#serenity in us jjh
jaefluenza · 14 days
Mountain High | Jjh.
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genre: adventure, fluff
characters: jeong jaehyun x reader, jungwoo, taeyong, mark, winter, giselle
3,890 words
The sky above the mountain was a deep, clear blue when two hiking groups set out on their journey. The sun beamed down on the verdant trails, promising a day filled with adventure. Little did they know, the mountain had other plans.
Jaehyun, Taeyong, Jungwoo, and Mark were the epitome of camaraderie as they led the charge up the trail. These four were seasoned hikers, their banter and laughter ringing out like a steady drumbeat as they navigated the rough terrain.
Not far behind them was you, Giselle, and Winter. The three of you were no strangers to adventure, having tackled trails from the rugged to the serene. But today, something felt different—there was an edge to the air that none of you could quite place.
“We should catch up with the boys,” Winter suggested, glancing back at you and Giselle as you paused at a scenic overlook. “It’ll be fun to hike together, don’t you think?”
Giselle smiled mischievously, “Or maybe we just want to hear more of their ridiculous stories. Mark’s got a new one about Taeyong and a goat, apparently.”
You chuckled, rolling your eyes. “I’m sure that’s exactly what we need on this hike. Besides, I think they’re trying to outpace us.”
The three of you pushed on, determined to close the gap. The trail wound through dense forests, each step a rhythm in the heartbeat of the mountain. The air was crisp, the scent of pine mingling with the earthy aroma of the soil beneath your boots. But as you climbed higher, the trees thickened, and the sky became less visible through the canopy.
Unbeknownst to any of you, dark clouds were gathering in the distance.
Jaehyun slowed his pace, allowing the others to walk ahead. Something about the shifting wind didn’t sit right with him. He paused, scanning the horizon, noticing the ominous clouds creeping over the peaks.
Taeyong caught Jaehyun’s gaze. “What’s up, man? You see something?”
“Yeah,” Jaehyun replied, his brow furrowing. “Weather looks like it’s about to turn. We should be careful.”
Mark, ever the optimist, laughed. “It’s just a few clouds. We’ve handled worse.”
Jungwoo shrugged, but Jaehyun’s unease lingered. The group continued on, their conversation growing quieter as the sky began to darken.
By the time your group caught up with them, the first rumbles of thunder echoed through the mountains. You could feel the change in the air, a tension building with every step. The lighthearted atmosphere from earlier was replaced by a collective sense of unease.
“Looks like we’re in for a storm,” you remarked, drawing closer to Jaehyun. His expression was serious, his eyes fixed on the clouds that now dominated the sky.
“Yeah,” he nodded, his voice steady. “We should think about finding some shelter soon, just in case it gets bad.”
Winter glanced around nervously. “Do you think we’ll make it back down before it hits?”
Giselle looked up at the sky, biting her lip. “Maybe, but it’s a long way back. We could be caught in the middle of it.”
Just then, a sudden gust of wind whipped through the trees, sending a shiver down your spine. The storm was coming fast, too fast. The six of you exchanged glances, silently agreeing that the best course of action was to keep moving, but at a quicker pace.
As you continued up the mountain, the storm descended. What began as a drizzle quickly turned into a downpour, the rain relentless as it soaked through your clothes. The wind howled through the trees, making it hard to hear anything but the storm’s fury.
It wasn’t long before the trail became treacherous, the ground turning into a slick, muddy mess. The once steady rhythm of your steps faltered as each of you struggled to keep your footing. And then, as if to emphasize the mountain’s power, a bolt of lightning cracked through the sky, followed by a deafening boom of thunder.
Panic set in as the realization hit: you were all in serious danger. The storm was far worse than anyone had anticipated, and the trail was quickly becoming impassable.
“We need to find cover!” Jaehyun shouted over the wind, his voice barely audible. “We can’t stay out in this!”
The group scrambled to find shelter, eyes darting through the rain-slicked trees. But in the chaos, it was hard to stay together. The rain obscured your vision, the storm disorienting, and in the confusion, you were separated from the others.
You looked around frantically, trying to locate your friends, but the storm was too strong. The rain pounded down, the wind whipping your hair into your face. You couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of you.
Then, out of the corner of your eye, you saw a figure moving through the trees. You called out, and when they turned toward you, you recognized Jaehyun. Relief washed over you as he made his way toward you, his expression mirroring your own concern.
“We got separated from the others,” he shouted over the storm. “We need to find some kind of shelter until this passes!”
You nodded, trusting him to lead the way. The two of you pushed forward through the storm, your hearts pounding in your chests as you searched for anything that could provide some cover. The storm was relentless, the wind so strong it felt like it could knock you off your feet at any moment.
After what felt like an eternity, Jaehyun spotted a small cave nestled into the side of the mountain. He grabbed your hand, pulling you toward it. You stumbled inside, grateful for the temporary respite from the storm.
The cave was small, but it was dry, and that was all that mattered. You collapsed against the wall, catching your breath as Jaehyun crouched beside you, his gaze still wary.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice softer now that you were out of the storm.
You nodded, though your heart was still racing. “Yeah… I’m okay. Just… I didn’t expect it to get this bad.”
“Neither did I,” he admitted, running a hand through his wet hair. “But we’ll be okay here for now. We just need to wait it out.”
The storm raged outside, the wind howling like a wild beast. You could hear the rain hammering against the rocks, the occasional rumble of thunder echoing through the cave. But in here, it was almost peaceful—safe, even.
As the adrenaline from the escape began to fade, you became more aware of your surroundings. The cave was dark, the only light coming from the occasional flash of lightning outside. You could feel the chill seeping into your bones, your wet clothes clinging to your skin.
Jaehyun noticed your shivering and immediately shrugged off his jacket, offering it to you. “Here, take this. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.”
You hesitated for a moment, but the cold was too much to bear. “Thanks,” you murmured, accepting the jacket and wrapping it around yourself. It was warm, carrying the faint scent of pine and something distinctly Jaehyun. It helped, but the cold wasn’t the only thing making you shiver.
There was a tension between the two of you now, a silent understanding that you were alone together, isolated from the rest of the world by the storm. The cave, small as it was, felt intimate, and you couldn’t ignore the way your heart skipped a beat when Jaehyun’s gaze lingered on you a little too long.
To break the silence, you forced a smile. “Well, this is one way to make a hike memorable.”
Jaehyun chuckled, his smile easing some of the tension. “Yeah, not exactly what I had in mind when I signed up for this, but I guess we’re getting the full experience.”
“Surviving in the wilderness with just our wits and whatever we can scrounge up?” you teased. “I feel like we’re in one of those survival reality shows.”
Jaehyun grinned, his dimples appearing. “Except without the camera crew. We’re on our own here.”
The storm raged on, but the conversation brought a sense of normalcy to the situation. Jaehyun’s presence was comforting, his calm demeanor grounding you. Even as the wind howled and the rain pelted the cave entrance, you felt a little less afraid knowing he was there with you.
After a while, the conversation died down, and the two of you sat in companionable silence, listening to the storm outside. Your mind began to wander, thoughts drifting back to the rest of your group. You couldn’t help but worry about them, hoping they had found shelter as well.
Jaehyun seemed to sense your concern. “They’ll be okay,” he said softly, as if reading your thoughts. “Taeyong, Jungwoo, Mark… they’re all experienced. And your friends are tough too.”
You nodded, but the worry lingered. “I know. It’s just… this storm came out of nowhere. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“Me neither,” he agreed, his voice thoughtful. “But storms like this can blow over quickly. Hopefully, it’ll be gone by morning, and we can find the others.”
His optimism was infectious, and you found yourself hoping he was right. For now, though, there was nothing to do but wait.
As the storm continued its relentless assault outside, you and Jaehyun both realized that spending the night in the cave was inevitable. The temperature was dropping, and the cold, damp air was beginning to gnaw at your bones.
Jaehyun, always practical, decided it was time to do something about it. He reached for his backpack, which had somehow remained mostly dry, and began rummaging through it.
“Let’s get a fire going,” he said, his tone determined. “We’ll need it to stay warm through the night.”
You nodded in agreement, though you weren’t sure how he planned to start a fire in such conditions. The rain had soaked everything, and it seemed impossible to find anything dry enough to use as kindling.
But Jaehyun seemed undeterred. He pulled out a compact, waterproof case from his bag and opened it to reveal an array of survival tools. There was a small hatchet, a flint striker, and even a few packets of tinder.
“Wow,” you remarked, impressed. “You came prepared.”
Jaehyun chuckled, glancing up at you with a grin. “I’ve done a few hikes like this before. It pays to be ready for anything.”
As he began to arrange a small pile of tinder and sticks, you knelt down beside him, eager to help. “What can I do?”
“Here,” he handed you the flint striker, showing you how to use it. “Try getting a spark going while I find some more dry wood.”
You took the striker, feeling the cool metal in your hand, and began striking it against the flint. It took a few tries, but eventually, a spark caught on the tinder, and you blew on it gently, encouraging the small flame.
Jaehyun returned with more wood, which he carefully placed around the growing fire. The flames crackled to life, filling the cave with warmth and a soft, flickering light. You both sat back, watching as the fire grew stronger, casting long shadows on the cave walls.
“Not bad,” Jaehyun complimented, smiling at you. “You’re a natural.”
You smiled back, feeling a sense of accomplishment. “I’ve always been good at following instructions.”
The warmth from the fire was a welcome relief, and you could already feel the chill fading from your bones. You both moved closer to the fire, sitting side by side as the flames danced between you.
For a while, the two of you sat in comfortable silence, the fire providing a sense of security in the midst of the storm. The flames flickered, casting a warm glow on Jaehyun’s face, highlighting the thoughtful expression in his eyes. There was something different about this moment—something that felt more personal, more intimate.
You shifted slightly, feeling the need to break the silence. “You know, I’ve been thinking about our first year in college together. Remember that time we both got detention?”
Jaehyun chuckled, the sound rich and warm. “How could I forget? We were both late to Professor Kim’s class.”
You laughed, the memory bringing a smile to your face. “Yeah, we thought we could sneak in without anyone noticing. But then the door creaked, and everyone turned to stare at us. I thought I was going to die of embarrassment.”
Jaehyun shook his head, still smiling. “And then Professor Kim decided to make an example of us. Detention for both of us—right after class. I remember you were so mad.”
“I was,” you admitted, shaking your head at the memory. “But it turned out to be one of the best detentions ever. We spent the whole hour just talking about random stuff. I learned so much about you that day.”
“Like what?” Jaehyun asked, his tone playful, but there was a genuine curiosity in his eyes.
“Like how you can’t stand the sound of people chewing with their mouths open,” you teased, earning a laugh from him. “Or how you have a secret talent for drawing, even though you never show your sketches to anyone.”
Jaehyun smiled, his gaze softening as he looked at you. “And I learned that you’re a night owl who survives on coffee and late-night study sessions. And that you’re one of the most stubborn people I’ve ever met.”
You pretended to be offended, but the warmth in his voice made it impossible not to smile. “Hey, stubbornness can be a good thing. It’s what gets me through those tough classes.”
“It’s one of the things I like about you,” Jaehyun said, his voice dropping to a more serious tone.
Your breath caught in your throat at his words. The fire crackled between you, but the atmosphere had shifted, the lighthearted conversation giving way to something deeper.
“Jaehyun…” you began, but he cut you off, his gaze intense.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” he said, his voice low and sincere. “I’ve liked you for a while now. I just… I never found the right moment to say it.”
His confession hung in the air, the weight of it making your heart race. You had always sensed there was something more between you two, but hearing him say it out loud made it real—tangible.
“I slowed down my pace earlier on the trail,” he continued, his eyes never leaving yours. “I wanted to be near you, to make sure you were okay. I kept an eye on you and the girls because I care about you. And when the storm hit… all I could think about was finding you.”
The vulnerability in his voice, the honesty in his words, made your heart ache in the best possible way. You reached out, your hand finding his in the flickering firelight.
You could feel Jaehyun’s gaze on you, his eyes warm and intense as they traced your features. The way he looked at you made your heart race, and despite the warmth of the fire, you felt a different kind of heat rising within you.
“Jaehyun,” you whispered, your voice barely audible over the crackle of the fire.
He leaned closer, his breath warm against your skin. “Yeah?”
For a moment, you hesitated, your heart pounding in your chest. But the look in his eyes, the way he was so close you could feel the heat radiating from him, made you brave.
You reached up and gently placed your hand on the side of his face, feeling the warmth of his skin under your fingertips. You could see his breath hitch, his gaze flickering down to your lips. The tension between you was palpable now, a magnetic pull drawing you closer together.
“Can I…?” you began, but Jaehyun didn’t let you finish.
He closed the distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a soft, tentative kiss. It was gentle at first, a question in the way he kissed you, as if he was giving you a chance to pull away if this wasn’t what you wanted. But when you responded, pressing back into the kiss with equal tenderness, it was like a dam broke.
Jaehyun’s hand came up to cup the back of your head, his fingers threading through your hair as he deepened the kiss. His lips were warm and soft, moving against yours with a sweetness that made your heart swell. The world outside ceased to exist; there was only the two of you, the warmth of the fire, and the feeling of Jaehyun’s lips on yours.
The kiss was slow, unhurried, filled with the emotions that had been building up between you for so long. You could feel everything he was trying to say in the way he kissed you—the longing, the care, the affection that he hadn’t been able to put into words until now.
When you finally broke apart, both of you were breathing heavily, your foreheads resting against each other’s as you tried to catch your breath. You could see the way Jaehyun’s chest rose and fell rapidly, the same way yours did, and the sight made you smile.
“Wow,” you whispered, your voice still a little breathless.
Jaehyun chuckled softly, his thumb brushing over your cheek in a tender gesture. “Yeah… wow.”
For a moment, you just looked at each other, the firelight reflecting in his eyes, making them look even warmer than usual. His smile was soft, his dimples appearing as he looked at you with an expression that made your heart flutter.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” Jaehyun admitted, his voice low and filled with emotion. “But I never knew if you felt the same way.”
You smiled, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I did… I do. I’ve liked you for so long, Jaehyun. I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
He sighed softly, pulling you closer so that you were nestled against his chest. “I guess we were both too afraid to say anything. But I’m glad we finally did.”
You nodded, feeling the steady beat of his heart under your ear. It was comforting, grounding you in the reality of the moment. This was real—Jaehyun’s feelings, your own, the warmth of his arms around you. It was all real, and it made you feel like you were exactly where you were meant to be.
For a while, you stayed like that, wrapped up in each other, the warmth of the fire and the intimacy of the moment making everything else fade away. The storm outside was still fierce, but inside the cave, with Jaehyun by your side, it felt like nothing could touch you.
The next morning, the storm had finally passed, leaving the forest drenched and glistening under the pale morning sun. The air was crisp and fresh, the sky a clear, brilliant blue that felt like a promise of better things to come. The birds were singing again, and the world seemed to have come back to life after the chaos of the previous night.
You and Jaehyun had slept in short shifts, keeping the fire going and listening for any signs of the storm easing. As dawn broke, you both packed up what little you had taken out, dousing the remnants of the fire with water from Jaehyun’s canteen.
Despite the trials of the night, you felt lighter, a warm glow in your chest from everything that had happened between you and Jaehyun. There was a new kind of closeness now, a bond forged in the heart of the storm and sealed with the gentle kisses you had shared.
“Ready to head back?” Jaehyun asked, shouldering his backpack and giving you a reassuring smile.
You nodded, smiling back. “Ready. Let’s go find the others.”
The hike back to the base camp was much easier now that the storm had passed. The trail was muddy, and the ground was slick in places, but with Jaehyun by your side, it felt like a walk in the park. You both moved quickly, eager to reunite with your friends and let them know you were safe.
It didn’t take long before you started seeing signs of other hikers—muddy footprints, a few discarded wrappers, and the sound of distant voices.
“Over here!” a voice called, and you turned to see Winter waving frantically from the edge of the camp. Giselle and the boys—Taeyong, Jungwoo, and Mark—were with her, all of them looking a little worse for wear but otherwise unharmed.
“There you are!” Giselle shouted, rushing over to pull you into a tight hug. “We were so worried when we got separated!”
“We’re okay,” you reassured her, hugging her back just as tightly. “Jaehyun found me, and we took shelter in a cave. What about you guys?”
“Once the storm hit, we all hunkered down in our tents,” Taeyong explained, walking over with a relieved grin. “We stayed put until morning. But when we realized you and Jaehyun weren’t with us, we started to worry.”
Mark smirked, glancing between you and Jaehyun. “Looks like you two had quite the adventure.”
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks, but before you could respond, Winter’s eyes widened as she seemed to piece something together. “Wait a minute—are you two…?”
Jaehyun, ever composed, wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close with a grin. “Yeah, we’re together now.”
There was a moment of stunned silence, and then the camp erupted into cheers and laughter. Jungwoo clapped Jaehyun on the back, a wide grin on his face. “About time, man! We’ve all been waiting for this to happen.”
Giselle’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she nudged you. “So, a stormy night in a cave, huh? Sounds like the perfect setup for romance.”
You laughed, shaking your head at her teasing. “It was… unexpected, but it brought us closer. We finally admitted how we feel about each other.”
“And now they’re officially a couple!” Winter cheered, clapping her hands in excitement. “This trip really was a success in more ways than one.”
Taeyong, always the leader, stepped forward with a proud smile. “Well, I’d say this hiking trip turned out to be quite the matchmaking adventure. Who knew a storm could bring two people together like this?”
Mark grinned, slinging an arm around Taeyong’s shoulders. “Maybe next time we should plan for a storm on purpose. Might help more of us find our soulmates.”
The group burst into laughter at Mark’s suggestion, the mood light and celebratory. It was clear that everyone was relieved to be back together and safe, and the fact that you and Jaehyun had finally confessed to each other was the icing on the cake.
As the group gathered their gear and prepared to head back home, Mark couldn’t resist one last comment. “So, how are we going to top this on our next trip? It’s going to be hard to beat a stormy night romance.”
Jaehyun chuckled, squeezing your hand. “I think we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. But no matter what, I’m just glad we’re all safe and that I got to be with someone special.”
You smiled up at him, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. “Me too. This was definitely a trip to remember.”
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
| serenity in us | j.jh | ch. one
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word count: 2.9k+ ( putting this now yay :3 )
a/n: hey hi hello~ i’m back with another series! i was gonna wait until my semester’s done but my patience’s killing me and i don’t wanna keep you all waiting so here you go! ♡ enjoy! ~j
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“serenity is found somewhere between the sky and the sand.” you read the font words on the minimalist frame. it was a quote you heard in an ongoing, constant dream that you thought was needed to be drawn and remembered. in it, the quote was a voice as if a narrator spoke those words to begin something new. the scenery you ask? every place was different but there was always a horizon. the dream was vague and raised a lot of question marks in your mind the moment you wake up.
you hung the item on the wall, marking the end of unpacking your things since moving in days ago. the mess was finally cleared out and the boxes were emptied and folded briefly, lined on one side of the wall. you slouched low in exhaustion, sliding your home slippers across the white marbled floor. it was squeaking even, that only explained how much of a neat freak you were. a new apartment, simple furniture and man oh man, you have an automatic vacuum with a sensor that you didn’t have to worry about the dirt at the annoying, impossible corners.
independence was something you were blessed with despite being an orphan as early as two. uncle caleb; a friend of your father’s and aunt jenn; your mother’s half-sister, gladly took you in as their own.
honestly the mention of your beloved felt like they were still alive and just working abroad, because they were always reminded and talked about from your uncle and aunt. you had a striking resemblance with your mother, but the ways were your father’s. ‘a perfect combination of the two’, was how they described the child they never wanted to leave behind.
the door bell rang and the small screen showed your childhood— and best friend, eunha. she waved at the super tiny camera and had some flowers and bento boxes with her, all packed and nicely decorated. you pressed the button for her to enter. whilst you waited, you played an hour long track list of soothing, chill, instrumental songs to make the apartment a little noisy. one thing’s for sure, silent cleaning was not a good habit since you tend to procrastinate, oops. 
eunha greeted you a hug so tight, placing down the things she brought with her. “y/n! i’m so glad we’re living so close to each other!” she hugged you and fanned herself as if that would stop her eyes from welling. “how’s everything with you? you should’ve called me honey! you know i’ll be coming straight away to help! i have a hotline like the powerpuff girls has.” she winked.
“i’m great! i crossed out the things i completed and now free from the stress. i’m ready for the new semester.” you gestured her to sit, inviting her for the meal you prepared. “well i am the bubbles to your blossom~ but it’s really okay! i managed and here we are talking freely without stressing over things.”
her hands held yours and swung them with excitement. “after we eat, do you want me to bring you around town? there’s a vinyl record store i think you’ll like.” her voice beaming as she singsonged, chewing on the pancake with whipped cream and blueberries.
“it’s still 9 a.m. we have loads of time in the world.” you showed your watch.
the leaves began to fall and you twirled around the sidewalk’s lamppost. eunha took pictures of you, happiness written on your face. you both entered the said shop. records displayed and hung on the wall, posters of legendary artists and worldwide singers encouraging customers to come in.
your hands trailed along the shelf that had new and limited turntables. as much as you were itching to pull out your wallet, there were other important things you needed to worry about and independence meant discipline too. your fingers curled and hesitated, just inches left before you could touch the surface of the one thing you’ve always wanted to purchase.
eunha giggled at your whiney, surrendered self. your back turning away from the product and walking towards her. “y/n.” she called your name, but this certain tone was serious and was more of a reminder.
“i know.” you smiled as you wiggled your phone with the ever precious wallpaper of yours.
“oh! your aunt’s calling you.” she hopped and pointed at the device, making you sliding fingers on the screen a second later. she gestured that she’d head out and wait for you.
“hi aunt jenn.” you greeted on the phone, only to extend your arm slightly at the baby’s cry on the other line. “aw he’s crying again?”
“yes y/n. i’ll be heading to work soon. can you come here?” she chuckled, though it was obvious she had the baby in her arms.
you exited the store and pulled eunha, crossing the pedestrian. “alright, i’ll be on my way.”
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the office was dead silent and not one soul dared to speak. three figures stood in front of the angered woman; their continuous fiddles of the fingers and tapping of the toes became faster as they tried to come up with a reason to tell. just one. only the ticking of the clock on the table was heard. it was getting harder and harder to breathe even in a hundred square meter room.
“where is he?!” she yelled. the three flinched and were taken aback, hands either behind them or wrapped around an arm. the door then flung opened, revealing the said guy.
“young man, how can you be so inconsiderate?!” the woman asked again, this time it was in an annoying range of decibel that the listeners had to endure the volume. 
jaehyun brushed past the ‘meeting’ and sat in one of the leather chairs. his legs rested on the centered table, obviously not bothering to listen. “so, being a minute late concludes my actions in general?” he chuckled bitterly, spinning the chair around before standing up again.
“i couldn’t care less,” he now glared at the woman. “about this damn meeting. what is it for, anyway?! wasting my time!”
he left the room and the woman rubbed her temples, swinging her palms to tell the rest of the three to follow the young man. “jaehyun.” yunho called his brother, reaching a hand out to grab him, successfully turning the lad around.
“what?” jaehyun snapped, removing the grip onto his body.
krystal rolled her eyes, the pungent smell entering her nostrils. “you reek, jae.”
“you went drinking again, didn’t you? i could smell the moment you came into the office.” yunho asked, pressing the button of the lift to head down.
“when will you learn, honestly?” jessica fixed her bag on her arm. “grow up.”
jaehyun clapped his hands, applauding the expected words that woman instructed his siblings to do. “me? learn? i already did. i just won’t follow orders from that silver digger.”
“gold*.” they corrected him.
“see you’re still drunk.” krystal meddled with her new manicure, earning a nudge from jessica.
“whatever, noona. you get my point either way.” jaehyun fished out his car keys to toss them up high, whistling his heart out at his favourite tune.
they exited the building and got on the car. he dropped off his sisters at the blanc and eclare flagship headquarters, then drove to a nearby restaurant for lunch with yunho. they entered the place and went to the reserved table. jaehyun sat and loosened the buttons of his polo, removing the neck tie and sat back.
yunho stared at his carefree little brother, he put the menu down so he could maybe give him a little serious talk. he understood why jaehyun acted the way he did earlier. even he himself could do the same but given the circumstances of his standing in the family, of course he’d be the mature one. he was the first child anyway.
“got anything you want?” yunho asked, removing his sunglasses then placing them in its case. “i’ll pay.”
“nah, let me pay for my own meal, hyung.” he flashed a small smile. “i got my pay check.”
“so you still do have a heart.” yunho jokingly stated the overseen fact.
“c’mon you’re smarter than that doctor jung.” jaehyun said the occupation title in a childlike tone. “you should know why i’m filled with hatred towards the woman.”
“hatred is such a strong word, offensive even. but seriously jae, how long are you going to keep up with this behavior? the next thing you know it, you’re out of the penthouse.”
yunho raised his hands to order. the young lad didn’t dare to answer and he sighed at the usual unresponsive manner whenever they hit this certain topic. “look i know for the longest time she treated us like how captain george von trapp did to his kids. i get it. you hated how she uses out-of-the-world discipline and i totally understand that-”
jaehyun scoffed, disbelief clearly written on his face. “i was six when she entered our lives. a kid that age couldn’t handle being shoved around just because he thought there was no difference between boxers and pajama shorts. the sound of music is cool reference by the way.”
“you did have confused mind back then. and what else can i compare it with? she probably took the idea from there.” yunho laughed as he handed the utensils and handkerchief. “but still though, i suggest you man up and act like you do with dad. just be yourself.”
“easier said than done.” jaehyun began slicing his steak and popping one bit into his mouth.
“what makes you so stone cold towards her anyway?” he asked, fixing the handkerchief by his lap.
“simple.” jaehyun stated the obvious even if he knew that yunho knew the answer.
“she’s not mom.”
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eunha brought you to the restaurant that opened not long ago. the interior was eye-catching yet even with its simplicity, it was able to attract customers from outside. the smell of dishes that were yet to be served was luring and probably the reason why eunha chose the place. the waiters led you to the a table and soon came back with a baby chair. you placed the little un in it and he smiled with pearls trying to peek out.
you fixed the bib around him and booped his nose. gurgles of his hoarse laughs made everyone at your area turn to him. “ooh you sure are the spotlight stealer, aren’t you? these people are already taking a picture of you.”
“gosh he has the cutest smile.” eunha melted at the sight of him grabbing the tissue. “looky here!” she aimed her camera at him. “y/n, what’re you getting?”
you pondered for a while before your eyes landed at the name your stomach was craving for the past week. moving apartments had a toll on you— that resulted in you unable to cook your favourite meal. up until this morning were you finally found the time to do that. hence the breakfast eunha devoured within seconds.
“i’m getting fish & chips, and the classic steak.” your stomach growled at the picture beside it.
“alright, i guess i’m getting the same as yours.” eunha raised her hand.
the waiter came to your table to kindly ask for your orders. when you did so and thanked the man, a wallet fell from your right side. picking it up to give it to the owner, a large hand lightly touched yours and you looked up to see two men smiling softly.
“thank you.” the man in a suit said, taking the wallet from you.
“you’re welcome.” you answered. the man looked awfully familiar, as if he was on every commercial the screen had offered to show.
you and eunha shared a look. the telepathic words exchanged between the both of you had your eyes agreeing with what you saw, confirming his identity.
“he’s that celebrity doctor.” eunha mouthed. “dr. jung yunho, a paediatrician.”
“he seems a happy child. how old is he if i may ask?” he waved at him.
“this little guy here, just turned one few days ago.” you said, wiping off the drool with the bib.
“oh precious. belated happy birthday buddy.” he greeted.
you turned to the little one and carried him in your arms, waving his hands to thank the man. as you continued have your lunch and taking turns in feeding him and yourself, you noticed some movement where other children would approach the child on your lap. they would pinch his cheeks lightly and made faces they thought would make him laugh.
then the two men beside you stood. but before they left, yunho took a something out of his pockets and handed it to you.
it was a business card of his own practice office with an address and contact information. “if there’s anything you need help with, just give me a call and this guy-” he pointed at jaehyun and pat his back. “-will pick you and birthday boy up and head to my office.”
“hyung!” jaehyun gasped loudly, later covering his hands at the volume of his complaint. “sorry, i don’t mean it in a negative way.” he smiled awkwardly at you.
“no worries.” you gave him a sincere smile and he swore he felt like the world slowed down. everything else blurred where the only focus was you; how your hair length waved below your shoulders and your eyes sparkled with the sun’s reflection.
this young fine man though, whom you thought wasn’t paying attention or interest to, was now staring at you like he had a thousands of questions to ask to fill in his curiosity. “see you around.” yunho bid you goodbye, and the other trailed from behind.
eunha poked your shoulder with an intention of a tease. she grinned and you knew where she would go from there. “i know what you’re gonna say.” you rolled your eyes, yet a faint smile was evident in your lips.
“really?” her tone was very challenging. “i’ll test you. go ahead.”
“‘dr. jung yunho is so handsome! he’s so dreamy in real life! i should’ve asked for his photograph and boast it to my friends!’ yeah, i guess it’s somewhere along those lines.” you mimicked her voice and expression, not to mention gestures as well, especially the hands.
“yah i don’t act like that!” she defended, but there wasn’t any denial as she said that. “well, maybe. you’re not wrong though.”
“hmpf. and here you went ‘test me’.” you giggled, giving another piece of fish fillet to the one-year old. “and for the record, i’m always right whenever i’m proving you wrong.”
“fine you win.” she sipped her juice from a straw. “oh! hey, the guy he’s with is also handsome.”
you nodded in agreement at the obvious fact, although he did have tiny temperment. but that was only due to dr. yunho’s sudden suggestion. “he looked young. maybe his younger brother perhaps?” you wondered.
“hm. i haven’t seen him before. not on screen at least.” eunha chewed on her food. you raised a brow since you have no idea what she was talking about. “that doctor we conversed with, is from a family of good looking people. he has two younger sisters; jessica and krystal jung. the older one is the founder and endorser of blanc and eclare, while the younger one is an nationwide actress.”
“wow.” your eyes grew at the far/fetched level of these people. “sounds like an ideal family out of a manhwa.”
“egg-xactly.” she pointed at you with a hard boiled egg by her fork.
“that guy called him ‘hyung’ though. looked like to me they know each other. plus they have resemblance too.” you wiped your lips clean from the possible stain.
“oh dear ms. y/n.” eunha called you, her palms touching her chest as if she was surprised. “you have the hots for guys like him, which was why you-”
“ah-ah.” you glared at her, making her shush and zipping the imagination by her lips. “don’t talk about that.”
“bummer, i wasn’t even gonna.” eunha pouted but held your hand anyway. “i’ll always be here for you, y/n.”
“thank you.” you gave her a warm smile.
jaehyun waited by the entrance while his brother paid their meal. although he was bummed out that he wasn’t able to pay for his, he was somehow relieved. because once that cash was out of his pockets, he’d be broke the next time he goes to drink again.
at the corners of his eyes, he could still see you and your friend, as well as the adorable child seated on your lap. you were giving him a spoonfuls for airplane feeding.
yunho gestured jaehyun that they were leaving the restaurant. “hyung, why did you say that i’d pick her up?” he asked as he took a quick glance at you.
“c’mon i’m just playing around.” he nudged jaehyun.
“by matchmaking me to some random girl?” he scoffed. “you sure got a lot of time in your hands.”
“don’t take it too seriously jae.” yunho went ahead, leaving his brother flabbergasted.
he then shrugged it off and looked at you before stepping out. his ears perked up at the three second long conversation exchanged between you and the child.
“jaewon, look! mommy’s got an airplane~”
jaehyun stopped in his tracks by the entrance. his head quickly turning to you again. your lips mouthed the one word that shock hit his entire body. you weren’t just some random girl,
you were the mother of that child.
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
You really had us on the edge!! 😱😱 The letter J in the prev chapter could be anyone but I certainly didn’t expect him!! Great job!
well that’s the plan! 🤣🤣 man i love twists and i love your reactions hahaha thank you dear! 🥰
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
I keep crying on your last chp and idk why😭😭 i literally cry n stop n cry again until the end lmaoo😭 but thank you for writing serenity in us! I really really really love it🤧❤ take care and stay safe🥰
it’s okay~ cry all you want bc i teared up too 😫 i’m happy you loved the series!! 💚 take care and stay safe too hun! 🥰
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
Okayy place your bets, i think its jinyoung lmaoo i can't do this,,,, the cliffhanger omg....
oh sounds fun~ let’s do this guys 😂 tell me who you think it is haha
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
PLOT TWIST!! WHAT A TWIST MISS J!! 😫 You never fail to amaze us with your works! This is such a good series and Idk how this will end like seriously!! Y/N can go with anyone at this point I don’t even care anymore! I want her, baby Jaewon, Jaehyun and Jinyoung to be happy and JEON JUNGKOOK I SWEAR- Okay I’m typing too long now lol Anyway I can’t wait for the next and final chapter!! 😃
aww i’m glad i’m able to make you guys happy with my works 🥰🥰 it’s probably the longest written series i’ve written (maybe because i kept postponing the chapter ahemm) bet you didn’t see him coming 😁😁
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
Haii.. im gonna start reading serenity in us tonight. Uhmm.. can u add me in ur taglist pls. Thank u :)
omg hello! welcome aboard~ 🥰 ofc! i’ll include 🤍 pls look forward to the next chapter!
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
Ik this is a bit late but OMG the new chapter of serenity tho. 😲 The suspense... Can't wait til the next update.💕 From 🌻
hi dear 🌻 nothing’s too late! the reactions i get from y’all are funny 😆 look forward to the next!
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
Omg what a rollercoaster ride serenity was. Now I'm sad that it's over. 😢 Love the ending it's soooooo cute. 😂 - 🌻anon
did you scream and laugh on the way? 😉 glad you loved it my sunflower! 🥰
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
I just read the recent chapter miss j. and i freaking swear ✋😩 it feels like i'm at the edge of my seat while waiting for the results 😭😳 i hope you're doing well miss j. and taking care of yourself 😊 stay safe & hydrated 😘💖 - g.
ooh seems like y’all can’t wait 😌 dw it’s soon~
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
i feel so bad for not updating last week but i promise i will post a chapter on friday!!
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
Istg I ready to throw hands to miyeon or whoever— 😤
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
hi miss j, will you be sharing another chapter of serenity in us this week?
hi love! apparently my barista trial is until tmr, so there wouldn’t be an update for serenity (i haven’t proofread it yet 😭 i’ll lyk when i do!
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 For what and for why did I have to suffer like this miss j
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
hi miss j, will you be sharing another chapter of serenity in us this week?
hello! yes i will be posting it this friday! 😉
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
MISS J.! 😭 damn i've only been gone for a week and i really did miss a lot of stuff here on tumblr 😩💔 bUT THAT PLOT TWIST OMFG ASDFGHIOE- 👀😭 YOU'RE GIVING ME A HEART ATTACK JUST WHEN I THOUGHT JAEHYUN WAS THE FATHER OMG 😩 but it's kinda cute imagining jungkook as the father tho 😍 and i am: at the edge of my seat yet aGAIN ✋😩 now idfk what to expect in the last chapter 😭 can't wait but ofc, no pressure 💕 stay safe and take care especially at work miss j. 😘💖💞 - g.
has it really been a week tho?? 👀 time flies! i’m sorry for making yout feel this but i really planned the plot from the beginning~ 😉🥴 hehehe you take care too bby g!
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