#seraph sanyi
artnerd1123 · 2 years
🖊 for seraph? c:
Seraph my beloved,,,
She sings!!! Like a lot! Music has fascinated her since she first learned what it is, so much so that she learned how to write her own pieces. She has a box of them somewhere, tucked safe and away from water
She can’t get off the ground unless she’s in her feral form. Her wings are too small compared to her body to get enough lift, even if they are strong! Having 2 more pairs makes it much easier
She likes to fly to calm herself
She loves baking, like sooo much. She also bakes to destress! Her favorite thing to make is brownies, followed shortly by cookies, then cupcakes :3
The pieces that make her up are specifically a trumpeter swan feather, some valias sheep wool, and a simple gold band of a ring! Both the swan and sheep contribute to her coloring with the black and white, and the wool was dyed- hence why there’s purple in there too!
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artnerd1123 · 2 years
Look I know I fucked up serifs other horn and she's enormous and sable looks like a lil old lady sc
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Look I know serifs enormous and I messed up her horn and ear
And sable looks like a lil old lady scared of the big bad wolf
Annnnd there's a scribble in the corner but I'm trying to get myself back into drawing by drawing in pen so I don't keep erasing and getting frustrated with myself and I try my best to finish it ya know
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
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oc doodle collection,,, 
requested by:  @vaaloirr // @doodles23 anon // @shiny-gastrodon @fabnamessuggestedbytumbler // @lightkrets312
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
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oh to be a little paint cat and a sheep bird hybrid in love,,, 
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
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familiar expressions :V
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
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sheepy birb time!!!
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
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I’m worried bout the future, future~ 
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
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The trouble it might drag you down, If you get lost, you can always be found. Just know you’re not alone ‘Cause I’m gonna make this place your home.
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
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ok i got like 2 seconds of encouragement, here’s the bad frames bc im proud of them, do what u will LSDKJF
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
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new design same spooky gal 
deets undercut 
seraph grows a foot taller in her feral form
she has 6 wings (like seraphim in general)
her hooves turn very sharp, almost like claws 
the feathers on her arms and her tailfeathers look more sharp/ragged
you can’t see it here, but seraph actually has a couple rows of teeth. they’re sharp and scary
her eyes have no rhyme or reason as to where they appear/what patterns they make on her, so they can pop up all over the place
she doesn’t have eyes on her feet/hands, tail, under her wool, or anywhere on her wings besides the top front
she has claws on her wings 
her main pair of eyes is pure silver if she’s got ahold of herself! if not, they’ve got a slit black pupil
her halo glows (often brightly) when she’s in this form
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
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here's those pics of the squad without the concerning frame popping up in the middle, bc i worked hard on these and im proud of them sldkjfs
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
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more expression meme stuff, ft. the ones i did with a random generator :V
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
A Familiar World
Threadbare ——————————————-
Some material isn’t made to last long under stress. Unfortunately, you don’t get to choose when it breaks. A lesson those who work with fabric ought to know well. Evangel may be a tailor, but she underestimated how much her familiar could take. Things get more than a little out of hand when seraph has a... rough morning. 
The masterpost for AFW can be found here. The chapter post for AFW can be found here.
yea i don’t have too much to say abt this one, other than hehe hoho character development and feral form shenanigans. there’s not too much body horror going on, but there is a bit of eye horror, so keep that in mind! 
The sky was covered in a thick smog of gray that morning. The cool air of the coming winter had been steadily pushing the clouds’ bleak mask over the usual soft blue. The cliffs, for the first time since spring, had fallen silent. The cobblestone streets were chilly, the breezes biting anyone who ventured out. The whole town was just… quiet. Colorless. Still. A sluggish, hazy dormancy. Not an atmosphere that many enjoyed. … really, it was the cold that bothered Seraph the most. She’d rolled out of bed soon after her mama, tiredness and gravity tugging at her eyelids. The ache of last week’s mistakes and endless errands had coiled itself into a knot in her chest. It felt brittle in the chilly air. Her wings wrapped tiredly around her form. It wasn’t much, but it trapped a little warmth. Tiny chirps of discomfort accompanied her footsteps. The floor felt like ice. But mama needed her to be up. So she was up. The little familiar staggered over to a tiny box of her clothes. A quick rummage around produced a pair of thick socks, a moth eaten sweater, a pair of leggings, and a scrap of fleece for a blanket. It wasn’t a lot. But. Mama hadn’t finished her winter line of clothes yet. She’d promised her a whole new drawer full, and she’d seen the pictures. They all looked lovely. Mama even let her pick the new fabric out. Mama will get to it, she reminded herself, tugging her sweater over her head. She’s been very busy with the shop and minding me, its ok. I’ll be ok. That’s what she hoped, anyway. She’d been so… tired. Seraph wandered into the kitchen when she finished getting dressed. Mama was already sitting at the table, picking forlornly at a bowl of cereal. The sight dropped Seraph’s comfort lower. Mama was sad? Why? What happened? Was mama still mad at her for for being out too long again? Or for forgetting things she’d told her? She felt like she was doing that a lot lately. Or was Mama just... unhappy? Seraph… no, seraph couldn’t have that. Not first thing in the morning. She- she’d fix it. Seraph cleared her throat to announce her appearance. Evangel glanced up at the sound, but nothing changed in her gaze. Her eyes slipped back to her cereal a moment later. Seraph decided to try again. “Morning mama,” she twittered, doing her best to smile and stand up straight. “How are you doing?” Evangel heaved a long sigh, leaning back in her chair. “Awful, doll,” She huffed, “simply awful. I slept like a serf with bedbugs. Yesterday was an ordeal and a half...” “O-oh… I’m sorry, mama,” Seraph replied softly. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she walked over to Evangel’s chair. She set her hoof on Evangel’s free hand. She had to fix this. “Can… can I do anything…?” “Yes, doll, you can,” Evangel sighed. She took her hand away from Seraph’s hoof, waving absently towards the stairs. “I need you to go check stock.” Seraph felt her shoulders relax a bit. Stock. Yes, she could do that. She could easily do that. And mama would be happy after that, and so she wouldn’t have to worry, and she could get rid of the growing knot in her chest. She’d be a good familiar, she would.   “Right away, mama!” She chirped, turning to go. “Oh, doll, wait. That’s not all,” Evangel broke in. Seraph paused. Another errand? After… after everything she’d been doing these past few days…? “... y… yeah…? What else do you need, mama…?” She asked nervously. “You’ll have to buy some new winter fabrics for me at the market today, and pick up some new cereal. This oat filth is awful,” Evangel huffed. “And you need to go get us some new frozen meals while you’re at it. Everything spoiled again because you left it out too long.” “Y-yes mama, I got it-” “Honestly, I still don’t know how you could be so irresponsible,” Evangel scoffed, shaking her head. Seraph felt the knot in her chest tighten painfully. “I… I’m sorry, mama,” She said meekly. “I didn’t mean it, really.” “Yes, well, you have to do better,” Evangel continued. “I expect more from you. You’re so much better than that. You were doing perfectly a couple weeks ago, and I know you can do well if you try, doll.” “R-right, mama, I-I’m sorry. I’ll try harder, really!” “Apology accepted.” Evangel’s gaze felt as bleak as the gray sky. “I know you will.” She waved a hand at Seraph again, shooing her from the room. “Come back when you’ve finished looking at the stock. I’ve got a few more things I’ll need you to do, too.” “O-ok, I will.”
Walking down the steps, Seraph tried her best to steady herself. The icy knot in her chest felt like barbed wire, scratching at her heart. She needed to be in a better headspace if she was gonna look at stock, or she’d mess something up. But she couldn’t get what mama said out of her head. Her feet thumped heavily on the wooden stairs as the words echoed. You’re so much better than that. Mama was right, of course. She’d been making a lot of mistakes. Maybe it was leftover tiredness from her birthday, or maybe it was trying to get used to more height and longer limbs. Maybe she wasn’t used to doing so many chores. Maybe she needed more rest. She didn’t know. But none of it was an excuse! She’d been doing so much better before. Yes, mama was home the whole time she was out shopping. Yes, mama had put up groceries before. But it was Seraph’s job, because mama was working, and mama couldn’t help with all the things she needed her familiar to do. She- she couldn’t. Mama needed her. And she kept letting her down. What kind of familiar was she? As soon as the thought passed her mind, the pain in her chest spiked. It felt as if she’d spilled boiling water down her front- and it hurt. The little familiar let out a gasp, hoof clutching at her sweater. What was going on??? She bit her lip, leaning against the wall. Did she just need to breathe? She’d try to breathe. The air felt like ice in her throat when she inhaled deeply. It made her cough and wheeze, free hoof scrabbling for her throat. The boiling, scratching heat was spreading from her heart now. It felt like lava under her skin. Tears rose to her eyes, her body starting to shake. What was wrong with her?! She- she needed mama- mama- mAMA-! Seraph couldn’t finish her thought. Her mind gave up on thought as the pain skyrocketed. Somewhere distantly, she felt her legs give out from under her, and send her rolling down the last few steps. The last thing she registered was a tumbling kaleidoscope of pain and fear, the world suddenly shattering into a thousand little pieces.
Evangel glanced up sharply from her cereal when something thumped heavily down the steps. Confusion flashed across her face- what had seraph dropped now?- but it didn’t have long to take root. After all, the thumping was nothing compared to the shrieking that pierced the air moments later. She squealed indignantly, spoon flying from her hand as she tried not to fall face first out of her chair. What in Revaew’s good world was going on down there?! Had seraph somehow let in a hoard of seagulls?! With the amount of mistakes and foolishness she’d had to put up with lately, this was just the icing on the cake. Face reddening, she sputtered indignantly, gathering up her skirts to stomp down the steps. It was about time her familiar got a stern talking to. The shrieking continued, albeit more viciously, as she headed downstairs. “Seraph Sanyi, you stop that this instant!” she huffed, heels clacking dangerously on the steps. “I don’t know what you’ve let in here, but I suggest you let it out, or I’ll- I-I’ll-” All Evangel’s irritation drained as quickly as it appeared. She stood with one foot still on the steps, fistfuls of her skirts held in a grip tight enough to whiten her knuckles. Her face was just as pale, just as tense. The shrieking was less of a scream now. More of a slow hiss. But that’s not what stopped her cold. No, that honor belonged to the thing in front of her. It was hunched over in the center of the room, ripped fabric and torn clothing scattered about. The thing must’ve been around the size of a coyote- and it looked just as wild. Dozens of eyes- black, with silver slit pupils- peered from its exposed skin. They rolled and blinked unnaturally, nearly making the observer sick. Six wings flared protectively from its back, feathers of pearl, flax, and lavender gleaming eerily in the dim morning light. A halo floated low above its head. Its golden light was almost blinding to look at directly. As Evangel watched, a deep, guttural growl bubbled from its form. She would’ve recoiled in horror as the thing started to move, all of its many black eyes snapping to her, but she found her feet glued to the floor. She couldn’t do more than tremble as razor sharp claws scraped against the wood planks, the stark golden glow shining harshly against her skin. Wild wool shrouded a darkened face, a gaping maw glimmering wetly with rows on rows of sharpened teeth. She wished that were the end of it. But... its eyes… Silver. Pure silver. Glowing dimmer than the halo, but enough to tell the stark difference of slitted, pitch black pupils. And they were staring right at her. At her. The sorceress only had a moment of budding snarls before it flapped its wings and pounced. Evangel let out a shriek to rival the creature’s, diving out of the way. It managed to dig its claws into her skirt, snarling and screeching viciously. She screamed louder, tugging with such force that the prized silk tore into shreds. She gasped in utter horror- her dress was ruined- ruined!- nearly forgetting the creature was there. Its snarls reminded her, and she rushed frantically for the door. She slammed into it with enough force to ring the bell, clawing desperately at the handle as the creature yowled and screamed behind her. She managed to get it open just in time. When she slammed it shut, a clattering thunk accompanied a flurry of feathers and eyes and clawed hooves. Evangel could hear the creature screeching in fury. She didn’t care- couldn’t care- she just shoved the key in the lock, barring the door through tears that spilled from her eyes. She could feel the hot wetness streaming down her cheeks as she stumbled down the street. Her mind was absolutely reeling- and oh, everyone out here was staring at her- this really couldn’t get any worse- her poor dress- her makeup was ruined- and her shop- oh, the mess- What was that?! Who was that?! How had it gotten into her shop- and where was- She paused in realization, sniffling miserably. … where was seraph? ... Wait a minute. Wool? Hooves? Wings? Feathers? The halo… even the dark mask on the creature’s face… Slowly, the sorceress glanced over her shoulder. What in the name of satin silk skirts had gotten ahold of her familiar? … … there was only one person she could think to ask now. Her eyes searched the street, falling on the sign of the little music shop. Sadie Mellokomp. The lady that kept her little doll out much too late. Away from her. Though loathful bile clawed at the back of her throat, she swallowed it back down. No matter how much she despised it, Sadie likely knew more about seraph than she did. She’d need that woman if she were to figure out what just happened. ~~~
Talking with the woman was… an ordeal. Evangel supposed it could’ve gone worse. Sadie was sympathetic. Not so much about her dress- did she not know how much time and labor this would take to repair?!- but she felt bad about what happened to seraph. Because- apparently- that thing in the shop was seraph. Careful questioning revealed that familiars had something called a feral form. Her parents had neglected to inform her of its existence. If a familiar got too stressed and too overwhelmed, their entire body would warp into something awful. Evangel could feel the woman carefully sizing her up the whole conversation. She let tears spill over any time her gaze got too close for her liking- she hated people staring at her, and she especially didn’t like being accused of things. But what if she was being a bad originator? Perish the thought! She couldn’t be! She made seraph clothes, she gave her sweets for dessert, she let her see the sirens and sleep in on weekends and was making her a whole new wardrobe! Seraph must’ve had something going on that she didn’t tell her about! Evangel blubbered long enough for Sadie to give her some stiff- if a little flat- comfort. Eventually, she pulled herself together enough to think about heading back. The woman told her that feral forms were triggered by too much stress. Too much work. Evangel supposed she had been pushing seraph a little hard. If this was what happened from piling on all those chores, she supposed she might ease up some. At least enough to figure out how to keep that under control. … first, though… she’d need to handle her wayward familiar. 
Evangel stood before the door to her shop once again. Her hand shook like a leaf, bringing fleeting memories of the day she moved here. Behind her, she could feel countless eyes on her back. They clawed at her tattered dress, her runny makeup, her unkempt hair- she shut her eyes for a moment, trying to breathe. She’d deal with this horror later. For now, she just… had to take care of her familiar problem. That would be easy enough. Seraph loved her, after all.
The door opened with a click and a creak, shedding dim cloudy light on a fabric littered floor. The pure carnage of ruined clothes was enough to choke up the door’s occupant. Oh, all her work… and her designs… she nearly sobbed on the spot. Of course, the pale golden light grazing the walls put a stop to that
The creature was crouched just under the back counter, wings shifting in agitation. Its blackened eyes roamed all over the room, unable to gaze at any one thing. Destroying the mounds of soft fabric felt good. But only for a little. The tension in its chest was replaced with a dull ache. Some part of it said it shouldn’t have done that. But why? What… what even… happened? Its body felt… wrong. Too bright. Too big. Too many limbs. Too… sharp. It shook its head gently, claws digging through wool to scrabble at deep purple skin. It had been desperate. Desperate to get… something. Attention? A word? A… a touch? Its thoughts had plenty of time to turn in circles, but came to a screeching halt the moment the door creaked open. Its body tensed, wings flaring up on instinct. Something made the door move. Someone. Made the door open. Someone was here. A low, menacing hiss rumbled from its throat. Nobody was allowed near it. Not now. Not ever. Its claws dug into the counter’s side as it snaked up top. Its lips were drawn back in a furious snarl, ears pressed firmly against its skull. Though many eyes continued their mindless wandering, quire a few fixed on the new light pouring in. A figure stood in the doorway. The shape seemed tantalizingly familiar. But something about them was… wrong. Cold. Icy. Unmoving. Unsmiling. Unhappy, unable to please, to do right, to do anything- The creature clawed at itself again, shrieking softly. Shut up shut up shut up shut up- Wings shuffling about, obscuring its view, it almost didn’t catch the figure moving. But move they did, and it made the creature screech in warning. The figure’s answering cry made its chest churn uncomfortably- wrong wrong- and it curled in on itself. It spread its wings wide, trying to make itself as large as possible. Leave leave go away, stay away, stay away- Suddenly, the figure spoke. “Seraph, is… is that you?” … seraph. Seraph. The name was… did it know that name? Its threatening growls wavered in confusion. The name seemed to fit, but… how did the figure know that? Familiar, wrong, stay away stay away- “Oh, sweetheart… it’s ok… mama’s here…” Mama? The word tumbled around strangely in its mind, freezing its body in place. Mama. Mama mama mama. Its slitted eyes grazed over the figure, bewildered. Yes, that… wait… did that fit? Mama… She… nngh- The creature’s wings caved in on itself, their threat display unsustainable with the turmoil in its mind. It wrapped itself in feathers, shrieking softly in distress. Seraph- yes- mama- yes- no?- who- who is- but- safe?- wrong- wrong wrong wrong- “... seraph… I…” The creature crooned painfully. “I’m sorry.” The words ground the creature’s mind to a halt. Silence fell in the shop. Neither of its occupants did more than breathe. Eventually, the glow of the creature’s halo seemed to dim a little. Feathers shifted slightly. Silver eyes peeked from behind them. Searching. Hurting. Confused. The figure returned its gaze steadily, carefully spreading their arms in invitation. “I’m sorry, doll. I didn’t realize you were feeling this bad.” Sorry, sorry… “Won’t you come to mama now?” Ma... m… ev… evan… gel…? “I promise I’ll help make everything better.” Suddenly, everything came rushing back.
Evangel watched as her familiar’s form bucked and heaved, curling up smaller and smaller in the blinding light of her halo until all that remained was the small creature she knew. The tension left her shoulders immediately, a sigh escaping her lips. Good, it worked. She didn’t know what she would’ve tried if it didn’t. She didn’t want to go drag that woman- Sadie- down to do a job she should’ve been able to. This was her familiar. She was handling things just fine. Of course, the situation wasn’t over yet. She did not want a repeat of that… episode. Evangel crossed the room quickly, scooping up her familiar in her arms. Seraph clung to her weakly. As the little one twittered apologies and confused questions, she simply hushed her, promising rest and sweets. A story, too, if she wanted. No need to worry about the absolutely dreadful mess the familiar made- not now, anyway. Evangel would clean it- blegh, how awful- and let the little one rest. It would be ok. She was here. Anything to keep her doll quiet and content while she figured this out. … she just needed to keep this from happening again.
In the corner of the bedroom, Seraph lay curled up in fleece blankets. Normally, she wouldn’t have these. Normally, she contented herself with swatches of comfy fabric scraps. But today… was not normal. Today… she didn’t know what happened. Trying to remember was all a blur. Tumbling down the stairs, agonizing pain, and suddenly a glimpse of a figure in the doorway, whispering apologies and sweet nothings. She’d been bundled away upstairs, into where she was now. Given softness and a few of her favorite cookies. Promises were made about rest and who would share the chores. It all felt… strange. Good, but strange. Maybe she’s getting better, a voice whispered in the back of her head. She shifted a little, pulling back fleece to peek at the door. She could hear her originator speaking downstairs. The rasp of bristles on wood said she was cleaning. Cleaning up her mess. She’d seen the tears in her originator’s best dress. Seen the shreds of fabric of her finest work scattered all over the woodwork. Felt the horror bubbling up in her chest even as she was reassured it would all be ok. Seraph let the blankets fall back over her head. She knows what happened. She’s not mad at me. She’s… she’s letting me rest. She’s taking care of me. She said she was sorry. She said she’d make it better. Seraph took a shaky breath, letting her eyes drift shut. She would rest. Just like she was told. And… the warmth… the cookies… the gentle tones of her originator’s voice… She loved her. She did. She really, really did. So… it would be ok. Yes, it would be ok. … but the familiar made herself a promise, anyway.
Evangel will take care of me. She loves me. I love her too. I’m here to help. I’m not here to hurt. I will never, ever let this happen again.
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
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iiiiits her!!! everyone’s favorite hybrid familiar!!!
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
A Familiar World
Responsibilities  ——————————————-
Seraph knows her mama’s trying her best. After all, she’s always working and always going out shopping. But there’s definitely things mama could be doing better. Seraph figures she just... needs some help. That’s what familiars are for, right? So why not offer it? 
The masterpost for AFW can be found here. The chapter post for AFW can be found here.
this was gonna be setup for another chapter, but honestly, i wanted to post it on its own. the next part will come sometime, but for now, here’s some more of how these two get along :V
There are always days when one needs to go into town. Whether groceries are low, supplies need replenished, something needs repaired- the list goes on and on. Almost infinite, if not continually renewing. It wasn’t surprising that shopping day became a regular occurrence. … or, close to one. Evangel could never quite decide what day she wanted to go out. For a long time her schedule was erratic. Seraph, to her credit, did her best to remind her mama. But it was hard. She couldn’t reach all the cabinets yet. Evangel didn’t often check them. Seraph couldn’t easily look in every nook and cranny to keep inventory. Evangel never seemed to remember to do it herself. Seraph couldn’t know when they ran out of something like toothpaste or popsicles, which were kept where she couldn’t reach or access. Evangel didn’t say anything until it was all gone. It was quite disheartening to watch mama scramble around the building, frantically searching for something she definitely ran out of a day or two ago, her familiar wishing desperately that she’d been big and smart enough to keep a better eye on things. It was even worse to see the state Evangel returned in when she went out. Half the list never made it into her basket. Some flashy shiny trinket snuck in instead. She was always tired and mopey and had too many words for her little familiar to quite understand. Seraph did her best to comfort mama, of course! But she couldn’t do it all. Not when mama insisted she had to stay home week after week, because she’d get underfoot or distract her. Or dress strangely. Or make strangers want to talk to them. Or get mama “looked at.” Or all manner of things that, really, anyone would get upset about, right? The last thing Seraph wanted was to make mama upset. Mama wasn’t good when she was upset. … Besides, seraph was here to make mama happy. Here to help. Here to make things better. There would come a time that she finally spoke up.
Seraph was almost a year old now. Roughly ten in familiar years. She’d grown a little, and learned some too. She was taller than Evangel’s knees, if only by a head. She could read all the books in the house, get around to most places- with a bit of climbing, anyway- and could help mama do some of the shop finances. You know, if mama needed a second pair of eyes. And… she did need a second pair of eyes. From what Seraph could see- and understand, from snatches of conversations, books, and trips out- their budget could do with some work. … ok, a lot of work. But she didn’t want to tell mama that! She just wanted to help. Shopping day was coming up again, and she wanted to show mama she was ready to do more than pitch in little bits at a time. Mama said familiars are supposed to help. Mama… wasn’t helping herself. So, as seraph reasoned, it would be perfectly fine to offer to do the shopping today. She’d written the grocery list enough times to know what went on it. Mama never wrote it herself, anyway.
Seraph was sitting on the counter that morning. She kept her feet perfectly still, and her hooves to herself. Mama told her she needed to behave if she wanted to sit on the counter. Seeing as it gave her a good view out the window and towards the siren cliffs, she’d been on her very best behavior. Even if it made her fidgety afterwards. But, shaking her head, she tried to clear it of sea cliffs and countertops. She had a very important question to ask, and she’d waited very patiently to ask it. Taking a breath, the little familiar gathered her courage. She’d practiced this. She knew how mama wanted questions asked. So she sat up straight and proper, wings folded against her back and hooves set gently in her lap. With her frilly pink dress and gold hair ribbons, she looked like a perfect little angel. Just what mama liked. “Hey, mama?” Seraph chirped. Evangel jumped a little at her voice, glancing up from her work. Her look of disgruntled confusion shifted to one of warmth as she glanced her familiar over. “Well, don’t you look cute. What is it, Seraph?” Evangel asked, setting down her quill. Yes! Just the reaction Seraph wanted. It almost made her tail wag, but she was careful to keep it still. It could knock things off the counter, as mama said. “I just wanted to remind you that it’s, um, going to be shopping day soon,” Seraph said gently. “... oh… oh, bother, you’re absolutely right, aren’t you…?” Evangel mumbled. As her mama’s face fell, Seraph pressed on quickly. “But- but! I don’t think you have to go out this time!” She soothed. “I- I don’t? Whatever do you mean?” Evangel blinked, brows furrowed. “I always do the shopping. It’s my responsibility, as much as I absolutely loathe leaving the house. I can’t have us starving while I’ve got money in my pocket, can I?” Seraph held up a hoof in a placating gesture, trying to scramble for words. Had she already made mama upset? No- no, it was too early for that, right? But she’d fix it! She’d fix it! “Of course, mama, you’d never do that,” Seraph replied nervously. “B-but, um, I was maybe wondering if… um… i…? Could do the shopping… instead…?” Now that made Evangel stop cold. Her brows were still furrowed, but her look of lament was gone. That weird blank look was mama’s thinking face. It could mean trouble. She didn’t want trouble. Searching her brain quickly, she remembered something she heard mama say in passing, and latched onto it. “It’s just, um, I’m almost a year old now, and, um, I-I think familiars can go out and do errands on their own about now, right?” Seraph continued. “... that… that is true…” Evangel mumbled thoughtfully. “... familiars should be able to do errands… that’s one of their basic spell inclusions…” “Er… right,” Seraph faltered, not quite sure what to think of that. Shaking her head, she pressed on. “A-and, um, this way, you wouldn’t have to go out! You could just keep working, and I can handle the errands!” “Oh… huh, yes, that’s right too,” Evangel nodded. “It would be nice to work some more with errands taken care of.” “So… can I… handle the shopping?” Seraph asked meekly. Her little body leaned forward so eagerly she was almost falling off the counter, her feathers trembling in her desire to wiggle excitedly. “... hmm… well…” Evangel considered it a moment more. Sighing, she gave a definitive nod. “Yes. I think you should handle the shopping. It would help a lot, and you know I love my little helper, hm?” “Of course, mama!!!” Seraph beamed, hopping down from the counter. She hopped around from foot to foot, pausing only to smooth out her skirt. “Thank you so so much!!!” “You’re ever so welcome, doll,” Evangel hummed. “If you do a good job, maybe I can giv- er- trust you with some more responsibilities.” Seraph didn’t notice her mama’s tripping words, already skipping up the steps. “I’ll do my best, mama!!! You won’t regret this!!!” “Hmm… yes, yes doll...” Evangel said to herself, turning back to her work.. “I imagine I won’t...”
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
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ah, yes. this is the second time i’ve redesigned her so drastically, eh?  basically i just wanted her to look more like the sheep-bird hybrid she is, mess around with her color scheme, and like. idk just have fun LSKDJFKL
more deets undercut!
ok so first of all i actually picked a sheep and bird to model her after!!! she’s a valais sheep/mute swan hybrid!
i added wings because she deserves them. also feather color accents babeyyy
halo stayed the same! we love a floaty halo :D
nearly inverted her body colors otherwise- she’s got black patches n legs instead of lighter colored skin. tho she still has that on her arms. 
i jus rlly liked the idea of her shyly peeking out from under her hair ok lskdjf
all her feathery parts are now the same shade of purple because aesthetic
well, minus the gold ones/those on top of her wings. i added the gold ones in there so she’d have more than her halo as a small dash of gold? idk i wanted more gold in there so they’re gold now. the white ones are just to match her body
her wool is white now to match with the sheep i chose for her, and more coiledish to look like actual wool 
she has a feathery tail now! since she follows a sheepish body pattern up top, i figured she could be more birdish at the bottom. again bc why not lsdkjfsd
made her snout shorter/gave her hoof hands for more sheepy look!
she has swan feet. yes they’re webbed and clawed
she can’t fly very well! she didn’t start learning until she had her feral form, and she got used to using 3 sets of wings, so she can only kinda... flutter awkwardly in her normal form 
her outfit just looks cute bc she deserves a cute outfit 
... also i was tired of her skirt hiding her legs SLKJD
also yes i went a tiny bit deep by making her outfit simple. it’s like a standard outfit for a dress up doll that u can try different outfits on. considering what her originator is like... yeah
the wool under her outfit is the same color as the wool on her head, and covers her like a bathing suit :V
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