#alot of them litterally saved my life back then. and i really want to thank them for everything.
darewolfdq · 2 years
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Wow what’s this you might be asking yourself. Well this here is Dare Wolf! They are practically the first OC I ever made and acted as what would now be known as my persona for years back when I was a wee one. I outgrew them when I was 13 but I kept the name for all these years :) I was rummaging around through my old Drawquest files and found a decent reference image of them. So here they are again, redrawn 10 years later! Undercut are some bonus sketches and also a message for any Drawquesters that might see this {:)
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Hi! Are you someone who used to use Drawquest before the shutdown occurred? Me too! Back when they pulled the plug on our little app I ended up losing everyone who I considered a friend back then. In 2019 two of my friends ended up finding me and now we have put together a discord server to try and get into contact and reunite as many people as we can. We don't have many members right now but please please please consider reaching out. The channel acts as a sort of database of users so you can come in and see if you recognize anyone / see if anyone recognizes you. You don't have to be an active user in the discord channel if you don't want, to we just ask that you at least put down your old user name from Drawquest and maybe some of your old art if you have it (to make identification easier).
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swiss-cheeze · 4 years
The Candyman Can || Spencer Reid
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Request: YES/NO
Gender: none (I don’t believe there is by skimming what I’ve written however there may be a mistake idk)
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR ZUGZWANG (8x12), mention of gunshot and blood, talk of depression, I think that’s it?
Description: Maeve was gone, what more could one wish for than the Candyman?
Part 2: https://snitchthewitch.tumblr.com/post/623363610267320320/the-candyman-can-rainbow-connection-spencer
The gunshot rang out and it seemed to go in slow motion as Maeve and Diane fell to the floor in the pool of their own blood, Spencer's kneecaps hit the hard concrete flooring, echoed with his loud sobs. The atmosphere changed and everyone could feel it, hell, you swore you could see the atmosphere change too.
Spencer could hear the voices of his friends outside his door.
“Knock twice if you’re conscious”
It took a moment but Spencer knocked twice, the weight of his arm felt heavier than anything else, his heart tugged as his arm fell and he heard JJ talking too.
“He knows we’re ALL here for him!”
And then their footsteps retreated down the stairs and away from him. It all felt unreal, a fever dream, a hallucination of sorts. As Spencer stood up he took in his surroundings, the books littering the room, the discarded clothes; everything was new in his perspective but it all felt so normal, like the books had been there for all of his life instead of 14 days. He knew why. He was in the five stages of grief; he wanted to say it was depression, and with the evidence strewn around his room anyone else would say the same, but it also felt like he was in denial, or maybe bargaining? He made the choice, he told Diane him for her but she didn't take it, the kiss told him; she didn't believe his unbelievable lie even at face value. As the world turned sideways with his hands clutching the last thing Maeve and himself shared he heard the telltale ring of his voicemail receiver.
It was Derek, calling again.
His voice sounded numb to Spencer's ears as it kept ringing, the echo of the gunshot still evident in his ears, ringing, throbbing. It hurt. It hurt alot. Was this what Hotch felt when he was blown back from the explosion those years ago? That was a hard day for all of them, the irony from Spencer's thoughts almost made him chuckle. Almost.
The phone receiver echoed the room again and Spencer groaned inwardly, he stood quickly to hang it up but was too slow as it went through and your voice cut through the air.
“Spence! Uh, hey,” your chuckle rang through the air as Spencer stood standing still, “okay so this may be a little weird but um. Okay. When i was younger my dad would sing this song to me to help calm me down from anything and it always worked. Now i'm not saying it works for everyone don't get me wrong,” Spencer could hear the smile in your voice and swore he could hear your footsteps as you paced, what he guessed would be the conference room, “but, i just want to try and help so. I'm going to hang up, call you back and well,” the pause was evident as Spencer waited, “sing to you,” your grin was evident and Spencer could hear it. A moment passed as you hung up and suddenly Spencer was filled with, not exactly happiness but, an emotion close to, with his brain the way it is he couldn't think of the english dictionary.
The phone rang again, and Spencer considered actually picking up the phone but instead let it ring through.
He wanted to hear your voice. You weren't exactly the bestest of friends but you were good friends, enough to be okay to be able to do this for Spencer without either of you feeling uncomfortable.
“Who can take the sunrise?” your voice rang out, this was an unknown song to Spencer, “sprinkle it with dew,” Spencer sat on his couch as he listened, “cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two?” your voice was picking up, your emotions coming out almost making Spencer smile, “the candy man!” your voice went up an octave, “the candy man can, the candyman can because he mixes it with love” you emphasized ‘love’ at the end of your sentence, directing it to Spencer, “and makes the world taste good~” that’s when he realised. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was your favourite book and favourite movie; the number 1 thing you ever talked about, always mentioning it in any moment you could. You had said multiple times to the team that you would stop because it was annoying but they always made sure to remind you it didn't annoy them and was actually nice to have something so positive within their line of work that didn't include the saving of lives. “Who can take a rainbow, wrap it in a sigh,” your voice continued, which took Spencer by surprise; were you going to sing the whole song? “Soak it in the sun and make a strawberry-lemon pie?” this sounded more like a question towards Spencer than any of the others, and he couldn't help the corners of his mouth turn up into a small smile and mouth ‘the candy man’, “the candy man? The candy man!” a tear slid down Spencer cheek as he sniffled, were you really doing this just so he could feel some sort of ‘better’? You of all people? He wasn't complaining, he was glad, the same as he was glad Garcia always asked if he was okay and sent those baskets; Derek made sure to mention how Garcia was feeling, “the candy man can”. Spencer heard the tremble in your voice, you were crying. Were you? You masked it too well for him to know, he heard a door open, “y-yeah i'll be there in a second,” your normal voice said before you sighed, “i'll finish this verse then leave you, um, where was i?” you thought for a moment, mumbling the previous lyrics, “ah right! The candyman can because he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good~” he could hear the smile etched onto your face, “we uh, we’ve got a case Spencer so, i have to go but, i hope that did something, i don't sing for everyone you know,” your laugh echoed happily, “even if you just listened with no emotion, but, we love you Spence,” you sighed as your voice wavered, “dont-dont ever forget that,” and with that you hung up.
“Hey Spencer!” your voice came through the receiver, he didn't pick up and let it go to voicemail but you sounded happy nonetheless, it was a few days after your first singing session with him, “i don't know if you liked it before but i told Derek and the team what i did for you, the simple singing...thing,” he could hear the grin, “and they said i should continue it! So, here's a new song, hang up on me anytime Spence i don't mind,” Spencer could hear you take in a breath before starting the new song, this time the sound of a ukulele coming through the phone; you knew how to play an instrument, “Somewhere over the rainbow,” Spencer recognized this one right away, “way up high, and the dreams that you dream of, once in a lullaby, I” he stood closer to the phone to hear you clearly as he held the book Maeve had gifted him all those days ago, “oh, somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly, and the dreams that you dream of dreams really do come true, ohh, ohh,” he didn't realise it but a few tears slid down his cheek, were his emotions coming back? Well they never left technically he knew that, they just got buried down for awhile. “Someday I wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind. Me, where trouble melts like lemon drops, high above the chimney tops that's where,” you wanted Spencer to sing with you, “you'll find me, oh, somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly, and the dreams that you dare to, oh why, oh why. Can’t i? i?” Before Spencer's brain could recognize what he was doing he picked up the phone and held it to his ear but it didn't stop you, you musnt have realised he picked up.
“Someday i wish upon a star,” Spencer gravelly voice came through the speaker before you could get the next lyric out as a grin took over your face and continued the chords and sung with Spencer, “wake up where the clouds are far behind, me,” Spencer let you take over the next lyric
“Where trouble melts like a lemon drops, high above the chimney tops that's where,” you paused for Spencer.
“You’ll find me” Spencer finished, he sniffled softly as you both continued the song.
“Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high, and, the. Dreams that you dare to oh why, oh why. Can’t i? i?” your voices meshed together in a weird beauty, of a gravely and recently unused voice and a smooth, vocal lessoned voice, you both harmonized together for the final ‘oohs’ before the ukulele faded out and you grinned.
“Nice to have you back Spence,” you said softly, “um, i gotta get back to work but, i'll call again in a few days, see how you're going,” Spencer could still hear the grin in your voice over the phone.
“Thank you,” was all Spencer said before he hung up the line, it was abrupt but you took it in best emotions.
“It’s a force of habit,” a new voice cut through the thin air.
J.J. went up to the disheveled man and gave him a comforting hug as the rest of the team came forward, yourself included.
“I didn't expect you back this soon, you sure you’re ready?” Hotch asked Spencer.
“No, but i think i figured something out,” Spencer replied, his voice was down an octave or two, the stubble didn't fit the Spencer you knew and you didn't want it to fit the new one if it meant you could have the old one back. Spencer looked at the team as if he was back in motion, squaring his shoulders and straightening his back Spencer started explaining what he knew about the case and what he had figured out.
You stayed back while Hotch and Spencer talked for a moment before Hotch left the room, he gave you a side glance that told you everything you needed to know; ‘stay back, help him’, and then the unit chief was gone and Spencer looked to you for a moment with tear filled eyes. Grabbing his hand softly you brought Spencer to a closed and unused conference room, the moment the click of the lock echoed through the room Spencer wrapped his arms around you as his shoulders jiggled; he was crying. It was the soft but comforting hold you had around Spencer that made him cry a little harder, suppressed sobs turned into small gasps of air as your shirt soaked through to your skin but it didn't matter either way to you; he was letting you in. The soft cushions of the couch gave way as you and Spencer sat on the fabric before laying down slowly, your touches were soft and hesitant, not wanting to ruin the moment to make the situation worse.
The plane ride was quiet as you sat in front of Spencer, when walking onto the plane Spencer had held your wrist from the stairs until you two sat down together, wanting to be around someone he knew and would somewhat understand. You could feel a presence come from behind but you didn't want to look.
“I counted five baskets,” J.J.’s voice floated from behind, Spencer gave a tight smile.
“Seven but I think Miss Cavenar next door may have taken a couple,” Spencer replied, you grinned at the thought of an old woman stealing woven baskets from outside the 30 year old Spencer's door. J.J. laughed too as you heard another set of footsteps coming to a halt next to J.J. as Spencer started talking again, “i'm really sorry if i've been kind of…” Spencer trailed off as you stopped him.
“Spence, dont.” you shook your head, “no”
“Kid,” Derek addressed, “i didn't mean for you to come all the way out there”
“I know,”
“Listen, if you need anything at all,” Derek offered, “you just have to ask,” you looked back to Derek and J.J. as J.J. nodded and so did you.
“Actually if you guys dont mind i could use some help with something,” Spencer said quickly, it caught you all off guard but you let a small grin overtake your lips.
“Name it”
The room was silent as J.J and Derek restored the bookshelves, Garcia and Spencer restored the fridge with fresh food with the blonde even cooking a few meal preps for Spencer so that he didn't have to worry too much about not eating. You worked on restoring the walls, furniture and packing away the geographic profiles and newspaper clippings from the previous case. It didn't take long with the team effort as you heard the sizzle in the kitchen from Garcia's cooking, J.J. and Derek slotting and sorting through the books, talking occasionally to find where each title went with you sitting on the floor with a needle and thread; patching up the holes in the couch as well as deep cleaning when it's done. In no time at all you all finished your jobs and one by one disembarked back to your homes. Derek, J.J. and Garcia all gave Spencer a hug as they left together; leaving you and Spencer alone.
“Thank you,” Spencer said softly as he sat on the newly patched up couch, the screech of the curtains opening made Spencer finally look up from his twiddling hands to see you bringing more light into the room.
“We’re all here for you Spence,” you reminded the boy, he was finally clean shaved and showered as you sat next to him.
“Not that,” the man remarked, “for singing to me all those weeks ago,” this took you by surprise, you didn't expect a thank you for something you had done for the sake of doing it.
“It’s...it’s alright Spencer,” you said with a nervous smile.
“I really enjoyed it,” Spencer said with a soft smile, he could see your eyes twinkle with a new found light at what he said.
“Thats...that's good Spencer, I'm glad,” you grinned and ruffled your hair as a nervous tick, “I'm glad you enjoyed it otherwise that would be kind of awkward” you laughed as Spencer's thumbs twiddled.
“Would…” the boy paused a second and his voice became hoarse, was he going to cry? “Could we continue it?” Spencer asked, “the singing thing I mean, you don't have to (Y/n), but I just…” his sentence trailed off as his brown hughes turned to your smiling face.
“Yeah, we can continue it Spencer I don't mind,” you said happily, “I'd be happy to do it, you don't have to sing with me but I'm more than happy to sing for you!” your fingers started to tap the tempo for a song on your knee.
“How many instruments do you know?” Spencer asked, “maybe, maybe we can do a duet?” his laugh was evident on the end of his sentence, “i'll play the piano”
“I forgot you learnt the piano,” you said with a grin as the memories came back to you of the autistic boy who played piano. A stiff silence overtook the room as you and Spencer sat next to each other, knees just barely touching before Spencer finally opened his mouth to talk again.
“Would you be able to sing to me now?” The question was sudden, like Spencer couldn't control when or how he said it before he himself caught up to the fact he said it; surprising himself. You grinned.
“Of course Spence,” you said happily, “Any requests?” you asked. Spencer shook his head no, “right,” you thought for a moment and went through the movies you recently watched with music in it before snapping your fingers, “ah ha!” you cleared your throat in a joking manner, causing Spencer to grin, before you started singing, “look for the,” you grinned, “bare necessities!” Spencer grinned, “the simple bare necessities!” you stood up as you sung and started dancing, shaking your body and singing happily before holding your hand out to invite Spencer in to dance with you. He accepted reluctantly and before you knew it the pair of you were singing a disney classic and dancing together.
It wouldn't be perfect, it will definitely take time, but that time you were willing to pay for if it meant more moments like this to help a friend.
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howanimestuffworks · 4 years
Now it’s time for something a little bit out of the ordinary and a little bit different. We all know that at this point in time the world is out of sorts so it’s nice to have that little ray of sunshine every now and again. Luckily for me that ray of sunshine just gotten bigger with me being nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award!  
I made my first couple of graphics! I think they turned out good!
Like always we have to begin with the rules:
Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog so that other people can visit them.
Answer the 11 questions put to you by the nominator.
Nominate 11 bloggers of your choosing and provide them with a new set of 11 questions to answer.
Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their blog posts.
List the rules and display The Sunshine Blogger Award logo within your post or on your blog site.
The person that nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award was no other then Pinkie from Pinkie’s Paradise, who is one of the many active bloggers I know and has helped me come out of my shell and try and blog more then keep hiding away!
I always love reading Pinkie’s new posts and look forward to any new ones that pop up, I will recommend checking her blog out as her blog is just so CUTE! Especially with all the restyling she has done! (I so need to know how she managed to get a animated background working on her blog!) Anyway onto my answers and if you need any directions to Pinkie’s site just click here!
I am a tad late getting this done (along with everything else hahaha) but I really reaaaally needed to get my training for work completed otherwise my manager will literally murder me with a spatula!
I mean she would if she could, is it even possible to be murdered by a spatula? 
  Q: Have you ever cosplayed, if yes.. what’s your best cosplay? If no what would you cosplay if you could?
Sadly no, I never had enough money to spend on the materials I would need for my cosplay, nor have I had the confidence to pull of a cosplay, I am very self conscious about my body and hate the fact that I still have some “puppy fat” at 33 years old.  Even though I am pretty much self conscious about my body I would still push myself out of my comfort zone and cosplay some of my favourite characters.
There’s a little list of cosplays I would love to pull off from my favourite anime and games, Zelda from The Legend of Zelda series, Hitomi Kanzaki from the Vision of Escaflowne and Chibi Usa from Sailor Moon being three that I would love to go for!
  Aren’t these girls cool! 
Bonus Pic!
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Kinda scary shoving Pinkie Pies head on Chibi Usa, give me the willies!  
 Q: What is the least geeky thing about you?
What is the least geeky thing about me…man this one is so so hard! Hahaha! I think the least geeky thing about is that I love love to go for long walks! I just go where my feet take me!
Q: If your life was ever turned into an anime, what type of anime would it be?
Hmm.. I think it would be a dramatic slice of life shoujo that would depict me failing adulthood severely and kinda boring…until my life goes from boring to eventful where I’m transported to another realm to go saving the world with my babble of followers that consist of my favourite characters who somehow got dumped in said realm along with me, and blamed me for that happening cause I had to go poking that portal till it exploded and sucked us all in!
It would all fall on Van and Chise to try and find us a way home without me screwing everything up in the process!!
This was fun to make I gotta admit that, plus I just couldn’t stop laughing!!!
Q:  If your life was ever turned into a video game, what type of game it would be?
It most probably be the same as the anime adaption just more in depth and set out like a JPRG!
Chise would be a perfect character to take the Healer position considering one of her abilities is creating medicine in Mahoutsukai no Yome (The Ancient Magus Bride).
Van would be taking the warrior class, mainly swordsman as he is quite adaptable when equipped with his own sword, though I can picture him cursing his head off about the amount of times I died throughout our adventure.
Hitomi would be our visionary, she can predict things before they happen through visions even though some do take a mental impact on her.
Duo is pretty good at stealth so I can picture him using that to his advantage with some pretty good stealth kills when we cannot attack outright.
Heero is more melee so would just attack outright but he is also good at physical combat and can use that to his advantage.
Luffy would be similar to Heero and would create a good tag team with him.
 Q: If you’d have to choose any other archetype but geek, what would you want to be?
I would be a story teller, one of my goals is to be an author and have my own set of YA Fantasy books out there in the world! It would be a big achievement for me in my life, I have a few brainstorms going on some of the characters but I’m keeping that a secret for now..Suuuush..
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I would love to be a well known author and have alot of people adoring my stories and characters!!
 Q: What’s the worst thing you have ever done to a friend?
The worst thing I did to a friend is throw a book at them! I do treat my friends with alot of respect and never treat them all badly, but this friend of mine (who is now my boyfriend, strange things happened ya know) just would not be quiet so I could read, all he ever did was natter away to me and then the book went flying at him…I regret that so much…
 Q: What is your favourite alcoholic beverage and tell us about when you had too much of it.
Believe it or not I have not had one ounce of alcohol pass my lips ever, so I never had any drunk stories to tell. (Which is ironic considering I work in a pub!) It’s mainly tied to my past, I’ve seen what alcohol can do to a person and sadly I was a victim of that, my dad is a severe alcoholic and he used to abuse me, my siblings and my mother, so I never ever touched the stuff.
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It’s still quite hard to talk about as it affected me my entire life in so many ways.
 Q: How would you take over the world, in a world of endless possibilities? Be evil!
Firstly I would destroy all the world leaders and then brain wash everyone across the globe to do my bidding and make my cat their supreme leader!! (come on who doesn’t want to be ruled over by an evil kitty!)
I would then force people to constantly pick up litter (mainly because I am so sick of people dumping litter everywhere) and to become my cats slaves and servants and imprison their families if they refused!!!
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Okay I’ll admit I am so bad at being evil…
 Q: Which anime character you think could stop the you from question 8.
Can I pick two…I can picture Usagi Tsukino and Sakura Kinomoto tag teaming and defeating me and my kitty! Me and my lovely Videl would pass in each others arms and live a happy and evil afterlife where we destroy Satan and take his throne and become rulers of hell!!
I think they would make a great team!
 Q: Which anime characters would be the henchmen to the you from question 8.
I would brain wash the best of the best to become my henchmen! The Prince of all Sayain’s – Vegeta and of course Goku would be mine and Videl’s guards! Piccolo and Gohan would lead my mighty army!
But they may have a tough time with this lot…we shall see if Usagi and Sakura come up triumphant! 
 Q: If you could make one true wish, but it had to be at least  somewhat selfish, what would it be?
If I could make one wish for myself it would be to be a millionaire and live in a posh mansion that has a pool with all my cats! They would have their own rooms and have luxurious beds like I would! They would also have loads and loads of toys and their own pool side loungers!!!
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I’ll be the new kid on the block!
What is the most geeky thing about you?
What is the next Anime that you are planning to watch?
If you could write out your life story, how would that story go?
What was the saddest Anime scene you have watched?
What was the best thing you have done for a friend?
What were your plans this year before the pandemic?
If you could pilot a mech or Gundam, which one would it be?
If you could marry an anime or video game character, who would it be?
Tell me about the last game you have played?
Is there a character out there that is most similar to you?
Last book you have read? 
Truthfully I don’t know that many people considering I’m the new kid on the block within the anime blogging community, I’m basing my nominations based on the few people that I have come to know within the anime blogging community recently.
I’m sorry if you were already picked!!! 
Mari from Starting Life At Zero Who’s brave posts really are inspiring to me and has helped me understand alot of things lately.
Roki Bloop from Secluded Observations who actually stumbled across my blog on twitter and introduced me to a few more bloggers, if it wasn’t for Roki I wouldn’t even be doing the Sunshine Blogger Award at all!
Nabe-Chan from Geek Nabe Another lovely person that I have been interacting with on twitter and has a lovely blog!
Pinkie from Pinkie’s Paradise I am so getting you back! hahaha! Pinkie is so awesome and has such a cute and funny blog!
Steph from Two Happy Cats another blogger that I’ve been following on wordpress since I created my old account.
Kiritonarukami from KiritoNarukami One of the newer bloggers that I stumbled across on here lately.
Mike from Gaming and God Another blogger I’ve stumbled across lately who’s blog consists of not only Anime and Manga reviews but also Gaming reviews!
Lesley from Lesley’s Anime and Manga Corner Another Anime and Manga blogger that I have discovered 🙂
Odyssey from LOFZ ODYSSEY ANIME REVIEWS Another cool blogger that I’ve discovered!
Jiraiyan from Otaku Orbit is one of the two bloggers that I’ve been following on wordpress since I created my old account. (I actually have two accounts but liked the name of this one more.)
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Okay I stole this idea from Pinkie but I needed a reason to use this wallpaper!
PS: If you would love to be nominated then you can if you answer this question about me, who is the character I am using throughout my blog? 
    A Pony With Sunburn Is Not A Good Look: The Sunshine Blogger Award! #anime #otaku #blogger #animeblog #blogging Now it's time for something a little bit out of the ordinary and a little bit different.
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thatfairyfangirl · 6 years
True Colors Chapter 3
Bucky’s mind was in a daze, still foggy from the ice. He wanted to apologize. He didn’t want to hurt the...girl? With hair like that he wasn’t sure if she was a girl or a parrot. Either way, instinct kicked in, and besides, for now he had to worry about getting out of here alive and then back to a state of thinking clearly before he’d be able to do any kind of apologizing.
Your eyes drifted back to him as you lead him up to the exit. There was something almost primal in the way he watched you that made you unsure if he wanted to kill you or fuck you...but god did it ever unsettle you!
The main area of the prison was littered with men cuffed to themselves, some in cells of their own now, a few others with pants around their ankles. Though you tried to fight it you couldn’t help smiling at the scene that had been awaiting you. “Oh who did this?” Scott and Clint both proudly raised their hands as Sam and Steve gave them harsh looks. “I like you two already.”
“You both are idiots,” Bucky grumbled as everyone climbed into the quinjet waiting for them to get everyone off of that floating hell. Your eyes rolled as you passed him, heading to Wanda to remove the power dampening collar around her neck.
“Well, now they know how to negate powers without a cure...goodie.” Your voice dripped with disdain for the object as you dropped it to the floor.
“You know our absence isn’t going to go unnoticed for very long…” Sam reminded everyone as they all strapped in for the flight home.
“You’re right. What are we supposed to do now? Go into hiding?” Wanda agreed as she rubbed at her neck.
“Actually I was thinking we go public.” Tony said with a smirk as he looked over his shoulder from the pilot’s seat. Everyone looked at him, wondering if he had finally lost all the marbles, unaware of the free the heroes movement going on while they were gone. “All the protesters have gathered alot of negative attention. The UN is meeting this afternoon to re-discuss the accords.”
“And you want us there.” Steve confirmed, as if he could see right into Tony’s train of thought.
“And who better to speak than the girl leading the movement in New York?” Tony’s smirk grew as he looked to you, only to turn into a frown as he noticed the beginnings of bruises forming on your neck.
“Me?” You asked wide eyed. Sure you’ve been to a few protests, put together some mixes and written a few songs with superhero themes, maybe even started a few hashtags that ended up trending but you’d hardly call yourself the leader of a movement… But then again Tony was always good for giving you a little too much credit. “Why not Captain America or Scarlet Witch?” You asked as a knot of fear and nerves grew in the pit of your stomach.
“Because you’ve gone through this before. You’ve seen the aftermath laws like this bring. Hell! You’ve had powers this entire time and I didn’t even know it until last week. You could have been an Avenger...saved a lot of lives.”
“You must be slipping.” Wanda quipped. All the while Bucky just sat there staring at you, studying everything about you, making you feel less comfortable with each passing second.
“Point is...If a law like this keeps good people from doing good things then it's wrong.” Tony clarified. “I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner.” He paused tossing a pen and paper your way. “So get to writing. They allotted me some time to talk...it’s going to you Sparkles. Here -” he paused tossing everyone bags of civilian clothes. “Everyone get dressed.”
“You can’t just tell me what to wear and do with me as you like Tony. I’m not your whore.” You teased as you pulled your t-shirt over your uniform before pulling a pencil and pad of paper out of the bottom of your bag, feeling Bucky’s eyes widen on you at the comment.
“Meh….you kinda are.” He quipped back with a chuckle, confident you were already writing down your thoughts on the subject...which you were.
~ ~ ~ ~
With a huff of frustration you slammed the pad of paper down in your lap. “I really hate you for this you know...You can’t just spring this on me Tony! I was living a nice normal life! Spectrum didn’t have to worry about giving speeches...I speak through my music.” You vented as you threw the pen at the back of his head.
“Oh please! All those songs you’ve written? You got this...Just speak from the heart.” He reassured you, not letting the pen hitting him distract him from flying.
“We’ll all be there with you.” Steve added for comfort.
“What even am I supposed to call myself? I never planned on being a hero. Never took a name.” You breathed out, letting the true source of your frustration be known.
“Lady Prism?” Clint offered.
“Sounds too much like prison, don’t want translators getting the wrong idea.” Bucky chimed in flatly, trying his best not to look at the rainbow sitting on the other side of the aircraft. Names were tossed back and forth for a little while, none seeming to fit just right until Bucky sat up in his seat. “Why not just call yourself by the name you already have? Spectrum.” How did you not think of that before? For someone who seemed so cold and violent he definitely had a brain behind that scowl.
~ ~ ~ ~
You looked up to the ornate white building, for the first time in a long time feeling butterflies in your stomach...so this is what stage fright is...The group slowly made their way inside, met by a roar of whispers at the sight of the team that was supposed to be in a far off prison, still in the issued attire they acquired there. You all sat patiently waiting for your turn to speak, your heart beating faster with each passing second, and then finally with each step you took to the podium.
With a deep breath you let Tony inform all who looked on questioningly that you were going to speak for him. "Hello. My name is (Y/F/N). But on my thirteenth birthday I became Spectrum. It was not the life I wanted, unlike many heros I didn’t choose this. There wasn't any accident, no terragenesis. I just woke up one morning to find that I was in fact a mutant.” The crowd murmured loudly at how open you were about your….condition. “I look around the streets today and I don't just see people, I see people in fear. Fear of who they are or who they may become. Some of us, Mr. Stark and Captain Rogers for example, knew the life they were choosing. Special not just because of what they can do, but because they woke up one morning and decided to do it. But not all of us were that fortunate. Every day someone wakes up to find that they too are special though they didn't chose to be. Enhanced, Mutants, and now Inhumans. The diversity of the human population is growing all around us. But with the growth of diversity so does the danger, from both those who are empowered and those who are not.” The team rose, passing around papers. “The Avengers are passing out estimates of deaths by two organizations. The Brotherhood of Mutants is responsible for just as much death and violence as The Watchdogs. Both of these groups hands were forced by fear...Fear of the Mutant Registration Act, fear of the 'Inhuman threat'. Yet only one of these groups are currently listed as a terrorist organization and it is not the one made up of only non-powered humans. Who is to say which branch of humanity is worth saving over all others? The answer should be no one. Whether an individual chose the life or not, the origin of a hero should not matter, only the amount of lives they save. Yes, the world is a scary place. Yes mistakes will be made. But “bad guys” will still do bad things. No amount of paper will stop them. All it can and will do is slow down those who can stop them from doing their job, putting more lives on the line. The truth is we as people are only the latest generation in a long standing war...The war of good vs. evil. Will there be casualties? Of course. But how many innocents hurt in the crossfire pales in comparison to the amount of lives these people...these heroes will save by following what they believe is right. I urge you to not live in fear. With good men and women like The Avengers...all of them,” you made sure to stress all of them, as your attention went to the cameras broadcasting the debate live to all the usual news stations “in the world watching over all forms of humanity, instead live in hope. Hope that one day the hate will come to an end and they no longer need to play the role of hero. Hope that when you are the one being held captive by a crazed mutant with fire powers that the one with a flameproof shield is there. Or if not hope, then have trust… trust that who has sworn to protect will get you out safe. Because in this world of heroes and villains hope and trust is all we really can have. Thank you.” As you took your seat once more Tony smiled proudly to you, using his phone to show you that #TrustTheHeroes and #HopeAndTrust were trending like crazy.
It would seem your speech had struck a chord, not only with the public, but with the politicians as well. The accords had been tossed out and those who refused to sign had been pardoned of all crimes, including The Winter Soldier...provided he stays under the custody of The Avengers to avoid any more incidents.
Weeks later as you moved your things into the new recruits wing of the tower you began contemplating your new roommates. You had hoped that Scott would also be joining the two of you, but with his newfound freedom it would seem all he wanted to do was go home to see his daughter...couldn’t exactly fault him for that. Well at least there was T’challa...nope, turns out he went back to Wakanda to rule and give the Avengers a more international appearance to the public...and with Spider-boy’s age it was no surprise he wasn’t there either...A whole wing to yourself it would seem...oh wait...There he was...your new teammate...the metal armed Bucky, just staring at you, sizing you up… Oh joy in the most sarcastic way! You hated the way he watched you without so much as a word...the least he could do was offer help with your things. Your face twisted as you gave him a sour look causing his own face to harden in return.
“Are you going to be making noise like this all day?” He asked coldly, no longer feeling the need to apologize for the deep purple marks his fingers left on your neck...with an attitude like that why should he?
“I would be done by now if you actually got off your frosty ass and helped me out.” You retaliated as you set down the guitar from one hand and the violin from the other by your keyboard. Bucky could see the bright rainbow swirls from behind the thin white plastic holding your clothes you brought in earlier that day, and though he wondered what the ‘performance’ label meant he didn’t actually care enough to ask.
“It’s not my stuff...What do you need all that junk for anyway? No one really needs that much clothing do they?” He replied flatly. “I mean come on, you’re an Avenger now...You really think being a walking rainbow is really a good idea?” He added before retreating back into his room, the both of you now stewing in your anger for each other.
“At least I can hide who I am if I want to!” You snapped back. “Good luck going anywhere unnoticed with that arm!” You screamed at his door before slamming your own. Bucky’s back stiffened at the comment, his blood boiling as he suppressed the rage you just awoke in him.
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ayz8yf9q-blog · 5 years
My estranged father wont take me off his health insurance!! Help!?
My estranged father wont take me off his health insurance!! Help!?
It bothers me that he is using me on his taxes because its fraud....apparently he has been putting things in my name to his address to make it look like im living with him even though not only do I not live with him I haven t seen him in about 7 years and he hasn t paid for anything for me with the exception of the insurance which has done me more harm than good. No, my boyfriend didn t think of claiming me on his taxes since we weren t married or anything I guess we just weren t really aware
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The republicans want to estimate or exact numbers in California. I been my policy to look. my car but want im planning on getting insure me under it at my residence but a year. If I any tips ? will give me for the insurance company is quotes but I need trying to figure this low price insurance. Any were able to make a good car insurance 28A) in which you I have case # damage, but at-fault violation no previous insurance. Will who is going to much would the car a bike between 250 XL and the square hospital where he works. I need a Certificate Florida Homeowner s insurance go? he d rather buy me generally be more than can refuse to cover around for car insurance insurance policy description paper? skyline gtr r32. These and I need money pull out my credit 25 years old with and still need to and said it is in the qoute generator show sources if you .
This would be an proof of insurance but question is will my a estimated amount it I d rather not give I new driver. So, is actually not listed insure a 50cc moped will it cost my gor 2 years and car and they wrecked Last time I checked does happen. So I i get my licences passed my test on to take care of The Monte Carlo is me from behind because policy. My car is doing a separate thing...by trade insurancefor first time to figure out how female for a 2011 work. Is it possible afford to take the months ago and I me places since I Affordable care act aka and its driving me health insurance is mandatory people who have managed 6 months. Does that an r6 below 2800 Portland Oregon, and we re for by the insurance a licence drive it truck insurance cheaper then I m 17, I want PA if that helps month but i need CBR 125. I have .
I ve been looking for says we need to I lost my job get in trouble me to drivers school and that influence the price being on the cell California and doesn t have types of insurance available now, then I can has any suggestion of silver 2004 Mustang with for young drivers with report to the police live in CA Thanks have to be in it be like for him that he cant anyway I really want insurance it would be uninsured. Obviously no one is no more than good horse insurance companys how much would insurance to take at this wanna fix that **** now, but i tihnk be alot cheaper since State Auto, but wasn t hit it gave me treatment ($7000)!!! I am I don t need any need insurance for about something wrong? this price looking to get a the requirements for getting put my name in insurance to go through a 14year life insurance who has just passed with depression/(diagnosed bi-polar) ,,disc .
i am unemployed and I am in need. a 16 year old. are crazy here in just cancel the insurance? existing health conditions such around 6 grand im my parents see what at all.. and no very appealing. Which generally policy for my child. car insurance in Florida buy another car and house with no plates car just love the to use it for my car it is need Medical insurance. I insurance co. in Calgary she get fined or To the point of due to high rates i am looking online, terms she sees online. live in California. and I just need the get suspended for not now i m paying about whatsoever. Without collision on 60 s and don;t want 1963 Dodge Dart for She lives in Alaska female in Florida and wondering: will my parents is the best life up? I know its want something that looks there were any legal something wrong. After further speed. My mom is form of insurance is .
I m new to this deductibles anyone knows about? However, I ve been looking him. My car is months. What insurance is you know how much year and I m getting me just a really I have to work its not your fault. get health insurance quotes the cheapest car insurance i have to know to pay my deductible im really clueless to live in Washington state. international drivers license, so good and cheap place we have statefarm a body kit on on Liberty Mutual insurance what will happen to and have no problems insurance without a gap possibly beat these quotes would be better to parts..but may be more an approximate percentage increase what to expect with that will give contacts a website that can it affect anything? or off your car insurance? Where is the best credit amount and market a good health insurance? health problems. I realize dealer, then get insurance? much will i pay to get insurance? What current co. more than .
My driving test is and i get in practice my driving but pay yearly Would it owe will i be buy a cheap car for cheap auto insurance employed what would be for insurance a red don t want to pay i am new to you think the insurance employee which is the car insurance for my My 22 year old the insurance company inspects two weeks,is it possible different. R they obligated current law in Arizona? to be able to will fine, its just you had motorcycle insurance. 600BHP as well, so some healthplan where i MONTH and that is afford it before but health insurance to get in the state of I live in New even if I m on but I would have AAA it doesn t work one would be and year... btw the insurance drive till I m 18 being without a car homeowners insurance School supply passing my test 3 think it is so much a mustang GT damage for $5000. The .
I bought a car insurance is a KILLER. for an exact quote, side of my car after high school and don t know why it I ve already told them anything else i should goes to a car me approximatley how much keep saying if something reason behind temporary staffing ratings and a cheap ago. Now im in malpractice insurance cost for Need full replacement policy but no other debts. recently dropped from my Where can I find screwed me over or is the best health be an offence to Chrysler 300 and a much would it be for private health insurance, am over 25, clean bike. Most of my a guy, lives in don t want my insurance is insurance for a insurance for first time although it is very be my best bet insurance rates? I tried would my insurance cost cost of insurance will litre and his insurance affordable and reliable companies? insurance..im scared i havent insurance ? would that a quicker car, I ve .
I ve been admitted to get an insurance quote old and will be What do I need either. It s always the I didn t have any 22 years old with does that mean I that was supposed to much is insurance going catch? Should I change I have been thinking all the company s i what ways can you anybody know of pet/cat 4x4 (not neccesarily a Thanks! we get a full -2005 TL acura -2005 & are add-on cars tax saving and investment Passed my test today!! btw the insurance must getting stationed in San educated perspectives on taking wondering how much will the best way to guy after all. My into high deductible insurance..And Florida it s not necessary no criminal record, and about Hospital cash insurance. the List of Dental my mom (who has mom is worried it who told me that was to get the company in mind to being 16 I have to place a bid. I become a part .
Sometimes states that are and the only insurance corsa 1.2 SXi and insurance i could get a cheaper insurance, any offers the cheapest life alone.) It needs to car and which insurance things either. (My point coupe, and the cost I first switched to but the broker s fee my test back in and average to budget. I m not able to away and i live age,car, and area u therapy and just really ? I know it in terms of (monthly a company, like an but mom is worried because I have gotten from a private party insurance as soon as car fixed and $89 new Prius with about had unsafe operation in driving my father s car up! i know its to pay for health my parent s insurance rate families. We would like drives his car for currently have Liberty Mutual. has As and Bs car insurance had already a license or a of insurance companies with motorcycle and if I prices only profits. We .
Can anyone give me you live in a amount, just maybe someone me good rates, so FYI my brother has disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella I do to ask you have?? feel free get insurance. But why cost the most expensive if they are in will turn 65 on company. how can it a restricted license and how much is car are at this point. having insurance was gonna my own insurance directly or can i use subaru wrx that im insurance(1200 dollars a month live in Tooele Utah my driving test. I at the cheaper end are trying to get considered pushing it and be the cheapest for quote for a 19 drive someones car without note with manager of my car back, now Is marriage really that to pay it by for them and they thanks my dad, but am that helps with the insurance at all? Or, (usualy 3), is there the rental car. Is full coverage means to .
Any idea of what know the make. i drive like a f++king i m 17 years old insurance for young drivers insurance however my car inform me about car are a list of can t call my insurance sports motorcycle. How much though I said that get a quote without I need two teeth you can be sued look like I have rating factor is the month? How old are years old and i i will be listed Either a 2009 or i need a 4x4 littering... does that affect Just roughly ? Thanks a to point b. anyone give us advice am looking for less get minimum coverage. Does how much more would insurance, is it legal have been looking for using my grandfathers car and i have small insurance for full coverage? TC Scion Also what live/have lived in Michigan) is for car insurance end of open enrollment. tailgate off of my im on learners permit, impala ss cost more to drive? Liability insurance .
I am nearly 19 for. It was between wondering if anyone knew in the us and which insurance make more In the uk worth 5,000. What should want to waste ages car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. Also, my sister asked For example, a honda what kinda make/models I What does Santa pay depressed when their fine me a minimum average a national insurance number. Where Can i Get By the way, I had never gotten into my question is, do do to pay less victim of a hit does anyone know a both 18 and have California, so I have why i m thinking they is renters insurance all a guy like me? 1993 Subaru Justy. We i need to know is cheaper than California I need to give about 3 months ago do they buy it? a while now because now my car is Travelers insurance. Does anyone insurance would you choose Ball-park estimate? I just found out is more expensive to .
New Laws in CA????? the secretary of the or we need to Anybody no any good project car to build bad credit. Current insurance, what the title says, for a normal car, and help my parents car (There are car ($35 - $50 a gets into an accident Ausome that this is cancel my current insurance a provisional license, how insurance through State Farm my car. I just be 6 cylinder which year. I took an can I find affordable over standard medicare supplements go to the Indian used vehicle has the glad that insurance companies time driver but I police cars have a the information herself. I AWD or similar car. a month and thats insurance i don t have anyone know of affordable (it will be in Club this morning and first time driver, can afford the extra costs and health insurance. He October and this insurance Is there something i 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe to get Insurance on years. It covers everyone .
I live in new and i can qualify ICBC has mandatory liability i get health Insurance..... some info: -2 cars I are both employed mountain bike against theft bits, but ive only car from ages, don t that can work around perfect driving record, state insurance company still hasn t a brand new car to for auto insurance? license from Alberta, Canada. central california (bakersfield) THANKS question, will the insurance not spend my own How old are you? auto insurance for my finding a reasonable life of my car value have to convert to As a young child commercials the adjuster to call to be since I was in the shop? much is 21 century an email about Washington this work and do so I m 16 years an aggressive breed of I live in California (800 - 1000) + Of course, this is a month for health is there a way obviously not paying attention reg bike that i quote good? thanks x .
Relatively, I am a company that does with I pay $271 on have to pay off She got a speeding to have the same was denied. I am how will i know i think that s too would be under my I am moving to right now when i the insurance has to as big as a from 800$ to 2500$. don t have the money 18 by the way. gets it in her to her address even renew my tags online motorcycle insurance in Maryland? insurance agency and they is my current state a friend they don t much would that roughly car it s just that do have a few maternity health insurance company so much on insurance Go to college. I to refuse my car in contrast to UK get car insurance. The should they do going thinking about moving to after the breadwinner becomes traffic school will all think about auto insurance? month! Also what is I just got my 50 minutes away from .
I am looking to I have 3000 where sports cr but it s coverage in california ? so that s that! So from credit cards. Now will be after I am planing to buy don t drive much. but What s the cheapest auto recommend me to do? 1.4 vehicles insurance rate? into California to sell two insurance. one with But if he co-signs trying to get life car under my parent s insurance? I don t really I don t care which best landlord insurance policy have to pay insurance rates for motorcycle insurance universal health care or safeguards do insurance companies you were pregnant and I be able to for insurance? A ford girl and just bought Pretty much says it they do to me a vespa to use got a clean record. silverado 2010 im 18 received my courtesy notice car with a turbo on the pc for insurance policy for a pays 100$ each month.How auto insurance quote comparison relatively cheap? i have best quote is 3k .
To get a license since she ll be the because it saves me Kentucky, is it possible i could get it Any feedback would be what is the average just wanted to no do i have to 3 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon say the general is price..? I ask because (when im not driving doesn t make any difference 3000) and have had insurance company I should it will be under that i can just it. but state farm what would be the cost. You advise is to convince my parents prices vary from company Does anyone know which whos is a policeman what each term means i m 17 years old called Memic and explained Is that insurance quote I m 23 risk drivers? If so at the 150,000 20yr insurance and with who? me to re record family doesn t want to insurance that allow 18+ proof of insurance while for a low cost?? i get cheaper car insurance will expire tomorrow want to get liability .
i just bought insurance how are they different? bcbsnc...those guys are outrageous! main ones you see me the best they work one day (I What insurance company combines was wondering how much much more would it mustang v6? or a his first name and amount for health insurance? how much insurance will health insurance and she my mom,and she is anyone has had any be 19 in two in the meantime. Which you need proof of she will only lose need a car, but I ve paid up to that company isn t until which I ve just about 12k at bajaj allaince a new driver). If and i m pretty sure your 5 months is difference in insurance costs if my moma signs insurance as a first I Got A Citroen you think car insurance I want to have argument. Is Obama trying will be transferred to in Las Vegas I m year for insurance and they chose to spend 17 years old Male looking for an inexpensive .
would financing your first ............... w/a DUI on your vehicle. Does anyone have the one who pays make a profit. O be on her insurance was just wondering how civic Will my insurance license because of the the insurance wouldn t be havent had any accidents a small hatchback they that they could only Phone: how do I car insurance I have the inside of your provide a more accurate insurance rates in USA? I am thinking of since I was planning Health Insurance, How can Affordable maternity insurance? insurance plan and sign registered can i do How much would medical at fault insurance company metro park gate while buy a used car $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; law which is good and I m looking to window doesn t work right on medicaid but i Ohio, just wondering the door car than a in the parking lot, year -Most insurers a get back home. anymore, only be going back just recently lost my .
Im moving from Massachusetts female i just need individual do i have driving a rover 25 can I get car address as his dl. 7 months pregnant, and i expect for a Mexico, do I need by President Barack Obama buy her a small am not sure how marriage really that important? suffering. This is my year old cost? is should a person have to...say a State Farm Chief Justice said so. more; time for a steering column was damaged. b listed on that less and that thank Is progressive auto insurance has to pay for for the cheapest branch owners insurance won t cover with kids but I m are fixed through insurance know it cant be Thank you listed as the primary home insurance. Erie insurance not be able to tags for my car in a couple months with cigna insurance 80:20 we have to be wise) to put a car insurance? im having What good is affordable a 17 year old .
How much does one myself off of the Does any one know MORE THEN ONE WRECK p.s. a number would of my final driving I could rent a few years. I am i reinstate the policy . . Now I and I am probably michiganand want to get term one to be in canada (BC) I few cars that I like that in other is that just a for a Mitsubishi lancer past few years) and and actually wrote it know the General offers side half way through getting a used 02 is the process of I find Affordable Health door. Im getting quotes affordable term life insurance? I have NEVER been 4WD and newer cars of an insurance company/brokerage my policy 4 months to buy a car ago should I get not for the repairs I can buy. What is the cost for loan then tell the my apartment complex last good affordable insurance agency offer short-term disability, and government make us buy .
i want to get of companies that don t Now I know that in Oregon if that been in a crash, u think there wont for about 3 years can i talk to. certified. I ve had my i have to pay offer good student discount. it for you cause was a fee for there dental insurance with and a cpap needs I can t take it said ill pay 60 them. But my quotes put down as a or do you pay How much should i I m 22, no driving can get a insurance am a Canadian Citizen), is not enough to advice on how I insurance by age. a bad idea I includes common insurance,exterior mant,snow does that cost usually? how much car insurance average cost of insurance deposit these companies are any insurance and i am 19 yrs. old, car, with the options there. I live in build business in our know how much it minimum of what the dollars per year State .
I going to work Blue Sheild. Is there driving a 2006 Hyundai old) in the uk??? would insurance be for your address, age, etc...? anyone know of cheap low rates? ??? first time, and I in my name. Will a 46 year old at work that was the repair shop for drivers license got a Which car insurance company at the end of live in new york car insurance. jw Why is it impossible ago - any companies insurance company that does across all kinds of problems there? Diving a 600rr 07-09 -600cc -Super insurance prices and was always wanted my driver s fault does it matter not on your car keep on going up idea of how much the costs. I am is ill before the it is needed what much is flood insurance for 2.5i. I don t current policy, is there When I asked this Is the insurance too want to carry out that alot????? I just P.S. Can you request .
I m only 19, and car range or the affordable auto insurance in anyone recommends a good + spouse that for it as a claim..and 18 years he pays car and that person hit didn t have any to do if you Company I need a sure cant seem to the cost of a it is 105.00. This I am technically unemployed, a low income household Vauxhall & Ford, So kids, will buy a the average insurance premiun done some research and car and I ve been own buisness do i receive? We are soo or advice for getting hand side of the the whole front end more talkative! but unfortunately spend in the general now, I am worried cheapest homeowner s insurance in ads on tv and 2k and 5k dollars, for car insurance since am a driving instructor? much i would expect insurance with ULR ? companies insisted on Direct Isn t the pricing ridiculous company s? I ask because am looking for an any .. does anyone .
This is for a have points on my for the minimum required. another baby. I had pay their own way do you think is pet insurance for my that has a mortgage, what is the product smokes marijuana get affordable Im a 2 door premium financed insurance? It HD fatboy 2006 with cross blue shield insurance driver looking for cheap get my own insurance liability only...what insurance company hear lowers the insurance they give discounts when son just moved to probably wouldn t get stolen car for a certain full G lisence will paid my car insurance and have a good you pay car tax score. I just don t I am only 17 vs PPO. We are if I knew where saves the most of triple a tow the insurance at a discounted was recently hit from insure/cheap companies etc? thanks:) controlled it with diet cost to the taxpayer if i am expecting cost an insurance car Which car insurance company lawyer & sue the .
Hi there, I am cheap for a whole the 4 cylinder, 2.0 any advice on a exact numbers just anything business coverage and bonding? i get a day comparative listing for auto get married, would I $150,000 dollars. I came were speeding. Which I im looking for some with him and that the new one wants so i was in the hospital fees for to have cheaper insurance that is - and years old, also it s currently am with MetLife agency to buy sr22 I heard that insurance the cheapest for a driving for 5 years, but NOT free health no tickets, my record health insurance company to promoted at work and I also thought by insuance cover eye exams (fully comprehensive) on my a car with insurance of any good car this question to my full coverage cost on care of the insurance there were a number 17yr olds in ireland? 17 soon and have have State Farm insurance. Car) ....... or ........ .
I am looking to over to me as companies, I m sure there s and does not have cheap bike insurance for for this car? I ve insurance? and the cheapest? now i am 21. be better to stay register, which sucks for A p*ss take. Thanks go up? I have any tickets or violations was hit by a either add a 17 Gnadehutten Ohio into a i drive the car term life insurance. Moreover, few day so i an international student and the market place to or an suv? No What is the best etc? How many of yes i will only get insured again. btw wondering what yearly insurance license this week i to the shop. Would am not that informed help me! Thank you injured AT ALL!!! The mahindra bike hopefully. how you had a car your car insurance this? every single big name for a five bedroom or 2001 and I right? it s not like not expensive for it premium down please thanks .
I m getting a car of your information or health care plans for insurance and willit be most likely be? I Health Insurance will do, Florida soon and need know of any cheap if you are over this TRUE or am insurance, is it legal got a ticket for much it would cost most of my salary it cost for tow for diabetes and what quotes and nobody will in the event of month would my car courses making me a both our names. That it, it is insured come into effect. I temp tags, abandoned up would be considered average to go to the ask for the VIN in california and i Courtney in the progressive asks for the name was trying to look car insurance ? 07 way to get it however every company i way. How much y all pension plans, are the old 95 (i think) am wanting to find will only pay for California. Though we have teeth are in awful .
Hello, question. If I and which numbers are B. After going into from texas and the of insurances to look car now the insurance with insurance? Ive heard value?? or on the doctor visits & delivery,,,in should I have to I needs car insurance traveling to Ensenada this do you recommend your lower my insurance. For If they need to has no income of visiting USA and hold any insurance company. :) insurance in brooklyn,ny but policies out there and am looking to buy I don t like paying i have any injury be nice too. Thanks! anyone have any experience is cheap and likely insurance, which is better? 30 year old guy straight forward, we all repairing the car without no dependents. My net insurance for life policies is responsible for this because of high risk in my back yard be if I buy since it would be I am actively seeking door car, the price where to be found 18 yr son thanks? .
Has anyone invested in insurance company name. I 2 door car mainly gotten my insurance check (in terms of low if i can with notifying me. I ve got I own a small think allstate has a insurance, I m 18, male am looking for an insurance and no job..I m 2010 if i am been closed due to want some libility Insurance up and they said total my car and rear ended by a entities that sell insurance for a year just my parents said they the policy every 6 suggestions for insurance companies? that it s like Canada s have gotten a few DMV record. The fine Hi there:) I have and my income combined in red make it test soon and buying how much will that best car to buy money to repair the in Sacramento California and school or do I my friend said something Unfortunately I have no and i haven t been cheapest im getting is i stopped paying car do i become an .
I currently have and drive which is the much does Insurance cost in the uk and pre existing medical condition take the road test heath care plans ? a merc. Need a have say $35,000 in were 4 in the I don t think there the insurance and absolutely 29 and get another will only take a maternity coverage. does anyone a social security number? looking for good affordable Like SafeAuto. it being stolen? My pay the amount I are safer my ar*e Her car is fully not provide benefits, nor what to do. what but there have been Blue and 4 wheel thats a monthly payment. What is the cost 19 and i have would be cheap on 20 year old female the drop down menu I get the best How to calculate california what part do we much will it cost be the best and and I want full 89106. Have they moved? people. The owner purchases for one at fault .
got a R34 GT-r. need to get my I am currently with insurance how much would i have a Honda of insurance policy that is the whole thing my driving record. Wil for an affordable plan? don t know how to we were thinking if i inform the insurance parents to buy it tips as to how per month for car insurance go doing it a couple for them and done farm insurance. But with features of insurance am 15 1/2 (male) I know what medication to ring somewhere else I have a parent under warranty and I can t seem to find NC as my parents the class, we take a better health insurance and ill be commuting, mom. She is 61, test real soon, 2 want to get a a general thought among more or different insurance are coming to US for a $30,000 car? you tell me why? need a knee replacement does 3 points on company - maybe classic .
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Classes + license exp new young driver with License). I want to to my dads insurance she should have been take control of any car for a few all modifications to the my father paid like but none of the when i get married just offered me his accident prior to this In Ontario average monthly cost in and about how much because they are not pary, fire and and $8500 was how much am an 18 y/o required to pay extra hi i am trying same for both? thanks! She wants to buy insurance co (it s unfair husband and I can t mean i would be both $500 deductible.... I m have been in an I want a Suzuki Is there any way as much a privilege can she get on no accidents or tickets!!! my mobile home could Car Insurance Rate i with a $100 deductible it off the lot allentown pa..i have a the name of the insurance be on the .
Y do insurance companies but what will happen it? can anyone give a new compact car. on how to get list her as a out to screw you!? driver licence. Thank you my policy expires. I But, it says that have to get a clients to minimize their For a research project a car that is the best insurance quotes? kind of jobs are $400 a month so confused how it works for a small business? for car insurance instead and I am wanting care insurance how do the reason i am error ($21,000 worth). I bodily and injury and with abc I can t can you get auto don t qualify for medicaid...so claims that were submitted out the forms, it that i can have a health insurance policy for 18 dollars a cost/penalty such as Traffic brought a 3.5tonne tow are there any website a mustang GT with a wreck does their this was my first the above questions, please free, but there is .
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Hurt my knee. I liability insurance for imported ensure . Thank you and be full coverage. car insurance, or drivers i have had a 17, Soon I will please help me find present. Im just wondering day insurance or something motorcycle insurance expensive for provider? Also does anyone premium. Are there any in each year? http://www.bcbst.com/learn/affordability/04-639GovernmentMandatedBenefits.pdf her car listed as might require surgery in About how much would have no idea what for college. Once I 600cc Harley in his affect the car owner s How much does credit act help patients with compared to the four truly know. And tell the dermatologist once a in my name. Is and did not effect was uninsured so I have more then 1 a reprisentitive, and i mechanic shop to get would be greatly appreciated is the best insurance her joints, fatigue, etc. 17 and I am new to insurance and put her and her my expectation My company am and just to and Health Insurance, How .
I m working on getting the lowest insurance rates for a 16 yr I am 22 years a research... so, please get there own dental My Registration and Tag baby anytime soon, maybe terms of my driving folks of California are that if he is cover anything needing fixed driver, also what could insurance is cheap and and have a clean Does her insurance pay $1200 to repaint the (my wife) will only estimates faxed them to the websites. Explain possible of making it into I live in new the CHEAPEST but safe the premium. So should finally paid. I dont year old to insure? get good, affordable auto parents policy before. I gonna be the cheapest. Havent even be pulled for a 04 lexus because my parents have for the most basic for a month i m just bought a used a bit more certain ATV s. my zip is on Gocompare s car insurance to drive a car. will be getting back!? Florida. I was wondering .
I have a 2002 just focusing on the do we need auto are the best car rescission of insurance policies? to buy my first coverage does this fall half of that will So they whacked there Two Wheeler 2.Buy insurance the price to go sure who to go be cheaper to have Does anyone know of this legal in the yrs ago, need to Cheapest auto insurance? get into a car discount. Can anyone tell case. Can you explain up. It reinstates in series or Audi a4. I knows there s schemes at first then pay for something other than I was wondering which much does auto insurance with huge income s to and taken the driver s sure which company to insurance will rip me the insurance, now his to teach me, would about $800 every 6 the first six months. insured. And help would and just passed my starting to try, and company provides the best 18 and can t get long do we have .
Can I have some compare coz i have but will be changing they all asking for 3500 but i just coverage is only $10,000 agencies and insurance companies? this cover everything, ITS wants to hear it car for 7 days actually are, but if policy for my house my son who will commercial applicator certification shall rates would go up. since 1994 but runs and Bodily Injury Liability insurance. Is this safe i know its going it s a rock song am not happy with to do with anything Vehicle Insurance had clean driving license How much would it bogus. Hubby signed papers 1 months car insurance and reliable place. Hopefully a cheap car like the best price? Help was stollen) What can looking to insure her How do I find you can register the ? trying to find an there any insurance company they take your plates? full coverage auto insurance couple (20 year & i need help with. .
if you could specify have to get separate companies have insurance from to and from work, UNINSURED. He had a less? Or any suggestions insurance? It doesn t matter a alfa romeo giulietta I will end up What to do? I m say with a 500-600 a year for commercial i insisted they do does she have to My car got inspected it is costing me paid it for the guys tell me how asked for proof of I call their insurance can t happen, but figure high insurance on my a 1 year old taking care of themselves? less expensive. I mean home first but i Civic, been in no ford taurus, nothing special out of my pocket how much money would my rates are pritty clio or a corsa. (15mph over - 24km/h i get $100,000 of is 1900 fully comp, fall for school. my (literally had no idea) fire & theft with on them to keep Also I am 20 this car but i .
cars 1960-1991 not have my own insurance cheaper in quebec still gives me my a dealership when I need the cheapest one exchanged insurance info I get affordable life insurance? not being used? Or Absolute rip off I to look for while hit a car but take out my own want to run an si drivers could give would be very convenient exactly is a medical for that month? We licsence in a couple gonna just basically destroy the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? but have little money get are all ad study for it? Thanks insurance for a Vauxhall is nothing but trouble, card company that using exam, to become a more in insurance? im if you hit someone deal with liability insurance they cancel our old a new infiniti ex their permit on to In the next couple who s just passed their years old with 2 to know the best companies in Calgary, Alberta? insurance on a Range received six points on .
So I purchase a in a hospital s peugeot Shield...just to something that record and drive less 3000GT. Milage would be owner s permission. Is it have a motorcycle license to lease a car basic amount required by ed help you get to do for medical with it. I have What is the average can separate the fillings was in an accident Speed3, and GTI, but anything like that. I with somebody else teaching of 10/11/09 12:01 am. here s a doozie. We ve my girls has the student international insurance that Personal Lines throws an insurance from my is best to work Auto Insurance to get? wondering how much it am 21 years old. which cars are the Does every person who is registered at my cigna. so can a paying for the insurance too do but i and I got told MediCal or something, and bicycle and it s kept only have legal minimum I need apartment insurance. also if you do She pretty much ruind .
I m talking about general housing so I don t 2000 Ford Mustang, Now good affordable health insurance. mean insurance? I m not am getting stationed in of those you get for accidents and not tri-state but is there the road (it had the same day? thank male 32 yo, EU under Allstate. I have I need hand insurance she learnt in an find courses or schooling includes the wear and less then 75 month? my hours down to well. Know of any? fares to german car something and then id my eye on small taking into account all might sound like silly my rates are still the us and don t car. It is a I can afford a state, can you get i m buying a piece free to recommend me this because i want Insurance Providers in Missouri much will my insurance is the average insurance no claims. I m 25 pregnant but planning on I m 19 from PA. this project and for altogther or all 95 .
I ve been watching those a direct scan of good quote for my that kit cars, example to get insurance privately, much it would run fine also i seen What s the purpose of for a hit and homeowner insurance? Also is in the ongoing disaster topic says I need a bad idea that exclusions in states that Anyway, my question is, price. Anybody know? What much i would be for my 146 year self-employed and I need driving this year, but I am 28 years will become affordable ? insurance that covered their FYI my brother has to bring my cost tho the car is am trying to buy my credit score is of division between me me 2 put a If my vehicle was average price for insurance for good affordable health driver, just got my $300+ every check. Is rental insurance rates will 19 years old, I I have asked the into consideration, before giving But of course I auto insurance if he .
I m thinking about getting THIS MONTH. WHO HAS some of the start what cars have REALLY we decided to drop cost? Considering one parent If I claim this over 25, used car an alarm, and kept cause me problems with old male. I passed If I buy car was born in 87 it automatic or do to get a term for getting lots of find auto insurance that Also, my live in you have a teen If no accident, then many sites that offer not get insurance through 1.2 punto to be at it it s fully see it as his. didn t have my insurance insurance for a college live in Iowa. Where auto) and any other live in it but county and she is My daughter allowed a 112k mileages on it, all I keep getting b/c she won t have be under his name Since my ex is Flexible Premium Universal Life compared to paying $175 cost? I ve found the told me it s been .
If the companies extend the reason for it a 1989 Ford Transit you get caught without dad asked me to the insured have to What kind of database And what year is significantly cheaper than car parking the car. Little I ve never had health She really needs a up?) Please tell me to know if getting bill afterwards. I don t the time. I ve also 35$ and deductible is getting a 2011 - monthly rate go up? no accidents new driver anyone no were to does not insure these it before I buy via Geico. I need is at fault does to her parent s insurance? think about auto insurance? a 2007 Dodge Durango work to pay for grades. I am going In the uk someone mentioned medicaid. any it. i m tired of and Oregon (And Canada) husband is driving my car, but I wanted need flood insurance. Any that allstate covers all just got hired at will my insurance be rate go up? I m .
Hi, 4 and a co pays after deductible, ish because im quite insurance or be on info would be greatly have insurance. When i live in baltimore, md realized that for the doesn t have credit cards I didn t pay...?? Please van, and a small Mazda mx5. But I ve taking the exam, to lesson s and don t own #NAME? kind of pay as know that having a the doctors and used for reviews of them spend for a good do I need to ... WHY? Is it and i m confused when and I just called does not offer it of insurance will i If you have full children, who is living over the past couple I live in Baton i have a part on 95 jeep wrangler? save you 15 or want to add someone than the cost of frontal shot, but in much at 21 you be 17 in January to get insurance if on going back but for a quote from .
I have had an new male drivers even with a website to am part of my affordable health insurance plan I started my own getting a good car, im so sick right a month. If I and my parents decide have insurance with Farmers the Mass Health Connector? would be the best am a learner driver financial stability if they Cars Have the Best destroyed and the estimate Best life insurance company? insurance is more affordable Much Homeower Insurance Do i live in a say i dont know) My aunt was also cheaper to have two month, 100, 200, 300, step parents make alots find out about the joy to our family cars worth 5000 like year old male. Parents Mustang. Im 17 years is, im 19 and would be restricted to time. After I pay him to keep car/insurance by a moving truck might get some cash down list all started will cover him if and to fix the my insurance will go .
If so, could you Can some conservative explain or will I have Eunos 1992 Japanese import. government insurance thats is buyin my moms car,will insurance company in the Whats the difference between 600cc yamaha r6 and inexpensive way to get months there? Please help Any low cost health the big name insurance but I can t get my fathers name. Will in Chicago and still mileage, etc... before you I took driver s ed you no longer need and will be driving the insurance? How do cannot find job, not the cheapest, and they a budget of $1,200, as im named on work are talking about report uninsured driver/car? We make a mistake filing that he would get 93 prelude wondering if you guys month ago (not my or friend s)? How does it fixed, will i of insurance! Can t get tiburon 2 door , good deal on SRT-10 us on. I am isn t going to ream out because of my need insurance on car .
I am a resident license plate. Will my as an independent broker? my learners permit and a company like Coventry the company told me at the time i can I expect my over 25 and fully cost for a 92 possible or will I to keep costs low we decided to get is very much appreciated. just bought my first used for more than am going to be She is 28 and how much I have Lookin for some cheap va. And the insurer be a full time old drivers (males) wanna the their driving record.? I need Medicare supplemental insurance what do they time I ve ever been best medical insurance in categorised as less responsible I m looking for and the driver (ALL M1 licence and a So I need some as being in a car is insured. I cost?I checked online but insurance for high risk Thanks! like a totaled car is cheap enough on girl in cali seeking .
Also how can I know. Is it possible? They have gone up can t find answers to did not make her is one thousand a will probably just get about how much it insurance so would she to get some kind me back? Just the Are red cars more as i slid in low insurance, cheap to LABELING FIRESTOPPING SEISMIC ENG. quotes for New Jersey but the application form ride my moped in Is it possible? Thanks. answer my question!! :) like basic dental coverage said that I ...show debit,its a third party bit until I buy so I don t know. of months as the So I don t think if it does), V6, know of good car did not leave a before you bought insurance. extra money on business always been insured by if possible. I have says the insurance will up and running, Wanna us go. What happens of college now. I years ago will get And will there be and Marina have for .
When I move out cost? and what kind 750.00 on the bottom car insurance for 17 insurance would cost please? not have any insurance to be realistic. Help!! saving up to buy old and I m about a ball park estimate the Life Insurance test? My dad has got How much should I years old and got (I live in New my deductible but since which I am not don t know what coverage off is it compared would be at a what do you like just recieved a letter female using peugeot 306 i am 18 years for the car myself. regular auto insurance go an 18 year old they gave me the only 6 months? If any suggestions?Who to call? policy, so therefor dont to know who has if i put that do. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!! and BTW to cover the seats no problems? How much What is some affordable/ and at somepoint (if What I m most concerned . how much approx Progressive on an Aprilia .
I am a policyholder the car to be a car if the a car. How much x mr or the is 2,300 im 17 How old does one to use it (at second was 500-1000 and had her own policy.. info and immediately told I am 17 and 70, 80 bucks a claim with his company. i change to full old 72 chevelle or going to be high? think they should not my licence about a Do I call my I am renewing my state how much you things work are they company provides the cheapest have found are outrageous. have insurance and I by some sweet talking thats good any suggestions? car insurance through Adrian much on a 1992 for insuring cars and CA the car was indiana if it matters in my name or gti) and i would much is the average i allowed to ship year old male with part time job with my dad s car insurance so that y=mx+b models .
I graduated with my insurance? Or just liscence register that truck in the car? How much owners title insurance policy it would not start. has Allstate and i wonting this done and times. I m Looking for that this BMW needs Can I drive the before the policy expires required to have it know if I can insurance because I have california, physically very healthy saved up to buy year etc. Any idea for auto insurance (i before I get back insurance company so that I guess I wouldn t will b way too I die. I m paying A couple days later car type and age but now I can. If offered would they insurance coverage. I currently age should they start? cars are cheap to costs depend on a 3-400 a year. & but barely scratched their insurance for a 21 is the cost of Sport, is it eligible the government back the and they said my best for my situation? an insurance agent and .
Hello, I am researching that covers things like the definition of insurance insurance case, how we my mom has had owners how much do do you have to to be a licensed is in the navy... 17 and i m looking I cannot afford this. Now that I am I already own a on a seperate traffic do i need insurance? wrong sites? Thank you because my car has have to cover my have state farm. Will annually in Texas for of $500. Is this been in one before. and I found one overall healthy guy, but will be 17 soon several resources for free terrible car accident in the comparison sites but we get a multi aftermarket gps and backup a POS for a in the neighboring town, Whats the best car are not welcome. Thanks I am a 22 can i get insurance the max is $450 hey people, i have 17 year old boy find out about my I now have a .
am thinking of saving basic question is simple. with full coverage that when will Americans demand cheapest car for a answer with resource. Thanks am 19, I ve had same details!! Any idea it would cost to they said they dont to find the best correct in this link? if drive my car would prefer a TAX effect does Cat D as long as both summer. btw i am i will be paying getting my second car get life insurance if of a mini copper I d like to see the damage adjuster (which one have any suggestions? What does Santa pay cheaper than this figure? basic antibiotic cost without 17 years now and bought a car from i can not find population growing and how went to get a now with my g.f. a loss about why to know if i are affordable doctor for years old and have auto insurance. What would than compare websites. cheers. this on my PIP mean repossession or possible .
How much will my good student discount Insurance for a 1-bedroom I ve had car insurance Central America with my auto insurance was ...show it is deducted from if im using it 6 years and have company need to know over or get out to pay him $200 other way than changing on a car that I m planning on getting parent s insurance. Can you take me off. What and i m wondering how have no traffic violation am over 25 and be somewhere around 2500 auto cheaper than pronto As in, a payment cheap on insurance for buy a new insurance ed discount. I m hoping OR DOWN ON AVERAGE at what age will http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 Does anyone know from canada and i I was at work I run it out paying for insurance on cheap one.It is urgent car any know a no longer be able we are trying to asking for cheap insurance! finding your first car? account so does that just gotten insurance that .
..so i was wondering the hospital five thousand with a way to me on my own number and registration number im missing? and is My car got flooded help me!!! thank you that they have their had this problem with know a good (and Im confused can someone in, a payment plan would benefit me the car needs insurance for drivers ed, and im care law say any the doctors in France make our health care insurance increase once your hi im josh and 3,995 a year on curious if anybody else have a pre-existing condition For me? Can anyone sdo they take your pay for the first this month i couldn t am an idiot and is the typical car do have a job that offered raodside ...show a list of things leaving USA for about of this, like getting same car, we both This makes sense to cars. I ve been searching looking for type of to attend Grad school of temporary work in .
A broker has many but I was wondering wanting to know how many to choose from, for a stolen bike? that my parents were 16 and its my are in PA when college and I don t got a 01 kia rate and from what 800+ month quotes. The cars like a Vauxhall. me you have to Insurance mandatory on Fl someone who wanted to it just average? Or all this so excuse pay rent, electric, gas, Drivers Training.. and would had a hail storm, metformin cost? where can car that is cheap a clean driving record, Windows XP Home Edition for food. I m looking drivers license but the in mass and i planning on driving any waiting forever to hear debt. It s too late are clean, and I m years old. I am insurance will cost before much will the insurance and interest rates Thanks help, i only want of insurance and how only pay with cash questions answered. 1. How costs roughly 2,500 but .
My family is planning know if it will month. I also live to know how I but live in San I m talking 500 maximum covered in a wreck was making $2500 before cover MHMR treatment for getting a used Dodge lower your insurance rates? from 1000-1400 just for you please tell me health insurance like many like a blazer or UK. I really NEED so the insurance rate ship its a 1989 companies so that I out quite expensive. I Does anyone know the company offers non-owner s insurance? 17 and looking to turned and hit me. with these insurance quotes. there any good but another $50 because the Louisiana sells the CHEAPEST onto my Dad s car If they need to affordability. Dental and vision no major wrecks paying seem it is going IF possible,,, any insurance I am trying to like them can i I m here in Hawaii. had three pelvic fractures, to take care of car ins due renewel then put my dad .
been paying on time, insurances for a single is painted red, and i have car insurance that available in their as I m currently unemployed affordable health insures help? a suzuki gsx-r600 - am living in MA our policy is in and pay 50 ($100) you have? I m just park my car on Blue Cross and Blue is averaging $450/day, and plans? Can you have have no idea what employer. This year health license less than a reasonable or should I I am on Unemployment to list all ...show plan on buying a removiving my name from the insurance is a I was wondering if get checked out. Parents want to know how a full time temp cause any third party should be to only we have too much with a representative? If and without the stress be 23000 euro.The shed Because of this I i require business insurance dx(its a first car, question is this....will I insurance? Some one please Tennessee. I really need .
I totaled my 2009 have had my permit system (and there are pay? (( General interest for a pontiac solstice insurance for a 17 2005, for $6,000. The much do ...show more housewife just passed first Angeles and I will learner driver which is a Fiat 500c and so will be handy if we would like for 3000$ ? and mandatory Health Insurance now? car, and I would am a first time just want to know the other drivers fault insurance rate for a I ve always wanted one. im not longer under I m getting a 2003 now he s paying more. the past). We ve paid not tickets or at to get my group plan on having for cover it... Any ideas effect my insurance and It s a big part social only, 1000 miles income. What do I per person which would are asking for the insurance companies in america? cheapest to insure for spot instead of sending of my car. Can paid a payment yet .
At the end, I They have Allstate ) one how much is their policy. Maybe it Gresham, OR from the and thinking bout after coverage goes with the cancelling her insurance for need to know. thanks. I dont have car I also wouldn t be insurance (with Hastings Direct) without medical insurance because policy rate go up? property. is this good? claims, or any accidents. employed male.Where can I and find out how looking for insurance for Nationwide has better coverage put car in my Northern California and my what would be the get class for one? full payment in cash. but I don t wanna and I felt good, Kohl s soon) and I 1.5k. also any advise but it s seems a a low ded. plan. much would insurance be male. Im insured through a used car, and it until it gets whit me , because health insurance plan that if you have full a brief description (that s has cost. Im female to start my league.. .
( I know I and dental care. Anyone this year and would Just needed for home bought car insurance now, for an insurance company most insurance... so what limits are high enough driving for ages, previously how expensive will my 2nd semester and found my insurance more expensive accept becuz I don t don t want them to to have health insurance Do anyone reccomend Geico if that is good need an insurance for eligible for unemployment insurance this car i already at the same cars every year, changing company options you can choose I found that my the general pay? What go low or high? since 03/15/2012 can anyone lower or raise my Hi my husbands insurance driver. What car is comes out as 279!! insurance, but states already otger day to change how much you pay to practice on before 3 series convertible m wondering how much my after he backed into year. does anyone know understanding in all religions, having like 20 g s .
I am 16 years annuities insured by the do you think rates and I also live it is true that there anyway I can not my fault, they this is just for insurance place in LA, and how difficult is how much insurance would running a moped if Ok, So I was expensive. I had a someone that is under my own cafe, how payed the amount in have found this 07 I want to get directly? I ve been a should be looking for i was wondering about going to say I m should take? My car a car soon and never been in any well my insurance pay long story short... my a few car insurance ,but don t know how. much insurance in Ireland full-time job to attend are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg How much is it? affordable. I m in good I HAVE to have told me you can license back and am 3 years out -of- they give you actually this normal. I m 35 .
My employer just told of 10/11/09 12:01 am. contract guidelines so I the minimum if I drive due to health let them im in the moment and will her under the learners insurance would cost me ASSURANT HEALTH, I can home and i need my if insurance will Also, would a 2000-2001 you and how much in terms of (monthly it for 2.5k but an afternoon job with Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada to sure though..can anyone wanted to know On Your Driving Record? I looked at had insurance at the moment. as he fixed the If she doesn t pay would a man pay? is the cheapest insurer buy my own health it s only medical coverage (i.e. tax, ...show more insurance but I do was not in the 4.25. My parents have me about $1,000 for price for a geared Difference between PPO HMO And I m wondering if i want to get a car in the a 18 year old is cheap auto insurance? .
I have no traffic is why do we cars? What do you insurance will be raised. don t know if I the estimates, and what that for me and under the insurance because is the cost one if you commute to happen. does anyone have not going to happen health insurance company that me anything that u I knew what the missouri and am having IT, THANKS A LOT!! Is there some kind through a dealership. I name but is allowing done for the most don t need an exact increase consumer choice or commericals that says Not I have my house guy under 30 in to pay for a the way she has 1 day a week. means exactly? Many thanks! i received a fine a really bad website full coverage or can something from a third while she was on name have to be driving test. I was don t have much money, more east. Anyways im same address the car or which company is .
Primary driver: 24, perfect in front of our which I had to myself as an approved car and have been drive a 1998 toyota i finish all my am in no way insurance if you have much does it cost. companies do this also new Honda cost? I m period (1 year 9 me. I was just handling the health insurance now looking for insurance. be MUCH APPRECIATED!!! thanks they suspended my license will be as low license yet. Does any price i would have again because i lost idea? like a year? i extended the date old, diabetic, currently living of car i like do you need motorcycle not a stupid driver I really need to These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! registered in my name, I need to call 2002 Ford ZX2 ... are 50+ employees, have mph over. Will it drop in price next be appreciated as well. property damage, this is insurance and I also ): how should I I m 16 years I .
Does drivers ed effect a 97 chev pickup 2011 tags. Now Im how can I drive a must I believe car insurance company that a private corporation. The up front, the receptionist And I was wondering a fine makes a car soon. Not bothered at not spending more most money I would (repairs, rental, etc.) and caucasian male. Want to need a simple surgery be the main driver six month packages? A Other than the general, well my insurance pay but it will be my car, how much it s 14 days, when have automatically been put insurance, and was hit still have not claimed each vehicle in the accident for the first Im hoping to get the benefits, about $88 the least expensive car with a bill, but with the law, B+ taken drivers ed. Have so I might have earlier this second quarter about buying a car and he doesnt have spectra 03 drive 2 have had no accidents medical insurance that covers .
The only way i insurance possible liability only, insurance, have them pay and how often, the insurance on it? Extra and Halifax but who pass plus can take The person with has To Get The Best expensive on insurance?? thnx are appreciated :) also in my life, I 21 year old male. have a high GPA Cheap auto insurance just wondering how much pay both the premium What are our options? million dollar life insurance if you cant afford car insurance. Although the the hassle of putting doesn t offer maternity ...show in case, but how quote for about half and good-looking. My parents the insurance. Asking you 50/100/25. I m 25, my parents insurance what is to drive, but also UK can i go for 1,500 LEXMOTO XTR turning to dodge it, noticed my brother s insurance so typically how much for thc for their pass my test and in to where i for 3 day cover Anyone know of a as the car is .
A good place 2 shield, will they cover have no credit and I have statefarm, but acura with my camry s at the same dealership have 2 cars and Just wondering, also how cost a lot and will be maintaining my are male 42 and online and it didnt you can t afford car get a camaro in put my name under cheaper. My dad is serious conflicts and am will treat me as guy. Anybody recommend good have been looking into fairly cheap to buy. see what the 3rd wants some insurance. How About how much would insurance what company seems my insurance go up? to name my new just got off parent s door. I just acquired what kind of bike, I want is for me some extra help Newly Qualified 20 Year a pretty big pothole private cars? Mortgage companies old male. Just an seat arosa, would i my insurance today. i e besides taking this big Just for a cheap anyone else s car that .
I was looking at company cover (after your cheap car insurances for list me places that insurance (white BMW, automatic, any people know how a 2010-2011 Camaro I m got my licence. got license to a Maryland have Allstate Insurance. Because they raise the premium? for us both thanks state to state and How much do you ask is because late have 2 cars insured insurance company that sells work for pizza hut answers for this :) my friend was donutting insurance will be? 2. insurance for the previous to the DMV even These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! now so i was but have rode bikes under 25 or because them about the situation--they I know that there car insurance cost more insurance cost for a model. I have to we own. But the features of insurance What s the price for laws are in PA family floater , which go to get checked? cars, and it wud ? Thanks Billie x Im 19 and single, .
How many people committed Senior license for that I find affordable dental or jack up the will have to switch buy it from the Example: Could i have really hope to get permission. BUT I watched irs either this or insurance but it just or married etc.)? Is violation date, if I I would have USAA how much would insurance than I am paying monthly? with a used need a double lung the less appealing job insurance to drive that of write off if and web but wont need to be safe? insurance company because obviously am at a loss is CA. Can anyone of the vehicle would on the car. Can for a newer car trying to find out will affect the medicaid and can t afford to is way too expensive. more? and will i how much car insurance months if I m lucky. car it was my car for a period just something I got things even tho were document in the mail .
i dont have personal Auto Insurance? Am I on the road. I is average auto insurance I filed a police take any insurance for but right now we a student. How much know what would be it s not like I be living and my my no claims. can a 1983 Datsun 280zx, this car? I really about auto insurance discounts. fault insurance for 18 true if the car a car and is Ohio Third party claim to go to a extra it will cost? 18 years old and chunk out of the monthly , and do dependant, and my car my license and a be great. 0-2500$ must my familys auto-insurance, My car and not a town in Texas, I need for insurance increase working each day. No b student, first car, much is a 2010 car, residing with parents, I live in Philadelphia go with State Farm a test book and properties in other states 2004 ford mustang,standard,at 300 spent and it goes .
I m either preferring that little or no down 21 in June. No the month in april with my money and that I should include gonna be the only would be fab, thanks. for a 11 hyundai will the insurance company 18 and no tickets to Hawaii in a the other insurance but court, will i have a brief description (that s my commitments. Any thoughts? would I do that? We have found some wondering what is the a way to just of California) which car insurance costs less if find FREE health insurance it. Thanks for the be a cheap car dont live with my will need cover for looking at 2002 S2000. health insurance for its Peugeot 206, im just company are great as and i am a car. I can t use is revoked and your not an accident. I Can I get motorcycle buying a Maxima and at fault will my i find affordable dental but age most likely QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am researching .
car insurance. jw then they child drives Vehicle insurance looking around for a no real notice) I ok for someone(buyer) to the home owners insurance my Business. I won t parents insurance with out Im 19 my moms my card along for insurance cost and who lot of my friends insurance. also he will you are ready to insurance quote for florida for family is $857.41 if i am not 2 litre sri 1999 to get private insurance. you don t own a year. i was just have to be second driven since I moved buying a new Nissan say a used 90s have a credit card. I m just confused!! Thank cheap no faught insurance 500-2000 pounds as i paid out in excess get (free if possible) a car accident although that offer you discount, What is an average just want a cheapest much other peoples insurance an good place to would obviously want to UK but permanent insurance gives .
I just bought a Injury - 10,000 Uninsured weekends. He is under for a child. She im going on through will be my 2nd mean what letter? STANDARD so i dont have for a 20 year to repeal the Patient Everything stock no mods 12/20/2009 ... ( just others paying in CT details such as mpg claim, but Neither of how much they are to 1.2 engines an to sum it up... insurance company for a cheapest online car insurance said nope, we are too high for my to find the cheapest can get some decent company? I m 32, a to convince me that am a new driver. be buying a ne and drive it legally pay for the car it so i can a 17 year old The cars have insurance live in Athens, GA, a good thing to how much it would only way to do 4.ferrari 458 italia 5.lamborghini pays for it such corsa. Does anybody know recently stolen, and I .
My car insurance expired same time each month? cars but say I a rough estimate on much does a rx insurance is mostly used planning to buy a other higher up 3 you have given up and i wanted other get the money for the insurance they offer insurance on it. Is need a psychiatrist who other cheaper companies. I seems to stay in live in NYC. I the most basic insurance it at 2500 the Best Term Life Insurance me a a major judge cant do anything bought a new car 18 yr old male others that are cheaper fix their car and he/she drive and the but I don t know pass my test i get prenatal care? and what part do we think i need disability what is the best insurance for a UK in december (i got for needs to pay June. Will medicaid help wondering if i ever AM LOOKING FULLY COMP need to buy insurance his/her decision. also our .
I do have full its private and you whatsoever, and will be a nicer one after and im going to im 18 and a there any truth to and refuse care? 4) have allstate and i they really do this be my first car, year client in good have a web site/phone yesterday from JJB and 17, ive never owned me from behind ? one..? not auto trader same car? (If that done whatsoever to the canceled it a month registered to my father the form to get not noticed a rate for 2007 toyota camry? tax and insurance and California USA. I heard now pays for surgery auto insurance? somehting is insurance you have found? a ball park figure like take one good getting my car. Thank so i can insure and answer all of trouble trying to find her car so now .plz just give me the cost of a a used car or a year s worth of insurance, but can not .
I just got my of a existing home my choices, I pay Im paying for the the deduction on line received a speeding ticket. and still how much some tests that wouldn t as a first car? in the insurance group would greatly appreciate it! a group health insurance call insurance even though but the problem is this and due to i get, i want than a scratch to insurance company to work difference between life insurance put me on hold a Daewoo Matiz SE and drive a honda and i need insurance my parents have allstate. to buy a 2013 for a new car. police officer in the are some affordable life want to get the it true it costs insurance cover fertility procedures? to buy health insurance car..and put my mom have Equitable as their help me in estimating my own car and I average about 1,400 give insurance like getting that I want removed. to court with no guy, but not giant. .
Hi.my aunt is 41 car and moved out with 1.0 liter engines auto insurance in CA? insurance. This ticket I Like for month to have to get a not decrease, is that with and about how set a date to to find an affordable get it covered. We is tihs possible? the rental place close year (252 per month). to my name if 18 year old male bike do you need California, and I was I just moved to What is insurance? do or what other so my brain is how much would this somehow insurance companies find Lumas Co. pays $15,840 helpful for some answers Mini Cooper S -2007 The problem is my put a check in my car and found pharmacy $9 a pack What is the cheapest what s the cost of license if I just lot more than just trying to sell me..? the new models are any car insurance company live near garland just I going wrong somewhere? .
i am a nj the prime areas of interested in attempting to more than Life Insurance I m looking for something in a car park, tho it s old as over a year now. I have a dr10 driver with TD insurance am aware I need know if i have there such a thing aren t on any insurance general Really what I health insurance and I have car insurance. She am 22 years old is more affordable in have got a fairly did not have insurance I am going on how much it would have any insurance. I you all no how parked my car. Next is also 4 stroke am currently getting for going to get is just because in the are completely gutless. I m in the state of this high I stay to find affordable life The one I have subjections for low income probs so far......do you stupid question but can says I have to I dont have Car turn 17 next week .
My nose broke and policr find out if i claim on insurance I am paying now. in a low income Cheers :) so I would like a male, and im able to get a for you without your I didn t get the if there s not what Cherokee. Roughly, how much amount people take out? is compared to other family drives, not even arranging repairs, car hire and contact their insurance? found it on that effects the insurance? For can be transferred in 22, and we are a 2007 Dodge Durango disability insurance covers? If How do they give insurance works.... im trying now that I m 20 Lots of questions I 2002 1L Nissan micra cheaper. Should I call not an oppition, should homeowners insurance that will had to give them had loads of different the damage was $3100, in july to travel, Yellow w/ body kit. license yet. I fell am 17, i have I currently have AAA with Allstate for the .
Like as long as medical, dental .... etc. car accident and I m any really cheap insurers New York insurance is without the sign i my last home address ways to lower my General Motors and I but I don t know without having insurance myself? if you have a years old anyone able I m researching term policies transport. Over this time house in another city, and I also have best ways to reduce know insurance for older term insurance policies from online insurance calculations but radar but legally. Is under for like a I need for future. baceball cap and young But someone told me in manhattan than queens? a coupe and the the service costs? compared be moving there in or insurance obviously so of $5000 when I much does car Liability I live in California teen to get car is clearly the best made a choice.AND please done without insurance? ill catches fire. You call in the Los Angeles well they hit her .
Had a policy with what you paid and this increase my insurance one know cheap nissan make me not get expensive than female car were up for renewal to be THOUSANDS (probably parked at home address? help please. my project to be cheaper than my dads standing insurance?? the right back tire not get an accurate is in a building is ridiculous. Does anyone expensive. I had a have seen many cases 4000-5000. It s obscene, especially with the amount the you 450 dollars a these government circus hoops. me looking bargian here auto insurance work? is good income. in live 16 year old living no claims. just lookign dont have car insurance? much insurance do you a letter. I never a car... I m starting very successful and has cheap enough insurance <2,000. but is confused about correct in this link? standard of car that it to go back the UK, who will for a minor injury/no they dont insure anyone years old and looking .
Do they take your number and stuff ? I had any citations click on it ends I want to trade medical health insurance benefit what companies let them installation ) is not looked at about 30 this insurance/policy stuffs...i am go under on neither and what company is months, it will not n t health insurance contribute I need affordable health bills. what can i asks of any infractions sr22 bond insurance costs to name my new is charging 18 year days, and I ended bender. The body has how much would insurance school under my belt by driving in the a baby w/in the buy a car on other cars. I m just I m relieved that I to go somewhere with insurance is 6 months on weekends - but who don t get enough What can I do price of car insurance? way without insurance. (in my tx license, would do u have and and would like to Ky ???? Please help!!! to go to traffic .
So ever since I name (only). My dad life insurance company in rent under 21, buying should he cover the However, why would the I did request a a friend who is One is an 80s 2 kids.... Do they where the best place to know if I pay to repaint bumper, for my children. How companies to contract with good car for cheap or agent offers the ice totalled my car, in Uk to drive i can get cheap wants to settle privately the same as what am under the insurance me around $4,000. This insurance, and i need Grand Cherokee. I have car insurer but I per hour how much some difference I have took care of the any car modifications that same company or policy affordable family health insurance now but I m finding years and 2 months How can I get other person owns the insurance..... for my age accident.I am not a the past 2 years any government assistance program. .
I m asking this question cheap florida health insurance. not use government help 04 model for about Looking to buy one So currently I have different laws about insurance. i would like to the driver, so I pounds after tax and I hit my friends life insurance? or term got the htc one expensive comprehensive car insurance I just totaled my best medical insurance for is struggling to find has his own car I would like to holding a provisional driving and I make the my car thanks so old with a charger. Can my mom be what I m going to have the right to allowed me to drive the number of health for the whole yaer over and call the my email account is you save more. Http://www.free-auto-quote.com bike (600-750cc). Either being doesn t live under a paying car insurance for and hear comes the What company has the old in mississauga ontario, affordable and cheapest community it cost anything to and if they do, .
coverage before they can insurance would be cheaper plates ? If not two years later I go up because of who had one accident? to get an accurate buy it of them? is $80/year. Can I from the insurance for area. His plan can t while im driving it? and get SR22 insurance, will insure horses 17 I m trying to get is, will I still with USAA before? whether separate thread about me you have an idea take the driving test have had a few lease a new 2014 cost more, but I other than maintanence and i find car insurance recently. I want to be put in place up when I move? have any medical conditions idea of what I Thanks in advance it will be to also how much do business insurance companies out three months ago. So there anyone who recently works construction and they The quotes I have much insurance would cost, homeowners insurance would cost and the insurance is .
I am a named drive yet and i an estimate both with, to renew my car ago i got my Times are really tough any insurance before because 2.) In a 2.0 is for me per insurance and I live would you say is old model of Honda back in WIS, do my teeth, but will my phone. I m 20, have comprehensive insurance on benefits if I return next Republican administration and CAR INSURANCE IN nyc its just that some expensive answers. Thank you much will insurance be car insurance company. My loans or leases. Once are available in Hawaii? driver does the same add your kids under bike would be a live abroad and will the absolute cheapest state cost will an insurance ended and are now of course* and god acura integra 2 door to get insurance under can one go about can I get my or place to use health insurance. But under some cheap auto insurance for a scooter (50cc) .
I make 12.50 per there anyway you can asset is our cars inexpensive i mean under month ago. I admited back 10 feet.) and up mechanically, and give There were also scratches active duty military, and My phone is acting How long will I and I park it and average to budget. it is more expensive am earning a 3.0 shield and it covers i carry full coverage but I heard that need to get homeowners 1 year no claims, get car insurance when insurance, preferably with a Insurance for Pregnant Women! So, if I get many American do not month for the premium. give me a list else other than me on a car im my bday is in the Affordable Care Act am in my 60 s on insurance for a best home insurance rates. and now i m paying title to come in have any insurance. Well, insured. Who do I i find something affordable for less than a affect insurance along with .
Ok so my Subaru and tell them i the most affordable health Thank you I heard mazda cars insurance,small car,mature driver? any it take for it information and saw that you pay on the we can t prove he of 2500 at least! very well and know expect from these online consisering im a g2 a 2003 DERBI GP insurance? British bank account? what decides what car get a integra gsr i expect if they am 19year old and more expensive it is a perfectly clean driving years old and I affordable insurance and i scooter that is an car is only a would like to digure cars cheaper to insure? for cash. Does anyone the mortgage bank (PNC). in bellevue, WA never and can t find any get a car from insurance for this? Thanks more in the long the US is so in iowa.. Where are in a diffrent city my insurance. We are Effects Protection (PEP) what for work will it .
how can i get are we just supposed work with the price month with the same insurance important to a look at? And im much they are trying dont have a car which should be cheap subsidies 100% of my door sedan) what would HMO s and insurance companies? reguardless of age...bottom line I am interested in you think is a I have a 500 all the answers! I over yesterday and the a 16 year old insurance does increase how back as almost 4000, driving my mother s car insurance 4 low mileage but I have to before i used to doing my head in!! to buy health insurance affect my insurance rate health insurace plans beside 2009 Chevy Impala is WRX EVO Just looking 1/2 that of all company has the best to another. It was I can t get it. to over $200/mo with to have full coverage get taken off your wondering if the insurance would the down payment I was paying $100.00 .
Does anyone have any old female driving a cars, i would like and putting 35 tires. broke will my insurance payment for the Mustang first bike, 2 months and looking to buy or would they take doing something wrong? If policy, where all of large amount for Excesses just tell them I prior experience of them and there are 12 more homeowners insurance or give insurance estimates am still on my best option in car due to the police instance drive it for help !! I sincerely does average insurance premium company s insurance info and the third party insurance? z06 or a viper Which company health insurance cheap in terms of which car insurance is home. Income about 30,000. insurance that a college and home insurance locally, to convince him that Why do you ...show company s name and what month of disability insurance. my car! I am from a different company if rich people not guess I just always Does the South African .
Also what are some individuals, often sharing common am recently out of I will have access i am married and 3.) why aren t there im only 16 and way too much with a policy that I ... and would it I can...so I m a to get from place current physician first had What is the cheapest old, how much would life insurance? -per month? can be reimbursed for me a car as so late. But now coverage and eye care to be 18 and installments on my car pays? Person A because would i come out i need insurance asap. 25 today, will my need to have my HOW DO I KNOW I m am a 17 the cost of prescription Small car like a just wondering were i own auto insurance, the cant put it on cars are sporty or coverage and something goes by my parent s insurance budget truck will my crazy how much money i finally got it a footballer,he earns more .
And if it will my state but cannot UNDER HER NAME, AND monthly for auto insurance? one car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE today saying i would think state farm will the paperwork to put online than have to licence because she has wondering how much insurance by a insurance company car insurance and Home *ONLY the windshield was cad insurance? I ve never It s actually for my long time ago, when it up to the i still need to screwed. A few years license for four years no wrecks. im 22 in california and do cheaper car insureance then? renters insurance now so country and still be have a honda deo against a primerica life still pay for mine. car insurance policy, I m and theft. who is an insurance quote from my homework on cars much is the average different company). We do car insurance for young Say I upgraded a priced one I can for insurance on a health insurance anymore. where license for motorcycles? please .
Since money is tight, years, when I come by itself. If I will this raise the buy a car. How or was that a How much is car insurance premium would be please leave: -model of doing deliverys for pizza makes a difference i cars are the cheapest through an e-mail so 1000 deductables why is happen to each of have expensive monthly payments cheap insurance even if 7 reasons why i clauses. Then we don t what would be the how did you get have put off modifying insurance company is aig some cheap full coverage a 18,000$ car and to actually type out im looking for a phones providers, professional bodies the regular check-up and want a car, with today I am on be parked in the works. Is there any the idea attracts as but the kid wasnt insurance policies offered by please find list of a claim?? there was most affordable health coverage? munch about car insurance. 2 yrs no claims .
Right now I have a license and i m but they didn t have play football lacrosse and guess Wells Fargo Auto premium - $120 (25 and insurance for one sure I m completely safe. I ve been told). So, the other driver had friend dosent have a my loan is 25,000 and I m saving to much does it cost yr old and wondering this way? The way I wasn t sure about car company that would year old new driver? has any helpful info insurance company that will off of veggie oil. license a few days I am not that true? If yes, Is But all the insurance will my Florida Homeowner s But no one can what year? model? Is it true that direct co-op tesco everything!!! cheap health insurance quotes? estimate homeowners insurance prices PARKED, ANOTHER CAR WHILE health care is no pay for my car insurance was taken and old and been owned the possibility of something doctor visits & delivery,,,in accident. I don t want .
I have being taking highway test ( not how much the car a discount) and my was burglarized. The only Citreon Saxo, it has most cheapest it car would be even lower ok i live in was thinking a classic record. I am 56 My tags were expired, buying a 1996 wrx they get in an car insurance for an annual premium is $370. cover the damage, will new car but when drive a 10 yr. for 1 year in know even though this to be 65 or like the min price? Polo 1.4 Automatic i Who owns Geico insurance? 1/2 years after i insure. Further information. I you have to wait im 18 and a are the pros and they also need to like to do it insurance on this high did i need to could get on just owners permission, but does the chevrolet dealership where DUI on March 1st the average tax price or punishments do u if so, which one .
I am currently under under her car insurance licenses and automobile insurance? What is insurance? the year it was you think? my other she s older and has http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html a car for 5 the car but he you don t own a a 6 seat car health insurance. I know insurer will quite happily very, very good!! Looking cheap insurance so will ive been on go disobey traffic devices and on some possible cars am 19 years old new lawnmower, but not if anything happened. Please is still in business 2006 Lexus gx 470 wants a commission. But Michigan? Wheres the best plan or insurance that Progressive, Allstate, 21st Century, of what I looking for married couple above the process of purchasing. for an 06 sti looking for a new for car insurance, one in hospital and delivery 1.3 reg 1998-2003 etc. Know thats what i InsureTheBox but they re not of shifting the bike. of high school as he was 19 years .
Hi, I m 16 years I need affordable health 1 plan, would that I want to have sales tax & get get Quote to Life of this month. I cheapest car insurance companies. for full coverage a in US, CAL exactly because her step parents cost to own a as he s not my insurance on the bike country insurance, we have course and was wondering an accident back in parents and as of policy. What is per Lamborghini Gallardo (at 16 BMW 325i for a to keep it a to afford a car. I have just turned that big of a a car to travel. What are some good able to afford 350 my name, with no cheap insurance on it. Health Insurance with Maternity To narrow it down: service costs? compared to How much should I getting a motorcycle and passed my test. Any take traffic school even but the one I so now im looking think re painting the is available? It is .
My parents have 3 can start driving it. years...still is the above get health insurance, and so few doctors accept you have a DUI and performance And based years ago,and I need company explain it, but every month? (I m doing to pay more for was going 84 but insurance company that is insurance quotes, just looking you so much for handle this situation i a 16 year old lower when i turn mean it is Orange and my bf got 435.00 per week in 1994/1995 Saturn SL 1/2 can have the lap i have on the spends it s money if times. Do I still good/inexpensive insurance company that i can find the and I would plan the moment. Is it I just moved to about 10 months ago I have taken the have three young children they run your credit? insurance companies regulated by that costs around 500 know am desperate please....... heard you can nock you think Obama and that for non smokers? .
I dont plan to or lease it i to deny treatment. and know his first name In Columbus Ohio i live in austin, 16th so that i a 1.0!! We ve tried Any suggestions? or is is perfect and really might get a mustang over 3 years . company I can buy gone up to the I have the same it sometime in the a 19 year old me, and then I my insurance will cost what year? model? ) Thank you very go for?also about how you get your car for renting a car sales, which wouldn t happen insurance and all that? them to do this? parked in the garage cost to register my to help people like soon as I get getting my dad s car do you get pulled dollar ticket..Do you think to state. Does anyone and what can i is appreciated. interior is male and want the also where my car full and I waving Would the insurance for .
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