#sergeant albercht
whatisgoingonpaul · 2 years
It’s about the progression
Apparently tumblr doesn’t save drafts so here we go again.
One of my favorite details is one you don’t really notice on your first watch? It’s so small but so significant and it drives me absolutely insane, it’s such a good character and story note and I really wish more talked about it?
Eric never replaces his makeup though the film. He never fixes it or is seen altering it in the movie, there’s no fixing it or ‘movie magic’ it’s back to solid again. Thought the movie we watch it begin to fade with each death and wash with the rain, by the time we reach the end of the movie in the graveyard it’s barely there at all. Instead there’s a bit clinging to his hairline and jaw, his eyes are a bit more sunken but that’s it, it’s been washed away.
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It’s such a good fucking character detail? It’s representative of the crow and of his grief it’s self? The only point in the movie when it’s ever full face and perfect is when he first applies it and goes after tin tin, every other point after we watch it begin to wear and wash away. His time is slipping, it’s limited the closer he gets to the end.. justice is almost served, why should face paint matter? He doesn’t .. care, not really, nor particularly… the face paint itself was his grief about his - but especially shelly’s death.. about the situation, sort of a sign of the crows influence. The further along the more it fades. By the time it’s down to top dollar Eric is no longer as set as he had been, he’s slow and fading… all of his anger drained into his sorrow and he doesn’t care. He didn’t know of top dollar’s involvement until he dragged Sarah into the fight.. he was at the point of grief that he was given up, sullen - the entire final fight was a last desperation- he was done long before it the beginning of it he is more annoyed/sad he has to fight at all rather then carrying the same rage of the start. When Shelly comes , his face is almost completely washed free of the makeup. It’s him again, it’s time to let go- it’s time to go.
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It’s alongside the stages of grief (alongside his personal arch) . It also lines up with the comic really well in a detail you wouldn’t notice if you haven’t read. In the comics Eric’s makeup remains the same/solid as it’s drawn, but each issue is broken up into books.
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Book one: Pain
Book two: fear
Book three:Irony
Book four:despair
Book five: death
Epilogue- Passover
Like the movie Shelly comes as he is at the grave and allowed to crossover - however it includes a bit of dialogue. They used to say they’d be together forever, that forever is now.
The movie itself follows the similar system each part having a central emotion he aligns with in the moment. (Such as Albrecht’s apartment and Meeting Sarah again being in despair.). And I’m just- screaming as the paint follows with it, once he passes into another stage it changes with it. Be it blood splatter or simply rubbing off. Once again this movie didn’t have to go half as hard as it fucking did and I 👏🏻 I mentioned before it basically making the comic comprehensible and it genuinely does. It takes SO much little detail from the comics that it took me watching face paint to realize?! Hhhhhhhhh!
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