#sephirotic tree
voidsentprinces · 2 years
Emet-Selch not saving Edened Mitron or keeping tabs on Gaia makes perfect sense to me. If he doesn’t see us as anything but half formed husks at best. It would probably make no difference if they had remained in their current states or not. Lahabrea’s loss pushed Emet back into action despite his grievances with the Speaker because he was now another voice added to the cacophony he hears from the Underworld. Another dark brethren slumbering awaiting for Zodiark’s revival and their return. Why waste resources planning on reviving Loghrif and Mitron if the shard was just going to fuse with the Source again and be added the two sundered Ascians to the Source’s lot. They would eventually be brought back would his plan succeeded. However, he passes the memory of his people onto us knowing that with his downfall, Zodiark would never be revived fully.
With Emet’s demise, the Ascian’s plans are dust in the wind. Elidibus has but fragmented memories there was no guarantee he would even remember who he was suppose to bring back when he rejoined with Zodiark and the Sundered with their own agendas would probably lead the Heart astray to fulfill and use Zodiark for their own goals. So it is a lost cause even if the Emissary did complete the Rejoining Project. And so Emet schemed for what would happen should he fall. Leaving behind the Constellation Stones for Azem’s shard to pick up known the crystal could be used to see Elidibus’s true death when he eventually faced us. Finally allowing the young soul to find peace, no longer bound by duty. A last kindness to him who would be the last of the Ancients.
As Emet probably thought Venat in the heart of Hydaelyn was a lost cause probably suffering the same affliction as Elidibus. On the contrary, Venat remained resilient and planned for many contingencies til the very end. Elidibus after recalling the fragmented memories of Elpis and seeing Venat involved in some capacity serving to grant her his final words in the face of oblivion. The true last of the Ancients. Elidibus in turn probably didn’t remember or think too much of Loghrif and Mitron to do the same but probably forsaw Mitron and Loghrif’s reawakening when he arrived on the First because by then we were already making moves with Eden.
In short, Emet-Selch and Elidibus are both narrow and cold in their interactions with their peers but logical to a fault and twisted and almost nonsensical in their blind actions sadly as we have seen in all Tempered victims. I wonder how long it would of taken Alisaie to untemper a Paragon or if it was even possible. They had been tempered for so long but Zodiark’s incomplete state left them with no malformations like are recorded from other Primals. Save for lacking form.
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lobpoints · 2 years
Remember when people makes the sephirot Jewish and then Ayin Christian
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baphomettheclown · 2 years
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deep-itch · 1 month
On Color and Choice [ParEnc]
ↄ ℥⅙ℯ℧ℤ ℞↋Ⅎ↋Ⅎↅ↋℞ ⅝ↈ↋℞↋ ↄ ⅻ⅙Ⅲ℘℥ ℤↈⅅℼ ℤↈ↋Ⅎ↋ or why I picked it but I decided to keep it because it was red and earlier I was convinced of red and the at least penultimate reason I'm this is because I was looking for a color. I am looking for a color. What color is Defeat?
edit: I realize now that there was literally no ⅃Ⅿⅵ↉ⅵ lol.
◍ off to find a very annoying ℒⅭⅧℨⅧ...
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romanos-photo-album · 7 months
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some island sanctuary shots
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What used to be Housing (Savage) was now laughably easy once I had the Gil together. No one wants a house in Empyreum? Good. Mine now.
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cryptotheism · 1 year
a few quick questions: did someone just curse me by sending me this? do middle schoolers dabble in a deeper occult tradition than just the trickery of an S out of lines? what are the implications??
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Dfjdnjsjxjsjs no that's a hermetic Sephirot tree drawn over the funny S shape. To oversimplify, it's a map of reality based on Jewish mysticism that incorporates elements from several other religious and magical traditions.
The Golden Dawn (the source of this diagram) are kinda infamous for making Magic Frankensteins, taking ideas from unrelated systems and claiming that they've actually secretly been the same thing the whole time. Jewish Sephirot trees have nothing to do with alchemical/planetary symbols.
The joke here is the implication that the funny S shape is actually evidence of the Secret True Magical Tradition Underlying All Cultures.
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gear-project · 1 month
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Taken from Twitter. Label is Paramirum II (a variant of Paracelsus).
The Gate Design is taken from the Sephirot/Qliploth or "Tree of Life".
Otherwise the other label is Hoenheim (the Alchemist's surname).
I can't say for sure if this is Flament Nagel's original form (since he possessed multiple body vessels over the years, but it is one form he can take).
The other is his old Goat-Skull Look:
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Side Note: Flament Nagel's Historical Nickname is the "Sanguine Gale" [Budoshu no Tachikaze]
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) in Hebrew, is a term that is used to describe the central mystical symbol used in the Kabbalah of esoteric Judaism.The Jewish Kabbalah usually refers to the symbol as the 10 Sephirot (sephirot means ‘spheres’) however the term 'Tree of Life’ is more universally known.
Etz Hayim “Tree of Life” Talon Abraxas
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tapok-eve · 5 months
Thinking about Zena again and her gayass fixation on humanity. Now that there's only Binah, an embodiment of a corresponding sephirot of the tree of life, with a body of Light. But Zena doesn't need this inhuman being. She yearns for Garion, the arbiter, the citizen, the human she once knew. She probably knew of the raid, knew of the torture Garion faced in the facility, knew of Binah's predicament in L corp. And still, she hoped that underneath all of that there's that human part laying dormant, so the moment she arrived, Garion would abandon her "programming" and choose being human again. Except she's not. Binah fully welcomed becoming a sephirot and seeing through first Ayin's story, then Angela's. She mellowed out, and while there is a part of her former personality somewhere in there, there's a very natural progression to Binah being Binah. And Zena can't accept this decision to stay inhuman. Exactly as she can't accept Angela's decision to stay a machine, as this is a decision unbecoming of a true citizen. And Zena can't control beings that don't behave as citizens. And she wants to control these two so badly.
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cyborg-squid · 14 days
I'm thinking about the moment with Meursault in Canto 6, when he talks about ensuring Heathcliff's safety even if it means forsaking the Golden Bough, as well as Heathcliff stabbing himself with the Bough which I couldn't help but think was inspired by when Yi Sang was stabbed with one, and what I love about it, more than just Sinners becoming friends, 'found family' sort of stuff, is that it comes after this period where. Dante really has a lot of doubts about the Sinners relationships with each other and themself, the fact that the Sinners, and even Vergilius, are all in this for their own reasons and goals. And there's Ishmael pushing everyone away in SEA and her Canto, and even back at the very beginning with the Sinners just murdering each other at 1st meeting.
It'd be one thing if it was like "Oh, they're friends now because they've been fighting alongside each other and have good chemistry" or whatever, but because this improvement in Sinner (and Vergilius!) relations comes after Dantes understandable doubts, and moments of downright unfriendliness and hostility between some of them, makes it so much better.
And of course, it also makes sense after the experiences we've had with the Golden Boughs so far, them showing and reflecting the past of the Sinners, as well as going up against people from their pasts; the characters with the most 'successful' Bough acquisitions, with them more fully confronting their pasts and manifesting EGOs (Yi Sang, Ishmael, Heathcliff), they come to better understand themselves, and of course, the others Sinners (and Dante) who witness it would come to understand and empathize with them as well, at least to an extent!
In a way, it mirrors the Floor Realizations of Library of Ruina; Angela's relationship with Patron Librarians starts in a much worse spot than the Sinner relationships, but it's through these Floor Realizations that the pasts of Angela, and then Roland, and the Sephirot themselves are put on display, are shown truly to one another, where motives and intentions can be understood, even if not agreed with. And of fucking course, doing all the Floor Realizations is the only way to get the true ending, understanding and acknowledgement and change is not only beneficial, it is necessary, not only to the individuals themselves, but to the City as a whole.
It is somewhat of a glib simplification to call the Floor Realizations and then the Golden Bough encounters 'therapy', but it's really not all that wrong.
I'm sure other posters have expressed it better before, but the way the Golden Bough successes have been helping their Sinners, makes me think of the end of LoR, how Angela and the Library can and will change the City and the people of it, for the better, contrary to the apathy expressed by Roland and others earlier in the story. "That's that, and this is this." That's just the way things are. But things don't have to be that way, and structural change begins at the individual level, starting with people being more honest with themselves, an overlapping belief of both Carmen and Angela (which is part of why there's this fine line between Distorting and manifesting EGO, two sides of the same coin).
So what I'm getting to is that I think the Golden Boughs have, in some way, been intentionally released from the Library in an attempt to bring about change to the people of the City, to have people go through positive changes like those some Sinners have had so far. From 'Lament', "stolen from the tree's hand", as well as Dante's new ability having the text "Sapling of Light" (iirc), you have these connections to trees and nature, specifically the Seed of Light project, as well as the 'boughs' of Golden Boughs.
Now, I do think things might not be going exactly as 'planned', the Limbus Company swooping in and taking the Golden Boughs; this attempt at mass self-help being caught up within the corporate gears of the City. Faust, Vergilius, others might have the proper idea of what the Boughs are all about, but you get the feeling that who (Dias???) or whatever is backing the Limbus Company has different motives.
I feel like all this, this idea of what the Golden Boughs might be and their intent, is kind of old news at this point and it's probably already been figured out by a lot of players, I've had it in my head for a while but was only able to properly articulate it now.
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10 SPIRITUAL PLAGUES OF GENOCIDAL ZIONISM by Nomy Lamm, read at the liberation seders at various university encampments for Gaza, Pesach 5784
"The ten plagues of biblical times were material plagues that targeted the oppressors who held the Israelites captive. As American Jews, we have been conscripted into the role of complicity with those, oppressing, murdering, and destroying a people and their history. To accept this role is to sacrifice our own divinity.
There are kabbalists who have mapped the ten biblical plagues onto the ten sephirot (faces of the divine), starting at the bottom of the tree of life and working upward. I used the same method to map out 10 spiritual plagues that befall those who benefit from and support the occupation of Palestine.
As you read these, ask yourself which of these plagues have impacted you? Consider what you may have lost, and what it might take to repair it. The antidote to each plague is held in the energy of the sephira it is mapped onto. Feel welcome to perform the action of connecting with each divine portal as we read, or come back to it at another time."
Loss of Foundational Connection to Truth ~ malchut, shechinah, the physical world
This plague separates us from our foundational truths as inhabitants of this planet. Where do we belong? What is home? How do we ground into connection with the earth and what does it mean to do so?
(anoint your feet and feel the ground)
2. Loss of Ability to Trust our Dreams ~ yesod, portal This plague impacts our ability to dream as a Jewish people. The level of violence that we are witnessing and being asked to be complicit in requires us to separate from the messages of our subconscious and the magic of our dreams.
(anoint your lower belly and feel your aliveness)
3. Loss of Perspective ~ hod, pacing This plague impacts our ability to have a clear perspective on what has happened, what we want, and where we are going. We become split, unclear, and difficult to understand or relate to. Our perspective comes not from our own sense of reality, but from a disembodied dictate.
(anoint your hips and feel your stability)
4. Loss of Allies ~ netzach, power This is the plague of isolation, where we make true our greatest fears, by assuming that we are somehow uniquely positioned as victims, and that any actions we take out of fear are justified. To the rest of the world, we appear terrifying and dangerous.
(anoint your knees and feel your momentum)
5. Loss of Humanity ~ tiferet, beauty With this plague, we lose our place in the human family, the interconnection and common destiny that we all share as inhabitants of this planet. When we attempt to place ourselves outside of and above others, we sacrifice our own humanity.
(anoint your heart/solar plexus and feel your tenderness)
6. Loss of Hope ~ gevurah, boundary This is the plague of despair. It crumbles our belief in the possibility of transformation, severing connection with a loving god, sacrificing our faith to a punishing, war-mongering supernatural dictator.
(anoint your shoulders and feel your edges)
7. Loss of Empathy ~ chesed, opening With this plague, we lose our ability to feel anything for those who are harmed, whether by our own actions or by others. We find ways to blame people for their misfortunes, and assume such things will never befall us if we stay strong and on top.
(anoint your palms and feel your openness)
8. Loss of Clarity ~ binah, understanding This plague impacts our ability to make sense of complex sensory input and to know ourselves as a part of the world, operating by the same laws of the universe as every other sacred fragment.
(anoint your ears and feel your sharpness)
9. Loss of Wonder ~ chochmah, wisdom This plague annihilates our ability to experience the world with openness and wonder, to appreciate the wisdom of child mind, and to merge with the infinite.
(anoint your forehead and the back of your head and feel your magic)
10. Soul Loss ~ keter, source Who even are we? Those who have experienced all these plagues without consciously unwinding them are lost to themselves. Only when we experience this ultimate and final plague is it possible to commit the gut wrenching atrocities we witness at the hands of Zionist soldiers.
(anoint the top of your head, place your hand on your head and feel the blessings pour through you, connecting you back down to your roots, to the earth)
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strangefellows · 18 days
I'm sorry I'm running on not much sleep I was up til 3:30am and i still haven't beat the final boss but I needed to post this because I feel like I've been validated and i'm still screaming about it
So you know my theory? My controversial ass Limbus theory? The one about Dante? (if you look at the tags of this post you'll know lmao) WELL BOY DID THIS FUCKING CHAPTER DO ME A SOLID.
First of all, the fact that they go "hey wait, can't I also slow down or speed up time too" when I've been yelling about how similar their powers are to the TT Protocol in Lobcorp as part of my Evidence is. A lot to cope with.
And then they activate it. And then it shows this fucking screen.
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and i was like hold on was that--
and then it goes into the fight and we get the HEY, DANTE HAS A NEW ABILITY NOW, and I'm going fucking feral so I click on the tab to look, because obviously I'm going to, and what do I FUCKING SEE
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Now, in case it's too blurry to read -- and I'm still unsure of what the top bit says (aside from da'at, I CAN SURE SEE THAT) -- but I CAN SURE FUCKING AS HELL READ THE NAME HOKMA
a clearer image:
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roughly 'eitz ha da'at tov vernah' -- so i googled that and it's a bit misspelled a transliteration BUT!!!!
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and two things to point out here: one....the logo?
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LITERALLY EXACTLY the lor hokma symbol
and two? the way the branches branch out to and around the symbol? let me give you a little illustration
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or rather...
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so i'm putting my FUCKING MONEY on all of dante's future skills forming a sephirot tree and representing all of the sephirah with their symbols and everything
and also, like. circling back to my theory.
brb going insane. i mean it's not conclusive, i won't be arrogant and say i'm 100% confirmed right yet, i won't do that until we have like actual onscreen Proof like a flashback or something like that, but this is pretty heavily leaning towards my theory....
we'll just have to see i guess~!
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sluckythewizard · 7 months
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STArted this several months ago i think, and ive been comin back n forth to it to attempt finishing it. itll be done eventually, but in the meantime i gOOOTTtaa show it to whatever victims i can find. I LOVE SYMBOLISM!! the sword of damocles, the sephirotic tree of life, crumbling and fraying. dsoes anyone else feel really really emotional about gillion tidestrider champion of the undersea hero of the deep or is that just me
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santoschristos · 7 months
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The Tree of Life An engraving by Athanasius Kircher, published in his Œdipus Ægyptiacus in 1652.
The basic structure of sephirot and links has since become the most common variant of the Tree used in Hermetic Qabalah.
The details in this illustration include the Law of Moses, the 248 positive commandments and 365 negative commandments of Maimonides (associated with the principles of misericordia and severitas respectively)
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cryptotheism · 1 year
Fucking. Giordano's most respected Cabbalistic works are just "Omg there's 10 sephirot and 10 planets (if we include the moon and the firmament and the 8th sphere)"
It reads exactly the same as those Facebook pages that like, layer a sephirot tree over a diagram of the chakras as if it means anything
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