#sephirwyn rothwyver
Daily Doodles
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From Sephiroth to Sephirwyn. Tiny doodles!
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Detailed Sephirwyn Headshot
Still messing with ideas for his design, but seeing as he's leaning into Sephiroth/Daemon Super Ultimate territory, I shall likely play with that for his jrageon pskin (the appearances jrageon wear).
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Adding a body concept for him.
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Projects: A Sephiroth Story (ver. 1, 2,3, Nibelheim, and tragic)
As part of my "embracing my own cringe" initiative to combat writer's block and art block, I am focusing some energy into embracing the cringiest thing known to man (or at least for this woman)---a relationship with a fictional character. (Horrible).
This means I am re-writing ideas for an old fanfiction that has never seen the light of day that I am hoping to share as it is becoming an integral part of Shyjaena's character along side the Original Story.
Current Progress: Detailed Outline for ver. 3 done; working on ver. 2; then 1, and the Nibelheim, and then tragic
The Time When it All Began:
When I was a kid in middle school, I fell in love with a man after a butt-kicking in Kingdom Hearts despite having a strategy guide. That man's name...was Sephiroth. And it was frustrating!
I hated him. Who the hell was this silver-haired freak everyone raved about? He's just another pretty-boy anime character with white hair, so what gives?! How dare he beat me!
Those were my thoughts, and though I became an expert at fighting Sephiroth (and beating him with ease), a spark had been lit inside that could not be ignored. I had to know more of this character and this game called Final Fantasy VII that KH seemed to love above all others. I had to know more...
Long story short, I bought and fell in love with this PS One game and its blocky graphics and interesting story! The story was different. The minigames were fun. The characters were goofy and weird, none of them fit to be heroes but heroes they were!
The Sephiroth appeal became clear as well. In Nibelheim, he wasn't presented as the heartless, too-coo-for-school man I had assumed he was for years. He was once a kind and compassionate individual, a stark contrast from the mad man he became, and it...bothered me to see him go from interesting character to generic doomsday villain 7.0.
Despite my absolute LOVE for FFVII, it felt like Shinra and Hojo should have been the bigger enemies overall---since they were responsible for Sephiroth and his descent to madness---while Sephiroth's madness and struggle with his humanity could have been explored more deeply than it was with him simply becoming this cackling mad villain.
Those were my firm beliefs back then because I could not accept the way Sephiroth fell. He needed better friends, I told myself, because the game seemed to make it clear that if he had friends, they were gone or never existed. He deserved friends and intimacy.
And, thus, was A Sephiroth Story born!
I wrote of Infawri, an eight-year-old-black-child imprisoned by Shinra to work as a cleaner for SOLDIER to pay off her time as a thief. Really, she was kept there due to her ties to the Cetra, Aerith, whom they were after. The scheme was for Infawri and Sephiroth to befriend one another and for him to befriend Aerith by proxy in hopes they would not only draw Aerith towards Shinra but see a relationship form between their "Cetra boy" and the "Cetra girl".
Infawri and Seph, of course, knew nothing of these intentions. They simply found each other appealing due to being the same age and combat focused, for Infawri wasn't just a friend of Aerith's but the last living Guardien--a race of individuals dedicated to protecting the planet and remaining Cetra from harm at the hands of the Calamity of the Sky.
Only Infawri, Sephiroth, and Aerith knew the truth about her lineage. Not even their trusted babysitter Zack was allowed to know the truth of their trio! Thus, when they played together, they played to train, knowing that Shinra would--one day-- be their greatest foe.
With Infawri protecting Aerith, Sephiroth decided that he would protect Infawri. Thus, was their relationship formed, and it only grew intimate once they started growing older.
That was the gist of the story, A Sephiroth Story ver. 1 in a nutshell!
I never finished the tale, of course. Between Lucrecia showing up (without revealing herself as his mother, of course), Vincent being present in Midgar as a cryptid, Infawri and Sephiroth's complicated relationship with the world and each other, Aerith's story, and Hojo as the primary villain, it became too big to handle. (I probably needed to do a bigger timeskip that a 4-year one, but I was a teenager at the time trying to build to a teen romance with 12 being "practically a young adult" in my mind at the time...likely due to so much of our fiction centering around child soldiers).
But! With Remake and Rebirth out, my old hunger for those Infa-Seph tales have been rekindled, and with their kindling has come a fire to embrace their story as part of my grand canon because...why not?
Why not be cringey and love fictional characters who've been there, inside of you all this time? Why not let that be Shyjaena's tale as a jrageon? Because she is me, after all--the creator of Shyistjra of my main series, the writer of all her tales and more. And I would not be the writer I consider myself if not for the fictional world that have inspired me, time and time again.
A storm is coming, a rage of writings and it all begins with A Sephiroth Story (and all its up and coming new versions).
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Projects: The Chronicles of Is
The overall project for tackling both fan and original content. The premise is that Shyjaena Mortaelwyver, a jrageon who has embraced her power to be a role-player living out her wildest tales and fanfictions through her jreaming ability, meets Sephirwyn Rothwyver, another role-player living out the characterization of Sephiroth from the fanfiction, A Sphiroth Story.
One day, while jreaming of fictional characters and her version of their world, Shyjaena Mortaelwyver draws the attention of another jrageon role-player seeking his own "Infawri".
Seeing the creator of his favorite niche fanfiction as the perfect partner for creating a collaborative story, Sephirwyn struggles to win her attention and favor, but can Shyjaena over come her social shortcomings to create fun legends with a partner?
Current status: Rough draft being written by the seat of my pants (by hand for once); a WIP that's as cringey as it sounds
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