#series:michael langdon
youremypride · 6 years
The Truth About Love | Ch.2
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☽ Have you ever love someone so much, you would do anything for them? Even disturbing the peace between the living and the afterlife? Love knows no boundaries but there is always a price to be paid. How much do you say? As much as your heart desires for your true love.
Pairing: AHS! Michael Langdon x Reader
Genre: romance, angst, violence
Warnings: mentions of death
Note: Before the new episode starts, or is starting, another chapter to get the story rolling.
Word Count: 3046 words
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After the earthquake, I had completely lost track of time. I couldn’t tell how long we were locked in those iron cages. It almost drove me insane if it weren’t for Timothy and Emily. Until one day, they released us from our captive holdings and put us in an armoured vehicle that was silver and made of metal. As I looked out of the window, all I could see was thick fog swarming everywhere. All the leaves from the trees were gone, leaving a bare and eerie look from the outcome. The bark of the trees was burnt. Was there a forest fire or something?
Everything was grey and not a single drop of colour left could be seen. How could an earthquake do so much damage like this? This is why I should’ve watched the news. All my questions were answered by the same man who had took me away.
“There was a missile attack. A lot of countries were affected by it, including us.” Missile attack? Wow, I didn’t think that would happen so soon.
The two workers from before who were supposedly addressed as Cooperative agents said they were bringing us to an outpost. A survival shelter like the ones from Fallout.
“What’s going to happen to us now?” The man threw yellowed radioactive suits at us. “Put these on. The air is contaminated. They’ll explain to you when you arrive.”
They? Who is they? As we stepped out of the vehicle with our suits on, tall black gates welcomed us and it made an unsettling feeling in my stomach. The entire area was closed off with black fences as well. Was this a gated community? No, that can’t be it. To keep people out? Those two agents said that the environment was harmful now. That must be it. I couldn’t imagine being one of the affected. Just thinking about it sent shivers running down my spine.
A figure stood in front of us, dressed in a long robe that covered the person’s entire body, hands covered with gloves and a head mask with large eye googles and an opening tube to help with breathing. It reminded me of the Brotherhood from one of the Silent Hill movies.
The figure brought us further into the clearing and as the fog begins to clear, up ahead there was a man and a woman, kneeling on the grown with three other figures similar to the one in front of us. The woman was begging for forgiveness, saying it over and over again. What was she sorry for?
It was then accompanied by loud fired shots, as both the man and the woman were shot in the head. I felt my chest tightening, my breathing rigid and heavy. Holy shit. They shot them. They fucking shot them.
The entrance to the Outpost was a short curve till we reached the centre of the structure. The figure from before held out a card to the card scanner on the wall, a beep was heard, giving access to the main entry. It was then I knew that it would be the last time I ever saw the outside.
We had been assigned to our own rooms, mine just beside Emily’s. Each room had the same necessities, and a en suite along with it. The wardrobe was filled with long purple dresses, all of them with the same design and cutting. I was never really fond of wearing dresses, but if that’s the only thing I get, then so shall it be. Once I felt the hot water of the shower hitting against my skin, I felt rejuvenated and fresh. It’s been so long since I had one, and the feeling felt so good. My hair that was once greasy was now back to its original condition. I didn’t smell like a hobo anymore and the dirt from my skin had been cleared away.
I stepped out from the shower once I was finished, only to be surprised by a message on the mirror. It had been written out from the steam of the shower. It read, ‘Duo in carne una’. I couldn’t tell what it meant. Maybe someone might tell me but I wasn’t sure if I could trust them, knowing they would be suspicious of me. With a last look in the mirror, I join Emily and Timothy to meet with the others. We followed the music that was playing which brought us to a living room, a fireplace on the other side of the walls, with bookcases and sofas mirroring each other and a coffee table in between. This must be the common room for the survivors here.
There were seven people in the room, three men and four women. One of the women was in grey clothing unlike the rest.
“Well, well, well, well, well. New blood.” The older woman closest to ask spoke. Another woman approached us, “Come in, don’t be shy.” She greeted us warmly.
“You’re Dinah Stevens,” Timothy started, “My mother used to watch your show. She said you beat the pants off Oprah any day.”
“Bless her heart, a million of her and I wouldn’t have to be replaced by that telenovela.”
From my side, a blonde man came up to us, “Um, what’s happening out there?”
“It’s all gone.” Timothy replied. “Everything.” Emily chips in.
“Nothing but death.” I spoke. Thuds started coming from behind us. Ms. Venable was approaching us. She rings a bell, pausing a while before speaking, “Dinner is served.”
A plate holding a small white jelly cube sat in the centre of it.
“It’s all we get. Don’t be too disappointed.” The blonde man now known as Mr. Gallant tells us.
“Darling, you don’t know what disappointment is until you slept with Yul Brynner.” Evie replies back to him. Dinah laughs as Mr. Gallant looks down on his food, “I want to die.”
“The cube on your plate contains every vitamin our body needs.” Dinah informs us, “Or so they tell us.” Beside Timothy, Coco had stuffed her entire cube into her mouth, wolfing it down.
“I’m still hungry. I am so tired of the hunger.” She slams her hand on the table, standing up, “Fuck this bullshit! With all the thought that went into this place, they don’t have a single bag of Pirate’s Booty in the pantry?” While Coco was ranting away with her issues, Ms. Venable and Ms. Mead approaches the dining room from behind her. “For a hundred million dollars a ticket, I expect goddamn Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen cooking us real food!”
Ms. Venable’s cane taps the floor and the room went silent. With a flick of the wrist, Coco was greeted by a slap to her face, Timothy catching her and helping her regain stability. Everyone was shocked but I knew Coco had it coming for her. From the very moment, I could tell she wasn’t appreciative of what she had. Serves you right, bitch. I bit back a smile so that no one could see it.
“I’m going to be very clear so there will be no misunderstanding. We have enough nutrition for the next 18 months. And if our situation doesn’t improve, you can count on less and less.”
“Situation? What is our situation?”
Ms. Venable had informed us about a perimeter alert they had in the morning, saying a carrier pigeon from The Cooperative had sent a message stating that governments were wiped, rotting corpses had increased and survivors out there killing each other for food. Other outposts had been overrun, leaving our outpost the only one that was currently alive. Its been told that all of this happened in a mere of two weeks.
A few others came up, saying they detected a spike coming from the room. Mr. Gallant was quick to blame us just because we recently just got here. We defended ourselves, stating that we went through the procedures before entering The Outpost.
Ms. Mead checked each and everyone of us, and the only people that were caught were Mr. Gallant and Stu. They were dragged away to the decontamination room.
Another day passed and we all gathered back to the dining room. To our surprise Mr. Gallant had joined us, without Stu. He said that he was clean and Stu wasn’t which is why he was able to get free. Andre was blabbing away saying Stu never went outside and that he was with him most of the time, Coco was talking about how she started masturbating to cure her boredom, spewing out insults, causing Andre to curse at her.
Something was off about tonight’s dinner since Ms. Venable considered it a treat after last night calling it the bonne bouche. While the others were drooling over the hot meal, Andre was still not over Stu. Coco as always, getting a spoonful of the meat, slurping it up. Timothy too had suspicions about the meat. Andre began freaking out after finding a finger bone in the stew, claiming that Stu was the stew. Everyone started gagging and coughing out, while Ms. Venable stated it was ridiculous of them to think that. It was only her, Evie and I that was left sitting on the table. Everyone didn’t want to go near the stew anymore.
Evie continued her meal, “I don’t care what it is. It’s absolutely divine, and its full of fibre. I’m going to finish every drop.
“Don’t tell me your thinking of eating the stew, Y/N.” Timothy asked me. Was it wrong? It is after all, food. I was starting to get sick of the jelly cubes. “You shouldn’t waste food, Timothy. As much as it repulses me, I’m going to savour it.” A look of pure disgust came across his face while it earned me a smile from Evie and Ms. Venable.
“Such a good child, Y/N. You all should learn to be like Y/N.” Evie chimes. “Indeed, she is.” Ms. Venable adds on.
The others begin leaving to get back to their rooms, probably cleansing their mouth a hundred times to get the lingering taste off their taste buds.
Andre was glaring at Evie and I. He had an angered expression and the looked in his eyes says he was disgusted by the both of us.
“You’re a monster,” He spite at Evie, “How could you keep eating? You knew what it was. And you, Y/N. You barely just arrived and you think eating my boyfriend was your welcoming gift?!”
“It was chicken, Andre. Delicious white meat chicken.” Evie tried to assure him it was all in his head.
Annoyed, I decided to spite back at him. He needed to stop being such a pussy just because I ate his boyfriend, no pun intended there. “In my defence, I couldn’t care less if it was Stu or not. He tasted great. It’s been such a long time since I had someone in my mouth.” A sinister grin appeared on my face, causing Andre to get worked up.
“You’re disgusting. You’re a cannibal. You’re all cannibals!” He screams. Dinah, who I knew now is his mother, had both her hands on the side of him, stopping him from his rash behaviour. “Think about it. She ate it, too. Stu was contaminated. Why would Venable eat irradiated meat?”
“That’s right,” Timothy agrees, “Why would she feed us poison? The whole reason she is here is to keep us alive.”
“What makes you so certain she wants us alive? You can never trust anyone here, not even yourself.”
Andre starts asking his mother about his body, his ugly sobs starting to make me feel irritated.
“Shut up, shut up!” Emily snaps. “Just listen.”
“I don’t hear anything.”
“Exactly. The song stopped.”
The old music player had changed to another song. Mr. Gallant proclaims that it was The Cooperative sending a message, saying that they were coming for them and that they were going to be rescued.
He was wrong. They were all wrong. All of them were dejected. Drinking away their sorrows, bringing up their hopes and spirit only for it to come crashing down. I wasn’t. From the day we were attacked, the was no hope left to seek. Only death awaits to give you kiss and embraces you in their darkness.
The days were long and it felt like I was on repeat every day. Wake up in the morning, get dress for the day, eat the same gelatine cubes, hang around with the others in the common room or read the books that filled up the shelves. The place is a bore and my life is a chore. There was nothing fun to do anymore. After a few weeks, Emily and Timothy started to distance themselves away from me. I didn’t take a genius to know what they were doing behind close doors. They had been on secret rendezvous with each other and the rules about copulation was starting to make them feel agitated and lusting for more of each other.
It was better that way. I was able to sneak around the Outpost without Ms Venable or Ms Mead knowing. The Outpost had a theme going the entire place. It was decorated with antique furniture; all the rooms were lighted using fireplaces or candles causing a saturated filter in my eyes. The whole place felt old and Victorian like. They did say this used to be a school. School for what exactly? Witches? I highly doubt it. The old news about that coven school for girls years ago was just the cherry on top. As if they exist in this century.
It dawned on me that it had been eighteen months since our arrival and the attack that left the whole world in chaos. The jelly cubes were starting to get smaller, and not forgetting that one time they served us Stu as stew. I enjoyed it with Evie as the others left to their own rooms, repulsed by the fact they were served human meat. I mean, eventually we all will be eating each other when resources decline and there’s little to none left to eat.
Before heading back into my room, I was startled by Ms Mead after finishing my nightly rounds around the place to digest my dinner.
“Ms Y/N, I’m surprised to see you here. How are you feeling?” Her voice brought me back to my senses, and I glance to her face. She had the same look on her, expressionless with no hint of life. However, I picked up a slight glint in her eyes and the small smirk playing on her lips. To be honest, I was beginning to wonder why she is always trying to start up small conversations with me unlike the rest. Does she have a secret agenda with me? What is her motive for having small talks with me?
“I, um… I’m fine, thank you for asking. Dinner was great. It’s been a while since we had something other than cubes. I’m heading towards my room? Are you heading towards yours as well?” I raised an eyebrow waiting for her reply.
“I’m getting the workers to get a room ready for a guest that’s coming.” Her eyes went big for a while, probably cursing herself for saying something she wasn’t suppose to. “Well, I better hurry along now. Go get some sleep, good night.” She hurried right passed me and disappeared around the corner.
“Weird.” I glance back before walking towards my room.
“My love, why do you call me your flower? Flowers are so beautiful, their petals are painted with different colours to make them stand out from each other, and their lingering scent could put you on a spell. I’m definitely not a flower, I am not beautiful enough to be captivated by.” This caused the man expression to sour after hearing what his lover had said about herself.
“Don’t you dare say something like that about yourself.” He cupped her face with both of his hands and made her look up to him. “I call you flower because you’re the most beautiful amongst all the flowers. I could never get enough of basking my eyes with your beauty. The colours you say? I’ve never seen so much colour in my life before meeting you, and now my vision is filled with bright shades of the colours in contrast to my previous ones of black and grey. I’m always under a spell, your natural scent only keeps me hungry of you more and more. You say you’re not a flower? To me, you’ll always be the most beautiful flower the world has never seen, as your beauty is for my eyes, and my eyes only. My beautiful flower.
“You really do have a way with words, don’t you?” Delicate fingers stroke against the pale white cheeks of the man. He places a small kiss on her palms and caressed her long curly locks of hair before pulling her in for a breath-taking kiss.
“Of course, if it weren’t for my words, I wouldn’t be able to court you at all.” Small laughter escaped from the woman’s mouth and it was music to the man’s ears. Her laughter finally comes to a stop as she held eye contact with the blue hues of the man’s. Green meeting blue, both holding a gaze so powerful with so much endearment and comfort.”
“I love you.” Her velvet voice was so sweet and gentle just like her lover’s embrace, holding her in his arms.
“I love you too,” The man had said a name, but it was unclear before everything starts to become hazy, the scene of the man and the woman fading out into pitch black.
Y/N woke up with a startle. Beads of sweat had dropped down her face, causing small hairs to stick on her forehead. Y/N could feel her heart clenching in pain as if it was broken by something, or someone.  Y/N was still in her purple gown from the previous day and it didn’t help that it was hot and stuffy wearing it to sleep.
Why am I having these dreams again. Who are these people? What is going on? I need answers. I want answers.
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youremypride · 6 years
The Truth About Love | Final
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☽ Have you ever love someone so much, you would do anything for them? Even disturbing the peace between the living and the afterlife? Love knows no boundaries but there is always a price to be paid. How much do you say? As much as your heart desires for your true love.
Pairing: AHS! Michael Langdon x Reader
Genre: romance, angst, violence
Warnings: none
Note: This is the final chapter! This journey has been amazing and I really enjoyed writing this story. Thank you, all of you for reading this story. It’s not amazing and I apologise for the mistakes and errors in this story. It’s my first time writing a series and I have yet to figure out my own writing style. By writing this story, I’m able to share with others my imagination and ideas. I never thought people would actually read this but it has been such a great experience to try it out. If there’s anything you find unclear or have questions about, send me an ask and I’ll be glad to answer them. Until then, thank you, next (lol)!
Word Count: 1586 words
prev - epilogue
As Cordelia and Mallory walked back to the main foyer, the white font door opened suddenly, a black cloaked figure emerging from beyond the fog. They both stepped back, Cordelia shielding Mallory to protect her from the unknown presence.
The figure lets down their hood, presenting their face with a smile, “Hi, bitches.”
Cordelia was startled by her visit, while Mallory was smiling quietly behind her. “Nan?”
Right behind her, a blonde wearing a flowered pattern dress appeared, walking towards the trio. Cordelia’s eyes began to water, her face looking towards the blonde in awe and shock as soon as she recognised the person’s face.
“Misty? Oh, my…oh, my…how can this be?” She questioned. “You’re back!” She hugs the both of them in a loving embrace, pulling them closer as if afraid they would disappear again. “How can this be possible? How is it possible?”
“Oh, Ms. Cordelia,” Misty sighs. “I never thought I’d escape my personal hell. And then this one, showed up with the voodoo demon. Took my hand and guided me home.”
“I’m Papa’s favourite.” Nan exclaimed, “He’s my boo. He sends me on errands. I have to go now.” She turns around, heading towards the door.
Cordelia quickly grabs onto her arm, stopping her. “Wait, wait, Nan. Where are you going?”
Nan replies, “Back to Papa. I like it down there, Papa lets me play.”
Confused, Cordelia asked her again, “I-I don’t understand.”
“You’re not supposed to. Just say ‘thank you’.” She smirks at Mallory. Mallory smiles before faltering it when Cordelia turns back to look at her.
She turns towards the stairs to leave Misty and Cordelia. Cordelia managed to grab hold on Mallory’s arm, “Misty. I would like you to meet, an exceptional young witch. This is Mallory.”
Misty steps forward, holding out her hands to shake Mallory’s. “I’m please to make your acquaintance.”
“It’s great to meet you, Misty.” Mallory beamed. “I’m sure you two have a lot to catch up on.”
“Oh wait, don’t go yet.” Misty stops her from going upstairs. “I think you have a visitor waiting for you outside. She looks just like you, probably your sister.”
Mallory didn’t have a sister, but she knew who Misty was talking about. She thanked her before heading out of the door.
From the front porch, Mallory could see a figure standing just right outside the gates of the Coven. Her hair was in a cherry red colour with blonde streaks, she wore a black dress and had a denim jacket over her shoulders. Her white Vans were exposed under the bright rays of the sun while the hem of her dress danced along with the afternoon wind.
Her back was facing her, yet the thought of seeing the figure’s face excited Mallory as if she had been missing the person’s face for years. She walked towards the gates, and called out to the person once she was a few feet away from her.
The person turned around, showing off her rosy cheeks and bright smile. Misty was right, she did look like her. It was like looking into a mirror.
“Mallory.” She spoke her name in a cheerful tone. Her voice was almost enough to melt her heart.
“H-how are you here? You weren’t supposed to be born yet, and from what I heard from the demons, you died when Cordelia let you kill her.” Mallory was glad to see Y/N again, but she also wondered why she had turned up right in front of her.
“That’s right. I did die just after you submerged into the water to go back in time. Everything dissolved and led me into a black abyss. The next thing I knew, I woke up and found myself lying in bed in my room back in Hell.
My memories should had been erased, but somehow I managed to recall everything that happened after you reset the timeline.”
“So, you’re still the grandchild of Satan?”
Y/N shrugged, “I guess so. But when you went back in time to kill Michael, I no longer have any relation towards Michael anymore. When he died, all connection and ties I had with him had been cut off. Now, we’re just strangers.”
Before Mallory could ask, Y/N had beaten her to it. “I’m guessing you want to know what happen to him right after you left him for dead, right?” She smirks.
Mallory nodded, waiting for Y/N to reply.
“After you and his grandmother left him for dead at the curb, a few demons had dragged him to Hell, bringing him straight towards Satan himself. Michael was told he would have his memories removed and his soul sealed, never to be reincarnate ever again. That is the most brutal punishment of all. The last I saw of him; the demons were dragging him towards his personal hell.” Y/N explained.
Mallory took a moment to let the whole thing sink in her head. When she understood the situation, she spoke, “Did you know this was going to happen?”
Y/N had her gaze down on the pavement, she nodded and hung her head down low. “Grandfather had told me about it before, if somehow Michael dies. It’s better that way, so what he did would not repeat again, and I will be free from everything, from him.”
Mallory could her the pain and sadness in Y/N’s voice as she started to talk about Michael. She was afraid what she was about to ask next would add more salt to her wounded heart. “You loved him, didn’t you? Why would agree with your grandfather about Michael’s fate?”
Y/N chuckled softly, her eyes began to cloud, tears pooling on her waterline. She batted them away as she sighs, staring up the sky. “It is because I love him, that is why I chose that decision. His death would mean my freedom, to start a life that was taken away from me. It sounds selfish, I know.
Believe me when I say that I love him so much, I really do. If I had defended Michael and kept him close to me, I would have been selfish as well. If Michael were to be reborn, everything the Coven had tried so hard to fight for, would all have been for nothing.
Neither of the choices were in my favour, Mallory. I know choosing my freedom meant Michael would never be a part of my life anymore, but I would be at ease knowing the whole world is safe from him.
And if I did choose to defend him and let him be reborn, I would be living in guilt and he wouldn’t love me, because all his attention would be focused on destroying the Coven and the world.”
“You sacrificed love just for us?”
Y/N teared with a smile on her face, letting out a chuckle. “Isn’t love all about sacrificing? Michael isn’t the only person I love. I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing all of you dead just because of my selfish need to be with Michael.
I would rather sacrifice him than all of you that I love. Just because I don’t show it doesn’t mean I don’t care.  I do, very much. Even if I were given the chance to be with him, it’s pointless because I would be leaving him in Hell while I am in the living world as soon as grandfather sets me free.”
Mallory pulled Y/N into her embrace, tightening her hold around Y/N’s body. She starts to stroke her hair softly, caressing her long locks lovingly. “Thank you, Y/N. I’m so sorry.” She starts crying.
“Don’t be. It was my choice, anyway.”
She pulled back, the both of them giggling. “So, you came all the way here to tell me all this?”
“No,” Y/N shook her head. “I came here…to say goodbye.”
“Goodbye? You’re leaving? Where are you going?”
“No silly. I’m not going anywhere. I’m saying goodbye because this will be the last you see of me in this form. I’m going to be someone else once I enter my next life. I hate knowing I won’t remember you or the others, but I hope you will remember me and forgive me for what I’ve did in the past.
If somehow, you managed to meet me again in my next life, please do say hi. And I apologise beforehand if I don’t remember you in the future. Just know, that I would always love you no matter what.” Y/N smiles.
“I will, I will always remember you. I love you, Y/N. Really. I know my past self had failed to be a mother you needed and I’m sorry for what I did to you. I promise I’ll be there for you, even if you no longer remember me anymore. I hope we can meet again in the future. I’ll treat you to a lot of vanilla ice cream and milkshakes when we do, I promise.” The both of them laugh over the thought of that promise.
“I’m looking forward to it.” Y/N hugs Mallory one last time before leaving her.
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
“Goodbye, mother.”
Mallory sniffled when she heard Y/N say that. She releases her from her hold, and watched Y/N walked down the pavement.
Y/N took a last glance back before waving goodbye to Mallory, sending her a loving smile. She walked away from the Coven, before disappearing at the corner of the street.
At the last sight of her, Mallory whispered between the winds, “Goodbye, daughter.”
Taglist:  @buckynatlarry @hxdesworld @champagnejoker @morningstarkit @bitchierrichi @meeeeeeeeeps @somethingweird168 @frozenhuntress67 @snookabooforever @habblez-the-babblez
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youremypride · 6 years
The Truth About Love | Prologue
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☽ Have you ever love someone so much, you would do anything for them? Even disturbing the peace between the living and the afterlife? Love knows no boundaries but there is always a price to be paid. How much do you say? As much as your heart desires for your true love.
Pairing: AHS! Michael Langdon x Reader
Genre: romance, angst, violence
Warnings: mentions of death, death of a character, profanities
Note: I had too many ideas from imaginations and dreams I had for the past couple years now. And recently I felt like writing again. I hope you all enjoy this. Thank you :)
Word Count: 478 words
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There was too much chaos, too many voices screaming around their heads. The loud banging on the door didn’t help the situation either. In the centre of the room, was two beings, wrapped around each other closely as if one would disappear if the other’s hold became loose. The warmth was comforting, but not peaceful enough for the woman that was in the arms of her lover.
“What are we going to do, my love? They’re going to find out eventually. They’ll come for us, they’ll take you away from me.” The woman’s voice was soft with a hint of worry lingering in between.
Slowly, she brings her hand up to cupped the man’s face, taking in the breathless image of him. His eyes held too many feelings, anger and frustration clashing with each other. It only subdued with the woman’s touch, bringing angry eyes to soften, gazing in to the woman’s eyes.
“Do not worry, my flower. They will never separate us. Not in this lifetime or any other lifetimes. I am yours and you are mine. Nothing will tear us apart.” The man began to stroke the woman’s hair as he places a lingering kiss on her temple.
“How can you stop them?” The woman asks curiously. Her lover had kept her in the dark for so long, and it was only about time till her patience ran dry.
“My flower, do you trust me? With every fibre in your body?” His question made the woman grew silent for a few seconds until she replies with a smile.
“I trust you with my heart, body and soul.” She grabs his chin, tilting her head and slowly leaning in to give him a kiss, one full of love and sadness. A tear trickled from the corner of her eyes, rolling down and wetting her pale cheeks.
“Are you ready?” The man asks.
“Yes.” Taking in the blissful scene in front of her, the woman basked her eyes with the last image of her lover, sweet and serene while the moon casts a lightly glow on his face. The very last beautiful moment before everything changes.
With a flick of a wrist, the man drops the match in between them as the oil on their bodies starts to inflame. Hot licks from the flame starts to burn their skin, leaving a dreadful smell of burnt flesh. There was no pain, no screams. Just two lovers embracing each other as they stare out of the window, looking at the beautiful moon in the shape of the waxing crescent.
By the time the people that were outside the door could enter, the room had a lingering scent of decay, and two bodies together, once full of life now burnt and rotten. All that was left of the body was a pair of golden rings, each on the ring finger of the lovers.
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youremypride · 6 years
The Truth About Love | Ch.6
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☽ Have you ever love someone so much, you would do anything for them? Even disturbing the peace between the living and the afterlife? Love knows no boundaries but there is always a price to be paid. How much do you say? As much as your heart desires for your true love.
Pairing: AHS! Michael Langdon x Reader
Genre: romance, angst, violence
Warnings: None
Note: I really enjoyed this week’s episode! I needed more of Michael’s backstory to really understand the situation. The first week of school has ended and it feels super dry and the days are long. Please let me know what you guys think of the story so far, don’t be a stranger. You’re always welcome to stay to drink some coffee or tea and we’ll have a nice long chat :D
Word Count: 2584 words
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“So, it’s true then, Satan is your grandfather?” I nodded, letting the flames of the fire transfer to my hand as it burned my skin, painlessly.
“That’s impossible. You can’t be related to him. I don’t sense his existence within you.” Michael spoke calmly even though he was suspicious about my situation and there was curiosity lingering in his eyes.
“I’m afraid Myrtle’s right. She is his kin. The evil acknowledges her as their own kind. The moment you stepped into the Coven, I could tell you’re unusual from the other girls.” Cordelia piped.
Michael shifted his weight to the side, his hands still crossed behind his back, “If what you say is true, where were you all this time? When I sent the agents to investigate you, you were just some average teenager living with a strange old man. Was your entire life a lie?” Michael questions me, trying to claw out answers from me as if he was desperate to know more.
“Grandfather said I needed an alibi if anything happened to me or if my secret was out. He only did it to protect me. He’s the only one I have, and the only person that was constant in my life. He raised me all by himself, taught me how to use my powers, helped me reach my full potential and gave me the greatest childhood one could ever have. But there was one thing he gave me that was beyond him.” Thinking about grandfather made me miss him so much. All I wanted is to just be back home again.
“What did he give you, Y/N?” Myrtle stared at my flaming hand wondering why I wasn’t burning or in pain from it yet.
I made the flame in my palm circle around the room, changing it colours gradually from red to blue. “He gave me the part of his soul he had kept safe his whole life, the last bit of purity he had when he was an angel before his fall from grace. He combined it with my human soul, then he added a part of himself, the demon part that was filled with vile and malice.
The moment I was born in this world, Satan’s followers took care of me, which was why I had a lot of foster parents, grandfather needed people he had trusted to ensure my safety and kept me away from harm. When it was time, grandfather decided to look after me. You’ve never seen him before, but you know his name.”
“Do tell, Y/N.” Michael awaits my reply.
I turned to look at his direction, showing a grin at him, “Jacobs. Daemon Jacobs.”
“He looks like an average old man.” Myrtle spoke.
“The Devil comes in all sorts of shapes and forms, my love. They take form of your greatest sin or desire.” I explained it to her.
Mallory walked up towards me, her expression pale with a mixture of anxious and scared painted on her face, “Your parents, what happened to them? Did your grandfather told you anything about them? Did you went searching for them?”
I chuckled, “Funny you ask, seeing as they don’t even recognise me nor even each other when they’re standing in the same room. But I couldn’t blame them, a soul takes on another form when they reincarnate into their next life and I wasn’t even born at the time so they probably wouldn’t know how I look like.”
Mallory frowned, “What are you saying? Your parents are here?”
I nodded, “Yeah. You know, Mallory. I never thanked you for being such a dear friend to me back at the Coven. You were one of the first female figure I look up to and I just wanted to be with you forever. But, I had to leave, and that really tore me apart. I treasured each day I had spent with you, because then, I could look back at the beautiful moments of my life which were of purity and innocence.
You’re her, Mallory.  You were Lilith Ambirose in your previous life. You didn’t have her memories because you didn’t read the full terms and agreement, only one of the souls will have their memories taken away, starting a new life, like a clean slate. They will not remember who they were before, as if their previous life ceased to exist to them.”
“But, I can’t be your mother, Y/N. We are not related in this life, and I’m too young to be a mother at this age. You’re not my daughter.”
I scoffed, “Deny all you want, I never saw you as mother material anyway. You killed your own child because of your actions. You were so afraid of the people that tried to kill you that you decided to commit suicide with your lover because you couldn’t handle the pain, the threat, everything that was thrown at you.
After that, you made a deal with Satan just so you could live another life again with your lover, and what did it cost you? Nothing. You’ll never know what it’s like to feel abandoned and unloved. You were selfish, and that was your greatest downfall.”
The room went silent, and Mallory became quiet after that. She deserved it in a way. Because of my parents’ selfish wish, I got tangled up into this mess I didn’t even ask to be in. She didn’t have to go through the pain of reliving the same memory all over again for years that tortured me endlessly.
I had trouble opening up to people because my own parents betrayed me and it took me a lot of effort and energy to put my trust into someone. Sometimes I wished Mallory returned back to when she was ignorant of all of this. I really meant it when I said I those times with her were one of my best memories.
“Who is your father then?” Mallory spoke.
“Him.” I shifted my gaze and pointed towards Michael. “That’s your lover in your previous life……and my father.”
Michael chuckled, “You think I’m the reincarnation of Supreme Delongpre’s son? You must be joking.”
I shrugged my shoulders, “Suit yourself. You can ask grandfather himself, you know how to reach him, don’t you?” I winked. “Well, that’s enough storytelling for today. Now that Venable is out of the way, I’m gonna take a stroll of fresh radiation air outside. Goodbye.”
“You think I would let you out of my sight, Y/N?” Michael questions me just as I was about to leave the room.
“Are you going to kill me if I choose not to obey your orders and walk out from here instead?” I challenged him, approaching him slowly until I was standing in front of him.
“Father or not, I could kill you in seconds, my dear.”
“Grandfather will not be please if he hears about that. But, you could try if you want to, if you’re capable of even killing me, bitch.”
He tilts his head, “Why would you think that?”
“Because, Father, if you kill me, you’re betraying Satan and being disloyal for killing his own flesh and blood. But no matter how hard you try, you’ll never win over me. Because I am your equal, Michael. Whatever you’re good at, I will be too.
I will be strong as you, powerful as you, invincible as you. You’ll never be able to harm me or even touch a single strand of my hair. So, I advise you play your cards right. I could help you with your new world and be an ally…...or I could destroy you and become your enemy, father.”
“I thought you said you were my equal? That only mean you can’t harm me either.” He smirks.
“Oh, I can harm you alright. I haven’t reached my fullest potential, yet. And when I do, you wished you were born normal.” I flicked my hair right across his face, turning my heels towards the only exit from The Outpost. “We’ll catch up later, yeah? That is if all of you are still alive.” I blew them a double kiss goodbye before vanishing off from the room.
“So, what now?” Madison asked Cordelia. “We now know that Y/N’s a hybrid, her grandfather is Satan, her father is Michael and her mother is Mallory. Do we kill her too?”
Cordelia shook her head, “No, if what she said is true, we have to get her on our side. That’s how we win.”
“That is if you win.” Michael corrected them. “I’ll leave to let you all get yourself comfortable and adjusted to the place. You know where to find me. Come, Ms. Mead.”
“Is it true, Father? Is Y/N my child?”
“Indeed, she is. You created her by copulating with dear Lilith.”
“Why wasn’t I made aware of her existence? All my life I had thought those memories were of her, but it was Mallory, that powerful one I told you about. Why didn’t you tell me about my daughter?”
“Because if you did, you would have killed her right away. I couldn’t let you do that. If you were to meet each other back then, you would have felt jealousy and hatred towards her, sensing that she’s much more powerful than you. You were not in control of your powers, you were blinded by your destiny, wrecking everything in its path that was stopping you from completing it.”
“You’re growing soft because of her. That’s unlike you, father.”
“Our origins came from God himself. We were all angels before we became demons. There’s bound to be a day where that one part of us that was lost forever reappear once again. I warned you, do not to kill that child, Michael. Because if you do, I will not hesitate to end you myself.”
“May I join you, Y/N?” A voice came from behind me. I turned around to see Myrtle standing a few feet away from me.
“Sure, if you’re brave enough knowing what’s lurking around us.” I tried to scare her, but she only smiled at me in which I smiled right back.
She laid down beside me, and I followed as well. “You know, this is my first time in months since I last saw the sky or anything outside The Outpost. What’s it like out there?
“Pure death, my dear child. Something I’m sure you’re very knowledgeable in.” That made me chuckle. It was meant to be a harmless joke and I admit that it was funny.
“You know, I wonder why he’s doing this. After he finishes what he was destined for, what’s next? I think he didn’t plan this through with the whole creating a new world thing. He makes it sound like he’s trying to proof a point that Narnia exist or some shit like that.”
“No one knows what the outcome will be like in the future. What’s done is done. We can only hope that the world can be save, we just need to know how.” She explained, her voice hinting a slight worrying tone.
I sighed, “I lived in the Underworld my whole life and nothing could compare to what he had done here. Back home, the sky was always gradients of red, orange and yellow, and they were like the northern lights in Norway, beautiful yet a reminder of the eternal damnation of the souls there. The entire world was carved over tall jagged mountains that were in shades of black and red slipping through the cracks.
Grandfather had built our home on top of the tallest mountain there. Where he could see everything, even from miles away. The mountain was surrounded by the sea which were made of hot flames, so hot you couldn’t even imagine the temperature of it. It could put lava to shame. If you look close enough, you could see the souls crying in desperation for their torture to end.
From our house, he was able to access to different parts of the Underworld as well as the Levels of Damnation. He would bring me along whenever he needs to get out of the house and pay the souls a little visit. I didn’t like it a lot, they were always screaming their heads off that it irritated me so much.
You know which part of the house I enjoyed hanging around the most? The balcony facing the River Styx, where its foggy and blue with Charon rowing the boat carrying the new souls to the Underworld. Through the mountain below the house, there’s an entrance gate in which you’ll officially enter your eternal damnation, the water changing into red flames, screaming and crying of the souls starts ringing in your ear.
I love seeing the expression on the faces of the souls as they are about to enter the other side. Some would notice me standing at the balcony, begging me to save them to which I reply that they should accept their consequences and pay the price for the actions that they regret and the mistakes that they made. They look so hopeless, admitting their sins and bracing for the endless punishment that awaits them.”
Myrtle turned her head towards her. “Do you miss home, my dear?”
“I don’t even know where is home anymore, Myrtle. I never told anyone about this but, I seem to be having conflicts with myself. My good side fighting over my bad side. Maybe that’s my own personal hell I have to face every day. I just want everything back to normal. It would be so much easier if there was a reset button.” I gazed into her eyes. “Even as Satan’s granddaughter, life isn’t always so easy and carefree.”
“You look exactly like him, from head to toe.”
“Who? Satan or Michael?” I raised my brow.
“Damien. You’re almost an exact copy of him. That’s why I was surprised when you appeared, I never thought you existed. But, we were in the same Coven, how come I do not recognise you at all?” Myrtle waits for my answer.
I stared up into the dark sky that was pitched black, “Because it would only blow my cover. I only showed Mallory and the other girls my true face but not to you or Cordelia. If I did, the both of you would non-stop ask me questions and it would only made my task a whole lot worse.”
“Was it fun to betray your own Coven? Your sisters?”
“I didn’t betray all of you, Myrtle. The reason I left was because I had grown too attached that having to destroy you was something I didn’t had the guts to do. That’s why I faked my own death, so you will never go searching for me if I went missing.” I admitted. “Of course, grandfather was disappointed in me but he understands what I’m going through. He’s not always evil, or maybe he is. Everyone’s just frustrating to understand, even myself.”
“So, what are you going to do now? Will you help us fight against Michael or become his ally?”
“I can’t answer that, Myrtle. Choosing either one of them would get someone hurt and betrayed inevitably.”
She lays her hand on top of mine, grasping it softly. “Choose wisely, my dear and I hope you won’t regret the choice that you made.”
I sat up, looking down at her, “I will, Myrtle. But for now, I have to meet with someone first.”
“My grandfather. He’s here.”
Taglist:  @buckynatlarry @hxdesworld @champagnejoker@morningstarkit @bitchierrichi @meeeeeeeeeps @somethingweird168 @frozenhuntress67 @snookabooforever @habblez-the-babblez
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