#seriously congrats to Usamericans who know about the world and take the initiative to know more curiosity about the world is so good
elbiotipo · 2 years
I mean I can find dumb people who don't know the provinces of Argentina here or don't know where such and such country or only know it from the flags at the World Cup, but I don't know how you can spend your whole adult life without looking at a world map at least once it's really baffling. Especially when you got an internet connection and easy access to knowledge about the world, THE easiest access ever made. Mom always asks me "where's that country they're talking about in the news?" and she usually has a good idea already, but if we don't know I look it up? google is there??????
Maybe I'm too good in geography but I see a shape and I think "oh yeah, that's France, oh yeah, that's Australia". I even know many subnational divisions that way. But even if you're bad at geography imagine being on the internet here you can look up every single detail of any country in world maps with unprecedented detail and there's whole encyclopedias worth of history and nifty little graphs with basic information if you don't have the time and then just saying "uhhhhuhhhh I don't know where Italy is they didn't taught that at school lmao". I would rather said "I just shit my pants", it would be less embarrasing.
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