#seriously he’s the second most underrated weasley
clovermunson · 3 years
love always— bill weasley
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pairings: Bill Weasley x fem!reader
word count: 1.9k
summary: since moving in with Bill, you’ve both noticed each other’s weird little habits and quirks, and you’ve both had your fair share of lonely days and nights due to him being in Egypt more often, but all those Egypt trips really paid off in the end.
warnings: it’s just pure domestic bliss fluff. maybe tooth-rotting fluff? idk, it’s really just super sweet and that’s all really. brief mentions of the war, maybe a couple of curse words? nothing really bad, honestly but I lowkey hate how this turned out lmaooo😂
author’s note: I pretty much just wrote this on a whim, so it may not be the best thing I’ve ever written or anything, but this hellsite needs more Bill content, so here it is! as always, reblogs and likes are always appreciated, I only respectfully ask that you please do not repost and claim as your own! thank you all so much for reading! -xo, morgan 💜
**gif is not mine, credit to whoever made it!
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There were certain things you loved and found to be your favorite about the mornings, and being able to wake up next to Bill was only one of them. After that, the morning coffee and usual breakfast were your favorite things. Everything that you wanted with Bill when you started dating in seventh year, you’d finally been able to achieve.
The golden, early Sunday morning sunlight filtered through the blinds and curtains of your shared flat, a warm glow cast upon the room, and Bill’s face as he slept. Despite the scars from Fenrir Greyback, he was still as handsome as ever, and the golden rays shining on his battle scars only highlighted his gorgeous features.
Bill had yet to wake up, but you had taken the opportunity to admire him, something that was rare due to his hectic work schedule. Even while he was sleeping and his hair was in total disarray, your boyfriend still looked angelic to you, not even life-long scars could change that.
You pressed a gentle kiss to Bill’s forehead, careful to not wake him, before swinging your legs over the side of bed, sliding your feet into your slippers. Stretching your arms out, you let out a quiet yawn before running a hand through your hair in an attempt to make yourself look presentable.
You shuffled out to the kitchen, your eyes still heavy from sleep and your hair still a mess. Grabbing the coffee canister, you poured its contents into the coffee maker, deciding that you needed a little get-up-and-go juice for the day. You set the coffee maker to its usual setting, knowing that it would take no longer than a few minutes to brew a pot of coffee.
“Shit.” You muttered as you dropped the metal lid to the coffee canister and it clattered against the kitchen floor, sending loose coffee grounds all over. You bent over to pick the lid up, a grumbled sigh escaping your lips. As you came back up, you were met by Bill’s chest at your eye level.
“G'morning, love.” Bill smirked, still half asleep as his baritone voice filled the small kitchen.
“Morning.” You gave a half-smile as Bill pulled you into a long hug.
“Rough morning already, huh?” The redhead jested, noting the spilled coffee grounds and the lid still in your hand as he pulled back from you, his hands resting on your arms.
“Little bit, yeah.” You sleepily nodded, setting the lid of the canister on the wooden countertop, “I thought Sundays are supposed to be your sleep in days?”
“I did sleep in.” Bill smirked, grabbing two coffee mugs from the top shelf of the cabinet, setting them down on the counter beside the coffee pot.
“William, it’s 8:00 AM.” You chided, “you usually sleep in until 9:00.”
“You usually do too,” he made his way over to the small dining table, glancing over a few of his work papers that were scattered on it, “what’s your excuse for being up so early, Miss Y/L/N?”
“Well, Mr. Weasley,” you tried to hold in a giggle, “if you must know, I was going to be nice and make you breakfast in bed.”
“Breakfast in bed…” Bill mused, “what’s the special occasion?”
“No reason, just wanted to do something nice since you’ve been picking up some extra shifts at work.” You smiled, pouring the hot liquid into each mug before retrieving the milk and creamer from the refrigerator.
“It’s no more than the usual.” Bill snorted, “it’s not like I’m never home.”
“Bill, you’ve been going to Egypt for two weeks at a time for the past two months.” You poured the milk and creamer into your coffee, then added some sugar. An odd way to do it, since most people usually added sugar first, but it was one of your habits that Bill had picked up on, and ended up practicing himself as well.
“Okay, so a few extra shifts, what’s the harm in that?” Bill smiled, neatly gathering all of his work documents into a pile, pushing them aside.
What Bill hadn’t told you, and was surprised he was able to hide from you, was that he’d been working more to save up the extra cash to buy you a bracelet you’d been wanting for a while now, and that it was currently sitting on your bedside table with a little note from him.
“The harm in it is that you’re overworking yourself, dear.” You sighed, knowing full well that this kind of argument with him wouldn’t set in with him, the man was too stubborn for his own good.
“Y/N, love.” Bill sighed, defeatedly. “You know I can handle it, years of being the oldest sibling dealing with a bunch of unruly heathens helped prepare me for a hectic and busy life.” He chuckled, tapping his fingers against the wooden dining table.
You shook your head at his reasoning. Sure his younger siblings could be a bit unruly, and always got themselves into trouble, the only exception really being Percy, but there was no way that could’ve prepared him for the job he had— well, maybe dealing with the twins and their mischief helped with that.
“Whatever you say, darling.” You smiled to yourself, knowing there was no point to even try and win this argument with him. You quickly stirred the creamer, milk, and sugar into Bill’s coffee, and started to turn around to take the mug to him before feeling his arms wrap around you from behind. You hadn’t even noticed how quickly he’d moved from the table to you.
“Why don’t we just make breakfast together?” Bill offered, changing the subject. “We haven’t been able to do that in a while.” He took the mug from you, sipping his coffee with an arm still wrapped around you.
“Mmm,” you hummed, a small smile spreading over your lips, “I’d like that.”
“Perfect.” Bill nuzzled into the crook of your neck, gently kissing up to your jawline, “pancakes? waffles? French toast?”
“I could go for some French toast.” You nodded, smiling. “Fresh strawberries and bananas on the side?”
“It already sounds delicious.” Bill murmured into your hair, placing a chaste kiss to your cheek before drawing away, retrieving the ingredients from the pantry.
You both worked competently in the kitchen together, even if neither Bill nor yourself were master chefs. And even if Bill got a little too rambunctious and decided to playfully toss a strawberry at you.
“Can you pass me the confectioners’ sugar, please?” You asked, pointing to the small bag of sugar atop the counter.
Bill quickly slid the bag of sugar across the counter to you, and you dipped in a small strainer to sprinkle the sugar onto the still hot French toast while Bill chopped up the bananas and strawberries, carefully arranging them on the plate, yet another small habit he’d adopted from you.
You placed four small, rectangular-sliced pieces of French toast on each plate, and then drizzled syrup over the top of it. For a moment, you reveled in the work that you and your boyfriend had done before the both of you sat at the dining table to eat.
Most of the meal had been silent, until Bill spoke. “Y’know, I’ve actually been going to Egypt a lot more for a specific reason.”
Your head popped up, tuning into what Bill had to say. “Oh yeah?” You mused, a brow arched in amusement, “dazzle me then.”
“I’ve been taking up extra work so I could save the money I’ve made to buy you a gift.” Bill admitted, finishing off the fruits on his plate.
“William Arthur—” you began to scold him, only for him to interrupt you.
“I know, I didn’t have to. But I wanted to.” Bill gave a confident smirk, crossing his arms over his chest. “I think you’ll love the gift I got for you, actually.”
“Is that so?” You smirked, finishing your toast, “go on then, tell me about it.” You took the plates to the sink as Bill leaned back in his chair, his leg bouncing.
“Well, for starters, it’s on your bedside table.” Bill admitted, sitting upright, his slender fingers combing through his mess of ginger hair.
With that, you quickly finished the dishes before bolting to the bedroom, seeing a small black velvet box and a handwritten note that rested on your nightstand.
“So you’ve been hiding it all this time, Weasley?” You crossed your arms as you plopped down on the bed, Bill leaning against the door frame.
“I had to keep you from finding it before I was ready to give it to you.” Bill chuckled, “and I thought since I’ve had it for a about a month now, it’s about time I give it to you.”
You carefully grabbed the small box and the note from your nightstand, reading over the note, admiring the penmanship on it. Bill’s semi-neat handwriting had always been one of your favorite things about him.
My love,
I’m sorry I’ve been spending so much time away lately, and that we’ve both been dealing with more Order business than we can both handle. I know me being gone most of the time hasn’t been easy on you, it sure hasn’t been easy on me. Hopefully this will make up for it though. After the war is over with and everything is back to normal, I promise you we’ll do everything you want and more— go on vacation, get married, have a family. Whatever you want, we’re in it together. I love you today, tomorrow, and for the rest of our lives.
love always,
You couldn’t help but smile as you read over the note, feeling a tear threaten to fall from your eye. You carefully opened the little black box, revealing a silver charm bracelet with a single, small diamond encrusted heart charm. You couldn’t lie, you loved the bracelet, and Bill already knew that you did.
“Bill—” you breathed out, trying your best to hold back tears as you removed the bracelet from the box, quickly clutching it to your chest.
“I meant every word of it.” Bill smiled, the sunlight illuminating his features, “I’ve never been more sure of wanting anything else.”
For once, even if just for a brief moment, it felt like there was no war going on, there was no bad. There was only good in the world, and you had a good man by your side to prove that. Like there was finally light and hope in the world.
You rose from the bed, meeting Bill halfway across the bedroom, your arms immediately wrapping around his neck as his went to your waist, your face was buried into his chest.
“I love you. More than anything, more than you’ll ever know.” You murmured, a smile forming as you finally let a teardrop fall against your cheek, staining Bill’s shirt.
Bill brought your left hand up, and then clasped the bracelet around your wrist, placing a kiss to the back of your hand before swiftly pulling you back into the hug.
“I love you, princess.” Bill mumbled into your hair, placing a kiss on the top of your head as he gently swayed you in his arms. “No matter what, you’ll always have all of my love.”
Even if the war was far from being over and done, you felt like it was. War or no war, the love that you and Bill shared with each other couldn’t be changed, and that remained a simple fact.
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