majoraz · 5 years
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Sera getting mistaken for Sonoko’s boyfriend instead of girlfriend
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setsunameioh · 7 years
Autumn Colors
anyways here’s a Serasono oneshot that I wrote awhile back but never posted on tumblr. I finished revising it recently, so I thought I would go ahead and do just that!
"Are you going to tell me what this is all about, Sera-chan?"
"I've told you already, Sonoko- it's a surprise!"
Sera's cheerful sounding voice was all that Sonoko could hear- other than the crunching sound of leaves beneath her feet. Not only had she woken her up long before the crack of dawn, rousing complaints from both of her parents about the early morning visitor, but she had also dragged her all the way out to here- wherever here was she thought, considering she had completely no idea. She'd been blindfolded, after all, Sera's white teeth flashing in a bright grin the last thing she saw before the white cloth was wrapped around her eyes, blocking her vision.
"It had better be worth it, getting me up this early in the morning. The sun's not even up yet!" Sonoko couldn't help but huff, puffing out her cheeks. Nevertheless, she let Sera guide her along, the girl carefully having placed one hand around her shoulder, navigating her through what she was pretty certain was some kind of forest, given the sound of crunching leaves that seemed to happen with every step. Every so often she would tell her to softly watch her step, carefully guiding her over some unseen obstacle, making certain that she never lost her balance or tripped. To be honest, that, at the very least, was something she had no complaints about.
The brisk autumn air sent a slight shiver down her spine, and though she couldn't see it, she could feel hot air billowing out as she breathed. It was already starting to get a bit colder, especially before the sun came up to provide them with some much needed warmth. Sera had instructed her to dress warmly, and to wear sensible shoes- to which Sonoko had complied, or well... she had, for the most part.
Perhaps a miniskirt was not her best choice. She should have at least put on some stockings to go with it in hindsight, but she'd still been half asleep when she got dressed as it was. She hadn't thought of it at the time.
"Trust me, it'll be worth it." Sera promised her. "Oh, be careful here." Carefully taking Sonoko's hand with her free one, she helped her step over something- maybe a tree root, or a fallen log, she thought to herself. "It's just a little bit further now, Sonoko."
"Yes, yes." Sonoko heaved a long sigh. Truth be told, she didn't mind being this close to Sera- having her arm wrapped around her shoulder, the warmth of her body seeping into her, was rather nice, actually. Were it not so early in the morning, she would probably actually enjoy it. "But I don't see why you had to wake me up so early. I'm not really a morning person, you know."
"It has to be morning, or it's no good!" Sera insisted, and Sonoko could almost hear the bright smile on her face. "Ah, we're here!"
Finally, Sonoko thought to herself, as she was lead to a stop. When Sera pulled her hand away from her shoulder, she almost felt a bit lonely- until the girl reached up, carefully removing the blindfold that she'd tied around her eyes quite some time ago. They must have been driving on her motorcycle for at least two hours, by her estimation. Blinking her eyes a little, Sonoko had to take a moment to let them focus- but once they had, she felt her breath catch in her throat.
Illuminated by the rising sun, what must have been hundreds of trees spread out before them- red, yellow, orange, all of the colors of fall dancing before her in the dawning sunlight. As Sonoko took a step closer towards the viewing platform that Sera had brought her too, she glanced down, catching the sight of the sun's rays hitting the flowing river below them, the water dancing in the light. As the sun slowly rose higher and higher in the sky, the colors of fall became more bright, more vivid, carpeting the mountains that stretched out just beyond them.
For a brief moment, it was enough that she even forgot the early morning hours, forget the faint bite of cold that had seeped into her legs.
"It's beautiful!" Turning back towards Sera, almost half hating to take her eyes off of the sight, Sonoko's eyes sparkled. "Is this what you wanted to show me, Sera-chan?"
"That's right." Sera told her, a wide grin on her face. "My middle brother showed me this place recently, so I wanted to pass it on to someone special to me in turn." The line slipped from her as if it were nothing, but Sonoko knew that the red tint of her cheeks had very little to do with the chill of the early morning air. "So? Wasn't it worth the trip?"
"Yes!" Nodding her head, Sonoko turned her gaze back towards the scene before her, watching as the color of the sky slowly changed. As the warmth of the sun's rays reached her, they seemed to dash away the slight chill that had seeped itself into her body, as if washing away any worries that she might ever possibly have. "It's a wonderful place, Sera-chan."
"That's great to hear!" Carefully taking Sonoko's hand, she guided her towards the single bench that had been placed on the viewing platform. She was glad to see that nobody else was there this morning. For a moment, it was as if the world had shrunken down to just the two of them. "I brought some hot chocolate, if you want some."
She hadn't made it herself, mind- her mother had given her a long, drawn out look when Sera had told her about her plan. For a moment, she had thought she was going to argue against it, say that they couldn't afford to do something like that in their current situation. Instead, she had merely ducked into the small kitchenette of their shared hotel room, emerging several minutes later with a thermos of hot chocolate, insisting that she take it with her. Sera hadn't even been aware that they even owned a thermos, nor the materials for making hot chocolate in the first place, or even that her mother could make it, but from the way that Sonoko's eyes lit up at the offer, it would appear that she had been right on the mark.
"I would love some!" Sonoko told her. "Thanks, Sera-chan!"
"Then, just give me one second." Sera said, carefully opening the lid of the thermos up, pouring some of the still piping hot beverage into it, and carefully handing it over towards Sonoko. She took it gratefully from her, drinking in the aroma of chocolate that rose from it, before she drunk from the cup herself. "Is it good?"
"Yes. It's delicious." Sonoko told her, a hint of a sly grin painting her own face now, her thoughts easy to read. "You try some too, Sera-chan."
"Going for an indirect kiss, are we?" Sera teased lightly, her own smile only growing at the faint red tint that lit Sonoko's cheeks up. "Well, I can't turn down an offer from a pretty girl, now can I?"
Carefully taking the cup from her, Sera quickly took a drink of the hot chocolate herself, feeling the warm beverage seep through her bones. Just as she opened her mouth, ready to pass it back towards Sonoko, she felt a light sense of pressure on her shoulder- and blinked, glancing down to notice that Sonoko had apparently dozed off, her head lightly resting on her shoulder.
Smiling to herself, Sera carefully rested the cup in her lap, watching the steady rise and fall of Sonoko's chest. Maybe early morning had been a little bit too much for her after all- but sunset wouldn't quite have the same effect, not at this time of year.
For the moment, she would let her sleep, head lightly resting on her shoulder. It was a comfortable place to be.
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saikoukaitou · 5 years
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h e y
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aonomiki · 8 years
*writes a gay fairy tale themed serasono oneshot*
I have made the best possible use of my time today, clearly.
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officecyborg · 9 years
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prompt: a SeraxSonoko something would be amazing! you could take it in any direction, I just want to see more of that ship out there!
the girls on a motorcycle trip
remember proper helmet safety, unlike these two nerds
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