#sent on 20230916
booasaur · 1 year
Yo Booasaur, do you think Cruz&Aaliyah fics might have the staying power to rival Clexa fics? I don't feel like there's been a tv show that's sparked like them for some time (at least in the english speaking world). There have been cute couples like Izzie&Cassey, Josie&Penelope but this just hit's different. There's a part of my head that's laughing at how predictable *that* scene is but executed so well... you could probably hear panties dropping...
No, I don't think so. So many things went into creating the Clexa phenomenon, and I don't think that can be repeated. The one thing that I could see really boosting Aaliyah/Cruz is if a season 2 is announced and both actors returning, in the same way Lexa's return in s3 really propelled Clexa to heights that I don't think any f/f ship has come close to reaching, including Aaliyah/Cruz.
The biggest thing is longevity, you need multiple seasons. The top f/f fandoms on AO3 are Swan Queen and Supercorp, each of which had years and years of full seasons to keep people invested and writing. Clexa didn't get even two shorter ones, but it was canon and involved the lead and had the hiatus to really build momentum and incredible popularity, based in part on the promise of better-than-average f/f treatment, and then the anger at that broken promise along with every other f/f ship that year being killed off one by one made people stay with it in a way I'm not sure they would now.
The memory of Clexa itself now makes sure people won't get that invested in anything. I myself was literally telling people to wait till the finale aired to watch SOL. And we have enough other media now that we can just move to instead. Warrior Nun, I think, is probably a good current example of how popular ongoing central f/f rep can be, and I think theirs would be good numbers for Aaliyah/Cruz (we need a ship name that isn't just repeating the two names!) to aspire to.
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booasaur · 10 months
Looks like Laysla is just being extra careful about strike rules. She recently posted herself dancing and lip syncing to Taylor Swift’s Shake it Off and winked when “cruising” came up.
I had to go back to this older ask in reply to one I'd already answered to say you were truly vindicated, anon. :P Since Thursday she's been sharing TONS of vids, her own BTS as well as the various Cruz/Aaliyah fanart people have been posting, she was really just waiting to be unleashed.
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booasaur · 1 year
Excited to see Moraine and Siuan back on our screen again 1x06 still lives in my mind rent free 😭
Oooh, yes! I'm so excited but also a little nervous. I'll be going on a two week trip the week after next, without my laptop, so I can watch ep 6, but I won't be able to watch ep 7 or 8 live. I didn't realize when I booked my tickets how it'd work out with WoT, though obviously I wouldn't have scheduled around TV shows anyway (just Pogo Community Days :P) but if there's any significant Siuan/Moiraine in ep 7 or 8 I will be soooo upset. Well, not at there being content, lol, just that I'll miss it.
Nobody spoil me, even now, if you know which ep(s) they're in, and DEFINITELY not when I'm gone! I'll just blacklist everything and catch up when I get back. I'll also miss 4 and 5 of TMS but at least I'll get to watch the Shelter finale. :o
But yesssss, 1x06 is truly one of the best f/f episodes of all time, if not THE best? Maybe there's another that's like, I dunno, a finale or wedding or something, fine, but definitely in the top 5!
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booasaur · 1 year
Wilderness on Prime??
Hahah, yeahhhh, but it wasn't particularly substantial? It was hot, for sure, for SURE, but its appeal came more in who was involved and the hotness and suddenness of the moment rather than any particular depth in the f/f part of the relationship. For me, at least. :x
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