#seriously really fun and sweet and if anyone else does this lemme know heheh I d love to send Rana in
timothylawrence · 8 months
okey I think I did everyone’s ask eeep!!!! Thank you all, I hope you guys had as much fun as I did 🥺🫶 love yall!!!
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1358456 · 5 years
Review Response, May 5-11, 2019
Heart got updated in this week, and... got very, very little to show for it. Instead, got some... fossils getting some reviews. Hehe...
And since I wasn’t home yesterday, I guess I’ll include the one review that I got at 5 am today.
Cycle #001
1) Tho lemme just say one more thing. In reality, Gold is a dick. And I think it's great that Crystal is trying to help him out on that aspect. I forgot to mention that in my last review. I mean, the things he does and says, but I also think it's innocent in a way. Almost like he just doesn't know better. Now I could just be romanticizing it, but I think Gold just needs to learn about how to treat other people, and especially WHY. Once he understands why, that'll be when he starts to learn how treat his friends and such. Besides that, ye Gold is an asshole. And I still don't know why I defend him, or why I think he's still a great guy.
Hm. This order is a bit messed since you dropped the review for the second chapter first, but... ehn. Anyways.
I wouldn’t say that Gold is a total dick. He at least pretends to be, but not even that deep down, he’s generally a good guy. Just doesn’t want anyone else to think that he’s a good guy. That said, he’s still a very BAD influence to the younger kids, which is what Crystal doesn’t like. So Gold just needs to learn to be a better example for the juniors. So I guess Gold is more of a jerk than a complete dick? Hmm...
Cycle #002
1) God Nicole! I know you said you have sweet stories, but for some reason I keep picking the ones that aren't. Ah well, maybe next time. Anyway, on to my thoughts on the chapter. This was very good! I can't tell you how many times I've read a fan fiction with a horrible plot, the characters with the wrong personality, or just really bad grammar. It feel really nice not to experience any of those. So really, thank you for this. Personally, I know how difficult it is to write something good, and be able to post it online. So congrats to you! Anyway, I felt that I understood both sides (that is Crystal's and Gold's POV on things), I was cheering fro Gold, but I was also agreeing with Crystal for trying to teach Gold a lesson. Though to be honest, I'm not so sure that Crystal should have been trying to change Gold so much, I mean, it's good to help him better himself. And that's what I liked, she gave him the opportunity to improve, she didn't force it on him (only encouraging him to do it with the promise of a date). But, nonetheless, Gold is Gold. If she can't love him for him, then maybe she's right in thinking that she'll never fall in love with him, which would make the whole baiting him with a date actually really cruel in a sense. But, I feel that this is Crystal's mistake, not yours. You wrote the story in a way, where this can't be seen as a pothole of yours, it actually goes with the story very nicely. So again, you did nothing wrong, Crystal did. Tho in reality this is just my opinion, you're free to think whatever you want. Anyways, keep up the good work! I'll make sure to post another review soon! (sorry for the long ass review tho kek)
I have plenty of sweet stories! You’re... looking in the wrong place? Hehe. Yes indeed, there are a lot of horrendous stories out there. I try not to add to the pile.
The important thing to note in this story is that Crystal does NOT and is not trying to love Gold. Her line of reasoning basically goes as: “I know he likes me, but I don’t like him. But if I can use him liking me to try to steer him into being a GOOD guy and not such a jerk all the time, then this is a great opportunity.” It’s something that has a decent probability of occurring, given Gold and Crystal’s personalities and preferences.
Heart #004
1) Y and white’s interactions with each other in this chapter were so good. Keep up the good work!
Thanks! Yay for friendly banter and interactions between multiple generations of Dex Holders!
... And that’s it for Heart, huh? Hm.
SC #001
1) Wow. I really don't know what to say. But I feel like I will continue to ponder this even when I'm supposed to be sleeping. A part of me hopes that the real Blue doesn't feel like this, but of course she would. Anyone would in her position. Oh, really Nicole, my heart ached for Blue in this one. I could feel her pain even though I don't exactly know what she's going through. The first thing that hit me in this chapter was when she says. "I got too attached." or something or other. This line was before the paragraph where she explained that she should have listened to Pryce. But even then, I knew. This girl was so influenced by Pryce when she was younger, she thought she had escaped him, but his teachings till live on in her. At least the small ones. The ones that slowly creep up, and once you notice they're there, it's too late to get rid of them. Yep, that was the line where I knew that Blue was completely and utterly broken. I mean, you get that sort of idea earlier, obviously, it's not hard to tell. But before there was a glimmer of hope, a little nit of light. That line completely destroyed that little ray, and really plunged the entire thing into an "Utter Darkness". (See what I did there?) Anyways, your writing was wonderful as usual. You really know how to play with emotions, and you also have a way with people almost empathizing with the characters (I say almost because obviously we've never experienced that, or at least I haven't). I would say more, but I've already said so much in this review. Thank yoouuuuuuuu, so very mucccchhhhhhh!
Given Blue’s past, this is a very likely scenario to occur if she is denied the warmth and care that she would need deep inside. Yes, Blue’s heartbreaking situation... during the time I tried to pair her up with Green even though neither are really compatible with each other... That sure explains why all that happened in Destiny! Poor girl, huh? :(
Thanks so much for the long review!! <3
SC #006
1) I can't even. This was amazing, what Black did was sorta cruel, but that's exactly the kinds thing you do to your best friends. But seriously, I'm tearing up here (not really, but let me be dramatic). This was short, but it was short and sweet, and sometimes that's the best thing that someone can offer. As usual, your grammar is on point. I realize that while reading your stories, my view sort of narrows (something I have trouble doing even with some novels), and I'm focused only on the story. It's a great feeling actually, being totally engaged and unaware of your surroundings. Haven't felt that in a long time, so thank you again! You're the best.
Hehe. Best friends trick friends into playing a horror game! Hehe. White was the most obvious victim for such a thing, which automatically meant that Black had to be the one to do it. And it works out! Hehe...
Thank you sooo much!
SC #009
1) Oooooooooh, Nicole I really enjoyed this one! This was with no romance, just simple and pure fun! Ugh, I live for these kids of fics. You, dear, are amazing. Your writing is engaging, and I honestly felt bad when each person "died". The end was also perfect, I had completely forgotten about Crystal, and you took advantage of that. I applaud you, and thank you very much.
Yep! Purely for fun game of paintball survival! Purely friendly no-doom, no-heartache, no-romance, no-holds-barred game for pride and not losing money! Ehehe... thank you!
Indeed. Crystal went forgotten just so she could end a stalemate and so that her seniors don’t lose their pride.
DE #027
1) Guh. It was adorable, from Diamond's sincerity to Platinum's hesitance. And they kissed at the end! Who knew you were capable of sweet stories. (Maybe it's time for an oldrival sweet one eh) I'm just kidding. I won't ask that outright of you 'cause I know it's hard work, but just letting you know, that f you do decide to make one. You know the person to send it to ;). In any case, I'm going to go read some of your other stuff (with reviews at the end of course!). But before I do that, lemme just say. That everything I've said in other reviews about your writing applies to this one, I just won't repeat it because after a while things can get tiresome. It's just! When Diamond asked Platinum if he was making her uncomfortable, I was like, "*squeal* He's so kind!". I kid you not, I want to squeal even now, but if I did my mother would look at me weirdly. Anyways, until next time!
Hey, I write a lot of sweet things and certainly capable of it!! Hehe. And... heh, that pairing is not going to happen anymore, so... sorry :(.
Anyways. Diamond is such a sweet boy. And he does (should) understand emotions better, so he’d know that Platinum would feel uncomfortable before she realizes it. And since he’s so damn sweet, he’d try to make her feel comfortable to the best of his abilities! Ehehe... and fun fact! From when Diamond makes the... comment, exactly 135 shooting stars are mentioned. 135...
SA #015
1) “It’s not like I was hit by spike cannon”. Hmmmmm
Heh. The power of foreshadowing~! ... That no one caught on before it actually happened 15 chapters later. Hehehe...
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