whispcr · 7 years
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gifset aesthetics: liam matheson 
❝ I feel there is nothing more artistic than loving people. ❞ // @seonhwang
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gxldentrio · 7 years
seonhwang reagiu à tua publicação: self care is browsing tumblr whilst watching love...
love actually is a masterpiece
it is, isn't it?
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demondarlington · 7 years
21. Do you write??
I do! I mean, obviously you know that, but in general I do write. Although for me writing is a very tricky and temperamental thing, and if I’m not one hundred percent in the mood, it can almost be impossible. 
22. Tell us a little about your writing.
It ranges a lot. I think my biggest frustration with my writing is that I am just not that great with descriptors. I enjoy dialogue writing, but when I have to describe a feeling, or a place, I feel like my brain shuts off and suddenly I don’t have a single thing to say. Whereas I know a million of people on this site that just know how to word a particular emotion perfectly, and I’m just left floundering around trying to capture the same thing.
23. How did you get into reading?
This is going to come as a shock to many people, but the first book I fell in love with is a book called Carlotta’s Kittens. It’s a story about a cat and her kittens, and I’d sort of describe it as an action/adventure child's book, but I hated reading before that series came around for me in 2nd grade. I was actually a horrible reader and writer in first grade, and required extra attention to catch me up. I’m still not sure what caught my attention in that book. Maybe the fact that it was about animals? Or maybe I’ve just always loved a good rescue.
24. Have you read a book that was really hyped up but you didn’t enjoy??
I really don’t want to step onto any toes here, because it isn’t a bad book, and I know how important it is to a lot of people, but I wasn’t that enraptured with The Foxhole Court. It’s strange because I really love sports, but in general it just wasn’t really enjoyable for me? I couldn’t love most of the characters, except I really did love Matt. Otherwise I just felt really disconnected, and the mafia stuff felt weird, and IDK. Like I said, it isn’t a bad book, and I totally understand why people love it, and I don’t want to detract from their enjoyment in the least, especially when certain sexualities are being represented where they usually aren’t represented.
 25. Do you prefer physical books, Ebooks or audio books??
I like physical books because even just owning them, not even reading, but owning, is enough to create comfort. For a while, when I was out of a job, I was all ebooks, but now that I’ve got some money I can stuff my bookcase again.
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erlangs · 7 years
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instagram edits: arden calore & ianthe laris ( ft. a much deserved vacation around europe in a modern au )
so uh, happy ( belated ) birthday loser?? i know we havent plotted arianthe for long nor do we even know much about them except for the fact that theyre utterly trashy life partners, but i was feeling it and i mean, thinking abt the instagram edits u recently did kinda inspired me, so here u go. first off, i hope u like this and i hope i got ianthe right?? that aside, we can now leave arden and ianthe in Peace while having their vacation while i got some things to say to u. i promised you that this isn’t gonna be 1k, so im gonna try stick to just another paragraph, tbh. and honestly, im already rambling lmaooo. so here i go: 
thank you for being my book buddy, for yelling with me about the books weve both read and for laughing over our childhood reads together. for all the gleefully watching each other suffer thru new books and enjoying the fandom discourse. thank you for being one of my favorites and main writing partner, for indulging my needs for yolo rapid fire threads that turn into 1k in less than five replies. for having a million different plots with me, and for well, writing with me. it’s been a goddamn pleasure. thank you for being my saltmate, for wheezing over the funniest stupidest things and the rants over petty little things. thank you for being a constant, for understanding that even tho there are days where we arent there physically talking to each other, you and i will both still stick around. but most of all, thank you for being one of my best friends. thank you for the past years of memories, and here’s to more. i hope u have a goddamn good birthday, liza!! i love u, and i hope to see u soon.
there, i kept it short. ish. for @seonhwang
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iinkheart · 7 years
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                     well you've seen my worst and yet you see some hope in me. the black and white set us free. the sun bursts, clouds break, this is life in color.
happy, happy birthday, liza lou! here’s our trashy partners-in-crime for my trashy partner-in-crime, a little too late but that’s just how us grad students roll, eh? but <insert horrible tone-deaf taylor swift impression> ohhhh, i dunno about you, but you’re feeling twenty twooooo, everything will be alright if you keep me next to yooouuuu.
you are the trashier nate to my trashy pansy, the saltier ada to my salty gisèle, and the general all-around biggest loser to have around but i wouldn’t have it any other way, because who else would be dumb enough to also have an annual selfie rewatch and then spend the next three weeks bitter about it? i hope the next year is as fabulous for you as gina linetti is, and that you kick grad school’s butt as confidently as the love-child of richard castle and doug judy. i love you, asshole! <33333
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queensgcmbit · 7 years
seonhwang replied to your post
r u ok izzie
kind of
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medievalthymes · 7 years
i recently read the diviners by libba bray and loved it!
thank you!!
time of day: dusk / morning / afternoon / dawn / evening
archetype: hero / villain / rebel / lover /  jester / explorer / royal / spiritual / dreamer / innocent / mentor
instrument: violin / flute / harmonica / piano / drums / cello / trumpet / clarinet / acoustic guitar / harp / electric guitar / cymbals / french horn
scent: pine / cinnamon / fresh laundry / lilac / apples / peach
place: coffee shop / beach / valley / city / mountains
want one?
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lucoile · 7 years
i tech voted for archive moodboards but honestly do them all
url: 10/10icon: 10/10 theme: 9/10 mobile theme: 8/10 overall: 9/10following?: no / now i am / yeshogwarts house: gryffindor / hufflepuff / slytherin / ravenclaw jewel: pearl / ruby / opal / amethyst / emerald alcoholic beverage: wine / whiskey / beer / vodka / champagnepart of sky: moon / sun / stars / cloudsscent: peppermint / citrus / coconut / rose / vanilla
additional comments: wtf liza.............get outta here w that nice ass Aestheticwant a blograte?
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likeawildthing · 7 years
happy birthday!!! i'm a huge fan of all your writing/hcs and i hope you have a wonderful birthday/year
Thank you!!
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fireheartwrites · 7 years
my dearest liza ( @seonhwang ) ,
u are 22 now! wow. wow. and in such a short timespan, u’ve accomplished so much - graduating from elementary school, high school, and uni and UR OFF TO GET A SECOND DEGREE SO EFFORTLESSLY? i’m so unbelievably proud of you. sure ur like an annoying older sister sometimes bc ur always roasting me bc i suck at life, but u roast me when it matters and that’s what counts.
in all seriousness, though, i really love you a lot. every time i think of willenia, i think of us, which really means a lot bc willenia is one of my favourite pairings to talk about. i’m bad at explaining my own thoughts, so maybe it’ll work if i explain our characters?
you’re as lovely and headstrong (lol) as xenia tbh, and idk where i’d be without u. will wouldn’t be nearly as far as he is now without xenia. he feels so secure with her, and wouldn’t trade for anything in the world if it meant losing his best friend. the same goes for me - i wouldn’t want a good life where i was blissfully happy and illness-free if you weren’t in it, bc i wouldn’t know what i was missing.
you’re truly the sister AND parents i never had. i can always trust to talk to you about anything, even if you need to weasel it out of me and i find that beautiful. idk how you’ve managed to make up for the lack of like…all of my discipline and self-care, but you do. like i know i’ve said it before but i would probably be more dead than normal without u? and even still, with all of that i feel like our best-friendship is so mutual… i’ve never felt uncomfortable and i know if i’m upset about something (which doesnt usually happen anyways) you’re always willing to listen to me.
you give me the feeling of a cozy blanket in the winter. the world is a lot less painfully lonely and cruel with you in it. and i’m so glad we meet how many years ago to make jemma and our 200 other pairings we have now. all of them have a special place in my heart. ♡ you’ve helped me get through so many things and i cannot give you enough credit or give back adequately to what you’ve done for me. i mean, like i can’t even get ur gift to you on time LOL (bc this is most definitely not ur gift u bet id write an essay for u any day of the year).
i hope u have a wonderfully amazing birthday today and the rest of this year is kind to you. i love you so so much, and i promise i will one day eventually get your gift to you maybe within like a month. cheers to another year where we get closer and closer to having to be responsible adults!
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richardsikens · 7 years
answer 8 tag 8
tagged by the lovely @roxanncweasley love u!!!
LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: hM it was probably power rangers
LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: x & y - coldplay
LAST BOOK I READ: the kite runner!!!!
TAGGING: (my most recent mutuals, feel free to ignore no pressure obviously) @lunairen @princessslcia @ravencalws @jespafahey @daphnegrecngrass @seonhwang @griffindors @fannist
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gxldentrio · 7 years
seonhwang reagiu à tua publicação: seonhwang reagiu à tua publicação “seonhwang...
unfortunately most of the books i read are sci fi/fantasy. check out all the light we cannot see, the ministry of utmost happiness, the god of small things, the bone sparrow and anything by patrick ness is supposed to be great?
i've read 'the rest of us just live here' by patrick ness and i really liked it! it had the tiniest bit of fantasy in it and i related a Lot to the main character when it came to mental health so -- thanks!!!! <3
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demondarlington · 7 years
daily reminder ur gr8
no, u are.
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erlangs · 7 years
❤️ :)
truly i hate liza bc she knows id do this to outdo her ( mere ) 655 word compliment so she sent it even tho i didnt reblog the goddamn post sdfsdf and i hate myself bc im doing it anyway. the thing is under the cut bc its really fucking long and i hate u liza.
ok so, that disclaimer aside, where do i start with liza? man, i legit still cant believe that im ur oldest good tumblr friend?? thats such an honor?? honestly tho, it feels like its been longer than only two and a half years?? before u mentioned that on ur compliment, i honestly thought that weve been here for at least three years. sometimes its just v easy to forget for me that i havent known you for like, half my life ( it doesnt help that u know one of my irl friends irl too rip ). ur presence is constantly there, and for two people who can get irritated real quick by a never ending presence, ur right; we really do make it work. i really like how youre always around but not in a way that it pressures me or anything, i just know youre gonna be there always and i hope you know the same about me too?? even if we dont talk for a few days or only talk briefly i just know youre still gonna be there when im back, and i hope you know that the same applies to you too. im still gonna be here, ok.
tbh its amazing to me too how while we’ve both changed and grew up and all that, we’re also still kinda the same?? in the sense that, aside from bonding over emmastan bein losers and other things, a lot of our convos from the beginning were riddled w salt too?? and here we are, still getting salty every single day. SPEAKING OF SALT, u know one thing that im rly grateful of of u too?? its the fact that altho u indulge my saltiness and we get petty a lot, u always always without fail help me put a brake to that saltiness. u know to stop me when u know that the salt is gonna pull me under and drag me down, u know to remind me that sometimes bitterness isnt the right way to go, and im honestly really grateful that we have that balance in our conversations?? the fact that ur firm w me when i need it is smth that i v much appreciate too like i feel like ?? neither of us are scared to speak our minds w each other too and thats really nice?? honestly, idt ive ever really skirted around about anything with u and like even if it takes me a while to bring up ( usually nothing to do w u too lmao more like personal issues i have n stuff ) it always gets brought up?? u also got a good head on your shoulders ( altho sometimes we both know that u use it better when ur giving other ppl advice rather than looking @ urself LMAO ) and i really appreciate how i can always come to you to help me rationalize things too. i remember like i used to come to u a lot about getting second opinions bc i know ur always gonna look at from an unbiased pov if u can and ur always honest about what u think?? and thats honestly still something i do a lot too, whether its rp apps or personal issues or whatever else.
and see, thats the thing. i think sometimes criticizing can be rly tough but u?? make it so easy?? its v easy for us to proofread each others things and stuff and thats why i really like showing you my rp apps as well? there are a few people who id be like “ok i know my work is good if this person says its good”, and youre one of those people. bc youre honest, but not brutal, and i really appreciate that about you. i mean, u know we can be brutal w each other n not rly mind but even outside of me, ur always v v mindful and i find that amazing?? u just....always try rly but also!! another thing that i admire about u is the fact that even tho u always try to be there for ur friends too, u know when to draw the line and take time for urself. i think like talking to you about things like this helped me get a stronger grasp on myself too? someone complimented me saying that it seems like i know who i am v well and while i know i still have a lot to learn too about myself and my place in the world and im still figuring the fuck out of everything, i feel like the people around me defff helped me find my footing better and tbh, ur one of those people. u helped me find my stance while still grow and all, and just overall, i feel like a lot of our convos when we’re not talking abt our sims or charas being complete messes or we’re talking abt random things like rice, they help a lot w self discovery?? which idt ive ever properly thought about either, but since i basically said i could probably write u a 1k compliment, why not bring it up here?? writing this down made me realize that too, so.
jfk, this is so long already ( the end of that paragraph? thats when i told its already 914 words ) and i havent even gotten into like the more Aesthetic things n ur talentz and skillz n all that. but u know time and time again ive told you how much i love your writing?? i know sometimes we look at other ppls writings and yell about how pretty they are, but i hope you know never for a second have i ever thought that ur writing is inferior to any pretty writing. like u said, we have similar writing styles and by default LMAO if u want me to be confident abt my writing style ( which i am, and again a lot of ppl close to me have helped me w that n that includes u ) then i want u to do the same w urs bc we write kind of similarly. and its amazing, bc i think our writing is v different too but also?? a v similar tone?? it makes rping w u v easy for me too bc theres just?? so little pressure?? and before we know it our threads are 1k+ n we’re yelling at each other abt how its effort but we still try outdo each other anyway. but really, you know that im honest about ur writing and when something feels like it doesnt work for me or anything i always straight up will tell u but the thing is, it so rarely happens?? genuinely, i love love your writing and also your character creation process and everything else. just — the amount of work u put into ur fiction impresses me and also, as lazy as you are, it always amazes me how u would push urself and do replies and stuff too even tho i know u stare at them for 10 hours being like “effort”.
anyway, i really should end this soon lmao but one more thing!! i cant not bring this up ok!! i think my favorite thing about you is that youre always so genuine. like, i could be talking abt an anime that u dont even have any idea what it looks like and ud still genuinely listen and be interested and god, i appreciate that sooo much about u?? steffi yells at u abt kpop n kdramas and i yell at u abt games and anime and never for one second have i ever felt like u were dismissing us?? and truly, its amazing bc i know in some friendships ppl mostly talk abt what they have in common but i feel like with you and me, we can talk abt something the other has zero knowledge abt and its still chill. and i hope u know im always interested in what u gotta say too, sometimes im slow w responding n stuff or dont respond w multiple texts but u know im always interested. i mean, for fucks sake, i attentively listen to 4 of ur simventures and its been truly a wild ride.
our friendship as a whole was probably a Wild Ride, so much has happened in the past 2 and a half years ( u graduated, i graduated, amongst other things ) and here’s to many many more years of being trash saltmates i love u
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iinkheart · 7 years
seonhwang replied to your post: trcshqueen replied to your post: has pinterest...
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langlee · 7 years
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so i met @seonhwang today nbd
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