#seriously TOP FORM. I commend every person who worked on this it really truly would have fooled me as an official localization
kingdomoftyto · 2 years
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GOD the translation team truly outdid themselves with the character names. Every single one has been fantastic. This line has me in near hysterics
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑆/𝑂 𝐼𝑠 𝐴𝑛 𝑈𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑝𝑦 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝐴 𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐺𝑎𝑛𝑔
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, supporting, justifying or encouraging mafia activities or lifestyle. This is all fictional and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
Warning: Certain violent and sexual scenes are contained in here. Read at your own discretion.
❀𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰❀
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You started at the very bottom, dedicated to fulfilling your mission. You made sure to do everything your superiors told you to do, passed every test and threat they threw at you, all while keeping it a secret that you were trying to go up in ranks to get close to the man himself, Kim Hongjoong, so you could find out what he was planning.
Hongjoong ended up getting good reports about you and his curiosity was peaked. He made sure to keep a close eye on you. He saw something very special in you, something in your skills that he could use to his advantage. He made you his personal assistant, you became the second most powerful person in his organization, and soon enough, you became the number 1 person in his heart.
He fell in love with you, and though you originally didn't plan for it, you took advantage of the situation. You were surprised yourself by what a wonderful lover Hongjoong was, nothing like what your boss told you about him. You found yourself getting more and more attached to Hongjoong, even if deep down you felt guilty that you were lying to him and that you felt conflicted about completing your mission.
"Baby. I need you to prepare. We're going on a mission." Hongjoong told you one day.
"Who's the target?" You asked him.
Hongjoong smirked before tossing a folder to you. You picked it up and opened it, shock going through your body when you saw your gang's logo on the paper.
"Hongjoong I...I." You struggled to find your words.
"What is it love? You don't think it's a good idea? I thought you'd be ecstatic to know we'd be wiping them down...."
He got up and walked over to you, gently caressing your cheek.
"Of course.....it must be hard when they want you to do the same to us."
Your heart stopped and you looked at him with fear in your face, but he kept his smile.
"What? You really didn't think I knew what your game was from the beginning? Oh honey, I knew. There was no way a rookie could be that good without a background. Not that I mind actually, your skills were really useful..."
He pressed a kiss to your lips before clutching your jaw tightly, his eyes burning right through you.
"Now you're going to help me take your gang down, whether you like it or not."
❀𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪❀
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You were terrified when you first infiltrated Seonghwa's empire. He was the legendary mafia Prince, the city lived in terror and in fear from him and his organization. So when you were tasked with getting close to him, at least enough to assassinate him, you were scared. You knew it meant risking your own life, even if you were successful, there was still a chance you wouldn't make it out alive. But it was a risk you were willing to take. If it meant people wouldn't have to live under his reign, you'd happily sacrifice your life to make sure he was dead.
What you weren't prepared for though, was for you to actually fall for him. The more you spent time with him, the more you felt sympathy for him. He was extremely handsome too, and that didn't help at all. And eventually, he fell for you too. He loved you a lot and changed a lot for you. Before, he was strict with you, now he doted on you. He was smiling a lot more thanks to you, you made him feel like a happier person and he didn't feel like such a bad guy when he was by your side.
Now more than ever, you had almost every perfect opportunity to kill him, especially since you slept next to him every night, and more than once you watched him sleep, peaceful and unsuspecting, you could just plunge a dagger in his heart and be done with it. But you couldn't, you loved him too much.
Your boss was getting impatient though, so he decided to put an end to it. While you were out in a date with Seonghwa, you two were suddenly cornered by members of your gang. They surrounded you two, your boss right in front of you.
"Y/N, I really commend you for your service. Without you, we would have never had this opportunity." Venom was spread through all his words.
You looked over at Seonghwa, who just looked at you with hurt in his eyes, guilt was forming in your stomach.
"No-no Seonghwa, I swear, I'm not-"
"Save it Y/N. I knew from the beginning what your plan was....." He cut you off.
Tears formed in your eyes. But Seonghwa simply smiled sadly.
"I trusted that you had changed feelings and you had really meant when you said you loved me, cause I know I did." He confessed.
"But I did! I do love you!" You insisted.
"Really? Then why are they here? How did they know where to find us? This would have been the perfect opportunity for them to strike..."
He looked at all the people surrounding him before chuckling.
"Doesn't matter. I prepared as well."
At his words, all his men appeared from all corners, with guns in their hands, ready to open fire at the enemies. You stood in shock, knowing a war was about to break out.
"You decide which side you're on...." He said as he held out a gun to you, his own gun in his other hand.
"Let's end it right now..."
❀𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸❀
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You were the new barista at the coffee shop he frequented. You were still new and didn't know he was very particular about his coffee. He got mad when it wasn't made the usual way he liked it, demanding to know who made it. Everyone stared in horror at you, who was shaking in fear. You apologized profusely, making yourself seem smaller than you already were, trying to look as pitiful as you could so he'd have mercy on you.
It definitely worked, you knew it would. You knew his weakness for innocent and pure people, so you played that to your advantage, trapping him so he'd be wrapped around your finger. And he was. He'd come in almost every day just to see you, and whenever your schedule was changed, he'd leave the shop all sad that he couldn't see you. Your other co-workers were all jealous of the attention you were getting, but you simply smirked behind their backs. If only they knew you weren't the innocent and sweet barista you were pretending to be.
You of course accepted all of Yunho's advances, it's what you were supposed to do. You became like his little doll, and he adored you. He had fallen seriously deep in your spell, not suspecting one thing about you. Especially now when he found out you were pregnant. He was ecstatic.
His friends however, were suspicious of you. And they were right to be suspicious of you because they found out everything about you. Arming themselves with evidence, they threw it in Yunho's face. He refused to believe it at first, until he saw pictures of you with your boss, who was also your fiance. He was crushed by your lies and deceit, he was broken at the thought that you played him like that. He was so emotional that he couldn't think straight and went to you to demand an explanation. You of course were shocked that he ended up finding out.
"Is the baby you're carrying even mine you dirty little whore?" He asked you.
You stiffened when he said that, but kept your composure.
"I think you already know the answer to that. Why would I want to have a child with you?"
Your words were piercing through Yunho's heart, making him go insane.
"I never loved you. I only love-"
You were cut off when Yunho gripped your neck tightly, choking you and making it impossible for you to breathe.
"Don't you dare to even say his name. I don't care what you say, this baby is mine. Got it? Just like you."
He released you and you fell to the floor, desperately gasping for air.
"You're mine, only mine and I won't let you go back to that pathetic piece of shit you call your fiance. Get used to the idea Y/N, we're going to be a family now.....
I mean, what were you expecting? It was game over when you accepted to get involved with me."
❀𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰❀
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You could never fool him. Yeosang knew from the beginning that his enemies were planning to infiltrate into his gang. Question was who was it? It didn't take him long to figure out that it was you. You who tried to desperately to get close to him, you who never backed down from any mission he threw at you. He definitely admired your dedication for sure.
That's why he decided to play along to your scheme. He was a master of hiding his true intentions and he was very good at keeping a poker face. So you truly believed he fell for you, you really thought you made him fall into your trap. You were seriously wrong.
You never noticed how he planted a tracker in your phone, in your car and eventually, he found out where you kept all your secret files. He had his men snuck in your house while you two were out on a date. They gathered everything you had, took copies of everything and made it seem like they were never there.
Yeosang had all the information he wanted, now he just had to wait for the right moment. The moment when you'd go to your gang's main headquarters for a meeting and decide when you'd strike his gang, decide what card you'd play.
Well Yeosang was a better card player and before you knew it, shots were being fired, getting closer and closer until Yeosang himself stood in front of you and your other top colleagues.
Smirking, he looked over at you.
"Thank you so much darling. This would have never been possible without you."
Those were his last words before he aimed straight at your boss, putting a bullet in his head that killed him instantly. It was chaos and madness in that room, and by the end of it, bodies were laying around, the smell of blood heavy in the air.
You groaned as you clutched your side, a bullet had struck, not enough to be fatal, but it definitely rendered you weak. You turned upwards and saw Yeosang's deadly eyes staring you down, blood dripping down his face. He forcefully pulled you up and began carrying you out.
"If you thought it was over, you're wrong. This is only the beginning...."
❀𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷❀
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San was more than impressed by your knowledge of martial arts and the way you knew how to handle weapons. He actually found it sort of arousing how someone who seemed so inexperienced was actually pretty deadly. He could definitely use you in his missions and that's exactly how he planned it.
He spent more time with you, personally training you so you could better your skills, become the assassin he wanted you to become. You excelled at all his challenges, even to the point of surprising yourself. He was very proud of you, his star pupil.
Needless to say, more than once those training sessions ended up with your two bodies entangled together, leaving you breathless, sweating and panting by the end of it. And definitely making you come back for more. San was just so addictive. You had heard the rumors of how girls fell for him after one night and you scoffed, believing you'd never be a victim. But just like all the others, you weren't immune.
That's how you ended up bent over his desk, in the darkness of his private office, his hips rolling against yours as his cock rammed inside you with no mercy. Your hands grasped the ends of the desk, your moans filling the room.
San grabbed your hair and pulled it so you were facing forward.
"That's right baby, say my name. Show this worthless bastard who you really belong to."
You were confused by what he meant, until he pressed a button that lit up the room. Right there in front of you, all tied up in a chair, bruises and cuts all over his face, was none other than your gang boss....who also happened to be your boyfriend. His eyes widened when he saw you getting fucked by none other than the man you promised to take down.
San only chuckled evilly.
"See? I told you she doesn't want you anymore. Why would she? When she has me?"
You tried to say something, but a certain roll of San's hips had you crying out his name. San let out a satisfied groan of accomplishment. You were his and he made sure to make that very clear, even if it was a rather sadistic and messed up way.
But it's Choi San, he's the devil himself. What else were you expecting?
❀𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲❀
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How you were able to climb up the ranks in very little time was beyond Mingi. He admits, you had talent and potential, but still he was not about to trust you just like that. He wanted you to prove yourself to him, prove to him that he could trust you and that you were more than willing to serve him and only him.
Now more than ever you were determined to get him to trust you, even if it meant getting your hands soaked in blood, even if it meant having to stain your conscious....even if it meant getting down on your knees and pleasuring the fearsome leader. You weren't necessarily complaining about that last part and neither was he, and he always returned the favor. It was definitely a nice way to escape from the pressure of doing what your gang wanted you to do, a break from all the incessant challenges Mingi made you do.
One day, you went all out and you just let him ruin you completely, you wanted to forget for just one moment that this was all a job, that it was all an act. For just one night, you wanted to feel loved and you wanted to love him. You wanted him to fully trust you and realize you were willing to submit to him completely.
And yet that still wasn't enough for him. You felt hurt when you found out he still didn't trust you. What more could he possibly want? Your question was answered when he lead you to an abandoned warehouse. Turning to face you, he spoke up:
"Here's your final mission Y/N. This is the test that will really make me believe that you're willing to serve me."
He motioned to a few guards hiding in the corner, who proceeded to drag out someone who had their hands tied behind their back. They placed the individual in front of you, on their knees before removing the mask that covered their face. Your heart dropped when you were met with none other than the face of your lifelong partner in your gang, your accomplice and best friend, the one who always went on missions with you.
Mingi held out a gun to you. "You know what to do."
You realized now he knew, Mingi knew all along, that's why this was your test. You hesitantly took the gun, your hands trembling as you pointed it to your friend, who was now looking at you in disbelief.
"Y/N? No..." They pleaded with you.
"I'm sorry. "
That was all you said before you pulled the trigger. Your friend's lifeless body layed in front of you, forever living in your mind and becoming the cross you'd have to carry all your life. But you didn't care anymore. You made your choice....
And there was no turning back now.....
❀𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰❀
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Wooyoung paced around the room, unsure of what to do. He had just found out who was the one transferring information from his database to an unknown computer. The culprit had gone through very great lengths to hide their tracks, but Yeosang was the best hacker and tech boy and was quick to figure out who was the spy. Wooyoung was determined to make the spy pay, he wanted to personally take care of them himself.
That resolution faltered when he found out that it was none other than you, the person he loved the most in the whole world.
"No....it can't be." Wooyoung whispered.
"But it can be and it is Woo. Y/N was a spy this whole time." Yeosang told him.
Wooyoung looked away from all the evidence. He banged his fist on the wall, cursing himself for not being able to see past your little façade, for being so stupid to fall into your trap, for falling for you when in reality he meant nothing to you all this time. Yeosang comforted him briefly before reminding him about how they take care of spies.
That night when he came home, he didn't greet you with a hug or kiss like he usually did. He simply stood in front of you in the living room.
"Is it true you're the one who's been giving out information about us?"
Your face gave you away immediately. You looked down at your hands in guilt.
"Why Y/N?" His voice was cracking at this point.
"You wouldn't understand...." Your voice was barely audible.
Wooyoung scoffed. "Wouldn't understand? Damn right I don't! I get you being a spy but why go the extra mile to get me to love you?! Why did you have to play with my feelings?! Making me believe you actually cared about me!?"
You couldn't stop the tears at this point.
"You're not the only one here who's hurting Wooyoung! Yes! I did start this because it was my job, and yes, I was playing with you..... at first."
Wooyoung stared at you when you said those last words.
"But I really did fell in love with you, I seriously did. And it was that particular point that my gang used to threaten me. I didn't care about their threats to end me if I refused to complete my mission, but when they brought you into the equation, I couldn't refuse. You would have never believed me if you had found out......you probably don't believe me now and I don't blame you..."
You weren't lying at all, Wooyoung knew that. It was very clear to him. He slowly walked over to you, who was shaking in fear and crying your eyes out. He reached out for you and held you tightly, trying to calm you down.
"Love, don't you trust me enough to believe I'd always protect you and won't let anyone come near you?"
❀𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸❀
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You watched in horror as each and everyone of your gang members was slaughtered right in front of you. The ropes around you rendering you useless. You couldn't help them. You felt Jongho walk up behind you and place a hand on your shoulder, you knew he was smiling that cocky smile he always had when he got what he wanted.
"You know I guess I really should thank you. If you didn't go to all lengths you went to try and take me down, I would have never found out your guy's location."
You wished he would just stop taunting you and end you as well. You wouldn't put it past him, after all, he is the notorious Choi Jongho. If anyone tries to mess with him or worse, hurts his pride, they're as good as dead. And you seriously wounded his pride when he found out he fell for you in vain, that it was all an act to get close to him and kill him off.
The tears stopped dripping down your face at this point. You were too numb now, finally broken. You were like all the dead bodies surrounding you, soulless, lifeless. You watched Jongho walk in front of you. He stared at you with hurt in his eyes as he lifted up his gun and pointed it at you. For the first time, you saw his hand tremble as he took aim.
"Just do it. Kill me. I know you want to." You told him, all emotion void in your sentence.
"Oh trust me, I really do....but I can't."
He surprised you when he put his gun away.
"You hurt me really bad Y/N. I gave you my heart unconditionally and you tore it to shreds.... you destroyed everything I cared about...now I'm simply returning the favor."
He stepped up to you and cut off the ropes that had you tied up, but you made no move to escape.
"Now you'll have to live with the guilt of knowing your entire gang, and their families-"
You widened your eyes at that part. He couldn't be serious, could he?
"Are all dead because of you. All because you chose to cross me. And I'll make sure you never forget it. Because I'm taking you back to my home, you'll have to see my face everyday for the rest of your life..... so you'll always remember."
He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder while smirking.
"You really should have killed me when you had the chance. "
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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botaniia · 5 years
Some 127 thoughts because I promised myself I’d jot these down for future reference before I forget what I initially thought of it
Overall probably one of my fav chapters in a long time because it gave us that sweet, sweet character interaction that I’d been looking forward to since the start of the alliance. 
Jean is the absolute real MVP here. Before he was an okay character to me, I liked him but not extraordinarily much, but this chapter moved him very close to the top of the list. What a beast. I commend Yams for giving him that emotional release
I’m so happy we got to see his internal struggles. I feel like in a way it mirrors his choice to join the Survey Corps. His thoughts were very similar back then as well. Very interesting to see that this longing for comfort, safety, and luxury is still with him after all these years
“I didn’t see anything. I didn’t hear anything” is an absolutely masterful line. Who’d a thunk I’d be broken already on page 2?
Hanji’s refusal to allow mass genocide is commendable. People have been calling her too optimistic, but I don’t think you can deny that genocide is ever a viable option. Saying that genocide is no option isn’t meant to be a solution to the question “what should we do”, it’s stating that there are things that shouldn’t be done. Hanji is right, you cowards
That said, Jean addressing what they should do then is also necessary. I wonder if Isayama saw any of the fandom discussion or if he simply predicted the nature of the discussions, because he nuanced every single point raised very well and gave a satisfying acknowledgement of the complexity of the situation.
“You can’t just massacre everyone! Like hell there’s a good reason to do that!” I want this printed out and framed on my wall. That expression is so powerful and shows us how Hanji ultimately wants a peaceful resolution to this. It tells us a lot about who she is and why she’s struggling with the current predicament.
That spread of everyone sitting by the campfire is absolutely amazing. The tension! The dichotomy between Jean and Hanji as they’re singled out in their own separate panel! The divide between Marley and Paradis with Onyakopon and Yelena in the middle! 
It was at this point I realised that I was only at page 11 and we were about to witness 34 pages of exactly what I’d been hoping for when the alliance formed. We knew confrontation was coming and did it deliver!
Interesting to get an insight into Magath’s thoughts. He always struck me as being less racist than most Marleyans, but apparently I overestimated the extent to which he was fair in his judgment of Eldians. Some major points:
Assuming that every Paradisian would be happy with genocide and would happily live in a world where only they were still alive. He may think more positively of Eldians than your average Marley higher-up, but he still has a prejudiced look on Paradisians. At the same time, he barely had any interaction with them. I’m curious to see how his vision could change when working side-by-side with them.
“In other words, you’re telling me you developed a sense of justice” are you projecting, my man
I did find the shade about letting Eren and Zeke make contact fitting. Must’ve been a shock for the gang that they were wrong and I can see why he’d question it
Jean calling out Magath will be the subject of my dreams for a long time.
Theo “we provoked you numerous times and then you attacked us back, ya demons!?” Magath everyone
We’re mentioning Eren’s mom now? Because you’re absolutely right, Jean. I always thought that it was wrong to call for some violent justice to be carried out against Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie when it’s really their superiors, the ones who chose to send them there, that deserve this treatment. The fact that Magath also had such a great involvement in the warrior project is something that deserved attention called to it, so this feels very nice
“You killed hundreds” “well you killed thousands” “okay but you enslaved our people” is exactly why it’s necessary to look past both sides’ past mistakes. Genocide is never okay, and the history shouldn’t be erased, but both sides have shit they can fling at each other. Both sides have wronged the other. There is no one who comes out on top morally speaking, so it’s pointless to argue that now. That’s what’s been bothering me about the “x is actually the bad guy here” talk in the communities, regardless of who x is. 
Sure, Hanji says she’s talking to Jean, but really she’s talking to Magath and throwing shade about the fact that he’s being bitter about the fact that the evil selfish Paradis devils are trying to stop the rumbling from destroying everything
“Would someone who’d change their mind because of that commit genocide?” are you projecting, Annie? Was there anything that could’ve been said to her that could’ve made her stop the initial attack on the walls? 
Annie slept for five years only to drop outta her crystal and absolutely obliterate the scouts with some harsh truths. She seems so reasonable at the moment and I can sorta admire her dedication to her father.
I want to marry Yelena for everything she said in her trip down memory lane because this was exactly what I had been hoping for this whole chapter and she just gave it to us like that
The panels are on-point. Framing the person she was accusing while also placing their primary victims in the background. Excellent artwork
You know you’re starved for content when just mentioning Bertholdt’s name got me excited. 
“Using the power you stole from Bertholdt Hoover” the rational part in me knows that no one had a choice on that day and the only outcome was his death, even if cool motive, still murder was applicable in the situation. The irrational part in me is cheering Yelena on for wording it like that.
It seems like Reiner and Annie know that Armin inherited the colossal and that Sasha is dead? If they hadn’t, they probably wouldn’t have just sat there staring when learning it for the first time. I’ve seen people annoyed at the fact that these facts were glossed over without much reaction out of the other characters, but I kinda get it. The chapter was already packed with details. Would an acknowledgement have been nice? Yeah, sure, it would’ve been extremely fitting in this conversation, and the fact that it wasn’t there definitely doesn’t do anything to diminish my fear that Bert will never be addressed again. But this chapter already deals with Jean’s anger over Marco’s death, so I get why it wouldn’t fit inside the same chapter. I also feel like Reiner doesn’t believe he has the right to be mad or sad about Bert’s death, exactly because of the things all three of them did. As much as I would have loved some acknowledgement, I think we can’t ignore that the lack of a reaction tells a lot about Reiner and Annie and how they have dealt with this issue in the past. I’m only hoping that they still interact with Armin in some way and give me the content I have been STARVING for. Just a drop, Isayama, please
Armin still looking like a kicked puppy when she says that though. He truly got the real Bert experience of getting orders to be the most destructive force in the assault and then getting to deal with the emotional aftermath, huh
The looks exchanged between the 104th and the kids... God damn, what a perfect page that is. Jean glancing down a panel after he was called out for nearly killing Falco. Gabi getting the true Braun experience of regretting actions she can never take back even if she wants to now. Someone save these children and shelter them from the worst, because I am not happy that literal 12-year-olds are still with the gang. Yams I beg you keep these kids away from combat, I will find out where you live
Yelena did all of that to sow hatred amongst the new alliance, so much effort to put into words what no one dared talk about in this awkward situation, and Jean manages to talk it away and turn it from destructive to constructive. What a man. Seriously, his character development and the guy he’s become are an inspiration.
“What was it again? Your close friend’s name you told me before?” and it was at that moment Reiner realised he should’ve pulled the trigger
It’s very telling that both Annie and Reiner are speaking so openly and so honestly about what they have done after years of secrecy and lies around their former soldier colleagues. In a way, I can imagine that despite the dread of having to tell Jean this, it’s at least something to finally be able to speak the truth. 
I gotta give it to Reiner that he did well speaking up and clarifying that he was the one who was responsible for the death. People always seem to either deem Annie as his killer or split the blame evenly between the three, but while Annie was obeying orders she couldn’t disobey and Bertholdt was doing nothing to prevent it from happening, at the end of the day Reiner is the one who decided that Marco was going to die. So I ain’t even mad that only he gets beaten for it.
Isayama’s expression game is on point for Jean especially this chapter. I can’t wait to see this animated, truly. If this scene were excellent already, this moment will define it. Everyone’s reaction to it is touching. Mikasa showing a rare moment of true grieving sorrow (though I have noticed that post-timeskip, she looks saddened more often than she looks determined) Armin looking like he had a clue that this was the case already, either through deduction or through Bertmin mechanisms (give us the memories, Yams) Connie’s stoic and bitter reaction (still tired of learning that the people who betrayed him are even worse than he thought, but not surprised in the slightest) Reiner and Annie looking pretty exhausted and done with themselves. Fuck. Good page.
“He said we still haven’t talked” narrative mic drop, hot damn
Jean could have easily used this information as a reason to leave the alliance. He so easily could have, and I don’t think anyone in the world would’ve thought it an overreaction. Instead, he was constructive and he remained calm for the greater good. He had more courage, more self-restraint than any other character in this group, and I seriously think this is the pinnacle of his character development. What a great guy.
“Jean that’s my line”
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At first I didn’t quite get why Reiner decided to “push his luck” with Jean and tell him that additional stuff, but after giving it some thought it is actually really obvious. This is the most desperate looking we’ve seen him in a long time, and I’d argue that this is even more emotional than what he showed when Eren first lured him into that basement. Marco’s murder was a tragedy and a traumatic experience. With his fellow warriors, he couldn’t truthfully express the guilt he felt over it because he was responsible and he couldn’t show any attachment to the island devils when he was the one constantly checking Annie and Bertholdt’s allegiances. Back in Marley, there was no one he could be honest to because why would a good honourary Marleyan have empathy for a Paradis devil? This murder has been festering inside Reiner’s mind for so long. He couldn’t tell anyone about it and there was no one to judge him for it. He couldn’t just let Jean turn this into something constructive, that’d be far too merciful on him. No matter which shape it took, he needed to confess what he had done and he can’t stress enough that he doesn’t deserve forgiveness. Not from Jean, anyway. But if he wants a chance at ever being able to live with himself again, he had to do this. Add to that that he didn’t know at all what to do anymore (something he literally states), I think it’s fair to say he was looking for some type of closure, even if he hadn’t a clue how to get it.
I, and I’m saying this as a big Reiner fan, have never been as satisfied with a turn of events as seeing Jean beat the living hell out of Reiner in the most visceral, most violent way he could think of in that moment of raw anger. Jean already showed so much restraint in this conversation, so you can’t even call this a rash decision. Reiner had it coming.
The fact that Reiner accepts it without any attempt to defend himself is pretty admirable in its own right, and is again telling of his mental state and self image
Despite the anger, despite the fact that he had probably hoped to see it happen someday, despite the absolute hatred for Reiner, Connie still decided to stop Jean. Despite his damage, deep down you can still see the person he was so many years ago, the person who wants to put an end to conflict.
Gabi, darling... I already liked her just because people unreasonably hate her, but this moment is so character-defining that I can’t help but love her for this. At the start of the Marley arc, Falco is a defensive person and Gabi an offensive person. While we’ve seen Falco forced to be more offensive, Gabi generally stayed on the attack even after her realisation. Here, she could have easily chosen to attack Jean to stop his assault, but instead she threw herself between Reiner and the kick. “Gabi is trash” people love to shout while she decides to sacrifice her own safety to prevent Reiner from being hurt any more. She, a regular human girl who is literally 12, defended an adult titan shifter built like a tank who could’ve easily regenerated from the damage and who clearly deserved the beating. And believe me, at her age a kick like that can be lethal if it lands in the wrong spot. This is the moment where she stole my heart. She has turned into the perfect candidate for the armoured titan.
People saying that it’s good that Gabi got that final kick: have you considered she’s not only, again, literally 12, but also deeply apologetic for what she did and likely a key player in defending Paradis in the future?
Falco is a gentleman and he’s a good kid
Annie caring for Reiner... I didn’t know I needed that in my life, but honestly the idea that she’s looking out for him now (compare to her kicking Reiner back on the first day of the mission) makes me unreasonably happy. They’re the two survivors out of a group of the only four people in the world who can understand what they’ve been through, please look after each other!
The manga has a habit of making the cycle of hatred continue when one character is already sorry about their actions towards the person who next adapts the cycle. It was good to see Jean take the mature option and choose to consciously break it. No one would’ve faulted him had he left that night, but he still came back. He still showed kindness to two children, one he had wronged and one who had wronged him. That’s why Jean is our MVP.
I can’t be the only one who sees some 845 Jean in the way he wakes up and yells at Reiner, right? Also, what a gorgeous contrast between gently shaking awake Gabi and assuring her everything’s right, and giving Reiner a very rude awakening
If there was ever a parallel to make me believe that Reiner may be getting some closure, it’s this one
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And despite all the tension and anger, I feel like we’re finally reaching a point where Reiner is finding closure. I’ve said this before, but his suffering only finds meaning if it leads to something, otherwise it just isn’t satisfying. He’s not gonna be forgiven by his former comrades. He knows this and he can accept this. But it’s off his chest and he got the reaction he deserved out of confessing his sins. At this point, I can only hope that this paves the way towards forgiving himself, because lord knows the guy deserves some peace of mind.
I’m walking the fine line between “Annie truly wanted to know where she fit in after all this and we are getting answers in the future” and “Yams is telling us very clearly that he’ll never answer this question”
Jean, my man, you got plenty of practice on everyone’s favourite punching bag, now go replicate everything you just did on Floch!
There’s gonna be lots of death next chapter, huh
Some other, more minor thoughts
Marco is still a cutie, even when in Jean’s conscience vision. 
Remember in 2013/14 when the fandom would get pissy over people finding Marco important and would say that Yams killed him just because he could? Remember when a few months ago even, people were still posting “Marco happened so long ago, Jean doesn’t care about him that much guys, get over it”? Remember when Jean remembered the ashes of his dead friend last chapter? Remember when Jean beat the ever-loving shit out of Reiner when learning he orchestrated Marco’s death? Yeah
Reiner looked unhappy about not being in a depression nap right now the entire chapter long
Need me that panel of Annie with her ring framed on the wall
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michellelewis7162 · 4 years
Tips Upon Seeking a Magician For Hire
Tips Upon Seeking a Magician For Hire
 When employing an illusionist for a birthday celebration gathering or even corporate event, you will definitely desire an entertainer who provides an enjoyable series and creates your occasion remarkable. Nevertheless, there are several supposed illusionists who have not taken the time to excellent their craft kind.
 If you prefer your audience to become moved to an enchanting world, you should pick an entertainer intelligently. In this write-up, our team'll discover the methods of the magic field to aid you spend your amount of money carefully. Corporate Event Mentalist
 A good location to start your search, when it come to hiring an illusionist for your feature, is along with recommendations from trusted friends and family. Do not be hesitant to hold tryouts. Anybody can easily contact on their own a magician, so ensure you know specifically what a performance is going to encompass before you authorize an arrangement.
 Most respected professionals nowadays have a web site that gives a profile as well as a comprehensive explanation of their series. The top specialists feature online videos on their websites that allow you find the types of regimens that they conduct and their discussion and interaction along with audiences. If they are actually appropriate for your event Magician For Birthday Party, reviewing online videos is a superb way to assess a performer as well as decide.
 Illusionists do two types of magic programs: close-up/strolling as well as stand-up/stage. In a stand-up/stage performance, he applies a program that is actually necessary for tiny to sizable target markets that can consist of birthday celebration parties and institution functionalities.
 In close-up/strolling performances, he walks around at a celebration and carries out "view" techniques using memory cards, pieces as well as various other things. Wandering magic works well at open houses, mixer and also business picnics. An expert illusionist typically is going to personalize a show for a specific reader to ensure a piece de resistance.
 The Yellow Pages is actually an excellent information to discover a magician for hire but be wary of event organizers and bookers. Several have customers who conduct as illusionists on a part time basis and the agent might not be actually crystal clear about what their act entails. However, a premium booker will definitely assess your demands and match you with a magician that greatest meets your audience. Even after that, insist on references and a video clip or live exhibition.
 Choosing a magician for a kids' party doesn't need to be actually all smoke and also mirrors. Do your research study carefully and understand what to expect. A performer impersonated a clown that likewise uses games probably isn't the right option if you're hoping for innovative magic methods. The very same puts on various other performers who dress up in costumes Magician For Birthday Party.
 There are some established magicians who impersonate sorcerers and witches yet still examine their accreditations. It goes without saying, you really want the celebration to become one thing your kid will definitely always keep in mind as a magical experience.
 Main reasons to Hire a Magician For Your Next Corporate Or Even Special Event
 It may be actually that opportunity for your providers' yearly business activity. Possibly it is actually a yearly affair that some employees apprehension mosting likely to each year. Possibly you ought to take into consideration entertainment as portion of the special event. You desire your employees to be responsive and also free to the presentations and also group building exercises. This are going to create a substantial distinction if they are actually in a much better mood and having enjoyable. Consider the perks of choosing an illusionist for your next corporate or even unique activity.
 The holiday:
 Firm seminars and also hideaways are a vital part of company and staff member communication. There are many originalities as well as strategies to go over. Is this an annual event? Maybe it is actually opportunity to start a brand-new heritage. A corporate magician can be a good source of home entertainment. This might likewise provide to break the tediousness for the people joining. It is actually certainly not always an excellent tip to be all about organisation in any way opportunities. Everyone requires times to relax, rest, and also invigorate. This form of enjoyment might make the whole celebration even more delightful and it might assist to enhance lots of attitudes if your activity possesses an annually preconception amongst workers. This alone, may be actually an excellent factor Magician For Birthday Party.
 Honor receptions:
 Honor receptions can suggest a good deal to individuals. Staff members are actually identified for each one of their effort. This is a fantastic way to show appreciation and strengthen employee attitude. Nevertheless, it may obtain a bit cumbersome for the guests. A really good resource of a separate act is magic. The right action may unwind your attendees. It can make the entire evening much more satisfying. The magician can easily even include the presenters right into wonderful appeals. These functions are a direct representation on the business. The even more they are actually enjoyed, the a lot more beneficial graphic they may forecast.
 The ambience of meetings may be much like a gathering. However, that is actually certainly not the true cause for people to go to. Staff members are going to possess the chance to enjoy on their own. Nevertheless, they will be counted on to join company features likewise. If you include a meeting amusement company to aid you blend the gathering environment along with the business setting, these features can easily be actually even more entertaining for employees.
 Trade shows:
 Your display has a better chance, if it sticks out from the remainder. Look at a trade conference magician to include your product and services. For example, a vanishing action is actually a good tip for cleansing items and blemishes. There are actually a lot of various other kinds of process that may be combined also. Tap the services of an expert and also she or he will adapt their process to your organisation. In times of economic troubles, standing apart may create all the variation Magician For Birthday Party.
 Magician For Wedding Day Entertainment - Tips From a Wedding Magician
 A recent survey discovered that 81% of UK wedding ceremony attendees mentioned things they remembered very most about the wedding day was actually the enjoyment.
 It is actually quick and easy to leave the entertainment out of your wedding day strategies yet as that fact over programs, the home entertainment can easily make one of the biggest impacts on your guests, and it goes without saying, you desire all of them to go property having actually provided a day to remember for several years ahead.
 Have you ever before been actually to a wedding celebration where you've loafed wherefore feels like hrs expecting rules and photos to occur? It can be a little monotonous!
 Essentially you desire your attendees to become delighted throughout the time and one of the most ideal techniques will be to hire a magician for the event. A view illusionist can easily entertain your visitors upon their arrival as well as giving enjoyment at the dinner tables. Some illusionists can also delight the children while the wedding celebration rules take place.
 Tips For Hiring The Right Magician
 1) Due Diligence
 Prior to you work with any individual, ensure to check their site and also inspect to see to it they appear professional; the final thing you wish is actually an individual truly shabby appearing at your wedding.
 2) Professional Memberships
 An indication of an expert magician who takes their image very seriously is actually whether they are a member of Magic Circles and likewise a performing musicians union like Equity. Make certain to examine their accreditations.
 3) Be actually clear about what you want a magician to carry out at your wedding (e.g join guests, occupy little ones).
 A lot of big day will certainly often possess a "lifeless" period between the end of the meal and the night event. When an illusionist as well as children's artist can fill this time void, this is. The very early part of the evening celebration can also be slow to start, along with the night not picking up until after the smorgasbord. Once again your magician would certainly have the ability to place on a magic series for the entire family members, hence incorporating one more dimension to the occasion Magician For Birthday Party.
 I have spoken with several couples after their big day that pointed out that they desire they had actually devoted more money and time on the special day entertainment after they also came across the "dead" time periods I illustrate above.
 When considering what home entertainment would certainly correct for your special day, look at the attendee listing and make an effort to arrange your home entertainment so it will entice every person. This will certainly provide you and them a genuinely momentous day which will certainly keep in moment for years ahead.
 5 Tips For Hiring a Magician For Your Event
 You are actually thinking about exactly how calm down would be to employ a magician for your kid's birthday, your sales meeting, the trade show expo you have actually planned, wedding party or even other exclusive occasion.
 What do you need to understand? Exactly how can easily you be actually ensured that the performer you choose are going to have your guest commending you for your wonderful occasion and also choice of entertainment. Effectively perhaps in this particular short write-up I may aid you in your hunt for a terrific entertainer.
 1. Look for someone that can easily speak more than the phone. A clear thrilled vocal that you can understand is a must. If you call a performer that can easily certainly not communicate over the phone picture what they will seem like in front of your attendee. , if you may recognize the illusionist as well as store a great conversation over the phone that is great sign that power will definitely be at your occasion.
 2. Decide on a performer that is actually certainly not a jack of all business. Search the magician's website you plan to employ and also if it's complete of buzz as well as list shows for all celebrations my recommendations is actually to run away! Pick an illusionist who accommodates a choose reader. You don't wish a kid's entertainer performing your firm's trade show or an exhibition illusionist doing your child's birthday party most of the times Magician For Birthday Party.
 3. If you hear "I am actually an artist first, illusionist second" or even everything along those product lines what it implies is my miracle is actually not that excellent. The skill-set degree of the magician is actually really essential, if he can not mislead the audience he can not captivate. I've listen to lots of tales of inept magicians who have humiliated the host and also visitor to receive an economical laugh to "entertain". Lower line: go see a program through the illusionist or meet in person for an exclusive trial.
 4. Service minded. Carries out the magician you are actually hiring business minded? This is a must. Expert as well as timely emails as well as came back call, insurance policy, great dress, and also excellent tools.
 5. Count on. Can you depend on the performer with your guest or little ones. This is the best significant of the 5. Make certain that the artist you work with for your celebration is actually certainly not a pedophile, possesses medication or even alcohol consumption concerns. Perform a Google hunt using the performers title, speak to other as well as select your sixth sense.
 I really hope that this post is useful and that your event is talked about for many years as a result of the good time your guest have and also the miracle of the magic executed.
 Improvement Business and Employee Satisfaction as well as Hire a Table Magician For Your Next Corporate Event
 Providers must choose a table magician for their upcoming company event to enhance organisation and also employee total satisfaction. Magic possesses the special ability to bring individuals coming from all line of business with each other. It is actually the surprise and puzzle that creates connections with one another as well as just creates folks believe excellent. Firms can use it for each of their clientele - the clients and employees Magician For Birthday Party.
 Conventions as well as Trade Shows
 Meetings include a great deal of individuals and commonly feature suppers, speeches and also the demand for some home entertainment to maintain customers, employees and other attendees interacted. A dining table magician that takes a trip from one table to one more before as well as after a food can achieve this, especially when you need to complete unaccounted for time between pep talks as well as various other activities.
 Possessing a memorable activity is crucial to maintain your provider graphic in a client's thoughts. A magic shuck and jive may be an asset when your firm has a business cubicle at a trade conference. If your target is actually to attract traffic to your booth, miracle is an excellent way to complete this. A magician could, during the course of the course of their process, recognize crucial demographics in the crowd that match the company's target audience and after that pass along that information to the cubicle's purchases personnel. Through the medium of magic, a performer can engage along with the group, focusing attention on crucial clients, thereby improving sales.
 Internal Corporate Events
 Large business normally have inner activities for a variety of conditions. Some occasions are actually for instruction purposes while others are actually inspirational. They all have one thing in common - keeping employees involved and complete satisfaction high. Enterprises commit a considerable amount of cash in workers so they want to maintain all of them satisfied. Choosing a magic act that can occupy your staff members at interior business occasions may be a brilliant action. Every person adores magic as well as grownups, while they won't regularly admit it, are much like significant little ones when they face it Magician For Birthday Party.
 Including magic to your corporate home entertainment line-up is actually additionally a wonderful way to boost morale and also market connecting amongst the employees. Without synergy, your corporation can easily certainly not run efficiently or strengthen incomes. If it takes a little magic to enhance this factor of business operations, then employing a desk magician for your upcoming business event is actually an excellent investment.
 Look at the advantages of working with an illusionist for your upcoming company or even exclusive activity.
 Once more your magician would be able to put on a magic series for the entire loved ones, thus adding yet another size to the occasion Magician For Birthday Party.
 You do not wish a little one's entertainer doing your company's trade show or a trade show illusionist performing your youngster's birthday gathering in the majority of cases Magician For Birthday Party.
 Providers need to tap the services of a desk magician for their upcoming business event to boost service as properly as employee contentment. If it takes a little magic to strengthen this element of business procedures, at that point working with a table magician for your upcoming corporate celebration is an excellent investment.
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