#and then of course i read the yt comments and i see people being like WOW THIS WAS THE BEST MK STORY YET
dany36 · 1 year
i'm a casual fan so my opinion is whatever but like....what the fuck was that 3rd act of the story for mk1. like...seriously?? it started off so strong and i was genuinely interested in the characters and the story. i even had sympathy for characters i never even gave much thought to like baraka and reptile, given how they developed their backstories and such. and then...seriously after sindel dies, it all goes downhill so fucking fast? they take the same tired multiverse path and it all just felt like such a joke with that final battle at the end. like "haha look at all these fusioned characters...isn't janet cage so funny" and i was seriously just wanting it to end, whereas before sindel dies i was so into the plot and how the characters were developing. honestly it went from like a 10/10 story to a 3/10 at the end. the main reason why i got interested in mk1 was because i heard it was gonna be like a reboot of the timeline but turns out it was....whatever that 3rd act mess was. can we stop with the multiverse BS please like let's all be a bit more original!!!!
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peachi-blossom · 1 month
do you only hate HH and HB because you're christian?
Ohh boy, this is going to be a long post.
Let's start with Helluva Boss first. I don't watch it because it's more vulgar. Not that I can't handle swearing, but still more vulgar. I'm more concerned about what I seen from other people who criticize Helluva Boss.
I did listen to some songs just to understand the context while looking at the lyrics as listed. Oh Millie, Vacay to Bonetown, Striker's Song, House of Asmodeus, Cotton Candy, Crashin' a Mutha***in' Wedding, Klown B*tch, 2 Minutes Notice, Just Look My Way (music video version), When I See Him, and Over You. What's interesting about 2 Minutes Notice is that it's supposed to be a one giant middle finger to bad bosses. You know who is the bad boss like Mammon in real life? Vivienne Medrano. She is the bad boss in real life. She burns out her employees because she releases each episode a month or two or three, doesn't pay them a lot of money they needed, doesn't credit the animators, and plays favorites on her employees. Oh and by the way, Spindlehorse outsourced animations from overseas studios.
As for Hazbin Hotel, I hate the show not just because I am a Christian, but because of the controversies of Vivienne Medrano. I see other Christians make videos about the show during its premiere by just showing the 2 minute clip. I was like "That's not enough to convince other people to not watch it, you need to watch the show to if it is satanic." So I watched the pilot, read the prequel comics, watched the ADDICT music video, and finally the show itself.
The one comment that my caught my eye is from ec2003.
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I replied to him back because the "Heaven being a lie" irked me so much.
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Then I made this post why the "Heaven being a lie" part in episode 6 irks me so much
Then I replied with the same message.
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If Heaven is actually a huge lie this whole time, then there will absolutely be NO SALVATION for everyone Christian and non-Christians and they will only be going to Hell after death.
What's worse is that there are KIDS watching HH.
Now for the fandom, I don't hate the fans of the show who are sane. I just loathe the behavior of the stans in this fandom and Vivienne Medrano...
The fandom drove Shay to suicide and one fan drew on TikTok who drew CSEM (child sexual exploitation material) of SOMEONE'S REAL LIFE YOUNGER BROTHER BACK IN 2022.
This fandom is the absolute worst fandom that I ever seen in existence.
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Jems found in an old Phil video
So I watched "My mum is a lobster" because I'm going through all of his videos chronologically, right, and I was like- you know what? I'm going to scroll down the comments. There's over 2,000, which isn't as much as others so why the hell not?
And GUYS. The way I could literally see the internet changing from 2024 to 2008 was FASCINATING. Genuinely the coolest thing I've seen all week. The content of the comments was one thing: from people commenting about how young Phil is, how this was just under a year from when he met Dan, to people in 2016 going on about... whatever they were talking about in 2016 yk
But then when you get down to the bottom do you see the real good stuff. There's no replies, since Youtube was structured differently I guess, and a lot of the comments don't make sense I think because they were replying to other comments- but I digress.
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The use of :D, lolz, the two carats (^^), the xD, the :S, all relics at this point tbh. Obv some people use them still but see their abundance!
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See here again - allll the ellipses, much more than we usually see today, =D, ;[ - man ppl were way more creative back then huh
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Just the way people spoke on the internet - obviosuly, again, I'm making generalizations. There are still people who speak like this, of course. But the "random xD" comments really hitting full force
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Just laughing here at the last comment concerned about Phil's inbox being bombarded... if only they knew a couple years later lmao
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@vampirechibiofreno wanted to be a surgeon mouse for Halloween in '09 I wonder if they ever did
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I saw a lot more of people just sharing little inconsequential things about their lives here, too. Seems like in YT comments these days ppl are vying for the funniest comment, whereas people here didn't give af they just wanted Phil to know they had the same shirt
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I can just imagine young Phil reading the first post and it motivating him, idk. Just the fact that back then people still said "wow, you're funny, keep it up!" Whereas if someone said that now we'd all be like "uh, we been knew? Where ya been?"
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Just some more examples of comments with very '08 energy to them lmao they make me smile
And HERE are some Phil comments!
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Again, I'm sure he's responding to people here but since YT has changed so much the original posts were jumbled around. It was so weird to see a comment of his with only one or two likes- felt like I found a rare penny or something lmao
Anywho SORRY for the long post! I just thought this was all absolutely fascinating :)
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chattegeorgiana · 7 months
Hello Chatte,
How have you been doing?
I have this thing that's been pestering me for a while now. A lot of NH defenders/shippers swear on their life that there are strong parallels between her and Kushina and it's a hill these people are willing to die on.
They love to cite examples from that god forsaken series called Boruto, where they have comical moments of Hinata being the ''scary mommy'' trope and a ''hot headed wife'' just like Kushina. This doesn't sit well with me and I just see it as SP being SP, nothing more, nothing less; and for the NH fan to be like ''ohh..... look...... there are so many parallels between MK and NH. NH was planned from the beginning. yay...... '' Those sorta BS (pardon me my French).
Also, I'd like to point out that I'm an anti ender not because of the pairing reasons but because of how the ending happened. All thanks to each and every character being nothing more than a pairing fodder, the show has left many debates as to what it's messages and themes are.
I really have zero reasons to like female characters like Sakura and Hinata but this, this is beyond character assassination and also an insult to the fan base, especially those who gave common sense and aren't blinded by pairing choice. For me how the characters are treated is way more important than shipping.
Also, when is your next YT video on Boruto being Oro's genjutsu gonna be released?
Thank for reading my somewhat lame and a long comment and I wish you the best with Kaika Saisei
Hi there,
Well, for the whole NH thing, the reason why they insist is because the sequel did a 180 and changed her characteristics, so ofc they are willing to die on that hill.
But we all know if we look at the actual content from the manga that she has nothing in common with Kushina nor Minato like they like to say. Kushina is loud and passionate. Where have you seen Hinata display those qualities? Whereas Minato is calm & calculated, something that she isn't once again. She's quiet & shy but that doesn't equate the calmness Minato displays. Not to mention we've seen even in this one shot that Kishi wrote that Minato can also get super passionate from time to time, whereas Hinata has never displayed that feat.
All in all for this whole thing to work they had to turn her into Sakura. It's clear as daylight to anyone who isn't a NH. Even a neutral. So why consume your energy with what they're saying? It's not like it's true. The evidence to support that is those 15 years of serialization prior to the ending that holds all the weight.
We all know TL & the other products at the end were made so that they can retcon the pre-established narrative.
The show ending the way it did basically destroyed everything Naruto once as a story stood for. Sad, but true.
I always said I wouldn't have had any issue with the choice of pairings if done correctly. After all, I used to be a multishipper once. I saw the potential that all had in the beginning. It's just that when part 2 launched, the story was clear of its direction - of course, until they decided to retcon again and to hell with everything.
And sadly, the girls got the short end of the stick. Both Hinata & Sakura, if we're being true to ourselves. But these people are ready to die on a hill just because they're so attached to their opinions rather than seeing the story for what it is - a great emotional impact story, but with a lot of issues underneath it if you put aside the emotional impact.
It's the reason why it pulls so many people into it. Because it's filled with emotional manipulation, in a way. Look at the way the franchise also directs its marketing campaigns for other materials/products. They scan the internet, see what the talk is in the fandom & then bam, there they are with their products that just so happen to have the thematic of whatever talk is in the fandom - like when they are some sort of servants because at some point NH & SS were arguing about who's richer and who's the servant and who's the patron and all kind of BS like that.
Or when we in the NaruSaku fandom had an extensive talk about tarot and the symbolism that surrounds NS and 6 months later bam, there they are with products with tarot themes.
Or that game they have and I saw two of the concepts I had for Sakura combined into a third one.
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They basically combined these two artwork concepts into the third one that is their image from the game.
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So what can I say? As you can see, Pierrot be doing whatever it is to get their way, lol.
If you think about the girls - when they thought Hinata was more profitable, they pushed her in everybody's face so much so that it affected the story's ending.
Now that Sakura's more profitable, they discarded Hinata like a used toy and she barely makes any appearances outside her mom-like persona.
This only shows anyone with a little critical thinking that SP has no respect for any characters nor the story. It's just about the $$$ and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
But meh, anyway, at this point is more than funny lol. It's just Pierrot being Pierrot tbh... Nothing good can be expected of that studio.
As for my next video, I'm planning on getting back to work on these somewhere in March.
Last year I've been caught up with a major life event so it really hindered my capacity to take care of everything that I wanted to do, but as I said, I'm planning on getting back to these.
It's just that I'll need to edit some things since I initially envisioned it in a certain way and there are certain changes that happened in the meantime, that kind of rendered some of the things I worked on obsolete, so I'm trying to adjust to that. But yeah, as soon as I have everything up and running again, I'll definitely start working on it.
And aah dear, don't worry, your question was not lame! Thank you for dropping into my inbox and for your wishes regarding Kaika!
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
Confession for Sunday:
Not to be negative, but I can't stand some solo Tom fans on this website and on Twitter being so negative. Twitter, I've not gonna comment on because it's so deranged, so I've left it, but solo Tom blogs on here are so damn negative. I can understand their frustration being a fan of someone whose career it seems to always be tested by the critics and online public perception, but acting like his is in a bigger disadvantage than most actors, especially dei when his biggest roles are in Marvel, Uncharted and Cherry is crazy I'm sorry. My irritation is becaue I can tell one blog is run by a black woman its giving CC vibes no shade, and it's embarassing and sad to get angry or annoyed if he posts his Z on his ig account as opposed to his work. His play is in a few days, trust me he's more than fine!!!!
Like, he's been doing this for years,sorry. He was posting her even when they were just "mates," lol. Or get angry when fans of both post about him getting jacked and calling it "icky." When has it been icky to thirst over beefy Tom??? Do you understand this behaviour isn't exclusively to Tom. All yt celebs men get thirst after on even if they are very slim or super thick I'm sorry. Gatekeeping a public figure is crazy I'm sorry.
Like I understand being a Tom stan ain't for the weaK. Like, we've been through it, lol. The future castings he passed on, the wish for more career opportunities, stans of yt male celebs picking on him, especially ones who have been Z's costars, reading puff pieces against him in service of other actors have been rough, but I recently read that Tom doesn't care about articles about him much on Doms patreon, so I stopped caring tbh. English celebs generally go by the never complain, never explain motto when it comes to the media. Harry Styles uses it, too. I only care about what he tells us, not the other way round.
Like you guys want him to be something that he's not, and it's so tiring going round in circles. It's a silly comparison, but Tom Cruise is a questionable person who I feel is private despite knowing a lot him. Most ppl who work 9 to 5 don't care to read blogs or information about him. They see him in a good movie, they watch and have fun and go home. That's it. Tom isn't Cruise, thank god, but he mentions Christian Bale and Cillian Murphy as actors whose careers he wants to have, which is to do the work and retreat to his personal life. A lot of young actors want to do that now cause as a society, we know too much of each other.
Him not posting R+J was a bummer, but strategically, it's very smart because in this digital age, ppl want everything immediately.
Mystery builds hype. 101 marketing.
Anyways, that's my two cents.
Whew, okay…. Obviously something is going on in the fandom rn which I am not privy to, because I’m currently at work lol, because you’re like the second Anon that I’ve had in my inbox complaining about this today.
Is this all because Tom posted Z on his Instagram?? Geez people (antis) smh lol…. Get a grip! 🙄 Deal with it! Tom has a right to post his gf to his Instagram if that’s what he wants to do.
First of all, Twitter can be such a cesspool. ☹ I highly recommend not even paying much attention to what’s being said on Twitter, or, at the very least, not taking it SERIOUSLY.
Second…. I will have to agree with you somewhat on the topic of how some fans in Tom’s fandom behave. I almost feel like fans in Tom’s fandom don’t just allow him to just be? It really is sad imo. I actually have a bit of a theory as to why this is the case. This is just my personal theory, so of course, take this with a huge grain of salt… But I kind of feel like the reason why Tom is held at such a high standard (in his OWN fandom) is because most of his fans only became his fans due to Spiderman/Marvel/MCU hype. My guess is that not a lot of current Tom stans today knew or paid much attention to him PRIOR to Spiderman. So, a lot of Hollanders (Tom stans) probably were used to Tom “winning” right from the beginning right out of the gate.
Whereas, some of the stans of other popular wm fandoms (i.e. JE, Timothee Chalamet, Zac Efron, Dylan O’Brien, Ryan Gosling, Austin Butler, Bill Skarsgard, even Mike Faist, etc.) were probably fans of these guys back when they were not as well known, or when their careers weren’t as “hot” as they are currently. So, their fans are used to them being in a “struggle” position and have been patient, understanding, and open to a wider variety of “wins” and even “fails” for their male faves. They love them regardless….no matter what is going on.
But with Tom, because he gained most of his fans probably more so due to Spiderman/Marvel/MCU, I feel like his fans are/were used to him being the hot new “It Guy” right off the bat, and his stardom went CRAZY overnight, so they haven’t been there in the trenches when Tom was just an “unknown” actor. They didn’t love him before he was super hot and everywhere like he is today. So I think they don’t allow him the grace and understanding that a lot of other fandoms usually give their own faves.
Don’t get me wrong, some other fandoms do clown their faves too ROTFL! 🤣(Make no mistake about that lol) But I think Tom is held to such a higher standard because he started off as the “It Guy” , and so now, when his fans see other actors getting some addicted, or maybe “taking his spot” (maybe in their minds?) they get upset/angry/jealous/negative etc.
Idk, that’s my theory?🤷🏾‍♀️
For me, I’m the type of fan that’s just like how you described most people are with actors such as say Tom Cruise. While I always wish the best for my actor faves, at the end of the day, I know it’s not MY life, and I just want them to be happy. I go see a Tom Cruise movie, and I’m good! 😃 I’m not worrying about his career in the meantime, or worried if he hasn’t made a film in 3 years or whatever lol. I just take things as they come!
I think part of the reason why Tom’s fandom is so hard on him is because they have these crazy expectations on him because they see it as some type of “competition”, instead of just letting Tom BE.
I think that if you’re a TRUE fan of someone, you love them when they’re “down” and when they’re up. Don’t be a “fair-weather” fan in other words. It’s okay for an actor to have a “Down” period. This industry is very transient and challenging. It’s okay for an actor to “take a break”. It’s okay for an actor to have some hits and even some misses in their career! That’s NORMAL! Fans are way too hard on Tom imo.
I already gave my theory as to why that might be the case, but if you all have any other ideas/theories, by all means, let me know!
Re: Your Last Part about R&J…
Tom has posted about R&J a couple of times, no?? I’m sure he will post even MORE as the play gets underway. I even expect him to MAYBE do a video collage at some point showing the process. That would be super cool. 😊
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mostlydaydreaming · 1 year
So, under that great French doc about Gene on YouTube (that's now in English-hurray) I commented about Gene being a wonderful man and was immediately contradicted by some moron named MissGelly who wanted me to know that he was a bully, hated by all his co-stars. Well, needless to say, I pinned her ears back and wondered if you wanted to add a few salient points, too. I forgot a few things: I didn't tell her Michael Crawford says he owes his fabulous career to Gene Kelly or mention what Patricia Wilson had to say about working with the Hollywood legend in "Take Me Along." Also forgot about his dance assistants, Coyne and Haney, being totally loyal to GK. Indeed, one of them was head over heels in love with him. I don't know why some people insist on spreading this nonsense; I suspect it's because he's very sexy and his choreography is sensual. Sexy is not in vogue these days and always suspect. Some seem intent on making him the face of Classic Hollywood's Me Too. As you know, nothing could be further from the truth. In a world of Bob Fosses, be a Gene Kelly. Cheers!
Ah, the whole purpose of my Mostlydaydreaming Tumblr & YouTube channel. When I discovered Gene Kelly (thru YouTube videos!) I loved him🥰 When I started trying to learn more, there’s a top layer of nothing but Debbie Reynolds quotes and a Cyd Charisse quote taken out of context.
When I dug deeper I found a wonderfully complex man with a huge heart. Faults and weaknesses? Of course, everyone has them. He had a white hot drive to succeed, to prove himself and leave his mark on the world. But he was also an honorable, loyal and loving family man. Yeah he could be hard to work with, but I knew he was more than that. I wanted to defend him.
That’s why I’ve posted interviews from other people who had a completely different view of him: Leslie Caron, Mitzi Gaynor, Cindy Williams, Michael Crawford, Rita Hayworth, Paula Abdul, Betty Garrett, Vera Ellen, etc. etc. etc.
I’ve tried to deal with haters before.
I remember posting a long answer, with links to interviews, articles, videos, trying to show them a different point of view. But all I got was a short smart ass answer that infuriated me, leading to me block them and take down my GK rant. I’m not getting baited again. You did ok. Offer things for them to check out, like YT interviews, and move on. You can lead a horse to water…🤷🏻‍♀️
All most people do is google him and read the first few pages of the same Debbie Reynolds stories and the same negative (usually incomplete) anecdotes:
Debbie’s horrible “french kiss” from Gene. First, this was likely a misunderstanding. It was on camera, it’s not like he trapped her in a dressing room. No other co-star ever claimed that Gene was sexually inappropriate in any way. This kiss was in the final scene. The rest of the kisses in the movie were chaste and he likely wanted a big kiss for the finale, like he had in a few of his other movies. He knew she had practiced screen kissing with another actor, like Judy Garland had done with him for his first movie. He probably didn’t think she would freak out like she did.
Debbie’s bleeding feet & Fred Astaire teaching her how to dance. First bleeding feet is nothing new to dancers. Ginger Rodgers danced with Fred Astaire with bleeding feet but you didn’t hear her bitch about it. Second, Fred Astaire didn’t teach her how to dance (I see this reported a lot). He let her watch him rehearse, which he normally didn’t do. He did it so she could see how much work dancing was, even for him. She watched him get frustrated and even throw his cane. All so she would know, if this is what she wanted to do, this was how much work it was going to take.
Cyd Charisse’s comment about how her husband knew who she danced with because if she danced with Gene she’d be black & blue. No she wasn’t implying Gene beat her! Gene was more physical than Fred with lifts and such, that’s all. They always forget her other comment when people tried to get her preference between the two: They were like apples & oranges, they were both delicious😘
The competitive dinner parties. I’m sorry, it was Gene’s house and he could put on any kind of party he wanted. He liked informality (He and Betsy knew when strangers came because they were the only ones who knocked) He liked sports and competitions. If you don’t like that stuff, don’t go!!! The people who complained most weren’t even real friends of Gene & Betsy at all, but people who tried to use them and their parties to get close to other influential people.
He only wanted young women. Again, most people only look at the surface on this one. Yes, his 1st wife Betsy was 17 when he married her and even younger than that when they started dating. But his girlfriend before her was in her early 20s. (Per articles I’ve found, they were either engaged or very near).
When Betsy left him, she was in her 30s (he in his 40s) and by all accounts, he didn’t want a divorce. If he wanted a younger one, it was the perfect time. But 2nd wife Jeannie was also in her 30s while he was in his 40s. No robbing the cradle there. After Jeannie died, in the late 70s and early 80s he dated women like older actress Jean Simmons and Tony Bennett’s separated ex, Sandra. Not excessively young. As for his 3rd wife, she did have what all his wives had, intelligence. They both loved words and literature. We may question her motives but Gene didn’t pick dumb bimbos. But to say he only wanted much younger women wasn’t true.
And he didn’t just seek young women to take advantage of them. Betsy loved telling the story of how when they dated and she tried to push for more than hugs and kisses, he reminded her that she was still too young for all that.
My GK rant is done🥵 I admire you’re enthusiasm but I don’t feed trolls anymore.
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zalrb · 8 months
You know, whatch "How I Met Your Mother" started shortly after it ended because a friend adored It. The first thing I saw were individual chapters of Barney and Robin's relationship and the romance with Stella and I saw until the beginning of the last season. I knew the mother died and everyone hated the ending, I knew my OTP dissolved and she went back to Ted and I knew there was an alternate ending. A few months ago I reviewed some posts on your master list and said: I should finish it. 1/?
It probably would have been better to see everything from the beginning, but I wasn't interested in Ted and I just wanted to make my own opinion about the ending and the Mother. I actually really liked that season. But I thought the whole last episode was 💩 for almost all of them. I look, of course, for the alternate ending because it MUST be good. Now, I didn't know *what* was actually happening, I naively thought the mother didn't die and hoped my OTP would still be together. After all they only broke up to get together Robin and Ted . I actually thought the alternate ending was WORSE and that feeling increased when reading the YT comments. It was about people being happy not because He eliminated the whole show from being an excuse to tell his children "I want to get back with Robin" (Which I would have understood) was because the greatest joy they had was seeing Robin... Being miserable and getting what he deserved for not loving Ted They enjoy watching her suffer, laughing at how pathetic she was and everything... Everything had a terribly misogynistic undertone that made me want to scream and I was wondering if you've ever written about Robin's narrative and how the ending impacted her, which both show that wanting a career and rejecting the God Guy™ ends in misery. I tried to review and only got chemistry stuff, sorry if you already talked about this. By the way, I really love your chemistry posts ❤️"
Thank you for liking my posts! OK so the alternate ending that I saw was this
so I didn't know what you were talking about but I watched some of the deleted scenes like when they're at the cafe and he tells her that he's happy and fulfilled while she's not because she misses him.
In terms of writing about how the ending impacted Robin, I never really wrote about that because I just thought the show was generally sexist and a big part of the sexism and misogyny was Robin being written as a "not like other girls" character and displaying internalized misogyny but I've definitely seen posts about how HIMYM was a show about a Nice Guy written by Nice Guys, which then means Robin gets the short end of the stick.
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frosnpls · 2 years
hey ignore that i like, spent multiple hours hunting down an active blog of yours, have you seen the new dhmis and opinions if so? -bill bill
Hello I know you said to ignore it but where were you looking for me? I'm genuinely Very Curious about that -- but anyway though,
Oh My God.
To be honest getting to watch all of it was entirely worth the Six Year Wait. I've seen a few people saying the pacing was awkward or whatever but honestly I think it was perfect. It was everything it needed to be.
We got so much from it. I was NOT expecting the episodes to be twenty minute features and I did actually say when we started watching (my friend group had a lil watch party) "I wonder how they're going to fill that entire runtime?" But that did it so well. The decision to have the episodes expand the theme rather than just stay on one particular beat worked out so well and yet the episodes still stuck faithfully to the theme they were on and it was just, so well written.
I love that they've given Harry (I made a post about this the other day I'm being stubborn and still calling him Harry I don't CARE) so much more personality, like, they really built up to it in the YT series but they didn't get the chance to explore it as fully as I think most of us would have liked to see because the majority of it was in the last episode. The fact that he yells so often in the show is so fun and the parts where he gets annoyed about something trivial (like the fact he was looking forward to doing nothing or when he got jealous about not being dead) make me so happy like. He's a guy. He's a guy with thoughts and feelings he's REAL. The freakout when they were in the car and he so desperately wanted there to be something, anything else just like. Fucked me up. He knows it's not real and that life isn't meant to be like this and he needs out but it's the only life he HAS!!!
I loved the comedy in it! They've kept the brand of humour from the youtube series but it feels like, actually a little more unhinged in places?? Idk how to put into words ig, it feels different in a way that I can't really put my finger on. It's still very unexpected, but it's not as rooted in just. Violence and gore, I guess? Like it is but not in the same way. Idk. I don't know how to say it. The 'electric chair' joke made my partner LOSE IT and my friend group keeps saying "OK, Stop." at every comment that could be taken as even a SLIGHT insult. I think one of my favourite ones was the bit where Stain starts existing and Yellow goes "eurgh, claymation" sbdjfj
The plot overall was just. Encapsulating. They've kept the elements of mystery that made it work the first time around and turned it up to eleven. We were SCREAMING at the scene with the shredder. I'm begging they get a second season because you can't just do that and leave it there forever. That would be so much.
One thing in particular that I found interesting in episode 6 (aside from, y'know, everything) was the part where Yellow can see the puppeteers and they're dressed like the background. I mean obviously the implication is that they're always there but does that mean that the teachers are entirely just fabricated by someone? Again I mean the obvious answer is yes, by possibly Lesley, maybe even someone higher than her, but. Y'know. Why are they there???? Are the puppeteers aware they're in a show or is Lesley (or someone else) forcing them to do this as well?????? They saw that Yellow was looking. They know he knows. FOR THAT MATTER, the fact nobody ever noticed the staircase in the kitchen until Yellow gained higher consciousness and was able to see the kitchen from a different camera angle is genius. They've never seen the stairs because it's usually in the missing wall for the camera. Of course they haven't. That's their fourth wall.
OOH OOH OOH something ELSE I found interesting is how the train guy had Lesley's name written on him. When I first noticed that I assumed it was his name. I'm thinking about rewatching to see if the name pops up anywhere else and I just didn't notice it. She's such an intriguing character -- the idea being that she's. Essentially their god. She did all of this. At least the main cast. We're shown there's a floor even further than hers, and it blends in with the wall. The fact it opens on it's own would say to me that she knows it's there, but what if she doesn't?? Who's above her?? Did something create her in order for her to create them?? I NEED to see up there. I HAVE TO. And anyway, why is Yellow one of her favourites - and why does she let so many bad things happen to him if that's the case? In fact, why does she let so many bad things happen at all? Is this all just for her amusement? Is she being manipulated by someone else to be that way?
There's not a doll of her in the dollhouse, because assumedly from her perspective she is the higher being and doesn't need replacing. There's something above her but she doesn't know that. There's also not dolls of the big and bigger boys, though, despite their room still being in the house after her and Yellow fix things. So did she not make them? She has to be aware they're there. She can't just think there's two completely uninhabitated rooms in the house. I'm fascinated. It's literally all I can think about.
So in summary -- yeah it was alright I guess.
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Do you watch taekook videos on YouTube? If so, I'm sure you've noticed the ever increasing comments from Russians. Now we know how korean people feel with all the English comments 😂 Anyway, I find a lot of them highly disturbing. About half the ones I read are just praising, adoring, worshipping Tae with no comment on Jungook at all. They seem very Taehyung biased and don't seem to particularly care about jungkook. Only mentioning him to say he's hurting Tae by being affectionate with Jimin. The other half I read, no word of a lie, are calling Jimin evil, manipulative, cunning, saying he's purposely trying to split taekook up ect It's truly wild and disgusting. Jimin is a wonderful person and the number 1 taekook supporter. I'm not trying to say Russian people are horrible or that all Russian people are like this. Of course, I've also read many nice, normal comments from Russian fans, and I'm not hating on anyone Russian let me make that clear. These are just some of the comments I see literally all the time. Some fans are really crazy.
I do watch Taekook videos on YT but I'll be honest, I haven't delved into the comments for months. Mostly because I either watch on my TV, where I can't access the comments or on my phone, which isn't easy to get to the comments in one click. So, I've gotten into the habbit of just not reading them.
But what you say doesn't surprise me really, a lot of Taekook content get spam/negative comments a lot. But I have heard it's getting worse since proof dropped and Taekook are being spotted out and about.
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cryptic-underground · 2 years
Wrote another part for the "karaoke dream" fic thing, you can read all the parts together under the title "A Night Out That Felt Like A Dream.." on AO3 if you're interested.
As always this references @animemoonprincess 's Giggle Glow au but for this one I also added Peace-of-arts on yt fillet au since I thought it fit the vibe I wanted for the fic.
TW/CW: contains mentions and imagery of character death and blood, as well but of self destructive talk
Word count: 5832
Dreaming For Hope
Sun Wukong felt the breeze rush by him as he quickly dashed forward, his laughter being carried with the wind as his glowed a bright yellow almost white. The fabric of his clothes bellowing like sails on a ship in the warm air.
Why is he running? The baby monkeys of course.
They usually are well behaved, finding some entertainment around the mountain to occupy themselves or occasionally cling to him. Today, however, they had decided to be mischievous little things. 
Wukong had been sifting through old documents, they had been living in a forgotten desk for a few hundred years and he'd only now gotten around to organizing them all. They were dull, to put it kindly, being reports mainly. Nothing that mattered now seeing as it's been years, the king was pretty sure he started having people report to him in person rather than by letter soon after these were sent. 
He had welcomed the change of pace when the baby monkeys had come into his study, becoming bored with documents rather quickly and was honestly looking for a distraction. What he didn't welcome so much was prank they pulled on him.
They essentially dumped a mix of berries, mud and leaves on him. The gunk staining his fur and clothes. Luckily though none of the papers getting splattered, they were dreadfully dull but we're important records to keep even so. 
The infants had scattered away soon after the prank was played. Snickering to themselves as they hastily left to hide. 
Wukong had picked up part of what had fallen on his head, looked down at the document then smirking before taking off and running after them. The documents had waited for his attention for a few hundreds years, they could spare to wait a little longer he figured.
The sage could easily catch them, being able to teleport and fly, but there wasn't much fun in that. The game would be over too soon. So he purposely slowed his pace, allowing them a chance to feel victorious.
When they had made it to the entrance of the temple, he leaped forward and picked them up into his arms. "You really got me guys!" Wukong commented, ruffling one the infants' fur playfully as they chirped at him happily.
He froze when he heard someone clear their throat, halting his movements suddenly.
"I guess I'm interrupting" to that the stone monkey's head snapped up, and he felt his face burned. 'Of course he chose when I have mud in my fur to visit' he cursed bitterly in his head, just his luck.
The king allowed the infants to jump out of his arms, them having sense the tense between the two and deciding to scampering off to another part of the mountain instead of staying. Leaving the two demon monkeys alone. "Macaque hi- this is a surprise!" He squeaked out.
"Your appearance makes that pretty telling" Macaque chuckled, glowing a bright silver, pointing amusingly at the state of the Great Sage's fur. 
Wukong grumbled, embarrassment evident in his face. "The baby monkeys played a trick on me, that's why uh- I'm like this" gesturing towards himself.
The shadow weaver smirked and he felt his chest flutter a bit, a feeling he was growing used to again. "Then remind me to give them a high five the next time I see them for their job well done" the other teased, voice full of mischief. 
"Must my suffering always be something you enjoy?" Wukong said through a groan which only caused the darker of two to laugh more, glowing brighter. The stone monkey secretly relishing in old friend displaying his enjoyment so freely, even if was at the cost of his own current displeasure.
Macaque laughter settled and so too the glow of his face, causing the king to frown slightly from lack of it, a soft smile being placed on his tanned face. It remained there briefly, only for a short while before he realized and replaced it with a more wicked looking one. Putting on the expected sly demeanor everyone had grown accustomed to seeing from the demon. "Who am I if not the person who finds content in your pain hm?" Putting on a voice of saccharin innocence.
Wukong forced his mouth to shut, words sitting near his lips that he wouldn't allow himself the chance to say. Sappy ones he was sure wouldn't come out right, heavy words he didn't feel justified saying maybe ever. 
"Why did you visit Macaque?" He decided on saying instead, the previous ones burning the back of his throat like they were smoke clogging his lungs.
The demon monkey bravo seemed to falter a bit "y'know just wanted to annoy you a bit, what I usually come to see you for.." hiding more in the red fabric of his scarf with every word that left him. The sage hummed, sensing their was more to it. 
He shrugged, turning around and walking back into the temple "whatever you say." Calling out "you can come in y'know" when Macaque hadn't instantly followed him inside.
Wukong lend him to the kitchen, gesturing for him to sit at the small table he had it the room. It was hardly use except for certain instances when his successor came into the temple. 
He took off his head piece, sitting it on the counter, his cape and chest armor coming off soon after. With those out of the way, he began to wash the gunk out of his fur in the sink. 
Normally, when he wasn't clean, he would shower or go to a river to wash it off but the shadow weaver had unexpectedly visited and he didn't feel comfortable leaving him alone. For now anyway. Though the other monkey had redeemed himself slightly, and he was sure there wasn't anything in his place that would be of interest to him, it didn't feel right to leave him just yet. Chalk it up to paranoia.
"If you're here to annoy me, you're doing a pretty lackluster job at it" he jabbed as he felt the cool water rush over his head, washing the dirt into the sink.
He watched the muck swirl into the drain before scrubbing to get whatever didn't already wash out. He didn't worry about whether the other could hear him over the faucet, he knew well that he very much could.
The king both hoped and feared that Macaque would read into the hidden meaning he had put into those sentence, the secret words he had been putting behind the ones he said when he talked to the other demon for last while. That the reason he wasn't annoyed was because he had been looking forward to this visit, it just had to have happened when the auburn monkey had just been tricked.
Because, truthfully, he was happy that the shadow monkey had shown up. He had been patiently, well more so impatiently, for him to arrive at the mountain. Wukong nearly flying over to the other's dojo multiple times before promptly reminding himself and heading back, sometimes being right outside Macaque's place and having to use his limited impulse control to not go inside. 
It was why he had thrown himself into organizing his belongings, why he had been looking through those documents not even thirty minutes ago. He was trying to distract himself, and failing miserably.
When he wasn't waiting for the shadow weaver's arrival, he was attempting to think about what he'll say. Trying to encompass everything he needed, wanted to say to his old friend in a way that couldn't be misconstrued. Buddha knows they have a lot of misunderstandings between them already.
This was a hard task to accomplish when he wasn't even sure what Macaque was going to say. If what Wukong was going to say would contradict what the other was saying without  the intention to, then they would be back at square one in a flash.
Xiaotian had been helpful to remind him that it's important that they both get what they want to say off their chest. Even if you believe something one of you says is incorrect, you should still allow the person the floor to talk until they're done and then you can address how you feel about it when it's your turn to talk. "And if you feel you're losing patience with him," his kid had started to say once when they were taking a break from training "take a breather, this is important and you can mess it up if you don't have the patience to listen clearly."
Xiaotian was young, but he knew how to give advice when it's needed. Something the sage felt a twinge of guilt about. That he, a person with a thousands of years worth of life time, needs a person that's not even middle age to give him advice on how to do something. A bit shameful really..
"That's because I haven't been trying to annoy you yet" Macaque had jabbed back, holding a cheshire cat like smirk on his face that he saw through his peripheral. Even with his eyes not on him, he put on this act. The overly confident, always scheming villian act he did.
And that was part of the shadow monkey, he usually had something up his sleeve. But this.. this act was a caricature of the true Macaque, the one that could be gentle and kind as well as cunning. He wondered if he acted this way when he was alone too, incase someone out there was watching him..
'Do you ever allow yourself to breathe?' Wukong thought, but really he wasn't one to be able to criticize the other's stage act. Since he too acted like how he was expected to be; the hero that couldn't make mistakes, ever.
"Really now? And how come you haven't started?" He asked playfully, lifting his head out of the sink. Small droplets of water dripping from his still soaked fur.
He noticed Macaque's face flush for a split second before the shadow weaver had glamoured it away, and Wukong swore he saw the other's eyes flick up towards his wet fur before looking away quickly.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say the Great Sage is wanting me to annoy him" the darker monkey prompt up a hand as he allowed his head to be supported by it. "Is the king happy to see me?" He said in a false sweet voice, fluttering his lashes to complete the picture, causing the king to scoff. A smile threatening to make it's way on the stone monkey's face.
He preferred when they were like this, playful, joking. No fighting, their words without the usual venom flowing through them. These moments were rare, but seemed to becoming more common.
It has been months since they had defeated the Lady Bone Demon. At first, Macaque and Sun Wukong could barely stay in the same room without one of them picking a fight with one another. They had their moments still, but it's getting better.
"Yeah, you're such a delight" he remarked sarcastically, taking a seat next to the shadow monkey. Mango, a nickname he used to call the other, had almost slipped out then. It seemed foreign to his lips now, the now ancient nickname, as though it was a word it didn't recognize any longer. If he were to say it, a different voice would come out instead of his own.
Macaque chuckled, glowing but not as bright as before which hurt to see, "I know I am" he commented.
They sat silently . Wukong fiddling with his fingers as they were placed on the table, Macaque doing the same but with his scarf.
"Why are you here?" He asked, his voice gentle "because I don't believe it was to annoy me like you had said it was."
The sage saw the shadow weaver's throat bob as he had gulped nervously, refusing to meet the gold eyes that bore into him.
"You forgot a leaf in your fur when you washed the stuff out, I'll get it" his old friend had interrupted, ignoring the question completely, quickly standing and reaching the supposed leaf he hadn't gotten. Sticking in a the fur around his temple.
Truthfully Wukong hadn't felt a thing, so for all he knew it could've been a cheap way to avoid answering.
The shadow demon's fingers lightly graze his scalp as he plucked the the leaf and held it between his finger. Wukong felt as though lightening had struck through him from the small touch. He had forgotten how gentle the other could be if he wanted to. "You always were so messy Wukong" Macaque had intented it to be a jab but it didn't hold the poison it needed to be one, even to be playful, his voice sounding shaky and nervous instead.
As he had tried to pull his hand away, leaf still gripped between two fingers, Wukong grasped his wrist. His hold was soft, enough to get the monkey's attention but not anything that could hurt.
"Macaque" the ash monkey's ears twitched as he called his name weakly but didn't make a move to look at the sage. If anything, the other monkey was purposely avoiding it.
He sighed. "MK told me you wanted to talk a while ago during training, the day after he had checked up on you.." Wukong let go of the other's wrist, missing the touch as the darker of the two took his seat again.
"I want to talk too.. I don't want to just get whatever's on my chest off it, I want you to do that as well, I want us to get closure" he said earnestly "that's if you want to talk about it today.. no pressure obviously!"
He chuckled in an attempt to ease some of the tension that was building up inside, glowing orange.
"I did come over to talk, I still want to talk I just.. didn't think it would be this hard to"
The stone monkey nodded. "I didn't think it would be this hard either.." he sighed, scratching at some fur on his cheek "I mean we've had all this pent up for centuries, it's like I have all this stuff I wanna say.. but everytime I try it comes out wrong or I can't say any of it."
"I know what you mean.. we can at least be glad we've lived long enough to talk about it right? Imagine if we weren't immortal, we've had been two grouchy ol' guys that died without any reconciliation" Macaque joked causing the other to laugh.
After his laughter settled, Wukong allowed his body to relax in his seat. "How bout this," he began "since you're the guest, you can go first and I'll try to not talk until it's my turn sound good?"
"Wow Wukong letting someone else go? How selfless of you," "yeah yeah just go" the other smirked but didn't add anything else.
"You'd left me.. at the mountain without knowing where you were then the next time I see you, you were on some journey with people I didn't recognize and were allowing them to hurt you. I was so confused and frustrated and hurt! I couldn't understand you ever choosing to go with them willingly so I blame them for you not coming back. That they had some how brain washed you.." he eventually said, chewing on his scarf after he finished.
"You had left me first, under that mountain, for five hundred years" Wukong said when the other hadn't continued, his eyes gazed up and met gold. The shadow monkey had grimaced a tad at his statement, thick eyebrows knitting together and tired eyes glared at the table before softening. Looking sad instead of angry. He nodded to allow the sage to continue.
"I believed you forgot about me, so it seemed perfectly reasonable at the time to go with the people that had freed me from that stupid rock. But them hurting me... After a few years I started to think I deserved it. they made me feel like a tool, I was practically just a tool to them anyway, 'Wukong get that demon!' 'Wukong get me something to eat'" the stone monkey paused, harbouring a shaky breath as he pushed back tears "but then you made it worse when you came to 'save me.'"
"You made them lose all trust in me from your little shadow act.. I became even more of a monster to them..." The warrior forced his lips together, laying both hands on the table to wordlessly convey obedience. Wukong stood up suddenly, a hand shakily covering his mouth as he paced around the room. Macaque stayed put.
The king gave a watery laugh, his gold eyes filled with unshed tears, he turned to the other monkey; causing him to sit up straighter. "You wanna know the sick part? After everything- all the protecting, the fighting and everything I gave to that journey?" He asked, gaze never staying in one spot.
Sun Wukong felt barely sane, why was he suddenly so emotional? He hadn't cried since he found out his brothers had died. 
Macaque was also in this discussion and he wasn't tearing up, he was always more emotional than him so then why..was he crying? 
Wukong felt so weak, so cold, so breakable. He couldn't look in the other's eyes, he knew if he did then he would be crying for real..
He choked down a sob. The auburn monkey lifted a hand to his head and pulled harshly at a golden string of magic that was part of the glamours he wore everyday. He pulled at another, and another until the glamours around his head were gone. Revealing the gold fillet Qian Yin had given Tripitaka to put on him. To teach him self control. 
Macaque stumbled out of his sit, walking slowly over as his eyes began to feel wet. "They never..." He remarked quietly, grasping at the sage's sleeves. Sun Wukong lowered his head, that was all the answers the shadow weaver needed. 
"After everything I did.. all the times I saved them from harm.. treated them as nice as I could, follow their rules... They still saw the need to have a collar on me" the hero sobbed, tugging his old friend closer. The king cried violently into the darker monkey's shoulder, the two dropping to the kitchen floor as their legs could no longer hold them up. 
Macaque rubbed circles into his back, holding in his own sobs. He had been the victim between them enough, the shadow weaver had figured, it had been high time the Great Sage was allowed to be vulnerable.
"The celestial realm had kept me from visiting, or freeing you, I suppose any monkeys they thought were affiliated with you couldn't be trusted" he said quietly after Wukong had eventually calmed down enough, letting the stone monkey rest his head on his shoulder "I was too cowardly to try and sneak by.. they may have stuck me under a mountain too if I'd tried, and I wasn't exactly immortal at that point so if I was under one I'd be dead within a few days."
He sighed, glaring down at the tiles on the floor "I don't know why I thought disguising myself as you would work, then attacking them as you- gods I'm stupid!" Macaque smacked his forehead angrily. Wukong pouted at the action but let the other continue. 
"I should've just talked to the monk and see if I could get you out of the journey or join myself so you'd at least have someone on your side during them treating you so poorly" the shadow monkey removed his hand as he hid in the sage's fur "I really did deserve to get killed.." he mumbled quietly.
Sun Wukong hit his arm causing Macaque to yelp. "Don't ever say that!" The king demanded, eyes narrowing. 
"Wukong I've clearly done more to you than you have to me, abandoned you under a mountain practically, I impersonated you, tried to kill your friends and that's not even counting the crap I did after being revived! You were obviously in the right to kill-"
"No-!" His hand covered Macaque's lips, the other sitting startled. Slowly he removed it, intertwining their fingers. Wukong heartbeat felt it was booming in his chest.
"Sure.. you did shit, I'm not going to refute that, but don't tell me it give me the right to kill my best friend!" His gold eyes looked pained as he shouted, looking close to crying once more. 
"I was called a monster because of what you did but it hurt even more than usual since I felt like one from what I had done to you.."
"Wukong.." the shadow weaver whispered, grabbing hold of the stone monkey's other hand.
"I can't lose you again" he rest their foreheads against one another, his voice break as the sage attempted to hold down sobs so he could speak. "I can't.." he sputtered through tears.
"You won't, I promise.."
The two monkeys laid bundled together in Wukong's room, cuddled close.Their heads resting gently against one another, the other's form the only keeping them upright. Tails wrapped together much like that fated night.
They had moved some time ago, the shadow weaver complaining about being stiff on the tiled floor. And they had gotten to the room, Wukong had made quick of tossing Macaque onto the bed before joining himself. The shadow demon had scoffed after he had righted himself but moved closer nonetheless.
The king exhaled softly, letting his eyes close. Content.
"Macaque" he said quietly, opening his eyes ever so slightly to gaze upward to the other, giving the other's arm a slight nudge. The darker monkey hummed in acknowledgement, half dozing off from the sage's warmth, glancing to the side at the auburn one sat next to him.
"Do you think you could sing for me?" He asked, voice just as quiet. Face slightly heated up as the shadow weaver stared at him; confused.
"I could. But why would you want that exactly?"
Sun Wukong shrugged. "Just wanna hear you sing mainly I guess, you used to sing quite a bit when we were younger, when I heard you sing that night at karaoke.... It made me realize how much I missed your singing" he answered. "Your voice is.. pretty" He added but restrained himself from saying and so are you, the sage didn't feel like testing the waters with that. He was already asking a lot to hear him sing again.
Macaque glanced away, seeming to be pondering the request. Leaning away a bit from the other, making Wukong frown slightly.
"I suppose I can sing something for you" the shadow demon eventually said, causing the golden monkey's ears to perk up. 
"I can't think of any cheery tunes though.." the other had warned with a sigh. The king smiled "that's fine, sing me whatever song you can think of!"
Macaque nodded, pausing to think again. Sitting more upright as to not have his voice be stifled from slouching.
"Okay I got one."
Sun Wukong waited patiently, getting comfy as the shadow monkey cleared his throat. "Now it’s just my luck to have the watch, with nothing left to do" his voice became gentle, reminding Wukong of the friend he had known so well centuries ago.
His old friend's face was soft, eyes half lidded and curtained by long dark lashes. His gold eyes, a lighter shade than his own, locked onto the blanket below them. "But watch the deadly waters glide as we roll north to the ‘Soo’," the shadow sung "and wonder when they’ll turn again and pitch us to the rail"
From the first lines, the stone monkey wasn't able to place the song. It was western for sure but not the usual songs he'd hear from there, he couldn't of imagine Macaque knowing a song like this.
"And whirl off one more youngster in the gale." He rested his head against the other's shoulder, closing his eyes. It felt odd to keep staring at the shadow weaver, though he wasn't complaining about the view he was being given... But figured he might get questioned if the sage were to continue. Staring intently at the person you just reconciled with doesn't give the most compelling show of politeness or lack of ill feelings towards the person, kinda gives the impression you're might want to fight. Probably doesn't help ease the mind when you know that said person staring at you has laser eyes..
"The kid was so damned eager. It was all so big and new" Wukong smiled fondly, eyes still shut, memories of two spry monkeys coming to mind. One black, one brown.
His fur used to be darker when he was younger, it had turned more golden as he had gained new powers and immortality. As though it were bleeding into every aspect of him, becoming one. He almost wished it had done the same for his eyes, instead of him having to glamour them to be gold.
They had originally been a brown colour, much like his fur but darker, boring though presentable. Until heaven had stuck him in the brazier and the smoke turned his eyes red. The king hadn't minded them much at first, didn't really think about it much with being shoved under a mountain, it had only started to become aware to him during the journey. People pointing out how monstrous they looked made them into an insecurity, and it became tenfold once he was turning into a household name. Glamours to hide the hideous colour and glowing in the dark factor soon followed.
"You never had to tell him twice, or find him work to do."
Wukong could remember the first time Macaque had saw him with the red eyes, he had been so nervous but the shadow monkey had embraced him as though it hadn't even been something to think about.
He was Sun Wukong, his Sun Wukong, and that all that mattered to the darker monkey. To have his Sun once more.
But then, in seemingly a blink, he had to leave the mountain to join the journey again. And the next time Macaque saw him... It looked as though that veil of love and admiration had been ripped to shreds in front of his eyes. That he had become the red-eyed monster everyone else saw and he was meant to be the exception from. Like the red-eyed monster had taken away his Sun, because in some truth, it had.
Wukong sighed softly, trying to keep in near silent to not interrupt Mac's singing. "And evenings on the mess deck he was always first to sing" the stone monkey thought it a shame, earnestly, that more hadn't heard the shadow weaver sing. He was certain if the monkey had truely wanted to be singer he very well could've been one, he most definitely had the stage presence. But if he was being fully truthful, though a shame more couldn't hear it, he found himself special because of this. To be of the few to hear the demon's singing—until recently he had been the only one—and selfishly he wanted to keep it that way.
Be the only audience to the Moon's symphony.
"And show us pictures of the girl he’d wed in spring" the king blushed at that, thankfully the warrior was too forced on remembering the lyrics to notice. 
He recalled once that him and Baije had been chatting one day during the journey, to pass the time between monk kidnappings. It had been relatively boring stuff, things they heard from neighboring villages mainly, until his brother had brought up something that surprised him. The pig demon had asked a question about whether someone waiting back home for him and he remembered misunderstanding what the other meant.
Wukong had thought he was speaking generally, just anyone at all waiting for him to return (friends, family, and subjects). So he went on to talk about Macaque, how much he missed the shadow monkey and how he couldn't wait to see him again. It turns Bajie had meant someone in the romantic sense...
The other ended up teasing him about it for the next day or so, and not only because of the mix up. He was just relieved that hadn't been included in the Journey to the West book.
"But I told that kid a hundred times 'don’t take the Lakes for granted.
They go from calm to a hundred knots so fast they seem enchanted.'" 
He felt something touch his hand, before the something joined their hands together. 'Mac you idiot ' he whined in his head, feeling his stomach twist. Wukong knew how utterly ridiculous he was being, but it's hard to even think with something so... alluring? Next to him. Macaque would know the right word.
"But tonight some red-eyed Wiarton girl lies staring at the wall, and her lover’s gone into a white squall..." The shadow weaver's voice became sad as he sang the verse. Sun Wukong felt it too. 
Macaque's body lying cold and absent, void of life, upon the battlefield. He was batted and bruised, yet doll like in an unsettling sort of way.. as if he could be mistaken for just being asleep.
"Now it’s a thing that us oldtimers know. In a sultry summer calm
There comes a blow from nowhere, and it goes off like a bomb."
Sun Wukong gazing down towards his hands, covered in blood and dirt but unharmed. Not a drop of his own had hit the ground or ever graced his fur..
"And a fifteen thousand tonner can be thrown upon her beam-"
Gazing around at the destroyed valley, the ruined mountains and trees..
He had made the Earth shed it's blood..
Looking back at his hands, 'not my blood' he thought as felt himself fall to his knees.
"-While the gale takes all before it with a scream."
Crying and screaming over Macaque, pleading for him to wake up..
He squeezed the darker monkey's hand. Opening his eyes to make sure his old friend was still next to him and alive, the shadow squeezing his hand in response.
Wukong sighed. Relieved.
"The kid was on the hatches, lying staring at the sky. From where I stood I swear I could see tears fall from his eyes" he glanced up, noticing that the other's gaze had shifted from the blankets to be staring at their interlocked hands and tails. Having a tiny blush colour his face, eyes shining like new stars.
"So I hadn’t the heart to tell him that he should be on a line, even on a night so warm and fine" another squeeze was placed on his hand and he swore the affection was going to end him. Feeling giddy.
"When it struck, he sat up with a start; I roared to him, 'Get down!' but for all that he could hear, I could as well not made a sound."
'Macaque would've been able to hear him' the stone monkey thought, having ignored the dark undertones, thinking about the other monkey's six cute ears. Though he figured they wouldn't be in a situation like that, hopefully, anyway. He's not going to cross out being tossed off a ship just yet, his enemies could be rather creative with their timing.
"So, I clung there to the stanchions, and I felt my face go pale,
As he crawled hand over hand along the rail."
Wukong shivered, the thought of being on a boat a less than friendly one. Stone doesn't exactly float..
"I could feel her keeling over with the fury of the blow. I watched the rail go under then, so terrible and slow" Macaque voice held a pain to it that the auburn monkey could place to one source, eyes turning sad and vacant. He rubbed a thumb across the other's in comforting manner.
The song was making them relive just as much as their earlier conversation had. More so maybe. All of being laid out in front of them, scary and painful but yet cathartic. 
"Then, like some great dog she shook herself and roared upright again. Far overside. I heard him call my name."
He resung the first part again, his voice more melancholic than the first run through of it.
"But tonight some red-eyed Wiarton girl lies staring at the wall," the shadow weaver sung and, for the first time since they entered the sage's room, he looked in Wukong's eyes. And he felt his gut twist as his gold eyes peered into the lighter gold ones. 
"And her lover’s gone into a white squall" he finished and his eyes flickered down again, the stone monkey pouted.
"So what do you think? Live up to your expectations?" Macaque asked with a smirk that looked wobbly, showing the nervousness the monkey was clearly trying to hide.
"It was great! You-" he paused. "You sang really beautifully" the king answered after clearing his throat, eyes flashing pink briefly.
The darker monkey chuckled quietly,using the red cloth to hide the soft silver glow that emitted  from his face, probably only meant to be witness by himself but Wukong noticed. And he took secret pride in it, something he would bost about in his head once the other left. 
He made Macaque laugh earlier sure, and many times before that, but that was before they talked about the past. When they were bantering. The stone monkey had worried that opening old wounds would make the shadow monkey close up again after their progress, though it seemed that it had done the opposite. The other seemed to be more open to him, which was good. It'd make more talks in the future easier.
The two immortal monkeys fell silent. Enjoying one another presence as they say comfortably on the king's bed.
"Wukong" Mac said gently, echoing earlier when Sun Wukong had done the same to him.
The shadow weaver breathed, chewing at his scarf. Then sighed as he let go of the stone monkey's hand as he began getting up to leave "it's nothing.. forget it."
The king grabbed his sleeving and made him stop in his tracks. Macaque quickly shook it away away, saying a quiet "see ya around Peaches.." before sinking into the floor.
Wukong sat there in shock, letting the hand he had used to reach out to the other monkey fall against the mattress. "Yeah, see ya 'round Mango.." he whispered before standing up and leaving his room, making sure to reapply the glamours to his fillet.
Linked together,
The two monkeys are,
Great distance between them
But tethered by memories.
Much like tails,
The Sun and Moon remain together.
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kanmom51 · 2 years
Hi kanmom! I hope you've had or are having a good day 😊 I gotta say, as more time goes on its the more I think the guys know exactly what the common topic of conversation is on social media. Especially at the times where discourse gets to kArmy and they have to address certain things.
A few hours ago the vegas stadium made a statement saying throwing things on stage will be banned after there was an outcry online for how unsafe it probably is for people to keep throwing stuff at the guys. Namjoon mentioning how he knows people like to rile up army online by talking mess about BTS and him telling us not to interact with haters cause it affect them as BTS mentally. It makes it seem like he's actively in comment sections reading.
And in general, idols and western celebs are in fact in their online spaces. There was a picture of a singer named Normani where you could see on her phone that she was on the twitter or one of her fan pages. Another singer named Halle just came on twitter to stop a rumor saying she got a boob job and I'm a fan of hers but even I didn't know that her deep fandom spaces were talking about that.
And on the idol side, one of the other groups I follow has mentioned their staff telling them about things they've seen online. So even if they themselves haven't seen it, they are being informed of what's going on.
And I say all this to say that jikook and BTS on a whole has to know what's going on online. Especially because taekookers have gotten so unhinged in the past few days following the concert bridal carries. And I wanna see how that affects what happens at the concerts coming up. or if it affects anything at all.
As a sidenote: It's been while since jungkook's live but damn did it say a lot that he was being bombarded with taekookers during that live and decided to answer a question about jimin. Unless staff are hand picking comments in real time and sending it to him, he sees all those comments and he saw all the taekook comments that no doubt came in when he did the instagram ask me anythings.
And I just... that bridal carry said a lot imo. All of this can't just be a coincidence 😭😭
Yep, sorry for this is being posted a few days late (was sitting in my drafts), but even so still relevant...
Oh, I do think that they are aware of what's going on on sm. Do they know the nitty gritty, that I'm not sure of, but they are on Weverse, we know that, they are on YT (JK knew who Cameron Philip was). There is a reason JM steered away from sm.
I doubt they read my posts, lol, but they are aware of the trends on sm. JK & JM, both, posting consecutively the same day that their hickey trends is far from a coincidence.
So,  I think it's safe to also assume that at times they will react to said trends.
As for the Vlive, they see the comments as they role in. It is definitely his choice to ignore those he wants to or to react to others he wants to. 
We've seen JK and Tae during their Maknae line Vlive in LA frown at an abusive comment that came in (towards JM of course) and we saw JM and NJ get upset during an ot7 Vlive reading an anti JM comment. 
Even in the last VminHopekook vlive, at the end, when they were saying their goodbyes, there is a second there when you can see JM looking at the screen, and his facial expression sours, he lets go of Hobi and he, in turn looks to him.  This is same Vlive that from the moment JK joined TKKs were bombarding them with TKK comments.  And no, JM isn’t bothered by Tae hugging JK behind him, said hug goes on way before JM’s reaction.  He himself is hugging Hobi.  This happens a couple of seconds after, after they ask the fans to give them words, and JM is reading the comments. You can see the change in his facial expression, similar expression he had in that ot7 live I mentioned.
They see. They know.
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lilac-melody · 2 years
hi i'm new to the heroines run the show fanbase! i see a lot of your posts and just wanted to ask why do you not like liphiyo? don't the guys like her? also am i allowed to follow you?
Hello! Welcome to the fandom, first off! Yes, following me is fine, if you're okay with the fact I don't ship the "main ot3" and ship aiyuu and nagihiyo instead (and consistently lovemail them)
As for why I don't like the ship and your other question...
Well, the short answer: I just don't vibe with it.
For the long answer...tagging this as "ship hate" even though it's not really hating? I'm just gonna explain why I don't like it, why I prefer aiyuu/nagihiyo, and ramble about spoilers for the movie/anime/novels.
If you really like the main ot3 and the other variations of them, consider yourself warned if you read ahead. These are my personal opinions and everyone is entitled to them.
Where do I start..?
Well, I guess first off, when I joined the fandom back in 2020, I was actually fine with the ship. Above neutral but below "I ship it". A lot of fans on twt and yt comments ruined it completely for me, though. A lot of rude people who scream at aiyuu fans when they're just in their own bubble. Some who scream "the novel has so much content for them, you look ridiculous!" and calling us fujoshis. (Granted, I know there are some aiyuu fans who are way too extreme and rude and harasss others and I want to clarify that this is NOT okay either!! However, I've seen much less of those than I have of people who ship Hiyori with any or both of the two LIPxLIP boys)
Another reason...is given the boys backstories, and how much they went through even before they met Hiyori, they had a strong bond. Their bonds only get stronger with new content that pops up.
Aizou doesn't want a girlfriend. He said so himself as well.
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And given he has trauma with women thanks to his abusive and alcoholic mother, he's likely not going to change his mind just because a girl is sporty and not feminine. I can relate to that.
I have trauma with men. I'm 100% fine being friends with men, but I can never see myself dating a man.
As for Yujiro, he's a loner who has never had any friends until he met Aizou. I personally don't see him getting easily emotionally attached to anyone, especially in a romantic sense. I feel like he's kind of on the ace spectrum, somewhere? Demiromantic gay? Given that Yujiro is shown to be annoyed with girls but he's more comfortable being around guys. (And yeah, one can chalk that up to him being being an awkward teenage guy, but again, everyone's entitled to their own opinion)
With what they have gone through in the movie (which is finally english subbed. It's fan-subbed, so it's not on any official sites, but I personally use gogoanime since you don't have to really fight tooth and nail to make gross ads go away lol), as well as the Romeo novel, one can really see their bond and how they grow to care so much about each other.
Their stories are always about how they grow as a team. The hanipre events show us this as well. They're translated somewhere on tumblr. There's "If I go on a Trip with You", the Valentine's Event, the White Day Event, and the Halloween Event. And of course, the solo events. These events are all about Aizou and Yujiro and their bond, which only grows more and more.
What is LIPxLIP's story with Hiyori?
Getting used to having her around as their manager, and helping her dress up to become a heroine and, in the MV, confess to the "mystery boy" she likes. In the anime, it's to prove to her childhood friend that she can be pretty too, given Hiyori opened up about her insecurity with being feminine.
Now, the anime...
I'm not gonna lie here, you shouldn't really look to the anime for what's canon, and what's not canon. They took away a lot of what made these three characters stories charming. They also changed up a lot of the characters personalities and made everything so ridiculous and...it was just...straightbait. Even in episode 5, which I consider to be one of the better episodes (1 - 8 were good, 9 - 12 were not), the anime team made Yume Fanfare seem as though the song is made for Hiyori.
It wasn't. These two have a personal moment before their first concert with this song, and they dedicated the song to each other. (Also, Yamako's fanbox states that the song is for them, so...no idea what the team was thinking, tbh? Kinda lied to everyone, and if you're unfamiliar with the lore, then it can definitely be misleading).
I already made a post about my grievances with Herotaru here though, so if you want to read why you shouldn't accept that as canon, go read that. I'll just end up repeating myself too much and making this longer than it already is.
I got off track.
Anyway, so...to me, while forcing the boys- after everything they go through together and the suspiciously homoerotic things they do (like, canonically applying kiss marks to each other...)
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...into a relationship with a girl, in which their story arc mostly revolves around helping her get a boyfriend...I just can't see it. It feels very comphet to me. (And, given I myself have trauma with being comphet for most of my life, I have very strong feelings about that)
(Also, twice, they have something about keeping a secret..? I dunno, feels a bit too sus for me. Here's to hoping it's not just queerbait lol. The second image is for Samishigariya which, you should 100% check out. It literally compares Aiyuu with Shibarisa. They're both singing of love to their most important person...which is another reason why I don't think that Aizou or Yujiro like Hiyori. If they did, why haven't they gotten an MV yet? Sure, Nonfantasy exists, but that MV was just a dream on Hiyori's part, and dreams don't really have to mean anything. She fell asleep watching the Nonfan MV, so of course she's gonna end up thinking about it. I have a whole rant about that from a psychologist perspective but that's not for here...anyway, the MV here proves that the two care more about each other than anyone else- otherwise, other people would have been shown as well)
Anyway, onto Hiyori...
Now, I love Hiyori. I really do- she's one of my favorite fem characters of honeyworks. She's adorable and relatable. That being said, I personally think she can do better than Aizou or Yujiro (who have a LOT of trauma with them anyway and I don't think she can handle all of their baggage, and the fact that she doesn't know their trauma, but they know the extent of each other's trauma...anyway, I digress).
She's always thinking about how cruel the two were, in the novels. She's dreaded being in their presence multiple times and they've made her genuinely cry. She has also thought "they make me feel so stupid" (which...idk about anyone else, but if someone makes me feel stupid, even if it's a super hot woman, I really don't think I'd want to be in a relationship with them...but eh, whatever you're into?)
Are they good friends? Yes! And I LOVE their friendship! I think their friendship is super important!
Do I think there's any romantic undertones? ...No.
A problem I have with Hiyori with the guys is...they just...don't work out that way, imho. I mean, when Hiyori went back to her usual self after her makeover, the guys were upset and confused.
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To which, she replied that she shouldn't be wearing dresses when she runs. (She's finally accepted herself and knows she can be a heroine)
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One can say that the two were just curious, but...no, they're actually pretty shallow with women. In the MV, they made her dress up because in their eyes, no one will accept her love if she's not conventionally attractive.
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I dunno, that kind of thing never sat right with me. It only amplified in the anime seeing them mock her about being a heroine when she was finally happy with herself. Sure, they were only teasing her, or that they genuinely wanted to help her, but the way it went about it just felt off to me.
For Hiyori, being paired with a guy who would want her to dress up more and be more like the typical woman, vs someone who loves her no matter what, it doesn't feel like it's right for her either.
For the boys being paired with her, to me, it feels like comphet.
For Hiyori, being paired with them, it feels less validating that she's a heroine no matter what she looks like.
I also made a post about why I think nagihiyo works, which you can read here, if you want to read about why I personally think Nagisa is the best fit for Hiyori.
I prefer to just stay in my own little aiyuu community bubble and I don't touch the liphiyo, yuuhiyo, or aihiyo bubbles. They have their own communities they can vibe in.
I do think, however, we can all co-exist. Let's bond about the other ships.
Let's talk about sarauru. Let's talk about shibarisa or kotahina. (or, if you really want a good OT3, I recommend kazufuuyui. It's not really a popular ship, since pretty much all of their content is in Fuuma's novel, but I personally like those three, and all variations of the ship! So I'm happy with kazufuuma, fuuyui, and kazuyui...but this post isn't about that! I'll happily accept asks about why I love it though!)
So, yeah. Those are why I don't ship liphiyo, or the other few variations of the ship. Of course, there's another very personal reason, but I'm not comfortable disclosing that in public, and I don't trust just anyone with the information.
I love their friendship to pieces, but I just can't see them in a romantic light.
Especially when a lot of their interactions remind me of me and my older brother and his friends??? Like- a lot of the Yujiro and Hiyori interactions in the novel just reminded me of me and my brother, because we've done a lot of similar things. And in the anime, those actions were transferred to Aizou and Hiyori. So, seeing them as a couple makes me think of me and my brother which ...is very gross to think about lmaooo.
Anyway, sorry that this is so long. If you still ship them, good for you. Like I said earlier, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This ^ is just mine. And we can still talk about other ships we do agree with. It's not hard to just avoid talking about the ships we disagree with.
I like looking at couples and their impact on each other. If something is canon and healthy, then I'll ship it. If it's not canon but healthier than the canon ships, then I'll ship it and not whatever is canon. I just prefer to analyze the relationship before making a decision.
...Being queer myself also gives big bonus points. I get stupid happy seeing healthy same sex couples.
Anyway, that's all, for reals.
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casualmaraudering · 4 years
Youtuber Sirius AU
yes i’m making a post about a yt au in the year of the lord 2020 get over it
sirius’s channel is pretty varied - he posts with no particular schedule, or theme, he just. posts whatever he wants
there’s gaming videos. there’s just chatting about stuff. song covers - electric guitar, piano, or singing. but he also does a little bit of cinematography sometimes, or live streams where he composes songs
titles including: “why is Mr Darcy the perfect man” (which is 47 minutes long btw), “properly caring for a motorbike engine (tips)”, “beach trip + getting terribly sunburnt (no, i’m not actually a vampire)” “pranking my flatmate pt 39”
james features on his channel quite a lot, usually as a victim of pranks or someone to play games with
he gets famous cause his videos are so chill, and often super funny, not to mention he has a fucking fantastic voice and his covers are some of his most viewed videos on his channel. and welp. he is good looking
known as the eye candy of youtube pretty much 
he’s got a wide fanbase and a huge instagram following, got quite a few interviews on TV and even a magazine cover
he didn’t expect to be famous, especially since he did it just cause he was bored, as a hobby more than anything, but hey, he has a great community and it works out fantastic tbh. the money is a plus, yes, but he already had a very cushy life cause of inheritance, so he donates most -if not all - of his yt income
remus isn’t famous at all. he's a student who works at a bookstore. he’s very much a Normal Person TM
he has the biggest fucking celebrity crush on sirius which is real unfortunate cause sirius has like 30mil subscribers and is pretty much a model on ig. and remus. remus is remus
he stumbled on one of his videos by accident. and sirius was gorgeous and funny and talented. and then he binged his whole channel. and the crush hit so hard 
they get together somehow i don’t know, i didn’t plan out this post too much don’t judge me, but it probably involves remus freaking the fuck out about it a lot
sirius has always been pretty nonchalant about his sexuality but when he finally makes a video about it - titled “yes i really am gay it’s not just for a twitter meme” - it’s actually a rather serious video (aside some jokes) cause he wants to be a good role model for the younger queer boys that might be watching him
when they start dating, he doesn’t mention remus that much, but he does mention A Boyfriend, and his fans pick up on that quick cause hello, that’s new
remus’s guilty pleasure is scrolling through social media and seeing memes/posts about the mystery boyfriend and how whipped sirius seems
at first, remus doesn’t appear in sirius’s videos at all, for like a good couple months
when he does start appearing, at first it’s through comments off camera - it’s also when the people learn his name
cue fanmade videos like “remus bullying sirius for 29 minutes”, “remus being sassy (compliation)” or “sirius being gay for remus part 1/2347823432″
which just get better when remus finally does agree to be on camera
“compilation of remus looking at sirius like he’s the dumbest being on earth” “sirius hearteyes black” “remus being relatable for 12 minutes and 29 seconds”
sirius loves posting photos of them being cute together just because he loves his boyfriend okay? usually they involve remus hiding his face cause he’s insecure, but that’s so adorable sirius can’t be mad
sirius starts posting an awful lot of love song covers
honestly sirius probably reads fics of them for the laughs (and sometimes sends remus the hilariously bad ones so they can laugh together)
sirius saves every fanart he sees of himself and remus or just of remus. he has to
people go badshit when sirius posts an engagement photo and sirius is so fucking happy that he gets to just gush about his fiance on twitter as if he’s a schoolboy
like honestly. sirius’s twitter? remus. so much gushing about remus
their wedding video is the most viewed video of the year, and one of the most viewed videos of all times
remus ends up tweeting like “funny how five years ago i had a celebrity crush on that one hot youtuber and yesterday i married him” he’s living the dream tbh
sirius has fucking field day with domestic videos: “giving my husband cooking instructions except i only speak french (spoiler: it’s a mess)”, “mario kart with my husband” “reacting to memes of me and my husband”
a couple months after they’re married sirius has a chill live stream where all he does is literally just. talk about remus and how fucking happy he is in his life. it’s so gay. and so wholesome
there’s an ongoing meme within the community that everyone likes remus more than sirius. sirius runs with it and loves it cause he loves people raising his baby’s confidence. generally posts about remus? 10/10, reblog/retweet, saves them, sirius is his no.1 stan
there’s people hating on them, of course. people who shipped sirius with james. homophobes. people who are just jealous of remus. at first that hits remus a lot, like, he’s not used to getting hate DMs, so that sucks extra hard. but sirius always tries his best to cheer him up and hey, it doesn’t matter what the people say, cause sirius would drop his career immediately if remus as much as asked
another fandom favourite meme: sirius being a simp for remus. sirius never denies it 
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count-v-dracula · 2 years
What is the general opinion of your muse’s fandom about them? Do you agree with it?
{ meme } | accepting
//I have only YouTube video comments and tags on certain VH material on here to go by as I don't know of any other forums/sites/what have you to base it on. I highly recommend going to VH videos on YT and reading the comments because some are hilarious and some got me nodding in agreement.
A lot of people think RR hammed it up, chewed up the scenery and spat it back out -- of course he did that was the idea (if you watch the behind the scenes stuff and read the 'making of' book and watch interviews -- that was the idea Dracula was supposed to be fun and even humorous -- a pompous rock star in the words of Sommers).
Up to this point in time, there are mixed reviews on Roxburgh's performance. A lot (including myself) think he did a WONDERFUL and unique take on Dracula: he's sassy, he's confident, he's sexy, he's dark, he's elegant, he's polite while being sadistic. He's too much and I love it. I love him being extra. But for all this, he's also somewhat stoic. Then he's vengeful, full of hate, he's got his personal issues with both God and the Devil (there are two little bits in two scenes that make me see this). For having only 15 mins of screen time, Roxburgh stole the limelight every. time. Overall, he's an "unorthodox" Dracula; He loves being a vampire, he loves being the pompous peacock he is -- he wears his pride and all his sins like high fashion and he struts it. He's an old school/traditional vampire while being able to adopt some modernisms.
I agree with some of the comments and opinions of "haters," but these people are only haters because they are taking the film at JUST the film and probably haven't watched and read interviews/behind the scenes stuff. So their opinions, in my opinion, are flimsy and ill-informed, but they are more than welcome to have an opinion. But, I side with the Roxula people who pretty much share what I’ve written above, or I wouldn't be here. Plus Roxburgh is just an underrated treasure -- comedy is his niche, I think. Watch "Rake" where his comedic strength shines, or his portrayal of Percy Grainger in "Passion" (not comedy but my other favorite film he's in and he does FANTASTIC in that one).
I would say the majority of the fandom appreciates Roxburgh’s Dracula. He’s a breath of fresh air in his portrayal and just how he looks, too. No high-collars and capes (which Roxburgh took off all the time or hardly wore). Roxburgh and Sommers agreed on a lot on how Dracula should be (but there’s some stuff Roxburgh insisted on that Sommers was ‘eh’ about -- and thank GOD Roxburgh insisted on some of these things, which I won’t list here because this post is incredibly long as it is XD). He is the new shiny (heck, even YOUNG) model of Dracula, while the other Draculas are stuffy and stiff.
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nadisabug · 4 years
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Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x fem! reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: cursing, hurt no comfort
Word Count: 1.5 k
Summary: You and Tooru have been friends for a long time. Too bad you want more than that, and too bad that you never will be. 
A/N: so this is based off of one of my favorite love songs of all time Bizzare Love Triangle (YT link for non spootify folk) and I felt like it fit so well for Oikawa I just ✊😔 love him. thinking about a part 2 lmk what yall think 
Also thank you so much to @snoozless for beta-ing!! Go check her out!!!!!!
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Haikyuu Masterlist // Love Song Event Masterlist
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“What’s got you down, shittykawa?” Hajime finally asks. “You’re being more annoying than usual.” 
“She broke up with me,” Tooru answered. 
“Oh,” Hajime eloquently responded. “That’s rough, buddy.”
“Yeah,” Tooru sighed. “I really liked her...” he added on softly. It looked like he really meant it too. He quickly shook his head and smiled at Hajime. “Nevermind that though, you want to have a post-break-up hangout?”
Hajime scrunched up his nose. “No.”
“Awww, come on Hajime, I am hurting,” Tooru whined. 
“I’ve got homework.”
Tooru deflated before lighting up with a sudden realization. “What about Y/n? She brought the greatest junk food last time!” He quickly pulled out his phone to text you. 
Hajime frowned. “Watch what you eat, we have practice tomorrow.” He paused hesitantly. “On second thought, why don’t I hang out with you instead?”
Tooru waved his hand. “No, you’re a buzzkill. Plus, you’ve got homework, remember?
Everytime I see you falling / I get down on my knees and pray / I’m waiting for that final moment / You say the words I can’t say
You frown when you look at your phone. You had just gotten out of the shower; you didn’t have time before school so you decided to take one after. You had heard the chime while you were playing music in the shower, but you didn’t expect what you got. 
You opened Hajime’s first, since he had only sent you one message. It was just one word. Sorry. You were confused until you finally opened Tooru’s messages. There were three in total. 
Hey, my girlfriend broke up with me ( ≧Д≦)
Come comfort me? σ(≧ε≦o)
Bring snacks like last time( 人・ω・) ?
You threw your phone onto your bed and dug the heels of your hands into your eyes. Could you do this again? You weren’t sure you could. Not with the heart-shattering crush you have had on this boy. Maybe if you were a normal friend, a good friend, you could. But you weren’t. You were a horrible friend. A horrible, terrible person that loved her friend. 
And that’s all you were. A friend. 
So no, you couldn’t do it. 
You were about to text him that you were busy when a text message came in from him. It was just one word. It was just one fucking word, but it nearly had you in tears when you read it. 
Yeah, you were a horrible friend. 
You grabbed your jacket and your purse, getting ready to go. You texted your family that you were going to your friend’s house and left. 
It was just one word. 
You stopped at a convenience store on your way to his house. You grabbed all of his favorites, and some of your own. You were going to need them to get through this. 
You knew the way to his house well. Your parents were coworkers, and most of all friends. They had many dinners at both your house and his house, pushing you guys to become close friends. You went through a rough spot in middle school where you couldn’t stand his arrogant ass, but as time passed you grew to love him more than you had anyone before. 
But that’s neither here nor there. 
The point is that you felt like you understood him. At least you thought you did. 
When you got to his house, you could hear the music playing from the sidewalk. Loud, screeching singing accompanied it. 
“No, I don’t want no scrub. A scrub is a guy who can’t get no love from me-”
You stormed up to the door and threw it open, knowing he wouldn’t lock if you were on the way. 
“Tooru Oikawa you turn that shit down,” you yelled. “Are you trying to get a noise complaint?”
His only response was a gleeful, “Y/n!” And to rush at you and pick you up in his arms. He spun you around and for a second, just for a second, you relaxed into his hold and soaked in his presence. 
You were a horrible friend. 
You shook yourself out of it and started trying to wiggle out of his grip. 
“Oikawa, put me down!” 
“Not until you say my name,” he responded, caging you in more. 
“Fine,” you relented quickly, the smell of his cologne starting a buzz in your head. “Tooru. Now put me-”
“Oh! What did you bring me?” Tooru grinned and snatched up the bags you were holding. You sighed and watched as he scampered down into his domain, the basement. 
You quickly located the origin of the noise, a waterproof speaker sitting on the kitchen counter, and shut it off. Leaving it there, you locked the door and joined Tooru in his room. 
His room was more of a den, a spacious area that represented everything that was him. There were the expected  music posters and family pictures, but what dominated the room was volleyball. He had trophies on shelves, jerseys hung up, pictures of himself midair- the whole yard. 
His room didn’t feel cluttered or messy, just full. His bed was a full size mattress on the floor with no bed frame with a light blue set covers pulled taught over it. He had a two person, suede couch in the middle of the room facing the TV against the wall. His closet was a clothes rack neatly placed in one corner with jerseys, jackets, and shirts hanging from it. He had a dresser and a nightstand, a few other odds and ends; it was a basic room. But to you, it was more than that. He rarely let people down here, the only ones who you knew of (besides family) that had been down here were Hajime and yourself. It was a sign of vulnerability and trust for him to so freely let you into his room. 
Or maybe you were an idiot and reading too much into it. 
Either way you loved being in his room. It absolutely reeked of his cologne, but you couldn't think of a better smell. 
Tooru was on the couch already digging into the milk bread you had bought. 
“This break-up wasn’t Driver’s Licence worthy?” You commented. You walked over to the couch and picked up his gangly legs and sat down, placing them back on your lap. 
“As if,” Tooru scoffed with a full mouth. He swallowed, and then took another bite so that he could talk with his mouth full. He knew that you hated that, so he made sure to do it. “I only played it last time because she was a good kisser and the song is an actual fucking bop.” 
The thought of Tooru kissing other girls ran through your mind. You felt a familiar pang in your chest, but did your best to ignore it. You worked even harder not to think about how good of a kisser Tooru would be. (Definitely amazing)
“So your back-up is No Scrubs?” You scoffed. You leaned over and grabbed one of your favorite snacks and began to dig in. 
Tooru picked up the remote and switched on the TV. “Yeah, felt like it matched the mood.”
“Are you not even upset in the slightest?”
“Of course I am!” He shouted in mock offense. “I may need comfort,” he held out his hands in a grabby motion. 
You rolled your eyes and complied, scooting closer to him. He took that inch and forced a mile from you by pulling you all the way into his lap. He placed you so that you were laying on your side against him, your legs intertwined with his. 
“Oikawa!” You huffed and tried to sit up. Your heart was beating too fast and too loud and you prayed he couldn’t hear it. 
“No!” He cried. “I need cuddles to heal!” 
“I don’t give a shit about you healing-”
“Yes, you do. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here,” Tooru cut you off. 
You didn’t have a response to that. 
So you let him hold you and relaxed into his chest. Tooru flipped through a couple channels before he picked a movie. Surprisingly, it was one of your favorites. 
“Why don’t we watch something you like,” you protested. 
“I do like this show. Now sh, it's starting.”
You lied there and began to slip into a daydream. One where Tooru wasn’t platonically holding you, but really doing it because secretly he loved you. Where you still went to his games, but you were the one wearing his jersey. Where you lean up and kiss him on the jaw just because you can-
You looked up and saw tears staining Tooru’s cheeks. 
Yeah, you were a horrible person that loved her friend.
But at least you weren’t the reason for his tears. 
And in that moment, you resolved that you never would be. Even if it meant never telling him. 
Besides, you could wait. You could do anything if it was for him.
So you did.
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severusdefender · 3 years
Hey so I'm the furby anon (that's an odd way to introduce oneself but oh well). This is so long I'm so sorry.
I think one of the insane things that I realized of the mauruader fanbase is what they stand for in a general sense but how much they really have tarnished that.
I think the mauruader fans should be proud that the story of the mauruaders is all about the rebellion of norms. Sirius and his family, lupin and his condition, James and Peter both driving and encouraging a friendship that lasted them what 7 + ish years (I'm sorry but I know nothing on Peter and I would love to hear a fucking narrative on James potters struggles from a Stan (to any stans that was sarcasm I realized you enjoy jumping into conclusions so I needed to be direct))
Anyways their friendship is basically found family and I think is okay to enjoy their story lines but I think it's when you only see them in a myopic lens where you acknowledge that they did pranks generally and not at the expense of someone in particular(snape) because of their existence. It's okay to celebrate their struggles of adulthood because they all have their own plots and yes! It's starts of with them being a dick that is how their growth starts. Look I can belive that James had some level of conscious to belive on what's good and also say he was a fucking asshole to snape and I don't think it's right to say he changed (because even though he joined the good guys team doesn't make him a good person because there is no evidence to say he apologized to snape or anything if it's not there it isn't there). I can celebrate lupin and blacks struggle on individuality but I can also critize them for their cowardice and arrogance and not excuse their behavoiur as well.
Snapes charecter is an example where if you only see him in a myopic lense you cant see him more than just a bully and part time deatheater. He has his faults you are right and he should be held accountable for his actions, but I think it's hypocritical that a fanbase that seems of reading between the lines to congratulate on their favs outstanding behavior that has little to no canonical evidence ( snape stealing James ideas, applauding James for saving snape during the werewolf attack (I'm not to sure how I stand with this because I think it's more fitting James being concerned over lupins state of being as in he knew that this was lupins fears that is being exploited at an expense of a joke but not snapes) , saying snape led them to their deaths by giving their addresses to voldermort, blaming him for dumbledores death, not freeing sirius black from Azkaban (we literally went through this no one knew each other to protect each other's identity except for voldermort himself what the fuck do you think the deatheaters are a multi level marketing scheme???), any fucking headcanon that starts with the mauruaders making an anti bullying club (that made me laugh so much), the whole hugging a deadbody scene that wasn't there also yall never seen any other movie apart from hp because that's shown in so many movies irrespective of relationship,,,, if your gonna go the whole only hug the ones you have a romantic love with then I have to ask so you ship harry potter with dobby the elf because that literally happened, him being evil because he hit Petunia with a branch)
Also I need to get this out of my chest,, of you think the only way of saying fuck the system because you feel like a little guy in a big boys club or whatever and then choose to attack a fucking minority I'm sorry but that sounds equally as pathetic as someone who is clearly the privileged person giving a shallow apology without any reparations. You have undoubtedly missed the whole point (as a poc it sounds when a yt person says they understand inequality (racism) because they experienced it when the Chipotle dude Stas someone who came way later) .
Second of all saying someone deserves x thing because in the course of their morally grey lives they do things that are a. Questionable and b. inexcusable, sounds like you are deeply rooted in purity culture where you only acknowledge retribution and redemption only of they are wholly right and all actions can be explained as a they didn't mean it and are a 'deeper' person (see above mauruaders and their anti bullying campaign).
People can change but they don't need to be nice about it, they can be bitter and angry but still do the right thing it may not be endearing or cute, but you can't not acknowledge their good because it isn't in a nicely delivered format. People can change what they stand for they don't need to be sweet about it if the people you support also caused you a lifetime of pain then you can support the cause not its members you are allowed to do that.
And this might sound like jumping into an extreme conclusion (I wanted to participate in extreme sports like the mauruaders fans) if you think that (you need to be nice and do the right thing) then I think you guys lack a certain level of empathy and not have kids. As kids have unsound logic and make mistakes and can be cruel, assuming that they cruel forever because of their unsound logic at one point and punishing them with a lifetime of guilt and ignoring them seems a bit insane to say loosely. (after all that was your response to a fucking fictional charecter who was punished for being different and whatever actions that followed in his miserable life was well deserved because of his actions to be a 'bad guy' . After all isn't that not your response to people who enjoy his charecter and then decided to belive that they deserve death and 'extermination' or was that just a convenient joke/comment at the expense of someone else's interest??? I have no sympathy for most yall your just cruel)
Good points
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