#if anyone sends any more I’ll still do them hehe 🥰 but I think I did everything I have now
timothylawrence · 8 months
okey I think I did everyone’s ask eeep!!!! Thank you all, I hope you guys had as much fun as I did 🥺🫶 love yall!!!
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lyranova · 2 years
Hiya Lyra~! I'm kicking down the door to your inbox to send you some love. Saw the thing about filling your inbox so I'm gonna do it, with love~! 💖
I wanna let you know that you have a fun writing style and I love the way you're always building other up when you talk to them (me included, heh). I love chatting with you and I love seeing the things you come up with. Your taste in music is good too (btw, thanks for recommending those kpop groups to me a while back. Still not gonna outdo jpop in my mind but my horizons have widened).
Also also, I've loved reading Children of the Future~! And I still kinda am reading it. Time to read the epilogue has been eluding me...
We don't get a lot of time with all the families but you do a good job of giving each group strong moments here and here. It's enough to satisfy but still leaves room for more, you know?
FINALLY! I'm going to make you choose between two things... Mwah ha ha ha!
If you were forced to write Neva having to lose either Yuno (romantic partner) or William (family-esque bond), who would you choose? (Maybe she has memory loss that's erased one of the men from her mind or she has to make a choice between who to save and the one she doesn't rescue doesn't make it.)
I know this is a lot to throw at you. Sorry for that. But I wanted to do so many things and decided against bombing your inbox with multiple asks. Heh, my bad.
(Sorry I’m just now getting to this even though this was sent a while ago, I was catching up on writing the past few days and wanted to sit down and answer this when I was done 😅!)
Aaahhh thank you so much 🥺🤧💕! I’m so glad you think my writing style is fun 🥺 and I really enjoy talking to you as well and ofc I’m going to build everyone up, you all deserve it so much because you’re all just that amazing 😁! Agwjkwkwhwhwjw this is the first time anyone has told me I had good taste in music 😳, I’m not even kidding I’ve had more people tell me my taste is terrible than good so this compliment just aaaaahhhh thank you 😭💕💕!! (Ofc and if you ever need any more recommendations I’ll be more than happy to share some with you 😁, hehe Jpop is good too I’ll listen to them sometimes but it’s mainly anime or video game openings 😂!)
Aaaahhh thank you I’m so glad you enjoyed reading COTF 🥺😭! I always woke up to your reblogs and comments on them and they’d just make my day 😁! Yeah I totally understand that, and I had fully intended to give each family more moments, but the plot got away from me a bit 😅. Luckily I plan on fixing that 👀🥰!
Ooo this is interesting 👀🤔!
In a way it would depend on how she loses them. If it were due to her losing her memory, then I would have to go with Yuno because Angst (I may use this idea someday hehe 👀) 😭! If it were her having to choose someone to save…I think she’d let William die 😔.
Funny enough if William had died in Spade it would have worked in my favor with “Fractured” and with the angst, and I actually had a lot of ideas if that did happen, but because he didn’t I had to alter it a bit 😂!
Ahwjjw no worries I don’t mind that there’s a lot and I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to answer 🥺! But thank you for asking 🥰!
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