Day 25 of Fluffvember: Adventure featuring Serafina, Thancred, Mortimer, and the koala joey
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blackbirdduelist · 4 years
Days and days had passed since that afternoon, having released that tension he felt more comfortable shooting off those glances and grins the Captian seemed to enjoy. Yet part of the redhead couldn't help but feel like his Captain now distanced himself a bit.
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"Capt." Nodding with a sideways smirk. "Its been some time since we have met for a lesson, do you not wish to continue?" Hoping to get him alone to speak about what was really on his mind. The young man was over the moon for this man. He didn't want it to be so sercrative but also understood how the other would see the importance of them laying low with such feelings.
Crow did his best to not flirt so obviously with him and focused on his duties. Not that anyone other than Akiza ever poked fun at him about Yusei anyhow.
Even if the other denied the lesson he would wind a way into his quarters later once everyone slept to speak with him. Needing to know where they stand.
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cemeterialll · 7 years
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i haven't put up any art in a while so here's a doodle and a wip
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sajgonwelbie95-blog · 7 years
Czuję jak łzy lecą po moim policzku...co się dzieje? Dlaczego? Podnoszę głowę i widzę jego, jak patrzy na mnie. Nie uśmiecha się czyli coś się jednak dzieje, coś złego. Trzęsę się cała, on tez. Mówi mi, że jest z nim zle, chce pomoc ale nie moge. On mnie odrzuca, mówi że za dużo problemow...widać byłam jednym z nich, tym najgorszym skoro bez mrugnięcia okiem powiedział to co myślałam, że nigdy z jego ust nie usłyszę...tak to koniec mojego idealnego, wymarzonego związku. Rozpłakałam się na calego, cały mój świat zawalił się przez kilka głupich slow, które bolały jakby ktoś strzelił mi w serce z pistoletu. Odwróciłam się i pojechałam nie chciałam żeby widział mnie w tym stanie, nie chciałam pokazać że wydarł mi sercr. Gdy odjezdzalam widziałam w lusterku jak patrzył na tył auta. Zatrzymałam się kawałek dalej , zamknęłam oczy i powtarzalam że to sen tylko sen... uwierzyłam w to i już uśmiech witał na mojej twarzy kiedy otworzyłam oczy i widziałam przód maski auta...a jednak to nie sen to było prawdziwe. Do dnia dzisiejszego siedzę i płacze z jakiego powodu nie wiem bo zostawił mnie bez słowa wyjaśnienia a to chyba powoduje że nigdy się z tym nie pogodzę...nigdy
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Serafina/Thancred. Serafina has had enough of Thancred’s buckles.
Serafina Lom---Warrior of Light, all-rounder Scion, Defender of Eorzea, Savior of Ishgard, among other illustrious titles---was at the end of her rope.
“Thancred, how many fucking buckles are there?!”
Her lover laughed as he too struggled. “Seemingly a lot in this moment than usual, sweetness.”
Serafina undid yet another buckle on his armor. “We haven’t even finished all the ones on the chestplate yet! There’s still your legs! And arms!”
“Patience, princess. All will be removed soon enough, so you may behold my body in all its glory.” He smirked as he attempted to undo several buckles on his arm without accidentally smacking his lady.
She rolled her eyes as she finally removed the chestplate. “Ah, I see a new class has been discovered---roguish bard gunbreaker. Sure to be popular, handsome.”
“Only ever the bard for you, my statuesque sweetness.” Thancred purred as he shifted slightly, backing her into the edge of the bed. “Shall I sing for you now?”
“But your armor—”
With a speed Serafina rarely saw from anyone, Thancred somehow got the rest of his armor off in record time. “As I was saying,” he demurred, grabbing onto her hips. “a song for my lady love?”
Within a few minutes, Serafina completely forgot the godsdamned buckles.
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cemeterialll · 8 years
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i did nothing over spring break lol
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cemeterialll · 7 years
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its scary chicken man also sorry my canvases are huge lmao
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