#sent on 20230605
booasaur · 1 year
Hi boo, I don't know if you've seen the revelation that the warrior nun writers had to trick Netflix in order to be able to make avatrice canon. This is to me at the very least concerning and does not make me very hopeful for anything coming from them for the foreseeable future
I did see it, from this tweet:
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It's actually extremely discouraging and eye-opening, tbh! As much as I point out where I think networks and writers have done something homophobic, I try to presume so much good faith, that it's from a place of ignorance or only seeming as bad as it does because of a larger pattern, that mostly it's a few individuals and companies themselves are just hands-off but like, this is pretty bad?
People defend decisions like this by claiming that it's just business, these companies only care about money and it's not their fault that so much diverse stuff fails, but they were trying to shut down the f/f content BEFORE it aired, before it was shot and they had any idea of how it'd be received.
It's just ridiculous that actually, I bite my tongue to stop myself from criticizing more! I pull myself BACK, and still I know that to some people I'll come across as aggressive and obsessive and looking to be a victim, but how can one look at the spate of cancellations and think it's just an innocent coincidence, and now what possible other reason is there for this? Homophobia in deciding what to make, who to cater to, and who to shun.
I don't think we'll see no f/f at all going forward on Netflix, but it's definitely going to be tough times ahead.
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booasaur · 1 year
I'm so glad you mentioned Deadloch. I came for the gags after seeing Katering Show, I stayed because I was somehow tricked into being *so into* the actual murder mystery?!?! I would never have guessed how well constructed the actual murder puzzle would be.
Ahh, I've been so slow in answering asks, but I figured I should answer this before yet another new ep drops, since the mystery has actually been quite compelling and it really is worth following this show weekly!
I didn't know much about Katering Show beyond what was mentioned in the articles about Deadloch so I wasn't sure what I'd be getting, but it did start off very A Touch of Cloth-ish, and so I expected more of that, a very broad comedy, which it is, with a very feminist angle, but the mystery has caught me by surprise. What has me even more excited is that I assume the writers won't follow the normal templates, so it really is up in the air who the killer might be.
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