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After seeing this I finally know what it is I want in a man. Darkness ✨🖤✨
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||WHERE ARE YOU?|| Bucky x F! Reader WHUMP
Inspired by my own whump prompt that you can read here
Summary- You are captured on a mission by a HYDRA agent from Bucky’s past, a dangerous man with a thirst to inflict pain. You are tied to a tree miles out where anyone could find you, forced to face the harsh elements and no food or water. It’s days before the team find you, and when they do you are weak, severely sun burnt and freezing cold.
WARNINGS- whumpee reader, caretaker Bucky, reader is tied and gagged to a tree and left for days, reader suffers from sunburn, sunstroke & almost hypothermia, stab wounds,VERY VERY BRIEF MENTIONS OF IMPLIED SEXUAL TORTURE BUT NOTHING ACTUALLY HAPPENS
“Bucky she’s not here”
 Steve sighed out in frustration as he looked at his friend. You had been missing and presumed captured on your last mission 5 days ago. You had gotten cocky and went after a HYDRA  Agent who was closely involved in The Winter Soldier Program. Before the mission everyone could see how unnerved Bucky was, but he insisted on coming because he knew what the agent was capable of doing.
One second you were there, the next you were gone from Bucky’s sight without a trace. There were too many agents and the team were forced to retreat, much to Bucky’s pleas for them to stay.
It had been days. Your tracker was knocked off during the fight but it was the only lead the team had, according to the tracker you were still in the building. Tony received word from SHIELD that the base they stormed had began to evacuate. They had to move now or risk loosing you forever.
“Yes she is, Steve” Bucky said through gritted teeth, he doesn’t know if he believes his own words but he can’t bring himself to think otherwise. He and Steve stood in a room full of unconscious agents, each one were questioned on your whereabouts, and the agent who took you. You were both gone, which Bucky knew meant only one thing, that you weren’t going to survive much longer.
5 days ago
You were stood by Bucky’s side against a wall, waiting for the right moment to strike the room full of agents ahead. You looked up at him, he was focused but you could see the deeper fear that resided in his eyes. The night before he told you about the horrors he seen at his time at HYDRA, the torture this specific agent,  Agent Henry Cassidy, had committed. Bucky has never told you what he himself had suffered, and he swore he never would, but he made it clear that this agent had done despicable things to him. He did not want to see this mans face again.
“James, it’ll be okay, we’ll find him and bring him in” You whispered, putting a hand on his upper arm.
He gulped and nodded, he couldn’t find the words to speak.
When you finally struck it became a struggle, fighting every agent who came your way. Dodging punches and bullets was no easy task, even for an Avenger like you. You had taken care of most of them, while Bucky was fending off the remaining four. You were ready to rush in and help him but a clatter in the opposite direction caught your attention. It was Agent Cassidy. He had slipped into the room, presumably to surprise attack his former victim but as soon as he was noticed he took of running.
You looked back at James who had 2 men left to take down, he caught your eye and new exactly what you were about to do.
“Y/N don’t you dare!” Before he could finish you were sprinting to catch the agent. Your mission was to capture him for questioning then release him to SHEILD’s custody so he could no longer cause anymore harm. You were alone running down the corridor, Bucky’s shouting getting fainter the further away you got.
You stopped for only a second, but that second allowed him to get the jump on you. Before you could register what was happening you were unconscious.
“Any luck?” Tony’s voice rang through the comms, hoping that they had found you yet. Both men winced at Tony’s words. No one had found you.
“Check the perimeter”
“We have Bucky-”
“-Well then check again!” Bucky’s words cut through Tony’s, but he agreed to check again.
Bucky placed both hands on his head and trembled, trying his best not to burst in anger. You were here, you had to be.
4 Days ago
Bright light from the setting sun blinded you as you attempted to open your eyes. Waking from unconsciousness you found yourself tied with thick rope to the shaft of a thick tree. You had been gagged with thick silver duct tape that was wrapped several times around your mouth. Realizing your predicament you began to shout and thrash, but no luck. The rope was tightly secured from your chest to ankles, keeping you firmly stuck against the tree.
A sinister laugh brought your thrashing to a halt. Squinting ahead you saw the figure who put you here, Agent Cassidy.
“Struggling is useless, Y/N.” He laughed again. Bucky had no idea that his worst nightmare was playing out at the same time he was begging Steve not to leave without you. You were miles outside the base, further than the team would think to look, just like Agent Cassidy had planned.
You huffed and whined through the tape in anger. A million thoughts were running through your head;
What is he gonna do? is Bucky okay? where are the team? Did he hurt Bucky? God what is he going to do?
The sun was setting in the sky and you were tied to a tree miles away from your team...was he going to leave you here?
You looked around in despair, searching for a way out when the agents voice cut in again.
“You look just like how he did when I tortured him for the first time” He waited in silence with a horrible evil grin on his face. You huffed out in anger again, knowing he was talking about Bucky.
“He screamed, he cried, he begged. He begged for the pain to stop while he was strapped down, as a peeled of his fingernails one by one-”
“MMHP!” you tried to scream through the gag for him to stop. You couldn’t take hearing the pain Bucky went through, he never wanted to speak to you about it and as much as you wanted to help him you were happy not to hear about the things he went through.
“You however...” He trailed over to you as he spoke
“will be subjected to a different kind of torture, a method I have been just dying to try out. I didn’t think you’d be in my clutch so soon but you made it so easy to lure you out.”
You were wishing you had listened to Bucky, he knew better than you. He knew immediately that you were being lured out, but was unable to stop you in time from taking the bait. 
Tears ran from your eyes, he was now face to face with you, scanning you quietly to think about all the things he could do to you, if only he had the time.
The sun was setting fast and the cold would be taking over the night. He pulled a small knife from his pocket and twirled it in his hand.
“I wish I could witness all this in person for longer, but I can’t risk the Avengers finding me, I have too much work to do. So until they find you-if they find you, you’ll be here tied to this tree fighting the hot sun and the freezing nights. There are cameras hidden in the trees that are connected to the base and my residence, so I can take notes on how effective this torture is, understand?”
You couldn’t help but scowl at the satisfied look on his face, he had lured you into a torture trap and you let him, any one could have seen the bait from miles away. You were so caught up in being the one to catch him so that Bucky could have some peace that you abandoned all protocol and logic and put yourself in this situation.
A car horn beeped in the distance and the agent turned to leave.
“One last thing, hold this for me” Before you could try to respond, the knife in his hand was forcibly driven into your inner thigh. As you screamed out in pain he disappeared into the night, leaving you in the cold with blood streaming down your leg.
For the next 4 days it was you versus nature.
Day 1 you started with little energy, not being able to sleep from the night before due to the discomfort of the rope, gag, and knife that was still firmly in your leg. 
Day 2, an unforgiving sun and unforgiving heat. Winter was still here but spring was approaching. The sun wouldn't have been such a big issue had you been at the other side of the tree, but you felt it was deliberate to have you in direct sunlight. With no clouds and no coverage, the sun was focused on your face and neck, you couldn’t see your reflection but as the day progressed you were being left with serious sunburn, and sunstroke developed. By night the sunstroke kicked in and you were getting weaker. With no food or water and your mouth still taped shut it was beginning to dawn on you that the Avengers weren’t going to find you as soon as you hoped.
Day 3, you had passed out during the night and woke up to heavy rainfall and wind. You were feeling the affects of hunger and thirst, frustrated that you couldn’t try to catch the rain drops on your tongue. The wind was irritating the dagger in your leg and you hoped it might be knocked out if you tried to move it, but to no avail. The rain stopped in the afternoon, you were completely soaked and starting to freeze as the wind battered your skin. You were beginning to loose the little strength you had left as you could no longer feel your hands. The night of the third day was the worst of it, still ill from the sun you were struggling not to throw up, but couldn’t expel it due to the tape. The wound in your leg had become infected without you noticing, and you were nauseated from the pain of hunger in your stomach. 3 days tied to a tree in the woods, you were cursing out your team for not finding you yet, you were cursing out yourself for being so incredibly stupid.
You wondered where the cameras were, you wondered where that bastard was and if he was watching every minute of your struggle.
At the same time, on the third night Bucky was  pacing around the living quarters of the tower, while Bruce was attempting to calm him down. The search never stopped but it was too dangerous to return to the base, which Bucky exploded with anger when Natasha said that to him. He wasn’t listening to anyone, only listening to the terrible thoughts in his head. 
The only thing Bucky was thinking about was how sick and twisted his mind was. Bucky failed to mention how much pleasure Agent Cassidy got out of torture. He never wanted to tell the team but Cassidy was driven by a pure sexual desire, he got off on the torture and pain of others, especially when he was the cause of it. He was pacing in fear knowing this information, fearing what things Y/N could be subjected to at this very moment. The team knew something deeper was wrong with Bucky, but Steve urged them not to push him for more information. All they knew is that this agent was good at torturing his victims, and that he enjoyed doing it.
Day 4
You had passed out during the night loaded with a fever, you were too weak to stay awake and hold your head up any longer. You were struggling to breathe through your nose because you began to panic that you would die out here if no one found you. It was in that panic your head felt light and you were out. The sun was just rising, and unbeknownst to you, Bucky and the team had come back and were only miles away.
Bucky and Steve had left the room of unconscious agents and ran to every room in the base, screaming your name until their throats were raw, until Clint’s voice rang through the empty base speakers.
“Guys I have good news and bad news. Good news I found the control room cameras, bad news she’s not on any of them.” Clint and Wanda had found the control room filled with security camera’s but most of them had been smashed or damaged.
Bucky had reached the control room while Steve split up to find Tony outside to continue the search. He was loosing all hope, he merely sat down in the middle of the floor and wrung his hands. 
“I don’t recognize that location.” Wanda pointed to the the small cluster of trees on screen.
Bucky looked up and  observed, still saying nothing. Clint squinted at the trees.
“If it’s on the cameras then it must be close right? maybe it’s a few miles further out”
Wanda and Clint turned to look at Bucky who had turned his head to the side as if he was figuring something out. He stood up suddenly and walked over to the camera.
“What are you doung there, Buck?” Clint questioned.
“I’m turning the sound on” Bucky replied in a grumble.
“Security Cameras don’t have sound-”
“-These ones do!” Bucky shouted back at him. After fiddling with buttons on the back of the monitor showing the trees, the light whistling wind picked up. Wanda and Clint looked at each other and back at their slightly unstable teammate, unsure what his plan was.
Bucky held his finger to the comms system,
“Everyone be on standby, I have a plan”
“Copy that” Steve’s voice came strong through.
Bucky searched his pockets for his phone and the plan became clear. he had no idea what he would do if this didn’t work, this was the last shot he had.
 He opened his phone and clicked on your number, everyone was silent...
A faint ringing came through the screen, Wanda held her hand over her mouth, Clint sighed and Bucky let out a cry of relief. He informed the team to fly out as far as possible until they reach the end of the woods then start working inwards, Tony took the North, Wanda the East, Thor took off west, while Wanda flew south with Bucky and Steve in a HYDRA jeep they found just outside the base. Bucky was behind the wheel driving at a furious speed. 
“I found her!” Wanda’s voice echoed through the sky, Bucky finally reached Wanda who could only stare at the state her friend was in. 
“Y/N!” Bucky had never shouted so loud in his life, he ran towards her, mind completely blank as his legs carried him to his injured lover. Steve stood behind them to talk through the comms telling the team to get the Quinnjet ready, and to contact Doctor Cho immediately. Bucky took a small blade from his pocket and slowly cut the tape around your head, carefully peeling it off as gently as he could to avoid hurting you any more. He went to cut the rope as quickly as he could before Wanda stopped him.
“She’s injured, she’ll collapse as soon as the rope is cut. Hold her up, Steve will cut it and I’ll get Tony to read her condition.” She flew off to find Tony and Jarvis to help. Steve noticed the knife in your thigh and carefully pulled it out so when you fall it doesn’t cause more damage.
“It’s infected.” Steve spoke and Bucky nodded.
Bucky put both his hands on your face and gently tilted your head up, now seeing the burns on your face and the paleness of the rest of your skin.
“Shit” Bucky inhaled under his breath as Steve came to see the damage. He held it together to keep Bucky calm, but he was just as distressed to see his teammate and friend in such condition.
“She’s gonna be okay Buck, get ready I’m cutting the ropes” 
Steve cut through the ropes, careful not to cut them all at once to avoid giving you a fright. Your body was finally free and you fell into Buckys arms, he lay you down on the ground with your head in his lap to take the strain off your neck.
“Y/N, c’mon wake up” Bucky repeated, lightly tapping on your cheek to try get your attention. He placed his hands lovingly on your cheeks and put his forehead against yours.
“James?” You spoke out softly, the words came out as barely a whisper. You didn’t have the strength to open your eyes but you knew the touch of your boyfriend anywhere. He smiled and lifted you up slowly, carrying you in his arms to place you in the backseat of the jeep.
Consciousness was beginning to fade again, but with the little strength you had left you reached your arm out to grab Bucky before he pulled away.
“He can see-see us, Buck” You struggled to breathe let alone speak, before you could see his reaction you had promptly passed out again. The cameras had not been spotted by him or Steve, but agent Cassidy had a full view of your torment, and now he could see just how much The Winter Soldier cared for you...Now he had a plan to bring The Winter Soldier back
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Summary: You’re making an elaborate breakfast for you and your boyfriend, Bucky. Over the course of the conversation you realise you had no clue how old he is.
A/N: I was hungry when I wrote this if you can tell. Let me know what you think! ❤️
Masterlist I Requests
You hummed along to the cheerful, upbeat melody streaming from the radio. The bacon in the pan was spitting dramatically at you while you bumped your hips along to the beat. The coffee pot dinged it’s readiness and, abuzz with excitement at the prospect of caffeine, you turned in an exaggerated twirl to grab a mug.
The sight of a figure leaning against your bedroom door startled the mug straight out of your hands. The radio couldn’t overcome the sound of smashing ceramic but you ignored the mess in favour of pressing a hand to your pounding heart. “Holy shit, Bucky,” he had the audacity to laugh at you as you bent to collect the largest pieces, “don’t do that!”
Stooping to help you collect a particularly sharp piece of pointed ceramic, he asked with a voice full of innocence, “what? I can’t enter the kitchen now?”
Standing up, a pile of jagged ceramic in your palm, you huffed and moved over to the bin. “You don’t have to sneak in! And sidle up behind me like a - a -“ you words devolved into stumbling as he put an arm around your waist, lazy kisses laid on your neck. “Don’t think you can distract me,” you sighed out, already leaning back into him. “I’m very angry with you.”
Cockily, he gave you nothing but a chuckle in response. Hands clutching your waist greedily as you melted into his attention.
A sudden ding jolted you from his arms, the grumble of your stomach more enticed by the idea of breakfast than his advances, and you rushed to the toaster. Licking your lips you plucked the two slices of toast from the toaster and plonked one piece indelicately on each plate. “Hope you’re hungry?”
Wryly, he smirked at you. “Sure,” he sidled up beside you, leaning forward to twist the dial of the radio, “what we having?”
As the music clicked off, you raised a brow at him - butter knife brandished as you paused in your action. “Well, I was having fun but you turned the music off.”
Delicately, he extracted the knife from you, taking over the important job of buttering the toast while you moved back to the frying pan.
“You call that music, doll?” You shook your head with a giggle, this familiar rant of his almost funny to you now. “That’s just… noise.”
Flicking the controls to turn off the hob, you deposited two slices of bacon on each plate and dumped the pan in the sink. “You’re so old.” You told him sardonically, listening to the hiss of cool tap water hitting the still heated pan.
Dismissively, he muttered “yeah, yeah,” as he leaned around you to send the butter knife clattering into the sink. “You know in my day, they made music you could actually dance to.”
You paused in your action, aggressively scrubbing the frying pan, and looked at him with a snorting laugh. “‘Back in my day’,” you mocked in good humour. A light laugh preceded your next sarcastic question; “what are you, a hundred years old?”
With a dramatic roll of his eyes he plucked the sponge from your hand and took over. “A hundred and five, next month.” He said that so matter-of-factly you couldn’t be sure if he were just continuing along with your poor excuse for a joke.
Frowning, eyebrows pushing together, you waited for him to clarify what that had even meant. When he said nothing, you pushed; “wait, wait, what?”
Carefully, stacking the pan on the drying rack, he shrugged. “My birthday’s next month.”
Grabbing a fresh tea-towel, grimacing at the sight of water pooling on the draining board, you shook your head. “Yeah, I got that part.” You told him, catching his eyes briefly before smoothing the towel over the pan, “you’re a hundred and five?” You asked, confused by whatever joke he was telling.
Plainly, he looked at you. “Yes,” he confirmed, “you know that.”
Flabbergasted, you shook your head. “I think I’d remember something like that, Bucky?” An element of fear infected his expression at the suddenly high pitch of your voice. “It’s not like a dealbreaker,” you assured, “but… you didn’t tell me that?!”
Seeming a little more settled, he squinted at you. “I didn’t outright say it, no,” he agreed, “but it’s pretty common knowledge.”
Lips twisting you pulled your phone from your pocket, tapping furiously into the search bar. The answer shone up at you, the fact feeling more real now that it was cemented in pixels. “Huh,” you gave, clicking the phone screen off, “you’re… right.“
A laugh pealed from him as he came to lean against the counter beside you, arms crossed over his chest. “Yeah - I think I know how old I am.”
You nodded, brain still almost short circuiting with this information. “I thought when you said you were older than you looked you meant you were like… fifty or something not… a centenarian.”
Eyes narrowed, he leaned forward as though to hear you better. “A what?”
“Centenarian,” you repeated, “yknow, over a hundred.” Feeling a spark of tension rolling from him, something about this subject pulling him taut, you smirked and attempted to push him back into the quiet ease of the morning. “You’re pretty spry for an old guy.”
One brow raising at you, arms uncrossing as his shoulders dropped slightly, he asked; “oh yeah?”
Nodding, springing lightly closer to him, you sent delicate fingertips over his neck. “Yeah,” you affirmed. Then, with fingers now skimming past his hairline, you added in a husky whisper; ”full of youthful stamina too.”
He ducked his head as he laughed, one hand slung lazily over your hips as the other pushed him away from the counter and closer to you. His tone dropped and became lazy in that seductive way of his, eyes bright and dark all at once as they all but smouldered over you: “You want another demonstration of that stamina?”
The loud buzz of the egg timer you had placed atop the fridge cut off any response you could make. With a new excitement infecting every movement, making you almost clumsy with bouncy haste, you moved from him to open the oven. You heard a disappointed huff from the man behind you before the egg timer was silenced, but you ignored it in favour of opening the oven and basking in the smell of hash browns.
Oven gloves quickly secured, you pulled the tray free and felt your mouth watering at the sight of golden potato.
As you dished out the rest of the breakfast items, giving him a little extra as always, you couldn’t help a last jab. “Do you want me to cut it up for you, or maybe blend it so you don’t have to chew?”
“Very funny,” he grumbled, leaning over to turn the radio back on at almost full volume; an innocent smile shot your way.
Chuckling at his attempt to drown out the sound of your laughing words, you handed him the plate.
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fanfictionera · 2 years
Missed You (BuckyBarnesxReader)
A/N: I had a few very foggy and rainy days where I live and I was inspired to write this. I haven't been able to write a lot lately so I took advantage of the inspiration. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Bucky is off on a mission, not a long one by any means but long enough for tY/N to unwittingly succumb to her feelings. But once the realization of those lines being crossed are acknowledged, will it be okay?
Word Count: 2640
Warning: Friends to lovers, making out, things get heated but no smut. 
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Missed You
The light pitter patter of rain against the large windows of the common room created a soothing pattern of percussion.  The world was blanketed in a filter that muted colors and toned down the landscape. Wisps of fog rolled in off of the lake, dancing between the trees and creeping across the tall grass.
Y/N stood in the kitchen, looking out the window, as she waited for her tea to steep. She hadn't turned on the lights leaving her in a blue hue from the storm. Once her tea was done she crawled into place on the couch, to watch the rain come down and let her mind wonder.
With so many out on missions, the compound seemed to relax with Y/N. Usually Y/N looked forward to being the one holding down the fort. It gave her the alone time she loved and craved. However this time felt different. Wanda was off with Vision while Steve, Bucky, Sam and Nat were off on a recon. It was only a three day mission and it was already day two, but Y/N felt off. She felt bored and her indecisiveness wasn't helping her current mental state.  
She forced herself to keep busy but every activity was missing something. Or someone. 
Y/N started in the gym, thinking a good workout would be just what she needed. However it was too quiet and no volume of music could fill the void. Bucky was loud when he worked out. Grunting and breathing through everything he did. He was always Y/N's spotter and could always sense when she needed a push or help focusing. Pulling her ear bud out of her ear plunged Y/N into the stilled silence of the gym. 
Frustrated, Y/N abandoned her workout and hit the showers as the water washed over her, she felt the underlying agitation throughout her body. Pulling on an oversized sweater after her shower Y/N decided to make some food and distract herself with a movie. Her indecisiveness was still strong as nothing looked good, nothing sounded good. Checking and rechecking every cupboard and the fridge, Y/N finally gave up and retreated to the couch. 
In the darkness of the storm the light from the TV formed a beacon. Flashes of light in an even pattern skipped within the room as Y/N browsed titles. Nothing grabbed her attention and the ones that did were on the list to watch with Bucky, he had become a movie connoisseur of sorts. Most nights the team could find Y/N and Bucky in front of a TV, Bucky was always up for any genre and any story. Once the credits rolled he would give his honest opinion and if he liked the movie enough he would write it down in the movie journal Y/N had gotten him for his birthday. Y/N realized she had been scrolling through titles and not even reading them. 
Turning off the TV, the room plunged back into its stormy mood. That's when Y/N decided to make herself a cup of tea. Pulling herself off the couch, Y/N sauntered up to the glass window until she could see her faint reflection like a ghost drifting across the pane. Her sweater that once belonged to Bucky, fell mid thigh and hung askew off her neck leaving a shoulder exposed. She clutched the warm ceramic to her chest as she stared at herself. 
After a deep breath Y/N sat her tea down and began to let herself roam. Each step brought her closer to who her heart wanted to be with.
Y/N came to a stop in front of Bucky's door. Gently she placed a hand on the smooth surface, splaying her fingers out, before letting it slide down to the door knob and turned it. 
The door clicked open much to Y/N's surprise. She stepped into the darkness of his room. Closing the door behind her Y/N felt like she was in some forbidden garden. But rather than being surrounded by plants and flowers she was surrounded by Bucky.
Y/N let her fingers glide across the spines of Bucky's ever growing collection of books as she walked passed. 
Several old journals sat in a stack among papers on his desk, another, his newest sat on his bedside table. A well worn couch sat on the other side of the room, across from a TV. A record player sat nestled in the corner. 
Y/N slowly circled around Bucky's room, finally coming to a stop at the foot of his bed where a long old trunk sat. Bucky's sweatshirt lay out, along with a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, something she guessed he sat out before he left.
Picking up the sweatshirt, she brought it up to her face, inhaling his familiar scent of sandalwood, oakmoss and a hint of lavender. Y/N smiled as she sat it down and took in his bed. 
Mostly made, with some of the blankets not quite pulled tight and his pillows haphazardly strewn in front of the headboard. Before Y/N realized it she was crawling into his bed and nestling down into the covers. She rolled onto her back and looked up at the ceiling. Taking in all the details. The way the shadows casted across the smooth surface and the striking flashes the lightning created. There was a start of a spider web in one of the corners and a small crack in the paint, very faint, branching from the light fixture. Y/N wondered how much more she was missing and if Bucky had it all memorized. For the first time in two days she felt still.
Engulfed by the safety of the blankets Y/N began to drift asleep as the rain continued and thunder rolled softly in the distance.
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"We're twenty minutes out." Nat announced as she flicked a few more controls into place. 
Steve sat down next to Bucky, "I can't wait to get back." Bucky said as his friend got comfortable.
"To see Y/N?" Sam teased. 
"No." Bucky's response was a little too quick, "I mean, yeah but, not like that."
Everyone went quiet, Bucky watched as they gave each other a look, a silent conversation that they all agreed on. 
"Stop," Bucky said as he noticed.
"What?! We all see how the two of you are." Steve replied. 
Sam chuckled. "I would put money on the two of you feeling the same exact way about each other."
"How much?" Nat shot back.
"Guys!" Bucky almost sounded exasperated. "Look, I'm just enjoying this with Y/N and seeing what happens." Bucky looked down at his fidgeting fingers. "For the first time when I blink, five, ten, twenty years haven't passed. When I blink Y/N's still there and I'm not done experiencing that feeling."
Sam shook his head, "You know when I met you, you ripped the steering wheel off my car, through the windshield, while I was going like 80 on the freeway? Now look at you, all soft and in love."
"Sam, I say this with every fiber of my being, fuck off." Bucky shot a thin lipped smile back at his friend as laughter filled the quinjet. 
"Alright, alright." Sam held his hands up in defeat. He got up and joined Natasha at the front of the quinjet. 
"For what it's worth, I'm really happy you have Y/N" Steve said as he nudged Bucky's arm. 
"Me too." Bucky replied.
After landing, the quinjet was secured and supplies put away. Everyone was free to do their own thing. Bucky began to unclip and unzip his suit as he walked towards his room. He was itching to peel his suit off and take a nice long hot shower, scrub away the filth that clung to his skin. After mission showers were his favorite. He could stay in the hot water for hours if he wanted. He was debating if after he would see if Y/N was still awake, or if he should just wait till tomorrow, he could feel how tired he was. He chuckled to himself knowing full well she would scold him for choosing her over sleep.  
As he opened his door his thoughts ceased to exist. His smile faded into shock as he blinked several times. Bucky almost didn’t believe the sight of Y/N, in one of his old sweaters, fast asleep in his bed. Bucky felt his heart thud in his chest and his brain go into overdrive to process what he walked in to see. 
Slowly he closed the door, then carefully and silently he gathered his clothes from the trunk and made his way into the bathroom. As he walked he couldn't stop glancing back at Y/N, almost as if he thought she would disappear in a blink. As he realized it was real, that she was actually there in his bed, his lips pulled into a smile and he couldn't help the wave of emotions that crashed over him. 
No longer wanting to take a shower, the water took far too long to heat up, his hair one too many washes, and the grime that coated his skin felt like pine tar. With a final rinse and check he turned the water off and stepped out of his all but fifteen minute shower. 
He toweled off and grabbed his sweatpants. As he pulled his shirt over his head he heard a knock at the door. Bucky's eyes bulged in panic. Silently he entered his room to see Y/N still asleep. Another knock and Bucky immediately was at the door and opened it. Steve waltzed right in.
"Here's the paper--" He stopped dead in his tracks as his eyebrows shot up and he looked at Bucky.
Bucky came beside him, "Look I don't know, I was just as surprised as you." He whispered. 
"Just get the paperwork to me sometime tomorrow." Steve handed Bucky the thick ream of the report, slapping his chest with it before Bucky grabbed it.
Bucky rolled his eyes as he could feel his friend's excitement for him as he left. As the door shut Y/N began to stir. Her eyes slowly blinked open and she turned her head to see Bucky standing there. Instantly her eyes shot open wide as she remembered where she was.
"Oh my god." She immediately began to pull the covers off of herself. "I am so sorry, this is --"
As she talked Bucky casually tossed the paperwork onto the trunk with a thud and climbed over top of Y/N. She instantly froze.
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked as he settled behind her.
He pulled her back down onto the bed, "Joining you." 
"Oh, okay." Y/N could feel her heart beating against her ribs.
Bucky pulled her in close flat against his body, "Not that I'm complaining, but how did you find your way into my bed?" Y/N could feel his breath on her shoulder as he talked. 
"Um, I don't know." Y/N's stomach was in knots as she tried to figure out what she wanted to say. "I just missed you."
She felt Bucky's lips on her bare shoulder pull into a smile, "I missed you too." 
All the tension and butterflies seemed to lift out of Y/N's body. Bucky could feel her body begin to relax back into him.
The rain still beat against the window and as Y/N lay there she had an urge that began to bubble up from her stomach. Her heart sped up and she knew this was her chance. She lifted up Bucky's arm as she turned over to meet his gaze. 
Without giving herself another second to think about it she leaned forward, capturing his lips. His arm tightened around her waist and pulled her in. Their lips danced and the kiss deepened. Bucky rolled them both over, his hand supported his weight as hers pulled him down by his neck. They broke apart breathing heavily. Between much needed breaths their lips found each other in short bursts. 
Y/N slid her foot up, making her knee brushed up against Bucky's side, she used the leverage to push herself closer to his body. Shifting his weight onto the arm underneath her, Bucky trailed his hand down the length of her torso, letting his hand slide under her sweater making contact with her soft skin. His hands ventured down leaving a trail of heat, fully cupping her ass over her spandex underwear before moving down further, splaying his large hands on the back of her thigh, just under the shelf of her butt. 
Y/N arched into him, letting her head lull to the side as Bucky trailed across her chin and down her neck. She slid her hand up into his hair, letting her fingers drag across his scalp. His hand roamed back up under her sweater to the small off her back. 
"Buck," Y/N's voice was breathy as she all but moaned his name. "I need a moment."
He kissed the corner of her jaw, "Yeah, that's probably a good idea."
A smile pulled at her lips. "I really don't want to stop," She pulled his lips to hers again, "but we really just went zero to a hundred."
Bucky let out a chuckle, "Yeah, we did." He glanced down. 
Y/N followed his gaze to see the tent that was currently erected in Bucky's pants, "Oh no!" They burst out laughing as Bucky let his head fall into the crook of her neck. "I'm so sorry, that's on me." Y/N caught Bucky's eyes. 
"Don't apologize." Bucky rolled over to lay flat against the mattress, the move not helping the visual. 
Y/N unabashedly took it in, "Do you want me to help?" She had propped herself slightly up. "I mean, I just feel bad and--"
"Its okay, I'll go take care of it." Bucky interrupted her. "But thank you."
Bucky took in her genuine concern and guilt, "Well um, I also need to go clean up," A blush spread across her cheeks. "So how about I do that and give you a moment."
"Okay," Bucky reached up and pulled her back into a kiss. "Won't take me long."
He felt the shiver through her body. She pulled herself away and as soon as the door to the bathroom closed a sigh left Bucky as he reached down to grope himself through his sweatpants. 
Y/N stood in front of the sink, looking at herself in the mirror. "Oh boy, I think he feels the same way." Y/N took in another breath. 
She could feel the excitement growing inside her, a smile grew on her cheeks and she could feel herself practically vibrating. 
She took a quick shower, cleaning her body and washing her slick down the drain. It wasn't till she was re-dressed and just about to grab the door handle she realized she had no idea how much time she had been in the bathroom for. Five minutes or a half an hour, she was too caught up in the thought of Bucky that time became irrelevant. 
Y/N hoped she had given him enough time and when she re-entered the room, she was answered by a dazed looking Bucky. He had moved under the covers and was pulling the corner back inviting her in. 
"Everything go well?" She asked as she cuddled back into his warm. 
Bucky kissed the top if her head, "More than."
They laid there, facing one another, completely comfortable in the silence. Just taking the other in until the pitter patter of the rain and the rumbles of thunder lulled them both to sleep for the final time that night.
Part 2 Coming Soon
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soldierswar · 2 years
Broken Mirrors Chapter IV
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Bucky x Assassin!Reader
Smut, angst
Chapter Summary: As you actively work to avoid your problems, new ones emerge when you begin to grapple with feelings that you may or may not have for Bucky. 
Warnings: Smut (Masturbation, edging, metal arm stuff, etc.)
Masterlist for previous chapters
Ecstasy. It was the only word that you could think to describe what you were feeling. Every inch of your body on fire amplifies at every place that he touches you. 
Legs straddling him as you sit on him at the edge of the bed, his right hand that was just roughly running through your hair wanders down your body to make its way to your breast to squeeze while moving his lips away from yours to bite the most sensitive part of your neck by your jawline. 
You let out a soft, desperate moan grinding on his hard cock that’s twitching under his jeans. He halts your movements by holding your hip with his left hand and gives you a warning look telling you that you’re getting too eager too quickly. 
He’s going to take his time with you. And he wants it to be torture. 
Continuing to stare deep into your eyes, a hint of an evil smirk creeps across his face when seeing the truth that you despise to even admit to yourself. You’re submitting to him. And the only way that you’re going to get anything close to what you want, no, need is to continue to do whatever he says.
Another pathetic whimper escapes your lips and he quiets it by roughly pushing his tongue into your mouth leaving you breathless. 
He holds you by the hips holding them still, not allowing you to move as he begins to grind himself against your aching core. The motherfucker was torturing you. 
“I think I hate you,” you whimper against his lips. 
His smirk only widens. 
“I know.” 
His metal hand makes its way into your leggings and underwear and he presses down on your sensitive bud. Already so close to orgasm you gasp and uncontrollably jerk your hips for more friction. And with that, he stops. 
You’re on the verge of tears now. 
“You move when I tell you to,” he orders, delivering the words against that same sensitive spot against your neck making all of the hairs on the back of your neck stand up earning him the most pathetic moan.
“Okay?” He rasps.
You nod helplessly feeling your body tremble under his touch on your waist hoping that he’ll touch your clit within the next few seconds.
“You promise to be good?” 
You nod desperately.
“Touch yourself where you want me to touch you.” 
With wide and watery eyes still locked on his, you place your hand to where his were just moments ago and start rubbing your clit not letting one sound escape you. 
“Good girl,” he whispers. 
“Now wake the fuck up.” 
Your eyes shoot open and you are breathless. Your skin was slick with sweat, and with that, your tank top was a little damp. 
You were dreaming about him. 
You were really dreaming about Bucky Barnes…Again. 
You grit your teeth in anger and it takes you a few moments to realize that your fingers are circling your clit the exact same way at the exact same pace that you were doing in your dream. And with an exploratory dip of your finger, you find yourself soaked.
You groan and regretfully succumb to thinking about the final moments of your dream to quickly bring yourself to an explosive back-arching orgasm.
After coming down from your high and finally catching your breath you hear something fall to the floor from what sounded like the kitchen. 
You knew for sure that it wasn’t your uncle or anybody from your team because they always announced hours in advance when they were coming. Which meant one of two things. 
One, a stranger was breaking into your apartment. Or two, Bucky broke into your apartment…Again. 
You pull your gun out of your nightstand in anticipation of whatever or whoever it is.
“11:30 AM y/n, really?” the man greets.
To your dismay, you were not greeted by a hostile stranger. You still decide to keep the gun and tuck it in the back of your shorts.
“Well if I weren’t stuck trying to do extra research for your ass until 5 am, maybe I’d be in the fucking gym right now instead of needing to sleep in, or standing here with you.” 
“Missed you too, dollface.” 
With nostrils flaring you storm over to your laptop to grab it.
For the past two weeks, he’s been heavy on the irritating nicknames. You’re pretty sure that it’s payback for your first car ride together.
“You know a knock would have been nice,” you point out. 
“And what would be the fun in that?” 
You swear your eyes roll so far in the back of your head you can see your brain. 
You made yourself comfortable sitting on the island counter setting the computer on your crossed legs to turn it on. Bucky gave you a weird look at your choice of seating area.
You had recently bought your own computer that you made sure was hidden from your uncle and had it encrypted to be untraceable in order to safely access all of the info that you had worked so hard to steal. 
During your spare time, Bucky would come over and you’d analyze everything that Unity had on Ingrid…Which had some helpful information about the past, but not so much about the present. 
“So what do you have for me?” he asks.
You shook your head and shrugged defeatedly. Sadly, after hours and hours of researching through the night, you had nothing. 
“Not much, really,” you admit. 
“What about you?” 
“Some good news, and some bad news,” he states. 
You tilt your head and he takes that as his cue to continue. 
“Well, they’re still looking for you. Which is why I’m assuming that you’re not allowed outside of your apartment unless one of your team members tactfully escorts you to one of the bases.” 
You were glad that you and Bucky knew how to trick the security cameras of your apartment because you had to do a lot of sneaking out recently. 
“And the good news?” 
He shrugs.
“I mean they haven’t found Mia yet.” 
The mention of her name pulls at your heartstrings to a sickening degree.
One thing that you were grateful for was the fact that he tried his best not to mention her too much. No matter how much he sometimes purposely gets under your skin, you could tell that he recognized and maybe even felt something akin to sympathy about you not wanting to face certain things until you were ready…If you would ever be ready. 
“Have you gone to see her yet?” 
You nervously clear your throat and let that be his answer. 
“How is she?” you ask cautiously. 
“She’s a lonely, scared little ballerina with a lot of questions.” 
You shook your head. She was not getting answers from you if that’s what he thought you were going to give her. No matter how much he guilts you. 
“You should go see her.”
“And you should stop acting like you care,” you snapped. 
He raised his hands in surrender as you delivered a death stare. 
“So what now?” you sigh. 
He has a mischievous look in his eye and you have a feeling that you are not going to like what he has to say next. 
“Bucky…What did you do?” 
That familiar smirk of his creeps up on the side of his lips and you despise the way that it re-emerges that pulsing between your legs.
Damn him for being as attractive as he was infuriating. 
“Say…Say your uncle gets called for a meeting in the Middle East and has to fly over tonight…” 
You frown. 
“And say it’s an urgent matter that turns his attention away from you…” 
You narrow your eyes.
“Bucky, what the hell are you planning?” 
He shrugs. 
“That’s not what you have to worry about.” 
You swallow nervously. 
“Then what do I have to worry about?” 
He smiles.
“How many times have you been to Madripoor?” 
You swivel your body to jump off of the counter and face him on the opposite side.  
“I’m not going to Madripoor with you, Barnes.” 
“Do you want to get back to your normal life or not?” 
You stare him down from the other side of the island resting your forearms on the cool surface leaning forward, and you swear that for a brief second you catch his eyes dart to your semi-exposed chest. 
You automatically straighten your back. The last thing you need after this morning’s dream is spotting hints of desire in his eye. Besides, even if he was attracted to you, there’s a whole clone for him to swoon over. It’s not like you were charming him with any aspect of your personality. 
Suddenly your phone rings and by the ringtone playing, you know that it’s your uncle. 
“Please tell me you’re calling because I can do something normal like go to the movies effective immediately,” you answer. 
“Good morning to you too, Y/N,” he replies. 
“My apologies,” you retort.
Your uncle grew a lot more accustomed to your attitude during times when you were housebound with seemingly no end in sight after a given assignment. 
“No, I’m just calling to let you know that I have important matters to attend to in the Middle East.” 
Your eyes widen and you stare Bucky down. 
The motherfucker already did it. 
“Where exactly in the Middle East?” you ask, masking your surprise. 
“I can’t tell you. But I’ll be back in a few days, and I’ll call you when I’m on my way back to the US, okay?” 
“Uh-huh,” you answer before saying goodbye. 
When you hang up Bucky gives you that guilty smile. 
“Bucky, what the hell did–” 
“Pack your bags. We leave in an hour.” 
@lethallyprotected @ryunniez
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softsergeantbarns · 3 years
I dare you!
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pairing: Bucky x avenger!reader
summary: you and Bucky have this weird thing going on where you dare each other to do some stupid shit.
warnings: none. pure fluff and really funny.
wordcount: 1500
its not proof read, I'm sorry. Later on you'll get why I put in the link to that video, promise! Hope you like it. And as always, my requests are open. So just hit me up with any idea you've got!
Whenever you or Bucky were bored you’d play a game. I dare you. Most of the time it was just a stupid dare that one of you gave the other one. The rules were easy. You either complete the dare or you’ll get punished. And most of the time, the punishment was even worse than the dare.
The last dare you gave Bucky was to steal Sams wings and use them to fly around the compound, screaming that he loves Steve.
„Hey Bucky“ you said with a mischievous smile on your face.
He knew that smile and groaned already as he looked at you, hoping you wouldn’t think of something too bad.
„I dare you to steal Sams wings.“ You said already giggling. „Fly around the compound so everyone sees you. And then…“ By now you were laughing and not able to finish your sentence.
Bucky sighed and pinched to bridge of his nose. „And then?“ He asked you and looked at you, still laughing.
„And then you have to scream, that you love Steve.“ You bend over from laughing, holding your stomach.
Bucky groaned and looked at you checking whether you were joking or not. But the way you were laughing he knew you weren’t joking. Not even a bit.
So Bucky was on his way to grab Sams wings to complete his dare. It didn’t take him long to get the wings before he got ready. He just hoped no one would notice. You on the other hand made sure everyone was waiting for him outside. You were ready, holding your phone up in the air to record the whole thing.
And then, it was showtime.
Bucky flew around the compound, looking absolutely ridicules and out of place. You were shaking from laughing almost laying on the floor.
„What’s going on?“ Nat asked Steve as she pointed at you. „She dared him, didn’t she?“
Steve snickered and nodded watching Bucky as he flew.
„I LOVE STEVE!“ He screamed, his face was blushing a whole new shade of red. „AND I HATE (Y/N).“
Sam came running up to you and the others. „Are those my wings? Is Tinman really using my wings?“ He asked furiously and looked at you. But you couldn’t answer. You were laughing so hard, tears were running down your face. „I swear if anything happens to these I’ll kill the both of you!“
Bucky tried to land, but it didn’t look as graceful as it did when Sam landed. He stumbled over his feet and fell down, rolling a few times on the ground. After a moment he got up, fine, and looked for you. With his finger pointed to you he said: „Be ready, my next dare will be way worse. And there is no way that you won’t do it. Because the punishment will be just as worse!“
From that moment on you were waiting for your next dare. Like it was the only thing you could think about. And he knew that you were thinking about it all the time. Whenever he said your name you jumped a little hoping he wouldn’t dare you to do anything. It made Bucky chuckle every time.
You and Bucky were laying in your bed all cuddled up. Your head on his chest, his fingers tangled up in your hair. The TV was on but you didn’t really watch it. You had your eyes closed and hummed softly as Bucky massaged your head.
„Doll?“ He asked softly with a big grin on his face. „I dare you!“
Your eyes widen as you moved your head up to look at him. „Come on, right now?“ You groaned and looked at him with puppy dog eyes he usually couldn’t resist. But he was still thinking about how you made him fly around the compound.
„Oh doll, puppy dog eyes won’t do it this time!“ He chuckled. „I dare you to perform a song in front of the whole team.“
Confused you looked at him. Sure, it wasn’t the best thing to do but it wasn’t that bad, you thought. Was he sure that this would be the worst dare he ever made you do?
You moved into a sitting position on your bed and looked at him, still a bit confused.
„Wait, I even got some things for you.“ He said and got up. „I talked to my new friend, you might know him. Peter? The little spider dude that Tony loves more than anything?“ He gave you Peters mask and his web-shooters and grinned. „He was happy to help me out. Remember that one song we found on YouTube a few weeks ago? That Spider-Man song?“
Your eyes widen even more. You knew exactly which song he was talking about. Because you showed it to him. A few weeks ago both of you were laughing whenever you saw Peter because you were thinking about that song. Now you weren’t laughing. Not at all.
„Bucky, no way!“ You whimpered as you held the things in your hands. „That’s not fair.“
He laughed and shook his head. „Making me fly with Sams wing wasn’t fair either. F.R.I.D.A.Y. would you please inform everyone to meet us in the living area?“
„Of course Mr. Barnes.“
Bucky was laughing as he looked at you. „Let’s go!“
You huffed. „Can I at least get changed?“ You asked him already grabbing some leggings. Since you guy were already laying in bed you weren’t properly dressed. One of Buckys shirts and some shorts. But he shook his head.
„Oh, hell no. You’re doing it like that. Put your mask and web-shooters on.“ Bucky told you, grinning as you sighed.
When you got to the living area, the whole team was already, waiting for you and Bucky. When they saw you with Peters mask they already knew what was going on. Bucky sat down with them and grinned at you.
„Another dare, huh?“ Tony said and shook his head, already done with the two of you. „It can’t be worse than you flying around the compound declaring your love for Capsicle?“
Bucky rolled his eyes at Tony while the others were laughing, including you. „Oh doll, don’t laugh too hard. After that everyone has forgotten what happened a few days ago.“ He told you. Peter was already laughing, knowing exactly what would come next.
„Everyone, please shift your attention on our very next Spider-Man.“ Bucky introduced you before he told F.R.I.D.A.Y. to start the music.
Luckily with your, well Peters, mask on nobody could see your flushing cheeks as you began to move. It didn’t take the team long to laugh just as much as Bucky was. Every now and then you were using the web-shooters as you were singing along. Of course Peter was filming everything so you would never forget that this happened.
At the line: „With great power comes great responsibility“ You moved down to your knees just as they did in the video. By now nobody could hold back their laughter. And you weren’t done, whenever the song was directed to Tony you would point at him and sing it directly to him as it was only you and him.
„That’s how I live that Spidey life, that spidey life.“ You sang and shot another web from Peters web-shooter directly onto Bucky, pinning his hand down just like Peter did at the airport when you guys were all fighting each other. With that, the song was over and you took of the mask, throwing it back to Peter.
Everyone was laughing so hard, they all had tears in their eyes. You probably would’ve laughed just like that if it wasn’t you standing in front of them.
„You and your dares…“ Sam laughed at you. „It’s the best thing that happened in a long time.“
The others agreed, making you smiling sheepishly. You loved it when the whole team was having fun on their days off.
„How do you guys even come up with stuff like that?“ Nat asked and looked from you to Bucky.
You shrugged. „I don’t know. Somehow we just started!“ You told her giggling as you thought about other dares you and Bucky already completed. „Anyways, Bucky?“ You looked him directly into his eyes and grinned mischievous. „Revenge is coming. And this time, it’ll be the worse dare you ever had to do. I promise you that.“
Bucky laughed it off as he pulled off the spiderwebs from his hand. „We’ll see about that, doll. For now, this will be the new thing we laugh about for days.“ He got up and grinned at you before leaning down to whisper into your ear. „I didn’t know you would be this sexy dancing!“
Your cheeks felt hot as you bite your lip, looking down.
„Maybe you could show me again? Just you and me?“ He asked seductively and grabbed your hand, softly pulling you with him.
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mischiefmanaged71 · 3 years
MCU Masterlist
Joaquin Torres
Turning Tables (8/8)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
The Sour Series
Favourite Crime
Driver's License
Hope ur ok
Enough for you
1 Step Forward, 3 Steps Back
Deja Vu
Bad Romance
Chasing Pavements
In Your Eyes (Sequel to Chasing Pavements)
No Me Queda Mas
Trivia: Love
Trivia: Seesaw
Forever and Always
Teach Me How To Love
Blue & Grey
Back To You
Invisible Strings
House of Memories
Supermassive Black Hole (Pt.1)
Tenerife Sea (Pt.2)
When We Were Young
I Think He Knows
Call It What You Want Series
Rewrite the Stars Series
Everything Has Changed
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Matt Murdock
Cruel Summer
Cornelia Street
Stephen Strange
The Love Hypothesis
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neuschwanstein · 2 years
a frozen heart
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader
Summary: You love Bucky Barnes. So why does it hurt so much especially at a Valentine’s party?
Warnings: None! Angst and fluffffffffff 
A/N: This is my very first writing post. I entered a writing challenge for Valentine’s Day and felt inspired. Hope you enjoy! Come from the prompt, “I wish you would think of me when I wasn’t right in front of you.” 
You wore a red velvet gown that hugged your figure perfectly. Your h/c hair was done in an up do of curls as a few tendrils cascaded down to frame your face. With a Smokey eye look and the red of your lips painted on perfectly, you were a literal walking Aphrodite. At least that's what your girls gushed, trying to put you in the mood. Music blasted from down the hall causing you to slow your steps. If you had to do this you wanted to prolong the inevitable for as long as you possibly could. It was Valentine’s Day and of course Tony Stark had to throw his fellow avengers a party. Everyone was thrilled- the world had calmed down just enough for people to really relax and take advantage of some well deserved party time. But your heart was just not in it these days. Or rather, your heart was too preoccupied with a certain brooding super soldier with ocean blue eyes that kept swallowing you whole every time they pierced you with its gaze. 
The minute you enter the ballroom your eyes seek him out. It’s become a routine of sorts for you. Your little heart can’t settle its worry until he comes into your line of sight. Though this time the scene before you has your heart stuttering to a complete stop as you wait on bated breath. In an all black suit James Buchanan Barnes has simply taken the breath from you. You decide at that moment he is the most beautiful extraordinary man you have ever laid eyes on. Your frozen heart thaws completely in that moment and your whole body tingles with warmth, something you are not accustomed to at all. Not with your ice powers have you ever felt the warmth that Bucky Barnes evokes on you. But as fast as the feeling comes, it leaves you like lightning, replaced with an icy vice-like grip over you as you watch on pitifully as he flirts with one gorgeous red head wrapped around his arm like a snake. They’re all so enchanting, the women that throw themselves at him and you maliciously tell yourself, You could never compete. 
“Try not to be discouraged Y/N, they have been all over him since the first party. He’s just playing the part.” Your heart clenches even harder at Steve’s words and you quickly avert your gaze to the floor. 
“I don’t know what you're talking about Stevie. I didn’t even notice that red headed women around Buck,”
 You try to lie, but Steve is no dummy. He sees how you look at his best friend and has never been happier that someone as kind and sweet as you could be for his oldest pal. Your snow white skin has the faintest hint of a blush on the apples of your cheeks, and Steve backs down. He gives you a timid smile as if to say, Yeah sure, Y/N. 
“Care to join me on the dance floor?”
 Steve is quick to change the subject. You giggle at his antics and look up at him through your lashes. 
“Steve Rogers- are you asking me to dance knowing very well you have two left feet?” 
Steve pins you down with the friendliest glare he can muster. 
“Only for you, Y/N.” 
He holds his hand out for you to take like the perfect gentleman he is. Damn Steve Rogers. Smooth as silk that boy is sometimes. Sometimes. A slow song starts up through the speakers, as you and Steve make your way towards the dance floor. 
You place your hands on Steve’s shoulder while he places his big burly ones on your waist. He takes you close and you close your eyes as the sweet music leads you into a soft ballad. 
On the other side of the room, Bucky Barnes curses Tony Stark and these elaborate parties. Every single time, these vulture-like women are on him faster than he can tell them he’s not interested. They hang off him like a parasite and he hates it. He hates it more than anything in the world, Hydra included. He looks around the room as a means of escape and comes up short when he sees her on the dance floor. His jaw goes slack as he looks her up and down. She’s a dream. Even better than any dream he’s had of her, and his mind goes green with jealousy when he sees Steve’s hands on her waist. 
“Bucky? Are you listening to me?” The red head next to him says and he knows he has to get out their clutches. 
“Ah…yeah…I..I gotta go to the bathroom. Ladies,”
 He expertly weaves through the girls and makes his way to the washroom. Before he gets there he checks to make sure he made an escape without any watchful eyes, and as soon as he knows he's in the clear, he sneaks off to the end of the bar making sure he is hidden. He watches you and Steve in silence, wishing more than anything it was him making you giggle the way you were. He imagines what it would feel like to have his hands on your waist, gliding his fingers against the red satin he so desperately wants to have claim on. 
After the Blip happened, there were new faces among old ones in the Avengers compound. You were one of the new. The first time he met you, he knew you would change his life for the better. You were very shy- with new found ice abilities that left you scared and fragile. You didn’t yet understand how to control your powers, so you were in constant fear that you would hurt someone. Something that Bucky had related to all too well. You two slowly became friends after one sleepless night on both your parts. You were in the kitchen making hot chocolate when Bucky came out. Instead of cowering away back to your room, you offered to make him some as well. You came out of your shell to try and comfort the man after hearing his constant screams of terror during his sleep. Bucky knew this, and appreciated the small gesture. It became a routine from that point on- one would wake before the other and have two cups of steaming hot chocolates ready for the other. And then like clockwork Bucky fell for you. 
 He’s so enthralled with you he doesn’t hear Sam come up next to him. 
“Maybe you should ask for a turn next.” 
Bucky scoffs as he turns to Sam. 
“Yeah, I don’t think so. She would never give someone like me a shot.”
 Sam frowns wishing these two fools in love would just try one time- they both pine over each other in secret and it’s starting to make him and Steve go gray. 
“You won’t know until you try, man. Who knows? Maybe the Ice Queen is into your dark and brooding. I mean, come on, could you be any more mysterious? All black Buck? Whose funeral is it anyway? It’s Valentine’s Day!”
 Bucky rolls his eyes. This is not what he wants to hear right now. Before he can lip Sam off, he sees Y/N pull away from Steve looking distressed. He frowns with concern. What has that idiot done now? He watches with lead in his chest as Y/N turns from Steve towards the balcony. There's no mistaking her steps- she’s fleeing. Bucky immediately finds himself getting angry at Steve. What did he say to her that made her retreat so fast? Why did the tears in her eyes sparkle more than the diamonds that shone around her neck? Steve comes over to where Sam and Bucky are knowing what Bucky witnessed. Steve sighs, 
“Maybe someone should go check on her?” 
He looks hopeful at his friend. Before they get an answer Bucky is following suit to the balcony. The two give each other a look and only pray. . 
With tears threatening to spill down your cheeks, you make a break for the balcony. Steve’s words echoing through the void of your mind. How could he be so cruel? He knew your feelings for Bucky, and yet he egged you on for sport. Baiting you that Bucky could feel the same way as you. Your heart shatters as you sit on the bench near the French doors. You can feel the ice take over, and this time? You just don’t care. 
Your cry sticks in your throat when you hear his voice. You don’t dare look up, for you know as soon as you do its game over. Steve's voice rings in your ears, Tell him. You might be surprised by what he says. You take a deep breath in to stop the ice in its tracks and before you lose your composure you muster all the courage in your being and look him in the eye as the words come pouring out.  
“Before you say anything Buck, there’s something I need to tell you.”
 You close your eyes for a long moment and before you lose it, turn to him with a watery smile. 
“I wish you would think of me when I wasn’t right in front of you.” 
You see the confusion cross his face and silently curse your brain for the confusing words. 
“Okay no- let me try again.” 
You laugh sheepishly, 
“What I mean is… I think about you a lot, you know? I think about you in the morning. I think about you right before bed. God, I even think about you in the worst moments, like when we’re on the field fighting off other agents. It’s always you.” The ice starts to freeze over your fingers, but before you can worry you continue on, not even noticing the elation that has come across Bucky’s face.  “And I know why I think about you so much. I think about you Bucky Barnes, because I love you. I have for quite some time now, I think. I love you despite this cold that consumes me. I love you like I love our hot chocolate nights. They warm me up so much that I almost forget I’m made of ice. And that’s what you do to me Buck. You warm me up, and I love you so damn much and I-I’m sorry, I can’t do this,” 
You sputter with frozen tears on your cheeks and before you can let the fear fester itself anymore, you stand to run from this. It’s too much all of a sudden, and you can’t breathe and you NEED to get out here before you freeze everything around you. But before you can escape, Bucky’s hand catches your elbow to pull you back. 
“Bucky, pleas-” 
His lips crash down on yours instantly, stomping the storm in your eyes away. He holds you in place against him with such passion, your resolve crumbles and you cling onto everything that is him. His lips on yours feel so hot, and so cold at the same time, the feeling is electrifying. You break apart from each other, out of breath and your eyes shine into his and he thinks he will become snow blind with how radiant and beautiful you look. Bucky reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a heart shaped card to hand to you. You look at him bashfully with a giggle on your lopsided lips. This big beautiful man, with snow kissed lips and doey eyes handing you a red valentine card has you absolutely melting. You open the card and it reads, ‘Will you be my valentine?’ 
You look up to him and kiss him again, with your answer on your lips. 
“I love you, Bucky Barnes.” He smiles his thousand watt smile, and holds you a little closer as he beams back. “I love you, Y/N L/N.” 
tags: @pellucid-constellations​
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ramenoff · 3 years
• 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩 •
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Synopsis: Bucky would literally die for you but his ego is bigger than his dick and you wanna shove him out a window. 
Pairing: fuckboy!bucky x AFAB!reader (college au)
Warnings: uH enemies to lovers, no explicit smut (brief, inexplicit mentions), PINING OH MY GOD, unrequited love (on Bucky’s part), language, some specific traits for reader mentioned (nothing like skin, hair or eye colour, more just clothing style and no makeup), Bucky is an idiot lmao.
(1.3k words)
You’re staring at your board like you’ve got a bone to pick with it, determination evident in your brow and a scraped knee to match it. 
Should’ve bought those knee pads. 
You huff out a sigh and push off on your board once more before dipping back down into the bowl and rounding the circumference to get yourself comfortable. Your foot meets the ground to spur on your momentum- it’s a simple trick, and you’ve only been skating for around two weeks at this point but you’ve spent all afternoon trying to nail this move and you refuse to return to your dorm with defeat written all over you. 
You direct yourself to round another lap before allowing the board to take its course up the side of the bowl. You meet the edge and you use the momentum in your hips to let yourself rise up in the air and- holy shit, you’re almost doing it! 
As you meet the edge your body swivels, right hand gripping the board to your feet as your left-
Well, your left hand was supposed to catch you. 
Before you can calculate that the distance was misjudged, you're tumbling down the side of the bowl and biting the pavement. 
“Take it easy there, champ.” 
You’re so ready to castrate him. 
“Eat glass,” you snap, dusting off your cargo shorts and examining your twin wounds on your knees. 
You’ve never understood just what makes James Buchanan Barnes so great. It's clear that he’s a class A douchebag with his stupid blue eyes and ridiculous hair that falls perfectly in place no matter how hungover and disgusting he was. He swears he’s got a big dick but he’s proven that his ego has the advantage, even girls on campus swap stories about one night stands and seven minutes of god knows what when stuffed into a closet together on a dare. Maybe you’re jealous that it isn’t you, or maybe you’re just tired of the pick-me-girl shit that goes on simply for a college fuckboy with precisely two and a half brain cells who has somehow Pavolov’d a swath of young girls to be at his beck and call when he wants a blowjob. Either way, the rest of campus thinks that Bucky is just peachy while you can beg to differ. 
The best part? He wants you bad. 
Your bruised skin and scruffy attitude is refreshing, he’s decided. Not once has he been so threatened by a look but he’d be damned if he didn’t imagine those harsh features softening at his touch. He doesn’t care if it’s behind closed doors, where your back arches and your eyes roll, pleads and prayers dripping off your lips like honey as he plays your body like a finely tuned instrument. Nor if it’s out where everyone can see, a brush at the small of your back, just so you know he’s there. If he could just tuck away that flyaway strand of hair that always hangs in front of your eyes he’d die happy. If he’s lucky he might cup your cheeks and trace your lips with his thumb, trying to memorize the touch in case his body forgets. 
He thinks, if he could have you, that his body would never truly forget it. You’re too extraordinary. You’re extraterrestrial. He swears your beauty is so alien but also earthly and real, unlike anything else he’s ever seen. If God exists, he made the cosmos revolve around you. Bucky sometimes scrunches his nose and grimaces at how cheesy it sounds but he solidly believes that God took inspiration from your eyes and created stars. Your hair is the waterfalls of the world, the clouds in the sky and the leaves on the trees all at once. Your skin is the earth, lush and rich, but blemished from your pursuits. When your eyes narrow and your brow sets, so does the sun. When you breathe the wind wraps him in chilled kisses. He’d like to create a hurricane with you. 
He’s bad at showing it, but he’d give you everything. He’s made fun of you and taunted you out of his own insecurity, but only because he just knows he’d love you better than anyone else. When he teases you about your baggy, ripped clothes it’s because he wishes he could worship the prize that lies beneath them. When he points out your circled eyes and offers to take you makeup shopping it’s because he wants to kiss those dark crescent moons and adore them like the rest of you. He finds any opportunity to poke at your scars and scabs because he yearns to place a band-aid on them and kiss them. 
Champ? He calls you that for two reasons. 
1. He can’t get enough of that face you make when he does. Never has he wanted to drop to his knees to beg and throw you over his shoulder and feel you squirm at the same time. You look like you could commit all sorts of creative crimes when you look at him like that and it makes his heart swell morbidly. 
2. You are a champion- his champion. He wants so desperately to be proud of you, to watch you with adoring eyes and his face in his palms as you put everything surrounding you to shame. Roses? They pale in comparison to your skin’s natural glow. The jaws of death? They snap shut and whimper when you walk- no, skate- by. 
Bucky wants you more than he has ever wanted anything in his life- come to think of it, he hasn’t ever really wanted much in life. He just grazed the median to get into college by a longshot, never exactly cared for a job or any of the girls he dated in the past. Steve and Sam, while being his best friends, Bucky knows they won’t put up with his absolute dogshit behavior forever. But you? He’d change for you. He’d cut his hair or wear a clown suit if you really wanted him to, he would do anything if it meant making that tight line of concentration and grit that is your mouth curve up into a smile. 
What does he do instead? 
“You’re pretty shit at this,” he readjusts his ball cap as he peers down the bowl at you. 
You glare up at him. Your eyes are a myriad of labyrinths. He’s sure he’ll never find his way out of them but you break the gaze and kick up your board. 
“Not as shit as you in bed,” You quip, taking a run up the side of the bowl and making it up this time without trouble. 
Please, just let him hold you.
“Wouldn’t you like to find out.”
Even just for a minute.
“I’d like to keep my pink palace untainted, thank you.” 
You can count if you really can’t stand it. 
“Pink palace? You mean crackhouse.”
Just let him be selfish. He doesn’t deserve it, but hell does he want you. 
“And your junk is close to godliness?” you snort. 
You’re now nearly nose-to-nose. He can smell you- warm vanilla and sandalwood rolling off your body like waves of rugged sweetness and the sharp bite of spearmint gum on your breath. He could kiss you. He could just take you by the back of the neck and finally get that clash of lips, teeth and tongue that have haunted his dreams at night. Or he could guide your chin to his lips with the tips of his fingers, letting anticipation build with the riot of butterflies in his stomach. 
But no. 
“Maybe you’ll get that trick next time, champ,” Bucky claps a hand on your shoulder and is on his way with his heart sinking in his chest.
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peachdoesfics · 3 years
Hi hi 🥺 could you write a bucky fic where he's all ashamed to show his arm and scar to the woman he's dating and the reader comforts him and it's super angsty and fluffy? Pls and ty 🥺❤
Certainly!! I'm so sorry this took so long, a lot of stuff has been happening recently so I haven't been able to write! Nevertheless, I hope this oneshot is satisfactory!! Thank you for being my first ask, enjoy! ❤
The Story In Your Scars (Bucky Barnes x Reader) ★Oneshot Request★
❗CW❗ Mentions of scars, burns. Contains references towards cheating, and contains strong language.
All mistakes are my own :^)
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You'd been dating Bucky for at least half a year now, and safe to say, things were running more than smoothly. As quick as you'd both met, Barnes had whisked you off of your feet, all the way into his own house, which he had graciously offered to you as a place to live. It was like a Palace.. if the Palace was a downtown apartment in the suburbs. Still, it was a hell of a lot roomier and cleaner than yours, and you were incredibly grateful. Since then you'd spent whole days together, and even greater nights.
This morning, however, was an outlier.
You woke up the same way you would any normal day, encased in a duvet which you'd wrapped around yourself in your sleep. Your drawn, midnight blue curtains flittered in the fresh breeze of pre-noon, summer warmth, and you swore you could hear a swaying serenade of birdsong as you sat up in bed. Normally, each morning would be accompanied with a nice, steaming cup of coffee that would be sat next to you for when you woke up, the roasted, nutty aroma being one of the first things that would stir you. The other being Bucky, who would slide back into bed with you and wrap one of his arms around you, hand sliding its way under your shirt to rest on your waist, and each morning you would relish in his touch, waking up next to the love of your life.
When you turned in your sheets, your hand almost instinctively felt around on the beside table for your cup of coffee. It wasn't like you'd throw a fit if it wasn't there, it was just that not having it there was strange. After months of routine, practically tradition, why would Bucky give it all up now? He was never a man to break routine.
It felt cold not waking up with him there. Now to think about it, the whole place seemed virtually silent. Even if Barnes wasn't in the room, you'd still hear his heavy footsteps plodding about the place, or a trail of music that leaked from his headphones that followed him down every corridor. But today, there was nothing. Nevertheless, you still slid out of bed, arms wrapped around your torso as you shuffled your way through the apartment, unable to stop yourself from peering into each room, just to check if he was in there.
No dice.
Each room ended up being what you expected in the end; empty, and eventually you just ended up flopping down onto the sofa in defeat, a cup of water in your hand. You would have had coffee, but it didn't taste half as good if you made it.
The majority of your day was actually spent just mulling around the place. You didnt want to leave the house incase Bucky came back, but as each hour passed (which you timed accordingly every time you took a passing glance at a clock), you soon realised that you'd be better off just forgetting about it, and eventually, it was about the right time for you to think about getting on with dinner. Not really a chore, or a task you were given, dinner was always split between the both of you. Sometimes you would cook, always in time for when Bucky came home, and sometimes the other would cook, which most of the time turned out to be the best food you'd ever tasted. Just thinking about it now caused yourself to salivate.
Judging by the amount of food in the kitchen as a whole (which wasn't much- you'd originally thought that Barnes had just gone out to the shops to pick up some groceries, but it wouldn't take someone the whole day), you ended up just beginning to throw some stuff together in a pan, and, as expected, you ate dinner alone that evening, but you didn't finish it. Sitting alone, worried sick did wonders for your appetite, which had diminished almost entirely, to the point where all you could manage was a few bites before you had begun to feel queasy. Instead of eating, you spent the rest of mealtime over your call logs, re-reading the countless missed calls over and over again until they were burned into your brain.
You weren't sure how much time you'd spent sitting at the table, but were pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of a key turning in it's lock, a sound that emanated clearly from down the hall, followed by a collection of heavy footsteps resonating on the hardwood floors. You didn't even bother looking up, and just kept your eyes trained on your plate, your hand still pushing the food around with your fork.
You did your best pretending you didn't hear him, yet not a single word sounded out from the other, who simply strode down the hall and walked straight into the kitchen. You heard a clattering of plates from behind, figuring he was going to plate up dinner- yet you didn't make him any, and it wouldn't take him long to realise. "5..4..3..2..1.." you muttered to yourself, now looking over from your peripheral vision, craning your neck in an attempt to see better, though without the other cottoning on. For some reason, a sense of bitter happiness blossomed within your chest as you heard the other mutter to himself, toss his unused plate back into the cupboard with a rather sharp sounding clatter, and instead opt to shove some bread in the toaster.
"Fucking hell, I've been out all day, and this is what I'm greeted with?"
How admirable. He'd been out all day, doing God knows what, and he had the decency to call you out on the basis of whether or not you cooked dinner for him?
What a joke.
Though you didn't say anything, instead just listening to the other rant.
"Not even a single dish done, and you didn't even call me once to check on me-"
"I've been calling you all day, what the fuck do you mean?!" you suddenly turned your head, an expression of absolute absurdity contorting your features as you picked up your phone from the table, but Bucky just shot you down immediately.
"You never called me. What are you talking about?"
"Then what's this?" You picked up your phone and flashed the call log screen at him, and in return the other just turned away, scoffing. He barely looked at it, but you could see in his eyes that he knew exactly what it was, but only for a moment, as he'd already begun to make his way out of the room. With a loud, teeth-clenchingly high pitched screech that sounded out from the chair dragging across the tiled floor, you followed after him, looking exasperated.
"Don't ignore me, James!"
As quick as a flash, Bucky turned on his heel, eyes blazing. He jabbed his finger towards you. "I don't have anything to say to you, and I sure as hell don't have to explain myself."
You couldn't help but respond with a hurt expression, clutching onto your phone, which you turned off with a gentle click. In the silence, Barnes didn't break his gaze, and neither did he relax his tensed muscles, which still bulged and shook. "What has gotten into you, baby?" You questioned quietly, the words coming out jumbled due to just how many feelings were rushing about all at once. "Come on. It's late as it is. Let's just get your coat off and get to bed, yeah?"
"I don't want to go to bed. I've just gotten in." Spoke the other as if it were the most obvious thing in the world right now; you just let out a tired sigh. Defeated.
"What's your problem?" Barnes sneered at your loud sigh, shooting you a dirty look. His arms crossed over his chest, almost as if he were attempting to look uncaring and intimidating, yet all he ended up looking like to you was an entitled prick.
"I'm just trying to help, Babe. You come in, guns blazing, insulting me about the housework I haven't done, whilst you've been out all day doing God knows what! I woke up, and you weren't there! I've been worried fucking sick! Do you have any idea how that feels?"
"I don't have to tell you what I'm doing, or what I'm going out for." Barnes argued, his foot tapping arrhythmically against the floor. "We're not conjoined at the fucking hip, are we? You act like every day I have to inform you of everything I'm doing like I'm on some sort of rota! You aren't my boss, Y/N, and I'm sick of you acting like you are!"
"What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Talking. About?" Shaking your head, you took a few slow, calming breaths before beginning to pace around the room. "I never once told you that you had to tell me where you were going. I just don't like being left alone in the house all day!"
He scoffed and rolled his eyes as he bounced between either foot for a few seconds, whether it be from excitement or anger you weren't sure. Clasping his hands together, Barnes bought them to his lips as if he were thinking of something to say. "You're always following after me, asking these stupid questions all the time. Shit, sometimes I feel like I prefer hanging out with Stark over you. He's less annoying, and at least he knows when to shut up."
"Oh, don't you bring any of them into it, Bucky! They have nothing to do with this!" You stopped in your tracks, walking over to the other, unable to stop your voice from raising. "You always have to pull that shit."
Not moving from his spot, and almost with a sense of sharp bitterness, the other used his clasped hands to enunciate each word. "There you go telling me what to do again. You're a fucking control freak."
Oh no he didn't.
Your skin prickled with fire, and you practically had to stuff your own fist in your mouth so that you didn't lose your shit, the rising, bubbling lava of words reaching the brim, and you were ready to erupt. Watching you pace and storm around the room only filled the other with an air of patronising glee, as if he were practically feeding off of the stuff. His dark eyes followed you as if you were a metronome's dial, flicking back and forth.
"You having trouble thinking of something, huh, babe?" His thick words spewed out like slime, infecting and worming their way into your skin. You clenched your jaw. He wanted you to respond, play right into his hands like a dog doing a trick. "That's a shock. You always have something to run your mouth over."
That was it. Mount vesuvius had erupted. A thick static was all you heard in your ears as you turned quickly on your heel, storming over to the other. Your eyes were blazing, ears practically erupting smoke like a steam engine. Before you knew it, you were infront of the other. You could barely hear yourself shout and scream, and within seconds, the row had erupted into a full on screaming match. If this was in the Avengers Tower (which you were glad it wasn't), you'd both have been yanked apart by a set of S.H.I.E.L.D agents by now, who would have probably kicked you out and confined Bucky to either his room, or to his voice of reason, Cap, who would have given him a right bollocking.
Neither of you laid a harsh hand on eachother, though, besides a few light pushes here and there. The whole time, you thought you had a good running at being the bigger person, holding in your tears and not making that much of an issue, but by the end, you were blubbering, unable to get a proper word out. Almost.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Blubbering and choking on your words, you stumbled back as you bought your sleeve to your wet eyes. "Why can't you just tell me why you were out? Are you cheating on me?"
It was almost as if all time had stopped. The air became still, the leaky tap that dribbled water seeming as if it had either magically fixed itself, or the droplets had become suspended in mid air, never to reach the plughole. Bucky let out a stressed, no longer smarmy sigh. "You think I'm cheating on you?"
"I.. I don't know what to think. You disappear all day without a word, leave your calls unanswered, and then come back all secretive, and..-"
"Well how am I supposed to know that you're not cheating on me?" Barnes responded as quick as a flash, sounding oddly offended. He took a few steps towards you, his eyes trailing up and down with utter scrutiny, tracing the lines of your body as if it were a spread in a men's magazine. "Skanking your body around with some other guy while I'm on these missions?"
"Are you joking? Please tell me you're fucking joking."
"I'm not. It's a serious question."
"I would never cheat on you, Y/N. You know that." The once slick, mean Bucky had now become meek and hurt. You'd both re-ignited the same screaming match from before, the one that's noises you could still hear echoing in the still air. Bucky's newfound emotions were a far cry from what he was a few minutes ago when he was shouting in your face. "Do you not trust me?" He stepped over to you and attempted to reach out a hesitant hand, to which he attempted to rest upon your cheek, but you had almost instinctively flinched away. Barnes let a sharp breath whistle between his teeth.
You didn't meet his eye. "I don't know." Rubbing your hands over your face as if you were attempting to rub off dirt, you blinked away more tears that threatened to spill over, your eyes stinging. "How am I supposed to trust people that hide things from me? You've never done that. What am I doing wrong?"
"Y/N, I.." Barnes began, halting after each second word. Stringing words together had become a struggle for Bucky as he now battled with the countless emotions that threatened to spill over. The whole time you were arguing, Bucky had played it cool- yet now he could feel them bubbling up in his chest, like a pan of water that were slowly reaching its boiling point. Running his callous, overworked hands through his unwashed dark hair, the other closed his eyes for a few seconds, as if he were trying to compose himself. He always found himself forgetting what he was going to say if he got too worked up.
One thing you'd learned to realise during dating the other was the little indicators of a breakdown. It would start out mostly the same; Barnes would become distant, unresponsive at first, then he wouldn't want to drink, or even eat. If he had to, he would barely be able to manage a few bites before he would abandon the whole idea of eating entirely, or at least until he felt better. Then came the anger, which would bottle itself up until Bucky became the hell-of-a-lot-more dangerous equivalent to a hand grenade. There'd be no indication of any danger at first, but after a few seconds (give or take) the male would explode, sending shrapnel pieces flying out from all angles, embedding the pieces of his hurtful words deep into the other's minds- he was always known to have such a way with words. Afterwards would come the piercing, high pitched hum that played its part of the aftershock. Silence. Just enough time to let the words set in. Finally came the full flood. Tears, sobs, an endless amount of snot- Bucky didn't care how he looked. Neither did you. Eventually, once he broke down his walls and allowed you back in, you would console him to the best of your ability, mostly by settling him into bed, setting the lights down to low, and, getting in alongside him, you would ever so gently rake your fingers through his hair, whispering sweet nothings to the other until he'd drift off to sleep. Sometimes, when he did want a drink, or when you'd managed to convince him to hydrate himself (a one in a million chance), you'd both sit in bed, sipping Hot Chocolate quietly from your matching cups, both patterned with a sleeping polar bear. Bucky had suprised you with them on your sixth month together. You loved them.
This was no time to dwell on the past. As much as it was now apparently Bucky's time to cry, you struggled to come up with any sense of emotion besides disbelief. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. It was almost as if he were the rich, spoiled child at primary school that had hit you, and had gone crying to the teacher himself, claiming that you'd done it instead- and of course they'd listen to that kid. He was rich.
And in this case, Bucky had the Avengers, and whilst he wasn't one, he still had the whole team behind him. Who was going to listen to a simple girl over a literal 'hero'?
You watched him fumble as he paced around the room. It was obvious he was just trying to think of what to say, but you weren't entirely sure what to say, if anything at all. It didn't seem like anything would really help anyway. Instead, your eyes just followed the other, allowing him to do what he wished. Barnes eventually sat himself down on the armchair that sat in the corner of the room, head in his hands. You took a few steps forward. Waiting for him to say something was torture.
"I... I've been hiding something all these months, Y/N, and I.." he stopped to sigh. "I guess it all just caught up on me. I had to take a day off."
You stuck your hands in your pockets, inhaling a deep, long breath through your teeth. Your mind raced with the possibilities. Has he killed someone? Was he even who he said he was? You instinctively curled your hands into fists as if preparing for the worst. "...You shouldn't have to hide something from me, Bucky." You muttered, voice still laced with monotony. You wondered if this was all some sort of fake get up so that you'd feel sorry for him.
"But this.. I..."
You shook your head, taking another, now mildly hesitant few steps towards the armchair which the other had perched in. "Whatever it is, you know you can tell me." You spoke curtly, yet Barnes just shook his head again.
"It's not something I can tell you." The other started, and he stood.
"... Something you can show me, then?" You asked, to which the other just nodded, accompanied by a congested sounding hum. 'Okay. Here come the bodies, and the fake passports...' you thought to yourself, and before you knew it, you were already daydreaming about being on the run with your love in a car barely filled with fuel, hair blowing in the cool night air, a squadron of cop cars on your tail...
"See, you're not even listening." Barnes spoke all of a sudden, and you blinked yourself out of your haze, now seeing that Bucky had stopped right infront of the living room door, about to leave into the hallway. It was obvious he wanted you to follow him, yet now he stood there, looking annoyed, but also hurt. Not sure of just how long you'd been standing there, you awkwardly shot the other an apologetic look. "Do you even care?"
It's hard to care after literally being treated like a piece of shit.
"Oh, Bucky of course, I was just-"
"Uh huh. Sure, whatever! Why do you have to lie?" Barnes suddenly yelled, his voice breaking and stuttering. His sudden outbursts reminded you of the way an unstable thriller villain would act, and you couldn't help but jolt and flinch. "If you cared, you'd actually pay attention. Fuck!" You could hear his throat was hoarse just by the way he stopped after each word, as if under the belief that if he yelled too much, he would lose his voice. You rubbed your face with a hand, pacing back and forth, before turning swiftly on your heel, breath shaking. Your pent up, sickly sour rage had bubbled over once more. "Because I fucking love you, Bucky! Why else would I care? If I didn't, do you think I'd still be here? Or even be here at all? And after you treating me like a literal piece of dirt under your shoe, do you actually think I have to care?" Your hands were waving about, almost manically, and you couldn't help but spit as you spoke. Your significant other, whose chest was puffed up in some form of faux dominance opened his mouth to speak, but you wouldn't let him. "No! I'm doing it because I fucking love you." You interrupted harshly. "Just because I didn't pay you any attention for five seconds, it doesn't mean I don't care!"
"You don't get it, do you? Get it into your thick skull. I'm letting down these fucking walls for you, shit, Y/N, I'm pouring my fucking heart out here, and you look as if you couldn't care less!"
"Oh, for fuck's sake, Bucky! I zoned out for literal seconds! Get off my case! I'm still here, I'm still listening to you!" You felt like running up to him, grabbing a hold of his shirt collar and shaking him around, as if it would bring a bit of sense into him, but you didn't, and instead tried to take a calming sigh, your fingers curling into the roots of your hair. "Just.. show me what you want to show me."
Now seeming very nervous and quiet, the other hesitantly stepped out of the room, making his way back down the hall and into the large shared bedroom. Wandering after him, hands having once again returned to your pockets, you made your way into the room to be greeted with your boyfriend taking off his jacket. Always a welcome sight- though it was always the most you'd get.
Not once in your whole relationship had you seen him without a shirt on, or a pair of gloves, which was odd. Not even by accident, like when you'd catch him coming out from the shower, or on a laundry day. He wouldn't even sleep without something covering him. If he wasn't wearing a pair of gloves, he'd have his hands shoved into a pair of deep pockets, or hidden inside under his shirt as if they were cold. Granted, you understood boundaries were a thing, and if he just wanted to spend the whole relationship like this, then so be it. You weren't one to ever force someone out of their comfort zone. Though this, Bucky just taking off his jacket, wasn't a shock in the slightest, you weren't so sure about what was going to happen next. Did Bucky have a tattoo he didn't want to show you or something? A manky, disgusting finger?
Barnes looked up at you as you walked in, his irises clouded with nervousness. He could feel his stomach churning with anxiety, each curl and flip making the American feel more and more queasy with every second that passed. He'd rehearsed this whole thing in his head. Everything. Every outcome, every hug, every kiss, every word- and after all that, every scream, every cry, every drink he'd choke down after you'd eventually left him. He'd spent so much time on this that he was sure he'd sweep the Tony Awards, but even now, he wasn't sure where to start. So, he stood, quivering, fingers curled around the hem of his shirt.
"So.. what was it you wanted to show me, hm?" You entered, hands slipping out of your pockets so that you didn't seem so nonchalant about the whole thing. It wasn't as if you felt like that anyway- you were actually incredibly worried, seeing your lover like that. As much as you felt like hating every cell of his being right now, seeing your boyfriend genuinely unsettled proved to you at least a little that there was something going on. Your hands now hung infront of you, one arm wrapped around your stomach; the other holding onto your upper arm as if for support. Barnes sniffed and took a shaking breath, his eyes speaking the words he couldn't. They begged a soft 'Please don't leave me.' Your eyes softened in return.
You wouldn't think of it.
It took the other a good few minutes before he eventually began lifting up his shirt, but it was painfully slow. You had originally wished he'd gone faster, not out of boredom, or sheer suspense, but simply just because you knew how much this must have been hurting the other, yet in the time he'd spent taking off his shirt, you'd since moved across the room, now sitting cross legged on the double bed. Each movement of the shirt being slowly lifted over his head revealed more and more of his secret, almost like a sick sort of advent calendar. Scar after scar, some deep, some barely penetrating, littered the other's soft skin. Most of them covered his back and his chest, creating some bizarre Jackson Pollock looking pattern across his body. A large, particularly garish looking one, sort of like a burn, surrounded the area where you presumed his metal arm met what was left of his actual flesh arm- if there even was anything left. In all honesty, you thought it was just a prosthetic, like the ones you could take on and off at will. This looked permanent- or at least the socket did. You weren't entirely sure about what was going on with that situation- besides the fact that whoever did it had done a terrible job.
And who could forget the arm?
It shocked you at first. Of course, it wasn't as if you didn't have a little inkling that something was off. No normal man would have a small cupboard filled with oil cannisters, for example, unless you were Tony Stark, and Bucky didn't own a car, either. Sometimes you'd hear him grunting unnaturally in the bathroom, accompanied by some odd whirring sound. You, once again, thought nothing of it. You thought nothing of the fact that Bucky was unnaturally heavy handed, barely knowing his own strength sometimes, or the fact that the man could lift incredible amounts of weight.
Yet it never occurred to you, not once, that he literally had a metal appendage.
"Oh." Was all you could really muster out at the time. You were right to be shocked at first seeing it. Bucky, however, obviously seemed to expect your reaction, visibly folding. As much as it in no way excused Bucky's behaviour tonight, this seemed to explain everything. Seeing it was like some sort of a revelation.
You knew Bucky had a past, hell, who else walks around with a full on metal arm, but you never asked about it. The incessant ramblings during the other's constant nightmares were enough.. but this? It made you want to cry, hurl, scream.. and hurt whoever did this- but you knew it was in the past, years in the past, and there was nothing you could do. Instead, all you were capable of doing right now was comforting your boyfriend, who had now perched himself on the edge of the bed, hands covering his mouth, which in turn rested on his elbows. He looked as if he might cry.
You visibly softened, brows falling into a gentle, yet concerned expression as you made your way over to the other on just your knees. It would have hurt, but the soft, plush cotton layers of the duvet cushioned each movement, making it easier to reach the other. Eventually, you were close enough, and you were able to reach out to caress his skin, the pads of your fingers feeling it prickle under your tender touch. You ever so delicately began to dance your fingers across the vast spread of his back, like a skater would breeze across a stretch of ice. Each scar, whilst still having slight differences from far away, now looked to be all shapes and sizes up close. You were now able to work out which ones were the deepest, which ones had taken the longest to heal, and which ones had caused the most pain.
"I'm sorry." The other sobbed as you nestled him in your arms easily. You'd since moved to the side of him, allowing him to practically collapse onto you, which he did after a little bit of time, most of which was spent trying not to reach the sobbing point. His resistance was obviously futile. You rubbed his bare back, letting out a gentle sigh.
"You've no need to apologise, baby. Don't be stupid."
"No, I.." Barnes began, heavily swallowing back a hefty sob. You offered him a corner of the duvet to wipe his eyes on, as there wasn't much else you could reach at the moment, yet he took it gratefully, and in a haze of tears, he stopped momentarily to wipe his eyes. When he looked up again, you could now make out just how red and blotchy his skin actually was, his cheeks wine stained and prickling with heat. "...I.. I said some horrible things. I did some horrible things. I just didn't want you to gross out, think I'm some sort of freak, and.. leave me." The last few words were barely a whisper, almost as if he were afraid it would come true, or if he'd wake up in his bed and realise this was all just some sick fever dream, and he'd be truly alone.
"Why didn't you just tell me?" You murmured as you carefully leant yourself against the other's bare skin, hearing him hum softly as you did so. "It would have been a great help if you had just told me about your arm, you know." All Bucky could really do was shake his head, his messy hair swaying along with him. It tickled your cheek.
"I don't know. I guess I just thought.." Bucky stopped, his large hands massaging his forehead and temples as if he were fighting off a headache. "Again, I thought that you'd up and leave, honestly. No woman wants someone who looks like this under their clothes."
"Oh, James.." You felt truly heartbroken at what he'd just said. To ever think that you'd leave him, for any reason at all would be wrong. As far as you were concerned, you'd been searching up engagement rings on your shared WiFi in hopes that he'd catch a hint. You wondered if Bucky would be able to wear one on his metal hand. Running your hands through the other's hair with a touch as soft as fur, you shook your head, trying not to look incredulously at him. "Each wound, each scar tells a story, no matter how bad they might look. You should never have to feel worried about how you look to me.. and fuck, if Vanessa can do it.." you hummed, and once again began to trace your fingers over his back. Bucky let out an amused, yet post cry mucus filled chuckle.
"Come on. Wade doesn't look that bad.. just a little.." he nibbled on his lip as if he were searching for the right word, something he had spent a lot of his time doing as of late. "..Nah. He looks like an over broiled meatball.. sans the metal arm. I've beat him on that one."
"Don't let him hear you say that."
"Or what? He'll take my girl?"
"Worse. He'll try to recruit me to the X-Men as some sort of joke.. and then grow some sort of metal.. you know what."
Barnes rolled his eyes. "I told you. Making pennies appear from behind people's ears does not make you a mutant- and before you say it, I know that that Remy guy has a thing with cards, but he actually has them new-fangled powers or whatever."
"Being the 6th member of Dude Perfect is not a superpower."
"What the fuck is Dude Perfect?"
With a roll of your eyes (and a promise that you'd tell him all about the expansive and rich Dude Perfect lore tomorrow), you didn't attempt to take it any further as it was obvious that the both of you were incredibly tired. Instead, after peppering a small handfuls worth of loving, soft kisses across his broad shoulders, in which he relaxed immediately into, you stood, and the addition of a gentle peck to the other's forehead (after pushing the hairs that stuck to his damp, sticky face away first), you looked down at the other with eyes that cried care. "Now.. how about you get yourself into bed. I'm gonna get us some hot chocolate, you can put on a movie, or read, or whatever, and I'll come back up, and we'll cuddle. Save the shower until tomorrow.. and whatever happened today, we'll talk about tomorrow."
Bucky nodded sort of excitedly as he got up, yet it was something his eyes didn't replicate. As you turned away, however, and had the bedroom door cracked open, you felt a pair of cold fingers brush against your arm.
"Y/N?" Bucky murmured faintly as you turned to him with a soft hum, and couldn't help but smile as you saw that he had curled himself into the duvet. The way he were wrapped in the quilt made him a look a little like a meringue, you noticed. It didn't help that the duvet cover was a dusty pink.
"I love you so much."
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NSFW ALPHABET || Bucky Barnes (Avengers)
TEMPLATE BY @the-coldest-goodbye <3
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Bucky is all about aftercare, he needs it himself now and again. When it comes to your aftercare he is such a gentlemen, he will clean you both up, smother you in kisses and hold you close to his body and stroke your hair until you fall asleep.
He takes aftercare very seriously. After a rough scene he makes sure to tend to any injuries he might have caused you in the heat of the moment. He also needs time to come down from his high, seeing as he’s mainly the most dominant
B = Body part (their favorite body part of yours)
Bucky’s favourite part of your body is your back. So smooth yet muscular. You’ll be sitting on his lap making out you’ll pull back to remove your clothes, when you do he’ll snake his hands up your back, raking his nails down it to leave little red marks. When he’s on top he’ll leave kisses along your spine, biting hickeys into every inch of bare skin he can get his teeth into
He’ll stand off to the side while he watches you train, he admires the way the muscles in your back tense when you stop a punch thrown by another member of the team
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
It really depends on Bucky’s mood. One day he’ll be modest, making sweet love, cumming inside you with a condom as the only barrier. Then the next day he’s feral, cumming every where you’ll let him, in side you, on your stomach, your chest, your warm wet mouth.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’d never tell you out of fear of judgement (even though you never would) but back in the day (after Steve became Captain America) he and Steve shared a broad they met at a bar. It was only the once but he feels it might upset you, or make you feel differently about him because he is always so gentlemanly with you, and he wouldn’t want that to change
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
James Barnes is 100+ years old, and yes most of those years was spent in HYDRA, but he was a young man in the 40’s. He was a gentlemen who could charm any woman into bed so he is very well experienced in the bedroom.
He’s learned how to work his way around a woman’s body but since being with you he’s learned so much more about how to use his experience and mold it to what you like
F = Favorite position
He’s not picky, any position he can see your face and hold you close to him is his favourite. He loves when you sit on his lap when you’re being intimate, your face will be in the crook of his neck and he can cage your back with his arms.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
At first it took him a while to be able to be calm during sex, he’d be quite anxious and serious because he was so focused on making it good for you. But the more intimate you two became the more comfortable he would feel. He isn’t embarrassed of tripping over his jeans tying to pull them off, or getting stuck in his shirt. Now he’s even known to crack a joke here and there now that he is completely comfortable with you
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
You’ve seen his long luscious hair, he takes care of himself well. He keeps it neat down there, nuff said
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Bucky is a very intimate man, in the heat of the moment when it’s slow and sensual he’ll hold you close and kiss your neck, pulling your body into his to be as close as he can possibly be
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’s not one to shy away from taking care of himself, it’s not common but he does it. If you are away for a mission, or if he’s away, for an extended amount of time he’ll be in bed/quiet place and think of all the things he’ll do to you with his dick firmly in his hand.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Bucky’s secret kink is biting. He loves to leave love bites all over your body but what he loves even more is you biting him. It spurs him into a frenzy the minute he feels your teeth graze his skin, leaving marks and hickeys all across his chest.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bucky is spontaneous and he’ll take you anywhere he can, but his favourite place to take you is the comfort of your shared bed. Your shared bed is a place of comfort and familiarity, a place where he can take his time to pleasure you. It’s the place you had sec for the first time, and he always prefers to make love to you in the warm comfy space in your bedroom
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
As much as your strength turns him on- seeing you sweat while you fight and train with other team members is always a sure fire way to get the blood pumping, but his biggest motivation is seeing you in a domestic fashion, cooking and taking care of him. After years of violence and torture he really appreciates the lengths you go to make sure he’s calm and comfortable, which means it will turn him on more often than not
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
The one thing he won’t do is Choke you, even if you beg for it he will not budge. After the amount of lives he’s taken with both hands he won’t dare put them near your neck. He’s hesitant with other acts of bondage and usally he can be convinced to try something once, but choking is the biggest no no
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
When it comes to oral that man has godlike skills, he can make you come with his tongue in minutes. When it comes to preference he won’t admit that he prefers to receive, solely because of your magical your mouth feels wrapped around his dick.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on the mood, sometimes you are having a slow sensual early morning or late night. Other times after the adrenaline of a mission, or another party thrown by Tony, he’ll hold you up against the wall pounding into you as hard as you can take and more, you’ll scrape your teeth again his neck to get him to go faster, fucking you like an animal until you’re both exhausted
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s not the most fond, preferring to take his time with you, but he won’t deny one if you are both in the mood on a mission, or on the way to a training session
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
As long as no ones life will be put in danger, Bucky is always up to take risks and experiment with new kinks and places. As tempting as it is to take you on a mission in the battlefield it’s not worth the risk of loosing an extremity or a life. In a comfortable setting he is eager to try something new if you ask, and if he’s curious about something he’ll ask you to experiment too
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Bucky’s stamina knows no bounds, he can go for multiple rounds a night until his hunger for your body is satisfied. He can last a long time without finishing too, years of self control make it easy for him to hold out… He is a super soldier after all
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You and Bucky do own some toys, nothing fancy (Vibrators, cuffs etc.) and he certainly will use them on you if you ask, but he doesn’t really feel the need to use them on himself or have you use them on him, you are satisfactory enough for him
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Bucky is such a TEASE! If he’s really in the mood to rile you up he’ll show off if he knows you’re watching him work out or train, and 9 times out of 10 he will take his shirt off. During sex he’ll be so agonisingly slow to make you beg, and when you’re wet and ready enough he’ll dive right in with no warning
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
You’d never think it, but James Buchanan Barnes is a moaner. The first few months of your relationship he tried to hide it? He’d kiss you or bite your lip to stop a moan from spilling out, but after over hearing a conversation with Nat and Steve you expressed how it turns you on to hear your partner moan, from there on out he’ll moan and whimper in your ear… much to the teams dismay
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Bucky has a kink for being dominated. He’ll never let you know out of shame and embarrassment, he thinks he needs to be the one on top and in charge because he’s ashamed of wanting to submit after the years of torture he endured at the hands of HYDRA. He just wants to have his hands tied down while you ride him and control the sexual activities. Not to stay he doesn’t like dominating you- he does- but sometimes he needs to not be the one In control
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
His muscles and strength weren’t the only things that the super soldier serum enhanced… James is well endowed at just under 6 inches, not only is the length perfect but also the thickness is perfection stretch you out and have you convulsing with pleasure
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It varies, but as a super soldier with a big appetite he’s almost always down for a pound. You didn’t expect his sex drive to be so high but considering he went over 70+ years without a companion it’s safe to say he has a lot of repressed sexual feelings
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depending on how many rounds and how rough the sex is, it can take him anywhere between 20 minutes to a few hours to fall asleep. He’ll always wait until you’re sleeping soundly before he’ll even let himself attempt to fall asleep
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multiplefandomfics · 3 years
Everything happens for a reason
Pairing: Bucky x reader (Former Steve x reader)
Warnings: cheating, angst, pregnancy, semi-public sex, Steve’s an ass in this one,
Words: 5213
A/N: Well this escalated quickly! When you have too much time at work stuff like this happens :D!
I have no idea how they do a c-section or any medical terms of that field other than the stuff I’ve seen on Grey’s Anatomy so forgive me when the birth is wrongly described.
“Babe? You home?” you called out to your fiance excited to tell him the news. No response, so you ventured further into the dark hallway.
You could see light coming from under the bedroom door. Thinking nothing of it because it was already relatively late, you walked to the room and opened the door.
You had not expected the sight before you though. You’re husband to be in the throes of passion with not one but two women.
Shocked, you slammed the door shut again which caused the threesome to startle.
“Honey? Why are you home already? I thought you were gonna go for a drink with your friends.” he called out to you while ripping the door open again…..
“That’s your excuse to cheat on me? That I was not going to see it? WHAT THE FUCK STEVE! We wanted to get married!” you screamed at him and then threw the engagement ring towards his head.
You stormed past him into the bedroom, grabbed some clothes and necessities from your closet and stuffed them into a suitcase. He tried to reason with you, that he wanted to feel free one last time and could pass up the opportunity of a threesome. Like that was actually an excuse.
Everything he said was ignored and so 5 minutes later you sat in your car and that was when the dam broke. You wanted to cry and yell at the same time. How could you have been so stupid as to think someone as honorable and good looking as Steve Rogers was not gonna follow the temptation of so many willing women at some point? You wiped your tears away and contemplated where you could be going for the night.
After thinking for a while you had figured out that most of your friends were also Steve’s you didn’t know if they were going to take his side or yours.
Natasha was not the right idea, she would probably break into his house and kill him in his sleep if she found out he cheated on you like that. And maybe you were in the right mindset to let her do it right now. Wanda and Vision were out of town and Tony would only tell you “I told you so”. That left only one other person in the world you liked enough to see right now. Bucky Barnes. So without further notice you drove to his apartment complex and rang his doorbell at 1am with a packed suitcase in your hand.
“Yes.” you heard a groggy voice through the speakers at the entrance.
“Ehm, hi Bucky. It’s Y/N. Something happened, can I come up?” you were already close to tears again. He must have noticed so he was immediately wide awake and buzzed the door open.
You took the elevator up to the 4th floor and he was already standing in the doorway to his flat only in boxer shorts and a t-shirt.
“Hey, doll. What happened? You look worse for wear.” he looked concerned and let you inside.
“I feel awful for disturbing you in the middle of the night. But I didn’t know where else to go.” you fell into his embrace after he had opened his arms.
“It’s okay darling. Now tell me what happened please.” he inquired.
“Of course. Where do I start?” you frantically searched for words.
“Best if you start at the beginning.” he smiled encouragingly.
“Yes, sure. So tonight I wanted to go for a drink with a few girls from work but didn’t feel alright after work so I rainchecked last minute and went home. But when I stepped into our bedroom, oh Bucky it was terrible, Steve wasn’t alone. There were two naked girls in bed with him.” you had fat tears streaming down your cheeks.
“Impossible. Steve is not a cheater. You sure you saw that right?” The doubt in his voice made you angry.
“I know what I saw Buck!” you got defensive.
“Okay, I believe you. It’s just that I never saw Steve disrespecting someone like that. I’m so sorry for you doll.” he looked genuinely affected by the whole situation and he could understand how Steve could hurt you like this.
“But that’s not the worst part yet… The reason I didn’t feel great and didn’t go out with my friends is… I’m pregnant Bucky and Steve doesn’t know.” you looked downwards.
“Fuck! That is getting more and more complicated. But congratulations doll. You will be a great mom.” he hugged you close. “How about I’ll make you a cup of tea and then you try to sleep a bit.” he suggested.
“Alright. Thank you Bucky. You are my best friend.” he smiled sadly at that statement. He wished you were more than just friends. Maybe now he would have a chance somehow.
Before he could get up though his phone rang.
“It’s him Y/N. You want me to ignore him?”
“No, then he knows I’m here for sure. Tell him you haven’t seen me.”
“Okay, will do.”
“Steve? Do you know how late it is?” Bucky asked with his best impression of a just out of bed voice.
“I’m sorry pal but I need to find Y/N. I did something stupid and she left. Do you know where she is?” you could hear Steve through Bucky’s much too loud phone.
“I’m sorry Steve. I haven’t heard from her. You just woke me up.” he lied.
“Damn! I need to make this up to her. I’m so sorry. If she comes to you, could you tell her I need to speak with her, please? I love her too much to lose her.” you swallowed more tears threatening to escape.
“Sure, buddy. You wanna tell me what happened?” Bucky feigned cluelessness.
“Maybe later Buck. I have to call the rest of our friends.”
“Alright, but don’t do anything stupid.” Bucky said and Steve hung up.
“You heard him, didn’t you?” he asked you.
“Hmm.” you confirmed.
After you had drank your tea he left you the bed and slept on the couch. When you snuggled into the covers they smelled so delicously like Bucky. A mix of soap, coffee and something uniquely Bucky. For one split moment you had thought about asking him to sleep next to you but that would have probably sent mixed signals and you didn’t know what you wanted at the moment.
You woke up feeling cold. Shivering slightly you opened your eyes and noticed that the blanket had fallen off your body onto the floor. Sitting up you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and the realization of what had happened struck you a moment later.
“Chin up! You are a queen! Don’t let that idiot make you cry again. He’s not worth it!” you told yourself and got up to get some food.
“Good morning, Bucky.” you greeted him while he was standing at the stove making scrambled eggs and bacon.
“Good morning to you too. How did you sleep? And do you want some breakfast?” he asked cheerily.
“I slept like a baby and hell yes I’m so hungry.” confirming his suspicions.
Bucky and you ate together in comfortable silence. Until he spoke up: “So Y/N you know you can stay here however long you like and I don’t mind kicking Stevies ass for what he’s done to you but you should at least tell him that you are with me. I can’t lie to him forever.” he really had a point.
“I know. Thanks again for taking in a stray in the middle of the night. And I know I will have to talk to him eventually. He hurt me so bad but I’m more afraid I will give in again when I see his puppy dog eyes although I can’t trust him anymore.” you looked so lost. Bucky wanted to wrap you up in a blanket and never let you go again.
That week you called in sick. You couldn’t stand the people at work.
And when you came back on monday, guess who was standing outside our office building with a exagerrated flower buquet.
“I’m sorry babe. I shouldn’t have done that to you. You are the best thing that has happened to me. Please don’t leave me.” he begged. You had to admit seeing Captain America beg was a sight for sore eyes.
“Hello Steve. You are correct you shouldn’t have cheated on me and I am deeply disappointed in you. Thank you for apologizing but I won’t come back to you. You have broken my trust and I can’t just give it back to you. I will be over in the next few weeks to get the rest of my stuff out of your apartment and leave my keys. Now I have to go work. Bye Steve. Oh, by the way, you will have to call all our friends and family that the wedding is off. I’m not doing that.” and with those words you turned away from him and clapped yourself menatlly on the shoulder at how confident and sovereign you had handelt that situation.
If you had thought the deal was over there you had definitely celebrated to early.
Of course Steve found out you had been staying with Bucky all along and was mad as hell.
He suddeny stood inside the apartment, however he got in there, and started throwing insults at Bucky and especially you.
“Here you are you little slut! Have already replaced me, hm. How long has this been going on? You preach something of trust and here you are fucking my best friend behind my back! I should have known.” he raged.
“Calm down you idiot. There is nothing going on between Buck and me. He has just been a friend when I was hurt needed one.” you yelled back enraged at the accusations.
“Who do you wanna tell that, Y/N. Do you think I haven’t seen the way you two look at each other?” he was still so angry. You had nevern seen him this full of rage.
“So what it is none of your business anymore anyways.” you knew you couldn’t bring him to believe you anyway. He needed to find a different cause of why you wouldn’t come back to him than the simple reason that he had cheated. He wanted to blame you, not himself.
“Could you please leave now? I don’t feel so good.” you suddenly felt your lunch coming back up to greet you and ran to the bathroom.
The men heard you puking. One knowing the reason the other not.
“What’s going on with her? She sick?” Steve asked Bucky.
That was your clue to burst through the bathroom door.
“I’m pregnat you ass! You cheated on your pregnant fiance!” you yelled and stormed into Bucky’S bedroom, jamming the door shut behind you.
Steve looked aghast at Bucky “did you know?”
“She told me the night she came to me. She had wanted to tell you then. That’s why she didn’t go out with her collegues.”
“Fuck! I destroyed everything, haven’t I?” he asked Bucky in defeat.
“Give her time. She probably won’t want to marry you, maybe not even be your girlfriend again but maybe she will at least let you see your kid.” Bucky stated matter of factly.
“But I wan’t more Bucky. I want her.” he whined.
“Well, you had everything, pal. But you destroyed it. I better go talk to her. You should really leave her alone for a while.” he clapped Steve on the shoulder, maybe a bit harder than necessary and went after you.
“Y/N? He’s gone.” Bucky carefully stuck his head into the room. You were lying on the bed, on your back staring at the ceiling.
“Good.” you muttered. “I couldn’t stand him anymore. I’m afraid Bucky.” you confessed. “I can’t raise a baby on my own and I don’t know if I want Steve involved.”
“I can understand your worry but I don’t see any reason. You are so caring and selfless you will be a great mom. And if you let me I can help you. Kids seem to like me apparently.” he encouraged you and smiled.
“Thank you, Buck. I definitely will need your help. I am going to be a single mom and that’s completely okay.” you smiled at him.
“That’s what I wanna hear. Now, you hungry after everything just came out?”
“Yes. I’d like Pizza please.”
“Alright, princess I will order some.” he stroked your cheek and got up to get the delivery running.
“So he actually cheated on you? I would have never expected that from Steve. He always seems like a gentleman. Unbelievable.” Wanda exclaimed.
“Yeah. Absolutely insane. But congrats on the pregnancy though. You will be a rockin’ mama.” Nat hugged you. “And we will help you with whatever you need.”
“Thanks, girls. You are amazing. You know I want you to be godmothers, right?” you asked.
“Hell yes. We’re in.” Nat squealed and you never heard her squeal.
Weeks ticked by and you really searched for an affordable apartment somewhere close to your workplace. That was harder than you anticipated though.
After 3 months of moving in with Bucky you had still no place of your own and you constantly thought you were overstaying your welcome.
“How are you two doing today?” Bucky asked you as he came home.
“We are fine. Had a lot to eat and listened to some music. By the way my OB was able to find out what we are having. You wanna know?” over the past months Bucky had become more a father to the baby than Steve had been. Steve rarely called or wanted to now anything about you or his baby. Bucky seemed more than content to take up the role of its father.
“Hell yes I wanna know. Tell me!” he ordered exited.
“Alright, drumroll…. It’s a…. girl.” you announced.
“Oh, wow. Great. A mini you not a mini Steve.” he laughed and you had to laugh too.
“Buck?” you asked suddenly.
“I want you to be in this girls life. As more than just her mommys friend. More as a rolemodel. A…” you stopped to think about your next words carfully. “More like a dad.” and out it was. Now you only had to wait for his reaction.
“You want me to be her father? Hmm. On the one hand I would love to. I feel so close to her already but on the other hand I don’t want to affront Steve. Even after everything he is my friend. Can we talk about what there is between us first? Maybe if we have that settled all will slip in place.” he suggested.
“Maybe you are right. What is there between us in your opinion?”
“Look Y/N, I have always felt a connection between us. Although I would have never acted on it because you were Steve’s girl, it hurt everytime I saw you with him. And when you got engaged I seriously considered moving abroad so I wouldn’t have to see you building a life with him. If I could imagine myself as the man by your and your daughters side? Of course. There is nowhere I’d rather be. And we are practically living together already anyway.” his confession only superficially shocked you. You knew there had always been feelings from your side too. That’s why it had been so easy to confide in him. He took your silence as hesitation and became insecure “I mean if you don’t feel that way I will accept that. I swear I can be just a frien….” he wasn’t able to say more because you had already stopped his rambling with a bruising kiss.
“So you do feel it!” he observed.
“Of course I do you dummy. You have always been there for me. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize it was actually you who I should be with.” you apologized.
“The most important thing is that we have that figured out now.” he kissed you again and you melted into it.
“Yes, we do.” you smiled.
Another few months flew by and you had started to stay at home because you were constantly feeling dizzy or nauteous when you moved.
“Bucky come here. Now!” you yelled for your boyfriend one snowy december morning. Alarmed he stormed into the livingroon where you were parked in front of a movie with a cup of hot chocolate and a really big blanket over one of Bucky’s hoodies.
“What’s wrong? You okay?” panicked he jumped onto the couch next to you. “No nothing is wrong. Here- Give me your hand.” he gave you his right hand and you pressed it to the place on your belly were you had just felt her kick. When she did it again he almost jumped out of his skin. “Woah, what was that? Was that a kick?” he asked astonished.
“Of course Buck. What else was it supposed to be?” you laughed.
“She is strong. Damn so cool.”
“And she keeps kicking even more when she hears your voice. Maybe she likes it if you sang to her.” you smiled expectantly.
“Oh, no. No one wants to hear me sing. I have a terrible voice.” he refused.
“Steve told me differently. He said you were in church choir together as boys.” your smirked at him.
“He told you that.” he sighed.
“Oh, yes he did. So come on. Sing something for our daughter.”
“Our daughter?” he asked, you realized what you had said and blushed.
“I like the sound of that.” he grinned from ear to ear and that was the moment you were 100% sure that he was it for you.
“I love you so much.” he whispered and kissed first your protruding belly and then your mouth.
You were speechless. “I love you too Bucky.” you replied.
Your daughter grew everyday. Everytime you went to an ultrasound at your OB Bucky was by your side and although the doctor knew he wasn’t the babys biological dad she said that he was doing so much better than most fathers to be. He took so much pride in your baby girl that you almost burst with love for him.
After 9 months of carrying her it was finally time to let go. When the contractions started Bucky rushed you to a hospital and although he didn’t want to he called Steve. And Nat and Wanda of course.
The doctor and midwife did their exam of you and the baby quickly before figuring out that something was wrong.
“She is lying sideways. We can’t deliver her naturally. We need to get her by c-section or you will both die.” the OB made clear. You knew things like that could happen. You had mentally prepared for anything but now that it actually came to that you were more than afraid.
“Wo should stay with you? Only one person can.” the doctor informed you.
Steve, who had just entered the room and had heard everything of course assumed immediately that he was gonna be invited into the OR with you.
“I want Bucky to stay with me.” you whined. Steve got pretty angry and almost ripped the door off its hinges when he left. “Bucky I’m afraid.” you whispered to him. Uncaring of Steves abrupt departure.
“I will stay with you, doll. Through everything. You two will get through this.” he encouraged you.
“Thanks Buck. Let’s get this baby into the world.” you said.
“Good attitude.” the doctor approved.
They rushed you into the OR. Bucky never leaving you and holding your hand the whole time. During the procedure itself you were awake but you got a spinal anesthesia to numb everthing from your belly downwards.
“I will keep a pretty ugly scar Buck. Don’t you mind that?” you asked him a little drunk on meds.
“No sweetheart. I love you so much I don’t care about scars. You don’t care about mine either, do you? Scars are just proof of what you have gone through and survived. That’s what you always used to say. Isn’t it?” he quoted you.
“Yes maybe.”
“Plus it will always remind of our beautiful daughter. That’ll be worth it, don’t you think?” he asked.
“Yes, sure. I love you Buck.”
“I love you too and you are doing so great. Isn’t she doc?” he asked the OB.
“Oh, she’s doing great. Everything is perfect.” she answered but by the nervous facial expression she had on her face and the rushing nurses surrounding her Bucky knew that something was wrong.
Suddenly a baby cried. Relief flooded through Bucky. “Look there she is.” he pointed to your right and you rolled your head over and smiled. Then you passed out.
“Y/N? Y/N!!!” Bucky yelled. “What happened?” he asked the doc full of panic.
“She lost a lot of blood but we are giving her donations now. Go see your daughter and we will do everything we can to save her.” she explained to him. But Bucky would not be Bucky if he left your side.
They sewed you up and 3 hours later you awoke in a brightly lit room. Beeping machines by your head. You looked around, complketely confused until you saw the cutes thing you had ever laid eyes on. Your angel of a boyfriend was sitting next to your bed in an armchair, holding your baby daughter to his chest and singing softly to her.
You started weeping immediately. Still high on drugs and hormones.
“Baby what’s wrong? Are you in pain?” he asked worried.
“No, I am just so happy. You two really are a sight for sore eyes. I can’t contain the love in my heart.” you kept crying happy tears.
“Would you give me our baby?” you asked politely.
“Oh, of course honey.” he got up and placed the blanket wrapped burrito into your arms. When you saw her crystal blue eyes and slightly dirty blonde hair you had to hold back new tears.
“What should we call her?” Bucky asked you.
“I always loved Autumn as a girls name or maybe Freya. What do you like better?”
“I love them both. Double name? Or keep one for the next baby?” he suggested.
“You are already thinking about a second child?” you laughed. “Give me a bit of time to recover and then I would love to have another one with you.”
“Sure so Autumn or Freya?” he asked again.
“Let’s go with Freya. It’s such a unique name. And strong as hell. I think it suits her.” you chose.
“Great. I love it. And I love both of you.”
“Has anyone been in here yet?” you asked him.
“Not yet. I wanted you to see your daughter first before the others came barging in. Steve nearly broke down the door when I refused him to come inside. I handled him and security told him if he didn’t calm down he needed to leave and he wouldn’t be allowed back inside.” he broke down the events of the past few hours for you.
“That sounds so not like the Steve I know but seems like that is who he became. I think if you hand me a glass of water for my parched throat first you can let the others inside.” you instructed him.
After downing the entire bottle of liquid the whole party came trampling into the room. Steve pushed the rest rudely out of the way. But instead of asking how you were doing after losing so much blood he just grabbed your daughter out of your hands to look at her. It didn’t take 3 seconds before the infant was crying like crazy. Steve startled and immediately handed her back to you. “Why is she always crying? She’s definitely yours.” he commented. Bucky gotreally angry at that comment while you tried to calm your baby.
“I think you should go, pal. You are irritating her with your attitude.” Bucky suggested nicely.
“Who do you think you are? You are not her father. I am.” he turned beet red.
You finally had enough. Handing Freya over to Nat who took a step back, you sat up a little and faced Steve. “In the past 9 months Bucky has been more a father to her than you could ever be. He was there when I hung puking over the toilet bowl. He brought me the strangest snacks without asking twice about it. He always had the nicest words to say to me no matter how depressed I felt. And where the fucking hell were you that whole time?” you asked him angrily.
That made him stop still. “You left me!” he tried to defend himself weakly.
“GET OUT!” you yelled at him.
He obeyed because he knew he couldn’t say anything to make the situation better.
“Wow, that was intense.” Wanda commented.
“He needed to hear that.” you said.
“Yes, he did. And now to you and your daughter. She is adorable. What’s her name?” Nat changed the topic.
“Thank you Nat. Her name is Freya. I have always loved that name.” you answered.
“That’s a beautiful, strong name. Fitting!” Wanda commented.
“So when will you be able to get out of here?” Nat asked, still holding your baby.
“I don’t know. Haven’t spoken to a doctor yet.”
As if on cue the door opened and your OB entered.
She told you that everything was healing and that you needed to stay for another day and then you and your baby could go home.
Three weeks later you had already accustomed Freya to her crib. You went on walks everyday. Bucky always by your side. Protecting you both like a wolf protects his pack.
Six months ticked by like nothing. Suddenly Freya was already playing with her mobile which was hanging over her bed. She was very attentive. Crawling all over the apartment fast enough that you almost couldn’t catch up.
It was fulfilling to be a mom but also tiring. You needed a day off so as the nice godmothers that your friends were they took her from you for 24 hours. At first you slept in. You would have happily stayed in bed all day but Bucky had other plans.
So you took a shower and put on a nice dress but you forwent the high heels cause you still had swollen feet sometimes and couldn’t walk in them anyways.
“Where are we going Buck?” you smiled.
“You will see, doll.” was his cryptic answer.
He drove out of town until you reached the hills. Parking the car somewhere in the middle of nowhere you got out of the car and he pulled a picnic basket out of the trunk.
“A picnic? That’s so sweet.” you swooned.
“I thought that would be nice.” He seemed somehow really nervous.
When you had found a clearing he put everything down and you two sat and ate. Sandwiches, fruit, cheese, crackers, chocolate covered strawberries. Everything was so delicious. “Thank you for this Bucky. It’s the best date I have ever had.” you complimented.
“It is wonderful. And I would like to ask you something.” he turned so he was kneeling in front of you and pulled a box out of his jacket pocket. You clapped your hand in front of your mouth and tears sprang to your eyes.
“Y/N I have loved you for so long. We have a great life together, a wonderful daughter. I would like this to hold forever. Will you marry me?” he asked.
You threw yourself into his arms and he crumbled underneath you “YES! Of course I will marry you Bucky. I love you so much!” you confirmed.
He put the ring onto your finger and you kissed deeply. The kiss turned heated quickly. You, still lying on top of him, wriggled your hips. He turned you on so much you wanted him right that moment.
“Woa, hold on doll. You sure you want to do this here?” he mumbled against your lips.
“Don’t wanna wait any more. Waited too long.” you mumbled back.
His hands immediately went to the zipper on your back and pulled it down. You sat up so you could wriggle your arms free and pulled the dress over your head, leaving you in your panties and bra. “So beautiful.” he groaned and buried his face in your boobs, nipping and sucking hickies only he would be able to see later.
All the while you frantically ripped at his clothes, pushing the jacket off his shoulders and unbuttoning his shirt. Then you roamed your hands over his muscular chest intensely. Grinding down on his growing erection got you so wet. You hadn’t gotten any action in over a year and you knew he hadn’t either so this was likely going to be over way too soon. You had to savor any moment that it would last.
With his help you got him out of his jeans and you saw that he was not wearing any underwear. “Naughty boy. No underwear?” you commented, smirking.
“More comfy that way. Why don’t you make it even more comfortable and sit on my dick, doll?”
“With pleasure.” you moaned and sank down on his massive cock. “Fuck!” you groaned at the slight discomfort. You felt like an inexperienced virgin again. “Shit. Don’t stop.” he moaned lustfully.
You rocked your hips sensually and he met you with every thrust.
He hit all the amazing spots deep inside you and you felt your high approaching way too fast. “‘m so close, baby.” you moaned with your eyes closed. Just lost in the pleasure of every stroke inside you.
“Me too. Wanna come together. Open your eyes, darling.” he panted.
So you did as he had asked and when your eyes met his baby blues you lost it and came all over him. That in turn triggered his orgasm and he spilled inside you.
Breathing heavily you slid off of him and cuddled into his side while he pulled a blanket over you.
“That was so great.” he said.
“Hmm, and you know what? I’m still not on birth control again. Maybe… we’ll soon have a mini you running around.” you smirked.
“I would like that very much. Life is always better with a sibling.” he kissed your head.
Well and what can I say- 9 months later you gave birth to a healthy, dark haired baby boy which you named Ben. Your family became the most important thing in the world. You didn’t even want to think about a scenario where you hadn’t found out that Steve cheated on you. You were the happiest when you were with Bucky. That’s where you belonged.
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annadier · 3 years
Domniţă {Part 3}
Summary: The Winter Soldier was hired to protect you, guard you, risk his life for you. You are important. Your family is important. You become intrigued by the blue-eyed stoic man who stands by your side, and something brews between the two of you. Set during the Cold War. Winter Soldier!Bucky Pairing: Bucky x Reader Word count: 1178
Part 1 | Part 2 |
“Are you okay?” He asked you. It felt strange to hear his voice muffled by the mask he wore. You almost did not reply. Then you looked into his eyes, steel blue, and saw real emotion in them. Concern. Fear. To think once upon a time you had theorised that he was a robot with how reserved he normally is.
“Yeah.” The word left your mouth infused with shakiness. You tried to calm down your heart, but it was still racing from the attack. He noticed. Of course, he did. He walked over to you, carefully kneeling to pick you up. Your back ached from being pushed into the ground. The cry you let out when he lifted you off the ground told him as much.
“Can you walk?” He asked you. You barely heard him, focusing on the three men on the ground unmoving. “Y/N!” He said a bit more emphatically, grabbing your attention.
You snapped your head back to him, looking at him. Concern. Fear. Worry. “Can you walk?” He asked again. Slowly, you nodded a ‘yes’ and let him hesitantly lower you.
Instinctively, you rubbed your wrists where they had grabbed you tightly. It stung. You let out a hiss without realising and The Soldier was onto you instantly. He grabbed your hands, inspecting them carefully. Fear was gone from his eyes now. Anger replaced it. Anger. Concern. Worry. You caught him glance over at the thugs. “I’m fine.” You said softly. “Just bruised.”
He didn’t say anything to you now. He simply stepped back to call your father, talking in hushed muffled tones, informing him of your safety and that the situation had been dealt with. You focused on the thugs, taking careful steps around them, just out of reach if one miraculously woke up.
The call was made. More men arrived and took the thugs away. “Are they dead?” You asked him.
There were people around. You honestly were not expecting a response, that was not his normal. You had no idea why you had asked him in the first place, but you were in shock, you would later argue with yourself. And yet... he replied. “No. Your father will want to question them.” He said it so bitterly, as if he had wanted to kill them. That scared you.
Logically, you knew that a bodyguard’s job is to protect you. That involves killing people. He had literally killed to protect you the first time you had ever met him. And yet. This time, his desire to kill felt less like a professional obligation. He drove you back home, taking someone’s car. You were not sure whose but it had to have belonged to your father’s men. The drive was silent, the only sound that registered was when the hum of the engine cut abruptly as he got out to open your door. He never spoke unless spoken to, and you had nothing to say. This was your own fault. You had sneaked out without anyone. You knew it could have been dangerous – and oh Lord, how it was! – everything about this was on you.
“I’m sorry.”
Two words broke the silence as you walked to your room. You did not say anything. So, he must have. But why would he be apologising? You stared at him in confusion. This time, he didn’t stand outside the door, like a dutiful statue. He walked right in with you, closed the door and sat beside you.
“I should have been there. That was my job.” He sounded pained and mournful. It hurt you to think that this was probably the most human you had seen him look in two years. Whoever he truly was, It was beginning to peak through. "I'm sorry."
“No, no.” You denied. “I ran outside. I knew what I was doing.” No you did not! You argued with yourself. If you knew what you were doing, you would not have needed to be saved by him!
“I should have noticed sooner. I should have been there to protect you!” His voice raised, almost in panic. A thought filled your mind: what would have happened if he had not arrived when he did?
Tears welled up in your eyes. How could you have been so foolish? “We’re they going to kill me?” You asked him in a voice that could barely constitute as a whisper. Your lip trembled. He pulled you close. He did not answer your question. He did not know what they had planned for you, but he wished he could have killed them all the same.
He let you lie across his lap, and cry silently to let the fear out. He shushed you when you blamed yourself, he run his hands through your hair until you calmed down. Not for the first time, you we’re grateful he was there.
He watched you slowly ease into drowsiness as the adrenaline and fear faded away. He moved to stand up and lay you back in your bed but from where you were sitting now that he gently pushed you off of him, you grabbed onto his hand before he became out of reach.
“Stay?” You asked in a small voice. “I don’t want to be alone. Please?” He looked at the door with a concerned look. “I’ll say I needed you here to feel safe. I do, really. Please? Just…just tonight?”
“Okay.” He nodded without hesitancy. And really how could he deny that? Keeping you safe was his job, that was his mission.
You climbed under the covers and insisted he join you There was some hesitancy now. He insisted sitting on a chair next to you, What would happen if your father came in? Fear climbed back up your throat. Father. Thugs. You could have died? What if you had died, and this was a dream, a last minute of peace before the great beyond? He did not need to hear your thoughts to read you like an open book. When tears began to well, he gave in.
His body was warm. There was space on your large bed, but you found yourself drawn towards him. It was nice, but every time you closed your eyes, all you could see was the brutality of tonight. “Can you hold me?” You weren’t sure if he heard you, or if you had even really said it out loud but his arms wrapped around you, holding you close to his chest. It was almost like he needed the reassurance of your life. It was in this warmth that you finally found enough comfort to fall asleep. When you woke up the next morning, he was standing dutifully outside the door with his hands clasped behind his back. You barely missed the slight smile that peaked as you walked passed him before he drew his mask back up.
You would never know this, but that night, the Soldier had never slept. He forced himself awake incase a new threat came into the room while you were vulnerable - either enemies or your father.
Part 4
Comment and reboot your thoughts! I love reading them! Tag list is always open!
Domniţă taglist: @profoundtyrantharmony
All fics taglist: I’m so sorry if I missed someone, my taglist is a mess after such a long hiatus so please tell me if I need to change anything!
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taylorgrace-writes · 2 years
Trusting You
Pairings: Bucky x reader
Warnings: mentions of violence, injuries, blood, cleaning wounds
Word Count: 2k
Genera: Angst
Bucky trusted you and only you. That’s why after the first time Bucky had stopped by your small apartment after a mission with crimson blood slowly dripping down the side of his face from a nasty cut you had cleared out a special drawer in your bathroom dedicated to first aid supplies and anything else he might need. Most nights, you would relax on your sofa in the living room or sit at your desk doing homework for your college classes when a gentle knock at the door would gain your attention. You almost always would open the door to find him standing there, an apologetic look on his face even if he looked like he had been dragged through hell and back. No words needed to be said as you gently took his hand or helped him limp over to the small kitchen table before you rushed to the bathroom to pull out that drawer and carry it awkwardly to him. As you gently got to work on his beaten body, he’d soon mutter sweet nothings in your ear. He knew seeing him so injured didn’t help with your anxiety, especially when he would glance up at you many times to see you on the verge of tears. He understood where you were coming from, though. If he were to see you in any sort of pain, he too would have tears streaming down his cheeks. After you had bandaged all his wounds to the best of your abilities, the two of you would retreat to the couch and lie down next to each other. You always being mindful of his injuries, even though he always insisted they weren’t as bad as they seemed. The two of you soon fell asleep against each other and in the morning Bucky’s wounds were all healed and he’d be off back to the Avengers Tower after giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. 
When Bucky showed up at your doorstep tonight, though, it had been different. It was a little past 11:00 when you checked the clock sitting on the corner of your desk. You nibbled on the side of your cheek, unable to resist bouncing your knee up and down, as you stared down at the dull textbook in front of you that you were attempting to comprehend. As hard as you tried to understand the darkened words staining the white pages, you just couldn’t concentrate anymore. When Bucky had left this morning, the two of you had gotten into a heated argument, which was way out of the ordinary. It had been bothering you for weeks now that whenever he’d come over after a mission, he’d always try to avoid talking about anything that had happened. You understood what happened during those missions was difficult to talk about, but he hasn’t once confided in you about anything that goes on. You usually have an idea about what happens since Steve almost always texts you what happened, knowing Bucky only trusts you to take care of him after a mission, but you just wish he’d talk to you. He’s made it clear plenty of times that you could talk to him about anything and that if you ever needed him, he’d always be there for you. You thought you’d made it clear the same went for him, but maybe not so once again you had brought it up to him. As soon as he woke up from his much-needed rest, you asked him.
“Hey, Buck?” He had turned to look down as your head was resting against his chest as his arms held you close.
“Yeah doll?” You took a deep breath before continuing.
“Do you trust me?” you asked softly, exhaling a slow breath. He looked at you, puzzled why you had asked such an odd question.
“What? Of course, I do. What makes you say that?” You glance down at your hands as they nervously wring together.
“I dunno, I just…” you closed your eyes, only reopening them up when you felt Buckys cold metal hand rest gently atop your quivering ones.
“What is it? What’s on your mind?” he asks so softly, you almost hate to ruin the sweet moment.
“Why don’t you ever talk to me after missions? Like about them?” you sigh, “I know you’re tired when you get to my place, but sometimes I feel like you just wanna hide it or something…” Bucky clears his throat as you pull back to look at him.
“I just don’t like to talk about it, okay? You don’t need to be involved in all of that. It’s already bad enough and I just-“
“Just what Bucky? Is it so terrible that you can’t confide in me about what happens during those missions? You come to me at least once a week with dark bruises all over your body and blood oozing from someplace on you. Half the time you can barely stand, let alone walk, without wincing in pain!” Suddenly he roughly tosses your body off of his and stands up, throwing his hands up in the air.
“Yes! It is actually, you wanna know why? Do you realize how much danger I’ve put you in? Just by knowing you!” You sit there on the couch, crossing your arms, refusing to back down. “Now I’m starting to see how much it affects you when you see me after a fight, and you shouldn’t have to deal with that! You shouldn’t have to deal with me at all!”
“No, don’t you dare try to tell me you’re not confiding in me just to spare my feelings! I’m trying to be there for you and you won’t let me! Yes, it hurts seeing you in pain, but you know what hurts worse?” Bucky’s eyes close as he clenches his fists in anger at his sides. “What hurts worse is when I start thinking maybe, just maybe, you might open up to me only to have you shut me out every chance you get.” You haven’t even noticed the tears running down your face until Bucky reaches his hand out to wipe the tear running down your cheek before you turn away from him.
“Please, can we talk-” he tries, but you interrupt him.
“No.” You sniffle as you walk to your bedroom, slamming your door shut behind you. You hear his footsteps as he saunters over to your bedroom door before letting out a long sigh and walking away. Only moments later do you hear your apartment door swish open and forcefully close. That’s how the two of you left it this morning. No texts throughout the day and steady tears flowing down your hot cheeks each time your mind wanders and thinks about what happened. 
 A knock on your door pulls you out of your thoughts as you open your bedroom door and run the short distance to the front door. You can only hope it’s Bucky standing on the other side. When you open the door, Bucky's head is tilted downward, looking at the floor. You whisper his name before you gasp in shock once Buckys looks straight at you.
“Hey doll,” he mumbles, with a slight upturn to his mouth. This has got to be the worst you’ve ever seen him, and you can’t help but cover your mouth to stifle a sob. Three large gashes are carved into the right side of his face and a bunch of bruises litters over the rest of his handsome face, and you haven’t even seen what lies under his clothing yet. You quickly pull him into your apartment with you.
“What the hell, Bucky…” you manage, as you bring him into your bedroom and lay him on your bed. You know you’ll have to get new bed linens later, but for now, all you could focus on now was what was in front of you.
“I think I took the worst of it.” he chokes out but coughs after trying to hide his pain with a laugh. You grab a couple of pillows and try to prop him up as he fights to keep his eyes open. “Doll, I know you’re mad at me right now-”
“Not now, let me fix you first,” you tell him sternly as he nods his head weakly, without a word. You get up and run to your bathroom to grab the drawer before you sit back down on the edge of the bed next to him as you help him peel off his jacket and undershirt. You almost wished you hadn’t, as you turned your face away to stifle a gag, hoping he didn’t catch it. Crying is a lot harder to suppress now than it was a minute ago as you look down at his chest and stomach, which is covered in gashes and blood. The largest gash that runs down from the left side of his chest to the right side of his stomach looks the worst, so you decide to start on that. As you start to gently clean the wound, he winces in pain and grabs onto your thigh as he closes his eyes, straightening his back to keep from crying out in pain. Minutes feel like hours as you continue to work on his beaten body. As you bandage up his torso, he whimpers a bit and you whisper a small I’m sorry to him as you continue to wrap his waist. You might have been angry with him earlier today, but right now, you just want to make sure he’s okay. He glances down when you move from his stomach up to his face. You grab a small cotton swab and pour a small amount of ointment on it before you bring it up to the side of his face. As you dab it softly on the side of his cheek, you avoid his eyes that stare straight back at you, regretting what you had said to him earlier.
“I’m so sorry…” he says, and only then do you look at him. That’s when you notice he’s crying, and he looks away from you. You softly run the pad of your thumb over the side of his cheek.
“We can talk later,” you whisper to him.
“No, I have to say this to you n-now,” he coughs, gazes back at you with his tear-filled eyes, and takes a deep breath before he starts. “Y-you are my favorite person. You are my person, and I-I don’t think I have ever trusted anyone more a-and it breaks my heart that you think any differently.” You cry, but he grabs your face with his metal hand and gently pulls you closer to him. “I am so, so sorry that I’ve made you think differently. It scares me how far I would go to protect you and the lengths I would go to get you back to me if you ever had been taken from me because I’m scared of the me that doesn’t have you. I could never live with myself if I lost you…” he sniffles again and you pull away a bit from him.
“What about me?” his face scrunches in confusion but you continue before he says anything. “How do you think I feel when I watch you leave each morning, not knowing if you’ll come back? How do you think I would feel if I lost you? Do you really think that I don’t worry about you every minute of the day? I worry every day, hoping that you come back to me all in one piece because if you didn’t, if you die if you die-” your rant cuts off with a hard sob as your face curls down to your chest.
“Doll…” his hands slide down to your waist and he pulls you over his lap to straddle him as he wraps his arms tight around you and guides you down to him. You bury your face in his neck as he cradles you. His metal arm stays tight around your body and the other holds your head close to him. Then you realize this isn’t right, he shouldn’t be comforting you when he’s the one who injured. You push away only for him to grab your wrists to stop you. 
“Stop Buck, I should be comforting you, I’m just-”
“Don’t, I’ll be fine. The healing will kick in soon. Just being here helps me.”
“You’re always there for me, but somehow I can’t do the same-”
“You do.”
“I shouldn’t force you to talk to me. It isn’t-”
“The man who tried to kill me tonight knew your name.” Your breath gets stuck and you stare down at him. His hands grip your sides, probably more so for his comfort, but you didn’t mind, as your hands were placed softly on his shoulders. “We- we were fighting, and he called out your name and I just froze. He smiled at me and told me he knew where to find you, and when he was done with me, he’d come to get you.” Your words get stuck in your throat as you just listened to the words that came out of his mouth.
“He knew my name?” 
“Yes, and I don’t know how. I don’t know why. As soon as he threatened you, I got so mad I don’t even remember the rest of it. I killed him before the rest of the team even got there, but…” he trailed off. 
“But what, Bucky...” you asked softly. 
“I know he’s not working alone. He got the best of me and now you're a target, too.” It was hard to see him so angry and hurt.
“Buck…” you place your hands gently on the side of his head as he looks at you, tears still falling out of his beautiful eyes. “Listen to me. We both knew this would happen eventually, but I know you’ll do everything in your power to keep me safe, but pushing me away isn’t gonna do anything. We gotta do this together.” A small smile forms on his face and he nods, turning to the side to kiss the palm of your hand.
“I’ll do anything for you, Y/N.” You return his smile. Soon you lay beside him as he pulls you into a hug. “Just let me hold you, you help take the pain away.” You almost start crying again as you let him hold you. You know you probably won’t sleep tonight, but you can’t help closing your eyes to rest as much as you could. After some time, you drifted off just as he did.
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halfmoonshines · 2 years
Devoted to You
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Bucky x Reader Oneshot
Bucky had always kept his distance from people, especially after his return from H.Y.D.R.A, but the Avenger's personal assistant wormed her way into his heart without even trying.
The Meeting
You’d been working for Stark Industries for a few years now, full time in the scientific research department. The day you got promoted to The Avenger’s personal assistant was the same as any other, you arrived a few hours early as a force of habit, the project you were working on was much too exciting. That’s how you ran into the company's owner in the hallway at 4:30am, nearly spilling the coffees in your hand all over him.
When he reached out to put a steadying hand on your arm, you blanched. “Sorry about that, sir. I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be here.”
The billionaire cocked his head at you, gesturing to the two cups of coffee you were holding. “Both of those for you then?” You smiled sheepishly, extending an arm to him.
“One can be for you if all is forgiven?”
“Hm.” Was his reply, accepting the gift.
After that it started with small things, him asking you to grab him lunch whenever you went, bringing coffee in the morning. Then it was helping him organize for meetings in the absence of Pepper, and researching certain Avenger’s level material. This continued until eventually you vacated your spot on the scientific research level, Tony having moved you into an office on the floor that the Avengers use as a common area, and announcing to the group that you were now their researcher/assistant. Honestly, the pay was great and who were you to turn down a group of superheroes?
As expected, it took everyone a while to warm up to you. You could only guess how much PTSD was filling the rooms of the tower. Steve and Sam took to you first, the former frequently requesting help with his cell phone and certain kitchen products, the latter always asking for your advice on his talks with the veterans.
Nat and Clint came next, slowly asking you about objects involved in their missions or for dinner reservations. Bruce kept quiet, but was polite as ever. You even managed to get him to open up a few times about subjects that interested both of you.
There was one anomaly that you had yet to come into contact with, and that came in the form of James Barnes. You knew of the super soldier, Steve talked about him all the time, but you quite literally always managed to miss him. He was either on a mission or in another part of the tower whenever you were talking with the rest of the team.
Given it had been about two months know, you thought it was weird. But there was no reason for him to actively avoid you, right? You didn’t even know each other. Still, you couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward when you were getting ready for your first Avenger’s activity. It was family dinner as Sam affectionately dubbed it, and both him and Natasha had insisted that you come tonight. You’ve been spending a lot of time with them, it’s only right that you participated in the fun stuff too.
You were about to find out just how fun dinner with a bunch of enhanced was going to be. Trying not to act nervous, you rode the elevator up to the common floor, thanking F.R.I.D.A.Y for the help and heading toward the dining area. The whole group was gathered around the table, most laughing at some joke Clint said while Steve was just shaking his head. Nat was the first one to notice you, smiling and coming to guide you over. You smiled and returned the ‘hello’s’ of the group, handing Steve your coat after some demanding from his part.
“Thanks for inviting me, you guys. It smells amazing, is there anything I can help with?” You asked as a force of habit, you loved to cook and didn’t want to just show up and eat their food.
Bruce opened his mouth to protest but Sam interrupted with a smirk on his face. “You can totally head to the kitchen and see, he’s always willing to have a hand or two to help.”
Steve glanced sharply at him and you cocked your head. “Okay,” Agreeing, you turned on your heel and headed to the kitchen. You could’ve sworn that everyone had been seated at the table already, you just kind of assumed that Tony hired someone to cook the dinners.
Proven wrong by the strange back you faced when you walked into the kitchen, you paused for a minute before it clicked.
“James?” You said questioningly, stepping further into the room, wiping your sweating palms on your jeans.
He turned his head to look at you, setting the spatula he held to the side. “You must be Y/N, right?” He asked politely.
Holy hell, this man is an angel.
Trying your best not to get distracted by the very much super soldier, you nodded with a smile. “In the flesh. Sam mentioned you might want some help?”
He seemed to observe you for a moment before nodding assent. “Help would be awesome.”
The rest was history, or rather, the beginning of a story.
Bucky’s Bad Day
You never knew when to expect Bucky to get home from his mission. Ever since you two had found your own apartment a few months ago, you’d become accustomed to waiting up for way too long. He would always insist that you get some rest, but you always found yourself sitting on the couch in the living room, nervously waiting for him to come in the door.
You must’ve fallen asleep this time, because when the lock on the door rattled you sat up quickly on the couch, heart racing just a bit. He came in then, duffel bag slung over his shoulder and facial expression drew tight.
You pulled yourself off of the couch, walking over to the closed door that he had paused to lean against. He opened his eyes when you got close, frown deepening. “It’s 4am, doll. What’re you going up?”
You smiled, reaching to the bag on his shoulder and pulling it off, setting it to the side. “I fell asleep on the couch.” You looked him over for a moment, noticing the fading bruises on his cheek and the tight pull of his mouth. “Is everything okay?”
He waited a moment before responding, giving your arm a squeeze before dropping the embrace. “Everything’s fine, I’m going to go shower,” He pushed past you without another word.
You stood there for a moment, blinking away some confusion. He was never, ever this short with you. Even the one time you’d scratched his brand new Harley Davidson. Making a quick decision you quietly walked down the hall to the bathroom, pausing outside the door to hear the shower running and straining your ears for any other sounds. All it took was one sharp inhale from the man inside before you were pushing in, shutting the door behind you. Bucky was standing at the sink, hands gripping the edges tightly and head hung. You walked up behind him and placed a hand on his bare back, he tensed for a second before giving into the touch, turning to gather you in his arms. You wrapped your own arms around his back, one hand reaching up to rest in his hair.
“What’s wrong, James?” You asked quietly. He had admitted to you once that in his more vulnerable moments, he enjoyed the use of his given name. It reminded him of his mom.
“Today was… difficult.” He managed to choke out, arms tightening around you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He thought for a moment before shaking his head. “I just want to hold you.”
Your bad day
Today was the first time that you’d been knocked out, and the first time you’d been kidnapped, in that order. You had just been going on a coffee run for everyone, choosing to walk since it was only a few blocks away. You definitely didn’t expect to be ambushed on the street and dragged into an alley, the drink carrier left abandoned on the ground. When you finally did groan yourself awake, you had a pounding headache and no semblance of an idea as to where you could be. Wherever it was, cold and dark, you could hear the sound of a pipe dripping somewhere in the room. Panic started to set in fairly quickly, and you wiggled trying to figure out just how screwed you were. Your feet were unbound, but your wrists were shackled together and attached to what seemed like the wall behind you.
Pretty screwed, then.
You tried to keep your cool as a door opened, spilling a bit of light from whatever was beyond into the room. You squinted a bit, the light harsh in the darkness, and watched cautiously as two men approached you.
“das ist sie denn?” One of them said, looking at the other and then at you. You put on your best brave face, watching them interact.
“Yes, this is her.” The companions heavily accented voice said as he crouched down to your level. You tried to scoot back as he reached a hand out to you, but your back was already pressed against the damp wall. He grabbed ahold of your face, fingers squeezing at your jaw roughly. “We’re going to have a lot of fun with you.”
After the first few hours, you lost track of time. Partially because of the perpetual darkness and partially as your minds way of trying to preserve some of your sanity.
They didn’t rape you, or do any heinous torture, but for someone who didn’t even have basic self defense skills, being punched in the face over and over by large men certainly took a toll. You couldn’t lift your hands up enough to examine the damage, plus one of them had gotten a bit too rough with your arm, you could feel the odd angle it sat at. You knew you looked worse for the wear. Eyes mostly swollen shut, lips puffed and bleeding if the taste was anything to go by.
These men were effectively beating the shit out of you, and still hadn’t even monlogued why. What terrible villains.
It was during one of the sessions that the loud bangs erupted from the hallway. The man who had your good arm in his grasp dropped it, palming his pistol out of the holster and heading toward where you knew the door was.
It was the team, it had to be, but you almost didn’t have it in you to be relieved. The door was kicked in with a clang as it reverberated off the stone wall, and there stood your knight in shining armor. Though, he looked much more like a beast from hell in this moment. Bucky’s chest was heaving, blood soaked his metal arm, fists clenched at his sides. The goon raised his gun to shoot but Bucky was much more deadly and angry than the man anticipated. Before he could get a shot off, Bucky had wrapped his metal hand around the barrel of the gun, wrenching it from his grasp and knocking it violently against the mans head, sending him to the ground.
If you could talk without tearing your throat, you’d cheer.
Bucky’s eyes found you quickly, too many emotions splattered across his face while he rushed over to you. Dropping to his knees his hands seemed unsure of where to go, eyes and hands hovering over every bruise and break on your body. Finally settling for pulling the chains from the wall to make you mobile, he yanked at them and set you gently to the side. “Your arm is broken, I don’t want to risk pulling the cuffs apart and doing more damage. Can you tell me what hurts the most?”
He was gazing into your half shut eyes now, his own brimming with tears. You wanted to respond to him, but the fog in your head and lead in your throat made it impossible. You just gazed at him, feeling eternally grateful.
He furrowed his brows, bringing a hand up to gently brush against your hair. “You need to say something, Doll, or I’m going to start freaking out.”
You smiled as best you could, nostrils flaring at the pain in your cheeks. “Thank you for coming.” Your voice was barely a whisper, but he caught it.
He nodded, standing to pick you up off of the ground, arms wrapped gently around your body. “Always. I’m so sorry it was faster.”
You finally let yourself relax in his hold, leaning your head against his chest and closing your eyes.
Bucky and your good day
It took about six weeks for you to recover, considering you didn’t have the advantage of being enhanced or serum-ridden, and Bucky had turned into your personal assistant the whole time. You knew for a fact that he was actively turning down assignments despite your insistence that you’d be fine on your own for a few days. You had the rest of the team visiting you at random intervals, but Bucky only allowed them over for an hour or two at a time before shooing them out, insisting that you needed your rest.
The first day that the doctor deemed you completely healed, you had begged your boyfriend to go and do something with you. You felt great, and the cabin fever was definitely setting in. His sly smile was almost unnerving. “I have something planned for us tonight.”
With the only hint being to wear something comfortable, you dressed in jeans and a red blouse, tying your hair into a bun and heading into the living room to find Bucky. He stood behind the couch with his hands in his pockets. “Ready to go?”
You nodded, accepting his outstretched hand and following him out of the apartment. When you two arrived at the tower after a short walk, you pulled him to a stop. “I said I wanted to go somewhere, Buck. This doesn’t really count.”
He smiled back at you, pulling on your hand a bit. “C’mon, Doll. It’s a surprise.” You rolled your eyes and conceded, allowing him to pull you into the elevator. Your brows furrowed when it passed the common floor, going higher than you think you’d ever gone before.
“Where are we going?”
“The roof.” Was his simple answer. You blinked in confusion, but decided to just wait and see.
You were glad you did. The elevator opened onto the roof, and the sight almost brought tears to your eyes. There were candles everywhere, lining the view of the skyscrapers of New York. There was a picnic set near the edge, cushions and blankets littering the ground and a bonafide picnic basket set atop them. You looked at him in astonishment as he gave you a smile, leaning down to give you a chaste kiss before leading the way to the pile of pillows.
He sat and pulled you down next to him, reaching next to the basket and retrieving a bottle of wine. “This is beautiful, Buck.” You said, gazing out at the view.
He offered you a glass, eyes fixed on your face. “I’d have to argue that I have the better view, Y/N.”
You blushed a bit and rolled your eyes as you accepted the glass. “Does that line work on all of the ladies, Sergeant?”
He just continued to look at you, something indistinguishable in his eyes. “Only the ones I want to marry.”
You nearly spit out the drink you’d taken, setting your glass to the side and looking at him quizzically. “Is that another come on or are you serious?”
He adjusted his position, reaching over to take both of your hands in his. “It wasn’t quite the way I wanted to say it, but the intent is true. When I found you last month,” He paused looking away from you for a moment. “Before I found you last month, in the days I’d spent searching, I was absolutely ravenous. I felt like I had lost a part of myself, maybe even the most important part. I think I’ve known that I’ve wanted to marry you since the first day, but when you were taken is when I decided I couldn’t wait any longer.”
You could feel the tears building in your eyes. “Buck-”
“Hold on,” He said, releasing one of your hands and reaching into his jacket, producing a small velvet box. He popped it open and revealed a beautiful ring, and that’s when the tears really started flowing. “I bought this after our second date. What do you say, Y/N? Will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Barnes?”
You didn’t hesitate to throw yourself at him, arms wrapping tightly around his neck and a wet laugh escaping your chest. “Yes, please.”
He set the ring aside and returned the embrace, burying his head in your shoulder.
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softsergeantbarns · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could write a Bucky fic where there is a party at the tower so everyone is dressed up. Somehow reader and Bucky are dancing. Maybe they could be dancing to Golden Hour by Kacey Musgrave or a song you think fits better! :) <3
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Kissin' By The Mistletoe
Pairing: Bucky x reader
warnings: fighting, alcohol. I tried to make is as angsty as I could.
wordcount: 1800+
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Dear anon and @stucky-my-ship, I hope you like it. I combined your requests because I thought the go really good together.
Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you all have a lovely evening with your family or friends. 🎄💕
Christmas was just around the corner but it didn’t feel like it used to feel. You and Bucky couldn’t agree on anything. Everything ended in a fight with you guys. The team didn’t even invite you to anything anymore, being tired of your constant fighting over mostly nothing. It was sad.
It used to be different. Christmas was your favorite time. Especially when you met Bucky. You used to do all the christmasy things. Picking out a tree was your favorite thing to do. When it snowed it was even better.
„C’mon, you promised!“ You whined at Bucky, still laying in bed, all cuddled up. You on the other hand were ready, all dressed up. Only a coat was missing. „Bucky… get up!“
Bucky laughed and rolled over to get a better look at you. You looked so cute in your Christmas jumper.
„Bucky, c’mon!“ You whined again and looked at him with those puppy dog eyes you knew he couldn’t resist. „I want a good tree!“
„If we don’t find a good one I’ll chop one down myself, I promise!“ He said and sat up, leaning on his elbow. He knew you wouldn’t let go of it because he knew that this was your favorite Christmas moment. „Aw doll, don’t look at me like that.“
You made a pouty lip. Paired with your puppy dog eyes, that was a deadly combination. And you knew it.
Bucky sighed before he got up. „Fine, I’ll get ready!“ He said as you jumped happily up and down.
Of course with you guys being late there weren’t any good trees left. As soon as you sat in the car you looked at Bucky, arms folded over your chest.
„Don’t say it.“ He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing exactly what you’re going to say.
„I told you so!“ You said salty and sighed. „You know, you made another promise!“ You smirked at Bucky, actually kinda excited to see him cutting a tree by himself.
Bucky side eyed you, asking with his look if you were serious about this. But he knew instantly that you were. „Okay fine, I’ll chop down a tree.“ He said, not really sure about this.
The two of you drove to the nearest forest, ready to chop off a tree.
„Why do you have a hatchet in the back of your car?“ You asked him a bit confused.
Bucky smirked at you as he held his hatchet. „For the moment you annoy me so much!“ He joked and chuckled.
„Haha how funny!“ You said and smiled at him. „You love me too much to actually kill me!“
Softly Bucky smiled at you. „Yeah, you’re right. I love you too much.“
You walked together through the snowy forest and looked around for the perfect tree. It couldn’t be too tall or it wouldn’t fit into your living room. It did took a bit of time to find the right one.
„That one!“ You pointed at the perfect tree, not too tall but not too short. It was the perfect shade of green and perfectly full. It was the perfect tree and you wanted it.
Bucky nodded and looked at you. „You sure?“
„Yes, my dear super soldier. You’ll chop down this tree.“ You snickered and watched him as he held his hatchet high. With a few swings he chopped down the tree, looking at you with pride on his face. You couldn’t help but laugh and shook your head. „You’re really something else, babe!“
He grinned as he grabbed the tree stem, still proud of himself.
As soon as you got home, Bucky put up the tree while you watched him happily. The box with Christmas ornaments was already standing in the living room. Some quiet Christmas music was playing in back.
Later that evening when the tree was ready and lit up, the two of you cuddled up on the couch with some hot chocolate. „It’s the perfect tree, thanks Bucky!“ You told Bucky as you laid against his chest.
Bucky went from looking at the tree to looking down on you, smiling softly. He loved seeing you happy. It made him happy.
This year choosing a Christmas tree wasn’t as lovely as the years before. Already in the car you guys were fighting over nothing. In the end, you couldn’t remember what the fight was about. You just fought.
But that wasn’t all. Tony invited you to his Christmas party at the compound with the whole team. You were surprised that you even got invited to come.
Still angry at each other you got ready and went to the compound. Everyone was already there and you and Bucky tried to hide, that you were fighting again. You didn’t want to make the others uncomfortable. You both put on the brightest smiles you got and greeted everyone with a hug.
The night went on, everyone was having fun except for you. Bucky ignored you most of the time which made you sigh. With a drink you sat down at the bar and talked to Sam for a bit. Every noe and then you looked around, looking for Bucky. This time when you saw him, you saw him with a woman. A really good looking woman. Some SHIELD agent, Sam told you. For your liking they were way too close, laughing about something you didn’t know. Bucky had that flirtations smile on his face as he looked at her, the woman again getting closer to Bucky. You were fuming on the inside.
But you didn’t want to cause a scene in front of everyone. So you just ordered some shots, hoping Sam would drink with you. And he did. One or two. But you didn’t stick with just one or two. You ordered another round, and another. You’d say you were tipsy. Sam said you were drunk. And he was right.
At some point he called Bucky over so he could bring you home. With a sigh he looked at you and rolled his eyes. Of course you had to get drunk. He took your purse and your coat before he grabbed your hand, carefully pulling you after him. He just hoped you wouldn’t cause a scene because you didn’t want to leave. He was already embarrassed enough by your drunken state.
The car ride home both of you didn’t say a thing. It was a cold silence and you didn’t like it at all. You knew the fight was coming. As soon as Bucky closed the door behind him he looked at you with that angry and annoyed look. He pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking about giving you the silent treatment because he knew that would drive you crazy.
„Can you at least talk to me?“ You asked him, pissed off by now. „Instead of just looking at me like this.“
„I don’t have anything to say.“ Bucky said and shook his head.
„Yeah well, I have a lot to say.“ You said as you folded your arms over your chest. „Like, I really want you to know how angry I am right now.“
Bucky rose an eyebrow at you and starred down at you. „Oh yeah? Is that so?“ He asked you, getting even angrier. „Well, I’m just as angry as you. You had to get drunk and embarrass me in front of all our friends. Look at you, you can’t even stand straight right now!“
„If you wouldn’t have flirted with that woman I wouldn’t had to get drunk!“ You told him, almost screaming at him.
It went back and forth, both of you screaming at each other. Bucky at some point stopped and looked at you before he shook his head. „I’m leaving!“ He said as he grabbed his keys and his jacket.
„Yeah, and don’t come back!“ You yelled after him as he closed the door.
Tears were running down your face as you sat down on the couch. Never you had a fight like this. No one ever left while you were fighting. It was a first and it hurt like hell. It did feel like it was over between the two of you. Which made you cry even harder.
Bucky felt the same. He was still angry at you but he loved you. And he always will love you. But he just couldn’t look at you.
A few days went on, Bucky was still gone and you didn’t know where he was. Steve told you that Bucky was alright, he just needed time to cool down. He’d come around, Steve said and tried to be as optimistic as he could be. You sighed and nodded. To cheer you up, Tony invited you to another Christmas party at the compound. Why he had another Christmas party? Nobody knew, Tony liked parties. And Christmas time was the best time to throw some parties. „It’s Christmas Eve, (Y/N)! That’s worth a party!“ Tony told you and grinned as if he had something planned.
This time you went by yourself. You put on a lovely dress that hugged your body in the right places. Paired with some heels and make up you looked absolutely stunning.
Everyone greeted you happily and hugged you. The evening was good, everyone was having fun and even you laughed with the team. It was the first time in forever that this felt normal. No one was pitying you because of another fight with Bucky.
Steve even asked you for a dance. Giggling you accepted the invitation and took his hand. The both of you weren’t dancing for long when Steve stepped away and a handsome looking Bucky was standing there, hoping to dance with you. He looked really good in the suit you had to admit to yourself.
You were still angry at him for leaving but you just wanted everything to be normal again. So you danced with Bucky. He smiled softly at you as you danced. „You look stunning, doll!“ He told you and kissed your cheek lightly.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before you looked at him again. „Promise me, you never ever leave again!“ You mumbled as he pulled you closer. You head rested against his chest as he slowly spin you around the dance floor. „I don’t ever wanna fight with you like that again!“
He sighed softly, holding you as close as possible. „I’m sorry that I left.“ Bucky apologized. „I promise I’ll never leave you again. I love you.“
You sighed and looked up at him, chin still on his chest. „I love you too!“
You slowly danced on. „Kissin’ By The Mistletoe“ by Aretha Franklin was playing and suddenly mistletoes appeared out of nowhere. You looked at Tony and Steve who both grinned happily at you.
Bucky leaned in and smiled, his hands cupped your face before he kissed you. Soft and passionate, like he always kissed you. „Merry Christmas, doll!“
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