#seohyun bouncing
soshiharin · 4 months
better than this world tour: honolulu
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— bretman rock
— that outfit caused heart failure for a few people
— like wow
— gotta go absolutely ate
— and bad ending had a little something something to it
— she introduced herself in hawaiian and the accent was slay
— then she continued
— that outfit is probably fans’ favourites of the chequered outfits
— her gaze when performing better is so crazy, she literally made one of the dancers blush bcs of it
— everyone loooooved bounce back
— now act 3 was fun!
— look at the outfit!
— cheers was a crowd favourite
— in case you were wondering, she’s still eating dried fruit from seohyun
— she remixed sweet fantasy and you make me happy to have them sound like hula music and had hula dancers with her
— this outfit had everyone fighting to stay respectful
— those first three songs of act will ALWAYS EAT
— have you heard the third chorus of like a witch??????
— and of course we had secret love song
— she might have teared up a little bit when she heard everyone singing along (especially bcs her parents were in the audience)
— before she sang in the bed, she gave background on the song
— “this next song was inspired by my parents’ marriage. they have a very simple, easy, calm marriage, and my dad asked me to write a song for their anniversary in 2016, so i did. like their relationship, this song is pretty relaxed, but still intimate. i hope you enjoy”
— her parents were briefly shown on screen during the song
— literally blink and you miss it type of speed
— encore stage let’s go!
— bye is so much fun!
— you can’t convince me it isn’t
— she covered morning dew (alone once more) by melveen leed
— someone asked her who inspired my only love and she just smirked before singing it
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©️ jang harin
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clubwnderland · 2 years
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The muses gather at the club the day after Halloween, the twins looking at their watches before looking at everyone waiting patiently for things to go back to normal. Irene crosses her legs in her seat while Chan stands behind her with his hand resting on the back of her seat, San is pacing around the room, causing Juyeon to tell him to sit down as he's making everyone a little anxious.
"Don't be too hard on him," Moonbyul smiles at her friend who is clearly ready to have this whole ordeal over with. "Most of us would have been okay with what we got but he's a human who suddenly had all the abilities of a celestial." Juyeon rolls his eyes as his fingers drum on the table.
"Since when were you so wise, hm?" He cocks an eyebrow up at the woman who just laughs and sits down next to him.
Jangmi sits with Jongin's head in her lap, playing with her best friend's hair as he closes his eyes and tries to sleep while waiting to become himself again. He was one of those who didn't enjoy the experience, it had its ups and downs but it gave him too much of a reminder of a past he's tried to forget that he never wants to be in this position again.
"It shouldn't be too long now," Yangyang says, scratching the back of his neck as he laughs a little. "This isn't exactly science so we aren't 100% sure when it'll change."
Seohyun takes the earbuds out of her ears and glares at him, "I'm never trusting you with food ever again," she would hiss, she wants to but sadly, she can't.
"I second that." Kai throws a pillow at the twins who manage to dodge it in time. "Don't fuck with shit that you shouldn't."
Johnny pats Kai on the shoulder, causing the older to shrug him off and walk away from the group while Alice watches and shakes her head, bouncing Rinnie on her lap. "Don't mind him, he's cranky and hasn't really been able to do much outside of eating." She wants to feel bad for him but considering he's always finding ways to get under her skin - it's been nice to return the favour. Even if it is petty.
Eunwoo looks up from his phone, having scrolled through the memories he made while he was a human and smiled sadly. "It wasn't too bad, an adjustment but it was interesting." Everyone seems more shocked that he actually spoke, looking over at him in surprise at his voice rather than what he said. "A millennia spent wandering this earth and I could have been taken out by any and everything. It was quite the thought."
"I agree it was quite the experience but Irene," the woman looks over at Chris with a tilt of her head, "I think I have some suggestions about how your demons could work more efficiently." Irene chuckles while Chan and Johnny look at him, unamused. "I'm just saying, this whole soul-collecting deal just seems like it's a deal breaker."
"You don't get to be a demon for what, a week and think you can change what's been in place longer than your ancestors have existed." Chan snaps back, feeling like his favourite pastime is being threatened.
Before they can continue to argue, Seonghwa speaks, feeling something change. The urge to hunt down damned souls slowly fades, the primal instinct he had becoming docile and the man smiles at the group. "I think... I think it's happening."
Slowly, but surely, everyone starts noticing small changes. Jeno can no longer pop around the room like he had been doing, Ryujin's ears and tail disappear while Seohyun shouts in happiness as the loud screaming in her head finally stops but while everyone is cheering, one person sighs. "Hey," a hand rests on Mingi's shoulder as he looks up, not noticing that Irene had gotten out of her chair and walked over to him.
The reaper doesn't know what overcomes him at that moment, taking her and himself by surprise as he wraps his arms around her waist and begins to cry as he buries his face in her stomach. He had finally gotten his wish and he missed it already, he knew it was never going to last but that doesn't change how much he wished it would. "S-sorry, Miss Irene." He mumbles as he looks up and Irene smiles sadly, cupping his cheek.
"It's okay, darling," she wipes a tear that's falling with her thumb. "It'll be okay."
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sheepsdreamworld · 1 year
Full Name: Min Eunjoo
Name Meaning:
- Min: Cleverness
- Eun: Kindness, mercy, charity
- Joo: Precious
Nickname(s) and Why:
- Eunie (a shortened version of 'Eunjoo' - originating as a typo of Saeyoung Choi whilst laughing so strongly at something said in the chatroom that his hands shook. The name briefly became a playful tease, until settling as a very affectionate nickname for her. It's used almost only by Yoosung, Saeyoung and Zen.)
- Candyhead (by Saeyoung, inspired by her curly, 'cotton-candy-like', hair)
Age: 19
Birthday: 20th December
Gender: Female
Romantic and Sexual Orientation: Heteroromantic, demi-heterosexual
Nationality: South Korean
Languages Spoken: Korean (native)
Occupation: Freshman at SKY University, majoring in music theory and composition, but petrified of the inevitable aspect of performance.
~ ♡ ~
Height: 152 cm (5ft)
Build: Small and thin; frail, almost.
Skin Tone: Fair
Eyes - Although tenderly pink in colour, it is important to note that their appearance is innately startling.
Whilst the right is clear, bright and focused, the left is faded, glassy, partially closed and entirely blind. It moves independently, unable to look in unison with the other - forever slightly 'off', and forever an unsettling, mismatched gaze.
Nose - Long and thin
Smile - Although awkward, it is endearing, and surprisingly contagious.
Ears - Round and slightly prominent in shape. They tend to turn very pink when in cold weather, or simply when embarrassed.
Hair - Eunjoo's hair is jaw-length, naturally white, and often likened to a cloud for her soft-looking ringlet curls and how they bounce around her head and face when she moves, almost in every way imaginable.
Posture - Often hunched and with her head ducked when moving, standing and even sitting. This is attributed to not only her meek and unassuming nature, but her strong anxiety of being gawked at and 'pointed out' as an oddity amongst peers.
Gait - Depending on mood or situation, her speed can vary between a slow yet light, comfortable pace and a quickened, very anxious glide.
Typical Attire:
A lover of pastel colours, soft materials and comfort, Eunjoo's entire closet consists of hoodies, sweaters, fleeces and jackets, all of which are either plain or with gentle patterns. She wears sweatpants and jeans from time to time, but most often likes to wear comfy shorts, and in every weather, even bitter winter. Saeyoung Choi questions the safety and well-being of her poor knobbly knees.
In autumn and winter, she searches her messy bedroom until she finds the woollen hats, scarves and gloves which always seem to go missing as soon as winter ends, and her trusty sneakers are replaced with her pair of age-old boots and her beloved long overcoat.
- A pair of large circular glasses she must always wear, no matter how annoying. She does like their design, however, white with a pink rim.
- A straw sunhat or canvas bucket hat for the summer or particularly bright days. She loves these hats.
~ ♡ ~
Mother - Lee Ailiseu
Relationship - Unknown, absent.
Father - Min Seohyun
Relationship - Close and loving, yet somehow detached by the ever-present wall of his ambition and devotion to his growing company.
- Kim Yoosung (first friend and unknowingly, is his crush)
- Choi Saeyoung (so-called comedy partner)
- Zen / Ryu Hyun (brother figure)
- Kang Jaehee (mother figure)
- Han Jumin (good-natured advisor with a side mission to convince her that dogs are, in fact, mightily imperior to cats.)
- V / Kim Jihyun (compassionate supporter, yet oddly elusive...)
- Ray...? (charming...)
~ ♡ ~
Temperament: Timid, passive
Most Common Mood: Anxious
Positive Traits:
- Kind
- Fair
- Considerate
- Loyal
- Devoted
- Compassionate
- Trustworthy
- Empathetic
- Helpful
Negative Traits:
- Sensitive
- Forgetful
- Cowardly
- Indecisive
- Hypervigilent
- Scatter-brained
- Clumsy
- Indiscreet
- Naive
Most Prominent Personality Trait: Kindness
Other Personality Info:
Although naturally very timid, Eunjoo is earnest, appreciative and genuine. Innocent is her demeanour in a single word; she is a sensitive soul with a pure heart, and struggles to take her own and others' emotions lightly.
Yet, by valuing feelings over logic in any dispute, she presents herself as one-sided - and even gullible, for consciously failing to accept other solutions.
However, and surprisingly, if she feels she must or even as an impulsive blurt, she will lie to cover her mistakes - to simply have her forgetful self seem productive; say if Jumin asked if she'd emailed a party guest, she might say yes if she hadn't at all, and then in a whirl of panic would catch up on the task. Or perhaps wouldn't. She might forget again. Jumin is known to probe her constantly with annoyed reminders to keep up with her duties, but in...a good-natured way.
Despite these rushed little lies, in difficult situations, Eunjoo will blatantly lie to protect her friends, excluding herself entirely.
In fact, in stark contrast to her passive nature, Eunjoo would not be the type to shrink away from sacrificing herself. But why would this need to be included in this profile, I wonder...
Talents/Hobbies: Music, a gifted pianist.
Biggest Fears:
- Social Isolation
- Being unwanted, unloved; feeling worthless to others.
Hopes/Wishes: Simply to love and be loved.
Possession: Her beloved electronic keyboard. It's almost purposefully not set up anywhere in particular in her apartment. It's on the move so often that it's comical - Eunjoo puts it in any and every room depending on her mood, or to rekindle inspiration for what to play. She longs to one day have her very own grand piano.
Person: An infuriating tie between Kim Yoosung and Choi Saeyoung -
In another time and place...
Eunjoo may have no clear answer to this question - other than perhaps finding herself flustered, blushing, and wondering when would be the next she'd see her sweet...mint-eyed host...
Animal: Dogs
Food: Lollipops, cupcakes and chocolate
Flavour/Taste: Sweet
Pizza Toppings: Cheese. Just cheese.
Drink: Milk, oddly.
Colour: Pastel pink
Flower/Plant: Sweetpeas (kindheartedness, bliss and innocence)
Game Genre: Cute and caring (hundreds of hours have been spent farming, island-running and pet-keeping)
Movie Genre: Heart-warming, comedy, romance
Music Genre: Classical, occasional pop and acoustic.
Place: Her bedroom, specifically her bed.
Time of Day: Afternoon, and sometimes night.
Weather: Sunny
Season/Time of Year: Summer
Holiday: Christmas
~ ~ ~
Least Favourite...
Possession: Her weird set of talking kitchen scales.
Person: Strangers, anyone unknown - although she is only just uncomfortable.
Animal: Cats, rats, snakes, ostriches (shudder)
Food: Fish, soup
Flavour/Taste: Sour, spicy, honey
Pizza Toppings: Peppers, chillies, mushrooms.
Drink: Coffee (too strong and bitter) and energy drinks (she chokes ferociously on the fizziness)
Colour: Purple
Flower/Plant: The plants with weird but hilarious names. ('Eunie! What do you mean?! I thought you loved my herrieanus!' - Saeyoung Choi)
Game Genre: Horror
Movie Genre: Horror, suspense
Music Genre: Metal, rock
Place: Anywhere unknown.
Time of Day: None in particular
Weather: Rain and/or wind, stormy
Season/Time of Year: Winter
Holiday: New Year’s
Intelligence Level: High
Self-Confidence Level: Low
Self-Esteem Level: Extremely low
Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist, no matter how much she tries to be positive.
Introvert or Extrovert: Highly introverted
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
Logical or Emotional: Emotional
Night Owl or Early Bird: Night Owl
Energy Level: Average, though rises or falls depending on situation.
General Sociability: Low
Sense of Humour: Vast, but silly and inoffensive - puerile jokes and slapstick will never not make her erupt with laughter.
Typical Sleep Routine: Awful
Skills: Efficient in organisation, planning, management and problem solving.
Handwriting: Messy
Memory: Good
Virtue Levels: (1-10)
Adventurousness: 1
Caring: 8
Confidence: 2
Co-Operation: 5
Courage: 3
Creativity: 8
Flexibility: 2
Generosity: 10
Honesty: 6
Loyalty: 9
Patience: 8
Perseverance: 9
Respect: 8
Responsibility: 5
Reliability: 7
Trust: 5
~ ♡ ~
Eunjoo believes she was odd from the moment she came into the world.
It was like she wasn't ready yet...and sometimes even in the present, she still feels like she isn't at all ready to face the world.
This is because Eunjoo was born far, far too early.
Months premature, her birth resulted with expected difficulties. Her eyes had not yet fully developed - they had not even opened yet in the womb.
Complete blindness was feared, but Eunjoo was blessed, her father claims, with only an impairment.
Her left eye is completely blind, and in the right, although with an average area of clear focus, she has no peripheral vision (sides/edges in the field of view), poor balance and near non-existent depth perception - she's unable to determine distance in how near or far something is, and is confused with changes in level. Eunjoo, for example, hates stairs, because if she looked down a flight, it would just...look like a floor with weird stripes across it.
She also has nystagmus, which is the involuntary and uncontrollable flickering/shaking of the eyes, which to anyone seeing for the first time can be startling, and even...disturbing.
When she was little, she never understood why people looked at her face so weirdly. Her loving father was always there to comfort her, but she never grew out of this feeling of shame - because it was a sense of hurt she was always reminded of, whenever she so much as glanced to a mirror. She is wordlessly and deeply embarrassed of herself.
And so, Eunjoo almost always wears sunglasses.
She needs them, anyway, to protect herself from the sun and its piercing rays...and excruciating artificial lights, which were everywhere...
They were both a 'cool accessory' and a disguise. They allowed her to hide, and shrink away from gawks at her freaky, jittery eye.
As Eunjoo never knew her mother, her father was all she had as a child, and he doted on her. He fast became and continues to be her hero and her guardian - but over the years, somewhat began to slip.
Her sense of balance and security began to fall, as her father's ambition and business began to rise.
Cheolsook Min is the head of Min Counselling, a company which has become successful both nationally and internationally.
Her father's successful company made them constantly move, uprooted from place to place around the country - and ingraining in Eunjoo, never a 'forever' sense of stability.
No home ever stayed nor fit; no school, no place - no friends.
She was picked on, bullied - of course she was. She was different and dissonant and crudely stuck out, like the frizz of her cloudy hair on a rainy day.
Middle school, high school - ever-changing prisons; escaping bullies only to be confronted by more, wherever she and her father moved next.
But they were quiet bullies, hidden bullies, who muttered about her under their breath - who deliberately nudged her left side when passing, who tapped her left shoulder, who clicked their fingers to the left of her face - and laughed.
It was all like a game.
And it was rather ironic, for her father to be the famous face associated with therapy and compassion, to be largely unaware of his daughter's anxieties.
All of these things culminated to the present.
For the past few months, Mr Min has been abroad, meeting with his company's international ties, by which leaving Eunjoo to live alone.
Well, she was a college student now.
She should be living alone now...shouldn't she? That was normal...
But before he left, of course, her father gave her easy lessons on how to do so - on...how to live - and also to peel her from her childhood and teenage cling of co-dependence.
She had always gripped to the life-line that was him, in order to live with ease. But this now was to change.
Room by room, her cramped apartment became nicely organised, and her kitchen even got (what she thought of as) a shiny makeover. High cupboards were kept to a minimum, and all cutlery, cups, mugs, plates, glasses, bowls and even cluttered utensils were all neatly arranged on shelves, easy cupboards, drawers.
But she continues to be scared of the microwave, oven, dishwasher...and - wherever the washing machine was.
Her father taught her as basically as he could, his crabby and reluctant daughter, how to clean and cook alone...and to face all of those accessible gadgets she hated.
It was annoying and unnerving, like the horrible talking weighing scales which lived in a corner countertop of her tiny kitchen, and its stiff robotic voice which still weirded her out.
Saeyoung kept offering to be its new star voice, but she refused each time with laughter, because that would be even...weirder.
''Ah! You have summoned me for service! Oh, yes. The Spectacular 7-0-7! Your favourite kitchen appliance!' Isn't that perfect?'
'No! I'd - never be able to cook with a straight face!'
'That's the point! Cooking is meant to be fun ~!'
~ ♡ ~
In Public/Around Strangers: Eunjoo never sticks around any longer than she would ever need to be. She rushes each place and back again, forever trying to move as invisibly as possible - though she knows that it would never happen.
Of course people would want to approach her...and ask if she needed help - she was a slight-looking girl, who used a white cane.
They were always kind, well-meaning people, but the awkwardness of rapidly assuring she was okay (even though she more often than not, was not), her deep, burning blushes of embarrassment were painful...every time.
In Private: Totally relaxed. Eunjoo's apartment is her safe place and sanctuary. She is free to do whatever she likes, be it playing on her little keyboard, wandering her apartment whilst mumblingly humming or singing to herself, watching videos on her phone of funny fails, baking cakes, puppies (and sending the odd photo of a cute puppy to Jumin to prove that they were so very cute)...and her favourite of all - babies farting.
Around Friends: Happy, playful and kind, although never losing her characteristic timidity. The RFA were her first friends, and she was always there, somewhere, in the chatrooms; for texts, calls. She was always, simply, on her phone.
She was devoted to them...they had her heart and soul.
?#%!?)#!@?? NO.
T@he RFA are not%#?(!permi?%@tted to/@/?*)@%#!have her hea#rt o?%r her s?&!%oul.
Only I am.
When Happy: Big smiles and big blushes. Her face glows.
When Upset: Silent, distant, withdrawn, an inward lament which would fast be released with a long bout of tears.
When Scared: Freeze.
When Angry: Any build up of emotion fills Eunjoo with a trembling sensation, but anger wasn’t one she knew well. She would not explode, but simply burst into tears.
Flirting: Absolutely clueless to the matter - yet - the enthrallment of Eunjoo's shyness with the eagerness to befriend could be easily confused, to some, perhaps, as flirting. (COUGH Yoosung)
In Pain: Eunjoo often feels physical pain. Her poor depth perception makes her bump and into bang things every now and then - and she was no stranger to concentration-induced migraines, by the evil glaring blue light of her phone and laptop...both of which she used far too much.
In Love: Freeze in confusion and terror, because what...was this?
When Valued: Total disbelief - shocked to a silent stare with eyes as wide as moons. She would feel pure bafflement, and tears.
~ ~ ~
Role in Story: Main Character, Narrator
~ ~ ~
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misswoozi · 3 months
I am bored but I don't know what to put on here is there anything you want to talk about
Hello, friend! Here's a list of the idols that have been bouncing around my head lately! (I'd love to talk about any of them in any capacity — in-group pairings, cross-ships, solo headcanon, AUs, etc.)
and if you're looking for TOPICS rather than idols
threesome-with-a-plot scenarios
FWBs (with some angst thrown in)
solo headcanons
"which ship would..?"
idol 'would you rather'
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blu-joons · 3 years
The Jealous Ex ~ Kim Namjoon
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His eyes darted on your daughter beside him throughout the entire journey down to the restaurant that he knew you were having dinner at that night. His heart was pounding, reminding himself again and again that the little sweetheart next to him was the whole reason that he was doing this. Single parenting alongside you had been a walk in the park for the both of you, until you informed him that tonight you’d begin your search for love again.
“If you really want her, don’t let her go,” Hoseok warned him as he began to vent about your plans for the evening.
It was always rare for him to hear from you on Thursday to look after Seohyun, he had the weekends, that was how it had been for the past three years. He was more than happy to welcome his daughter with open arms, but that was until he found out the reason, you’d asked him.
“I’ve got a date with a guy from work,” you informed him as you raced to his front door to hand your daughter over to him. Namjoon never imagined that the news would hit him as hard as it did, you’d been single since your breakup, and you deserved to find the one for you.
When the two of you were together, he always saw himself as the one that you’d have forever, but when things soured out, he was more than happy to let you go. The two of you got on famously as mum and dad, providing Seohyun with two happy homes. But as soon as he heard you begin to mention some other guy, he couldn’t help but his guard up, beginning to realise that he wasn’t perhaps as ready to let you go as he thought.
“Where exactly are we going?” Seohyun asked beside him, struggling to recognise the roads. “I thought you said that we could stay at home and watch a movie tonight.”
“I did say that poppet,” he replied with a smile, “but there’s something more important that I’ve got to do first, and then we can go home and watch plenty of movies.”
“Are you going to get mummy back?” She asked him in hope, “because that would be nice.” His head nodded back at her, glancing momentarily in her direction. “I think mummy always wanted you to come back to her daddy,” she continued to tell him, much to his intrigue.
“Did mummy really want to go on this date tonight?” He asked her, unable to hide his smile as she shook her head back at him. There was something in your eyes when you dropped Seohyun off that told you this was something that you didn’t want to do.
And of course, Seohyun could tell too, even though she was little, she knew you better than anyone. “Her friend from work set the two of them up because apparently mummy is getting too old to still be single.”
Namjoon remained silent throughout the rest of the journey to the restaurant, reflecting on every little thing. He always had regrets in your relationship, he always wished that he’d treated you better, he wished that he’d made more of an effort to be a family together for Seohyun, but worst of all, he wished that he never broke your heart.
“Let’s go,” he grinned across at his daughter as he pulled up outside the restaurant, taking a hold of her hand as they walked through the car park and into the restaurant.
It was fancy, Namjoon could give your date credit there, but he knew it was not the sort of place that you usually enjoyed going to on dates. It didn’t take long for him to spot you sat at a window table with your date, encouraging Seohyun to follow behind him.
Your eyes darted up as soon as you felt his presence beside you at the table, muttering a quick apology to your date. You took the napkin out of your lap, excusing yourself for just a moment, pushing Namjoon to somewhere more private. Your first thought was that something had happened to Seohyun, but she appeared completely fine.
“What are you doing here?” You snapped.
“Don’t continue with your date,” Namjoon requested, glancing back at the clueless guy who remained sat at your table. “This isn’t what you really want, Seohyun told me what your colleague did anyway, and he definitely isn’t someone that you usually go for.”
Your eyes went straight to your daughter who was now scooped up in Namjoon’s arms and nodding ferociously, agreeing with every word that her dad spoke. Your eyes glanced back at your date and then to the two of them.
“What am I supposed to do? Be single for the rest of my life?” You asked him, “this is a chance for me to get back out there and start dating again, I don’t just want to be mum forever.”
Namjoon’s head shook across at you, pressing a kiss against the side of your daughter’s head. Whilst your relationship had been far from perfect, the both of you could most definitely agree that you’d created the perfect little girl. She was his reason for everything, including coming to storm your date night.
“You don’t need to be single forever Y/N, and you also don’t need to be mum. But you can’t be mum, without me, dad. I always thought the dynamic that we had was perfect, but there was something about finding out you were on a date tonight that made me numb,” he admitted, “we can’t be mum and dad without each other, but what if we tried to be Y/N and Namjoon again too?”
“Why now?” You whispered, brushing your hands through your hair gently. “We’ve been apart for two years Namjoon, why are you trying to hold me back when I’m finding my feet again?”
Your eyes looked across to the little girl in his arms once again. Her eyes were so hopeful, darting between the two of you in anticipation. The one thing you never wanted to do was make her unhappy, but you also knew how important it was for you to follow your own heart too.
You sighed softly, taking a deep breath before hearing Namjoon clear his throat. “I’ve realised that now I had the chance to lose you, as Y/N, not as mum, it’s still Y/N that I want, and not just the mother of my child. Why can’t we try again Y/N, and be who we used to be?”
Your heart felt terrible for the guy you left sat at the table, but your heart was also well aware that the two people stood before you were really your family. “We tried being an us before Namjoon, and look how it worked out, what if it ends up not working again?”
His head shook, bouncing your daughter gently in his arms. “We have this one with us now, she can talk, dance, and we have to make sure that we use her as the glue to keep us together. We can’t give up on each other so easily again, and we have to make the effort to be the mum and dad that we want to be for her.”
“Please mummy,” a tiny voice whispered beside him.
The moment your eyes met hers, your head instinctively began to nod. A hand reached out and rested against your bicep, squeezing against it gently. “We’ll try and be a family again,” you spoke up, “but if you break either of our hearts this time Namjoon, things won’t be the same as before.”
“Mistakes aren’t made twice Y/N, I promise you.”
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kocrecs · 4 years
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as we all know kpop is often used as an umbrella term for korean music. there’s actually a lot of sub-genres that fall under it & mix on the same album ! kpop also likes to fuse genres so a lot of what you hear are actually fusions of different elements on this list. I’m gonna make a separate post for concepts in the future, but for now we’re just going to focus on sound. this is in no way a comprehensive list and it may be incorrect in some places, please feel free to do your own research.
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while retro is a “concept” of sorts, a lot of genres fall under this so I decided to group them together. these are the sounds you’ll mostly see if someone wanted to go back in time for a comeback to two. not everything here is strictly “retro” or “old fashioned”, but they came from the 20th century.
HIP HOP - popular in the 90′s. daydream (jhope), uh-oh ((g)i-dle), & and july (heize ft. dean).
SWINGBEAT - popular in the 80′s. lady (exid), paradise (s.e.s), wow (btob), & call me baby (exo).
DISCO/FUNK - popular in the 70′s. dynamite (vixx), lucky one (exo), 1,2,3 (b.i.g), & ah-ah (teen top)
SYNTHPOP - popular in the 70′s-80′s. la di da (everglow), siren (sunmi), oh! my mistake (april), platonic love (snuper), everyday i love you (vivi), i feel you (wonder girls), & sea of moonlight (iu, fiestar).
CITY POP - popular in japan in the 80′s. lady (yubin), cherries jubilees (yukika), love game (iris), & where are you (clc).
DEEP HOUSE - has been popular since the 80′s. free somebody (luna), view (shinee), 4 walls (f(x)), & secret (yuri, seohyun).
R&B - first popular in the 50′s-70′s. automatic (red velvet), sweet crazy love (loona odd eye circle), galaxy (ladies code), thinkin bout you (katie), & mmmh (kai).
JAZZ - first popular in the 20′s. be natural (red velvet), piano man (mamamoo), & bad girl (ladies code).
SWING - popular in the 30′s-40′s. is who (minseo), woowa (dia), & I’m so hot (momoland).
TROT - popular in korea in the 50′s. love tonight (hong jinyoung), the calculator of love (jung haejin), & oppanyong (jina-u).
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electronic dance music (edm) is percussive electronic music that you’ll normally hear in a club should you ever go to one. edm has a lot of different forms, some we have already mentioned above ! they will be reposted, but I’ll definitely find more examples.
FUTURE BASS - always find you (yuri), singing in the rain (jinsoul), don’t leave me (bts), like this (pentagon), thanks (seventeen), & voices (stray kids).
DEEP HOUSE - puzzle moon (gwsn), and there was no one left (dreamcatcher), deja vu (nu’est w), heat (loona), & playing with fire (blackpink).
TROPICAL HOUSE - really really (winner), violeta (iz*one), our summer (txt), why (taeyeon), wag-zak (lovelyz), switch (nct 127), & hola hola (kard).
MOOMBAHTON - bomb bomb (kard), follow (monsta x), rumor (produce 48), & blood sweat & tears (bts).
TRAP - say my name (ateez), cherry (itzy), me (clc), savage (a.c.e), kill this love (blackpink), dumb litty (kard), bon bon chocolat (everglow), & double knot (stray kids).
PSYTRANCE - silent night (dreamcatcher) & side effects (stray kids).
BIG ROOM - sugar free (t-ara) & adios (everglow)
BOUNCE - bboom bboom (momoland), baam (momoland), wifi (saturday), & number nine (t-ara)
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the reason I have noise music as its own category is because all edm is noise music, but not all noise music is edm. there will be overlap, but I’ll try to find more examples. there may only be one or two for this section though.
BASS HOUSE (future house x dubstep) - so what (loona), oopsie my bad (nature), & break all the rules (cravity)
DUBSTEP (brostep x glitch hop) - monster (rv - irene & seulgi), hero (monsta x), & come back home (oneus)
MELODIC DUBSTEP (drumstep x dnb) - hellevator (stray kids)
DRUM N BASS (liquid dnb x drumstep) - intro (dreamcatcher), 0325 (stray kids), & good lil boy (ateez)
TRAP (bass house x hard trap) - how you like that (blackpink)
TRAP (pots n pans) - to the beat (ateez)
TRAP (electro) - numb (cix)
JUNGLE (moombahton x jungle terror) - bomb (alexa) & dessert (hyo)
FUTURE HOUSE (electro bounce x deep house) - bouncy (rocket punch) & it’z summer (itzy)
ELECTRO (chiptune x hip hop) - punch (nct 127)
ELECTRO (electro bounce) - miroh (stray kids)
ELECTRO (trap) - dun dun (everglow)
GLITCH HOP (electro x dubstep) - alligator (monsta x)
COMPLEXTRO (dubstep x glitch hop) - everybody (shinee)
HARDSTYLE (jumpstyle x industrial) - callin (a.c.e)
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lysjeon · 5 years
〈it takes a village〉 — christmas au
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— ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: taehyung x reader (+ the rest of bts and their partners)
— ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: pure fluff, parents au, after idol life
— ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.1K
— sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: christmas was always a special time for you and what better way than spending it with your best friends and their kids?
a/n: i hope you enjoy this very badly written fic that has no plot whatsoever and hasn’t been edited at all.
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“Babe, no sweets before dinner.” You warned as you caught your husband not so sneakily giving candy canes to your eldest daughter and Jin’s eldest son, Minhyuk.
The two five year olds looked at you with wide eyes before they ran off with the candy, probably headed to Seoyeon’s room, their giggles being heard from the living room. Your eyes followed them until they disappeared and then focused on Taehyung who had started walking towards you with a sheepish smile on his face.
“It’s Christmas, baby, they’re allowed all the candy they want,” At this you raised both your eyebrows, making him roll his eyes playfully at you as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “All the candy they want within reasonable limits.”  He corrected, his scrunched up nose making you shake your head and chuckle at him.
“You’re the reason our kids are so spoiled.” You say playfully and peck his lips.
“Sure, as if you didn’t give them everything they want as well.” He replied stealing another peck form your lips. “Gotta go keep on playing with the kids.” He said as he let go of your waist and started walking backwards. “Yoongi hyung said him and the girls are on their way, so keep an eye on the door!” He said loudly before entering Seoyeon’s room.
You chuckled and turned on your heels to walk back into the kitchen where Jin and his wife were cooking away. The three of you, mostly them though, had been in the kitchen since the early morning to cook for the annual christmas dinner. Generally it was held by them but since you and Taehyung had recently moved into your new home and had a four month old baby you offered to have it at your house this year.
“Mm, smells so good here.” You say taking a big sniff making Jin’s wife, Haneul, turn to you as she laughed.
“Tae was giving candy to the kids again, huh?” She asked, smiling when you nodded. “He does the same every year, I swear he is another kid sometimes.”
“Tell me about it.” You joke and walk towards Jin who was checking the cookies in the oven. “Thank you for making your special cookies. Seoyeon and Seojoon love them.”
“I didn’t have a choice,” He chuckled, standing straight, “If I didn’t make them Jimin and little Eunji would never talk to me again.” He laughed.
The three of you laughed and soon continued cooking, after all you had to feed more people than you could count so the preparations for the christmas dinner always seemed to drag on forever. It was all worth it though, ever since their disbandment and with everyone focusing on their own lives, you only got together a couple of times a year. Everyone had busy schedules, and with most of them raising kids, free time was left for relaxing and spending quality time with their families at their own homes.
Half an hour had passed when you heard the doorbell ring, that must be Yoongi, Naeun and their two year old daughter Dabin. With an excited squeal you jogged to your front door, your socks sliding on the hardwood floors making you lightly crash into the door which made Namjoon and Chaeyeong laugh, earning a quick glare from you before you opened the door with a wide smile.
“The Mins are here!” You yell, opening your arms to hug the three of them at once.
“Well, someone’s excited.” Naeun laughed as she hugged you back with her free hand.
“You know how she gets during Christmas.” Namjoon laughed, walking towards the front door with one of his eight month old twins in his arms. “Are you guys coming in or are you gonna stay there? Come on, it’s cold.”
The three of them walked in and took off their jackets and shoes before going to the living room to say hello to Chaeyeong. You caught Dabin looking around with a little pout, probably looking for the other kids so you picked her up and smiled.
“All the kids are in Seoyeon’s room, I’ll take her there. They’re with Taehyung.” You told Naeun, who nodded. “Also, Jinnie and Haneul are in the kitchen.”
That being said, you walked towards your daughter’s room, the laughs and screams getting louder and louder with every step you took. You walked inside to find the four kids around Taehyung, who was sitting on the floor, playing with his hair and putting anything they could find on him.
“I see you’re all having fun.” You say, catching their attention. Dabin started wiggling in your arms excitedly. “Go play with your cousins, Dabin.” You kissed her cheek and put her down, the little girl clumsily walking towards all of them and sitting on Taehyung’s lap.
“Babe,” Taehyung called as you were about to head back to the living room, “could you check on Seohyun? I think I heard crying a couple minutes ago.”
With a soft smile and a nod you left the room and walked towards yours and Taehyung’s bedroom. You turned on the light and walked towards the crib that was near the window and closest to your side of the bed.
“Hello pretty girl,” You cooed when you saw that she was awake, her eyes focusing on you as soon as she heard your voice. “Did you have a good nap, my love?” You asked as you caressed her cheek before picking her up.
You walked towards your bed and sat down, pressing your back against the headboard and changing her position so you could feed her comfortably. A few minutes passed when you heard the door open, revealing a smiling Taehyung. He walked towards you and sat on the bed in front of you, his eyes fixed on Seohyun as his hand went to play with hers, her fingers quickly wrapping around his much longer ones.
“Hey little bear,” he said softly, leaning down to kiss the top of her head softly. “All your uncles and aunties have been asking where you are but don’t worry, I told them you were having your beauty sleep so they understand why you weren’t there to greet them.”
He kept on talking to her as she continued to feed, every now and then she would coo at Taehyung’s words, the sight making your heart softer than it already was. You felt so lucky to have Taehyung, he was an amazing husband and an even better father, you couldn’t have asked for someone better to spend the rest of your life with than him.
‘’Guk and Nari just got here,” He said, looking up at you with his boxy smile. “They’re excited to meet our little baby. And,” He chuckled “They brought so many presents the kids were going crazy when they saw them.”
Jeongguk and his girlfriend Nari have been travelling all around the world for the last five months so they hadn’t had a chance to meet the newest addition to the Kim family. As soon as they heard you went into labour they had told Taehyung they’d take the first flight home they could find, and it took a lot of convincing from him and you to make them not feel bad for not being there when the baby was born.
“Tell them I’ll be right there,” You nod at him. “I just have to change her diaper and put her in her little dress.”
“I’ll help you.” He kissed your forehead as he stood up. “The dress is in the nursery, right?” You hummed as he started walking towards the door. “I’ll be right back.”
You unlatched Seohyun from your breast and started burping her, luckily she was an easy baby, so everything was way quicker with her than how it was with Seoyeon or Seojoon. You placed her in the middle of the bed and grabbed a diaper to change her, just as you finished Taehyung walked back inside the room. He handed you the dress and you quickly put it on her, both of you aweing at how cute she looked.
Picking her back up you walked towards the corridor, Taehyung following close behind. You reached the living room where everyone was, even Jimin and Hoseok had arrived, Jeongguk’s eyes went big as he saw you, him and Nari quickly standing up to walk towards you and meet your baby.
“That’s my baby sister.” You heard Seojoon say from where he was sitting on Jin’s lap. “I’m an oppa now.” Everyone laughed at your boy’s proud tone.
“She’s so small,” Jeongguk said looking up at you with a big bunny smile. “Way smaller than what her brother and sister were.”
“She’s so beautiful already.” Nari gushed, “Can I hold her?”
“Nari, of course you can!” You laugh and carefully hand the baby to her.
“Babe, that’s the dress we bought her!” Hoseok said excitedly as he turned towards his wife, Hyunjin who laughed and nodded at his excitement.
All of you sat in the living room and chatted for quite a while, telling jokes and laughing at old stories that had happened years ago when you were all younger. It didn’t last too long though, because the kids were getting hungry so they started to throw tantrums. So all the moms went to the kitchen to prepare the food for their kids.
“Guys,” Hyunjin said, “I bet Nari and Guk will be the next ones to have a baby.”
“I was going to say that!” Gaeun, Jimin’s wife said “Did you see how he was looking at her while she held Seohyun? I’ve never seen him so whipped.” She laughed and everyone in the kitchen joined her.
“I can’t wait for them to have a baby, they’d be SO cute.” Chaeyeong said dreamily, helping you prepare the food for your kids.
“You know I can hear you guys, right?” Nari laughed as she walked into the kitchen. “And… you won’t have to wait that long,” she shrugged, “just a couple more months.”
All the girls snapped their heads at the younger one, eyes wide and mouths agape at the meaning behind her words.
“Are you serious?” You managed to ask first, all of you screaming in excitement when Nari nodded her head. “Congratulations!” You rushed to hug her.
“How far along are you?” Chaeyeong asked, bouncing her baby up and down to calm her down after getting scared by all the sudden screaming.
“Almost three months.” She smiled, “We were going to tell you all on New Years but I couldn’t wait!”
“What’s all the screaming about?” Jimin asked, walking inside the kitchen with Eunji in his arms, behind him all the other boys were looking curiously at the girls.
You looked at Nari and with a little giggle she nodded, “She’s pregnant!” You squeal. “Nari and Guk are having a baby!”
Everyone started cheering again, the excitement of having once again a new addition to the huge family you had become too much to contain. Guk groaned as he walked towards Nari to wrap his arms around her waist, not before being stopped by each of his hyungs to congratulate him, of course.
“Babe, we were going to wait to tell them.” He whined, making everybody chuckle and Nari to blush lightly.
“I know, but I couldn’t wait.” She confessed, “Besides, it’s Christmas, what better present could we give them?”
Taehyung walked to your side, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and softly kissing your temple. You smiled up at him and looked around the kitchen, the news of the two maknaes expecting a baby making everybody go soft and look for their partner’s embrace. You were happy you got to have all these amazing people in your life, along with all the mini people they had created, that just like their parents were amazing.
For you, this is what Christmas was all about. It was about spending it with all your loved ones and sharing their excitement when they got good news, or sorrows when they weren’t. You were happy you could say that you had so many people to rely on for whatever happened in the future, because you knew each and every one of them would be willing to help you, like you would help them.
Wrapping your arms around Taehyung’s waist, you smiled at Jeongguk and Nari, “You’re absolutely right. That is the best present.”
Everybody hummed in agreement, making the new expecting parents blush and smile softly at their friends. After seeing how much work kids really were, they knew it really takes a village to raise one, and thankfully, a village is exactly what they had.
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jiggyraps · 5 years
Best K-Pop, 2010-19
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In the first great k-pop decade, SNSD set the bar and no one has jumped it yet. Who will?
Best Songs
1. SNSD - “Oh!” (2010) 2. HyunA - “RED” (2o14) 3. f(x) - “Rum Pum Pum Pum” (2013) 4. Cosmic Girls - “Secret” (2016) 5. EXO-K - “History” (2012) 6. SNSD - “Flower Power” (2012) (i know this song is in japanese, idc) 7. AOA - “Miniskirt” (2014) 8. Super Junior - “Mr. Simple” (2011) 9. Taeyeon - “Love in Color” (2017) 10. Narsha - “Bbi Ri Bba Bba” (2010) 11. Red Velvet - “Bad Boy” (2018) 12. Girl’s Day - “Something” (2014) 13. Kara - “Step” (2011) 14. 2NE1 - “Missing You” (2013) 15. AOA - “Heart Attack” (2015) 16. Stellar - “Sting” (2016) 17. Infinite - “The Chaser” (2012) 18. Sistar - “Alone” (2012) 19. B2ST - “Fiction” (Orchestra Ver.) (2011) 20. CLC - “Hobgoblin” (2017) 21. AKMU - “Melted” (2014) 22. EXO - “Bad Dream” (2018) 23. SNSD - “Run Devil Run” (2010) 24. Big Bang - “Fantastic Baby” (2012) 25. 2NE1 - “I am the Best” (2011) 26. Younha - “Airplane Mode” (2018) 27. SNSD - “The Boys” (2011) 28. BtoB - “Wow” (2012) 29. SNSD - “I Got a Boy” (2014) 30. Red Velvet - “Automatic” (2015) 31. Oh My Girl - “Closer” (2015) 32. HyunA - “Bubble Pop!” (2011) 33. Hoody - “Golden” (2018) 34. After School - “Love Love Love” (2012) 35. Hello Venus - “Show Window” (2015) 36. IU - “You & I” (2011) 37. Suran - “1+1=0″ (2017) 38. f(x) - “Red Light” (2014) 39. Tiffany - “Talk” (2016) 40. Twice - “Ooh Ahh” (2015) 41. IZ*ONE - “La Vie en Rose” (2018) 42. Stellar - “Mask” (2014) 43. Produce 48 - “Rumor” (2018) 44. 2NE1 - “Follow Me” (2010) 45. Gain - “Bloom” (2012) 46. Girl’s Day - “Expectation” (2013) 47. IU - “Twenty-Three” (2015) 48. B1A4 - “OK” (2011) 49. Trouble Maker - “Now” (2013) 50. Brown Eyed Girls - “Hot Shot” (2011) 51. AOA - “Good Luck” (2016) 52. Lim Kim - “Awoo” (2015) 53. Red Velvet - “Happiness” (2014) 54. Heize - “And July” (2016) 55. U-Kiss - “Neverland” (2011) 56. EXO - “Obsession” (2019) 57. Brave Girls - “No Rush” (2017) 58. VIXX - “On and On” (2013) 59. NCT U - “The 7th Sense” (2016) 60. BESTie - “Love Options” (2014) 61. Block B - “Nice Day” (2013) 62. Sophiya - “Therapy” (2017) 63. f(x) - “Pinocchio (Danger)” (2011) 64. BTS - “Blood, Sweat, & Tears” (2016) 65. Chung Ha - “Snapping” (2019) 66. Taeyang - “Eyes, Nose, Lips” (2014) 67. Jooyoung - “Wine” (2018) 68. Hello Venus - “Sticky Sticky” (2014) 69. SNSD - “Party” (2015) 70. Oh My Girl - “Liar Liar” (2016) 71. JYJ - “Be My Girl” (2010) 72. 4minute - “Whatcha Doin’ Today?” (2014) 73. Hyolyn & Jooyoung - “Erase” (2014) 74. Taeyeon - “11:11″ / “Why” (2016) 75. Seohyun - Magic (2017) 76. Hyolyn - Paradise (2016) 77. 9Muses - “Figaro” (2011) 78. Taeyeon - “I Got Love” (2017) 79. Red Velvet - “Peek-a-Boo” (2017) 80. T-ara - “So Crazy” (2015) 81. HINAPIA - “Drip” (2019) 82. EXID - “I Feel Good” (2012) 83. Gain - “Fxxk U” (2014) 84. IU - “Bbibbi” (2018) 85. Apink - “I Don’t Know” (2011) 86. Infinite - “Back” (2014) 87. GFriend - “Wish” (2019) 88. Dal Shabet - “Someone Like U” (2016) 89. Spica - “Tonight” (2013) 90. After School - “Flashback” (2012) 91. iKon - “Killing Me” (2018) 92. DEAN - “D” (2016) 93. Orange Caramel - “Magic Girl” (2010) 94. BTS - “Fake Love” (2018) 95. T-ara - “Sugar Free” (2014) 96. Apink - “%%” (2019) 97. f(x) - “Electric Shock” (2012) 98. ATEEZ - “Say My Name” (2019) 99. Super Junior - “Bonamana” (2010) 100. HyunA - “Babe” (2017) 101. BLACKPINK - “Boombayah” / “Whistle” (2016) 102. After School - “First Love” (2013) 103. Wonder Girls - “Be My Baby” (2011) 104. CLC - “No” (2019) 105. f(x) - “Rude Love” (2015) 106. Orange Caramel - “Bubble Bath” (2012) 107. Momoland - “Jjan! Koong! Kwang” (2016) 108. Sistar - “Touch My Body” (2014) 109. EXID - “Ah Yeah” (2015) 110. Mamamoo - “Egotistic” (2018) 111. KNK - “Sunset” (2019) 112. Jay Park - “Solo” (2016) 113. Red Velvet - “Umpah Umpah” (2019) 114. Zion.T - “Eat” (2015) 115. 4minute - “Is It Poppin’?” (2013) 116. PRISTIN - “Black Widow” (2017) 117. Narsha - “I’m in Love” (2010) 118. Sistar - “Lonely” (2017) 119. SHINee - “Dream Girl” (2013) 120. Yuri - “Into You” (2018) 121. SUNMI - “LALALAY” (2019) 122. Rania - “Pop Pop Pop” (2011) 123. Crush - “Outside” (2017) 124. Bumkey - “Bad Girl” (2013) 125. G.Soul - “Tequila” (2017) 126. SHINee - “Beautiful” (2013) 127. Brave Girls - “Whatever” (2016) 128. TVXQ! - “Spellbound” (2014) 129. Zion.T - “Babay” (2013) 130. SAAY - “ZGZG” (2019) 131. K.Will - “Please Don’t” (2012) 132. Lee Hyori - “Swing” (2010) 133. 2PM - “A.D.T.O.Y.” (2013) 134. Rainbow - “A” (2010) 135. EXO - “Love Me Right” (2015) 136. 4minute - “Volume Up” (2012) 137. U-Kiss - “DORADORA” (2012) 138. Ladies’ Code - “Pretty Pretty” (2013) 139. NCT 127 - “Superhuman” (2019) 140. CLC - “Pepe” (2015) 141. Big Bang - “Blue” (2012) 142. Infinite - “Breathe” (2014) 143. BoA - “Smash” (2015) 144. Orange Caramel - “Lipstick” (2012) 145. miss A - “I Don’t Need a Man” (2013) 146. SHINee - “Hello” (2010) 147. Block B - “Shall We Dance” (2017) 148. Sistar - “Miss Sistar” (2013) 149. B.A.P. - “Feel So Good” (2016) 150. Seven - “Digital Bounce” (2010)
Best Albums
1. Taeyeon - My Voice (deluxe edition) (2017) 2. f(x) - Pink Tape (2013) 3. Younha - Rescue (2017) 4. SHINee - The Misconceptions of You (2013) 5. Red Velvet - The Red (2015) 6. Hoody - Departure (2019) 7. AKMU - Play (2014) 8. Infinite - Season 2 (2014) 9. EXO - Exodus (2015) 10. f(x) - Four Walls (2015) 11. Wonder Girls - Reboot (2015) 12. Hoody - On and On (2017) * 13. SNSD - Oh! (2010) 14. Kara - Step (2011) 15. DEAN - 130 mood : TRBL (2016) * 16. Mamamoo - Reality in Black (2019) 17. Red Velvet - Perfect Velvet (2017) 18. Taemin - Press It (2016) 19. 2NE1 - To Anyone (2010) 20. Taeyeon - Purpose (2019) 21. SHINee - Odd (2015) 22. B2ST - Fiction or Fact (2011) 23. Taeyang - White Night (2017) 24. NCT - NCT 2018 Empathy (2018) 25. 9Muses - Prima Donna (2013) 26. IU - Palette (2017) 27. Jonghyun - She Is (2016) 28. Sistar - Give It to Me (2013) 29. BTS - Wings (2016) 30. SNSD - The Boys (2011) 31. VIXX - Voodoo (2013) 32. Zion.T - Red Light (2014) 33. Super Junior - Mr. Simple (2011) 34. 2NE1 - Crush (2014) 35. Jonghyun - Poet | Artist (2018) 36. Block B - Blockbuster (2012) 37. BTS - Love Yourself: Tear (2018) 38. SNSD - I Got a Boy (2013) 39. TVXQ - Spellbound (2014) 40. Girl’s Day - Love (2015) 41. EXO - Don’t Mess Up My Tempo (2018) 42. B1A4 - Ignition (2012) 43. SHINee - The Story of the Light: Epilogue (2018) 44. 2PM - No. 5 (2015) 45. BoA - Woman (2018) 46. TVXQ - Humanoids (2012) 47. 4minute - 4 Minutes Left (2011) 48. Got7 - Present: You (2018) 49. GFriend - LOL (2017) 50. Cosmic Girls - Happy Moment (2017)
Best Mini Albums (EPs)
1. G.Soul - Circles (2017) 2. Tiffany - I Just Wanna Dance (2016) 3. f(x) - Electric Shock (2012) 4. 2NE1 - 2NE1 (2011) 5. HyunA - A Talk (2014) 6. Big Bang - Alive (2012) 7. Exo-K - Overdose (2014) 8. Narsha - Narsha (2010) 9. SHINee - Sherlock (2012) 10. Seohyun - Don’t Say No (2017) 11. G. Dragon - Coup D’Etat (2013) 12. Brave Girls - High Heels (2016) 13. AOA - Good Luck (2016) 14. CLC - Crystyle (2017) 15. Taeyeon - Why (2016) 16. 4minute - 4minute World (2014) 17. PRISTIN - Hi! PRISTIN (2017) 18. Heize - And July (2016) 19. Hello Venus - I’m Ill (2015) 20. Zion.T - Mirrorball (2013) 21. U-Kiss - DORADORA (2012) 22. Red Velvet - Ice Cream Cake (2015) 23. SNSD - Hoot (2010) 24. Lim Kim - Simple Mind (2015) 25. IU - Chat-Shire (2015) 26. Red Velvet - RBB (2018) 27. Jooyoung - Fountain (2018) 28. Myname - 1st Mini Album (2013) 29. Apink - Pink LUV (2014) 30. Twice - Page Two (2016) 31. BTS - Love Yourself 承 ‘Her’ (2017) 32. NCT 127 - Limitless (2017) 33. SUNMI - Warning (2018) 34. EXID - We (2019) 35. SUMIN - OO DA DA (2019) 36. Jun Hyoseong - Fantasia (2015) 37. BLACKPINK - Square Up (2016) * 38. AOA - Like a Cat (2014) 39. Block B - Very Good (2013) 40. Sonamoo - CUSHION (2015) 41. (G)I-DLE - I Made (2019) 42. SNSD - Mr.Mr. (2014) 43. Spica - Russian Roulette (2012) 44. MBLAQ - Sexy Beat (2013) 45. Rainbow - So Girls (2011) 46. SuperM - SuperM (2019) 47. miss A - Touch (2012) 48. T-ara - Black Eyes (2011) 49. Dal Shabet - B.B.B. (2014) 50. Psy - Psy 6 (Six Rules), Part 1 (2012)
Best Producers / Songwriters
1. Kenzie 2. Brave Brothers 3. GroovyRoom 4. Duble Sidekick 5. J.Y. Park 6. Shinsadong Tiger 7. Hitman Bang 8. Primary 9. Misfit 10. Black Eyed Pilseung
Best Soloist: IU, runner-up Crush Best Girl Group: SNSD, runner-up f(x) Best Boy Group: SHINee, runner-up EXO Best Rapper: HyunA, runner-up ZICO Best Vocalist: Taeyeon, runner-up Hyolyn
* Denotes a mini-album or single album I recategorized using common sense
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soshiharin · 4 months
better than this world tour: new york
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— sabrina carpenter
— barry keoghan
— gigi hadid
— kelly clarkson
— ayo edebiri
— it would not be an exaggeration to say that this was the most anticipated stop on the tour
— new york sones are lucky
— waiting for you now *gina linetti dancing gif*
— and bad ending??? yeah
— harin: hi madison square garden. i’m harin and we will spend the next two hours together. i hope this is enjoyable for you
— sone: I LOVE YOU
— harin: thank you
— the way her reply was so quick!
— everybody’s new fave plastic off the sofa was sung
— and dangerous woman 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
— better is that girl!
— and so is bounce back
— bother me outfit was soooo cute!
— and sweet fantasy had the crowd up and singing!
— so did you make me happy which was a surprise
— it would be a lie to say that pporappippam’s outfit did not cause a few hearts to stop
— bcs i mean… look at the material
— like it’s gorgeous
— secret love song highnote was GIVING
— she swapped out in the bed for breathin’ and the vocal slayage… yeah
— the encore stage took a while to start and everyone started chanting for harin obvi
— some sones had started singing genie in hopes that they’d get harin to perform it
— and then the words that caused sones everywhere to drop dead in unison
— and then the last chorus of genie started playing and fans started screaming bcs there were FIVE (5) people on stage
— everyone obvi sang along to harin’s adlibs bcs theyre iconic💅🏾💅🏾
— and you know that stadium was LOUD and then you just got locals who are like🧍🧍😐 “what is going on”
— like the fanchants were heard from blocks away
— and you’ve got hyoyeon, tiffany, harin, sooyoung, and seohyun just slaying houses and boots down
— what a time, what a moment
— and the cheers continued even after they did their ending pose and the lights went off
— then the lights came back on and everyone could see the members clearly so the cheers got louder
— once more, the locals were just a teeny weeny bit super duper confused but they cheered along for support
— and as we all know, when two or more soshi members gather, chaos follows
— bcs why were they having full conversations on stage and having to constantly be reminded that they were at harin’s concert (not by her though bcs she was also invested in the convos)
— and at some point, hyoyeon gasped
— sooyoung: what’s the matter?
— hyoyeon: this is harin-ah’s concert and we’re taking up time
— seohyun: so thoughtful
— harin: but this works out for them bcs they keep complaining the concerts are too short so you can talk as much nonsense as you want
— and sones are just watching their interactions so happily, just soaking in the moment
— harin: you guys kept harassing me about “madison square garden, put it back on” so i made it happen. this kind of situation will never happen again, so don’t get any ideas
— and the members talked for a while just among themselves again
— seohyun: the people here that aren’t sones probably don’t know who we are
— you can always trust seohyun to be practical
— harin: then they can search you😐
— you can always trust harin to be blunt
— but they did end up introducing themselves bcs duh!
— and then they started walking off stage to let harin continue her concert but she stopped them
— harin: sit there *points at a little section of the stage where there are cushions to sit on*
— sooyoung, teasing: why? do you miss us already?
— harin: i want you there🙄 ur presence is comforting🙄🙄🙄
— seohyun, dragging everyone to sit down: unnie, i’m blushing🤭🤭
— and harin is just rolling her eyes but whats new?
— back to scheduled programming
— the encore continued like it normally does
— and her ending ment had people crying
— harin: this brings us near the end of the concert, just two more songs. thank you for coming and spending time with me tonight. i hope this was a good experience for you, see you tomorrow if you’ll be here tomorrow. and thank you to my angels over here, of course. i already told you when you arrived, but just having you on stage with me gives me a lot of strength, comfort, and peace of mind. let’s share many more stages together in the future
— and miss girl didn’t give the translator any time to translate it bcs she wasn’t saying it to the crowd, she was saying it to the members and they all knew what she was saying
— she fully went to the members’ little nook when singing my only love bcs who else is her only love🤨🤨🤨
— and then goodnight everyone!
— you already know #putitbackon and #soshimsg were trending on twitter afterwards
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©️ jang harin
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dongshancai · 5 years
final thoughts on he is psychometric
so just to get this out of the way: when i first heard that jinyoung and yeeun would be in a thriller drama together, i wasn’t expecting this + i wasn’t really excited either because i’m not the biggest fan of thriller (at least it wasn’t horror). and i wasn’t even excited unTIL the official trailer dropped and i was like OHOHOH THIS LOOKS FUN. 
this drama was really really well executed and while the ending is too... eh in my opinion, it’s not as bad as other endings i’ve seen before. 
the pace of the overall drama was PERFECT. maybe the editors went a little too overboard in the flashbacks (i thought it was irrelevant to put a flashback of something that happened earlier in the episode) sometimes, but it was fast paced so it didn’t lose it’s momentum. i was on the edge of my seat the entire time and the plot twists were UGHGHGH FRUSTRATING but it made sense to the plotline. except for maybe jisoo’s death. idk. like i get it did up the shock factor, but i don’t feel like the characters had enough time to properly grieve for her and legitimately be thrown off course like i’m sure is the intended purpose. the characters bounced right back too quickly for my liking, especially knowing their emotional ties with her. so her death should’ve been handled better in terms of writing and i’m not even saying this because everyone likes jisoo--i genuinely believe that if they killed her, her death should’ve impacted the characters more or don’t kill her at all. ALSO JAEIN’S KIDNAPPING. it was so obvious she was going to live so it was really anticlimactic. like psychologically, i thought the way of killing her was interesting because i’ve never seen a murder like that in shows before, but;;;;;;;; idk jaein’s kidnapping was kinda irrelevant because everyone knew she was going to live. maybe if she was kidnapped a bit later than it would’ve been more believable. 
IN TERMS OF THE CONCLUDING EPISODE, like most dramas, they try to cram too much in that one hour. i felt like the trials could’ve been longer unless that was the director’s intended effect to quickly sum up everyone’s sentences IDK IT DOESN’T REALLY SIT WELL WITH ME. especially with geuntaek’s trial because in the end, he got what he wanted: to see kang eunjoo. and while her arc ended that she gained the courage to finally speak up, i don’t like how geuntaek got to see her one last time. 
also i wish we got to see a biiiiit more of jaein and her dad because they look so happy together :( but their interaction in the prison didn’t seem too realistic to me either. he seemed too happy. and even though i get why he would, he also tried to commit suicide to stop jaein so i feel like he should’ve, scolded her a bit or something idk like your typical asian parent would do
as for seungmo UGH I DON’T KNOW WHAT I FEEL TOWARDS HIM. because WOW the writers did an AMAZING job at getting us to sympathize with him and root for him only for him to STILL BE NOBLE AND TURN HIMSELF IN AND ASLIDFHASDFAS under all his circumstances, it makes sense that most people would pity him and the writers executed that FLAWLESSLY. but he still killed people and lied to many others and im so :(((((( i wanted him to have a happy ending but with 13 years in prison, he would be incarcerated for 22 years of his life and that just seems so cruel. and those years he lived free? he lived in worry and guilt I WOULD UNDERSTAND IF THE SENTENCE WAS ABOUT 3-7 YEARS because he did admit to everything he did + was a minor and everything else the trial stated but 13 years seem so cruel >:( but then again, it is pretty realistic so,,, what can you do :( 
i would write more about the other characters like ahn and jaein and daebong and seohyun but i love them too much there’s nothing much to talk about rather than me screaming about how much i love them. the mundane moments were so cute <3333 THE CAST WAS REALLY AMAZING IN TERMS OF ACTING LIKE I HAD REALLY REALLY REALLY LOW EXPECTATIONS FOR JINYOUNG GOING IN (idols don’t have the best rep when they gain a drama role ESPECIALLY for a non school life drama and I haven’t watched Jinyoung in anything besides 3 episodes of Dream Knight lkasdfjlasdf) and I didn’t really like Do Hana in A-TEEN that much so like, i was alskdfasdkfjasdf iffy going in but WOW they really stole my heart. Kim Kwon and Dasom were really amazing as well. I can’t say too much about Dasom because I don’t know her personality and Jisoo was cute and badass and your normal relatable girl so asdioufhsd if anything, Dasom’s personality could be really similar to Jisoo. But her conviction in trying to solve the case was really well executed. You can see her struggle of wanting to find the truth even though her crush might be behind everything. AS FOR KIM KWON WOW. I HAVEN’T WATCHED HIM IN ANYTHING ELSE BUT I BELIEVE IT TAKES MAJOR SKILL TO PLAY STOIC CHARACTERS since you have to show emotions but at the same time, you can’t show emotions (which is why I hate it when boy idols receive the cold characters bc;;;; their acting isn’t very nuanced :/// sorry boys) and seungmo didn’t even HAVE emotions as a character AND HE SLDAKFASDKFJ WOWOOWOWOWOW. he did amazing. the actor for Lieutenant Nam was pretty cool too I’m not gonna lie :’) he was this bumbling officer that made me really uncomfortable, but his lines were pretty cool. and that kinda dumb detective was cute ahaha 
AND OKAY ONE MORE MENTION: THE ACTRESS FOR KANG EUNJOO. I watched her in Love Returns and she was this loud mouth SUPER ANNOYING JUDGEMENTAL AUNT AND I HATED HER CHARACTER TO MY CORE but dang she’s GOOD. Kang Eunjoo is the complete opposite of the aunt in Love Returns, so it was really interesting to see how she played Eunjoo.
ALSO. I’M SO SAD THAT THIS DRAMA IS GOING TO WASTE IN TERMS OF HYPE it was so good and fresh and different i’m surprised it didn’t receive more viewership :((( okay, actually, i’ve seen a couple people not like the show that much and like, i’m kinda biased bc i don’t really watch thriller so a lot of these concepts are somewhat new to me but asdfjklasdf whatever. i thought it was good. i can’t believe it’s over, it was such a crazy ride. so um, if i had to rate the show overall: 9.5/10 I think the execution in every area was very good and there’s nothing i despise too much overall. so i’m VERY satisfied with the show and 1000000% recommend it. 
(last critique: while the cinematography was pretty good, sometimes a little TOO MANY TIMES, there were a couple of shots where it seemed like someone was watching a character when really, it was just a badly framed and panned shot to keep everything dynamic. i wouldn’t mind it too much if THERE WEREN’T ALREADY SCENES LIKE THAT BECAUSE A STALKER ACTUALLY EXISTS IN THE STORY)
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velvetchen · 6 years
Bruise | pt. viii
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Scenario: Boxer!AU, Ceo!AU Pairing: Baekhyun/Reader, Suho/Reader Word Count: 5.7k Warnings: love triangle, angst, mentions of assault, mentions of gangs/gang violence and alcohol
Summary: You have your life laid out in front of you, everything planned: from the clothes you wear to the man you have to marry. There’s no escape - or so you think.
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You were drawing stares, and there was no way to avoid it. 
Finding the right street hadn’t been much of an issue. The roads had become increasingly deserted as you drove out towards your destination, until you entered an area of the city filled with buildings clamoring for space, garish neon signs flashing in your eyes, and eventually the road grew so narrow that Junmyeon’s car no longer fit through. Not that you wanted to continue much longer by car, since almost everyone was watching you with interest. You stood out.
To your displeasure, that didn’t change even after you got out of the car, your formal attire drawing looks that were most definitely unwanted. You wished you had something to cover your bare legs  - anything to shield yourself, anything that would let you continue on your way as if invisible. 
You crossed your arms tight over your chest. Where is it…
The Eclipse advertised itself rather ostensibly for the level of illegal activity you knew went on inside. The door was placed front and center - easily visible to anyone passing by, and easily identifiable thanks to the giant sign that spelled out ECLIPSE in intimidating red neon. Below, the entire glass front was marked by a glowing red crescent. 
You sucked in a deep breath, adjusting the front of your dress yet again. I’m doing this for Junmyeon, you reminded yourself. He needs me. 
It was only as you were pulling on the handle that you thought that this might be a trap - too late. You had already taken your first step into the instantly dimmer interior, and you figured if you were walking into a trap, it was too late. You were already here, and you were in plain sight. They knew. 
I’m doing this for Junmyeon. That was the only thing that was keeping you from booking it out of there immediately. The minute you found Junmyeon and got the hell out of there, you were done. Done with this underworld and everything it brought with it. You didn’t know what you were getting into when you agreed to join Seohyun that night - when you placed that bet, when you let Baekhyun take you home that night and set things in motion. Certainly you weren’t expecting this near nightmare, with you dragged too far into something you weren’t sure you could get out of, with your and Junmyeon’s lives at stake. 
The inside of the Eclipse was smoky, lit with strobing red lights that swept around the room, bouncing off walls and weaving in between the throngs of people that collected on the floor. At this time of night, things were only just starting for the night. As you stood uncertainly in the middle of the room, trying not to look like your heart was about to beat out of your chest, the doors behind you continuously swung open and closed, letting in all kinds of people. People whom you would never associate with if it weren’t for this…situation. 
You wanted to turn around, to dash outside and back to Junmyeon’s car and get out of here, but the growing crowd pushed you further inside, until you were moving just to avoid drawing too much attention. Not that you weren’t drawing any attention in the first place: your relatively clean look and the fact that your discomfort was obvious singled you out among the throng of people who were obviously here for a purpose.
Only just stopping yourself from giving into the urge to cross your arms tight across your chest and attempting to shrink into the floor, you instead straightened your shoulders and tried to seem like you knew what you were doing. Blending in as part of the crowd was not an option, so faked confidence was all you had.
Which would have worked well if you actually knew where you had to go, whom you had to find. Instead, you were constantly looking out for an ambush, for someone to grab you by the wrist and pull you into a darkened alley, to tie you up and put you in the back of a truck. You had no idea what was in store for you. 
If you could even find Junmyeon. If you could even get out of this alive.
Your phone started to ring from your bag. Hands trembling, you reached inside as quickly as you could, shoving your way closer to the wall so you could stay out of the way.
Kim Junmyeon is calling.
Heart pounding even harder now, you answered. “Hello?”
It was a miracle you managed to hear the chillingly familiar voice over the boom of the music and the shouts, but the moment he began speaking, every hair on your skin stood up on end. 
“Hello, Y/N. I see you’ve arrived - good. Punctuality is an important habit to have.”
You growled. “Tell me what the fuck I’m here for and just let us go.”
“All in good time,” the man chuckled. The sound elicited the phantom feeling of hands crawling across your skin once again, and you closed your eyes, inhaling deeply to calm your racing heart as he continued. “For now, I want you to go over to the bar and order a black adder. It’s one of the more popular drinks, I’m sure you’ll love it. On the house, of course.”
Your teeth dug painfully into your bottom lip as you restrained the sudden rage that his flippant tone unearthed. 
“Sound good? I’ll see you in just a few minutes. Don’t worry, I can’t wait, either.” With another half-chuckle, the line clicked dead. 
You ripped the phone from your ear, staring down at it in disgust. You were going to meet this man - if you could even call him one - face to face. And he wanted - what? He was asking you to come to him, wanted you to seek him out. To talk? To negotiate? To hold you ransom, as well?
There was only one way to find out, and as much as the thought nearly paralyzed you with fear, you had to do it if you were going to find Junmyeon and get out of this, once and for all. Steeling yourself, you slid into the depths of the crowd again, trying to navigate further in. You had no idea where the bar was, but following the movement of the crowd was a good enough indicator.
There was an empty stool at the bar, right in the middle. It was surprisingly unpopulated. The only other occupants were a woman in all black, clutching a cigarette as she smirked up at the bartender, and two men seated at the opposite end. Here, no one made an effort to pointedly look at you.  Either they were too drunk, or there was no reason to stare: they already knew who you were. You desperately hoped it was the former. 
Your legs stuck to the stool as you sat uncomfortably upon it, leaning one elbow against the table, holding tight to your phone with your other hand. You scanned the room behind you for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. For anyone focused on you. Nothing stood out, and before you could give things another once-over, your eyes began to lose focus from the flashing lights and you turned away to face a man on the other side of the bar. 
Is that him…? But no, he didn’t seem to recognize you. Of course, he still gave you a lewd once-over from head to toe before leaning too close for comfort. “Can I get you anything, miss?”
You only just kept yourself from recoiling too obviously. “I’ll have, uh, a black adder.” You cursed yourself for the stutter. Don’t show weakness. 
The change in his expression was instant as he cast a quick glance back at the crowd behind you before turning around to pull a glass from the shelf. So it wasn’t him, but he definitely knew who you were now. The drink was some kind of message. He worked quickly behind the counter, his movements hidden behind a small shelf - but you were quickly distracted from what the bartender was doing when the stool beside you was suddenly occupied by someone. 
He leaned casually over the bar toward you, and you knew. The breath froze in your throat as you waited for something to happen, and you took in his appearance at last. This was the man who had pinned you down in your car that night, who had threatened you, who had almost... 
The man who had taken Junmyeon. Who had dragged you into this mess. 
You balled your fists, clenching the hem of your dress tightly in them as you fought the urge to throw a punch and pummel him to the ground. You certainly felt like you could - you could see yourself standing, sending a hard knock to his cheek. Could see him fall to the ground, blood dripping from a freshly split lip.   Could almost feel the resistance of bone against your knuckles as you thought of sitting over him, striking his face over and over until his face was a mash of red. The rage was coming to a boil, ready to burst. 
And then you saw the unmistakable matte black of a gun at his hip, and fear immediately quenched any hopes of exacting revenge. He knew, too, and the smug expression told you everything. 
Once again, you were at his mercy, and this time, he hadn’t had to lay a single finger on you. He knew, he knew you knew, and you hated it.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you at last,” he said, that voice even more chilling when not over the distance that a phone call offered, and in such a casual tone. A harsh difference to the last time you had heard his voice, an almost animalistic snarl in your ear. Let me teach you a lesson, bitch. To think that he was so close now, his hands a single thought away from landing on you, or on his gun…
“Why did you bring me here?” you said, and you absolutely hated how timid your voice sounded. Like you were already surrendering. Like you were giving in. Where was the fight you knew you had in you? “You said you would answer my questions. Why am I here? Why did you take Junmyeon?” 
He gave a short, amused laugh. “This is only a simple business negotiation, Y/N. I’m sure you’re familiar with those?” 
You pressed your lips tight. He was mocking you.
“This is, of course, in your best interests. Everything will turn out well for both you and us. It’s just a little bit of an agreement, and then we can both go our separate ways.” He looked up as the bartender set a tall, narrow glass of something in front of both of you, so deep red that it was almost black. You eyed it warily. 
“You can trust me when I say we’ll never contact you again, and your reputation will stay intact. And the drink is perfectly safe. No adulterations, I can promise you.” He gave you a half-wink before taking a slow sip from his.
You clutched the glass, the cold condensation seeping into your skin. “We?”
“Ah. Me and my…team, you could say.”
“Why would I trust you?” You nearly spat the last word, fingers clenching tight around the column of the glass. 
He took another sip. “Like I said, this is in your best interests. You should definitely try the drink.”
Exhaling sharply, you forced yourself to take a sip. It was painfully sour, but also sweet, and the amount of alcohol in it would probably be enough to make you pass out with just one glass. “Exactly how is this in my best interests? Assaulting me, kidnapping my fiancé?” The title slipped out without you thinking and you wanted to swallow it down. 
“There are some things you don’t know about Bruiser and his followers,” he continued. “We just want to help you get out before you’re in too deep with him. Some counseling, if you will. All we ask in return for our information, and our protection, if you need it, is that you keep tabs on him. Tell us where he  is, where he goes. That’s all.” 
So it was about Baekhyun. Of course it was about Baekhyun. “Help me? Right. I don’t know if I can believe anything you say. Give me one reason to trust you.” 
“There, we’re making progress,” he smiled, exposing his crooked teeth -  crooked, you realized, from being hit and replaced multiple times. Only then did you notice the scars that were visible over his arms and face. So he was a fighter, too. Or something of the sort. A hitman?
He drained the last drops of his drink. “Firstly, it would be wise decision if you want your fiancé back alive. If that’s not enough motivation, I’m sure you’ll be plenty surprised to learn about some of our contacts. How about I let someone more qualified do the explanation?” 
The completely flat tone in which he said if you want your fiancé back alive sent ice rocketing down your nerves. You hadn’t doubted for a moment that they didn’t care if either you or Junmyeon got hurt. Much less if you died. You fisted your hands so tightly the nails dug into the palm of your hand. 
He stood, nodded once to follow him, and stood. Only then did you notice a door, stood very slightly ajar, to the far right edge of the wall. He headed over, resting his hand on the door handle before looking back at you. “If you want answers, then come with me. You’re free to leave, of course, but I can’t say that would end very well for you or your fiancé.”
Whatever lay beyond the door was in darkness, obscured from view. But if you wanted out of this nightmare, you had to go. 
Leaving the cursed drink behind, you stood, and entered the doorway with as much bravado as you could muster. Which was a surprising amount, given the situation. You were just glad that when the door shut behind you, the darkness hid the way your entire body trembled. 
What if this was a trap, after all? To bring you here to this dark room, to continue where he had left off the last time? Fear gripped you tightly. You stood, frozen in place, waiting to hear that dark laugh, expecting the feeling of a cold hand on your skin. To hear, so naive, Y/N. You believed me so blindly. 
But to your surprise, a click sounded as another door opened and dim fluorescent light flooded the room - which you saw was a janitor’s closet - from beyond. He slipped out, then held the door open for you to follow, leading you down a flight of bare concrete stairs. The lights flickered and dimmed, and the further you got to the basement the more the walls and floor were covered with mildew and dust. You kept your distance, ready at any moment to turn and run back up. 
Another door at the bottom led into a similarly lit and empty corridor, which snaked around the corner of the building and ended at three doors. One was padlocked. From the other, you heard laughter and voices. The steady thrum of the beat from upstairs permeated the ceiling, drifting down, covering the echo of your footsteps as the man led you down into the last door. 
You weren’t sure what you were expecting inside, but what actually lay behind the door was not what you would have thought. 
The first thing the opening door revealed was Junmyeon, seated on a fraying couch in the right corner, unhurt and unbound. 
You sagged. He was alright. He was alive. And he looked up and saw you, and you knew the relief in his face was mirrored in yours. 
“Y/N,” he gasped, standing instantly to take a step forward and wrap his arms around you tightly. “You’re here.”
But in your ear he whispered: “Just do what they say. Please.”
He let you go, moving back and giving you a nod. Only then did you realize you weren’t alone in the room - at the other end, behind a broad wooden desk, sat another man. He was flanked on either side by two others, dressed like the man that had brought you here - in utilitarian black, with the telltale bulge of a gun at the waist and, you were sure, a few other weapons tucked elsewhere, judging by the way they were standing. Watching you carefully, his hands steepled over his desk. 
You glanced at Junmyeon, alarmed, but his expression, placid as always, instantly calmed you. It was just something about his aura that could soothe your tension anywhere. Even here. Even when you were unsure if your very next movement could get you hurt or worse.
“Y/N,” the man behind the desk said after a long moment of silence. “It’s nice to finally meet you. You know, I’ve heard a lot about you from my sources. I can say you don’t disappoint.” 
You stood, silent.
“Oh, how rude of me to not introduce myself. You can call me the Cardinal.” He smiled, and it reeked with just as much insincerity as the other man’s. “As my associate must have told you, I’ve brought you here to discuss a few agreements. I’m sure you’ve already told her the terms, Jiho?” 
The man who’d brought you here - Jiho - nodded. “Yes, sir.”
So this Cardinal was the leader of this…whatever this was? “You want my help?” You asked. “Why me? Why not any of Bruiser’s other-” again, you weren’t sure what to call them “-followers?”
Irritation flicked across his face at your interruption. “We need you, specifically, because you are closer to him than any of the others. And because you can be trusted, based on the recommendation of one of my good friends.”
You squinted at him in confusion. “Who?”
He smiled tightly. “It might be better if you spoke to him yourself. It must have been a while since you last talked, hmm?” He pulled out his phone, quickly dialing a number before holding it out to you and beckoning you forward.
Unsure, you reached for the phone, checking the caller ID  - no name, unfamiliar number - before pressing it to your ear. Involuntarily, your heart pounded in your chest as the phone rang once, twice, thrice. And then it stopped when you heard the voice that answered, so familiar yet so unfamiliar that you nearly dropped the phone in utter shock.
“Hello?” You would recognize that voice anywhere. The last time you had heard it…
Your breath came out ragged, shaky as you closed your eyes. “Chanyeol?”
A clatter. He’d dropped his phone on the other end. A second later, when he picked it up - “Y/N? Is that you? What the hell, why are you calling from this number? Are you alright? Is everything alright?” 
“I…I’m fine.” 
His voice dipped lower. “What the fuck. I’m serious, Y/N, are you alright? Have they done anything to you?”
“What’s going on, Chanyeol?” From behind the table, the Cardinal cocked his head, studying you. “Why are you…how do you know these people? What’s going on?”
He let out a long, angry huff. “I should have probably explained things to you long ago. This would have happened sooner or later. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry you had to find out this way, but Y/N, you need to get out of there. Don’t agree to anything. Just get the hell out of there as soon as you can. I’ll explain everything later, okay?” 
“Okay, but Chanyeol-”
“Listen to me,” his tone grew urgent. “The minute you get out, they will track every movement, every phone call. This doesn’t end here. I don’t know how much you know or how far you’re involved, but this is nowhere near over. Be safe, okay? I’ll find some way to contact you, I promise.”
“How do I-”
He cut you off again. “Like I said, don’t agree to anything. Tell them you’ll think about it. I promise you they will not harm you today, but the next time, I can’t be so sure.”
“Okay,” you whispered. “I’ll do that.”
“Good,” he said. “I miss you. I miss you so much. Fuck, I thought I was protecting you from this, you weren’t supposed to find out…Are you alone?”
“No, I’m with Junmyeon,” you said, meeting his gaze for a brief moment.
“Junmyeon-” He hissed. “Both of you…Y/N, I’m so sorry. I’ll get both of you out of this, I promise.” 
“Okay,” you said again, and the blood rushed in your ears, drowning out everything else. “But Chanyeol, tell me - are you alright? Where have you been?” 
If these people were the reason he left… The possibilities flashed over you. Was he being held hostage? Or was he involved with this in a different way? Was he on their side, maybe? You didn’t want to think about it.
“I’m fine. Right now, we’re worrying about you. Got it?” 
“Yeah,” you said. The Cardinal was still watching you carefully, his cheek rested on one hand as one corner of his mouth quirked up in something close to amusement. 
Your gaze clashed with his as Chanyeol said, “You know what you have to do.”
The line went dead. 
The Cardinal held his hand back out for the phone, and you reluctantly gave it up, dropping it in his palm without bringing your hand into contact with his. A tense pause passed. Even though noise carried from overhead, you were isolated here, far from the surface and anything else. Right now, all you knew was this room. All that mattered was getting out. If Chanyeol was right, and these men were even more dangerous than they seemed, even more so because of Chanyeol’s involvement with them, then leaving safely tonight was your first priority. 
“Please, sit down,” the Cardinal said at last, gesturing to the empty seat beside Junmyeon. “Where are my manners? Would you like something to drink?”
“No, thanks,” Unwilling to break eye contact, you settled beside Junmyeon. Instantly, his hand slipped onto your lap to enclose yours. You squeezed, once. It only then occurred to you, in a flash. This was the first time Junmyeon was hearing of Chanyeol’s existence since that phone call months ago. His first proof that his friend was still alive somewhere - and the news that he was also involved with some sort of underworld. You could only imagine what was running through his head right now.
You squeezed his hand again.
“So?” You said. “What do you want to negotiate with me?” 
“As you know, the Underground Dark Leagues are coming up soon,” the Cardinal said. “Do you know if Bruiser will be contesting?”
Of course, you were about to say. Then you remembered - you had no place taking sides. “Why would he tell me something like that?”
His faux politeness dropped like a stone as his eyes flashed. “Don’t fucking lie. We know you’re a student of his, that you’ve been to the Underground. We have people watching everything you do down there. We know you’ve seen his matches, you’ve been inside his rooms. Evidently, he trusts you.” He tapped the table once. “Why, is the question.”
Trusts me? As if. You swallowed. “And I have no idea whether he’s contesting or not. I said what I said.”
He calmed, but you saw a vein continue to pulse under his jaw. “I see. And do you have any aspirations to contest?”
“How does that matter?”
Slam! His hand came down hard on the tabletop. “Answer the fucking question.”  
“No, I don’t,” you said, and Junmyeon lightly stroked circles on the back of your hand to calm the warble in your voice. “I don’t.”
The Cardinal nodded sharply. “Good. We don’t want you anywhere near them.”
“Why, because you care about me?” The retort forced its way out, and you wanted to cry and laugh at the same time, a mix of fear and incredulity. “What’s this about?”
“Like we said,” he hesitated, the throbbing of the vein in his neck growing more insistent, “we will give you protection, if necessary, if you can give us updates on Bruiser’s plans.” 
“If he trusts me - your words, not mine - why do you believe I would come over to your side so easily? What makes you think I would need or want your protection, if I have his?” 
The Cardinal forced a laugh that trailed off as he raised an eyebrow at you. “But do you trust him? What do you even know about him? He’s not who you think he is.” 
“It would help if you told me,” you said dryly.
He laughed again, a gritty sound that was more condescending than humored. “Don’t try to be funny. Maybe you should find out who someone really is before you go around getting yourself involved with them, hmm?”
“Which is why making a deal with you is such a good idea,” you muttered under your breath. “You know what, your offer seems promising, but you’re right. I want to find out what exactly I’m dealing with before I get involved. I’ll think about this.” 
You weren’t exactly sure how far you could trust Chanyeol that these men wouldn’t harm you if you told them you’d think about it, but it was the only plan you had. 
The Cardinal waved a hand aside. “There we go. That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“I haven’t agreed yet,” you said carefully. “I said, I’ll think about it.” Please, please let me stall. 
“Of course. We respect your decision.” His thin lips pulled back in an even thinner smile. “Likewise, I hope you understand we will have to take the appropriate course of action in case you reject our offer.”
You didn’t want to know what the ‘appropriate course of action’ was, but you could guess. With a similarly contrived smile and your heart thudding so hard you were sure everyone could hear, you nodded once. “I understand.”  
“We’d appreciate it if you gave us a response quickly,” the Cardinal said, but his eyes were flashing with something. A threat. A ticking time bomb. If you didn’t answer them, you would pay. 
“I plan to. Pleasure doing business with you,” you said, only a few degrees of sarcasm keeping your tone from being flat-out mocking. “Can we go? I have someplace to be. You interrupted my date with my fiancé.” 
He made a shooing gesture towards the door. “Please, by all means, go ahead.”  
Jiho, still standing next to the door, shook himself out of an expression of boredom, eyes darting over you and Junmyeon and your clasped hands before opening the door. You stepped out, still not letting go of Junmyeon’s hand as you exited, heart still pounding. Still awaiting a trap. Were they really going to let you go so easily? Was that all it was?
Once you were out, Jiho pulled the door shut. “You’re free to go,” he said, but not before you noticed the predatory glint still in his eye as he faced you. An expression that said, I’m not done with you yet. Goosebumps rose all over your skin. 
You and Junmyeon continued in silence back down the empty concrete corridor. Yes, he was silent now, but you knew he was going to demand answers, and you were going to have to give them to him. 
You emerged into the dank night air outside the Eclipse, taking a deep breath before pulling Junmyeon in the direction you’d left the car. “This way.” 
The both of you attracted even more attention now, later at night and with Junmyeon still in his cleanly pressed suit. By now you were too tired to care, and you figured anyone putting a target on you both could possibly surpass the trouble you’d just found yourself in. So the walk to where you had parked the car was uneventful and silent, and so was the car ride as you drove back - only after you exited the less-than-savory district where the Eclipse was, and the roads once again morphed into the clean, familiar, landscaped lines that you were familiar with, did Junmyeon speak.
“Y/N,” he said, and you could hear the tiredness in his voice. “Do you want to explain to me what’s going on?”
The softness of his tone was what did it. Abruptly, you pulled over to the side of the road, and before you knew it you were choking up, face turning blotchy and wet with tears as you gripped the steering tightly and tried to regain control of yourself. “Myeon, I’m so sorry,” you sniffled. “I didn’t know any of this would happen, I swear. I didn’t want to get dragged into this, and I just wanted some place to get away from it all. And now I’ve put you in danger, and Chanyeol is involved somehow, and they might kill us if I don’t agree to spy on Baekhyun…” 
Junmyeon opened his mouth to say something, but you held out a hand to stop him. “You know what, I’m just going to say this. It’s my fault. I owe you an explanation. I shouldn’t have been stupid enough to get involved under the promise of a way to hide.”
“And you’re right,” he said gently, surprising you. “You’ve made some bad choices, but we all make bad choices. This one just happens to be a little more dangerous than others. But we’re in this now, and…if we have any chance of sorting things out, you need to explain what exactly is going on.” 
You shook your head to clear it, pulling a tissue from your purse to blot away the tears and now-streaking makeup from your face. “I…It’s a long story. I…”
“Start with what you know,” he said. “And we’ll fill in the gaps.” 
Taking a deep breath, you nodded. “Okay.”
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You were back in Junmyeon’s penthouse, curled up on his sofa in a blanket, a mug of tea clutched in your hands as you watched Junmyeon pace back and forth across the rug. He held his phone tight in his hand. Minutes earlier - just after you’d gotten home, you’d gotten a text from Chanyeol. He wanted to contact you, and he had a way to do so where the Cardinal’s men wouldn’t be able to tap into the conversation. 
Your phone rang first loudly, splitting the silence. With a jump, you looked up at Junmyeon, and he gave you a meaningful look before settling down next to you. You heard him take a deep breath, too as you answered the call. 
“Hello?” you said, voice barely a whisper. 
“Y/N?” Chanyeol said. Of course it was him. You would know that voice anywhere. Even after more than a year of not hearing it in person. “I’m so glad you’re safe. Where are you now?”
“My apartment,” Junmyeon answered. “For now.”
“Good,” Chanyeol said. “But you’ll have to move somewhere else, somewhere safe. They’re likely watching you as we speak.” 
Instinctively, you cast a glance towards the broad windows overlooking the nighttime cityscape. Could they see you? Were they outside the building right now, waiting for one of you to leave?
“Chanyeol, who are these people?” You pulled your legs up onto the sofa, tucking them under you and leaning further into Junmyeon’s side. Automatically, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, drawing you a tiny bit closer. “Why are you involved with them?” Are they the reason you left? Because if they were…
Chanyeol hesitated. “Where do I begin? Gold City has a massive underworld. There are groups called syndicates- basically gangs, mafia, and whatever you want to call them - clans of people who are aligned under a single leader and commit organized crime all over the country on a mass scale. The men you met today, the Cardinal and his men? They’re part of a syndicate called the Jade Wing. The biggest syndicate in the country, one of the biggest and most powerful in the world.
“As for how I’m involved with them…It’s a long story, and to make it short, I’ll just say that I found myself owing a very large debt, and to pay it off, I���ve had to do some things that I’m not exactly proud of-”
“Chanyeol,” Junmyeon interrupted, “are you referring to…”
“Yes,” Chanyeol said, voice firm, but you heard the shame creeping into his tone. “I am.” You cast Junmyeon a confused look. Whatever it was, it must be hard for Chanyeol to admit to Junmyeon, his oldest friend and one of the only people whom he looked up to. You didn’t want to pry. 
“Go on,” Junmyeon said gently. “What’s done is done.”
Another pause. Chanyeol let out a long exhale. “Yeah. I’ll…that’s my job to sort out now, hyung. Please don’t worry about me. I’ve cleaned things up well enough.” 
“Of course. I trust you.”
“Right.” Chanyeol cleared his throat. “As I was saying, you met one of the leaders of the Jade Wing. The Cardinal. I’m actually surprised they sent such a high-ranking member to meet you, and for you to come out so easily...what did they tell you?”
The question was directed at you. “I, uh, I think I should give you some background information first.” 
“Go on.” 
So you proceeded to tell Chanyeol the whole story, every detail that you had just told Junmyeon. From the first day that you’d walked into the Underground, cast a bet, how that had led to Baekhyun dragging you down into his world for good. How you had thought at first that this was safe. Just boxing lessons and a man who was completely different from everything you’d ever known. The intrigue. The promise. You wanting to fight in the Underground. And your final meeting with Baekhyun. 
“I told him I wanted nothing to do with him anymore,” you finished. “But I guess that’s impossible now.” 
Chanyeol, who’d been silent the whole time as you talked, hummed in agreement. “You’re right. You have to find a way to get yourselves out of this mess before you owe the syndicate something, or before word gets out and the company’s reputation is tarnished. God knows it’s tarnished enough. This guy, the one you met in the underground, what’s his name?” 
“His underground alias is Bruiser,” you said. “Real name Byun Baekhyun.”
You heard Chanyeol stop dead. “Y/N, are you sure?”
“Very sure,” you said, but your voice trailed up in a question. 
It was a few seconds of heavy silence before Chanyeol spoke again, at last. The words sunk deep. “Bruiser. Of all the people… Y/N, I think you’re in the middle of a syndicate war.” He paused again. “And I don’t know why, but I think you’re the pawn for both sides.”
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a/n: sorry no baekhyun in this part, but we’ll see him very soon ~ thank you all for being patient with the updates! it’s been a busy month and now that things have calmed down updates should come more regularly! 
as always, i love to hear what yall have to say about this chapter! 
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☆彡 Part 2
Summary: Late night texts lead to strange diner meetings and a handful of inappropriate questions. But you’d expect nothing less from Jungkook or Taehyung.
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The minute you arrive back at your apartment, something within you bursts and you can’t help but smile. The feeling is like coming back from one of those inspirational movies and instantly wanting to turn your life around. Well, the most you do is open your window, but it still makes you feel refreshed. The night sky has a darkish gleam to it that brings a shadow to your room. Turning on the fairy lights above your bed, you sigh with delight. What are the chances that you’d meet two handsome people and have the time of your life after a week of absolute despair?
Changing into a bright yellow top that reaches halfway down your knees, you are calmly humming to yourself when your phone buzzes. The feeling of your stomach churning returns for a millisecond. What are the chances that it’s Jaehwa trying to pry you back into their life or Seohyun blaming you for something? Your invisible barrier that Taehyung and Jungkook has placed up for you drops to the floor as you rush to grab the stupid thing.
[Tae 🐯] 9:18pm
Are you home?
You chuckle at the contact name he gave himself. Now that you think of it, he does kind of resemble a tiger. His stare is still imprinted in your mind, wild smile the kind you’d expect from a wild animal beneath the shadow of the jungle leaves. Shaking your head, you try to perk yourself up a little after the dampening thoughts and bring yourself to reply.
[You] 9:19pm
Yeah, I’m about to get into bed :) Thanks again for tonight!!!
You want to cringe at the creepy-looking smiley face you added, immediately wanting to toss your phone somewhere into an abyss where you no longer have to look at it. Technology can be extremely hard sometimes.
Not expecting an immediate reply, you jump under the covers, marvelling in the instant heat your little burrito provides you. You’ve always been one for wrapping yourself in your covers, after all, it provides protection and support! That’s more than most of your friends have ever offered you, if you’re really to go there . . .
[Tae 🐯] 9:20pm
Me and Jungkook really enjoyed. We’d love to meet up again.
Your heart almost stops at the text message. It seems so foreign to have a genuine invitation for once. Tapping your finger against your mouth, you sit up in your bed to think of a suitable reply. It’s a Sunday tomorrow and you most definitely aren’t busy, but is it too soon to ask them? Perhaps you’ll just let Taehyung decide what time?
[You] 9:20pm
I would really like that too!! When do you want to meet up?
You once again are unable to look at your phone, a giddy sense of excitement making you jump a little. You can’t help but think about the both of them. They were so nice to offer you their company, and whilst they did give you a reasonable excuse you also can’t help but wonder what they saw in you that day? Was it pity? Are they just doing this because they feel bad? Your complex mind yet again ruins your happiness, causing you to pummel into your bed sheets. Well, at least he texted you first. That has to be a good sign, right?
Taehyung doesn’t reply for a while and you figure it’s because he’s talking to Jungkook. They’re both University students, maybe they share a dorm or an apartment similar to yours? They didn’t say exactly which university they go to, but considering the way they carry themselves you’re positive it’s one of the top three.
[Tae 🐯] 9:24pm
Taehyung is a blunt texter, you note. The worst kind for someone with your type of personality. His lack of words equal lack of enthusiasm to you and instantly you feel like a bother. Trying to shrug away the thoughts is even harder and so you walk around your bedroom, completely abandoning the idea of sleeping.
Once you actually read the word, you let out a low huff. Of course you can’t make Monday! You have an assignment due and plenty of classes to get through. It’s one of the busiest days of your week. Must be witchcraft. The universe clearly isn’t on your side.
[You] 9:26pm
Sorry, I have an assignment due the next day. I can’t miss the deadline. Again.
You will admit that when it comes to deadlines, you are useless. Your ‘creative flow’ (which really is just a fancier term for procrastination) needs time and patience and it’s usually late into the night when you actually get your ideas. Thankfully, Taehyung has managed to remind you that you actually due have an assignment due and you should probably work on it.
Panic emits throughout your entire system and your already jaunty body is now rushing towards your school backpack where you know your notebook is idly sitting, waiting to be stared at for a few hours and then thrown away as it always is.
[Tae 🐯] 9:26pm
That’s naughty, you should never miss a deadline. Tuesday?
His words make you a little tingly, which worries you to a certain extent. He seems like a kind person, from what you can recall. Somehow laid back, but also like a hawk, aware of everything and constantly alert. You expect he’s most likely strict with himself and is just reflecting it onto you. That’s the obvious explanation, anyway.
You find yourself in your kitchen, stuffing into the leftover pizza you had stored the previous night in your fridge. It’s quite a comical scene really, here you are in your oversized t-shirt with leftover pizza in your rather sweaty hand. Stupidly, you don’t want to think about it. You aren’t ‘quirky’ like the girls on Instagram who probably do the exact same thing as you do, take a picture and then leave it. You’re just as basic as the next person, which is another reason as to why you are so unsure of this whole thing.
Get a grip, Y/N.
You contemplate on what to reply, pizza grease causing your phone to slip from your hand. You almost manage to curse as it hits the hard floor, luckily bouncing on its corner which saves your precious glass screen.
[Tae 🐯] 9:30pm
Tuesday. 4:30.
Does he know he’s had an affect on you? The text shows brightly on the screen, words burning into your mind. Part of you is ready to text him back telling him that you are independent and can sort it out yourself, almost wanting to be offended in order to ensure your sanity, but you can’t help but feel the same tingly feeling as before. A part of you is okay with being dependent on him. As well as Jungkook.
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Your assignment is handed in right on time and all is well until the bell for lunch rings. It’s like a chime signalling the end of days to you, the sound echoing in your ears. Everything is muted aside from that one haunting sound as you walk to the lunch hall, letting yourself be knocked and bumped like a rag doll as your steps are soulless and unmotivated. You can’t pretend that everything is alright forever. Not when you see them all sitting there.
Haeun is the first to notice you, of course. Her outfit is a simple sleeveless jumper on top of a crisp white shirt, presentable and modest. Her skirt however, is inches away from revealing everything. Once again she is a mastermind when it comes to fooling her parents. You hate the feeling, almost wanting to go and talk to her about how she managed to pull it off. It takes effort for you to walk past them without looking, because you can feel their burning gaze with each step.
“Hey, Y/N!” Seohyun’s voice is unrecognisable above the crowd of rowdy teenagers. You instantly shoot your head in their direction, completely and utterly letting your guard down which causes you to sink away behind a few people before you actually do something.
There, sitting in the middle, is Jaehwa. Her bleach blonde hair looks almost natural now that she’s had her roots done, her school blazer discarded beside her leaving her tight shirt on show. You’ve never felt such impending jealousy in your life. You’re a stupid bitch for feeling this way because you know what she’s like, but a part of you just can’t help but want the vibe she carries with her. She is untouchable. Surely, she didn’t cry at home like you did.
She gives you one of those sly finger-waves, barely moving as a smirk begins to form on her lips. You can already picture it, like some dumb movie scene. You are the helpless victim whilst your ex friends continue to torment you endlessly. It makes you sick to your stomach, so much so that your tray is no longer of any value to you and you leave it where it sits, ignoring your rumbling stomach. You will not be the damsel in distress. You just wish you hadn’t left your damn pasta.
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It’s 4:15 and you’ve never been more stressed in your life. Taehyung had asked you last night to meet in the diner you had last time and you couldn’t be more pleased. You loved that place, it seems so vintage. You don’t exactly know what to wear, freaking out over which top to choose. Your clothes are much less than revealing, in fact you don’t think you’ve ever even shown skin on nights out.
“Oy vey.” You sigh as you hold up a baby pink dress and a baby blue one. You’ve decided t shirts may be too casual even if it is just a meet-up with some new friends. How do you even dress for these kinds of things? It’s not a date. It’s not a date. Besides, there’s two of them. All of your thought mould into one when you finally go with the blue dress, putting a plain white T-shirt underneath it because your mindset still tells you to be modest. Maybe it’s just your confidence? You’ve always accepted whatever people wear, so what’s the problem when it’s you?
Realising the time, you lock up your apartment and run out of the door, quickly waving at a few of your neighbours before dashing to the diner which sadly is a little too far for your liking. You almost regret adding a beret since it almost falls off every waking second, but you wear a beret with almost every outfit as it is a crucial part of your life.
The neon sign glows against the slowly darkening sky. As you open the door, you halt your steps. There’s a ton of people here. Almost every booth is full. Last time you came here there was barely anyone here, which makes you gulp. People seem rather skeptical of your arrival, most dressed in strangely coordinated outfits.
The one booth that isn’t fully cramped is the one you walk towards, not recognising any of the people that stare you down with a look of pure hatred. Thankfully, you find Taehyung and Jungkook sitting there, immersed in conversation.
“Hey.” You murmur shyly, completely hating yourself for the ugly introduction. You hate how cowardly you seem, plopping yourself down next to Jungkook as awkwardly as humanly possible. Jungkook feels warm beside you, so much so that you have to resist the urge to snuggle up to him.
“Hi, Y/N.” Jungkook welcomes you hushfully, tilting his head downwards to smile at you. It makes your heart melt a little and you have to look away like some horrible lovesick girl from a romantic comedy; the kind of films you are an absolute sucker for.
“Y/N, you look troubled.” Taehyung announces, his elbows on the table as he leans in, an eyebrow quirking upward. You notice that his hair is much lighter than previously. Rather than a ruby red, his hair is now a light peach, verging on pink.
“Well, people here didn’t seem to p-pleased to see me I guess. I don’t know. . .” You turn away to look at everyone. They’re minding their own business, but in an ominous kind of way. As if it’s just something they’re doing to pass time. You look around, biting your lip suspiciously.
“Are they bothering you?” Jungkook’s usual soft-spoken voice sounds darker, which makes you whip your head around to meet his eyes. They are equally as dark, like something out of a horror movie. He looks like he has a thought in his head, one single thought. If you say yes to the question, what exactly would he do?
“No!” You laugh nervously, your hands performing some awfully paced waving motion in order to stop Jungkook from doing anything stupid. You hadn’t expected him to have such a hard exterior in situations like this. Part of you now feels silly for underestimating him.
“A lot of them are part of a gang, this is where they come. It’s their territory too and unfortunately that means sharing our beloved pizza with them. Just ignore them, they probably think you’re not good enough for them or something. In my opinion, you are fa better than they’ll ever be.” His voice is somehow coy, the kind that you’d use to speak to a young and impressionable child. He’s trying to convince you to believe his lie, the only obvious assumption you can think of.
Your sensitivity seems to heighten a little, suddenly the eyes on you become so much more noticeable. The lingering stares are certainly not calming in any way, “So, this gang—“
“Don’t even go there, they’re dangerous. They have this crazy pack mentality and all they do is deal crappy drugs. They aren’t what they project themselves to be.” Jungkook’s looming voice settles you slightly, but you are also shocked to hear him speak so much in one go. He isn’t at all how you’d portrayed him in your head. His presence is more of an observant one, you notice he isn’t one for joining in that often.
Your curiosity is practically burning through ever vein in your body. You want so badly to pry further as you normally do, ruthlessly rip into all kinds of questions. The look both Taehyung and Jungkook throw at you, however, makes you wish you hadn’t even thought of the idea.
“Anyway, let’s change the subject. You look particularly nice, what prompted this look?” You take the compliment to heart, since he seems so interested in fashion. Taehyung is wearing an extremely expensive jacket, smooth and colourful but somehow just enough.
“I didn’t know if this diner was casual chic or just simple so I went for an in between?” Your answer sounds like more of a question and you hunch your shoulder out of instinct to display your confusion. Jungkook scoffs, which you are mildly unsure how to take, “this place is in no way chic, I’m pretty sure you’d get away with wearing your pyjamas in here.” You chuckle , noticing something keen in Taehyung’s eyes. When he meets your stare, he clicks his tongue.
“Wanna bet?” A devious smile rests upon Taehyung’s face, his fingers playing with one of the napkins provided on the table. You snicker at the thought of Jungkook actually wearing pyjamas in here, but you aren’t entirely sure he wouldn’t do it.
“Sure. If I come in here tomorrow morning in my pyjamas, you have to give me,” Jungkook trails off for a moment, and you stare at him in awe. Is he actually going to do this?
“Whatever I want on the menu, no price limit.” Scoffing, you let our an exasperated sigh. He looks at you, as if to say ‘what’s wrong with that?’ Personally, you would have asked for money. After all, payback is fun. When you do it right.
“Deal, Kookie.”
Finally, a waiter comes over. You are sad to see that it isn’t Namjoon from the previous night. Instead it’s a scrawny boy who doesn’t seem to peak either of the boys’ interest, suggesting they are strangers. Since it’s nearing noon, you decide to treat yourself. That makes no sense, why does the time of day mean you can treat yourself, Y/N?
You order a milkshake and some fries, as well as a humongous burger. The people around you, although painfully attractive, are not going to stop you and your ravaging sidekick, ‘super stomach’. That was lame.
After you order, Taehyung and Jungkook still ramble on about the stupid bet, insisting you waste your precious early in hours in order to see Jungkook in his pyjamas. Although it would be a heartwarming sight, you aren’t sure it’s physically possible for you to wake up before 8am.
“Okay, I know we know quite a bit about each other, but it’s not really getting anywhere with this stupid bet. Come on, tell me about me about yourselves.” You urge the boys to tell you about themselves. Curiosity is practically flowing through your entire body at the moment, that paired with undoubted cynicism on what exactly the people around you are doing. Taehyung and Jungkook seem completely unbothered by it, almost familiar to it. You aren’t saying that you doubt them in any way, but when you think about it you don’t even know an awful amount about them.
“Well, Jungkook here is a bit of a sadist.” Taehyung blurts out, picking up one of his french fries as if he’d said something normal, when in reality you’re here practically choking on your drink. You’ve quickly accumulated through mild conversation that Taehyung is blunt and incredulous when it comes to silence.
You look over at Jungkook with a raised eyebrow, because what the heck? Does he just like hurting people on the daily or is it more of an in bed kind of thing. Either way, you want to know.
Taehyung is damn good at controlling conversations.
“Well, you wanted to know more...” Jungkook simply says, his head held downwards as he is unable to look at you. That’s his answer?!? THAT. You almost can’t fathom the surge of feelings coursing through you at this very moment. Jungkook’s hunched back and blushing face paired with Taehyung’s feline smirk. Nothing is making sense in your mind. It’s like your nerves have jumbled up into what looks like those strawberry string sweets. Your palms are uncomfortably sweaty and your face is beet red. Thanks, hormones.
“Okayyyy; that’s not exactly what I was expecting. So Jungkook, you like hurting people?” You ask, knowing that your pushing yourself a little too far as you place your head in your hand, eager to hear a reply. It’s a bit wicked of you really, but it feels too good all the same.
“Well, in that context it sounds villainous of me. But yes, in some senses.” Jungkook seems all the more intrigued, his shyness seemingly gone, instead replaced with a dominant aura. You feel your thighs clench at his words—you hate yourself for it. This was meant to be some lovely friendship that would swoop away your lonesome thoughts, but you just have to get attracted. Surely, it won’t escalate to anything further.
“And in what context exactly, does it not sound so villainous?” You twirl a strand of your hair on your stubby finger, really stumbling from your comfort zone at this point. You don’t think you’ve ever acted this way in front of a Male, since normally it ends in you becoming so paranoid that you cut off all ties. Something about Jungkook makes you not want to do that, even if it is a spur of the moment kind of thing.
“Barf. This is utterly gross.” Taehyung interrupts your rather sensual moment, making ‘you come back down’, if you will. Your elbow is off the table in seconds, thighs rubbing together as you shut your eyes out of your sheer stupidity. Why are you so awkward?
“Well, Y/N. Taehyung here likes to be called ‘master’ in bed, should you ever need any pointers.” Jungkook gets his own back, leaning further into the leather of the seat, the booth suddenly becoming extremely tight-fitted. You find yourself choking on air once again as these unbelievable boys stare each other down into some sort of spiritual realm. What is going on? Did they precept your ‘wanting to get to know them’ differently or are they doing this on purpose?
“In fact, Y/N. I love it.” Taehyung’s gawk is fixated directly on you, his coffee coloured eyes not even hesitating to push tension and all kinds of emotions straight into your little bubble. This is meant to be the part where you describe his ‘orbs’ in excessive detail, but you are completely unable to over the desperate throb you feel in your lower region.
Don’t do it. Don’t do it. You’ll lay awake thinking about it for months if you do it. You’re going to regret it.
“Do you really, master?”
You can’t help it, all three of you burst out laughing, tears almost forming at your eyes as you watch Taehyung holding his gut in an attempt to suppress his own laughter. You replay the cringey purr in your mind, laughing again. Breathing almost seems an inconvenience at this point.
“That was the worst thing I’ve ever heard.” Taehyung shrieks, his roar of laughter making you feel somewhat warm. For someone who seems so poised and in charge, his goofy laugh really lets him down. You don’t understand your feelings at the moment. Jungkook is an amazing person, beautiful and reserved but sentimental and challenging all the same. It’s not like you to observe someone so closely, but you find yourself doing the same with Taehyung. He is electric, part of every conversation but also aware and focused. You aren’t sure, slipping into a headspace of ultimate confusion as you watch the two sneakily converse and bicker with each other.
Oh no.
↳ A/N - Thank you for the support on my first chapter of Lonesome!!!! I definitely did NOT expect it!! I hope y’all (🤠) like this one as much as the last!! Things will be uncovered about Taehyung and Jungkook very soon so stay tuned! 🐸☕️
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yeppeosnsdscenarios · 6 years
snsd reaction to their mafia! s/o trying to leave the mafia to protect them
For Gabi!
The reactions with the sad endings contain specific scenarios, whereas the reactions with happy endings depict more general scenarios. 
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Taeyeon becomes unsettled at your declaration of leaving the mafia for her benefit. Although, she is not incredibly knowledgeable about the inner workings of your associates, you have reassured her countless times that you are simply the bookkeeper for the mafia. Taeyeon knows that being in the mafia is slowly destroying the way you view yourself and your morals, however, she is nervous about the outcome of leaving such a dangerous profession. Once you approached your boss about wanting to leave the business, he was shockingly supportive of your reasons for leaving. Sharing the news of your safe departure brought great joy for the both of you. You ensured the protection of your future with Taeyeon, and she did not have to see your morals torn apart.
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From the beginning of your relationship, you gave your complete trust to Jessica, telling her about your association with the mafia. After she learned about your profession, she never left. However, Jessica does not hold her tongue when expressing her distaste for your chosen lifestyle. The guilt of committing crimes for years and the need to protect Jessica from the dangers of the mafia, leads you to approach your boss about potentially leaving the mafia. Surprisingly, your boss agrees to your request citing that you have been loyal for years and that family should be free to complete their dreams. Bouncing with newfound freedom and a heart full of love, arriving home to Jessica is the only thing on your mind. 
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Fortunately, Soonkyu was unware of your current career position and the divide within you to quit the dangerous profession. At times the pain of being secretive   destroyed how you viewed yourself, more importantly, how Soonkyu would view you when she discovered your voiding secret. The motion to remove the ties the mafia held on you came from the natural need to protect the love of your life. Nervously, you submit your proposal to resign from your position in the mafia. Met with a surprising outcome, you leave headquarters free from their reign. In a state of freedom and joy, relinquishing you darkest secret to Soonkyu creates an emotional atmosphere among you both. With a benevolent smile, she states, “You did what was needed to protect yourself. Us.”
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Tiffany felt guilt and heartbreak hit her all at once. It was only a few days before you both lied together in your shared bed talking about the future, before she received the unsettling news. Although, Tiffany understood the trials and hardships you went through to even attempt to resign from the mafia; she became a bystander in the treacherous mess. When she received your call, Tiffany immediately knew the outcome as she answered. Shakily, she inquired, “This is end, isn’t it? Of us?” Trying to control the tears running down your face, you answered, “Yes. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I wish I could give you the world, a safe world with me in it. I love you enough to do this.” With her heart splitting in half, Tiffany looks back at the life she once held with you. 
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Hyoyeon struggles watching you self-destruct by tormenting yourself as you prepare to leave each morning for the mafia’s headquarters. Overcome with anger and worry, she explosively tells you that you need to make a choice. Choose a life with her or a life with the mafia. The ultimatum looming over you head pushes you to submit your letter of resignation. However, the boss begins to threaten you until one morning Hyoyeon wakes to find you gone without a trace. Immediately, she is aware, “They took her. She’ll die living that life again.” Her thoughts repeat in a circle as she pushes through her haze of worry. In a state of panic, Hyoyeon leaves the house with no distinct destination. She becomes consumed by the reality that her time with you is over.  
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Although, Yuri never openly expressed her opinions about your profession, she remained terrified of their actions. She never held your choices against you. Being scared of you was one of her biggest fears. It made her feel guilty, the constant pleading to leave, to life a better, safer life. You had secretly, desperately wanted it for years. When you meet Yuri the overwhelming response to shield her from your lifestyle led to submitting your letter of resignation from the mafia. The boss did not take your request of resignation lightly. A voicemail is the last thing she receives from you. The message replays your soft voice, “Babe. It’s me. You deserve someone who can guarantee you a safe life. They made me choose. I love you, don’t stop living your life.”
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Cuddling at night, you mention that you put in your resignation from the mafia. Entering a state of confusion, Sooyoung whips around in your arms to exclaim, “Really? You mention this as we’re laying in bed?” Her outburst makes you recoil a bit in your preplanned explanation of the situation. Gently, you state, “I wanted a safer life for us. I felt the time to leave was now.” Understanding the situation, Sooyoung openly apologizes for her harshness. A part of her could not digest the news. Since you two entered this relationship, she always knew about your loyalty to the mafia. Despite their dangerous actions creating your distraught moral compass. As the sun rises, over a cup of tea, Sooyoung appreciates the sacrifice you made for the safety of you both.
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Yoona always found herself torn when contemplating the atrocious rumors of the mafia. She always saw the best in you, however, the reputation of the mafia terrified her. It made her mind wander to you and the possible crimes you have committed. To hear the news that you would be putting in your request for resignation brought Yoona secretive relief. Pulling you into a hug, Yoona inquires, “What made you what to leave? This has been your life for years now.” Gleefully yet softly, you exclaim, “You did. I would do anything to make you happy, to protect you. I know you hate the things I’m involved in. The mafia means nothing to me if I have you.” With your hand smoothing her hair, Yoona quietly says into your shoulder, “We’re truly free of them now?”
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Seohyun possess the strongest moral compass within her. Therefore, being with you, a mafia member, severely disheveled her moral compass. Although, it is a painful thought, the idea of ending your relationship had crossed Seohyun’s mind multiple times. It destroyed a part of you, knowing that you corrupted and put her in unforeseen danger. Met with resistance, you resignation from the mafia was taken as a threat. Leading to your current state of deadly injuries. Hearing her phone ring, Seohyun’s heart begins to palpitate as the nurse explains your situation. Calmly yet quickly, she states, “Yes. I will be there in no time. Please, tell her I’ll be there.” Knowing this is last time she will see you, Seohyun lets a few tears fall before making her way to you. 
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
7 Secrets
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OK! This is my first time EVER posting an imagine on Tumblr! So please love me and don’t hate it lol. I'm also not sure how many parts there will be to this, but you can expect probably at least three. Let me know what you like and don’t! Any ideas?
Summary: For the past three years, Beth has struggled and fought against the notion that she has a soulmate. It was only when she met six other girls who were in the same predicament that she finally decided that this was her life. The only real problem? Her soulmate has no idea that she even exists. Much less that soulmates are even a thing. Will she ever get to meet her soulmate, the ever popular and beloved Kim Namjoon of BTS? Does she even want to anymore?
GENRE: Soulmate!au BTS!
Even now, as my feet lead me through the airport here in Seoul, I can’t quite believe that this is actually my life. Even now, three years later, the feeling of disbelief mingled with the thrill and fear of it all lingers.
To anyone here, I simply look like another tourist. Headphones in, not a care in the world except for keeping my backpack on my shoulders and taking one step at a time. I pass a group of girls loitering by the stairs, completely decked out in BTS merch. I smile at them, my action going unnoticed by my mask and hat low on my head. Am I a tourist or celebrity?
Neither. And yet, in some twisted way, both.
To my eternal horror and delight, six of my closest (and weirdest) friends await me at the baggage claim, welcome signs held up high.
All of them are from either here in South Korea or Japan, yet despite our differences we just click.
It’s something that I’m still not used to.
Their loud squeals can be heard bouncing off the walls of the airport the second I come into view, and I thank the heavens above for the mask and hat I’m wearing which shields my bright smile from the rest of the world. They would never let me hear the end of it if they knew just how excited I was to be back.
“You’re back!”
“Finally, you’ve kept us waiting long enough.”
“Wow, look at you. You look like a whole celebrity.”
“Since when did our little B grow up so much?”
I roll my eyes lovingly at them, unable to hold back as we all rush toward each other in a fit of excitement. A year was way too long.
“You’ve made it look like I’m coming back from military service or something.” I joke with my closest friends, laughing as Minsuh pokes my ribs in defense.
“It feels like it, too. You look like you’re coming out of a battle or something.”
I feign offense. “It’s called jet-lag, thank you very much. Wow, some people never change, do they?” I accept a hug from Aera, and only when I set my chin on her shoulder do I notice the two cameras trained on us.
Ah yes. That is one thing that I haven’t missed. Aera silently attaches a mic to my sweatshirt, clipping it on with a conspiratorial wink. She knows just how much I despise our ongoing documentary.
The cameramen are kind enough, shadowing us constantly in an attempt to compile enough content to someday show our soulmates. However I can’t help but feel like it’s a bit hopeless at times. I highly doubt our boys will ever watch the material, they seem busy enough. And we’re not that entertaining.
But who knows? The most famous band in the world tends to surprise me.
“Is it the balloons? It’s all the balloons, isn't’ it.” Kyung-Soon fiddles with the balloons in her hands, the mass floating above her in an attempt to block out any light from above. The sight pulls a giggle out of me, tired as I may be. I waddle over to her, one of the girls easing the backpack off of my shoulders and grunting at the weight.
I wrap her up in a hug, knowing just how much she tends to stress and over think. “The balloons look great. You know me, I just get embarrassed easily. But I love them.”
“I wonder how you would react if it was Namjoon holding the balloons instead of Soon-ah.” My head swivels to my best friend, glaring strongly. Himari only returns the look, her smirk growing. “You get embarrassed so easily, I’m just wondering what that would be like.”
The mention of my soulmate has my cheeks burning, and I offer up a silent prayer of gratitude for the mask I still have on.
The other girls take up the conversation, wondering aloud how I would react if it was my soulmate picking me up from the airport instead of his band member’s soulmates. Himari’s Japanese accent cuts clear through the rabble, making me feel right at home even as I secretly plan to embarrass her later on. Usually a well placed comment about j-hope’s latest concept photos will leave her reeling and red-faced.
The cameras edge closer, and I leap up grabbing my luggage before I can be embarrassed even more.
“Time to go!” I shout, ignoring the snickers from behind me. “Himari, since you’re so keen on helping me today would you mind bringing my backpack?”
“Yeah, got it.”
“Ha, just like you Beth. Way to avoid the conversation.” A less noticeable Japanese accent greets me, and I turn to see Ichika already by my side. I raise my eyebrows at the girl only a year my senior.
“Your Korean sounds great, Ichika!” She smiles at me, her delicate features reminding me of a flower. Ichika looked like a piece of art, which I guess made sense considering that she had a soulmate who would probably recognize that same fact immediately upon meeting her. At least, I’ve heard that Taehyung has an eye for art. Or maybe he just has an artsy personality? I can’t remember. Probably both.
“Thanks,” she replies, giving me a firm high five. “I missed you!” I breathe out a sigh of relief. It’s always been so refreshing how honest Ichika is.
“Missed ya too,” I mumble out, suddenly disoriented in the humid air as we exit the airport. By now we’ve attracted our fair share of strange looks and even a few stragglers, who follow us solely because of our small camera crew.
Once outside, Aera gently herds me in the direction of a couple of black cars. I nod to the managers the BigHit sent us as they open the car door for us and help to put our things away. I can see one eyeing the mess of balloons that Kyung-Soon still clings to, calculating how on earth to fit seven girls and seventy balloons into two small cars. (Ok, maybe not seventy, but it feels like it)
I turn to help Kyung-Soon, but find Minsuh already there. The sweet girl, only six months older than me, is always quick to help. Typically her and Aera are inseparable, but I’m glad to see that Minsuh has slowly been pushing herself to mingle with the others. It’s another thing that makes sense, seeing that Minsuh’s boy is Jungkook and Aera’s is Jimin. As far as I know, those two are pretty close as well.
Minsuh smiles shyly at me, sidling over to give me a quick hug before going back to her work. The cameraman makes sure to catch the sweet action, never one to miss a candid moment.
Was that cute enough for you? I silently ask Bang Si Hyuk. There’s no doubt that these will be reviewed and only the kindest, funniest, and cutest moments will make the cut.
Pity for Namjoon, but that means I will probably only be featured in a little bit of the documentary. Oh well, if he’s curious he can come find me himself. I’m done waiting. Or caring.
“What are you pouting about?”
Himari’s voice drags me out of my stupor, and I shrug my shoulders in response. Her happy demeanor doesn’t falter as she looks into my eyes like she can read them. There’s an underlying seriousness that few get to know, but I’ve been lucky enough to see it several times.
“Just tired,” I bump her hip with mine before we get the ok to all pile into the car. She doesn’t press the matter, but I can count on her slipping it into the conversation again once we’re alone. Once the pressing matter of the cameras watching our every mood is lessened and I feel more comfortable.
Sliding in, I collide with another body that has already taken the far seat. Both Seohyun and I burst into laughter at the sudden collision, her eyes turning into crescent moons.
“Well hello to you too,” she manages to say between giggles. Himari slides in next to me, shaking her head at the both of us. A couple of cameras in the car automatically focus on us, but I pay them no mind.
“I like your sweatshirt,” I say, gesturing to the homage to her soulmate. Sure enough, Yoongi’s new mixtape “D2” cover is printed on her shirt. Funnily enough, out of all of us, Seohyun is one of the most showy when it comes to her soulmate. Constantly buying merch, listening to his music, and gushing about him.
I know she’ll make Yoongi very happy. If she ever gets to meet him.
If any of us ever get to meet them. Or if they’re ever informed of our existence. Not for the first time today, I curse Bang Si Hyuk again in my mind.
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ninibearlove · 7 years
Favorite KPOP Songs (of all time)
So of course there are still many more songs and groups I need to listen to but as of right now these are my favorites :) 
(In no particular order except the first one)
Fiction- BEAST
Moon- Jonghyun
Monster- EXO 
Heart Attack- EXO 
My Answer (Chinese Version)- EXO 
One and Only- EXO (last one even though there are many more lol)
Rhythm After Summer- EXO-CBX
Signal- f(x) 
All Mine- f(x)
Red Light- f(x) (okay no more..... also 4 Walls and Dracula and their entire Pink Tape album... stan f(x))
Mirotic- TVXQ
Heart Attack- AOA
Tonight- BIGBANG 
Murda- Chancellor feat. Dok2
Ringa Linga- Taeyang
I Need a Girl- Taeyang
Eyes, Nose, Lips- Taeyang 
Everytime- Chen and Punch
Blood- DAY6
Bonnie and Clyde- Dean
Fantasy- Fei
The Leaders- G-Dragon feat. Teddy and CL
Good Boy- GD x TAEYANG
The Boys- Girls’ Generation
Fly- GOT7
Anthem- iKON
Palette- IU feat. G-Dragon
Ain’t No Party Like an AOMG Party- Jay Park and Ugly Duck
Back Again- KNK
Up All Night- Lee Hi feat. Tablo
Free Somebody- Luna
Bad Girl, Good Girl- miss A
Touch- miss A
Love Song- miss A
Body- Mino
Fear- Mino feat. Taeyang
Full House- MOBB
Crooked- G-Dragon
Gee- Girls’ Generation
Bounce- Bobby
Incomparable- Monsta X
The 7th Sense- NCT U
Face- NU’EST
Closer- Oh My Girl
Dumb Dumb- Red Velvet
Body Talk- Red Velvet
I Need U- BTS
Danger- BTS
Hip Hop Phile- BTS
Bad Love- Seohyun
View- SHINee
Shift- SHINee
Replay- SHINee
Everybody- SHINee
Lucifer- SHINee
Nowhere- Sik K feat. Loco
Crying- Stellar
24 Hours- Sunmi
Sexy, Free, and Single- Super Junior
Devil- Super Junior
Evanesce- Super Junior
Sorry, Sorry- Super Junior
Drip Drop- Taemin
Why- Taeyeon
Fire- Taeyeon
Talk- Tiffany
Now- Trouble Maker
Error- VIXX
I’m Young- Taehyun
Different- Winner
Confession- Taehyun
Smile Again- Winner
Bermuda Triangle- Zico feat. Dean and Crush
Come Back Home- 2NE1
I Love You- 2NE1
Fire- 2NE1
Ugly- 2NE1
Missing You- 2NE1
Go Away- 2NE1
A.D.T.O.Y- 2PM
Canvas- 4Minute
Volume Up- 4Minute
Everytime- Chen and Punch
Sorry for being so long lol but these are some of my favorites and there are so many good songs out there so give all these groups lots of love
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eternalhope · 8 years
10 Songs, 10 (5 lol) Mutuals
Sorry for being late af doing this but thanks for tagging me @bapgguk & @eureureong yall are the best! 💗
1. SHINee - Prism
2. B.A.P (Yongguk & Zelo) - Pray
3. Taemin - Mystery Lover
4. BTS (Jimin Solo) - Lie
5. Samantha James - Amber Sky
6. Blackpink - Whistle
7. Cosmic Girls - Catch Me (Still so lit!)
8. Big Sean - Bounce Back
9. B.A.P (Jongup Solo) - Now
10. Seohyun - Don’t Say No
I tag // @eterna-metamorfose @mjup-png @turkishkpoplover @gamarrex @byzelx (you don’t have to do it~)
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