#seriously please check out valiant i'm begging you
kanerallels · 3 years
All The Reasons My Tumblr Peeps (That Means You) Should Read "Valiant" By Sarah Mcguire
Okay an ask sent me over the edge, I'm doing this. Let's go! I'll keep this as spoiler free as possible
It's a retelling of a fairy tale ("The Valiant Little Tailor") that isn't retold as often as others. I personally have only read one other retelling
You know how sometimes you fall in love with a fictional character? And it's not based off of art or fan casting, but the way the author writes him and you just know he has a very nice face but you're really just in love with his personality? Yeah that
In a tooooooooooooooootally unrelated note hahahahahahaha Galen Verras. Galen Verras everyone. He is my beloved
The main ship. THE FREAKING MAIN SHIP OKAY. It's kinda enemies to lovers and also mutual pining and the way they care about each other is SO SO BEAUTIFUL
The writing style. sldkfslkjfdlskdfjs the WRITING style is so POETIC and BEAUTIFUL and I would DIE FOR IT (it actually reminds me a little bit of @swinging-stars-from-satellites's writing style!)
The world building is incredible because they're clearly in a fantasy world but they're like "um magic? Giants? Lol that doesn't exist-- OH HOLY CRAP THAT'S A FREAKING GIANT"
The snarky banter. Y'all know I love me some banter
Okay that's all for tonight but I swear tomorrow I will reblog this with more and also a list of my favorite quotes with no context. I swear, I will get one of you guys to read this kriffing book if it's the LAST THING I DO
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neenahnah21 · 4 years
Find my Way Back Home VII
Summary: Bucky Buchanan Barnes is smitten to a four insignia military officer—you. How do you think things will unfold? 
 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader 
 Word Count: 1,454
 Warning: Swearing?
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Bucky were hunted again by another dreams. This one was different though, the night terrors were not about his terrible fate at the hands of Hydra— the dreams were about you.
It wasn't necessary a nightmare, in fact it was quiet pleasant, too good to be true. Maybe that was the reason why it was called a dream, because it is impossible and way too far from reality. And he considers it a nightmare for being only a good dream and not a reality.
"What were you so distracted at soldier?!" he's superior exclaimed seeing how preoccupied Bucky is during a briefing. His shouting snap him out of his trance and quickly brought his attention back to the officer in front of him.
"Nothing sir" he denied, and his superior knew him damn too well.
"Well repeat my instruction then" he challenged and Bucky were tongue tied, not really knowing what to say, true to his superior observation, he wasn't really paying attention.
It's not that he's not a good soldier, it's just that your presence were extremely distracting, you looked to good to be denied every attention in the world. Wearing that officer uniform, moving so gracefully among your colleagues, damn, how could he deprive his self the sight of you.
Luckily out his not so great disposition you decided to be his dame in damn uniform ready to save him, like the guardian angel you are to him.
"Good day gentlemen, what are we having here" you greeted, when his superior saw you he was quick to render a salute and so does he-with an additional wink which caused you to roll your eyes.
"Just lay outing the defence in case the adversary decided to attack first, ma'am" his superior answered.
"Hmm, well I must get going now then, looks like you can handle your selves. I just drop by to say hello" you asseverate and then the two soldier rendered you once again a salute before you retreat the quarter.
Whatever they were doing earlier was now forgotten, his superior quickly dismissing him after an important errand demands his attention, to Bucky's gratefulness. He can't take another reprimanding, he can't afford you thinking any less of him.
"Well it's  just not appropriate for a dame as such to be all alone at this hour" Bucky remarked playfully when he saw you walking alone at the side of the river. You're current FOB was better among the rest you have been, resource was great and the scenery was a bonus.
Tonight was extra especial, the moon was bright and it was beaming with light that emits the base. It's reflection was can be magnificently seen at the river water.
"Luckily I can be a knight in shining armour at your service" he said shamelessly. You scoff can't help the laugh that escaped from your mouth. You wanted to reprimand him at how vulgar he was, but knowing him, it would be pointless.
"Well that's too bold of you to say soldier" you replied, trying to sound firm but the smirk on your lips were a give way that you are anything but.
"Well lucky you I'm a valiant soldier cause if I'm not then I won't be holding your hand right now, officer" he beam with full of pride.
You didn't noticed it until he mentioned it.
The echo of gun shots and artillery fires brought Bucky out of his dreams, sweat were drenching his clothes, the gruesome image of what fold right after his fantasy dream were a nightmare that twice it's dreadfulness to the sweet one he was having.
He couldn't shake the image out of his head. How he was holding your hand just a moment ago and then not too long after that he's already holding your limp body.
The image was too much for him to take. Luckily it was just a nightmare , one of the few good in his bad ones. This one were different in a sense that it was the calmness before the storm. Too good in the beginning but it was the same ending, horrifying.
That wasn't the last dream he has of you that night though. It seems like his fantasy and yearning of having you were finally keeping up with him, even in his unconscious state.
"What the hell?!" you screech when Bucky entered your tent without permission. When you saw your intruder you slightly relax but kept your uptight demeanour.
"What the fuck are doing here Sergeant Barnes?!" you asked firmly, he only gave you a lip-sided smile though, he figured out he like seeing you in authoritative manner, dominant and in control. You looked extremely hot when your pissed and he liked it knowing he's the one that can rile you up like this, the only one that can get under your skin without being beheaded.
"Can't I just visit my girl?" you scoffed at his response, completely not having this shenanigans of his.
"As if" you retorted.
"As if what doll?" he's now walking towards you, shamelessly checking you out, savouring every detail of you physique.
"As if you don't longed for me to be here? As if you don't want me calling you MY GIRL, because doll, I know you do" he said huskily, his seductive voice were making you weak on your knees and when you were just about to be slumped on the floor Bucky caught you in his harms, embracing you with a hug.
He firmly secure you in his arms, snaking it at your waist and looking at you lovingly.
"I miss you" he said while smashing his lips unto yours, at first you didn't fight it but when you realize how wrong the situation is you tried to break free from it.
"Bucky stop, you can't be here. You're not even allowed to be here. Specially during this hours" you said but your hands were still snaked at his neck and the other one playing absentmindedly with his hair. He just give you a knowing look and you couldn't help but chuckle at it.
"We can't, someone can just walk in" you said while looking pass him and checking the opening of your tent.
Bucky only hummed though, not bothered even a single bit with your warning. He only tightened his hold on you and brought his face at the crook of your neck, pecking once in a while at soft skin there.
"Buck..." you warned.
"Hmm" he replied still sucking you neck.
"Seriously stop" you doesn't sound like you wanted to which encourage Bucky more.
"We can't afford to get caught you know, hands off now" you demanded firmly, Bucky only shook his head and looking at you with his puppy eyes. That's unfair, you can't deny him anything if he's looking at you like that.
"Nope" he said popping the p sound like a child, you can only glared at him, not trusting your voice. When it seems like there's no way of talking him out of it, you tried wiggling yourself out which earned a grunts from him.
"Please?" he begged.
"Weren't you suppose to be supervising your troop?" he ignored your question, completely indulge at studying your feature.
"Can we just be like this please? Stay like this" he added, referring to your current position where he was embracing you tightly in his arms.
"Buck you know we can't, if someone saw us you'll be—" he didn't let you finish your words when he crashed his lips to yours once again. You could only savour the feeling of him.
He hugged you tightly afterwards, no one saying anything for a while.
"5 minutes" he declared.
"Let me have you like this for at least 5 minutes, please" and you could only hum and nod at his plea. You just hugged him back, closing your eyes and relishing the feeling of being in his tight embrace, listening to the comforting sound of his heart beating.
You didn't notice how the time passed by way too quickly, it's more than five minutes and you were ignorant of it. The sound of your tent opening is what brought the two of you out of your stances, glancing at the person's figure emerging with both horrified and panicked look.
And Bucky was once again awake from that dream. He tried to go back to his slumber after that. For a good few minutes he tried to find his comfortable position, changing from one place to another. Switching from side to side but he can no longer find his torpidity. The image of a flabbergasted Steve upon seeing your intimate position— emerging from your tent, never ceasing to leave his mind.
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kanerallels · 3 years
hello friend!! Have you read the books of Pellinor by Alison Croggan? She’s my favorite obscure author and I’ve read all her books! her Pellinor series is an epic fantasy, and she has another YA that’s a fantasy retelling of Whuthering Heights. She also has two middle grades that I LOVE!!!
(your about says to talk about obscure books and I also love obscure books!! so if you have any recs I’d love to hear them!!!!)
*gasp* I haven't!!! But that sounds really cool! I'll have to check out some of her other books, and the Books of Pellinor sound super interesting!
After a surface Googling, I have no idea which book to start with, so what order would you recommend?
lksdjflskdjflskdjf how DARE you enable me in this way I'm totally gonna accept it.
Read "Valiant", by Sarah McGuire. It's a retelling of "The Valiant Little Tailor", but gender swapped and THE MAIN LOVE LIFE I LIVE FOR IT ON SO MANY LEVELS
Also "Moonscript" by H.S.J Williams, and The Ilyon Chronicles by Jaye L. Knight (although fair warning that last one is an adult section read. It is Christian fiction though!)
Wait one more-- "Some Kind Of Happiness" by Claire Legrand. It's kinda sad but super good! I just finished rereading it!
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