#seriously if you are from dq just send me a messege and ill give you the discord link!
darewolfdq · 2 years
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Wow what’s this you might be asking yourself. Well this here is Dare Wolf! They are practically the first OC I ever made and acted as what would now be known as my persona for years back when I was a wee one. I outgrew them when I was 13 but I kept the name for all these years :) I was rummaging around through my old Drawquest files and found a decent reference image of them. So here they are again, redrawn 10 years later! Undercut are some bonus sketches and also a message for any Drawquesters that might see this {:)
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Hi! Are you someone who used to use Drawquest before the shutdown occurred? Me too! Back when they pulled the plug on our little app I ended up losing everyone who I considered a friend back then. In 2019 two of my friends ended up finding me and now we have put together a discord server to try and get into contact and reunite as many people as we can. We don't have many members right now but please please please consider reaching out. The channel acts as a sort of database of users so you can come in and see if you recognize anyone / see if anyone recognizes you. You don't have to be an active user in the discord channel if you don't want, to we just ask that you at least put down your old user name from Drawquest and maybe some of your old art if you have it (to make identification easier).
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