#seriously it was all going so well until sindel died and then it was just trash after trash after that
dany36 · 9 months
i'm a casual fan so my opinion is whatever but like....what the fuck was that 3rd act of the story for mk1. like...seriously?? it started off so strong and i was genuinely interested in the characters and the story. i even had sympathy for characters i never even gave much thought to like baraka and reptile, given how they developed their backstories and such. and then...seriously after sindel dies, it all goes downhill so fucking fast? they take the same tired multiverse path and it all just felt like such a joke with that final battle at the end. like "haha look at all these fusioned characters...isn't janet cage so funny" and i was seriously just wanting it to end, whereas before sindel dies i was so into the plot and how the characters were developing. honestly it went from like a 10/10 story to a 3/10 at the end. the main reason why i got interested in mk1 was because i heard it was gonna be like a reboot of the timeline but turns out it was....whatever that 3rd act mess was. can we stop with the multiverse BS please like let's all be a bit more original!!!!
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