lucianhuntress · 8 months
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Oh my~ I need more of this awkward Gale 💕😍
Thank you so much for this sweetness! *sobs*
I would like #98. But with Gale and fem!reader if that is possible 🥰
Hopefully you don't mind some fluffy tressym with your Gale 🥰 Excuse the gif, he looked so good that I couldn't resist.
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Gale Dekarios x Reader: Neck Scratches ("I didn’t know you could do that.")
Professor Dekarios stormed out of his office almost as soon as you arrived. He offered only mumbles about ‘another catastrophe’ as he passed you in the doorway and left you with apologies and a plea that you could wait for his return in his office.
Professor Dekarios had been your favourite colleague from the moment he walked into the facility. He was witty, charming and with a lot of hands-on experience from his travels – and the stories to back them up. You absolutely adored it when he trailed off from the subject at hand and began gushing about enchanted spider meat or bargaining with an actual devil. You had some experience under your belt too, but it was nothing compared to him.
Stepping inside the familiar office room, you noticed the professor’s trusty friend. The sharp-eyed tressym stared at you from her spot in the cosy nest by the window. Her wings were tucked against her back, all paws and tail hidden from sight as she loafed in the spot of sunlight.
“Hello, Tara,” you greeted her. “Busy day for professor Dekarios?”
“How rude of him to abandon you here like this,” Tara commented, eyes narrowing, “In the middle of my midday scratches too.”
“I’ve been told I give the best neck scratches in Waterdeep,” you offered and bit your lips together to hide any escaping signs of amusement. Tara might have taken laughter about such a serious matter as an insult.
She pondered for a good while, but the jury turned in your favour: “Very well then, proceed.”
Tara craned her neck slightly. Her fur was really, really soft and you wondered if she possessed some magic to make it so or if Gale aided in taking care of her silky coat. Soon, Tara purred complacently.
“I didn’t know you could do that,” Gale commented from the doorway.
You turned to him with an inquiring smile. “Do what?”
“Purr. I didn’t know you could purr. Tara, I mean. Obviously not you,” he laughed nervously, hand flying to the back of his neck as he sought an escape from the embarrassment, “I know you don’t purr. Probably.”
“Best neck scratches in Waterdeep, indeed,” Tara cooed in, beaming at you and throwing a sideways glance at her negligent friend.
“Mm. Remind me to come to you then, the next time I need an itch scratched,” Gale said.
Your cheeks heated but you gave Tara one last scratch, which she accepted graciously, and retorted: “I’d be happy to help with your… itches, Mr. Dekarios.”
Gale made a tiny cough, having realised what he had just said.
“You’re some cat-whisperer, you know that?” He forced out a chuckle, flustered as he walked over to his desk and definitely didn’t meet your amused gaze.
“Ah. Tressym-whisperer. Apologies, Tara.”
You could barely hide your smile.
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
Eddie Brock x Reader: Stay With Me
First of all, Happy Birthday to @tamanamohain! This fic wouldn’t have seen the daylight if you weren’t tormenting me with Tom Hardy pictures. Please keep them coming. You deserve all the happiness and all the sweet things in the world, so hopefully this is pleasing enough. Love you! <3
Second, this is my first Eddie Brock fanfic. Please be gentle? Because he isn’t.
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Word count: 2328 Rating: Explicit.  Warnings: Smutsmutsmut and light bondage(?) Read with your own discretion. Notes: Since Tumblr is now what it is, I can’t safely post a whole smutty smut fic in here. So here is a little teaser, and the rest is in Ao3. Enjoy! 
Eddie Brock was a reporter.
Once he stood at the top of the world. Top of the journalist’s world. Then he fell, came down like an avalanche, destroying not only his but someone else’s life as well. He was the one you felt envious at a time — and you still did, even if he had lost everything he once had.
It was just a coincidence to bump into him on the darkened streets of San Francisco. That coincidence turned into a few drinks between a professional and a defeated man. The drinks turned into oblivious flirting, the drunk and terrible kind. But both of you felt the need to feel more than just a casual handshake.
Flirting made Eddie eventually glad to show you his apartment — which you wanted to see, eagerly, just for inspiration. You were a reporter after all; what could be better than gain inspiration from someone so talented.
Talented to undress you hungrily yet so gently. Talented to leave your body aching, trembling, and starved for more.
The week in San Francisco was over fast. Way too fast. It was a week you spent in his bed instead of visiting the places you should have.
Read more in Ao3 ≫
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
✶ Announcement ✶
So, we all know how I’ve been strictly into writing FFXV fanficiton. When I actually have the energy to do it. I’ve been feeling like it has to change. Mostly because FFXV isn’t the only fandom I want to write for. It might be surprising but I like a lot of other stuffs as well.
Anyways, because I am lazy and I really like this blog. I’m going to just expand the material I will hopefully have in here. I have a few new fics in works actually. 
I won’t abandon FFXV. Just adding more to this tiny little piece of a blog.
Hopefully everyone will be enjoying the new stuff I put in here (maybe at some point depending on my energy levels) and the stuff I already have here. Thanks for reading whatever it happens to be. <3
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Also, totally not advertising @studio-star-quality here. There’s a little bit of fresh stuff I have written with amazing @creative-frequency! 
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
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Ravus Nox Fleuret 一 the supermodel 
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
Extremely Random OC Questions
Again, I was bored and felt like I should do a deeper dive into Selene’s mind. I found this from here! 
Would your OC ever accessorize with a cape? - If it happens to be a current fashion trend, then yes.
If they were to encounter a bear, what would they do? - She would probably glare at it. Victory or nothing.
Your OC has the chance to either grab pepper spray, a baseball bat, a knife or a shoe, which one would they grab? - A baseball bat.
It’s a sunny day outside, what is their reaction? - *Goes back to bed*
Have they ever swam with sharks before? - I don’t think so.
Oh no, your oc is hungry and no money, what do they do? - She would call Ignis.
If they had the chance to kill someone without being caught, would they? If so, who would it be? - Almost anyone who annoys her long enough. Including her brother and Ravus. She would end up regretting it though.
What gif describes their life?
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What would their username be on tumblr? - theamaz1ngpr1nc3ss
What is their 3rd favourite colour? - White
Would they much rather own a three headed dog or a two headed cat? - A cat. Selene isn’t an active person, so three heads worth of attention is overwhelming.
Can they do the splits? - No way.
If they knew the only way to get the chocolate cake was do murder the guard, guarding it, would they? - Definitely.
Do they know which way east is? - No. She leaves all the “heavy working” to others.
Have they ever been kicked in the knee caps before? - For the other’s sake, I hope not.
If they had the chance to go in a hot air balloon, would they? - Yes she would! Not alone though.
Would they much rather ride horse back or on a camel? - Probably horse?
How many different knots can they tie? - Maybe one or two? She isn’t really interested in things like that.
Would they stop to look at pretty flowers? - Depending on the company. If she was alone, maybe not.
If they saw a zebra, what would their reaction be? - She would try to hide her curiosity. 
If they had to hike up a mountain, what would their attitude be going up? - “Are we there yet?”
Would they ever make a sock puppet? - Yes she would if she could annoy someone with it.
Would they much rather banter back and forth with friends or talk about philosophy? - Banter! Philosophy is boring.
They have acquired a lion, a peanut butter sandwich and a purple rock, what is their next move? - Ride the Lion, throw the rock at Noctis and eat the sandwich.
They see a magical wand, do they touch it? - Yes. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
If a skeleton talked to them, would they be scared? - No. She would be confused and probably threaten it. Since when have skeletons talked?
If they entered a restaurant and saw a floating beach ball, what would they do? - Go into the opposite direction.
It’s nighttime and the zombies are everywhere, your oc is on the corner of a crowded city block all alone, how do they get off the street? - Torch the zombies with a fire spell. Burrnnnn...
An alligator jumps out of the water and starts to talk to your oc about the economy, what does your oc do? - Kicks the crocodile back into water. It’s Noctis’ job to handle the damned economy anyway.
Your oc is scuba diving and comes across a mermaid, what happens next? - Judges her looks carefully. Tries to follow it so she can become one too.
What is your OC’s go to dance move? - Selene. Does. Not. Dance.
Your OC has access to a boat and 5 million dollars, now what? - She goes on a shopping spree. On a boat.
Your OC accidentally dyed their hair purple, now what? - After an hour of screeching, she actually begins to love her new hair.
What would your OC’s reaction be if there was a giant dog that came to them with a huge bone as the dog wags their tail in excitement? - Yawn and let the dog be.
A frog appears out of nowhere and starts to critize their life choices, what does your OC do? - Murder the damn frog. No one criticizes Selene and lives to tell about it.
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
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Selene Lucis Caelum 一 the actress  
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
I’m stoked to start writing this together! ★_★ IT’LL BE AMAZING AND FUNNNNNN!
Studio ⭐ Quality
Who are we? Two Finnish fanfiction writers who have known each other for over two decades. Find our writing blogs at @lucianhuntress &  @creative-frequency!
What is this blog for? Lucianhuntress got this awesome AU setting for our Final Fantasy XV OCs and Iluy suggested we could write about it together as RP. Neither of us have done this exact kind of roleplaying/writing before so it’s going to be interesting.
Most of all, the aim is to have fun writing our OCs. Hopefully you will enjoy reading about their adventures in the realm of Eos.
What to expect? The story setting will be modern AU in the FFXV universe. Lucianhuntress’ character Selene Lucis Caelum is a bitch famous actress and Iluy’s character Eve Leonis is her newly hired bodyguard.
Oh, and Noctis will be there too as the CEO of Caelum Industries. As well as Ravus as the most wanted model of Insomnia.
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
Somnus x OC - Caught in Snow
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I know I haven’t produced much fiction lately, apologies for my laziness. At least I (frustratingly slowly) managed to write something for my longtime friends through real life and discord. Love you all and (LATE) MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Warnings: None, except my rusty writing skills. Apologies for that. Toilet is that way *points left* Also extremely random Somnus, I don’t know how to write characters him.
Prompt for this: 25. “Most people bring flowers. I’m not most people.” And this is for @bleucommelhiver, I hope you don’t mind about the complete randomness of this. :kek:
Fireplace crackled quietly, embers dancing above the flames joyfully and banishing the darkness lurking in the corners of a small cabin. Aeria had wrapped a blanket around herself and cupped her hands around a mug of hot chocolate. She was all alone in that cabin, resting after a long journey to the furthest corners of Eos.
She would have to inform the King about her success on a recon mission. She would have done so already− if her chocobo hadn’t injured itself. Luckily she had stumbled upon the cabin, which was meant for military personnel like her in cases like this.
The lights of Solheim weren’t even far. It glowed in the distance like a lantern, but reaching the city would have taken a lot of energy from her.
“Better get some sleep—” her words were instantly interrupted by a knock on the door. Aeria instantly bounced off the couch and summoned a dagger into her palm — as if it never left her hand in the first place.
Someone knocked the door again, more desperately now.
Aeria scuffled across the room, all the way to the door.
“Who’s there?” she asked, holding onto her dagger and hoping she wouldn’t have to use it.
“Just open it already, it’s freezing out here!”
Her eyes flew as wide open as the door did. Somnus Lucis Caelum shivered under the slowly falling snow, but a knowing smile spread across his face when he saw Aeria. She took a step back and let the King into the moderate cabin. He looked out of place with his fancy, expensive clothes.
“I missed you, Ria,” Somnus said after Aeria closed the door after him. His breaths were heavy and cheeks rosy from spending so much time in the cold.
“Why are you here? Aren’t people looking for you? What about your betrothed?” Aeria blurted and slammed her palm onto her lips.
“I couldn’t just wait for you to get back,” he said and cupped her cheeks. “I knew you’d be here I—” His fingers were ice cold, and Aeria flinched at first but she couldn’t back away. Not after being away for so long. “I know we celebrated Winter Festival a few weeks back but I couldn’t just forget about you…”
“Really?” she exhaled, unable to believe that the King still held onto their clandestine meetings so tightly.
“Most people bring flowers,” Somnus stated sternly, but his voice turned lusty in a second, “I’m not most people.” He pressed his cold lips against hers and pushed her against a wall. Aeria couldn't help but to smile against the kiss, her heart fluttering out of content.
“I missed you,” she murmured.
“Merry late Christmas, Ria.”
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
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Merry late Christmas tto@lucianhuntress Sorry this is so late but I hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for being so wonderful! You bring so much positivity to the group and it is incredibly refreshing! You have a 10/10 sense of humor and your writing is A++++! I hope you enjoy this and I love you <3
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#24 ravus x selene- “I hope you break your ass on that ice.”
Selene was faring much better on the ice than she anticipated. She was moving her feet slowly, balancing on her skates but still propelling herself forward while her hands were stretched out to her sides for stability. She might have looked comical to some but she had yet to fall on her ass and a small grin of triumph adorned her face.
This moment was shortly lived however when her husband glided past her at an impressive speed. His snowy white hair billowed behind him along with the ends of his scarf which were tightly wrapped around his neck. At his swift passing Selene felt a breeze left in his wake. She was not surprised he was so good on the ice because frankly what wasn’t Ravus good at? He was smart, strong, and ethereal and while it drove Selene to madness it also caused her heart to race. But it was also what he had grown up with.
This being her first winter in Tenebrae she was shocked to find they were as frigid as her husband’s first impressions. The sylleblossom fields were gone, now coated in a fresh coat of snow while rivers and lakes streaming among the land were frozen in place. The sky was grey most days and yet it never dimmed the beauty of the country. The trees were barren with leaves but now coated in icicles that dripped throughout the day when the sun was out but left to refreeze overnight. Selene had to admit, Tenebrae was a real winter wonderland.
“Do you need assistance dear,” Ravus called out to her. She could practically hear the sneer in his voice.  
“I’m doing fine thank you,” she answered matter of fact. Heading to the edge of the frozen pond, Selene collapsed on the snow, heaving heavy breaths as she splayed out on the ground starting up at the sky. Even without looking she could hear the sound of his skates approaching and soon felt the snow around her crunch with the impact of the Commander taking a break as well.
Propping herself up on her elbows she watched Ravus begin to unravel the scarf he was sporting. His hair fell down, unkempt around his face but there was softness in his expression, as though any sort of guard he normally had in place was currently absent and it was just him. His blue eyes glanced out onto the ice with deep concentration, like he was watching something play out. Perhaps a memory.
His shoulders moved up and down with every rapid breath he took in and let out. 
“Sure are breathing heavy,” Selene teased, “Out of shape?”
 Rolling his eyes he replied, “No. Unlike you I was actually moving out there. I’m tired.”
“Hey I was moving,” she rebutted, “Maybe not as fast as you but I was.”
“Hardly,” he chuckled.
“Hardly,” Selene mimicked in a childish tone, receiving a scowl from her husband. “Glare all you want Ravus. Those looks don’t faze me anymore.”
Raising a brow he glanced at her, “Is that so?”
“I don’t believe I stuttered,” she retorted. And then before she could even blink, he was on her; pinning her down in the snow with his hands on her wrists and his face inches from her. Selene went to gasp but stopped herself, that’s what he wanted. He wanted her to react, wanted her to do something. But she wouldn’t give him that satisfaction.
“Can I help you,” she breathed out coolly. But Ravus said nothing, rather he just stared at her, locking his eyes on hers and not breaking away. “I know what you’re doing Ravus,” Selene whispered, “But you can stop this now because it won’t work.”
He didn’t though. If anything his gaze intensified and Selene wondered how it was he could appear to be looking directly into her mind while also appearing to undress her at the same time. She hoped he couldn’t see past her own walls and into her deepest fears and secrets for the way his eyes burrowed into hers she was almost certain he might be gazing directly into her soul.
In turn however, Selene could see Ravus too: fearlessness coated in blankets of self-doubt shone behind his irises as well as admiration and affection. It was not much of course but Selene caught herself eyeing back in wonder.
“You’re a tough one to crack,” he mumbled, his eyes not leaving hers.
 “I like a good challenge,” she replied, “Probably why I agreed to marry you.”
The smirk that formed on Ravus’s face brought a small grin to her own. Freeing one of her wrists, he used his free hand to remove strands of hair from the princess’s face. At his touch Selene’s breath caught in her throat and sent shivers down her spine. Moving his face closer, she closed her eyes waiting but nothing happened. Pulling back, Ravus let go of Selene’s other hand and fell unto the snow beside her, beginning to look up to the sky as well. The two of them laid like this for a while, simply listening to the breaths of the other while letting the chilled air cool their faces.
“Why did you stop,” Selene asked, turning her head to him.  
“You said you like a good challenge,” he replied, “I’m curious to see how long you last till you’re practically dragging me to bed.”
Selene nearly chocked on her words as she sat up glancing at her husband, “E-excuse you?”
“It’s all in good fun,” he answered standing up and getting back on the ice, “Maybe this is for more of my benefit than yours.”
Selene could only imagine how red her face must appear in comparison to the white snow that was all around her but she couldn’t hide that or the stupid grin that appeared on her face at his suggestion. While she wanted to reply with something equally clever the only words she could muster were: “I hope you break your ass on that ice.”
The Crew: @creative-frequency @sherniwrites @bleucommelhiver @owldearest @promptoastandbutter 
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
Noctis x OC - Christmas Cocktails
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I know I haven’t produced much fiction lately, apologies for my laziness. At least I managed to write something for my longtime friends through real life and discord. Love you all and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Warnings: None, except my rusty writing skills. Apologies for that. Toilet is that way *points left*
Prompt for this: 14. “It’s beginning to look a lot like cocktails.” And this is for @creative-frequency. Hope you love it! <333
It was Evelia’s first Christmas in Insomnia. The silent city looked as festive as ever and a few flakes littered the nightly view as they fell down from the dark sky, melting away instantly as they touched the ground. Snow was a foreign thought in the metropolis, and the lack of it really made her miss her old home.
Her new job is what kept her in the city; otherwise she would have escaped to the countryside as soon as the holidays started.
“Eve,” she heard a familiar murmur right behind her. Flustered from her momentary spacing out, she turned around. She had to accompany her boss to the Lucis Caelum’s family dinner, which happened to be right across the hallway that year. In her neighbour’s apartment.
Noctis, her charming neighbour, held two glasses in his hands and smiled wryly as he inspected the flustered bodyguard in front of him.
“Merry Christmas, sir.”
“You don’t have to act like that,” he chuckled through a light irritation growing in his chest.
“I’m working, sir.” Even though she was forced to wear a sparkling cocktail dress for the evening, she was still on the clock as a bodyguard and the head of security for her mistress.
“But I also have a say in this matter,” Noctis stated. Mostly because Selene was having a heated argument with her father. She didn’t need security in that house. “I doubt she will need you in a while.”
Eve let out a frustrated groan and pursed her lips.
“Just one drink Eve. It’s a special Christmas drink my father mixes every year. A tradition.”
One drink never turned out as she expected when spending time with Noctis. No matter how hard she tried.
But how could she turn his blue puppy-eyed look?
With a heavy sigh she replied as she surrendered and took the glass from his hand, “it’s beginning to look a lot like cocktails.”
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
I'm weak for angry Ravus and daaaaammnnnnnnn you did it gurl! *Dies happily*
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#1 with Ravus x Reader! Or Sephiroth x Reader? 😳😳😳
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Rating: E10
Warnings: Sexual reference, maybe, if you squint. Nothing else.
Word count: 270
Notes: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @sakumartti!!! I know I’m a couple days late, but that’s because your birthday snuck up on me. Whoops. I hope you enjoy this! 
If anybody had asked Ravus Nox Fleuret how he felt aboutyou, he’d glare at them. He’d say he hated you. He’d curse your existence. You’d brought too much light to his life,a light he couldn’t bear to lose.
You were a distraction.
He hadn’t beenable to take his mind off your existence since you’d found your way to his office on accident. You’d walked and smiled at himconfusedly, asking for directions to the high chancellor’s office. Ravus didn’t knowwhy, but he lamented giving you those directions. Someone as innocent as youwould be eaten alive by Ardyn.
It was months later when he found out what had happened inArdyn’s office. You told him ofyour exploits infuriating the chancellor, your fingers lazily drifting over thescars that littered his bare chest as you spoke. He hated the way you calmedhim. He hated that he felt the overwhelming need to protect you, to keep yousafe, to make you his.
He didn’tnotice when you stopped talking, lost in the motions of connecting everyblemish to each other, your eyes roaming his body, his face.  He studied your face, memorizing every linebefore he spoke.
“Why do you have to look at melike that?” He started, brushing a straylock of hair from your face. “It’s making me weak. Stop it.”
You leaned up, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. “I’m weakfor you too, my love.”
If anybody asked him, Ravus would say he hated you. Orrather, he hated that he loved you.
For you gave himsomething to lose.
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
*ded again*
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Thank you for writing me sweet Ravus 💖😻
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Entering your apartment the first thing you noticed were the perfectly wrapped gifts sitting atop the dining room table, each adorned with ribbons and bows. The balloons tied to the chairs were a nice touch and the streamers along the walls brightened the room, bringing a smile to your face. It appeared as thought everything had been meticulously set up, not a present or decoration out of place.
However, the next thing you noticed was the smell of burnt fumes, a cloud of smoke entering the living space and causing you to race to the kitchen.
Waving the smoke out of your face, you squinted through the doorway to see him waving a towel towards the stove, where the smoke was seeping through the oven door which was sitting wide open.  
“Ravus what’s wrong,” you called, racing over to him.
“Nothing is wrong! There’s nothing to worry about,” he called back, gesturing to the window above the sink, “Would you open that please? We need to get the smoke out.”
Listening to him, you headed to the window and pushed it up, allowing the fresh air to lull the smoke out. Glancing back to Ravus, he was pulling out two round pans filled with what you assumed was to be cake. The tops of each of the loaves were blacker than the night sky; both burned to a crisp.
Slamming the oven door shut, the man placed the steaming items on the stove top, turning the oven fan on overhead to start filtering out the fumes. “You’re home early,” he sighed, finally turning to you, his white hair tied back.  
“Boss let me go early,” you coughed, waving some remaining smoke out of your face.
“That was nice of him,” he continued on casually, as though he did not almost burn down the kitchen.
“Are you alright,” you asked, walking over to him, noticing a smudge of flour on his cheek.
“I suppose so,” ne nodded, “Although I doubt I can frost the outside of those cakes and make them edible.”
“Yeah, might want to just throw those away,” you laughed. Grabbing a towel, you used it to wipe away the flour and other ingredients place upon his expression.
“Sorry,” he muttered, “I was trying to make everything perfect for you.”
“You know I don’t need all of this,” you reassured him.
“I know you don’t need it,” he replied, “But I wanted to do it for you.”
“Well I’m not much of a cake fan anyway,” you said, waving your hand, “But we could order a pizza and put some candles on it. That’s pretty much the same thing right?”
“I supposed,” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you, “It’s your birthday, we’ll do whatever you want.”
“Anything,” you asked raising a brow suggestively.
“Anything,” he repeated, tilting your head up and placing a soft kiss on your lips, “Anything for the birthday girl.”
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
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Legit had forgotten about this idea. 😂 Have too many of them waiting to be written.
As Seen Through the Lens: Part 1
Word count: 5342 Pairing: Ravus Nox Fleuret x Femaler Reader Warnings/Categories: Modern AU. Reader is a photographer, Ravus is a model. Eventual NSFW, romance, “How many otome tropes can I fit into one fic?” Notes: ❤️❤️❤️ HAPPY BIRTHDAY @lucianhuntress! ❤️❤️❤️ You know we talked about this idea waaay back and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. I really wanted to do justice to it so My Hand Slipped™. I hope you’ll enjoy this!
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The setting with a white backdrop is in place and the lights are ready; the crew is anxiously waiting for the last person to arrive, but no one is more nervous than you.
It’s your big chance. Whether it’ll be a hit or miss shall be decided in the upcoming weeks.
Keep reading
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
Trying™ to write...
Heyyy everyone!
Apologies for being inactive for the past ... two(?) weeks(?)! 
I got all sorts of mishaps in my life and I wasn’t really able to write/post any smuts, but I’m gonna try harder this week and hopefully post something very much ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) for your eyes. 
I still have some smut requests waiting and I’m also gonna try writing something not-so-smutty-but-very-much-fluffy-and-feelsy-also-maybe-slightly-smutty fiction. 
And that, everyone, is staying as a surprise. For now. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
Last Line Tag
I got tagged by @creative-frequency. Thank yoooouuuuu~
Rules: Post the last line(s) you wrote and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
“That’s what you get when you start making babies,” Gladiolus sighs, but you can hear amusement in his words.
Ignis chuckles silently at your side.
Working on another smut oneshot drabble! Hehehehehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Consider yourself tagged if you’re reading this!
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
Hi! Can I request Belladonna x Prompto : “I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Prompto x OC: That Friend of Yours
102. “I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.”
Warnins: Smut, Jealous PromptoSlightly Dom!Prom(?)Wordcount: 1353Random ramblings: This is based on the very same celebrity/everything is good/discord ocs-AU as I wrote earlier. I haven’t written anything Prompto related in a long time, so I hope you can forgive me with this one. Oh and he became slightly jealous. But I love jelly Prom. Tagging @owlwrites​ because her OC is mentioned here.
I hope you like reading this!
“Whowill be the next one to leave the Hellfire Kitchen? Find out nextweek!”
Ablonde man scratches his neck and grabs the remote controller lyingon the couch next to his hand. He briefly plays with it, by spinningit between his fingers, before placing it down on a glassy coffeetable.
“DamnBella,” he snickers when the commercials kick in. He turns his bluegaze towards the woman sitting next to him. She has her legs and armscrossed and her cheeks have turned slightly pink. Mostly, because shefound it rather embarrassing to watch herself curse like a sailor onTV.
“Ididn’t know you were so brutal in the kitchen.”
Belladonnalaughs dryly and avoids meeting his eyes. “It just happens− butonly sometimes! I don't mean anything by it!”
Hebites his lower lip and mutters, “I think you were cutein there.”
Asudden announcement booming out of the television subdues hischeerful laughter.
“Breakingnews! The famous songstress Honoria has been spotted on a vacationwith a mysterious man!”
“Dowe really have to watch this?” Belladonna groans, knowing perfectlytoo well what is happening in her friend's lovelife.
Sheis about to reach for the remote controller, when her movementsfreeze completely.
“...alsoone of the current top models, Bishop, is in the middle of a tragiclove triangle?!”
Theblonde answers in somewhat bitter tone, “nope, we don't.”Belladonna knows that he is jealous of her friendship with the flirtymale model.
Feelingsomewhat guilty, she resumes her actions and the television shutsdown in a blink of an eye.
Silencefalls down in the living room like rainfall. They both feel tooawkward to speak right away.
“Prom…”she finally speaks and lifts her gaze. “You know that—”
“Showme,” Prompto interrupts her and cups her hand into his. He places asoft kiss on her knuckle and she feels like her hand is about to meltright away.
Bishopis nothing but a good friend of hers, but unfortunately one misplacedglance has Prompto’s insecurities rocket sky high.
Hiswarmth glows against her palm and she feels secretly excited to seethis side of him. “I want to hear it,” his voice is barely abovea whisper and it sends shivers down her spine.
“Ilov− mppphh!” He cuts her off again, but this time his lips areon hers. Fiercely and hungrily he sucks and devours her lips, likeshe would slip away any moment.
Hungerenvelops the two into a sighing mess. Her fingers tread through hisblonde hair — despite knowing the fact that he had fixed it closeto perfection earlier. He lifts her into his lap and lets handswander around her waist and sides.
Belladonnagently sucks his lower lip and pulls back to look him into his eyes.“I only want youPrompto,” she purrs sweetly and tilts her head to a side.
Pinkblush creeps across his cheeks and he looks ashamed for a moment. Butonly for a moment. He gainshis resolve from the well he thrown it into, and flashes a smug grinat her. The pink cheeks don’t reassure his sudden cockyness enough.
“Thenwhy don’t you scream for my name?”
“Scream?Prom— wait what?”
Theonly answer she gets is a low laugh, sounding more like a deviouscackle than his trademark laughter.
Hishands travel down to cup her buttocks and a surprised yelp escapesher chest. She falls down, face against his. Lips find each otherfast, tasting each other curiously. He massages her thighs, causingher to moan against his mouth.
Tangledagain on the couch, pieces of clothing falling and thrown away as thetwo kiss and kiss and kiss. They are lost in each others touch andthe only salvation is to get more and more. Exhales grow uneven,wailing, laboured. Heartbeats speed up, eyes darken from lust,tongues more bold.
Whispersof needfall from puffy lips, nails dig into shoulders almost instinctively.
Prompto,still having Belladonna sitting in his lap, has managed to slitherhis pants off somehow. His previously fierce behavior has calmed downand his finger trails down her skin, stopping at every mole and dothe manages to find. Belladonna is gently pumping his length,throbbing between their bare bodies.
“Bella…”he sighs and looks into her eyes. The pleasure has made hisexpression slightly delirious and it draws a satisfied smile acrossBelladonna’s flushed face.
“Yes?”She murmurs.
Noanswer. Instead, she gets thrown on the couch — her back hittingthe soft cushions. Prompto licks his lips and hovers on above her,caressing her long, dark hair with his fingers.
“Youlook so beautiful, Belladonna,” he says and smiles sheepishly.However, the lovely expression vanishes into thin air as fast as ithad appeared and he lines up himself with her entrance. He leans downto whisper into her ear: “I want to hear it now.”
Shecan’t even catch a break to speak the words he so desperatelyneeds, because when she opens her mouth to spill out the truth, herwhole body arches. He pushes himself into her, slowly, his hands onher hips to keep her in place.
Heropen mouth turns into an ‘o’ as he starts moving— pumping inand out of her in an even pace. His face lit up from satisfaction;how she sighsat every push he makes.
“Iwant to hear it.”
Thepleasure is making her blind. Hefeels too good. He fills andstretches her perfectly — and she feels perfect for him. It doesn’ttake long for her body to start tingling, like million stars explodeall over her skin, prickling and burning.
“Prompt—ohhh…”she mewls weakly, her hands searching for him, but only air is whatshe catches into her shaking fists. Her body has lost all thestrength and she can’t even keep her eyes properly open.
“Iknow for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.”He answers smugly in between his loud pants. She would be normally soflustered after hearing that, but now her mind is wept blank. All shecan think about is how to end the tingling sensation. How to make thefire roar harder.
Hegrits his teeth and increases the pace, sweat starting to form ontohis forehead. His skin slaps against her skin and his grunts mix upwith her rapturous moans. She arches her waist towards him at everychance, chasing the bliss desperately. Their hearts pound in aperfect rhythm as they drive each other further and further towardsthe edge.
Thewords seem be caught in Belladonna’s throat as she feels a suddenwave coursing through her. Her legs tense up and her toes curl up,her fingers wrap around a pillow lying on the floor. .
Promptobites his lip and decides to order, “I want to hear you.”
Hearme? Her mind has flown intovoid as the pleasure washes over her, undulating her body in anendless sea of satisfaction.  
Unsatisfiedwith her obedience, he places his fingers onto her already sensitivenub and circles it, drawing even louder whimpers from the womanbeneath him. Her body trembles and she squirms, but his other hand onher waist keeps her somewhat tightly in place.
Anothergrunt escapes his lips, followed by a weak “fuck…”
Hismovements suddenly slow down and he teeters above her as he pulsesinto her throbbing core. Eventually he falls down and Belladonnamakes room for him. He wraps his arm around her waist and snuggleshis face into her hair.
“Thankyou,” he mumbles and places a kiss on her shoulder.
Hercheeks glow hot, maybe from the exertion, maybe from something else.She lets out a tired, girlish giggle.
“Ilove you Prompto,” she finally says and she feels how he squeezeshis hand on her waist upon hearing the words.
“Iknow,” he mumbles, smile evident in his tone. “I love you too.”
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lucianhuntress · 6 years
5 and 6 or 81 and 53 with gladio x reader....if you want ya don't have to do it 😓😥
Gladiolus x Fem!Reader: Study Session
53.“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.” 81.“We’re…..just friends.”
As if I could say no to Gladio
Warnings: Smut! Word count: 2229Notes: This is happening in some weird college AU, because I wanted something different from the usual Gladdy-is-a-shield thingy. Needless to say, my hand slipped again. 
Fingersfly rapidly across a phone screen as they type out a message to afriend. Your heart is racing mildly, anxiously. Eagerness andnervousness dance inside your chest, challenging each other and notpaying mind to your wishes.
“Areyou coming or not?”
Youthrow your phone onto your bed as you dash around the small dorm roomyou call home. It’s just a school project for the class you share andyou shouldn’t feel so uneasy about it. But Gladiolus Amicitia justmakes your knees weak and the blurry memories of you gettingcompletely smashed a few days earlier doesn’t help at all.
Especiallywhen he is so smug about it.
Hewouldn’t give you the details about what happened that evening, butyour wild guesses makes your cheeks grow uncomfortably hot as youponder about it. Gladio is just a friend and that’s it. He is popularenough to have a half of the school swooning at his feet.
Thephone on your bed lets out a cheery beep and you grab it to read hisanswer to your message:
“I’mon my way but I gotta buy something.”
Younarrow your eyes as you stare at the screen and unconsciously squeezethe phone in your hands.
“Ifit’s another non-alcohol beer, I’m out.”
“Lol,I thought it’s your home.”
“Urgh.Just… no jokes okay?”
“Igotchu babe.”
Yousend a few raging emojis, to which he answers with an emoji stickingits tongue out.
Whoin the Infernian does he think he is? Yougroan and throw the phone onto your bed again.
Afterrather furiously cleaning the remaining parts of your room, you heara sturdy knock against the thin door leading to your room. You try tocontain the bubbling eagerness in the pit of your stomach as you makeyour way to let him in.
Gladiolusis beaming at the doorway and holding a bag full of… cup noodles.Your shocked gaze jumps between his shining expression and the bag inhis hand.
“Seriously?”you ask him, not even trying to mask the slight disappointment inyour tone. “Cup noodles?”
“Thoughtwe might get hungry at some point.” He smiles, paying no mind toyou as your roll your eyes to the roof. You move aside and let himinto your small room with enough necessities and some extra to allowyou to survive a semester.
Headmires your room with a tiny smile on his lips and you try to not tobe bothered about it, but you also really want to know his opinion.You catch him nodding approvingly before he sits down on a chair youhave just cleared from a pile of clothes.
“So,where do we begin?” He asks and carefully drops the bag on thefloor.
Aftera frustratingly slow beginning, you both become soon engulfed by theassignment. You help each other as you combine notes, search factsfrom books and the internet. Surprisingly it’s fun; you’ve never doneanything related to school with him. Alone.
Youlie on your back on the bed and Gladio is sitting next to you,chuckling after that sassy remark you just made. You’ve beenworking for over an hour and you’re already taking a small break.Books and papers are lying on the floor like a disheveled mess.
“Areyou free this weekend?” He suddenly asks and turns his piercingamber gaze at you.
“Myfriends are throwing a party and I thought you’d be interested.”
“You’rejoking, right?”
Aflashback pokes from the depths of your mind. You remember how yourbody was close to his, swaying along a slow, dark beat. You turn yourhead so he won’t see your flustered expression.
“Youcan’t avoid parties or people forever.” His booming laugh bringsyou back to reality, but you’re still left with another awkwardfeeling. As if by instinct, your fingertips touch your lower lip. Wasthere something else than just a dance?
“Watchme,” you quip back at him and press your palms onto your glowingcheeks. They’re so warm your fingers are about to melt.
“Oh?Now I’m interested,” he stretches his arms and flops down on themattress right next to you. As if you weren’t perplexed enoughalready.
“Whatare you doing?” you try to push him further away from you, but yourstrength isn’t enough to make him move. Gladio keeps laughing atyour weak attempts at shoving him off your bed.
Itisn’t going at all like you planned; he grabs your arms and pullsyou on top of him as you try to struggle with his muscular body.“You’re not trying hard enough,” he teases you.
Youtry and try, until you’re out of breath. You aren’t even thinkingabout him like you were a mere moment ago as you collapse on top ofhim, his warmth spreading all over your drained body. Some work outthat was. But you feel so relaxed on top of him, listening to hiseven breathing and beating heart.
“Gladio,”you speak. He hums in answer and you feel how his firm chest vibratesunderneath you. He doesn’t even try to throw you away, which isodd. “We’re just… friends. Right?” You don’t even know whyask him that question, but the returning flashbacks from the partymake you feel confused again.
“What?What kind of question is that?” he asks with a light chuckle andpats your shoulder. It sends a spark through your spine and lights upyour senses like a christmas tree.
Herolls you over and soon you find yourself staring at his amber eyes,hovering only inches above you.
“Ithink we’re not just friends,and you fucking know it.”
Gladioluslets out a low curse behind gritted teeth before he asks again, “youdon’t really remember anything, do you?”
Withouteven having enough time to respond, you already feel his handcaressing your burning cheek. It causes you to feel a tiny jolt inyour lower abdomen, but you keep your eyes locked with his. He slowlycloses the remaining distance between your lips and kisses youtenderly. It feels like you’ve tasted him before and youinstinctively answer to his kiss.
Electricity.That’s what you have felt every time you’ve spent time with himand maybe it required just enough booze to unravel the sparks into athunderstorm. The air has crackled oddly ever since that night andthis is how it unfolds. On your bed.
Thekiss deepens; his tongue delves past the seam of your lips. You moanfeebly and he grunts with content. His hand moves to caress your sideand eventually sneaks underneath the hem of your shirt. His bodyweight makes your nether regions prickle pleasantly. The flames growshotter inside your core.
Anothermoan escapes your chest when he slowly starts to grind his crotchagainst yours. As if he suddenly realizes what he is doing− hepulls away. The look on his face is a mix of shock and embarrassment.
“Ithink we should stop here…”
Yougroan completely unsatisfied. His actions have your heat throbbing inneed. “You should finish what you have started.”
Hequirks a brow, “I didn’t know you were so eager.”
“UsuallyI wouldn’t want this so badly but… I want you now, okay?” youbite your lower lip and avert your gaze. The words feel familiar andyou wonder whether that was something you said during thebooze-clouded night.
“Ifwe continue from here it might be a bit too hard for me to stop,”he says slowly and you see how the lust is making his eyes grow dark.“I can’t stop. Because of you.”
It’salready too late now. You sit up and cup his coarse cheeks with yourhands. You kiss him with fervor you haven’t shown before. He humsin surprise, but gladly complies to your kiss and he pushes you down.You devour each other engulfed by desire and hunger.
Hisjacket flies across the room, revealing his bare chest in whole. Youlet your eyes admire the tattoo on his pectoral, traveling to his armand back. But that moment lasts only for a second when he has filledyour view again as he craves the taste of your tongue like it has himhooked. You let your hands feel out his muscles and you press theminto your mind like an explorer drawing a map.
Yourhands make their way to his belt and you start unbuckling it withunsure hands. Gladio pauses and gives a peck on your lips as he pullsyou up. He hoists you onto his lap and he pulls your shirt over yourhead, only to toss it across the room. You grind against his growingarousal, teasing him as he cups your breasts.
Hesmiles smugly, but you can see from his eyes how your teasing isdriving him slowly insane. You can even feel it as you place yourhand on his chest to follow the lines of his tattoo with your indexfinger. His heart is pounding in his chest as insanely as yours.
Skinagainst skin. You feel shivers down your spine when your braseventually fall off, leaving you exposed in front of him. He looks atyou endearingly, yet mischievous as he starts placing kisses on yourchest. Your eyes fall shut while you’re enjoying his tongue playingwith your nipple, while the other one is being gently fondled withhis fingers.
Itisn’t easy to hold back your gasps. You rake your fingers throughhis hair. You pull his head back and you capture him into a sloppy,searing kiss. He falls on his back and you fall on top of him on thebed. You start to grind against the hard bulge in his pants, enticinggrowls from the man underneath you.
Finallyyou manage to unbuckle his belt and release his hardened length fromits confinement. You move down to run your tongue along his shaft andyou smile like a devil when his chest rises and settles unevenly. Notto mention his sweet, low moans. Your name falls off his lipssilently, desperately.
Youstraighten your back and pull down your pants and panties, slowly,because you know how his eyes are following keenly your everymovement.
“Ineed you,” he growls weakly and rests his head against the mattressas you begin to pump his length, before you straddle him.
“Howmuch?” You ask, teasing the tip of his member against your wetslit. Gladio growls behind gritted teeth, hopelessly thrusting hiswaist towards you to end the torment.
Hecan’t form an answer, no, because you sink down onto his lengthbefore you let him speak. His lips are apart, but his half-hoodedeyes are fixated into you. You feel how he stretches your wallsperfectly and how he fills you correctly.
Youbegin to move on top of him, pumping him in and out of you. Skinbrushes against skin and your breaths join into an uneven choir,accompanied by your moans, groans and gasps.
Fingernailssink into his pectorals and a fierce growl encourages for them tosink deeper. He thrusts into you from beneath, before you findyourself being turned around again. Gladiolus has had enough withbeing tormented from the top and he looks down at you like you havejust become a prey.
Hehoists your legs on top of his shoulders and pushes into you slowly,enjoying how every inch of his length stretches you.
“Gladio…”you mumble deliriously as you throw your arms behind his neck andpull him closer.
Firedances within his eyes, but he manages to kiss you again, and again.He increases his pace and you feel how your body is growing both numband tender as he keeps pumping in and out of you.
“Youhave no idea how perfect you are to me,” he mutters in betweenevery thrust he makes and you try to run your fingers across hismuscular back, but the waves of sensations keep growing stronger andstronger, eventually making you lose your focus.
Finallyyou feel how the warmth wraps your body into bliss, making your bodyshiver and tremble underneath his weight. Your toes curl and yourmuscles tense, your pulse quickens and you unravel around his member.
“Fuckinghell Y/N…” he curses and slows down his crazed pace, “fuck…”
Youspare a glance at him, your body weak and exhausted. Pleased.He buries his head into the crook of your neck as he reaches hislimit. His body becomes languid as he pulsates into you, his handssqueeze your hips perilously.
Hecollapses next to you and tries to even out the mess his breathinghas become. Your mind is still fuzzy from everything, and thediminishing flood of pleasure isn’t helping at all. He suddenlypulls you against his chest and gently kisses your scalp.
“Icouldn’t get a good chance to tell you this but… I like you too,”he mumbles.
Youhum feebly and draw patterns onto his sweat glistened chest. “Isthat what I told you that night?”
“Alongwith many other things,” he says.
“I’lllet you find out.”
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