#sent on 20231108
booasaur · 10 months
Idk if you've seen the Woensdag 10:02 clip or not but if you haven't then the following are a bit spoilery.
I'm so happy with the recent development of Anaïs and Bobbie! It is SO good to see Bobbie smile again ahah, it was hell seeing them pining from afar and Bobbie with her sad eyes.
Also! Anaïs and Bobbie is so fucking good at communicating with their eyes??? Like?? Whoa Laura and Nell are such a good actresses.
And i need more of the kisses!
I loved that clip! So satisfying to see Anais caring enough and having the trust in herself to go and talk to Bobbie instead of the show waiting for some coincidence or Event to throw them together again. And lol, then of course Bobbie's like, okay, why do you think I didn't mean it when I kissed you.
I also really liked them talking in the cafe after, one of the best things about their dynamic has been how, despite Anais's natural politeness, the way they met and Bobbie's personality just overrode it completely so she started off rather resentfully honest but Bobbie's so chill and finds Anais so interesting that it's led to this perfect, comfortable dynamic immediately.
And yeah, they have great chemistry, they're very much like Station 19's Marina in that they're very good at conveying their interest with just body language, especially the eye contact. Kudos to the directors for using as many closeups as they do and letting these moments play out as long as they do, even without dialogue.
The eps are going by so fast for me, I saw people being upset at Anais backing away from the first kiss and the few clips of angst after and I was thinking, well, surely they've still got to get together and break up at least twice, we're still so early?? But then I realized, we're actually almost halfway through... But I still feel like we'll get a bunch more on/off hot/cold drama now, considering what I remember of Druck and the gifs/posts I'd see about Skams Spain and France.
I guess you liked last night's clip? :P I have to say, I keep seeing people throw around the word "toxic" and...I mean, they're kids who've only met recently and JUST gotten together. Yeah, Bobbie seems to have issues, both do, no doubt, but I feel like there needs to be much more of a pattern and intentionality and refusal to change to be considered toxic, at the moment it's just, needing to learn and grow and there's still a fair amount of time for that. Nobody's gonna be perfect off the bat, especially not in the middle of a Skam season. :P
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