yuzuriha in her absence.
“Nice work,” Senku praised from over your shoulder, stepping around to poke in the basket of prepped noodles.
“I swear if you ruin them…” you glared, currently rolling another one.
“Relax, once we eat you’ll be less crabby.”
“You’re indicating I’m hangry?”
“10 billion percent,” Senku grinned. Before you could accuse how, your stomach let out an obnoxious growl. “And that’s how I know.” You looked back down at your rolling, feeling slightly embarrassed. Senku’s grin softened as he stood with the first small basket of prepped noodles in one hand and rubbed the top of your head with the other, messing up your hair.
“…Punk…” you muttered as he walked away, ignoring the slight heat you felt on your cheeks.
Chrome had already got a pot of boiling water going, now keeping the fire in check. Senku had returned and immediately dumped the noodles into the mixture, knowing it was at the perfect boiling point. He glanced back over his shoulder to you as you still rolled more noodles for the next batch. He was still torn on how to tell you about the dangers out there. He sent Kohaku for the obvious reasons, being a fast and skilled fighter, he was glad you were weak. He picked up the scallions and began to cut them into the pot in small pieces. His small action didn’t go unnoticed.
“Are you worried about her?” Chrome asked with a gentle look to Senku. The scientist met his eyes for a moment before looking back down at the scallion he was chopping.
“Yes,” he sighed softly. “I have to tell her about Tsukasa tonight, the danger of him being out there is too real for her to hide from. If she knows she can protect herself to an extent…”
Chrome added another block to the fire pit under the pot. “I have a feeling there’s a reason you’re stalling. You’re not one to be nervous about a talk.”
“It’s not that I’m nervous about having the conversation,” his red eyes grew large and soft. “She’s still fairly frail at the moment, but even in her full potential, if she gets caught by Tsukasa she’s done for. I want to find a logical way to keep her in the base so she stays safe, but I know that in itself is quite illogical.” He dropped the rest of the chopped scallions in the pot and ran a hand through his bangs.
“She’ll eventually want to explore more, she seems like the open minded type,” Chrome stated while looking over at you. He knew very little about you, but in the short time he had a good idea of who you were.
“I know, that’s why I have to tell her tonight.” Chrome could see in his body language he obviously didn’t want to do this. His hand that was just in his hair was rubbing the back of his neck, his eyes were large staring into the pot and his posture seemed stiff. He didn’t understand though why Senku was having a hard time moving forward to have this conversation. He never minced words, what was different now? He said he wanted to keep (y/n) safe in the base but—
Chrome lightbulb in his brain started to flicker.
He stared at Senku while he was stirring the pot. Could it be that…? But a guy like him?...Does he even realize—
“Why are you staring at me?” Senku deadpanned. Chrome’s skin jumped a bit as he took a step back, laughing it off. You had returned over to them with the second pot of noodles, Senku approving you to drop them in. Shortly after Suika returned with the eggs and Kohaku with a small pig. Surprisingly, Senku finished what he started, he finally cooked everybody a bowl of Ramen.
Chrome, Kohaku and Suika were SLURPING it down like their lives were on the line, you were actually stunned people could eat that quickly!! Senku told you he wasn’t that good of a cook, but maybe he got lucky. You brought the noodles to your lips and sucked some up, chomping and chomping. You swallowed, not wanting to be rude out of everything. When you looked to the genius to make a comment, it was obvious he tasted the difference too, his face was already in the dirt muttering how much it was NOT like ramen from their time. You laughed whole-heartedly and patted his head.
“It’ll get better. There’s still worse cooks out there than this,” you encouraged, the boy sitting up and wiping the dirt off his face. “Besides, it’s pretty damn amazing to people who never tasted it before~” Senku suddenly took notice in that, his devilish grin appearing.
“Then it’s all going according to plan! Soon we’ll be inside the village curing Ruri and fully building a Kingdom of Science!!!” He chuckled lowly as your face paled over.
“You need to calm down,” you huffed before taking another bite of your decent ramen. He was right, you were more calm too.
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drsenkustone · 5 years
🧪How to Survive🧪
CH3 - Starting the Ol' Grind
AN: Sorry for the delay! I will try to update chapters every couple-few days! I work FT with PT school so please bare with me! I'll make a note at the end of each chapter when the prediction is for the next! This chapter is a bit longer than the previous with more involvement! ENJOY!
"Senku...what are we doing?" You questioned dumbfounded by this action.
"We're rebuilding civilization, isn't it obvious?" Senku glanced over at you while he was grinding the foxtail millet with a large rock. He was rocking his body back and forth while the pieces got smaller and smaller, but he still kept grinding even though you no longer saw a point to it. In your questionable state, that's when the little girl you met known as Suika dropped some tails on your rock table with her cute smile. There was another rock previously set to the right of you and you picked it up with slight hesitation. You didn't understand what Senku was going for, how does grinding this plant's tail rebuild civilization? You let out a quiet sigh and set yourself to work on the piece. He was apparently a genius, and being that his group had taken you in and given you some food, you didn't feel right not to help out in return. You've only been here for a couple days, but you've barely lifted a finger. Senku and Kohaku agreed you needed some rest and recovery before you could be more useful, so Suika was in charge of making sure you got just that. Chrome let you bunker in the Shed of Science during the day while they set up another hutch. You were an outsider and the shed was getting crowded with Senku and Chrome sharing and now you. Kohaku would visit you to deliver some food and chat for a bit since Suika was still a child…the conversations were lacking at times. It was nice for the few days to regain your energy but now that you were set, it was time to help.
You mimic how Senku was grinding the tails with the rocks, pushing it back and forth and watched it grow finer and finer. In between you'd pause to let your hands rest, push the little pieces together and grind them more. Senku's already looked so fine, it was like powder! So that's what he's going for? What could he make with foxtail powder? You didn't realize how long you had been observing his method and thinking on it until he caught you staring.
"Are you lost?" He asked straight forward as he tapped the dust off his grinding brick. You felt slightly embarrassed for staring and looked back down at your own pile. It still had a lot of work to do, and you immediately went back to grinding.
"No..not really. I was just surprised how quickly you did that." It wasn't a lie, not completely. You heard the red eyed boy sigh and stood to his feet, you felt a little defeated for some reason. Like you had failed him-
"You can't move your back without putting the force into it, you'll be here forever," Senku stated from behind you as one of his hands set on your shoulder and the second on your back between your shoulder blades. The surprise contact made your eyes widened and your breath hitch slightly, but you kept your body from reacting. You weren't expecting that. The hand controlling your shoulder pulled you back so you were sitting straight again, and you could hear Senku's breath on your ear as he spoke.
"When you're doing this, you have to put force into it each time. Use your arms to push the rock down and your core to move it back and forth." His hand on your shoulder put pressure down, triggering you to press down on the rock and his other hand push your back forward and you followed the motion. He pulled you back again keep pressure on your shoulder. Your heartrate had picked up a bit... but died down just as quickly as his hands removed themselves. You looked over your shoulder at him and he held a smile on his lips.
"Keep doing that and it gets done faster, (y/n)" he cheer as he stepped over to grab a small pot the power was being kept in and he scooped what he had done into the container. You returned your focus to the task at hand, trying to rid your brain and body of any emotions you had just felt for that moment. Why did that just happen? Was your brain overreacting? He was just helping.
You had calmed down after a few more minutes, now getting the hang of it and competing each one faster. Suika stated you two were on the last of the fox millet, so after this grind you'd be done for the night. THANK GOD. Your hands hurt like hell and your core and arms were sore. This was a workout besides your legs. You glance over at Senku as you both finished the last millet, Senku started scooping both your powders into the pot.
"Can I ask you something, Senku?"
"Was that your question?" He snickered, you glared softy at his horrible joke.
"Go ahead," he waved for you to continue, holding the container near your pile while you scooped it in.
"Do you really think this will work? I mean..I completely agree humanity needs to return to how it was, but what if it fails? How will we get everyone back?" Your eyes were worrisome and Senku could see that very clearly. He glanced away and rubbed the back of his neck, he wasn't good with emotions, something you were still going to learn about him.
He sighed shortly after. "It's going to work," suddenly his face lifted to a grin as he stared out at the woodline, still avoiding eye contact with you. That made you a bit nervous. "I may not be able to save every person out there, many people have been broken to pieces over 37 hundred years of natural disasters. So far the only cure I found was for those who are still in one piece and conscious under that stone. Once we revive more people, we'll have more man power and more ideas. It'll take time but we'll find a way to save as many people as possible." He finally looked you in the eyes, his ruby ones full of more life than they held a moment ago. You got it. He really was all science, it made him feel safe and secure. His answer was all in science, it held some of the same fear your words did, but he feels confident with knowledge. Guess it really is power.
"O-oi! What's wrong?!" Senku's nervous voice snapped you out of thought, and you saw he was concerned now. You felt water drip off your chin and when you lifted your hand to your cheek, it was a little wet. You were crying? But your cheeks were pushed up, you were smiling too. How funny, an emotion-filled girl trying to connect with a scientific boy. This'll be one for the books. You started to laugh softly, which further confused Senku but he gave up and smiled with you. He knew whatever had happened in your mind still resulted in positivity, and that's what he needs from you now. He stood to his feet and held his hand to you, "C'mon (y/n), we need to go check on the others before night falls."
You gladly took his hand and he pulled you up. He may claim to not be strong, but to a certain level he was. You both began to walk the short distance back to the shed of science to note your progress and stock the powder. Senku would be lying if he said he wasn't glad you appeared when you did. They were still pretty limited on manpower, and since his departure from Taiju and Yuzuriha, no one in this village fully understood the world he lived before the stone age. Though he didn't know you well, you were a friend of Yuzuriha's and he trusted her judgement in people. In the short few days you seemed quiet, but he gave some slack for your recovery too. You were able to understand the previous world with him though, technology and it's progression. Senku knew he was still much more educated than you, but that was a fact with most people he'd met. But when the team gathers all the ingredients to make ramen, you'll know what it is…and unfortunately how it's supposed to taste. He prayed you were a better cook than he was.
After walking another 10 minutes into the woods from the science shed, Suika had led you and Senku to where Kohaku and Chrome had been working. Since those two were part of team brawn and knew less of you were allowed into the village, the thought for a proper outside shelter that fit you all more comfortable was their priority. It was dusk by the time you three got there and your jaws dropped at their incredible progress. Chrome and Kohaku stood in front of the small shack grinning like idiots, they had built an entire shack with a roof in a days time!
"Well, what do you guys think? Incredible, right?" Chrome grinned, obviously proud of their work.
"This is incredible you guys! Thank you both so much!" You ran over and hugged Chrome, following to hug Kohaku, taking her more by surprise than Chrome. Senku had his even grin on his face, the three of you staring blanking at him worried of what he could be plotting. Suika was running around the shack checking it out.
"It's only one large room?" She pipped up, looking at Chrome.
"Well..yeah, we were more focused on having the roof and walls. If we had another day we could split it," he offered. Senku waved off his comment and patted his shoulder, "Don't worry about it, besides it's just shelter to sleep in. We'll eventually get the entire village on our side!~" You, Kohaku, Suika and Chrome shivered…..Senku could be really scary sometimes.
Chrome and you began a small fire inside the shack, the duo having planned for that and made a small center portion of the roof removable to let the smoke out, but this works since you'll still have some warth on the chilly nights. Chrome, even though previously shamed by Senku, still wanted to show you his Rainbow Bridge. You had enough awareness to see him throwing the dusts in, but you applauded him nonetheless and complimented it was a cool sight! You didn't realize the flood gate you opened, since he began on his ramble about the different rocks and plants he's collected for years. Hate to say it but you grew slightly bored, but it was perfect timing since Senku just arrived and pushed aside the wooden door.
"Hey!" Chrome grinned, "you find everything okay?"
"Simply," Senku yawned and tossed your cot in your lap, setting up his own on the opposite side of the fire while Chrome stood to his feet, your eyes followed him as he made for the door.
"You're not staying here Chrome?" You asked curiously.
"Nah, I'm use to sleeping in my shed all these years, I'm not looking for change now," he chuckled. "Besides, now we all have a decent amount of space! And I can't imagine leaving my collection unprotected! Goodnight you guys!" He quickly closed the door and you both listned to his footsteps grow distant.
"He's…a bit strange," you laughed. You caught Senku's chuckle from across the room.
"Yes, but his collection is proving to be extremely helpful. We'll be using a lot of it."
"Guess we better prepare to keep restocking the collection," you sighed as you laid in your cot curling closer to the warm fire.
"That's the only way we'll progress," Senku laid in his cot, but his back turned to the fire. You noticed it and though it felt a little distancing from the scientist, you didn't dwell too long on it. Overall you were happy you weren't alone in this shed. You had a comfort knowing Senku was there, Chrome was a few minutes away and Kohaku was just a bit further from that. It was incredibly nice not to be alone.
For Senku however, it was a mix. He was glad to share his knowledge of life before the Stone Age with someone again, however he has yet to tell you about Tsukasa. He knew he had too, you were apart of the team and everybody needed to be aware of his presence out there in this world. It's not like he knew the location of Tsukasa's army and could tell you to just "stay away from this spot", but his fear was that something would happen to you, whether Tsukasa tries to steal you for his army, or completely eliminates you. He had to tell you for your own protection, if he's not there to protect you if something happens. He bit his bottom lip slightly as he began to doze into slumber. He had to find a way to make sure you were safe with or without him.
'…Why am I thinking like this?' Senku wondered as his mind willingly fell unconscious.
AN: Please leave me a review so I know how you guys are liking the story! Without feedback I 1. can't improve the story 2. give you what you're asking for! There is a point, obviously, that I will stick to what I have in my thoughts for the main story, however I want you all to enjoy it too, so please let me know!
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drsenkustone · 5 years
🧪How to Survive🧪
CH2 - Distant Acquaintances
Your jaw dropped at the sight of the village. Was this a joke?! There were other people alive and living so much they set up an entire village already? Fully functional too?! When you asked Kohaku how this was put together so quickly, she responded it's been here for as long as she's been alive. You really started question how much time has passed in that stone trap.
What was odd is that she didn't take you to the village. Clearing in the woods, you two approached this little shack high up on some legs and a latter falling from it. Around the clearing, there was a pretty big fire pit, random piles of sticks and stones, you saw a tree table too. Without another thought entering into your head, Kohaku's voice was present.
"Hey Senku! Come out here! I found somebody!" She had set the wolf aside for now, brushing off some of the hair from her clothes.
The doors up top the hutch creaked open, and some spikey dark brown hair stuck out, a fairly handsome face to follow. He immediately noticed you and his jaw dropped, turning back inside the house for a second before climbing down the ladder. Right behind him, blonde to green even MORE spikey hair stuck out the doors, the owner following out looking straight at you. Not a second was wasted before he smirked and followed the brunette down the ladder. Again, you were taken back, especially by the one that smirked…why? What place did Kohaku just bring you to? The village looked nice!
"It's not like you to bring strangers back to the base, Kohaku, what's the special occasion?" The brunette chucked with a grin, looking back to you.
She huffed, "Shut it Chrome, she was in trouble so I helped her out. Besides, she's not a threat. If anything, she could make a great ally with her skills. What do you think Senku?"
That was when he stepped up, directly in front of you. That blonde to green spikey hair that was a bit messy was towering over you, beautiful red eyes staring into your (e/c) one. He was tall, his face was more handsome up close, and he seemed pretty good in stature. He wore light skinned leather patched together, a belt holding some pouches and had the equation E=MC2 written by the collar. He seemed familiar though…why couldn't you place him? Did you run into him in the pre-stone world?
"Ah-ha!" He shouted with that smirk returning to his face, causing you and the other two to jump slightly. "You're one of Yuzuriha's friends from the private school, (y/n) right?" His smirk stated he knew he was right, he was just being courteous to make that a question. You were speechless how in all this time being in a stone world, somebody you don't know remembers you. You felt pretty badly now not remembering him sooner. That's why the name Senku seemed familiar, Yuzuriha's talked about him and Taiju before.
"Wait, you know her Senku?!" Chrome was flabbergasted. Kohaku patiently waited watching the scene play out. You snapped out of your dumbfounded state a second after.
"S-so..you're the guy Senku? The scientist?" He proudly nodded, lifting a hand to brush the bangs off his cheek. You gained a soft smile, but internally you were insanely happy. Though you didn't know Senku well, he was a trusted friend of your good friend Yuzuriha. You suddenly had such a safe feeling in this brutal world you haven't felt since the day you woke wanted to hug somebody, to scream in joy! But you settled for leaving a soft smile on your face and holding your hands in light fists. You still didn't know anybody, you didn't feel that comfortable to be physically close like that. You pictured for a moment just hugging Yuzuriha again, she was so sweet and you missed her dearly, she was always good to you.
"Even as one of Yuzuriha's friends, I'd be a fool to believe you'd join our Kingdom of Science without some susp—"
"I'd love too!" You shouted with a huge smile right in his face, standing on your toes and taking him by surprise. Kohaku smiled, glad she went with her instincts to bring you to him, and Chrome seemed satisfied to have another team member. Senku chuckled and set a hand on your shoulder to calm you down, it relaxed your shoulders and flattened your feet on the ground.
"I appreciate the enthusiasm, but let's catch you up to our speed. We need you at better health than what you are, not to mention some better clothes." Senku had the respect to not do as Kohaku did earlier, but it was obvious you were a bit boney and the temporary clothes you had were…very pathetic. Some rabbit's skins you had patched together with some twine you twisted to fill the holes and connect the pieces. You had enough for a crop top like piece and skirt, but you had to admit it wasn't 'survival' quality. Senku waved a hand while turning for you to follow him and you did as such while Kohaku and Chrome took care of the wolf.
How lucky you were to have finally found others, and find someone you know you can trust.
How unlucky though, for you didn't know the work Senku was going to put you through like he did everybody else. Kingdom of Science sounded super cool, rebuilding humanity was a life-long task.
_ A.N.: Lemme know what you think! Our scientist has appeared and boy do you got some work to do! Kohaku seems to like you enough and we all know Chrome is our playdough to mold! As I continue to write, I do plan on adding some more adventure, fluff and angst if you're looking for that. If it's wanted I can through out some one shots while I write this story.
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