#embracing my quirks and personal cringe
jae-bummer · 2 years
An Influx of Chargers
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14) Soulmate AU
When you lose something, your soulmate gets it.
Prompt list can be found HERE.
Pairing: Stray Kids Hyunjin x Reader
Genre: Fluff
"Hey, do you have an extra charger on you?" your best friend, Bee muttered, plopping on the floor beside you.
"A box of them to your right."
"A.. box?" she asked, squinting at you before crawling on all fours to the box you had mentioned.
"It's my soulmate," you cringed.
"Your soulmate has turned you into a kleptomaniac?" she asked, lifting her brows.
"You know, that's a real problem that effects people every day," you grumbled. After a hearty eye roll in your direction, you sighed. "They lose chargers. Like a lot."
"Too bad they couldn't lose anything useful, like say, their license or literally any form of identification," she hummed, beginning to dig through the box. She had found her soulmate nearly two years ago after he had lost his college acceptance letter.
For years, you had been running your own little, personal lost and found. Chargers, jewelry, even once a gorgeous floral painting that you now had hanging up in your office. But nothing else; nothing significant enough to pin down who or where your soulmate was.
"Has anyone seen my charger?!" Hyunjin screamed down the dorm hallway.
"Bet your soulmate has!" Changbin shouted back.
Heaving a sigh, Hyunjin trudged toward his member's room and stood in the doorway. "I didn't think I lost it, lost it. Just misplaced it."
"Misplaced it into another realm," Han chuckled from where he lounged on Changbin's bed, phone in hand.
"Still have no idea who they are yet?" Changbin asked, quirking a brow. He was busy typing away at the computer, likely working on a future track for the group.
"In the past year I've been given tweezers, a single Hello Kitty sock, and a pair of headphones. While the headphones were appreciated, it's not entirely helpful," Hyunjin pouted.
"I'll take the tweezers if you still have them," Han hummed, not bothering to look up from his messages.
Hyunjin opened his mouth and closed it again. He shook his head quickly and looked back to Changbin. "I have legitimately tried losing stuff that might help. Pieces of paper with my name, that polaroid I took of Felix's butt-"
"How would that help them find you?"
"It had "Stray Kids" written across the fabric," Hyunjin muttered, looking away.
"Look," Changbin sighed, finally giving Hyunjin his full attention. "I think that's the whole point. You can't intentionally lose things. It has to be actual forgetting."
"I suck at that apparently," Hyunjin grumbled. "But I'll try to subconsciously work on it, thanks."
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You could hear Bee's footsteps as she ran down the hall, skidding as she came to a stop in front of your bedroom door.
"What?" she breathed. "What happened?"
You sat up in your bed, wide-eyed, a phone held in your outstretched hand. She furrowed her brows, shaking her head in confusion.
"This. Isn't. My. Phone," you stuttered out.
After a moment of comprehension, Bee's eyes grew larger. With a running leap, she landed on the bed on top of you, yanking the phone from your fingers.
"How do we get into it?" you asked, chewing on the edge of your fingernail. Obviously face ID wouldn't work, and whoever the phone belonged to didn't have an easy passcode.
Your friend tapped lightly on the screen, illuminating the background. It appeared to be a rough sketch of a couple embracing. "Oooh, I really hope this person isn't dating. Imagine how awkward that'll be when you show up with their phone."
"Thanks for that," you grumbled, swiping the phone back.
"Wait!" she gasped, pulling it from you again. "I have an idea!"
Watching patiently, you waited for your friend's stroke of brilliance. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. "Hey Siri."
"Well, fuck."
"It's ringing!" Bee gasped, fumbling the phone towards you. "Answer it!"
Your heart was beating at an impressive rate and if it kept going, you assumed it would just beat out of your chest.
Hesitantly tapping the green answer button, you waited in silence.
There was a disturbance on the other side of the line, a handful of voices whisper yelling at each other in a language you weren't familiar with.
This boded well.
There was a final shush as a voice came on the line. "Uh, hello?"
"Hello?" you managed to get out. You could feel the anxiety weighing down on your chest.
"Uh...my phone," a pleasant voice said in accented English. "You have it?"
"I think so."
"I'm calling it," the voice chuckled. "You found it?"
"It showed up in my bedroom..." you said quietly. Pulling your knees to your body, you wrapped your free arm around yourself.
The whispering grew more intense at your statement before another shush rang out. After a few moments of silence, the voice croaked. "My soulmate."
Hyunjin had never been so nervous in his life. No number of performances or fan meets could have prepared him for this moment.
He was going to meet the person he was meant to be with.
The person he had always wanted.
The person who had literally every charger he had ever owned.
Pacing back and forth on the sidewalk in front of his dorm, he found himself gnawing on his lip. The members were hiding out in various areas around him (for safety purposes they said, but really, they were all just gossips) and it gave him immense comfort to know they were there. He wouldn't be alone in this, not really.
Keeping a watchful eye on everyone passing by, his heart seemed to stop. He didn't know how he knew, but he was certain.
Stumbling forward, he found himself being pulled into your orbit. You were the sun, and he was nothing but an insignificant planet. He knew you could make or break him in only a matter of moments.
Stopping short of you, he waited. Watching you, just as you were watching him. Both of you stayed deathly still, taking in every inch of each other.
You were beyond beautiful.
Hyunjin couldn't handle it for another moment. Taking those final steps, he lightly cupped your face into his large hands. "Y/N."
"Hyunjin," you breathed. You felt your eyes begin to water, unsure of when you had become this sentimental.
"We are soulmates," Hyunjin whispered, biting his lower lip. "And I am so excited to love you."
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
Could we get a Yandere platonic strawhats x reader, where someone from the reader’s world somehow also gets isekai’d- and maybe tries to encourage the reader to look for a way home behind strawhats backs?
A/N: Sure thing !
Warning: Slight Stockholm
The night fell and only the stars and the moon light up the Sunny. Laying in bed with someone you once considered a friend when a thud on the deck peaked your curiosity. You didn’t want to wake anyone, sneaking around the room to the door clenching the knob as quietly as you could. You open the door slowly, not only for discretion but for protection as your eye peaks through the crack. Without the light you couldn’t see but a figure was sprawled out in the middle of the deck, unmoving.
You look over your shoulder, silver glimmers through the moonlight invading the otherwise dark room on the corner of the girls vanity.
A pocket knife, you snatch it and creep back to the door, cringing when you hear a slight squeak under your foot. The knife safety secured in your right hand waiting to strike as you walk out onto the deck, slowly approaching the unknown.
The moon helps you see better when you get closer, it was a normal looking human. Your hand reaches out and that’s when the person in front of you woke up. As they were about to scream your hand quickly makes it way to their mouth. As this happens your able to see their face clearly, a familiar face.
The revelation soon comes to the two of your and you embrace one another, after doing a little catching up a new light appears.
Zoro had woken, ears as sharp as ever and he immediately gets defensive over the unwelcome guest aboard. You try to keep things under wraps but before you knew it the entire Strawhats crew was woken due to the commotion.
The same questions arose from when you first got here, a familiar sense of dread set in your stomach as well. You were already in a dire situation, your friend could very much end up the same if they were to find out how they’d gotten here.
When you were able to get some alone time you warned them, you could tell my the expression panic had set through your dear friend. You did your best to calm them down and assured them that you’d both get home without doubt.
However, this time around they’d become even more overbearing. You had a feeling they realized you two were from the same place, you should’ve known when you were the one who defended them when they were being interrogated. Letting out a sigh your rake your hand over your face beginning yet another day of figuring out ways to go home.
You’ve read every book, scroll, anything with words, hoping you’d get a clue or an answer, yet nothing seems to pop up pertaining your situations. Your friend was more creative in this aspect than you would’ve thought.
During times you were left alone your friend shared multiple plans getting away from the Strawhats and of getting home without ending up here again.
When you would make pit stops on islands the two of you would partner up going door to door for information, until you felt the eyes of the crew burning holes in the backs of your heads.
A smirk fell in your face when your friend came to whisper, “ This is harder than I thought, they’re like predators waiting to pounce. How could they be onto us.”
It made you chuckle both in humor and sadness. God forbid someone else ends up here, it’ll take some time but that sense of danger and the deep sinking feeling of dread always makes itself known.
Your friend never stops encouraging you though, reiterating plans and quirking them only to realize that they were two steps ahead of us. Always.
You gave up hope along time ago but, your friend always gives you a glimmer and your grasp for the first embers that on every occasions are just beyond your reach.
Sometimes you were thankful your friend was here. Not just because you felt alone with 11 other people on the ship but, because you could finally be completely alone for more than five minutes as the crew was now heavily infatuated with their new member.
It was as if you were back to watching one piece through a screen, watching everything play out the same way it did when you first arrived but to your friend.
Luffy’s eyes flickering in excitement of having a new friend to play with, Sanji trying to enchant them with charms and drinks, Zoro making mental notes about the little things they do, the entire crew just seemed robotic and fake before your eyes.
Time flew and as the attention was now barley on you they hadn’t realized how much you’d changed. It’s not that you even craved the attention but the growth you had made was so externally shown that it shocked you every time you glanced at the mirror.
Although it’s unclear through screen, each member of the crew was incredibly toned. Even the ones who seem weak, and fragile, the muscle definition before your eyes made them all look like Olympic gold medalists.
While they were so distracted you accustomed your body to the standards of this world, making yourself stronger and faster. Surprisingly even your friend hadn’t noticed, maybe reveling in all the attention stolen from you.
Like a moth to the flame. The flame of attention that followed your friend, no, don’t let intrusive thoughts fuel the growing hatred of your friend.
You’d been here for half a year now, your friend arriving only three months after you arrived. Who would’ve known that you’d not only still be here but be here with your friend. It was nice to still spend time with them when the straw hats weren’t down your throats.
Looking at the endless sea they turn to you, “ I know how hard you’ve been working, I never said it but I can tell.”
You him and turn to them, your peripheral vision giving you a small view of Robin watching the two of you while pretending to read a book. You almost groaned till they started speaking again.
“ I know we’ve tried everything. Everything that we could think of… that was considered safe. Sage enough that we couldn’t get caught.”
You nodded wondering which direction the conversation was going to go. You eyes widened at what they said next, completely shocked by the now growing excitement tingling in your joints.
“ We need to get out the box we’ve put ourselves in, try things that aren’t so safe. I know you’re capable, but so do the rest of them.”
You relaxed your face, not wanting to show joy that would invite unwelcome guests in your vicinity. You were glad to finally start getting serious with your friend, you concluded long ago that you wouldn’t get away from them if you played everything safe, never taking a risk.
You could also argue about why you play it safe in the first place, remembering nights where they’d lock you in a room at the bottom of the ship, only your thoughts to sleep with, listening to the eire sounds of the ship rocking back and forth against the merciless waves. Or when their grip shattered the bones in your wrist making you feel less than human.
There were many reason why you had to place it safe, but that glimmer of hope that made you want to finally just reach for it.
You finally decided to say something, and the smile on your friends face rivaled a child’s expression on Christmas Day.
“ We can leave tonight.”
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A/N: I actually really liked this, I wanted to go on and write more maybe expanding on the different things that happened over the three months with Y/N’s Friend and the crew but I didn’t want to make this too long as I have a chapter to write and a few more asks 😭. Hope you enjoyed !
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Only Love Can Hurt Like This…
Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Natasha Romanoff x Carol Danvers
@beenicejoy request ❤️
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRHAbsj7/(TikTok they referenced)
Warnings: Angst! (Happy Ending), Heartbreak, Cheating.
Smutty Paragraph: Fingering(W) —I would’ve done more smut but the person hadn’t requested smut so I only did the blurb to urge the plot line I built along lol
18+ | Minors DNI | Smutty paragraph (🤷🏼‍♀️)
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"Scotch on the rocks... Make it a double.," you sighed towards the bartender who looked at you with concerned eyes., "Rough night?!," your lips quirked when you heard the voice of your dearest colleague., "You could say that.,"
Wanda watched from her corner, silently at war with her heart and mind, and she almost gave into her urge to wring Darcy's neck when she saw her hand unnecessarily sat on your bicep., "Darling, are you okay? You seem a bit tense.," Vision asks, his arms wrapping around her from behind, and if anything she becomes more tense when he pulls her back into his loving embrace., "Yeah Vis, just tired is all."
"We could always slip out early.," he muses and her stomach drops at the flirty undertones., "We most certainly can not, this is my best friends wedding.," she scoffs, wriggling out of his hold to give him a pointed glare, and he shrinks under her stare., "I'm getting a refill."
Wanda was grateful to her aloof boyfriend for giving her a reason to approach the bar you have been living at, and to her excitement you are finally without the scholar on your arm., "Hey Y/N/N...," you lightly nod her way, but forgo speaking as you slam back the cocktail., "How've you been?," Wanda inwardly cringed at how awkward the formality fell from her; you rolled your eyes, and sighed into your glass., "I've been good Wands...," you lied, turning yourself to uncomfortably look at her., "Can we talk about it, for just a second please?"
Wanda tensed, of course you'd want to do this now, her fingers gripped onto her glass tightly, but regardless of her uneasiness she nodded., "It's been super weird between us, and I don't want it to be anymore.," you quietly admitted, and Wanda shakily whispers., "Me neither."
"So, let me just say this: I'm done. You don't have to worry anymore.," Wanda's face fell., "What do you mean?," you sighed, meeting her worried gaze with a melancholy one of your own., "I'm done trying to get you; I can't do it anymore, I'm sorry it's taken me this long to figure it out, but I promise I'm done making a fool of myself.," a few tears settled at your eye line but you refused to let them fall, this was a night of celebration for your best friend, so you're doing your best to stay low-key.
"Y/N, you haven't been making a fool out of yourself.," Wanda rushes out in a subtle panic., "It's okay Wands... It's okay.," you sigh out as you pull your longtime best friend in for a hug., "...I want it to be okay.," you reaffirmed quietly.
Wanda's arms are wrapped tightly around you, her unwillingness to let you go only heightens as your next words string out., "Which is why I tendered my resignation at Stark's Corp.," Wanda could feel her soul leave her body when the words left your mouth., "Starting August 1st I'll be working with Pepper in California."
"You're leaving?," Wanda asks, her soft voice trembling as the daunting reality hits her, her fingers painfully dig into your back on reflex., "Plane leaves tomorrow.," you confirmed the obvious while slowly peeling her off of you., "Were you even going to tell me?," you look at her with a sad smile, the answer is clear as day when she looks into your conflicted eyes., "Oh."
In an attempt to evade the brunettes sad stare you peer out to take in the happy couple as they are sharing their first dance on the floor. It's the perfect example of everything you'd always wanted, their love was purely infectious. However as you see their shining smiles you also notice the way Carol's eyes fall to the food. You smirked when you realize just what she wanted, and as the wingwoman you've always been you decide to help her out.
"I've got to go now Wands, please take care.," you lay a soft kiss to her cheek, then you walk away from the woman who was clearly on the verge of a breakdown., "Please don't go.," she whispers long after you're gone, turning to face the bar to prevent those around from seeing her tears., "C-can I please get a vodka soda."
"Mind if I cut in?," you ask the blonde with a subtle head tilt to the tin that was nearing bare of the famed mashed potato cups, and she does her best not to look too excited while giving in., "Why thank you my good lady.," you teased the blonde who sprinted away to collect her food, and Natasha laughed loudly when you spun her around the floor before pulling her into you.
You swayed her around for a total of one song before she sighed heavily against your chest, her face lifting off your shoulder to glare up at you., "Y/N, are you really going to give up on her?," you deadpanned., "Tasha, she's dating Vision, and I've been pining after her since high school, what is there left for me to do?"
"Touché...," she groans in bitter defeat., "I just don't see why you have to run off to California. What do they have that New York doesn't? What am I meant to do without you?," her pouting face really pulled at your heart strings, but not enough to sway you this time around.
"I need a change of scenery Natty, and if I'm ever going to get over her then I need to go. Broaden my horizons a little, I need this,." Natasha smiles sadly, hearing that subtle bit of desperation in your tone settled her bitterness.
"You'll be back to visit right?," she asks quietly, a bit unsure of your long term plans., "Of course Natty, I could never stay away from you for long. Who else will I get into trouble with?," she chuckled at your words, memories of your college shenanigans flying through her mind.
"Don't replace me.," she whispers insecurely., "I would never dream of it Red.," you gently reassured her with a sweet kiss to her temple before spinning her into her wife's arms., "Welp lovebirds, I'll be heading out soon, but I'll see you two for our special goodbye brunch tomorrow.," you said with a clap of your hands, and the couple yanked you into a tight hug., "Careful not to wrinkle the fit, it's a rental."
After bidding them ado you turned to the bar, her unwavering stare was intense when you finally returned it, an obvious layer of pleading laid beneath them as she silently willed for you to tell her this was all just a sick fucking joke. That you weren't flying over a thousand miles away just to escape her. That the well of chances you'd given her to finally pick you hadn't actually ran out, that she still had time to figure it out, but when your eyes dropped, and you avoided her reaching out she knew this was it—she finally lost you, and fuck she'd surely be lying to say it didn't hurt like hell...
She went to follow you in a panic but she was bombarded by a group of giggling women that surrounded her; the brides were throwing their bouquets, partaking in the silly tradition that deemed the catcher next in line to be wed. Silently she cursed the notion, and it was as if the world was in on this sick joke because the bouquet landed in her folded arms. Obnoxious cheers filled the space around her, Vision ran up to lift her into the air, spinning her around as if the little game was a direct reassurance.
Watching the woman of your dreams being with another was never easy, but it always was a bit harder when under the surface lied the truth you always wanted to come to light. Wanda's expression was blank as her partner celebrated, but you saw right through her, you have always been good at that. Everyone had joked that you could read minds, but really it was just that you were always aware of Wanda.
Every twitch of her face meant something to you, what one might mistake for confusion, you readily knew to be irritation. When she sighed, which was often, you knew what each one meant, no one else could even detect the subtle differences in her breathing patterns, but you always did. They told you when she needed to vent, or to cry in your arms, or even when she was homesick and needed a Sokovian dish to cheer her up.
Nobody on this Earth knew Wanda more than you did, and yet here you both stood; together but still you were somehow two worlds apart.
You'd stayed off to the side to witness the silly tradition, and you now regretted deciding to do so because everything she was feeling you saw. Regret plagued her mind, it was easily the most notable of emotions swirling behind her orbs, her cheeks were shining under the dim lights as fresh tears fell down them, and your cheeks soon mirrored hers the longer you held her captivating stare.
Her eyes screaming "I love you," and yours saying much the same, but your feet carrying you away tell her that she was a smidge too late, and so it took everything in her not to allow the festering sobs to escape her chest.
Wanda was unresponsive when Vision tried to talk to her as they entered their shared space. The bouquet she carried in out of respect for her closest friends soon found a home in the trash, and she found her home in her flask., "For heaven sake Wanda, you've had enough.," Vision shrieked, but his attempts to take the container from her were futile as she shoved him back., "Only I'll say when I have.," she sneered, the metal touching her lips, the liquid that once burned now glides down her throat effortlessly, her boyfriend cringes at the sight.
"This is just too unhinged Wanda, we should be celebrating, and I should be having my way with you as we do.," she cringes at the way he speaks, as if she was nothing more than a prize he'd won, his vile words a stark contrast to the ones you'd muttered all those months back when you loved her so incredibly well in a drunken, post bachelorette party haze.
"Oh Wands, you're so beautiful...," you'd coo'd while your lips laid soft kisses all over her body, taking special care not to leave behind a trace., "I'm going to love you so well Wands, you're going to feel it deep within.," and feel she did as your fingers finally slipped inside of her after a decade of wait, unbridled moans of pleasure filled the space, and lasted well into the early morning, no thoughts of Vision had even prevailed in the redhead's cloudy mind. Everything was you, it always was, and she was kidding herself to ever think otherwise.
Tears once again befall her cheeks as she tries to rid her mind of your loving touch, desperate to return to the moment, but it's of little use., "Vision, there's nothing to fucking celebrate.," the words held a bite to them that send shivers down her own spine, he didn't exactly deserve her fury, but he sure as hell was going to get it.
Vision wasn't stupid—far from it actually, so he'd always known from the start he was on borrowed time with the box dyed redhead. Wanda was always hard to read for him, but the way the woman looked at you as if you'd hung the moon and stars was obvious, he had always yearned for that stare onto fall to him. It never did though, and he always knew it never would., "Whatever Y/N said to you, I just hope it isn't too late for you both; it's clear to me it's about time I set you free Wanda."
Wanda's heart shattered even further when the man she spent the last five years with spoke. She did love him, but never how she loved you, and now she's finding out that he always knew. Part of her wants to be angry that he'd stayed, that he didn't urge her to follow her heart, but at the end of the day she knew he was following his, and he wasn't the problem here—she was.
"Please Wanda, don't let her slip away.," the man mutters from her side., "Be brave.," he says with conviction as he places a parting kiss to her trembling lips., "And don't forget to send my invitation to the wedding.," he chuckles sadly, the sound of wheels following him as he takes his sparse belongings with him.
Once the door slams shut she breaks down fully, the reality of it all finally hitting her, she settled onto her couch with her laptop full of memories of you, and a pint of ice cream.
"Y/N, I'm serious, look!," Natasha squeals from the seat across from you with a hopeful smile and her phone held out for you., "Well, I'm saying it surely doesn't mean anything.," you groaned while reluctantly accepting the device and seeing she was indeed telling you the truth.
"It is with deep regret, and great hurt in my heart that I announce to my dearest friends and family that Wanda and I are no longer an item.," your eyes were transfixed on the screen, those words you'd waited years to hear finally became a reality, but all you could do is shake your head and pass her phone back to her.
"Come on Y/N! This can't be a coincidence.," Carol chimes in, and Natasha rewards her with a peck to her reddening cheeks., "Exactly! Go to her! Cancel the move, Tony will take you back with open arms, I'm certain of it."
"Guys, no. This changes nothing, breakup or not she's not ready to love me in front of the whole world and we all know she never will be.," you shut them down, tone level as you were in public but the couple knew it was best not to push., "Okay, then eat up champ, it's almost time for us to all head to the airport.," Natasha reroutes back to the task at hand, you smile at her before returning to your eggs, and she begins her plans to bark up the other tree.
Wanda woke up to the sound of your laughter, for the briefest moment the world felt right, her hungover mind easily tricking her into a false sense of reality. The dinging of a phone and looping of your laughter brought her back though, so she swiftly sat up, one hand haphazardly reaching for her phone while the other massaged at her throbbing temples.
*Take off is at 3PM, Flight 2469, don't fuck this up Max, your window is narrowing 🤏🏼*
Wanda paid no mind to the way her body reacted to her quick movements, but it was apparent to her that as she approached thirty she could no longer hang like she once did. Nausea and a killer headache wouldn't get in her way of getting to you, to fixing everything. She booked the flight, fortunate to find it was not full just yet, and then she ran to shower. There was no way she was finally professing her unwavering love to you out loud while smelling like an actual distillery.
You felt uneasy as you entered the busy airport with your whole life being downsized within two hardshell suitcases. This hope inducing idea that they broke up over you was weighing heavily on your mind and it made you begin to question if leaving was the right choice here. This might finally be your chance to have her, the woman you've been in love with since sophomore year of high school when she'd transferred into your school and deposited herself right into your heart. With that deep accent, kind heart and that perfect smile.
Then you deflate as you remember once again that even before Vision she refuted her feelings for you, she always had, and it appears that she always will. This game she played had been the most exhausting one of your life; the jealousy she always exhibited when you were coupled up, or were flirted with that she'd disguise as her "not wanting to lose her best friend to an undeserving hussy.," the worst part of it all. Her intentions were obvious, everyone saw right through her, but no matter the case you excused her behavior in fear of having none of her, and she'd continue to shoot anyone down when they mentioned her potential crush.
She'd never elaborated to you why she was so afraid to love you outwardly, at one point you considered her parents potentially being homophobic, but then Piet came out Senior year and they embraced him wholeheartedly. She didn't even have the guts to tell you after she allowed you to make love to her for countless hours, your name tumbling from her lips like a sweet promise, but it was really just a tainted one with heartbreak as its intention.
After that joyous night, and subsequently devastating morning she avoided you. It was months of unfair silence, every text or call ignored all until the wedding planning had picked back up. Then she had tried to just act as if nothing happened between the two of you by pulling you into a hug, a front of sorts. Talking about Vis this, and Vis that, all the while doing her damndest to cockblock you when Carol's beautiful bridesmaid Monica tried to pick you up at the dress fittings.
Thing's only got worse when her attempts fell through, and you and Monica began to spend more time together. Wanda was irritable at every gathering, your few shared words were nothing short of awkward, and her longing stares from across the room bordered creepy. So long were the easy days of your facade of friendship, only to be replaced by a fragile tie between shared lifelong friends.
Leaving really was all you had left now...
"Hey, you alright?," Carol whispers as she pulls your crying form into her strong embrace., "I'm going to miss you guys.," you told a half truth, but the way your Russian best friend looked to you it was obvious she knew the truth, but if she did she said nothing, residing instead to hug you tightly., "Don't you dare be a stranger dorogoy.," she threatens, arms tightening to get her point across, only satisfied when you choke out., “I wont Tasha…,”
The redhead tapped your ass in send off, only giggling when your pointed glare finds her, and you share one last chuckle with your friends. Heart absolutely aching at the absence of the other original member, but it’s truly no shock to you that she’s not here to bid you farewell., “Take care, and safe travels to Cancun my sweetest loves.,” you genuinely relay just before walking off to meet Pepper in the TSA line.
“Where the fuck is Wanda?,” Natasha groans against her wife’s chest., “She’ll be here.,” Nat scoffs., “Yeah, too late for me to see it work.,” the blonde laughs wildly, and the redhead whines while trying to shove her away, but Carol holds to her firmly., “My beautiful wife, you must have more faith in me please…”
Natasha looks up to her with furrowed brows, and a deep pout, Carol gently thumbs at the crease between her eyes., “I pushed our flights around, and handled all the trip rearranging so that you—my Russian spy in training, could have a front row seat to the greatest love story of all time, second only to ours of course.,” Natasha squeals, then surges forward to catch her wife’s lips in a passionate kiss.
“Look, the show has begun…,” Carol teases, Natasha follows her eyes to the luggage counter to find a distressed looking Wanda in a rush., “Tell me my wife, did you bring the popcorn?,” the couple quietly snicker before following behind the Sokovian at a safe enough distance.
Wanda’s feet move her quickly, the line for TSA a breeze as she’d paid for the precheck, but then she was lost in a crowd of random people., “Where could all of you need to be going?,” she grumbled while looking all over for you, the flight had already began to board and she was panicking that she’d miss her chance to speak. Just as she began to feel tears pricking her eyes at the prospect of missing you she heard your perfect laugh, heart clenching at the daunting idea of never being able to hear it again.
It all happened rather quickly, one second you’re upright talking to your new boss about the California weather, the next your flat on the ground of the Laguardia airport, groaning in pain with a newly heavy feeling atop of you., “Y/N, are you okay?,” you look up to see your boss’s confused expression, then you peer down to see the shivering body atop of you., “Yeah, I’m good Pepper.,” you reply before sitting the both of you back up. Pepper got the subtle message loud and clear so she stepped closer to the terminal, but not far away enough so that she couldn’t be a bit nosy.
“Wanda, would you like to tell me what the hell that was about, hm?,” you immediately regret the way it came out when you saw the way that she flinched., “I-I, please don’t leave me Y/N, I’m ready, fuck, I’m so unbelievably ready.,” you can’t fight the need to comfort her as you guide her head to your chest., “Wands, it’s too late for me to stay, I made a commitment.”
“No, please don’t tell me I’m too late, this can’t be it for us Y/N.,” you chuckled bitterly as tears streamed down your face., “But it is isn’t it?,” she shook her head., “Don’t say that, it’s not!,” you didn’t want to say it, but it just felt like the end was upon the both of you, her hushed lap confession wasn’t going to magically fix this, and you were truthfully beyond exhausted with the repetitive matter at hand.
“What do you want from me Y/N? Need me to shout it across the damn airport?! Fine.,” the distressed woman jumped up from your lap in a hurry before you could stop her, she climbed onto a counter, towering over you as you were now on your feet staring up at her shocked., “Attention travelers, I, Wanda Maximoff am merely just a stranger to you, standing in this airport ready to profess my love to the one and only woman of my dreams—Y/N Y/L/N.,”
Wanda smiled down at you, eyes shining with a glossy truth, she held that contact with you as she continued to loudly speak to the strangers., “I’ve loved her for over a decade, but sadly it’s my only damn fault we never got our chance. I was just so fucking scared of the repercussions. Love is absolutely terrifying, and having you as my friend had felt safer than losing you over an inevitable future heartbreak.”
“Sing it!!!,” you both chuckled when you heard your best friends voice from afar, you even tried to find the source, but Wanda was not done speaking to you, so you turned back to face the love of your life.
“But that clearly didn’t work out, because you’re telling me that I’m losing you anyways. Plus, I’ve had you wholly now, and I’ll be damned if I’ll never be able to do so again.,” Wanda couldn’t stand the distance so she went to hop down, you were quick to help her, soft hands gripped her by the waist and gently lowered her back to the ground.
The newfound closeness made your breath catch as she didn’t move to pull back, but instead leaned in to have her front flush to yours while her hands cupped your cheeks., “Allow me this chance to make it up to you detka, make up for all this lost time where I ran from the truest thing I’ve ever known.,” her heart was thumping erratically in her chest at your continued silence, anxiety spiking when your lip trembled., “I- don’t know Wands…”
The pads of her thumbs brushed your tears away while she took in a steadying breath, then before she lost all her built up confidence she pressed her lips to yours passionately. You gasped at the vaguely familiar feeling, and Wanda went to pull away in fear that she only made things worse, but with your grip on her hips you held her in place, and your lips moved against hers with no further hesitation.
Wanda broke the kiss, giggling against your lips when the sound of clapping surrounded the both of you., “How about now?,” she hummed, and you smiled., “We’ll figure it out.”
Natasha and Carol ran full speed ahead when they felt all was well, the blonde lifting the two of you off the ground in a rush of excitement., “Ahhh!!! Double dates, and my bestie stays.,” Natasha shrieked, but then her face fell when you looked at her with a saddened expression., “Guys, I made a commitment, I can’t stay.,” Carol set you both back down, and the once joyous moment felt almost doomed for pain.
The clicking of heels and clearing of a throat pulled all of your attention to the right., “Y/N, please do excuse me for cutting in, but the contracts haven’t been notarized yet, and I wouldn’t have a problem with you working remotely from New York.,” she saw the way your eyes searched her face so she offered you the kindest smile she could., “Truthfully.”
“Where will I stay?,” you thought out loud, and Wanda didn’t hesitate to answer., “With me, it’ll be just like college, but ten times better.,” the beaming smile she wore settled the rest of your doubts., “Sure we’re not moving too fast?” She met your teasing with a shoulder bump while the group of you stood in line to board the plane to California., “I was actually thinking we weren’t moving fast enough.”
You turned to her with a teasing smirk., “Careful Maximoff, just cause you caught that bouquet doesn’t mean I’ll be marrying you anytime soon.,”she smirks right back., “Detka, how else will we reach my plans to be married by 30?,” your eyes widened at the reminder of her lifelong goals, and you settled into your seat and furthermore into a stunned silence.
“Vegas is only an eight hour drive away.,” Carol muses all too suddenly through the crack in the airplane seats., “Shut the hell up Danvers.,” you grumbled, and all three of your favorite women broke out into fits of taunting laughter, and after a moment of sulking you did as well.
Wanda’s fear of planes had always been rather bad, and it was in this moment with her that you realized this was it. Wanda had chosen you, and she wasn’t going anywhere without you from this point forward, she was yours in the way that you have always been hers, and it was like the familiar feeling of the weight of the world on your chest had finally melted away.
“I love you Y/N/N.,” Wanda whispered, her eyes shut tightly with her hand in yours and head leaning against your shoulder., “I love you too Max, so very much.,” you settled a sweet kiss to her head to offer her comfort, and felt as she squeezed your hand when the plane took off., “I’ll gladly take your last name one day.,” you felt her smile against your clothed shoulder, and all in the world finally felt right.
4,666 Words 😳😂
If you ever make a request and want it smutty make sure you say so, because I won’t be likely to make it as such if you don’t. 🤪
❤️ Kaitlyn 💋
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crownedinmarigolds · 6 months
6, 23, 24, 27, 45 and 63 for Khloe? :3c
Oh my goodness! SO MANY! Thank you!! :0 I think for fun because the questions seemed posed like an interview, I may have Khloe "answer" these herself! (Ask Meme Post here!)
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Her hands are laced in her lap, and she can feel her heart pound in her chest as the interviewer gives her a quick smile over their notes to put her at ease. The questions shouldn't be too invasive, right? Khloe sits up when the other person appears ready. 6. Are you more mature than you seem? Less? Khloe laughs a little, though the question itself isn't amusing really, it's more like a valve release to get out the stage fright. "I get told I look younger than I actually am, so I guess I would technically be way more mature than I appear. I'm thirty but I get told I don't look like it. So that's nice!" 23. How did you earn a living? "I am still working for the company I was at before." She gets a bit more comfortable in her seat and smiles. "I'm just a data entry clerk, but it's work from home and I pretty much make whatever schedule I want, so it's pretty perfect for my, uh, current lifestyle." 24. Did you have any real friends? Khloe cringes a little, ouch. "I fell off accidentally with a lot of people. I just got busy, COVID hit and it was hard to meet up and then you forgot to meet up... Days just blurred together and before you knew it months passed. I would say though my Mom was probably my best friend..." Her voice trails off, and for a split second her eyes appear melancholy before she looks back to the interviewer. 27. What was your first brush with the supernatural? "Unfortunately, my first brush with the supernatural was my Embrace. I have lots of books and movies and games and whatever centered around the supernatural that I love, but I never thought it was real-real until I woke up a vampire. I wouldn't call me a complete non-believer, but I definitely didn't think every bump in the night was a ghost or a werewolf that's for sure." She shrugs, "I gotta say, wasn't impressed initially with the whole being a supernatural being either for a hot bit there. Thanks to being Thinblood, my heart still beats, I still feel things working, I don't even heal good - uhm, well I mean. So aside from feeling ravenously hungry, it wasn't very different than being human." 45. Why do you think they (your sire) chose you? Her nostrils flare a little, and though she tries to remain polite she can't help the slight disdain in her voice. "If everything she tells me is true, which sure I am inclined to believe her, then it was all an accident and my Embrace was out of the goodness of her heart. Or maybe even a weird motherly pull because she knew about her issues with Embracing. Either way, I don't think I was a real choice, just an opportunity that presented itself when she slammed her car head-on into mine and I went flying into the street." 63. Do you have a permanent home at all? The frown she had from the question about her sire remains, and she looks at her lap, "I have an apartment but I don't really stay there anymore. I stayed with my boyfriend in his trailer, but that's gone now too. I stay now with my coterie in our shared home - but who knows how long that will last. It's just the nature of the life I've chosen to dedicate myself to, right? You don't revolutionize without possibly getting hurt, and you can't always trust that your own bed is safe..." Her lips then quirk into a smile, "Though, I guess sorry to be so cheesy, I would say my coterie is my permanent home. That I can say for absolute certain."
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Spamton, you've done what no other can do. You have reunited me with my darkest urges. While you were not the one who let me know exactly what the phrase 'cringe culture is dead' meant, you were the one to embrace it with. Me, enjoying a popular character? I can do that. Enjoying yet another ruthless capitalist? I can in fact do that! Despite the fact that you're... Everything you are... That's what makes you special. Not just your silly quirks and your sad moments... But your personality as a whole. Thank you, Spamton... For all that you are. I know many of us would not be the same without you.
[Awww] YUORE GON NA M4KE ME [[Blush Blush]]!!!!!!!!! H0W [Sweet Tarts] OF YOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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the-sweet-madame · 2 years
ᴀ ᴘᴏᴇᴛ'ꜱ ʟᴏᴠᴇ (𝘒𝘢𝘻𝘶𝘩𝘢 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)
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Female reader! Happy reading :)
Warnings: Self hatred and tons of cringe. Kill me please <3
Summary: [Y/N] feels guilty at the thought that she may be holding Kazuha back and is perplexed on how he is still with such an ordinary person such as herself. (You are amazing! And Kazuha agrees <3)
The [H/C]- haired female leaned on the balcony of the Crux, arms criss-crossed on top of it as she stared at the subtle waves with a forlorn face. With every moment that passed, the flaws seemed to multiply in her reflection.
"What has been enveloping your mind for the unmerciful ropes of darkness to embrace you, my dove?" A gentle breeze of air filtered over her figure at her lover's arrival; a light chuckle leaving her at his fancy wording, seemed to have quickly danced away with the breeze. Similar to how a single dandelion is blown away from its place on the ground to waltz with the wind.
"Nothing of importance, Kazuha," She tried her best to hold a smile that felt realistic enough when she spun on her heel to look at him, his crimson eyes glazed with concern. He was so caring, so thoughtful. So perfect.
It felt so wrong being with someone who was so much better than her. She bit back a bitter laugh, the disgusting and disappointing taste of reality on the tip of her tongue. Inside and out, the mortal definition of perfection. His alluring crimson eyes that would gaze afar into the horizon, the sunset reflecting in his eyes while he would silently search for inspiration for a new haiku. His tender touch, blossoming with care from his fingertips. His skin was clear, pale like porcelain, softer than the rich cotton jackets people wore in the cold.  Whenever they touched it felt like static, it sent her heart into irregular fits of beats and jitters. It was almost hard to believe that those same hands wielded a sword with grace with the blessing of the wind, he fought with such skill. His reflexes were always on point, it was certainly eye-catching to watch him perform against his opponents. His calm exterior never faltered even when he was pushed to the very corner. The flowery words that left his lips would make her breath hitch at times; his mellow tone never failed to make her day better. She adored the way his lips quirked upwards whenever he smiled or chuckled, it was mesmerising how his eyes crinkled with pure mirth. 
While she remained so undeserving of the beauty in front of her. While he was perfect, all she saw in herself was mistakes. She overheard Beidou and him speaking about how he'd leave whenever his mind chose to. She waited and waited, 4 months had passed and yet he still lingers at the crow's nest by the alcor. Guilt had consumed her being every time she thought about that conversation, was their relationship stopping him from leaving? Is he only with her because he pitied her? It would make sense; she wasn't much of worth. She couldn't compare to his beauty, his way with words, she was just so ordinary. Was he going to leave? Was he tired of her yet? The guilt eventually became a deep pit in her stomach, growing with each question that lurked in her head.
She averted her eyes from his, tracing the scratches on the wooden planks with her [E/C] galaxies, not being able to look into his truthful crimson ones. Her body tensed up; her palms felt damper than it should be. For once, she wished that the ship wasn't empty so she could use the excuse of being busy to escape this conversation. Everyone had gone into Liyue Harbour for more supplies and to meet their families. The captain had left the ship's responsibilities in Kazuha and [Y/N]'s hands. The chatter of Liyue civilians reduced into faint noises when it reached the ship.
The familiar feeling of electricity rushing through her veins when fingertips touched her chin, pushing it upwards. It was impossible to not look into his eyes like that. They were so entrancing, so welcoming, and just so comforting. Not even a map could help her once she got lost in his eyes.
"I cannot ever get used to the feeling of ecstasy whenever I gaze into your eyes. It feels as if a tingly sensation overcomes my being," He smiled, stroking her reddening cheek, "Though I cannot say I dislike it."
No matter what the situation or how sad she was, he was always there. Always.
"Though, the light in your eyes have gone dull," He hummed, "What can I do to numb the pain? To replace the hurt in your eyes with a spark of happiness, my dove?"
She pulled herself out of her trance, leaving his warm, tender touch by gently pushing away his hand.
"Don't worry, Kazuha. It's nothing," She gave him an apologetic look before walking past him.
"The winds picked up on your tears, they told me of your sorrow. Your smiles haven't reached your eyes, your laughter has been forced since the past few days." She froze in her footsteps. Of course, he would know. The ever-so observant Kazuha. She felt stupid for thinking he wouldn't find out. Well, sure, her acting skills are absolutely shit. Okay, maybe it was extremely possible for him to find out anyways.
Her wrist was encased by long, slender fingers. His grip wasn't tight, nor was it loose enough for her to get out.
"Do not say it is simply 'nothing' when it is about your feelings," he said, thumb rubbing small circles on her wrist.
It hurt him, the person whom he loved most was hurting and didn't seek comfort from him.
"Kazuha," She paused and looked at him, her tongue fumbling in her mouth for words. "Why...why are you still here?"
She sucked in a breath, hoping it would stabilize her form for even a little more time. "I do not want to hold you back, Kazuha. I know you tend to travel from place to place, you even said so yourself. I had overheard you talking to Beidou that you won't be staying for long. It has been 4 months and I- I don't, I can't be the one to stop you from achieving your goals and what-not. Please don't let me hold you back, Kazuha."
"Do you not want me to stay?" He inquired; his comforting tone switched into a serious one.
"No! It's not that-"
"Then, I will remain by your side."
She didn't know whether she should be mad that he was staying because of her or relieved that he finally confirmed his position by her side.
She shook her head, slipping her hand away from him as she spoke, "No, it's better for you-"
"[Y/N], I acknowledge what is better for me and you are what is better for me."
He didn't let her arm drop by her side, pulling it to his chest. He wasn't calm, the usual dazed look in his eyes replaced with a determined one, as if his goal was near. Just in arm's reach, all he had to do was grasp it with all he had.
"You've taught me greed; it is only fair I teach you the same. If you urge me to stay, I will."
He didn't avert his eyes away from hers as he spoke, "If only you could see through my eyes, you could see how amazing you truly are. There isn't a day, a single moment where you do not bring me a warming light of love and joy. If I were to tell you how many qualities I adore about you, then." He chuckled, gently pulling her towards him, "The blanket of night would overcome us but even then, I wouldn't be done. Even when the light of the blazing sun weaves its way through the night for another day to begin, words of my adoration for you will continue flowing from my lips until eternity meets its end."
His crimson eyes were so loving, his hand holding her wrist by his chest. Their noses barely inches apart, their cheekbones both tinted with the same shade of light pink. When she saw how sincere he was, how honest he was, she knew his love was genuine.
A tear ran down her face, her shoulders shook but it was out of relief. Relief that he didn't think less of her, he wasn't there just because he pitied her. She leaned her head in the crook of his neck, his hand leaving her wrist to rub her back.
The air hovered in silence; the poet was driven quiet. His flowery words, the calming tone of his voice. It was so quiet, but she didn't need any more proof. It was enough just to be in his presence. The mountains of weight on her shoulders grew light similar to the feeling of her worries dispersing. She was up in the clouds, free of burdening thoughts like a bird gliding with the wind.
"Archons above, you are so cheesy." Her laugh was mixed with sob, but to him, it still was a perfectly coordinated melody carried by the breeze.
Kazuha sighed but it was of adoration, his bandaged fingers running through her hair.
"For you, my love. For you," He muttered near the shell of her ear, relishing in her warmth.
That was all they needed, to bask in the presence of one another. To love one another, to cherish one another.
And to stay together.
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simonalkenmayer · 2 years
I have something to share with you if you are someone who gets a period. It’s just something I came to while talking with my friends who get periods, just a quirk of how my mind works.
The word “menstruation” is a derivative of the Latin “menses” which means “months” (plural). And that, in turn, derived from the Ancient Greek “mene” meaning “moon”. In fact ancient people believed that the cycle was directly linked to the moon.
See me, sitting with my best friend, her bemoaning her time of the month, feeling bloated and achy, cringing from cramps with a heat pack to her belly, banging her head on my counter between bites of ice cream. Me saying the above. A silence drops. She stares at me as if waiting, because she knows me so well. I stand up straight and say,
“Well I just imagine that for a brief time every month, you transform into a divinely-powered, witch-spirit of the moon’s malice, and rain wrath upon the mortals, built of clay to return to dust.”
She blinks at me in shock. Finally, she whispers…
“I’ll allow it, my squire.”
I say, embrace your moon rage and level the patriarchy. Men don’t seem to realize that when a person is on their period, they are experiencing a depletion of estrogen, meaning they have more testosterone. If testosterone is what makes a man, it would also be what makes men “overly” emotional.
So…hope that improves your next “time of the lunar priestess,” or whatever you’d like to call it.
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shallowseeker · 2 years
Hi. I'm Shal.
📝 Just another SPN blog, since circa Aug '22 📝
Physically late 30s, mentally 50s. recent discoverer of fandom. Minors DNI.
Here's a masterlink to some of my recent meta and ramblings.
📺"shallow" bc I aim my brain at a CW tv show
🌳hick in a trailer, way out in the KY boonies
👻 technically lives in a ghost town
🤓 somewhat contrary (in good fun) but friendly
🔢I'm a quantity over quality kinda place
✖️I don’t tag very well
💥I reblog chaotically rather than being normal and using my queue
🤔I've changed my mind a lot already, so uh, be careful about going back > 2 months
☠️ My SPN affliction is getting worse, and I'm currently ripping everything JUST to put images and screenshots with my script and scene ramblings
Stuff I like?
👬 pro-DeanCas (I have eyes)
🤩 Mary stan
⭐ Jack stan
🕮 Sam - Donatello - Metatron-coded (that's why I'm annoying)
🤓I genuinely like Sam (but I'm not weird about it), and I WILL give him shit about his myriad personality quirks
💪TFW 2.0 is my jam
🪖I grew up military
🕯️I like medical, mental health, philosophy, and Judaism
✌️I'm anti-war; anti-police state
I block tags I'm hesitant around or picky about, and I block stuff that simply bores me; therefore, I get along with most folks. I stick to what brings me joy.
I'm anti-incest, so I only block pro-shippers who don't tag that kinda stuff. I'm supportive of ship-and-let-ship, when you get down it.
I block for my own mental, because to me, incest champions and jokes are weaponized against the working poor and I consider it damaging classism that seeks to use alienation to sunder inter-family structural support, as a form of systemic violence. Yes, especially your precious faux-academia/elitist gothic shit. I've dealt with the jokes MY WHOLE LIFE and it's directly interfered with my medical care. I despise.
📝 Ao3: shallowseeker - I'm writing again! Embracing cringe.
Update - I'm trying to collect a cozy spot to encourage and cheerlead SPN writers.
-> I don't have much to offer in terms of beta-ing cause I'm no good at grammar, but I'm always happy to vibe check.
📝 writings @shallowstories / 📷images @shallowimages / ⚠️venting and not-as-nice things @shallowrambles /
(Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
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pa-panda-heroes · 4 years
heya! how about a scenario where shiggy accidentally hurts the reader with his quirk and like, freak tf out? angsts with lots and lots of fluff, please! ty! ♥︎
Okokok imma do my best for my first angst!! Also I added Dabi because I got a request for him a while back and I’ve wanted to write him for a bit, now <3 hope that’s okay!
I think this was a bit longer for a scenario but... I enjoyed writing it so :>
Warnings: language, mentions of violence(? Eh...)
Tomura/Dabi accidentally hurt reader with their quirks!
It happened accidentally. You knew that. Right? It wasn’t his fault, but his damn quirk’s fault, the one that he never asked for and the one that never allowed anyone to get close. Rather, he never let anyone get close because of it. He’ll admit he was always proud of its destructive capability as a villain, but now that it had hurt you, he wish he’d never boasted to a soul.
Twenty-three times. He had called you twenty-three times. And twenty-three times you didn’t answer. What was he to do, now? There was no stopping the decay borne from his fingertips once it had set in, and considering you wouldn’t answer your phone... it didn’t look good. Kurogiri had whisked you away before Tomura could even utter an apology, which looked to him as though Kurogiri did so in order for him not to witness your death. Kurogiri told him something about a doctor, but Tomura figured him a liar.
He couldn’t breathe. You shouldn’t have been hurt. Literally. Tomura hadn’t so much as touched you with a single finger; if anything, he was trying to protect you from the stranger grabbing you. It happened so fast, all he remembered was his quirk activating and the stranger vanishing before he heard your cry of pain and saw the skin of your arm drying out, much like he had done to that hero at U.S.J. He couldn’t tell, but it somewhat looked as though the decay was limited to just your bicep. That could’ve been hopeful thinking, of course, and he knew it.
So he sat there, all alone and hunched over on the couch in the bar, with misery and dread coursing his veins, accelerating his blood pressure to concerning levels. He had nothing to look at but his shaking palms and red shoes as he tried to even out his breathing - to no avail. Then, he felt the weight of someone sitting next to him, and instantly recognized how far the cushion next to him sunk in. And yet, he couldn’t look at you.
“Thanks for that back there,” you say quietly, afraid to startle him, but you recieve no response. “Y’know, I’m not sure what would’ve happened if my knight in shining armor hadn’t showed up!” You knew he felt guilty. Why wouldn’t he? But he shouldn’t. You wanted to convince him of that.
“Didn���t go far, huh,” you hear him mumble, nodding his head to your bandaged left arm next to him. There was no life to his voice and before you can say anything, he speaks again. “It won’t happen again. You’re not coming around anymore.”
“Hey, wait! That’s not your-“
“I’m the leader, and I say so! You can stay in the League, but you can’t... be close to me. You’ll get hurt.”
You stand up in defiance and put your hands on your hips in defense. “I’m not leaving you! First of all, I can take care of myself. Second, look at the League. We have a bloodthirsty serial killer and a cynical pyromaniac constantly lounging about, and you’re worried about some one-in-a-million freak accident happening again?” Patience was key with Tomura, and you knew that, but he could be stubborn and unreasonable, and when it came to you, stubbornly, unreasonably protective. “Besides, with the world as it is, I could get hurt doing something as mundane as taking out the trash, like I was when I was attacked!”
He finally looked at you, the look of a whipped pup on his face and while you knew he wasn’t doing it on purpose, you felt guilty for raising your voice at him. You sigh quietly and sit back down next to him, reaching for his hand and settling for his knee when he yanked it away. You snuck your arm around his shoulders and plopped your cheek on his shoulder, knowing all too well he would welcome it despite his standoffishness - and he did. Tomura didn’t pull away or push you off. But he hid his face. Your fingers on his left shoulder rubbed at it, his clavicle prominent enough you almost cringed at how thin he was. Your other hand on his leg idly toyed with the seam of his jeans, not having anything better to do.
“I’m sorry.” It was unclear as to whether he was apologizing for hurting you, or for demanding you keep your distance from him. Either way, it was undoubtedly genuine and soft.
You sat up straight and hugged your leader and lover from the side, gliding your fingers through his hair as you gently guided it to you. He hesitated slightly before burying his head into your chest and latching onto your ribcage for dear life, muttering the weakest “Don’t go, please,” anyone has ever heard. The desperation and vulnerability in his voice elicited your arms to wrap around him in a tight, warm embrace, your chin digging into his hair when you peck it, again and again and again. You stifled a giggle at how soft and ticklish his hair felt, electing to gently shush him.
“I just told you, didn’t I? I’m not going anywhere, even if you tell me to. I love you, silly.”
Dabi let out every curse known to mankind - and then some - as he rushed over to you, the bastard thugs the two of you had been after now burning alive and falling to the street. He would have sworn on his life you were not within range of his flames, and yet here you were, on the ground clutching your burnt leg and cringing away the searing tears of pain. Maybe you didn’t see him readying the attack and charged in? Maybe one of those thugs diverted his attack? He wasn’t sure.
What little color he had in his face drains completely, and his fingertips are already trembling.
“Dabi, I’m fine,” you tried to assure him. “It’s not that bad! I’ll just need a little first aid.” It hurt like hell, a white-hot, pulsating pain, you couldn’t lie. You just weren’t going to tell him that. It stretched from just below your knee to a hand’s length above your ankle and covered only the side of your leg, thankfully. The affected area was an awfully dark pink and honestly, it was hard to look at.
He practically scoffed at you. “Y/n, you’re fucking burnt. Don’t tell me that shit.” From the look on his face, it seemed bad.
That was the most cross he’d ever been with you, despite his brash and vulgar nature, and you couldn’t help but retreat a little as he knelt down to you and pulled his phone out of his pocket to make a call. “Y/n’s hurt, get us to the bar or something.” He grabbed your leg - surprisingly gently - and seemed to examine it. He paused as if to listen to the other end. “She’s burnt, does it matter? Just get us the hell out of here.” He must’ve called Kurogiri, as the next thing you know there’s a warp tunnel summoned next to you.
You tried standing on your own to leave, but the burn decided it didn’t want you to do so, and so you dropped back to the ground and bit your lip at the shockwaves of pain crawling up your leg. Dabi said nothing and helped you up himself, grabbing your arm and side to help you walk through the warp. Once through, he set you down on the couch, still eerily quiet, and left you there. The pain was so bad at this point, you began to think you’d faint, your head feeling fuzzy as tears run down your cheeks.
The stapeled villain returns with a bucket of ice water, towels, and what looks to be a first aid kit. But he stops for a second when he sees you hunched over with a death grip on your knee and the seat beneath you, and it takes all he has to hold it the fuck together. He’s unreasonably angry, and he’s not sure why. He wants to tell and scream, maybe at you, maybe not, he’s not sure. His quirk’s only quality was destructiveness. It was damaging not only to his enemies but also to his own body - and now, you.
He hurt you. Accident or not, he hurt you. The lump in his throat was suffocating.
Dabi knelt down and soaked a towel in the cold water before wringing it wordlessly, then gently tapping it to your leg and pulling back when you hiss. He seemed to notice it but didn’t outwardly acknowledge it and contintued to use the cold towel on your burn. As more time passed, the more convinced he became that it was a second-degree burn, meaning the second layer of your skin, the dermis, was badly burnt. He had no doubt it would scar, and at the thought the breath was pulled from his lungs. Dabi muttered a curse and suddenly rested his forehead against your knee, his right hand holding the cool towel to your leg.
“I’m sorry. It’s all my fault, fuck.” His voice was low, and if you looked hard enough, you could hear that it was forced out through a tense throat. He was nearly in tears, wasn’t he? He wasn’t an overly emotional person by any means, but the fact that his quirk hurt you, with its history, it hurt worse than if you would’ve left him for a hero. He hated himself. His quirk didn’t have a single redeeming quality, and he began to think the same of himself.
“Dabi, don’t, okay? I’ll be fine, really.” You can’t help how weak your voice sounds, being in so much pain, but you nonetheless plant a hand in his hair and rub his scalp.
Dabi lifts his head to look at you, and the look in his eyes isn’t something you’ve seen before. His free hand comes up to rest on your thigh, and you can feel it shaking. “It might scar, y/n. Don’t you get that?”
You huff. “So? If it does, I’d be pretty cool with that, all puns intended,” you try to giggle at your own pun and can practically feel him rolling his eyes, “Besides, I’d kinda match you, wouldn’t I? It’ll be like a couple’s tattoo sort of thing!”
He rests his chin atop your knee and a look that only be described as a pout crosses his features, but he says nothing and you can only smile. Dabi deadpans when you say nothing, forcing yourself to beam at him with bright eyes and a smile. “You’re a weird one, ya know that?” he muttered.
“You’re even weird for falling in love with me,” you teased after he began to work on your leg again.
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dilucids · 3 years
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤSacrificial duties, Mondstadt ver.
would they sacrifice you or mondstadt?
includes: jean, lisa, kaeya, diluc, amber, albedo and venti.
( i'm too socially inept to request for someone to do this so i took matters into my own hands. )
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━━ is this even a debate? jean would sacrifice you to save mondstadt.
━━ the question would tear her apart though, she'd spend so much time trying to find another way to save both her city and you that she'd neglect her health ( basic needs, like eating, sleeping )
━━ if it were a person or god who was demanding these terms, she'd try to negotiate anything to save both, even her own life, though if you were willing, she'd hesitantly ( literally beg you to not go through it and reassure she'll find another way ) let you go.
━━ no matter what she chooses, she'll still feel incompetent in the end, as if she isn't good enough to be the acting grandmaster and would probably overwork herself to try and focus on something.
"I'll do it," Jean looks back at you, horror flashing through her eyes though you didn't falter, still staring the entity in her eyes. The wind picks up as if feeling the ameno swordswoman's vivid emotions, she shakes her head, taking small steps towards you as she reaches out for your hand. You cringe when she fell to her knees, "no no no, please, you don't have to do this."
You don't look at her, knowing it would only make things worse for the both of you, you didn't want her to be the last thing you saw nor did you want your face to plague her dreams like a ghost. "I care about Mondstadt too, Jean." You hope she understands that you were also doing this for your city and doesn't blame herself, "it's my duty."
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━━ lisa is a bit more of a wild card.
━━ lisa only oversees the library of mondstadt but it's really unclear the extent of her care for the city itself.
━━ it's impossible for one to say if she would hold a lover priority over a city due to lack of background so that's why she's more of a wild card right now, because i could see her potentially doing either.
━━ though i'm leaning a little towards sacrificing you because of her closeness with jean and her involvement in the knights of farvonius, she knows it would be morally wrong to sacrifice an entire city for one person, lover or not.
"It's okay," you reassure her, smile still gracing your face albeit the heavyweight pressure of death for your city digging it's claws into your shoulders. "I'm sorry," she apologises for the nth time and you can do no more than squeeze her hand in affirmation, knowing a hug would be too much for the both of you right now.
You feel her fingers slip through yours and your hand is embraced by the winds of Mondstadt, a sudden change from the electricity that plagued her fingertips and passed onto yours. You take a shaky breath and leave her behind you, her eyes watching your back along the way until you were nothing more than a dot in the horizon━━ ready to become a star in the sky.
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━━ another wildcard!
━━ unlike lisa, however, i'm leaning towards sacrificing monstadt.
━━ even with all his background knowledge, kaeya is still a character that holds a lot of secrets and it's canon that he's a mysterious figure, cavalry captain or not.
━━ don't get your hopes up though, because he still may sacrifice you ( after a talk with jean or diluc/j )
━━ kaeya lets anything happen as long as it falls into place of how he has expected to end, he really doesn't know what to do when an unknown entity shows up and demands the price of you for his city or vice versa.
━━ really hard to get a grasp on him.
━━ i could see him spending one last day with you after deciding he was going to give you up ( you obviously knew of this ) but after 24 hours with you, away from mondstadt, he might realise that, even if he regrets it for the rest of his life, he'll never be able to give you up.
━━ alternatively, if he didn't open up to you about this or went to jean or diluc, they would convince him to "do what's right" and give you up.
"No. I'm not doing it," his tone differed from the norm━━ he was never like this, not even on official knights' business. His eyes unnervingly determined, tone you were unable to refute, and words that scared you. "Kaeya, you have to," your fingers place themselves over his, which were barely touching your cheeks.
"I'm not doing it," he reaffirms, sounding as if he were trying to convince himself out of all people. "I'm━━ I'm not losing you to some city. I can rebuild a city, we can find a city elsewhere," he states, eyebrows furrowed and not taking a single breath between his words. You pry his fingers away from your cheek, holding them over your lap. "Kaeya, this isn't just 'some city', it's the city you love. The city we love." You coax, finally getting him to look into your eyes. "You're the person I love." He says, exasperated.
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━━ hate to be the bearer of bad news,, and as biased as i am to this man, he would give you up.
━━ wouldn't open up to anyone about it, he'll just drive himself insane pondering both options.
━━ and although it would literally make him insane even thinking about losing someone precious to him ( again ) but his loyalty lies within the city of freedom and the city alone.
━━ even after the dispute with the knights of farvonius ( in the webtoon ), he still remains as the protector of mondstadt and i don't think nor am i able to see it will ever change.
━━ unlike kaeya though, i don't think he'll be able to see you at all once he decides to sacrifice you, he'll just be reminded that he'll never be able to see you again and the terrible decision that he's going to go through with.
━━ will also throw himself into extensive work to get you off his mind afterwards.
"You okay there?" Your eyebrows furrow, leaning against the open door of Diluc's office, seeing his hair tied back into a bun, hands in his face as he gazed deeply at his wooden desk. His head flies up at the sound of your voice, clearing his throat, "when did you get here?"
You shrug, taking steps towards him as he leans back into his chair, "being a hero taking a toll on you?" You tease him, taking a seat on his desk next to him and placing your feet on the chair, leaning forward to cup his cheek. He turns away. You're no stranger to his austere ways so you merely lean back, balancing yourself with your hands against his desk, telling him about your day.
"━━and then he wrapped it up and sent it to me, which was awfully disturbing might I add."
"I'm sorry," your eyebrow quirks when he suddenly cuts into your storytelling. You push yourself forward, reaching out for him and redirecting his gaze ( which hadn't looked in your direction even once ) onto you. "What's wrong my dear?" He only grimaces at the nickname━━ wincing almost and still refused to look at you, gaze cast upon the floor behind his bangs. You couldn't even see his eyes.
"Your guilty act is making me ponder if you've had previous relations with someone else, Master Diluc," you frown a little, using your other hand to force him to peer at you. He leans forward, placing his forehead on yours and whispers, "never."
"I just wanted to apologise for the future," you smile a little and place a kiss on his forehead. "I will always forgive you."
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━━ albedo's original creator hails from khaeri'ah and venti, archon of mondstadt, was one of the original seven who aided in the destruction of khaeri'ah; is that enough reason to destroy it for a lover? no.
━━ would he still do it? yes, yes, yes.
━━ we all know he considers himself a threat to mondstadt but i don't think he would've ever thought this was why he was a threat, to hold an entire city in his palms and be able to destroy it with a single word was quite a terrifying thought.
━━ it wouldn't stop him though, i really don't think albedo holds any sentimental attachment to mondstadt, he only works and lives there as of right now but he's currently heeding his creater's words and pursuing the truth of the world.
━━ he might grimace over losing a few people that he holds dear and end up rethinking his decision but in the end, will choose you.
━━ another reason i think he would destroy mondstadt is that, once albedo discovers something or the feeling of enlightenment that comes with studying something new disperses, he is quick to stop studying that and abandon it due to the "bittersweet truth" hitting him so if he grew tired of mondstadt,,,,,, rip to jean 🙏
Your eyes flicker from the sight of his back to the unknown entity, hovering just above the floor, her eyes uninterested in you as she gazed into Albedo's eyes, maybe trying to read his expressionless face. "Have you made a choice, Kreideprinz?"
Nothing is said. Nothing from Albedo nor you, you didn't seem to have a part in this private conversation but you also seemed to be an integral part of it due to the way Albedo kept looking back at you, squeezing your hand as if to remind himself that you existed. "I'm choosing them."
She peers at you now, her eyes boring into yours as she scans you for something, "are you sure about this decision?"
For some odd reason, you're not offended by her words, maybe because she didn't sound like she meant it in a rude way ( it also seemed out of her standoffish character ) but was genuine in her curiosity if Albedo would go back on his words. He squeezes your hand again, rubbing circles on the back of your hand━━ something he did to calm you but it seemed that this action was to ground him instead.
"Yes, I am."
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ〔 AMBER ━━ OUTRIDER 〕
━━ YOU.
━━ in the most heart breaking – heart warming way ever, she'd give you up.
━━ notice how more than half of these mondstadt fuckers would give you up? yeah 🙄
━━ on a serious note, a lot of them have devoted themselves fully to protecting the city and i don't see any one of them being able to give the command to destory the city, even if their s/o was being held with a knife to their throat right infront of them and amber is the very same.
━━ even though we don't know to much about her, she is seen as a perfect example of justice by kaeya, and is extremely devoted to her work, she's just below diluc and jean in the most to least likely to sacrifice you in my opinion. it's simply overlooked due to her lack of presence in the game.
━━ i think her compassionate and kind side will make it harder for her to come to a decision because she doesn't want to have to lose one thing to keep another but in the end, she will give you up.
Amber seemed extremely distressed, immediately running into Jean's office once arriving back at the Knight's base after finishing her usual trek of Mondstadt's surroundings. You had attempted to call out her as she ran through the halls but she didn't even look your way, which was peculiar to you but you could only guess something dangerous must've happened due to her eagerness of reaching Jean's office, slamming the door wide open.
You quirk an eyebrow and Kaeya, stood beside you, whistled briskly, hands on his hip. "Someone's in a hurry," you roll your eyes at his comment and simply grab his arm, dragging him over to Jean's office, "just shut up and come."
The minute you knock and open the door however, the room is quiet. Jean sat on her chair, elbows placed on the table and concern burrowed deeply within her furrowed eyebrows and Amber, who was shaking her leg up and down in anxiety, fiddling with her nails.
Kaeya seems a little amused by the situation, unlike you, who was extremely concerned by the little actions of anxieties Amber was exhibiting, striding over to her side in an instant. Placing your hand on her shoulder, she leans into you almost instantly and begins quietly sniffling into your shirt.
You mouth to Jean that you're taking her out and Jean nods, thanking you with a small smile on her face. You guide Amber into a quiet room in the headquarters, letting her silently cry as you attempt to soothe her. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?"
She shakes her head, only repeating a small, "I'm sorry."
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━━ venti is characterised as a free spirit, like the freedom that the city of mondstadt represents, he carries that within him but at the end of the day, he is still mondstadt's archon.
━━ so we all saw this coming but you 👫
━━ i don't really think there's a lot to explain, he's their archon and even if he loses everyone he's ever loved, his priority is mondstadt.
━━ he'll probably take you on that ride on dvalin he's been promising you for the past year with no explanation.
━━ you'll ask him why he's dragged you from work and he'll just say he's feeling nice or that the winds are good for a ride right now.
━━ you'll stare at him with that, 'don't–you–control–the–winds?' look and he'll wink at you, telling you to stop staring at him or he'll blush.
━━ will completely come undone when he seed you happily laughing on dvalin's back, arms spread open as your laugh echoes into the wind.
Your excited whooping is all he hears, previous nervousness abandoned with his hands placed on your waist as Dvalin pierced up above the clouds; the ground nothing more than a fleeting dream to you both. It's such a shame that young, immature Dendro Archon got his hands on you first, gifting you his gift of Earth's nature━━ if not for the God of Wisdom, Venti would've gifted you heaven's winds if he knew how simply being in the sky made you so ecstatic.
The adrenaline finally dies down when Dvalin arrives just above the clouds, wings creating new and dispersing the old. You lean into Venti who takes this as an invitation to push himself further into your side and begin playing with your fingers, allowing you time to simply relish in the situation. "You're awfully quiet today," you muse, staring at Venti with a small smile.
He hums, "it's quiet up here," in nothing less of a whisper. You nod along with his words, fighting the urge to jump into the clouds, knowing you'll pass right through them. Venti sinks into you further somehow, like you were a passing cloud; his shoulder pressed into the crack of your arm and torso, head leaning on your shoulder. "You'll be okay Venti," and you embrace him.
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atsukashii · 3 years
Hi! I love your writing so very much 🥰
For the event, could I possibly get: Tirza x Midoriya + she/her pronouns + ☀️ + green
Thank you thank you 🥺💕☺️
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how long do I have to wait how many nights do I have to pass
✘ he was the one who got away, but now the number one pro hero has returned to japan, and come home to you
✘ GENRE: fluff
✘ WARNINGS: none
✘ WORD COUNT: 1.4k
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To the world the name Izuku Midoriya was synonymous with the pro hero Deku. But to you, Izuku Midoriya is synonymous with sorrow, desperation and hurt. To you, Izuku Midoriya is the one who got away.
You’d been by his side since elementary school, where Katsuki Bakugou had coined the name Deku, which caught on in the opposite way than what he had initially intended it to be interpreted. You had been friends with the shy, hero crazed boy who had helped you draw your hero costume and equipment when you had decided you both were going to be pro heroes. You had been by his side as this quirk he was supposedly ‘born-with’ had manifested. And you knew, from the moment you saw All Might talking to him, just who’s quirk he had inherited.
You had been by Izuku’s side from your earliest memories, and you had loved him for as long as you could remember. You’d loved him for so long, and you were planning on telling him the moment you had finished your studies but never got the chance, because he’d left for the U.S a day later, working at an agency courtesy of Professor David Shield. And you had let him go, and took your heart with him.
Those six months had turned into three years, and now he was back.
“Can you please at least say hello to him? That’s all I'm asking here,” Your friend Ochako pleads from next to you, and you finally turn away from the bar to face her. You had been dragged out to a bar by your friend, only to discover the whole thing was an official ‘welcome home’ party for your first love that you hadn’t seen in years. So you’d reacted like any mature person, and hidden amongst all the bodies at the bar, cradling the same glass of water because you had work tomorrow and couldn’t afford to turn up hungover.
“I will,” you reply, looking over across the room at the green haired man laughing along with a bunch of your old high school friends. You give Ochako a pointed look as you swirl back around on your stool. “Later.”
“For fucks sake, even Bakugou is over there. Ba-ku-gou!” She combats, waving her hands to emphasise her point.
“Good for him.” She huffs out a breath of frustration at your antics but really, you don’t want an audience when you first talk to him, because you don’t know what is going to come out of your mouth. Will it be what your heart wants to say, that you missed him every single minute he was gone, or your head, where you’ll just simply say welcome back and move on with your life. You weren’t willing to take that gamble in front of your closest friends.
“Go have fun, I’ll talk to him later, I promise.” You swear, and even hold out your pinky which makes your friend let out a shocked laugh.
“Why don’t I believe you?” she asks, and you simply shrug, watching as she shifts through the crowd towards the table and the star of honour. The minute you know you’re out of eyesight and earshot, you leave your glass on the table, grab your jacket and sneak out the side door of the complex. Inhaling the chilled night air, you hesitate in the alleyway of the bar, letting yourself revel in the silence of the outside world. Getting used to having Izuku was going to take a while, especially considering he would no doubt be visiting his mother, who still lives next door to your own. You could never escape him, and why should that change even if you want it to? You only take a step further into the alleyway before the door bangs open behind you.
“Y/n?” His voice is deeper than you remembered it, but then again, he had been only a high school graduate when you’d spoken to him last. Slowly you turn around to face him, taking in Izuku’s face one inch at a time. Freckles still dusted his nose and cheekbones, and those deep emerald green eyes still glowed like sea glass - stop, you mentally plead. Don’t go down this road.
“I thought it was you. I saw Uraraka talking to you at the bar, and I wanted to see you before you left.” He’s taller too. You’d been the same height through most of your schooling, but now he towered over you by at least a foot. As Izuku stops under the dim light on the wall, you notice the undercut he now has and hate how it makes goosebumps break out on your skin.
“How have you been?” He asks, one of his hands clutching his other wrist in a nervous tick that holds your attention. How have you been? How have you been… miserable, lonely, lovesick, missing you… but you can’t say that. So instead you muster all the confidence in you to tell him the opposite, that you’ve been fine.
“I-” Your voice breaks on the word and you feel the world around you freeze. Your heartbeat echoes through your head and the happiness on Izuku’s face shatters and pain flickers to life in his eyes as he looks at you. A scarred hand reaches up and gently caresses your cheek and only then do you notice that you’re crying.
And the moment you recognise their existence, your chest heaves and you burst at the seems. The gruttal sob that leaves your lips has Izuku lunging forward and bringing you into his arms. Burying your face into his chest, you don’t try to stop what you’re feeling, and just let it run its course as you listen to him talk.
“I’m so sorry Tirza.” He repeats over and over like a mantra, softly running his hand over your hair whilst holding you close to his chest. Once your sobs cease and your tears slow do you finally trust yourself to talk.
“I missed you,” you get out, stepping out of embrace so that you can look at him properly, and gage his every reaction. If you’re going to get your heart ripped out, you’d at least like to try and see it coming.
“I missed you so much, but I couldn’t tell you. I missed you, but I was so proud and happy for you, because you were doing what you loved and even though I loved you, I didn't want to try and take you away from what you were born to do.” You try to explain, knowing you're making a mess of it all, but still trying to get it all off your chest. Izuku’s green eyes blink at you owlishly for a second, and fear enters your body for a second. But only for a second.
Because in the next, Izuku has your hand in one of his, and his lips on your own. Your eyes widen in surprise at the sudden affection, and you carefully place your hands on his shirt to push him away? To pull him closer? You’re unsure, but when he finally pulls back and looks down at you with so much adoration, your heart almost stops in your chest.
“I’m so sorry I left. I wanted to tell you how I felt back in highschool, but then I got offered a placement in the U.S. I almost didn’t take it too, but then I knew you would kick my ass if I didn’t,” Izuku rambles and you nod, knowing fully well that you would have. “And then I was going to come back after six months but they asked me to stay longer, and then I came to visit, but your mother said you hadn’t been back home since you graduated.” You cringe at the memory, knowing you hadn’t gone back because you didn’t want to be asked about him.
“But I get it.” Izuku finishes, pushing your stray hair back from your face. “It’s the same reason I went and sat on the beach when I missed home.” Because across it was you. “I’ve loved you since I was in middle school, and I’m sorry it took me so long to say it.” You let out a shocked laugh at his words, which turns into a soppy one as you grin at the man in front of you. He was home, that’s all you’d wanted, and now it was staring you in the face. Him. It had always been him.
“I love you Izuku. So so much.” You say, crying into your laughter as he joins you.
“We’re idiots for waiting this long,” He groans, leaning his head on your shoulder, and another laugh slips from your mouth, but one that actually has you smiling.
“The biggest idiots to ever live.”
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a/n: Thank you for your kind words anon, you get a big MWUAH from me :)  i didn't mean for this to have an angsty start, but oops... also i think these are getting longer and longer. Note to self, you can't write short drabbles for shit. Looks like its full length fics for me
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greatnessordeath · 3 years
Come let's watch the rain as it's falling down
Tags: mature, aged up characters, swearing, alcohol, blood, pining, Wordcount: 4.7k
Notes: As I mentioned in a earlier post: this is the first chap of my wip slow burn Bakugou x reader fic (contains Halloween snippet). The future chaps will be posted on ao3 only (i think... I dunno. I like tumblr, but im quite confused with how to post longer fics ?) So i'd be superduper happy if you swing by :) Read it on ao3
Do not repost. Minors do not interact please
Chapter 1: After work obstacles Finally it's the end of the day. The glassdoors slide shut behind you and the cool night air embraces your figure outside the hospital.
You sigh exhausted and massage your aching neck. The overtime has been piling up lately and you’re not sure if you’re still a functioning individual. You could pass as a zombie right on the spot without any further disguise. Your skin is pale, the dark circles will soon become parents to a new pair of cute baby circles and your h/c hair lacks shine.
Then so be it, you think cynical to yourself. You don't care how you look. At the risk of sounding pathetic - it's all worth it.   You work as an intern at trauma surgery. Your days are a rush. A roller coaster ride, a box of chocolates, a lottery - whatever comparison you bring up, it all leads down to one truth: you never know what awaits you. Injured civilians, hurt heroes, the daily grind of accidents and disease and on top messed up quirks. But it doesn’t matter what you get, as long as you’re able to help.
You’re not gifted with a healing quirk like many of your colleagues who pursue the same dream of becoming a doctor. Your quirk is useful to say the least, but far away from special, or powerful. Your eyes ignored the physics of light which made it possible for you to see in the dark. That's it. You wanted to make a difference for people and fortunately you didn’t need a quirk to do so.
Your breath condenses visibly in the cold outside in small white clouds. The air is crisp and you love it. It clears your head and you can practically feel the weight lifting off of your tense shoulders. Despite that, you still pull the collar of your jacket closer to your neck. You can't wait to take a hot shower, wash off the stinging smell of disease and disinfectant, and bury yourself under your covers.
You check the time only to see that - again - it’s past midnight. When your eyes pass the calendar indication on your watch, your stomach knots in discomfort. It's only two weeks till Christmas eve. Maybe everything will be easier to bear when you have to endure the judging looks of your family as a mindless zombie, who knows? You'd just have to work harder to indifferently endure her nagging questions about your personal life.
‘Wow brain. Is this everything you can come up with?’ Another deep sigh leaves your lips. ‘ No, I can't, even if I wanted to. If I work any more, I’ll fall over ,’ you think matter-of-factly.
You’re well aware that repression is a bad tactic for dealing with pent-up feelings, but you’re only human. One, so desperate to seriously consider the zombie option for a moment and indeed one who’d rather volunteer 70 hours a week to avoid the stupid family dinner.
Of course it wasn't always like that but the couple years after your graduation passed so quickly. You threw yourself into work, finally you were ready to gain practical experience, after years of drilling. You made it to an internship at a well known clinic in Musutafu and you’re more than proud to be this privileged. You want to exert, make yourself worth the job and be the best you. You pushed your limits on a regular basis.
Although you never wanted to be a hero who fights villains, you adopted the motto of the hero academy not far away. PLUS ULTRA. Never give up, move on, go beyond . You burn so hot for your goals that your own moroseness makes you cringe occasionally. But you always smile it away. Of course, the lack of time that came with working long shifts and overtime resoluted in a puny social life. Work became your life much to the dismay of your Mom. When you cautiously dropped the info that you're planning to work through Christmas completely this year your Mom had looked at you like a deer in headlights.
At least you could talk yourself out with the fact that colleagues with children were preferred. But that usually only opened the door for the next dispute. Your desire to have children. Urghhh. Your only valid desires were the regular consumption of fudgy brownies and a good fuck. You feel the urge to hit your head against a lonely street lamp as you shuffle despondently from the clinic's huge parking lot and turn right onto the main street.
You like the quiet darkness of the night. It's the opposite of the hectic everyday life in the hospital and you appreciate the change. Given to your quirk you've always been more of a night owl than an early bird. When you walk down the stairs to the subway tunnel after a few minutes, you can already hear the rumble of the train. You’re lucky to catch it without waiting. The familiar screeching of the brakes is the only sound far and wide. You are often the only person on the platform - and today is no different.
You get in and sit down at a window place. You spread out your legs in the empty compartment and your sore feet enjoy the relief a lot. You share a whole wagon with only three more people. They are typing lost in thought on their phones, listening to music or already dozing off.
You look at your sunken face in the reflection of the glass pane and can practically hear your mother's reproachful voice. Your mind wanders to your latest phone call and replays.
“Hi, how are you, hun?”
“I’m fine.”
“Well, it doesn't sound like it. ...Extra hours again?”
“Yes. My colleague caught the flu so I'm covering up for him.” A small pause stretches between you and you already know what's about to come when your Mom speaks again.
“Would you listen to me for a sec and don't throw a tantrum, kay?” Your silence is approval enough to get her going.
“Your voice always sounds so worn out when I call you and… I’m worrying. Don't you think you’d need a break, too?”
“Mom, I told you I'm just a little tired. There's no need to worry.” You try your best to sound persuasive - like always without the desired effect. “But that's what Moms do! You’re my child, so of course I worry... I mean you can't keep doing this forever. You're young and beautiful - now's the time to live! You know? You should throw yourself out there and enjoy your life instead of giving your best years away like this.” You huff at that. “Drop it, okay? I choose this life by myself. Can you please stop criticizing me every single time about it? I am not having this discussion with you again.” “Y/n. This is not about your profession. This is about you working so hard for others while ignoring your own needs. Even you have to rest at some point! Think about it, hun. How will you help others, if your own body is collapsing?”
“You’re totally going overboard. It's not like that. And the last time I checked I was completely fine with sewing people together, but don’t mind me.” You retort sarcastically with instant regret. You’ve had this so often, you stopped counting. She always manages to flip the switch and you hate yourself for the lack of control. You don’t want to escalate things so you try to backpedal. “Listen, can we please stop talking about this?“ “You’re incorrigible. Stubborn as a mule.” she determines. “Stubborn like Dad, you mean.” You wear a weary smile and a twitch pinches your heart. You know she thought about him, too, based on the sigh you hear on the other side of the phone. “At least make sure you eat properly,” her tone softened audibly. “How am I ever going to have grandchildren, if your bony ass is useless to attract a handsome doctor?” “Mom!” “What? ... Come on, don’t make a fuss.” It was meant to be a joke but it only makes you swallow uncomfortable. Those statements  of her are pressuring you, no matter how lax they were said. You sure did wish for a change of subject, but not to open the next tinderbox. “I… I need to hang up now. It was nice hearing from you.“ “Promise me to take care of yourself, alright?” You hum in agreement. “Love you, hun.” “Love you, too. Bye Mom.“ You reciprocate the empty phrase with equivalent affection.
You lean your forehead against the cold glass and take a deep breath. You don't want to think about it, you just want to go home, call it a day.
... seven more stations. Then change and four more to go. You allow yourself to zone out and watch the endless blackness of the underground pass by. There is something soothing about it and you manage to collect yourself as you close your eyes.
When the train slowly pulls into the next stop, the doors open automatically and a small breeze refreshes the musty air. You barely notice, because you’re so used to it. You’re trying to remind yourself to buy wrapping paper when you’re going to go for groceries tomorrow morning as a noise disturbs your thoughts.
Suddenly you hear loud rumbling and your eyes search confused for the origin of the commotion. A dark figure gallops breathless down the escalator to the platform at a mad pace.
Well, the trains do arrive relatively unevenly at night - facts - but to be in such a hurry seems exaggerated to you.
The guy hastily takes two steps at a time and carries a large backpack that bounces up and down. You’re left to wonder what or who he might be running off, as he dares a big jump at the end of the stairs, but terribly fails. You can see how the extra weight of the backpack affects his center of gravity so that he stumbles and hits the asphalt hard. Based on the way his foot bends under his weight, you assume he has at least a fractured ankle if not worse.
Your helper instinct is activated immediately.
In an instant you jump to your feet and hurry to the open door without hesitation when abruptly a detonation shakes the underground. An incredibly loud bang roars through the tunnel and everybody gasps in surprise as the floor vibrates slightly under their feet. Dazzling lights blind your view and you put a protective hand in front of your eyes.
'What the...?'
You get the uneasy feeling that something is wrong.
"Excuse me, may I help you?" You offer to the fella on the floor when your vision clears again.
Your question doesn't seem to get through to him. But it shakes him out of his paralyzed state. Without losing much time, the guy gets up again. With hazel eyes wide with fear, he looks back at the escalator.
With your hands reassuringly raised you take more steps towards him. "Sir? Are you hurt? I'm a med-" you try again, but are cut off by another voice.
"You can't escape me, Extra!" "Out of the way!" The backpack guy yells and rushes towards you. Is he chased by a villain? Please no!
Just as this thought buzzes through your head, a new figure appears on the platform.
You freeze when an unmistakeable spiky blonde emerges from the moving staircase and a burnt smell fills the air.
“Still tryin’ to escape me, huh,” the hero shouts and takes up the chase with his signature explosion drive.
Realization hits you hard, but it's too late. When Dynamight is the pursuer, this will logically make the other guy the criminal. ‘Shit!’ Speaking of it - realization isn’t the only thing that hits you. The delinquent pushes you aside with a pained expression to get in the subway and you hit the ground. White dots explode in front of your eyes as the pain shoots through your head. The impact is so hard it even drives the air out of your lungs. You’re conscious but you feel strangely foreign in your own body. ‘What’s wrong with me? My natural reflexes did nothing! Wait… I can't move!’
You grimace with strain or at least you try to but your muscles won’t obey. ‘ Did he use his quirk on me?’ You can only speculate.
Out of the corner of your eye you can see how Dynamight's silhouette hurries past you.
"Eijiro ...!" He shouts urgently as his fiery eyes flicker over you for a split second.
"Yes! Go get him, Katsuki!" screams the redhead in response.
You didn't recognize another hero entering the subway. It must have slipped your attention as you were caught up with the whole situation. Red Riot kneels down by your side and looks you up and down for injuries. “Don’t worry, you’re safe now. Did he touch you?” You try to stir again, but every inch of your sore body feels so incredibly heavy. The pinky finger doesn't even twitch when you try to move it.
“… ca … n't m ...ove”, you choke out with wide eyes. His gaze softens and his kind eyes look at you knowingly. “Ah, thought so. It’ll be alright. He used his quirk on you. We assume he can paralyze people. But it won’t last long.” He tries his best to keep you calm. “Everybody get off NOW!” Dynamight barks in his usual grim voice and it echoes painfully in your head. You try to look out for him, but your field of view is too limited - and you’re petrified anyway. The few passengers shuffle out of the train immediately with angsty faces.
Red Riot takes charge and directs them to gather in a safe distance to the potential danger zone. He advises them to wait and faces you again. “You can’t stay here. I have to pick you up.” “Goo h… heel ...lllp ‘im?” Your eyes dart to the train again. “Trust me, this is a pushover.” He smiles genuinely, “I'd like to have you safe, just in case.”
You don’t protest because you can’t. The way he picks you up makes you blush lightly. Being carried bridal style by a stranger stirs something in you. The warmth of his bare chest is welcoming, the sensible heartbeat soothing against your torso. He's a hero - probably doing these kinds of things on a daily basis and albeit his very respectful touch, you feel silly. Hanging in his arms like a sack of spuds isn’t exactly how you like to picture yourself. “Ah shit. You’re bleeding.” He states concerned as soon as he notices the small red blotch on the back of your head.
A faint waft of hair gel tingles your nose, as he sits you down on a bench. He tugs at you to make sure you won’t fall. “Let me have a closer look…” He examines your wound diligently and smiles at ease. “You’re lucky. it's nothing but a scratch.”
He basically radiates off pure safety with his gentle behaviour. You do feel taken care of and it's nice in a way. But what bothers you, is the mere but heavy fact, that you’re absolutely helpless. You hate it. You don’t want to cause someone else trouble and the loss of control makes you uncomfortable.
“I suggest that you consistently try to move a finger so you won’t miss the end of the paralysis.” He says assuringly.
How the hell can he be as cool as ice while his partner is having a serious mission? What if something unexpected happens? What if-
He laughs at you and questing faces turn in your direction. “Your brows are already knitting again, I can tell it won’t take much longer.” “With all due respect, Sir, how can you stand here laughing and let your colleague fight all alone?” An older man basically voices your thoughts. You would have picked your words more sensitive, because as soon as it's spoken it appears a rude question. But the redheads' smile only widens. “That's easy. Because I trust him.” The small group of civilians including your muted self react startled. It's not uncommon for heroes to split tasks, but still... “Hm. What’s wrong with helping him anyway?” “See, he trusts me, too. He fights preferably when he doesn't have to worry about the safety of people who may be at risk. This is the best way for him to focus on the villains. My quirk is hardening, which I can use to ward off any harm they might be throwing at us. By getting you out of the line, Dynamight has the best starting point to apprehend the villain. As far as we know, this guys’ quirk requires a melee situation with body contact and Dynamight - unlike me - benefits from this. So we’re using this to our advantage. Plus, we’re at a dead end. He has nowhere to go and I think he hurt his ankle when he jumped the staircase earlier. So this is no real match up, believe me.” There is definitely some truth to his words. But you can’t help but wonder about his confidence. “Nevertheless, please stay behind me at any cost and be aware of the ones around you until this is over.” Fortunately enough it seemed like the guy - you refuse to call him a villain - didn’t want to harm people in the first place. Yes, he pushed you, but only because you were standing in his way. He appealed insecure, even scared, not coldblooded or calculating. God knows hurting people wasn’t his main goal. He must have been pretty desperate for an escape if he thought a subway appeared to be a good idea - with two heroes right on his ass. Obviously one doesn't plan on getting caught, when about to commit a crime, you guess. You don’t know enough to judge... Maybe opportunity made the thief in this case. You sit and wonder, only vaguely paying attention to what happens in the subway. The wagon with Dynamight is at least 50 metres away from you and it's unlikely silent. Naturally he can’t just blow up the train in order to catch the guy, but you can’t really picture him talk him out otherwise. ...It has been a long time since you were so close to a heroic operation, let alone be involved in the middle of it as a “victim”. Whenever you catch a glimpse of him in between people your heartbeat accelerates. He still is as hot as ever - if not hotter. He wears the fucking crown out of self-confidence with even more ease. The years made him broader, steps dripping of assurance, clear-cut features handsome as ever with those sharp crimson eyes. Dynamight … why he of all people? Like an old friend, a notable memory visits you again. You only remember fragments of that evening, except this one encounter. You can see it crystal clear as if it was yesterday. Back then, you were in med school and you had passed an important exam the day before. You had promised your brother that the two of you would go out together like in the old days. It was fun. At least for you. To this day your brother teases you about it and you can’t help but blush every time when he mockingly rants how shameless you’ve been.
Halloween eve, years ago
There's heroes and villains everywhere. It's not as packed as it was a few hours ago, but still the streets were roamed by many people. Despite Halloween being supposed to be creepy, most people plainly dressed up as their favorite heroes instead of villains. So a hero's popularity was pretty much measured by how many doppelgangers were walking around.
Needless to say, All Might fans dominated the street scene, totally refusing Endeavor as new Number One Hero. Bakugou saw loads of Froppys among the kids earlier that day. Even dumb Pickachu had fans. Seems like they’re making the best of the provisional license so far.
Unlike his colleagues, Bakugou savours the privilege of his rather bad image. People always hold a fair distance to Dynamight when he's patrolling. Especially on Halloween - nobody wanted to be the idiot who got explosions in their face for mistaking him for a clad friend. It felt inequitable. He was trying to improve his temper - but hands down - he got a long way to go. On the other side he was happy that there would be no pesky fan disturbances like selfies, autographs and chitchat.
Anyways, here he is now, walking the streets with drunk All Mights stumbling home from their night out. The smell of sugar, booze and happy chatter of the people enjoying themselves filled the chilly autumn air.
Bakugou can't help but think of the perfect cover this night would provide for crime. It would be so easy to dress up as literally anyone and hide their real identity. Piece of cake to get lost in the crowd with dozens of doubles, an opportunity he sure wouldn’t let pass if he were a villain.
Because the agencies are aware of that fact, too, they would double the patrols around Halloween. So he won’t let his guard down, even if there were only a few minutes of his shift left.
He continues to observantly strives the streets, always side eying the darker alleys, left behind candy cracking under his soles, as-
“Oh my god, look at you!” someone exclaimed loudly in front of him. In a split second his crimson eyes shift to the source of the sound.
Hawks and Shoto were standing arm in arm in front of him. Hawks had one gloved hand tightly wrapped around Shotos waist and he obviously had trouble balancing their extra weight. Red fluffy plush wings were strapped on his back and the eyeliner was on fleek. With the glasses and an ocher coat it all came together to a solid costume.
IcyHot on the other hand, was way too curvy to match the original. Bakugou could see h/c hair peek out underneath the heterochromatic wig and slender limbs being hugged perfectly in the familiar blue suit. The smile Fem-Shoto threw at him was somehow contagious.
You broke away from Hawks and staggered towards him with shaky knees. Of course you slipped and in a quick reflex Bakugou stretched out his arms to prevent you from falling.
You giggled at that and looked at him in awe. The orangey light of the street lamps gave his ashy hair a saintly halo. You shamelessly took him in and your eyes lingered disrespectfully long on his bare biceps. He halfway expects you to stretch out a hand and stiffens slightly at the thought.
“That's by far the best costume I’ve seen today”, you blurt out, “I swear, Dynamight is sooo hot! Could blow me up any time~”
Bakugou was caught by surprise and lifted a sceptical brow at the statement.
“Shushhh Onee-chan, you’re embarrassing,” whined Hawks with a hand on his neck. ”Come on now, I’ve gotta get you home somehow.”
You weren’t listening at all and grabbed one of his gauntlets to examine it closely.
“Wow, how’d you get them so realistic?” you asked with big eyes full of admiration.
“Oi hands off, Half’n’Half!” he growled dismissively. Resolute but careful not to make you trip again he drew them from your hands.
“Sooo mean~”
“Tch”, he clicked his tongue at you annoyingly.
You lifted your gaze and met his piercing eyes. He noticed your dilated pupils and the familiar smell of beer and smoke radiating off of your clothes. Your cheeks were rosy and glowing, the e/c of your eyes standing out to the red paint on your face.
“Damn you really take this shit seriously, do you? You into roleplay or somethin’?”
“Jeez, y/n stop it!!! I’m so, so sorry…” said the Hawksguy in an apologizing manner shifting his feet in discomfort but not daring to come any nearer to Bakugou. At least he seemed sober enough to recognise him.
"Don’t tell me what to do!” you snapped angry at what appears to be your younger brother and Bakugou bites back a grin hearing one of his standard answers out of your pretty mouth.
As if you were only realising now that Bakugou was still holding you, you straightened your back and made the attempt to stand on your own. Neither your heels nor your knees seem reliable, but you were sticking out your chest confidently.
“I'm sure handsome over here would say something if I'm overstepping the bounds, right?”
You throw him your best charming smile, boldly laying a hand on his broad chest leaving him startled about your straightforwardness.
There was no denying that you were indeed buzzed … and going for it.
But albeit pretty privilege, he couldn’t let you touch him like this. The last thing he wanted was involuntarily taking advantage of your situation.
“Excuse me Shoto, but this is inappropriate for me in public,” he answers with a playful grin and removes your hand.
“Huh? And beating my ass at the sports festival in our first year wasn’t or what?” You retort with raised brows and a challenging grin. You lean in close and whisper in a low voice “We both know you wouldn't stand a chance against me now~”
Goosebumps erupt in his neck where a hint of your breath tickles his skin.
‘I kind of wanna give it a shot just to see you fail’ , he thinks to himself and enhances the effort to keep his gaze neutral.
Meanwhile Hawks face was a solid beet red and he was visibly at unease about what to do about the fact that his sister was blatantly obvious flirting with frickin Dynamight.
He desperately bowed a full ninety degrees and repeated his apologies. “God, no! Honestly I’m so sorry she’s …” he wildly gestures in your direction in a loss for words ”like this. It's my fault she's had too much. I was going to bring her home anyway. I'm sorry if we caused you trouble.”
“Nugget, I can hear you! You’re so rude!” You turned swaying to your brother and raised your forefinger in a lecturing manner. “I'm the older one and I am fully responsibly aware of my limits. So would you please just shut up when I'm trying to make a move here. You're supposed to be my wingman !”
Bakugou snorts amused at the awful pun and apparently Hawks looked like he could compete against Aizawa in an I-don’t-get-paid-enough-for-this-crap-staring-contest.
After a  moment of silence it's you who addresses Bakugou again: ”Soooo, what are you up to in a more private setting, Boomboy?”
Before he could answer, Hawks steps in and grabs you by the hand.
“I can’t believe you’re making me do this. If you were responsibly aware like you say, you would’ve recognised him. Just let him be, baka.”
You tried to laugh him off, but the seriousness in his voice lets your happy-drunk confidence falter. “I - I would have… recog...nised…” your eyes flicker from Bakugou to Hawks as realization finally hits your brain.
You blink multiple times. “Oh.”
The grin on Dynamights face splits further as your cheeks begin to bloom in a scarlet hue. “I… “ You squirm to find words but not a single tone leaves your lips. He thinks it's adorable and watches how you let yourself be pulled away. You don't fight back anymore.
“My pleasure, Shoto. I hope you get home safely.” He emphasizes ‘Shoto’ in a way that makes your stomach drop to your knees and you turn to face him.
“It's Y/n. And I stick to my words...”, you bite your bottom lip and your expression is a flustered mess. “...Dynamight is the hottest.” You grin sinisterly over your shoulder as your figures slowly disappear behind a flock of people.
The last thing Bakugou can hear is the protest of your brother.
“-- I swear I'm never going to make you pancakes ever again if you don't stop simping right now!”
“What is your goddamn problem, Nugget? You know, sometimes I wonder how you manage to walk with this massive branch up your ass.”
*smack* “Ouch! Hahaha”
--- Whenever you remember this night, a lewd smile sneaks its way to your face. Yes, you were shameless but you didn’t regret anything. You had spent countless evenings imagining what could have been. Who would have expected you to run into Dynamight? To your own demise you catch yourself regretting what you thought earlier about your zombie appearance. You suddenly wish you wouldn’t have been too lazy to do a touch up on your makeup. Seconds pass and you shrug off the awful shallow thought. Now is obviously not the time to be a thirsty bitch. It takes you a moment to notice that your shoulder blades actually lifted. Awestruck you feel a strange tingling washing over you. Your whole body feels like it's dipped in a buzzing beehive. The prickling fights back the cool numbness and you gasp in joy as your muscles obey you again. You luckily wiggle your toes as the last bit of stiffness disappears. You stand up to the small group of bystanders, but your blood circulation is still slow. Your knees threaten to give in, but a sturdy arm helps you stand. “Whoa, you okay already?” “Yeah, at least I thought so.” You slyly try a pressed smile to the observant redhead. “Good. Do me a favor and take it easy, okay? You should let the emergency doc check you for a concussion later.” “I probably should.” You close your eyes to fight back the spinning of your head. “You sure you’re okay?” “Ah yes. It just took me a moment, but I'm fine. Thank god this is over.” You sigh with relief, as you regain your composure and detach from the hero. “Screw god and rather thank me!”
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honest feelings, come on give us all your honest feelings for each of the Todoroki family members? your negative thoughts and positive thoughts on them? what you want for them by the end?
Hi anon 😊 I think I have done something similar to this 🤔, but I can’t remember and I ain’t scrolling through my tags to see. So I will answer your ask with my thoughts and opinions!
Dabi/Touya Todoroki - Love him adore him he’s as I call him sometimes my blue flames bearing boy! Dabi’s character is very interesting to me, as is his family storyline(it’s also been the bane of my life too) and the mysterious of how he survived is interesting to me too. I have to know how did he survive? What did he do for all those years? Also I have told this story before, but Dabi is the very reason I started watching the anime and reading the manga. Saw him and he caught my eye alongside his theory, and well it went from there. I only have one complaint as of right now, and that’s there are not enough pictures of baby him 😤 baby Touya is so cute, he was such a pretty boy!
Shouto Todoroki - Shouto kind of didn’t steal my heart completely until like the sports festival, I still cringe slightly at his old hero costume because it was so ugly 😭! My boy had this whole terminator look going on, and I just….didn’t vibe with it! I would love to have his quirk, I mean admittedly if I had to choose who’s quirk I would have in BNHA. I would choose Bakugou’s, but Shouto’s comes in a close second! So, Shouto’s family story is such an interesting plot line of BNHA, and Shouto perspective is enjoyable. I’m really enjoying his journey in becoming the type of person and hero he wants to be, a hero that reassures people. I am also really proud of him, he’s come so far with everything and he has struggled with his fire but he’s slowly embracing it. The only complaint I have with Shouto is just the same with Dabi/Touya is that I want more baby Shouto pic, and toddler pics but one where he’s not looking like he’s trying to do his best Stewie Griffin impression.
Natsuo Todoroki & Fuyumi Todoroki - These two don’t have the same attention as Shouto, Dabi/Touya and Endeavor, but I adore them both. Especially Natsuo as I relate to him a bit! I have two complaints with them though, the first one being once again give me more baby pics Horikoshi I beg 😭, and two I hate how it’s either Natsuo’s trauma or Fuyumi’s trauma that gets invalidated as of lately!(Touya’s too but I should have put that under Dabi/Touya’s paragraph 😅)
Rei Todoroki - I honestly can’t really give a good idea on what I feel for Rei, like I sympathise and empathise with her but I can put my finger on what I feel about her. I guess it’s a neutral feeling, like a “eh she’s there” kind of feeling. I honestly don’t know what I feel about Rei, I guess that’s down to her not having many moments 🤷‍♀️.
Endeavor/Enji Todoroki - I think I have made this very clear over many MANY posts, but here I go….I hate him! I absolutely hate him, and sure it’s great that he’s trying to atone but meh I still dislike him! 301-302 did nothing to quench that feeling either, in fact it somewhat deepened it especially when I look at that panel. Where he’s towering over a fallen Rei and a 5yr old Shouto, and baby Shouto’s screaming at him to stop. A toddler should not be put in that situation, but he was so that’s saddening 😭. I very clearly have mostly negative thoughts on him, and I don’t think I actually have any positive thoughts on him. I mean I guess not wanting him to die is quite a positive thought, and I do have a moment in the manga which could count….maybe 🤷‍♀️. So obviously we all know that Izuku has a habit of mumbling and freaking everyone out, but during the introduction of the Endeavor agency arc. Izuku did his thing and Endeavor understood him, so that made my day but I don’t know if that counts because I was more happy for Izuku than anyone else 😅!
There ya go that’s my thoughts on each Todoroki family member, and to answer the last question. What ending do I want for them, well truthfully I just want happiness for the siblings. I hate to admit it but they’re all I care about really, so happiness for the Todoroki siblings!
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Summary: There was a process to every solution.
And while Cid was aware of one particular solution he so dearly wished to attain, the process was simply too formidable to even attempt:
To confess his feelings to Maria, the Warrior of Light.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: WoL!OC/Cid
---------------- Cid regretted ever fixing that damn kettle.
While doing so finally got the whinging pursed lips of Nero to finally hush up so he could hone his focus upon Garlond Ironworks’ current endeavor of seeking out Omega, the repair of the Mark XIV Thermocoil Boilmaster only served to give his lifelong rival all the opportunity to cozy up to the very person that Cid wanted him to stay the furthest away from.
Or attempt to at least.
A personality utterly kind and demure, eyes grey like rain clouds on a cozy morning, soft and silken locks of gold that cascaded to the middle of her back, a mind so brilliant and witty.
Eorzea’s Warrior of Light, but his own precious weakness.
She was Maria and oh how his heart yearned for her.
All while his eyes bore holes into the ground beneath which Nero stood every time he approached her with a mischievous glint in his eyes and an arrogant smirk on his face.
While Cid was more than overjoyed to see Maria fix herself a cup of tea during the lulls between endeavors in the Datascape, whenever she went to pour herself a drink, Nero was sure to be trailing after her, going on about superior blends in Garlemald and how he was more than ready to show her the breadth of his refined palate.
His intentions were clear.
And though Cid was ever prepared to step in as need be to keep Nero from pestering her further, the crux of the underlying issue in face of all this remained present in place:
His own feelings for Maria.
If the situation called for it, he could easily give a fully articulated lecture on the Allagans while inebriated to the point he was face planted on the floor in a drunken and naked slump right in the middle of Sapphire Avenue during peak Starlight shopping season.
But to confess how he genuinely felt about the woman who captivated him so dearly, who inspired him to go beyond any boundary?
The thought of risking the friendship that he treasured with her like nothing else was enough to push him to drink.
After all, with how often that the world relied on her strength to help defend it, he was protective of her--even lamenting that time he jokingly declared his need for her mainly due to her usefulness while he was guiding her through the tumultuous depths of The Praetorium.
Yet with the aftermath of that infamous night in Ul’dah and her subsequent escape to Ishgard, it was then that he began to realize that his fondness for her went beyond mere allies, mere friends.
This was made apparent the moment they were properly reunited after her far too close encounter with the Vundu at the Sea of Clouds, having successfully escaped pursuit by the Bismarck.
What with the way he could not hold himself back from taking her into his arms, hugging her close as all tension within his body was swiftly relieved as he took her in.
Her presence, her scent, her adorably surprised stammers as he embraced her right in front of Hauchefant and Emmanellain.
Along with Wedge and Biggs, with the former letting out a startled “Chief--!” while the other released the hearty chuckle of “Aye boss, demonstration of affection’s handled a whole lot differently in Ishgard, you know!”
For all his intentions to never let her go from the moment he feared the worst upon her disappearance, he was ever quick to relinquish her, a faint dust of pink spreading across his cheeks.
Cid was thankful that she didn’t seem to catch onto Biggs’s cheeky remark, looking so gorgeously flustered more so from his sudden embrace, despite her attempts to look composed in light of their reunion.
And it was from then on that he happily took his place within her journey, whether physically together during their attempts to thwart the return of Alexander, or when they were apart and remained joined together by way of letter or linkpearl.
To hear her say or see his name in her handwriting was a joy that could not ever be replicated by anything else.
As a pursuer of knowledge, he had to abide by what was factual.
There was no denying of his longing for Maria.
Not while he had Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie chiming in to ask if he had been talking to her whenever they handed her letters to him with knowing smiles on their faces.
And now, with Maria dedicating her time and effort to assist him and the rest of Garlond Ironworks with Omega’s ongoing trials, he could feel his heart welling with his increasingly overwhelming desire to express how he felt.
It was just only more irritating that Nero had stoked the flames by his pompous ways, of which left plenty on Cid’s mind, especially with the completion of the first gambit of battles under Omega’s watch and the return to Rhalgr’s Reach for some needed rest and recuperation.
Though, relaxation was in the furthest corner of his mind, whether by the mystery of Omega’s intentions or his current predicament of his feelings towards Maria.
With the hour late, rather than try to force himself back to sleep within the sleeping quarters set aside for Garlond Ironworks, he thought a walk around the now quiet compound would serve him better instead.
A change between sleeping clothes to a light shirt and a pair of pants--more suitable for the arid Ala Mhigan weather.
There was a small grin on his face as he emerged from the sleeping area.
Already he could hear Maria’s voice of exasperated curiosity with the inquiry of “How are you not evaporating?” whenever she saw his usual day to day attire.
Yet the voice that was in his head was heard by his very ears as he entered the common area that led out to the rest of Western Rhalgr’s Reach.
Seated at one of the communal tables was none other than Maria, her expression curious and mug in her hands steaming, all while the Mark XIV Thermocoil Boilmaster presided by her on the tabletop.
The gods may toy but sometimes their mischief was simply too much.
His heart aflutter and his grin widening, Cid approached where Maria was sitting. “Well now, someone’s up late.”
The corners of her mouth quirked into a small smile as she proceeded to take a sip. “I see it as being up early.”
But though her tone was jovial and her expression relaxed, there was a distant look in her eye that signified a preoccupation.
He knew that look.
“I see--though, a warrior like yourself ought to get her rest, no?” Pulling out the chair beside her, he proceeded to take a seat, all while his grey eyes gazed towards her with concern. “Tell me, what keeps you up on this good night, Maria?”
While it was often joked that Cid was married to the pursuit of knowledge, he liked to think that his devotion to his studies made him especially perceptive of properly assessing emotion.
For surely, who else happily devoted one’s efforts to knowing so much of Maria such as he?
It was then that she set her mug down on the table.
Just before she turned towards him, her lips forming into a pout.
A pout he so dearly wished to kiss.
Huffing, she remarked as her arms folded over her chest, “Are we speaking about the general burden of being the go-to person for everyone’s dilemma, or that Nero is getting under my skin again? Take your pick.”
No words in modern and/or Allagan vernacular could fully describe the relief that washed over Cid’s body.
Still, always wishing for her to be at peace, he responded in turn with a sympathetic grin as he chuckled, “Ahh, one of those pesky reasons to stay up. What has our comrade in reluctant arms done this time?”
Maria turned her attention towards her mug on the table.
Her favorite one of the Garlond Ironworks’s collection, which Cid always made sure to have on hand whenever she was working alongside them.
Though many thoughts were swirling in her mind at this very moment--especially with Cid sitting right beside at an otherwise romantic hour--she continued as disdain intertwined itself with each word she spoke, “Earlier, Nero insisted that I try his cup of tea, and right when I did, he started gloating about an indirect kiss.”
If the thought of Maria’s voice energized his soul to go on a walk at such a late time, the mere utterance of Nero thinking himself to be so charming he could think to flirt in such a way made the inklings of a migraine begin to form within Cid’s head.
With her body visibly cringing at the recollection, the late hour had her lamenting out loud, “Is every brilliant mind from Galemand as big of a pompous know-it-all like him?”
“Well I like to think of myself as a humble servant to the majesty of study,” Cid teased with a shrug.
Setting her cheek against her palm while her elbow set upon the table, she remarked with a shake of her head, “You’re the exception.”
Cid had to wonder if he just gulped down a mug of tea himself with the rush of heat that suddenly surged through his chest. He let out another laugh, richer, deeper. “I take it that you’re not as keen to receive Nero’s odd attempts at courting?”
Maria’s eyes closed as she groaned at the thought, “I’d rather kiss the floor of the Gold Saucer during the summer season.”
“Then, would you prefer a kiss from elsewhere…?”
And then her eyelids fluttered open.
The lightheartedness in Cid’s tone had subsided into one of sincerity, as matched by the look in his eyes while he peered directly towards her.
Though unsure of how to feel or proceed, everything within her body encouraged her to step forward towards what she had yearned for so long.
And so, ever shyly but with her eyes gazing right into his, she murmured, “...If it must come from elsewhere, it can only come from one person.”
His breath caught in his throat. “‘One person…?’”
Her face grew warm from embarrassment. “I think you can figure it out, humble servant to the majesty of study.
Cid couldn’t resist from gasping with delight. “Gods Maria--”
His hands swiftly cupped her cheeks and their mouths met for a long awaited kiss, the warmth of the tea on her lips making them both melt further into their connection.
Her arms wrapped around his neck, bringing the two of them closer. 
It was yearning now fulfilled, a flood of long withheld affection bursting forth, a craving for one another looking to be satisfied, to be changed from midnight fantasy to joyful fruition.
Kisses once shy and careful turned earnest and heated, tongues stumbling against one another as hands groped with need.
Were it not knowing her penchant for reservation, he would have ravaged her right then and there at the commons table.
Instead, he opted to lift her up into a carry, her arms and legs hugging around his shoulders and waist as he hurriedly brought her back to his quarters, his walk and her tea forgotten.
Surely, this had to be a dream in some way, no?
But as her back fell upon his mattress, as their hands continued to undress and feel each other as physical confirmation that what was occurring was very much real, the joys of the present couldn’t have been more sweet.
And how Cid savored her moans like that of an addictive confection.
Even without trying to be mindful of others at this late hour, Maria stifled her moans out of shyness, all while her back arched into warmth of Cid’s lips as they kissed over her dribbling core, the bristles of his facial hair scratching against her quivering as he eagerly lapped his tongue along her slit with long and indulgent strokes.
Though, she couldn’t quite be as quiet when she was eventually seated on his lap, her face buried into his shoulder as she rode his cock, all while one of his big sturdy hands held onto her hip while the other fondled her ass, guiding her up and down the length of his thick dick at a brisk pace.
This provided an ample opportunity to plant his lips along the crook of her neck, gentle suckles leaving red marks in their wake.
While he knew that Maria would do everything in her power to understandably cover up, the thought of Nero thinking twice to pursue her while seeing the marks on her neck was satisfying.
But nowhere near as satisfying as feeling the muffled whimpers of his name from her lips against his skin, the hot and slippery confines of her slick walls squeezing around his cock, up until they reached their orgasms with her core clamping onto his dick and his seed flooding inside her in a lascivious, scorching burst.
Much like as they began, they ended with their lips on one another’s yet again as they fell back onto his mattress, joined together now by their arms embracing one another, fingers intertwining, his lips against her temple, her head nestling upon the sturdiness of his chest.
Though they would have much to fully confide and earnestly convey once their bodies were properly rested, both Cid and Maria were relieved, their hearts feeling warm.
Far warmer than any brewed cup of tea.
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amishfruit · 3 years
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Lady Of The Lake, Chapter One: Wade
pairings: fakir/ahiru, background mytho/rue
word count: 7048
on ao3
A young woman comes out of the lake one day mid summer, walking into town completely nude, long ginger hair falling in waves over her petite frame. Her wide blue eyes blink naively back at the stunned people milling about. It doesn’t take long for someone to provide her with a blanket to cover herself with and later clothes once they’ve gotten somewhere safe to dress.
Once the initial shock wears off a bit, the woman observes the space she has been welcomed into. She sits on a bed dressed with a soft purple duvet and a pleasant assortment of pillows. It is simple but elegant, the walls were left mostly bare, but the sweet collection of knick knacks more than made up for it. The clothes she's wearing now were given to her off a rack by the bed, where a modest number of dresses hung. She finally turns to the friend who had invited her into their room and attempts to speak, at first nothing but a strangled call comes out but after clearing her throat she begins again. “Thank you.” she meets eyes with them earnestly, “for helping a stranger.”
The person across from her flushes lightly, seated on a stool in front of a small vanity.
Tucking a strand of their long black hair that had fallen out of a lovely ribbon behind their ear, they answer. “You’re very welcome, though I don't think we are truly strangers anymore.” Their voice is gentle and light, but there is a playful glint in their grey eyes and the woman of the lake realizes she is being teased.
Her cheeks heat, but she knows it is not malicious. “You're right, we aren't strangers.” She huffs a small laugh, “though i do not know your name, i am..” her face falls momentarily as she struggles to remember, but it comes to her in time. “Ahiru. my name is Ahiru.”
Her new friend smiles beautifully in response, rosy lips contrasting against their pale unmarred skin. “A lovely name, I am Raetsel.” A pause, “..forgive me if this is rude, but why, or, how did you walk out of the lake today? Where do you come from? Also, are you alright?” it all comes out in one breath and Raetsel gnaws on her lip anxiously once she finishes.
Ahiru smiles a small, sad smile, blue eyes seeming to dim. “I don't remember..I cannot answer even one of your questions, Raetsel. I only know my name.”
Raetsel leans forward delicately, concerned. “You don't need to answer me Ahiru, i'm sorry to have upset you.” She grasps ahirus hand in hers and gives an encouraging squeeze.
This seems to warm Ahiru who lifts their joined hands and leans forward to embrace her new friend. “I think I am alright.”
The sun was just at its highest when she had risen from the lake and after a very eventful few hours of awareness, she finds herself quite hungry and tired. Raetsal hears her stomach growl and laughs, leading her to the kitchen and informing her that it is time for supper. Upon entering, Ahiru wakes up a bit in response to the wonderful smell coming from the stove. She follows and sits next to Raetsel at the table, there is an extra setting next to her. Before she can ask, the smell gets closer and stronger and she can't suppress a delighted sound as her nose chases the scent. Opening her eyes after a particularly deep sniff she is met with the sight of a tall, handsome stranger. Their skin is a deep olive shade and it compliments their dark green hair beautifully. Like Raetsel, a few locks of shorter hair fall out of a low ponytail that reaches down to the middle of their back, the ribbon tying their hair in place is simple and not as decorative as Raetsel’s, but it has its own charm. Their face is stoic, thick eyebrows resting low over their sharp green eyes. They turn to the side a bit and Ahiru admires their strong profile, a strong nose is the most noticeable feature from this angle, long and curved down with a high bridge that flows into sharp brow bones. Their jaw is square and defined, but their neck and shoulders are more lithe than she expects. There is clear strength in their arms but they maintain a lean figure that holds a surprising level of grace.
They turn to ahiru with a quizzical expression, lips twisting before they decide to speak. “I take it you are the lady from the lake?” Their voice is rich and low, quiet but stern.
She nods slowly, “yes, i am Ahiru. Thank you for allowing me into your home.”
The stranger sets a plate of food in front of Raetsel, and then another in front of her giving a noncommittal grunt. “Mm. I’m Fakir, am I correct in assuming Raetsel has already introduced herself?”
Ahiru smiles, “yes, she has been very kind to me.”
Fakir looks at Raetsel, searching for something in her face that he seems to find. He nods to himself, sitting down next to Ahiru. “I hope the food is acceptable to you.”
She grins, “it smells delightful, I have no doubts I will enjoy it.”
He flushes a bit at this, fidgeting with the rolled up sleeves of his white linen button up.
Raetsel laughs lightly, “Please excuse my brother dear Ahiru, he is not accustomed to company.” She leans closer to Ahiru and continues in a conspiratorial tone, “Especially not company as kind and lovely as yourself.” She ends it with a wink, laughing as fakir chokes slightly on his food and flushes red.
Ahiru, for her part, is just as embarrassed and is very sure her face has turned the same color as her hair. Rather than trying to respond, she stuffs a bite of the meal into her mouth, quickly forgetting her own embarrassment as she tastes things she has never tasted before. “Oh!’ She exclaims after swallowing, “this is so good!”
Raetsel hums her agreement, “Fakir is a talented cook, most of his ingredients come from the garden out back as many of them are not commonly used in this town.”
Fakir seems to be pointedly ignoring the conversation, focusing on his plate and pretending not to notice how his ears are burning.
Ahiru turns to him, “where did you learn to cook like this?” She asks earnestly.
He seems surprised at being directly addressed but he swallows and clears his throat, looking to Raetsel for help but eventually realizing he cannot avoid the question. “I taught myself.” he meets her eyes and looks away quickly.
Raetsel, satisfied that she has tortured him enough for one night, fills in the blanks. “Fakir came here as a very young boy from a place far away, there are spices and herbs from his home that aren’t commonly used here and when my mother took him in she provided him with many books about his culture, though the food is what turned out to be most important to him.” She smiles at her adoptive brother, who’s embarrassment seems to have faded if only slightly. “He has been cooking for our family ever since.”
Ahiru is very impressed, taking a moment to look at Fakir with appreciation. He pointedly ignores her stare and lets his bangs fall forward to shield his eyes.
They finish the rest of their meal with minimal conversation, both of the women respecting Fakirs clear desire for the topic to be dropped. When every plate has been cleared, Ahiru offers to clean them up. Raetsel quirks a brow at her and asks if she has ever actually washed a dish before.
Ahiru rubs the back of her neck, “well I.. don’t remember if I have.” Fakir seems surprised at her response and she avoids eye contact with both of them, “but it can’t be that hard! I remembered that they needed to be cleaned, right? I’m sure I can figure it out!” She is so passionate that Raetsel chooses not to question her further, but she does accompany the tiny woman into their kitchen and watches over her as she carefully cleans and dries each dish. Fakir joins them in the kitchen, quietly putting away ingredients and tools that he had used to cook their meal, when he is done he bids them both farewell and retreats to his room.
“I hope he hasn’t put you off.” Raetsel comments, showing Ahiru where she can hang the dish rag.
Ahiru shakes her head, “not at all! The food was so delicious, he is very skilled.”
Raetsel is amused, “you didn’t find him rude?”
Confused, Ahiru tilts her head to the side. “Why would i? He fed me.. that was very kind.”
Raetsel smiles, “you have a very open heart, many of the townspeople have issues with him. He's just a bit too blunt..” she puffs out a breath, “sometimes they misunderstand him, and he gets frustrated.”
Ahiru nods sadly, “I would too.”
Raetsel seems surprised at this answer at first, before settling into a very pleased disposition. “You are really something new Ahiru.”
The aforementioned lady blushes softly and straightens up. “T-thank you Raetsal.” She ducks her head in a miniature bow.
“Come dear, I’ll show you your room.”
Once she gets settled and bids goodnight to her host, Ahiru takes a moment to breathe. Slow, in and out. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with, well everything that had happened in the day, she wishes to braid her hair, dress down and sleep. In the room Raetsel provided to her there is a vanity, and on top ribbons and a wide tooth comb. Ahiru smiles at the thoughtful touch and carefully undresses, mindful of her steps so that she does not damage Raetsels’ lovely dress. She hangs it on a hook by the door, removing her socks and leaving her chemise on, remembering the earlier incident and cringing at herself. Next, she sits on the vanity stool and takes the comb carefully, starting at the ends of her long hair and working her way up slowly. Once all the tangles are gone she separates it into three sections and plaits in a simple pattern. She hums as she does this, a tune she knows and loves, something comforting. At the end of her hair, she ties a thick satin ribbon into a bow and tucks herself into the comfortable twin bed.
She is on the lake, dancing mournfully by herself. In the distance, she sees a royal couple performing a grand pas de deux. They only have eyes for each other, and she dearly loves them both. Her steps don’t falter with her sorrow, she only dances more freely, allowing her tears to fall as she lifts herself up into the air. The foggy air grows dark and eventually she realizes she’s alone, the prince and princess are gone and everything is quiet except for the sound of her own crying as she falls into the lake.
She wakes with a start, the grief in her chest real and heavy, cheeks wet. Deep breaths in, and out. Again, until she feels ready to open her eyes. The sun is rising, shining soft light on her face and the pain from her dream eases slightly. She sits up, donning her socks once more and making her way to the window and leans on the sill, observing the small flock of birds on a neighboring roof. Soon Ahiru is able to put the nightmare out of her mind, and the sun gets higher so she dresses once again, at first struggling to fasten things by herself but figuring it out through trial and error. Her braid is a mess from tossing and turning, so she sets to combing her hair out once more and choosing to do two braids today, parts it all down the middle. Her fingers are quick and nimble and she picks a set of wide gray ribbons to match her dress. Once she is ready, she makes her way back into the kitchen, hoping she hasn’t woken up too early.
At the stove once again, Fakir doesn’t notice her right away, continuing to add ingredients and muttering quietly to himself on occasion.
Ahiru chooses to sit down rather than interrupt, leaning on her palm and watching him as he works. His shoulders are wide but she can see how narrow his waist is, emphasized by the plain apron he wears. Fortunately, she catches herself as her gaze wanders lower and her eyes snap back up to his hands. They are large and clearly strong, but he handles everything he holds so gently. Ahiru wonders if she would ever want to see the strength in those hands used rather than controlled, and she cannot decide. Lost in thought, and busy staring a hole into fakir, she doesn’t see Raetsel come in.
“Oh ahiru! You look lovely this morning!”
She doesn’t react quick enough and is caught when fakir turns around quickly, eyes wide and mouth opened in a surprised little ‘o’. they both flush and break eye contact, electing to ignore Raetsel’s amused smirk.
“Smells good Fakir, something special for our visitor?” Raetsel continues teasingly.
He shoots her a sharp glare but it lacks it’s usual spark when his face is still bright red. “It’s just bread, Raetsel.” His tone is measured but it’s clear he’s irritated.
Ahiru finds the exchange remarkably cute and tilts her head to the side in wonder as she observes the siblings.
“We should get you your own clothes and shoes.” Raetsel says to her, looking at the ill-fitting dress she’d loaned ahiru. “I don't mind sharing, but they’re much more comfortable in the right size. When we are done eating I know someone who can help.”
Ahiru is hesitantly excited about this, swinging her feet a bit under the table.
Fakir comes with the food soon after, setting each plate on the table.
“Woah.” Ahiru states quietly, when Fakir had said bread earlier, she hadn’t expected french toast. Upon tasting, she notices something floral and a bit of spice and sweet honey. She can’t identify all the flavors but she loves it all and happily digs in.
Raetsel watches her in amusement for a moment and then turns to Fakir who also watches Ahiru eat with an unreadable expression. He is focusing more on their guest than he is his own breakfast and she stifles a laugh as he misses his own mouth.
Ahiru seems to realize she has all but ignored the two others at the table and slows down, swallowing and wiping her face with a napkin. “This is very good fakir.” She looks down as she says it, a bit embarrassed by her own actions.
Raetsel agrees, “delightful as usual.”
Fakir thanks them quietly, looking at his plate with the same unreadable expression and eating slowly. The two women finish eating before him, but Ahiru still insists on cleaning the dishes that he isn’t eating off of. He almost smiles at her, but the urge to confuses him and he is easily distracted.
“Are you coming with us?” Ahiru asks when he brings his own plate to the sink, wide eyes boring into his skull.
Fakir falters, looking at Raetsel who simply shrugs. “Uh.. I don't know if I would really be of any help.” He hopes his reasoning is enough to appease her.
Ahiru furrows her eyebrows, “why not?”
“He’s avoiding his fan club.” Raetsel chimes in, amused by the exchange and how easily their guest catches her brother off guard.
Ahiru does not know what this means, imagining a group of people gathering together to discuss fans or perhaps dance with them as she remembers doing many times. She notes the remembrance to herself before speaking, “was there a disagreement? If you’re in a club with them, you should be friends right?”
Fakir looks at her incredulously, “I'm not in the club.”
“Well then, what’s the problem?” She asks innocently.
Raetsal chooses not to help clarify, retrieving her boots from the front door and sitting at the table to lace them, leaving the two alone.
“It’s- well,” he shoots her a quizzical glare, “are you teasing me?”
Ahiru is thoroughly confused, “what?! No!! Why would you think that?”
Fakir can tell she’s being truthful, “it's not really a club Ahiru, Raetsel was joking.”
She sticks out her lip in a small pout, “why?”
He sighs in defeat, “you’ll understand once we get there.”
Raetsel returns to them, “so you’re coming?” She sounds surprised and more than a little impressed.
“Yay!” Ahiru claps her dainty hands together cheerfully.
Fakir nods, still unsure of how she had convinced him.
The summer weather allows them to leave the house quickly, not needing to don cloaks or extra layers, and they walk a short while to the stables.
Raetsel turns to Ahiru, noting the nervous glances she shoots towards the horses they pass. “Have you ever ridden?”
Ahiru’s face is pale and she wrings her hands in front of herself. “No.”
Fakir turns from where he is retrieving their steeds. “No? Or you don’t know?”
She laughs a bit at this. “Definite no. I think I would remember a creature of this size.”
Raetsel notes that Ahiru is a whole head shorter than herself, and Fakir towers over
her in a way that would intimidate anyone else, but it doesn’t seem to bother the bright little flame of a woman. “You should ride with Fakir then, he can keep you safe.”
Fakir looks at her, opening his mouth to argue but he snaps his jaw shut once he sees that Ahiru looks less afraid. He waits for Raetsel to mount her own horse before swinging himself up onto his. They both look at Ahiru who is once again starting to look a bit sickly.
“You’ll be fine.” Fakir reassures, “you were watching me and Raetsel right?”
She nods, spark returning to her eyes and mouth set in a hard line of determination. She steps into the stirrup that Fakir has left empty for her and attempts to swing herself up onto the horse's back like her two companions. At first she thinks she has succeeded, but her leg doesn’t go all the way up and she begins to slide backwards towards the ground. Fakir grabs her ankle, then uses his other hand to guide her by the waist until she is settled in front of him. Her head is still spinning from the near fall and it takes her a moment to find her words again.
“Thank you.” She breathes, overwhelmed by the feeling of his hand still on her waist.
He moves his hand as if he’s been burned and thanks everything that she can’t see his face. “Dont mention it.” he responds gruffly, avoiding Raetsel and using the reins to steer their ride forward.
Raetsel follows them close behind, looking up at the bright sky and wondering what good deed she did for the universe to think her worthy of this newfound entertainment.
They ride mostly in silence, except for Ahiru’s occasional exclamations of delight or awe as they pass under trees and through town. She is constantly turning her head in an attempt to take everything in.
It isn’t a very long journey, and soon they come to a quaint little shop with mannequins dressed in a variety of fabrics displayed in the large front windows.
Raetsel is the first to dismount, smoothing her skirts down as Fakir follows her and offers a hand to Ahiru.
Once the three of them are safely on the ground, Fakir guides their horses to a small grazing area where they will wait obediently until the shopping is complete.
Raetsel leads them into the shop, Ahiru close behind her and Fakir bringing up the tail end. A bell rings as they open the door and a head of blonde hair pops up from behind a counter.
“Welcome in- oh! Raetsel! Let me grab Pike.” Before they can respond, the shopkeeper is running to the back, pigtails bouncing as she moves.
Fakir finds a bench in a corner and sits down, hoping the racks of fabric and garments are enough to hide him.
The shopkeeper returns with her coworker, “has Lilie helped you at all yet?” She asks, tying her shoulder length violet tinted hair into a high ponytail.
“Hmph.” Lilie pouts, “I thought you’d want to do the consultation together.” She lowers her voice so only the three women can hear her, “plus, the handsome Fakir has graced us with his presence.”
Pike rolls her eyes, “you are so dramatic.” She scolds, though it doesn’t have much bite when she is craning her neck to peek at the man hiding in the corner.
Raetsel clears her throat politely, “My new friend could use your expertise.”
The two shopkeepers turn to Ahiru at last, looking her up and down before turning to each other.
“Do we have enough yellow left?” Pike asks Lilie, ushering Ahiru to a section of the room where the floor is cleared and producing a measuring tape from thin air.
Lilie hums, moving towards a rack against the wall and sifting through the materials until she finds a sunny yellow linen. “Yes! And perhaps a blue?” She suggests, stacking a soft blue cotton atop the yellow draped over her arm.
“Oh yes, that will compliment her eyes nicely.” Pike addresses Ahiru directly for the first time, “how many dresses are you looking for today?”
Ahiru looks helplessly towards Raetsel, letting Pike move her arms as she takes her measurements.
“We are starting her wardrobe today, so however many items you both think she will need.” Raetsal answers, earning a surprised look from Lilie.
“What happened to the rest of your clothes?” The blonde asks, pausing in her search for fabrics.
“I don't have any.” Ahiru answers simply.
“Long story.” Raetsel adds.
The two accept this answer easily, “Well then, we should send you home with something today. Lilie?”
Lilie looks over, setting the chosen materials on a large cutting table. “A premade garment for now?”
Pike nods, “just try to find the smallest things you can and we can alter it to fit her properly.”
Raetsel interjects, “she will also need shoes, mine are too large for her. Do you think you have something that would work?”
“Oh i’m sure we do,” Lilie answers, returning with an armful of dresses and blouses. “Shoes are over by Fakir.”
He starts at the mention of his name, looking at his surroundings and finding the shelves stocked with shoeboxes.
Pike measures her feet and calls out the length, instructing Fakir on where to find the correct size of boots.
He carries them to Ahiru once he has found them, bringing a few different options and setting them down next to her before awkwardly standing off to the side.
“Alright, you can try those on Ahiru. We’ll be right back.” Pike says before disappearing into the back of the store with Lilie.
“Do you need help?” Raetsel asks, showing Ahiru where she can sit to unlace her borrowed boots.
“No, thank you, I think I'm alright.” She smiles gratefully at her and sets to work, slipping her feet into one of the pairs Fakir brought her. She carefully tries on each pair but ends up settling on the first, made of dark brown leather with a slight heel and strong black cord lacing them securely.
Lilie returns and writes down the price on a pad of paper tucked into her dress pocket, setting it aside and guiding Ahiru to a fitting room. She helps Ahiru undo the fastenings on her loaned dress, hanging it carefully and instructing her to keep the chemise on before darting out and returning with Pike, both women are carrying armfuls of clothing and Pike has a pincushion strapped to her wrist. They help her into a simple white blouse, pinning where it needs to be taken in. The remaining garments are tried on in the same fashion and Ahiru watches them work. Before she knows it, they are done, helping her back into Raetsel’s loaned dress once more and walking her back to her companions, assuring her that they will return momentarily and asking her to wait while they stitch the adjustments into place. Ahiru seats herself on a bench next to Fakir and Raetsel follows the two shopkeepers to assist them and discuss the items they will be making for pickup at a later date.
“So..that’s the fanclub?” Ahiru guesses.
Fakir looks uncomfortable, “that’s just what Raetsel calls them.”
She giggles, “did you hear what they called you when we walked in?”
He shakes his head, too afraid to ask.
“The handsome Fakir.” Ahiru tells him, stifling another giggle. “Is that your title?” She teases.
He shoots her an irritated glance, “you know that it’s not.”
She shrugs, an impish grin stuck on her face. “It could be.” she states it as if it is a fact and doesn’t seem to catch what she is implying.
Fakir stammers, embarrassed. “W-wha-“ clearing his throat and looking out the window to hide his blush, he scolds her. “You can’t just say things like that!”
She sticks her tongue out at him, “why not? They said it first!”
He shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “They shouldn’t be saying it either.” He groans, wishing he had stayed home.
“Hm. whatever, I still don’t get why it’s such a big deal.” Ahiru bumps her shoulder against his, “are they your friends?”
“I barely know them.” He answers honestly, “they’re the best seamstresses in town so I’ve been a customer but Raetsel is the one that comes here most often.” He looks at her for a second before continuing, “I usually avoid them.”
Ahiru hums, “I think I understand why.” She acknowledges, “they’re a bit like a whirlwind aren’t they?”
He snorts out a laugh, “don't tell them that, they’ll never let it go.”
She nods. “Yeah, that doesn’t really surprise me.”
They fall into a comfortable silence and fakir studies her when she isn’t looking, trying to understand the mystery of this little lake lady.
It doesn't take long for Raetsal to return with a large package wrapped in brown paper and fastened with twine tied in a bow. “That’s it for today, we will return at the end of the week for the rest of it.”
Ahiru moves forward and takes the package despite Raetsel’s protests, “wow! That was so fast!”
Raetsal winks, “6 hands work faster than 2!”
Fakir takes the package from Ahiru while she’s distracted and holds it where she can’t reach when she tries to take it back. “You’ve paid already?” he nervously glances around the store as he says it.
Raetsal laughs. “Yes Fakir, don't worry. Those two are busy in the back, we’re done.”
He relaxes a bit and they make their way out again, Fakir holding the door for both of the women.
Ahiru skips forward, looking down at her new shoes and admiring how comfortable they are. When she looks up again Fakir and Raetsel have already mounted their horses, the package safely secured to the back of Fakir’s saddle.
“Do you need help? Or would you like to try again on your own?” He asks, looking down at her with his brow furrowed in concern.
Ahiru answers by sticking a boot in the stirrup and once again trying to lift herself up. This time she gets closer to her goal, but Fakir still has to catch her when her leg doesn’t properly hold her up.
“Good try!” Raetsal encourages from behind them, smiling as Fakir adjusts their friend with gentle hands before taking up the reins.
They ride home with minimal conversation, the two siblings focused on steering their horses in the right direction and Ahiru distracted by the people out on the streets, going about their days.
When they are home again, Fakir helps her down and retrieves her parcel, leaving no room for her to argue as he carries it inside.
She follows him, Raetsel not far behind. He stops outside the door of her room, waiting for Raetsel to open the door before carefully setting the package on her bed and excusing himself politely.
Raetsel helps her unpack and hang her new clothing, she picks out a new chemise for Ahiru and shows her to a room down the hall where she can bathe. After making sure she knows how to fill the tub, she too excuses herself with the promise that they will see one another at lunch.
Once she has dried herself and wrung most of the water from her hair, Ahiru dons the fresh chemise and pads up the hall to her room. The new clothes hang neatly and she has trouble choosing when given so many options but eventually she settles on a short sleeved, collared blouse made from a lovely cream colored cotton and a simple, tea length yellow linen skirt. Plain white socks cover her feet and the boots are left by the door for when she needs them. She sits at the vanity to comb her hair, leaving it down to dry but tying a yellow ribbon under her hair and around the top of her head to keep it from getting in her face. She smiles at her reflection, the clothes fit perfectly and she can finally see herself now that she isn’t drowning in fabric.
She retrieves Raetsel’s loaned dress and chemise and carries them out to the room she was first brought in to. She knocks gently, and when there is no response, she cracks the door open.
“What are you doing?”
She jumps, turning to find Fakir glowering at her. “I-well I was trying to find Raetsel!”
His face softens, “she’s the door at the end of the hall, moron, this is my room.”
Ahiru flushes, indignant, she bites back “I’m not a moron! How was I supposed to know that! I've only been to her room once and it was a really hectic day!”
Fakir puts a hand on her head, “I know, I was teasing. Could you move out of the way?”
She settles down, embarrassed. “Yeah, sorry.” She shuffles off down the hall and he watches her go, shaking his head and entering his room.
Raetsel, having heard the exchange, opens her door before Ahiru can reach it and gives her a kind smile. “You can just set those in the laundry basket over here.”
Ahiru follows her instruction and smiles at her gratefully, “Thank you Raetsel.”
“Anything for you Ahiru, now, would you like to see what’s for lunch?”
Confused, Ahiru tilts her head, “didn't Fakir just go to his room?”
Raetsel nods, “He’s probably referring to one of his cookbooks.”
“He doesn’t keep them in the kitchen?” Ahiru asks, following Raetsel back out into the hall.
“It’s easier to keep them in good condition away from the steam and mess of food.” Fakir answers from his doorway, “Plus, I don't always need them.” He closes his door and leads the way to the kitchen, resuming his work.
Raetsel and Ahiru seat themselves in the same spots as always, chatting and watching Fakir cook. Raetsel asks how she likes her new clothing and Ahiru gushes her thanks and talks about her favorite things.
Fakir comes with plates of food soon after and seats himself next to her.
Ahiru claps in excitement, tucking her long hair towards her back before digging in.
Raetsel eats more politely, complimenting Fakirs choice of ingredients and asking him questions about the recipe.
Ahiru barely pays attention to them, so focused on enjoying her meal that she doesn't notice when the conversation turns to her.
“Ahiru?” Raetsel prods gently.
she starts slightly in response, looking up and finding them both turned to her. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”
Raetsel smiles, “Do you know what you want to do here? I work at Ebine’s bakery for part of the week and Fakir writes for our local paper. Pike and Lilie offered to teach you how to cut fabric but you are free to choose what you like.”
Ahiru blinks, “I’m...staying?”
Fakir answers this time, rolling his eyes. “Of course you are, where else would you go stupid?”
Raetsel swats his shoulder, “Oh be nice to her Fakir.” Turning back to Ahiru, “Yes, you are welcome to stay with us as long as you wish dear.”
Ahiru grins, “Thank you! I like it so much here, I’m so happy!” She looks down at her hands, “As for what i want to do.. I’m not really sure yet. Pike and Lilie are very nice but I don’t know if I could really be of any help to them.”
Fakir nods, “You don’t have to decide yet. You haven’t even seen your other options so take your time and don’t feel bad about it.”
Raetsel agrees with him, “I'm sure you will be good at whatever you choose, with passion like yours you can do anything.”
Ahiru flushes and curls into herself, hair falling forward to hide her face.
Fakir watches in horror as a lock of her hair begins to flop into her plate, instinctively he tucks the hair back into place. Once he realizes what he’s done he can feel the steam coming out of his ears, “Y-you should probably tie your hair up when you eat.”
Raetsal barely stifles her laugh, shoving a bite of food into her mouth to keep herself quiet.
Ahiru stares at Fakir, mouth open and cheeks pink. It takes a few more blinks before she twists her knee length hair up and up and up, using the yellow ribbon to loosely tie it into place, it’s the best imitation of a bun she can do with the current materials.
Clearing his throat and drinking water in an effort to cool the flush on his skin, Fakir continues eating as if nothing happened and the two women soon follow his lead.
Ahiru is grateful for the diversion, feeling more shy than usual and needing the silence. She is also easily distracted by how much she loves this food and each bite brings her farther away from the embarrassment.
Soon, the meal is over and they separate, Ahiru washing the dishes without supervision as Raetsel has deemed her able. Fakir puts away anything left over in the kitchen and excuses himself to his room.
When the dishes are cleaned, dried and put away, Ahiru wonders what she’s meant to do, yesterday and this morning there was no time for boredom. Now she feels like she should be doing something and without noticing she has begun to dance, the kitchen floor not ideal for ballet but accommodating her nonetheless. There is no music, but the early afternoon sun shining through the windows above the sink highlights her more beautifully than any spotlight. When she finally realizes what she’s doing, she is in the middle of simple barre exercises. Her muscles ache in relief, as if they have been waiting for her to use them. She smiles, closing her eyes and tilting her head up towards the sun, letting muscle memory take over.
Fakir carries his notebook under one arm and holds his inkwell and quill in his hands. He is headed to the kitchen for a glass of water, but stops when he sees her. Not wanting to interrupt, he sits at the table, partially hidden by the open doorway that connects the two rooms. His things are set down carefully and quietly, and then he turns his attention back to the ballerina in his kitchen.
She moves through her relevés with the ease and joy of someone who lives to dance.
Chin in palm, Fakir watches her. The light flickering over her face moves with her and he is entranced. Warm ups finished, Ahiru moves into a choreography as if it’s second nature. His heart aches in his chest when he realizes it is meant to be a pas de deux, her body struggles to support itself and he longs to take the weight for her.
She continues, oblivious of her audience, dancing to the song only she can hear and baring her emotions with every movement.
When the steps come to a close and her head is bowed in an ending curtsy, Fakir panics, realizing that soon she will open her eyes and he will have to explain why he’s been creepily watching without saying a word. Cringing, he braces himself and opens his notebook, hoping to at least look busy when she catches him.
She lets out a small startled noise when she opens her eyes, coming back into her mind after letting her body take over. She sees Fakir sitting at the table and despite the open notebook, she knows that he has not written a word for she would have heard the scratch of his quill. She flushes prettily, sneaking out of the kitchen while he’s still looking down and all but running to her room.
She leans against the inside of her closed door, putting her head in her hands and trying to calm herself down. She hadn’t planned on dancing and she definitely did not expect an audience, no matter how politely he pretended not to be watching she knew he had seen at least some of her dance and she hopes that she danced well. Most of the remaining afternoon is spent like this, trying to distract herself by thinking over the job offer from Pike and Lilie, but mind wandering back to the kitchen and her dream from the night before. There is a mix of confusing emotions swirling in her chest and she unties the ribbon holding her makeshift bun in place, running her hands through her own hair in a calming fashion. The dream had felt so real and coupled with some of the memories that had come back to her, she has a feeling it was something that had really happened. Brows furrowing as she thinks, she tries desperately to recall the events of her dream but most of what she can remember is emotions and steps of a dance. There is a flash of black curls and red lips kissing a pale figure with hair like the feathers of a swan, but this imagery brings a panging sorrow and the tears rising in her eyes warn her not to push this memory back into her conscious mind. Wiping her cheeks where they have gotten wet, she takes Fakir’s advice and sets to braiding her hair into a crown. It doesn't take her very long, and soon Raetsel is knocking on her door to alert her that supper will be ready soon. Ahiru thanks her and says she will be there in a moment, needing some time to collect herself and finish tying the braids in place around her head.
When she finally comes to the dining table, Fakir and Raetsel are already seated and a plate is waiting in her usual spot. She squeezes by Fakir, who avoids her eyes and looks at his plate with pink dusting the bridge of his nose. Once she is settled, the three begin to eat, they are all tired from the eventful day and conversation is light.
It is a quick meal and Raetsel is the first to bid them goodnight, letting Ahiru know that she will be gone for work by the time they wake and making sure Ahiru does not need anything before she excuses herself.
Ahiru pokes at her remaining food listlessly, wishing she could enjoy it the way she wants to but emotions ruining her appetite. Sighing, she carries the dishes to the sink and begins scrubbing, not even noticing when Fakir follows behind her.
“Ahiru?” Fakir asks quietly, “I hope I didn’t upset you earlier.”
This breaks her reverie and she looks at him, confused. “What? No! Why would I be upset?”
Fakir seems doubtful. “Well you’re obviously upset about something.”
She puffs her cheeks out. “No, i just…” brows furrowed she admits defeat, “Okay yeah you’re right I am. But I promise it has nothing to do with you!” She says the last part earnestly and Fakir is momentarily stunned by the shine of her eyes.
“Do you.. want to talk about it?” He says it awkwardly, as if the idea is foreign to him.
Her eyes dim, “I don’t think I was very happy before I came here.”
He seems surprised at her answer, “Was the lake not good to you?”
This makes her puff a tiny, sad laugh, “The lake may be where I came from, but it wasn’t where I lived before.”
Fakir looks at her concerned, “You don't remember very much, do you?”
She shakes her head, “Most of it is just feelings, there’s something there definitely but trying to recall more than just blurs hurts.”
He feels deeply sorry for her, “It sounds like.. well sometimes our brains try to protect us by blocking some things out.”
She tilts her head to the side, “You think it could be that?”
He nods slowly “There are many written accounts of this experience, if you’d like, I can help you research more about it tomorrow?” He says the last bit as a question, unsure if she really wants to open herself up to possible pain.
She smiles gratefully, it is smaller than her usual grin but still makes his heart skip, “Thank you Fakir, I would like that very much.”
Flushing at her sincerity, he looks away. “D-dont mention it.” He dries the dishes that she is finished washing and together they finish the chore faster than either could on their own. When the dishes are put away and the kitchen is clean, Fakir walks her to her room and bids her goodnight with the promise of a library trip the next day. Ahiru is so exhausted she barely manages to take her hair down and remove her blouse and skirt before crawling into bed and falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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jaeminzie · 4 years
day ‘n’ nite | l.dh
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↳ lee haechan x gender neutral!reader
synopsis: smoke sesh with the dream 00’ liners led to best friend!hyuck feeling a little overly clingy and you were the only one available to fulfill his cuddling needs
genre: fluff
word count: 1,131
warning: mentions of marijuana
a/n: um i’m currently writing this high after eating some edibles lmfaoo so if this sucks or if it has grammar mistakes then pls excuse that,, i probably won’t post this until tmrw when i’m back to normal so i can edit haha... hopefully this doesn’t suck
updated a/n: okay i’m back, n e ways i recommend listening to day ‘n’ nite by kid cudi while reading bc of the title and it’s a good song hehe (it’s not related to the story at all but yk it’s still a good listen lmao)
‘day ‘n’ nite’ by kid cudi
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“yo you have to inhale it, dumbass.” hyuck snorted after watching a confused jeno take a hit but only to exhale the smoke out of his pink lips right away.
jeno frowned and wailed his arm up in annoyance, “shut up man. it’s my first time.”
“you don’t say,” renjun muttered underneath his breath but you were all seated so close together forming a circle that everyone could hear everything. “pass it.”
jeno scoffed and handed it to jaemin who inhaled a big hit smoothly but then coughs followed a couples seconds later, passing the blunt to his left— donghyuck. “you know what, whose idea was this?” jeno mumbled, bringing his knees up so he could hug them while watching hyuck taking a satisfying hit. his expression was in awe as he wondered how a person can inhale the drug without coughing nor cringing at the heat and smell.
hyuck sighed contently after inhaling the smoke, letting some extra seep out of his body. “mine.” his eyes slowly closed, letting his whole body relax while passing the blunt to you. “we all need to relax for a bit, jeno.” the name of the boy felt harsh when hyuck spoke it.
as hyuck’s best friend, it definitely wasn’t your first time smoking as he’s the biggest stoner in school so your lungs were used to the burn. yet, you weren’t as greedy as jaemin who took a long hit. you inhaled a good amount but enough to save some for another round in the circle. “damn y/n, why so shy all of a sudden?” hyuck nudged your shoulder snickering at you since he’s seen you at your greediest times during these kinds of situation.
laughing softly, “shut up. just tryna save some.”
jeno cleared his throat, “you guys can have it. i’m done.” the rest of you nodded your heads at his statement, not even trying to get him to change his mind which eased jeno.
the roll only lasted two more rounds but it was enough for you all, leaving jeno to take care of your slump bodies laid on the sleeping mat on his living room floor. he mentally thanked his parents for leaving for a business trip during the weekend, or else he’d be a deadman if his parents saw the condition of their living room.
jeno looked down at the four bodies on the floor and cursed at them before leaving to get a blanket then returning to lay on the couch behind the sleeping mat that his pungent friends were relaxing on. renjun, laying on your left, was humming and tapping his fingertips on the carpet as if he was in his own little world. jaemin who was sprawled out on the other side next to hyuck was fast asleep with his mouth wide open. you and hyuck laid still next to each other, staring at the ceiling like it was a television. super entertaining.
it wasn’t long until jeno and renjun joined jaemin in dreamland, filling the room with snores and deep breathing. “can we cuddle?” hyuck turned his body to face you and pleaded with his sparkling red doe eyes. “you’re really warm. i’m cold.” he pouted.
it took some power to not smile at his words and his puppy face so instead, you extended your arms out for him to enter and embrace your body, leaving you to be the big spoon. hyuck immediately went for your neck to snuggle into, his hair strands tickling your skin but you stayed still for the sake of his comfort. you could feel him smile against your skin as he took in your scent and tangled his legs with yours. “you look pretty with red eyes.”
you waited for an insult to come out of him as that was his favorite term of endearment, but he stayed silent. it wasn’t the first time you two have cuddled obviously since your best friends with hyuck who is, if not the most then, one of the clingiest person in the universe. but it is the first time he’s called you pretty without insulting you afterwards. you assumed it was the drug taking over his system so you tried to swat away the butterflies swarming in your stomach over such a small compliment. though, you couldn’t control your heartbeat and your annoying ‘bestie’ seemed to notice.
“do i make you nervous, y/n?” you could just feel his smirk when he began to play with your hair which made your heartbeat race faster. “don’t be.”
“don’t flatter yourself.” your voice was impressively calm unlike your body that was heating up and forming goosebumps. “you’re making me hot.”
he lifted his head out of your neck to hover over your body. “you’re already hot, sweetheart.” you wanted to slap the smirk right off his face but your palms were sweating excessively and you did not want him to know his effect on you.
“i don’t wanna cuddle, you ruined it.”
hyuck laughed above you, but making sure to stay quiet to avoid waking up the others. “too bad.” he flipped your bodies over so you were the one laying on his chest, his arms trapping you to stay on top of him and his hands began to caress your body softly. “just relax, sweetheart.”
your eyebrows quirked at the petname. “dude what are you on?”
“well, i mean, we did just smoke sooo.” he hummed softly while rubbing circles on your heated cheek with his right hand while the other ran through your hair. “but i was being honest earlier when i called you pretty. sober me would’ve agreed.”
“i know i am,” now you began to draw circles on his chest unconsciously.
his small giggling fit caused his chest to vibrate against your cheek. “you should sleep now.”
you hummed in agreement when you felt your eyelids becoming too heavy to hold. “goodnight hyuck.”
“goodnight, my sweet.” his voice was calm and collected, his tone wasn’t teasing unlike earlier. his fingers continued their movements and he began to quietly hum slow melodies making it easier for you to drift off into your sleep. he made sure that you were asleep before placing a kiss on the top of your head, staying there for a while to inhale the mixtured scent of your floral perfume that he gave you as a birthday gift and the blunt from earlier.
hyuck stayed up for nearly the whole night daydreaming of dating his best friend. although it was just in his head, he felt content inside knowing that you probably have spent sleepless nights thinking of him as well— he was correct. he looked down at your sleeping body and listened to the purrs you made in your deep sleep. looking at you made his body relax under you, a smile never leaving his face when your body cuddled closer to him. it’ll be a long night for hyuck, but he definitely did not mind admiring your pretty face until dawn.
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