#seriously i've discovered like 5 posts today alone
hypewinter · 1 year
I would like to kindly ask Tumblr to please stop hiding posts from me.
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odinsblog · 5 years
hey odin! just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU SO MUCH for your post about salary negotiation. i've had a really hard time finding a job and i'm surprised at how comfortable i feel negotiating for what i deserve now that i know what's "normal". i don't have a positive male role model in my life, let alone a man older than me who isn't racist/sexist/republican, and your blog gives me someone to look up to. have a wonderful day!
Uh, okay. Wow. Y’all really be out here tryna make a negro get all choked up.
I never know what to say when I get messages like this. My first thought is usually something like, “I’m really really humbled by the fact that something I posted may have actually helped someone in any meaningful way, but you SERIOUSLY need to aim much higher than me for a role model.”
Listen, @manicpixie-wannabe thank you so very very much for the kind thoughts. I sincerely appreciate it. And more importantly, I am beyond happy that you’re finding salary negotiations a bit easier to deal with (bc it can be skressful and they ain’t no joke, frfrfr).
I need you to do me a solid and please keep growing, keep hanging in there, and always always always take good care of yourself (even if it means logging off and taking copious amounts of “me time” whenever life gets rough). I have a feeling you’re going to succeed at whatever you put your mind to. And I bet YOU are inspiring someone right now, even if you don’t know it.
Good luck with your job hunt, and thank you again. A single ask like this more than makes up for the dozens of pieces of hate mail that I usually get all the time.
Lastly, I’m not sure which post you were referring to, so for anyone else reading this, I have listed a few posts I reblogged that touch on job interviews & salary negotiations:
1. https://odinsblog.tumblr.com/post/111367454748/moniquill-when-the-boss-says-dont-tell-your
2. https://odinsblog.tumblr.com/post/177589033236/quantumheels-sarroora-today-i-discovered-this
3. https://odinsblog.tumblr.com/post/152795716430/queendread-right-now-im-sifting-through-50
4. https://odinsblog.tumblr.com/post/150785521923/blackstoic-blackstoic-blackstoic
5. https://odinsblog.tumblr.com/post/145938959194/babydreamgirl-midnight-sun-rising
6. https://odinsblog.tumblr.com/post/142769818330/fiftyshadesofmacygray-okay-so-how-does
7. https://odinsblog.tumblr.com/post/133431463915/lyonnnss-pseudocoding-mxtori
8. https://odinsblog.tumblr.com/post/124490582295/salary-history-must-die-too-and-while-were-at
9. https://odinsblog.tumblr.com/post/183242303497/backstageleft-bapeonion
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